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September 29, 1955 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1955-09-29

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Ordie r
New Security Systeni Fare
(See Page 4)

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VOL. LXVI, No. 4



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No'Ban' On Half
Of 34 Campuses
Driving Restriction Questionnaires
Reviewed By SGC Committee
Results of the driving ban study committee's survey of 34 uni-
versities throughout the country this summer show 17 campuses
with virtually no driving restrictions placed on their students.
An initial report on the Survey given at yesterday's committee
meeting also indicated 13 institutions with either freshman or fresh-
man and sophomore regulations, many of which had been only
recently initiated.

AA PoliceShorthanded New
Chief Cites "' r





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Yeh Spurs
UN Walkout.
~BY MolotoV
Denounces Moscow
Peace Drive, Tyranny
Russia's V. M. Molotov walked ,out
F of the U.N. Assembly yesterday as
Nationalist China's Foreign Min-
ister George Yeh denounced Mos-
cow's peace drive and Red "ty-
ranny" over the Chinese main-
Yeh, making a policy speech to
tre Assembly in flawless Man-
darin Chinese, said that the Com-
munists in their six years of domi-
nation of the. Chinese mainland
have "spawned a gigantic system
of repression and terrorism, the
like of which has never been
known in Chinese history."
Ss Form of War
He said the current peace cam-
paign by the Reds actually is a
form of war between communism
and capitalism and the "softer
words" do not mean the Commun-
ists have given up the fight.
Molotov was joined in his walk
by Vadlav David, Czechoslovak
foreign minister, and Marian
Naszkowski, deputy foreign minis-
ter of Poland. Kuzma Kiselev, for-
eign minister of White Russia, re-
mained. At the afternoon session,
* Kiselex in his policy address at-
tacked Yeh for making what Kise-
lev called "slanderous remarks."
Menon Leaves Also
V. K. Krishna Menon, India's
chief delegate who has joined
Molotov in advocating a U.N. seat'
for Red China, left at the same
time Molotov departed. A spokes-
ma nsaid Krishna Menon had a
medical appointment but added:
"Our position is well known."
Asked for comment on Molotov's
action, a member of the Chinese
Nationalist delegation said: "We
don't care.,'
Ike's Security
Plan Causes
Senate Clash
WASHINGTON ')-Sen. Frank
Carlson (R-Kan) said yesterday
he sees no reason to condemn
President Dwight D. Eisenhower's
security program because of a
"handful" of mistakes. Sen. Olin
johnston (D-SC) retored by call-
*Mg it "a slipshod program" that
has slandered federal workers.
The clash between Carlson and{
Johnston came as a three-member
Senate Civil Service subcommit-
tee headed by Johnston wound up
three days of hearings on the se-
curity program.
The senators yesterday heard
John B. Phelps of Yale Univer-
sity, a spokesman for an organi-
zation of scientists, testify that
there is something "radically
wrong" with the Eisenhower pro-
Phelps said the senators should
revamp the system so that pri-
mary emphasis is placed on check-
ing the security of scientists whom
he described as the "logical tar-
gets" for Soviet espionage at-

The group, chairmaned by Karl
D. Streiff, found only two schools
with bans similar to the one which
has been in existence at the Uni-
versity since 1927.
Two schools did not return an-
swers to the questionnaires sent
by Streiff.
Though results of the IBM card;
survey taken during registration
are not yet compiled, Streiff indi-.
cated that the idea was a success.
Students were asked to answer
questions relating to the ban and
their reactions to it. Signatures
were not required o nthe cards.
"In the sense that we believe
the students gave straight-forward
answers," Streiff said, "the ques-
tionnaire was successful.
"The fact that there was no
prior announcement of the sur-
vey will colunt heavily in weigh-
ing the results of it."
Asked were such questions as
(Continued on Page 6)

Find Peron
In Mansion-
forth untold thousands of dollars
have been found in a private resi-
dence of fallen President Juan D.
Peron, it was learned yesterday.
The collection was said to in-
clude a miniature gold elephant
with a giant emerald set in its
forehead. A detailed description
of the jewel and how Peron got it
were not available yesterday. Dur-
ing his nine-year regime, the
ousted Peron received many gifts
from over the world.
Informants said a preliminary
inventory of the 19-room house in
suburban Belgrano disclosed: 10
television sets scattered through-
out the house, 15 automobiles, a
gold and ivory- telephone receiver,
a great quantity of china, an "in-
finity" of fans encrusted with
precious stones and several paint-
ings by Rembrandt and Velaz-
Also reported found was a big
elephant tusk studded with pre-
cious stones and contaning a
sword whose handle was encrust-
ed with diamonds and other
jewels. The walls "of the house
were said to be lined with glass
cabinets containing objects rang-
ing from jeweled cuff links to1
small ivory ships set with dia-
Three strongboxes remained to 1
be opened, the informants said. 1

Lack Of Pay
As Reason
Ann Arbor's hard working police
force has been heavily under-
manned for weeks, according to
an official statement by a National
Safety Council representative yes-
The council, which conducts re-
search on police forces throughout
the nation, revealed that the Ann
Arbor department is short 14 men
from the figure which population,
traffic volume, and car registra-
tion requires.
Pay Lack Cited
The department should, accord-
ing to council statistics, have 80
men. The present full complement
under the budget for the fiscal
year of 1955-56 is 66 men, and
actually only 60 policemen are on
the payroll.
Police Chief Caspar M. Enke-
mann blamed the shortage on a
lack of pay to attract good men.
"Because this city won't pay an
officer what he deserves, we can't
fill the complement we now have,"
he said.
"We are six me nshort of the
complement including two new of-
ficers who will assume duties Fri-
day," he said. "We will remain
understaffed until good applicants
come along. In a small commun-
ity like Ann Arbor we need all-
around policemen, who can handle
all jobs on the spot.
Can't Take 'Anybody .
"We can't afford to take just
anybody. No policeinen is better
than ,bad policemen," he said.
Enkemann indicated the short-
age meant extra duty for every
officer and that the burden was
not lessening. Many officers at
present are working overtime
constantly, and receiving no pay
for the extra duty.
Enkemann classified the whole
situation as "absurd." "I think
it's ridiculous that the city gov-
ernment compares police work
with other sections of city em-
ployees when they consider sal-
aries. They refuse to boost police
pay because they say if one group
gets a raise the others want one
Demand High Standards
"But these same officials are
the ones who demand that offi-
cers stand head and shoulders
above other city employees."
Applicants for police positions
must take a 22 hour written ex-
am ,a physical exam, pass a per-
sonal interview and extensive in-
vestigation, and may be washed
out on any one of the counts.
City council president, Prof. A.
D. Moore, indicated that nothing
at present was being done to al-
leviate the situation. "The bud-
get is drawn up in July,".he stated,
and "although we may need to in-
crease salaries, such a move is
Mayor William E. Brown said
he lacked information necessary
to comment, having flown home
yesterday after a European trip.

Ike May

Retu rn

To Helm Shortly
DENVER (AP-Mounting hopes that President Dwight D. Eisen-
hower may return to the helm of government within a month were
strengthened yesterday. The oxygen tent was removed from his hos-
pital room.
There was no thought of his assuming the burdens of a full
White House schedule that soon. But, barring complications, adminis-
trative associates seem agreed he will be able to make any necessary
decisions from the calm of his farmhouse at Gettysburg, Pa.
The President will be 65 on October 14.
Bulletin Reveals
An 11:20 a.m. MST medical bulletin revealed:
1. The President slept this morn- "
ing outside the oxygen tent for
the first time since he suffered a h ardon Says
2. His condition "continues to
be satisfactory without complica-G
Listens to Music
White House press secretary R u n n
Jaae C aigeryalo iscoeR unning O KC
that a tape recording machine
was brought into the President's
room at his request and that he WASHINGTON (P)- Adminis-

-Daily-John Hirtzel
SGC Endorses Judic Stand
On'U', MSU Game Conduct
Student Government Council last night unanimously endorsed
the joint MSU-University Judiciary Councils' stand regarding pre-
game disorderly conduct.
Meeting last week the two judiciary councils decided that repre-
senatives from the two councils would meet to take mutual action
in cases of "conduct unbecoming a student."

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Regents On Friday


The University will probably
have a new women's residence hall
ready for occupancy "in a much
shorter period than two or three
Administration officials disclos-
ed yesterday that a proposal will
be made at this Friday's Regents
meeting for a structure "with a
capacity approximating half that
of South Quad.
If approved by the. Regents,
definite location, architectural and
capacity plans will proceed im-
mediately, according to Vice-
President for Student Affairs
James A. Lewis and head of Ser-
vices Enterprises Francis C. Shiel.
First Announcement of Plans
The disclosure was the first
news this fall of plans by the
University for relieving the acute
housing shortage which has forced
many students into cramped
quarters, and even in some in-
stances, to look elsewhere for their
Just a week ago. University of-
ficials issued a plea to Ann Ar-
bor residents to open all available
rooms to homeless students.
Though considerable response
resulted from the request, the
housing situation is still a primary
concern of the administration.
Tyler, Prescott to Be Vacated
If constructed, the new Jresl-
dence hall will make East Quad-
rangle's Tyler a n d Prescott
Houses, now converted for coed
use, once again available to men
The planned structure will be
financed by bond issues, the same
as previous living quarters have

listened briefly to soft chamber
Presidential advisers abandoned
for the time being any further
consideration of how President

The- action grew out of prob
lems with pre-game paint raid
which have occurred on both cam-
puses during the past few years
After one-hour exploratory dis
cussion SGC voted last night t
establish a committee to study a
possible training program for the
administrative wing of the Coun-
The six-member committee con-
sisting of SGC Vice-President
Donna Netzer, '56, Joel Tauber,
'57, Bob Leacock, '57. Bill Adams
'57, Interfraternity Council Pres-
ident Bob Weinbaum, '56, and
Daily Managing Editor Dave
Baad, '56, will report back to SGC
in 4Xwo weeks.
SGC President Hank Berliner
'56, keynoted opening of the
Council's first full year as he
asked for continual examination
of problems confronting the new
University student government.
Giving Vice-President for Stu-
dent Affairs James A. Lewis a
great deal of the credit, Berliner
said SGC has for the most part
retained support of both the stu-
dents and administration.
Mentioning that SGC had re-
tained this support somewhat "in
spite of itself," lie chided ex-
officio members who he said in
relative terms had fallen down on
the job. He said although they
had taken part in Council discus-
sions theyhad rarely made origin-
al contributions to SGC.
Emphasizing that present SGC
relations with the faculty were
non-existent, he said if SGC. is to
make a significant contribution
to the educational environment
it must become acquainted with
faculty members.



-Senate Board Eisenhower could delegate author.
. Eity to others as another day passec
May without complications.
May Appoint Son Returns
a j-His son, Maj. John Eisenhower,
e mflew back to his post at Ft. Bel-
voir, Va., after being assured that
"everything is satisfactory" in
Whether to appoint a new com- the sickroom at the Army's Fitz-
- mittee to draw up a report orr the simmons Hospital.
responsibilities of the faculty to Because of his removal from the
' society will be taken up by the oxygen tent, the front elevators
Faculty Senate Advisory Commit- at the hospital were stopped at
tee Oct. 10. the seventh floor to prevent any
e If such a committee is appoint- unnecessary noises from pene-
ed, it will draw up a report for a trating the sickroom. Hagerty ex-
Faculty Senate vote possibly in plained that the noises were not
December, according to Prof. Allan as noticeable inside the tent.
Smith of the Law School, chair- Sleeps Comfortably
man of the Senate Advisory Com- A 7 a.m. bulletin said that "for
mittee. the second consecutive night, the
Prof. Smith said appointing a President slept comfortably."
new committee would be the only "He went to sleep last night at
proper action concerning the re- 8:30 o'cloc kand awoke refreshed
port of last year's. Committee on at 6:30 o'clock," it added. "His
r the Responsibilities of the Faculty progress continues to be satisfac-
tto Society and its defeat in a mail tory without complications."
vote by the faculty 353 to 317. Hagerty said the President
by the faculty 353 to 317. awoke once during the night and
was given a seconal tablet, which
Appointed Last Fall he said the doctors -described as a
The committee had been ap- sedative as distinguished from a
pointed last fall, along with four narcotic.
others, to study problems involved 'The 11:20 a.m. bulletin found
-in the dismissal cases of Prof. the President's condition still sat-
Mark Nickerson and H. Chandler isfactory without complications,
Davis. Reports by the other four and reported the removal of the
were accepted as Senate policy oxygen tent from the room for the
last May. ' first time. But it added that it
will be used again "routinely"
A mail vote was arranged for when the President is ready to
the report on the responsibilities sleep Wednesday night.
of the faculty to society, because The morning cardiogram, the
of the controversy it caused at bulletin went on, "continued to
the May meeting. show the expected evolution." Af-
When the result of the mail vote ter his usual breakfast of prune,
was released during the summer, oatmeal, soft-boiled egg and milk,
a statement objecting to the re- with his wife and son, the Presi-
port by five professors was re- dent fell asleep outside the oxygen
vealed, setting off an exchange tn around 9:30 a.m. and was still
of views from faculty members hospital shortly before 11.f
through The Daily's columns. As Dr. Paul Dudley White put
Prof. Smith said a new study of it Tuesday night, the President "is
the subject and a new report not out of the woods yet, but he's
would be possible only if .his com- coming along nicely."
mittee appoints a study committee The eminent Boston heart spe-
or if the faculty indicates a desire cialist, who receives twice daily
for a new study at its next meet- reports from physicians at the
ing in. December. He suggested, bedside by long-distance tele-
however, that the chances for a phone, said Eisenhower's progress
new committee are remote. is following the routine pattern.
than normal," he said.
Parking Decals {Ensian Pictures
T DBe Issued On September 28 at 12 noon in
the vicinity of 420 Maynard St.,
Applicants for staff parking per- the shooting began.
mits are urged to make their pay- , Some 100 Seniors and Grads
ments in order that they may re- were involved in the affair. .


tration leaders yesterday empha-
sized "business as usual' in run-
ning the government in the after-
moth of President Dwight D. Eis-
enhower's heart attack.
Presidential assistant Sherman
Adams, Vice President Richard
Nixon and others by word and
action laid stress on what appeared
to be a policy of operating as
normally as possible during Presi-
dent Eisenhower's absence.
Nixon told newsmen things are
"going smoothly and we see no
series legal problems involved" in
moving ahead while the Presi-
dent's guiding hand is idled by
Washington officialdom breath-
ed with greater confidence as re-
ports from Denver continued to
p i c t u r e President Eisenhower's
condition as satisfactory.
Anticipating the Pr e s i d 'e nt's
gradual recovery, administration
leaders talked no more of dele-
gating executive powers to Nixon
)r department heads. Senate Re-
publican Leader William Know-
land of California, just back in
town, acted to squelch conjecture
on the need for a special session
of Congress.
Photographers Permitted
As if to underline the business-
as-usual talk, the White House
permitted photographers to come
in and take pictures of officials at
* MOSCOW (P)-The Presidi-
um of the Supreme Soviet Wed-
nesday adopted a decree re-
leasing 8,877 German war pris-
The decree declared the Pres-
idium found it impossible to
release 749 other Germans be-
cause of the "special gravity"
of their offenses against the
Soviet people.
The figure mentioned in the
decree tallied exactly with the
9,626 total thatPremierNiko-
lai Bulganin gave West Ger-
man Chancellor Adenauer dur-
ing their Moscow conference as
the number of Germans still
held by the Soviets.
work. Adams, top assistant to the
President, was pictured conferring
with Chairman Lewis L. Strauss
of the Atomic Energy Commission
and with Meyer Kestnbaum, a'
presidential consultant on govern-
ment reorganization and relations.
The new attitude marked a.
switch from the initial reaction to
President Eisenhower's attack last
Saturday morning. The first news
from Denver set officials to pond-
eying the need for legal steps to
equip others with authority grant-
ed the President to maintain the


It has already been announced
that Chicago House in West Quad
will be reverted to male use' with
the expected completion of the
Couzens Hall addition by the start
of next semester.
Vice-President Lewis also said,
"A comprehensive study is now
under way to determine a, long-
range plan of University housing
in terms of expanding enroll,
Committee Studies Housing
The study is being made by the
President's Committee ion Hous-
ing and Environmental Health
headed by Assistant Dean of Men
Peter A. 'Ostafin.
According to Ostafin, the all-
University committee which was
appointed last spring expects a
report by the end of October.
Administration officials a re
counting heavily on recommenda-
tions' and suggestions- from this
report as definite steps toward
the solution of the University's
growing housing problem.
Janet' Leaves
Two Hundred
Pe rsons Dead
(P)--Hurricane Janet, packing
winds of 110 miles an hour and
apparently growing, roared toward
the eastern coast of southern Mex-
ico yesterday night, leaving an
estimated 200 persons dead on the
Yucatan peninsula.
I The death estimate came from
a spokesman for President Adolfo
Ruiz Cortines of Mexico. The
spokesman said the nuumber of
persons injured on the peninsula
might run to several thousand.
As he spoke, the season's tenth
and most deadly hurricane spun
across the Gulf of Campeche for
the Mexican coast between Vera-
cruz and Tuxpan. The New Or-
leans Weather Bureau expected
hurricane force winds to start
raking the area early today.
The New Orleans Weather Bu-
reau said in an advisory at 4 p.m.
CST that the center of the hurri-
cane was about 240 miles east of

'Daily' Editorial, Business Staffs
Issue Final Call for Tryouts Today

Final Daily tryout meetings will
be held today.
Those interested in joining the
Business staff will have an op-
portunity to do so at 4:15 p.m. at
the Student Publications Bldg,
Editorial, Sports, and Women's
staffs will hold tryout meetings
at 7:15 p.m.
The Business staff tryout, after
learning the fundamentals of pro-
motions, advertising, layout and
accounting, puts his newly-gained
knowldege to work by servicing
accounts. He then is given the op-
portunty to specialize in a depart-

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