THE MICHIGAN DAILY T'UESDAY$ SEPTEMBER, 27, 1955 THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, SFAPTEMBEB, 27, 1955 rlpijran krt43at, "1 -2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9 - S piit Of Geneva" INTERPRETING i t Sixty-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MicH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. This must be noted in all reprints. UESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1955 NIGHT EDITOR: BOB JONES 1DITOR'S NOTE: Wrong Kind of Spirit In 'U'-MSU Paint Contest AS WE anticipate next week's Big Ten opener with Michigan State we can't help reflect- ing on the silliness preceding recent install- ments of the State-Michigan football rivalry. Last year for instance 11 Michigan State students spent a night in jail and went before Municipal Court for a green and white paint raid on the University campus. A year prev- iously several University studentsspent an em- barrassing day in East Lansing cleaning up results of their paint raid the week before. Things became so ridiculous last year that, following the MSU raid on Michigan's campus, East Quad students spent "constructive" nights sitting up to 'get' the State raiders if they returned. Fortunately nobody came back from East Lansing but late strollers across campus won't forget the sight of kids on bicycles courageously patrolling University grounds. Deans and student leaders have been trying to discourage the pre-football game nonsense for several years. Annually threats are made by the Judiciary Councils that conduct unbe- coming a student will be dealt with stiffly. Last week the Councils from both schools met jointly to issue a statement to that effect. SUCH DETERENTS have rarely been effec- tive. If nothing else they seem to goad the students into paint jobs. Most of the students feel in the first place they won't be caught and secondly the threatened reprimands only add to the daring of the adventure. It's much more impressive to brag about escaping the "campus cops" than to have spent several peaceful' hours painting the MSU 'Sparty' statue blue and gold. Unfortunately the raids aren't fun for those stuck with the results and, as preposterous as rhis may sound, add very little glory to the 2epre2ned institution. A catastrophe almost occurred last year. Several State students tried painting a sand- block establishment near campus. Fortunately it was discovered \shortly after the paint was applied and a paint remover crew was rushed to the scene in time to save the edifice from permanent disfigurement. If authorities hadn't been able to get paint removers out of bed in the middle of the night the expense for repair would have been tremendous. The paint seeps through the sand making removal impossible after a few hours. F COURSE the old defense is that the students are just letting off steam and demonstrating the true spirit for old U of M or whatever the school might be. Anybody who disagrees just doesn't have that old col- lege spirit. But this isn't the sort of spirit that brings any glory to an individual and least of all to U of M or MSU. Only constructive attainment brings glory in the true sense of the word. Those with momentous accomplishment here at the University would rarely be caught wast- ing an evening painting up another campus. It's difficult to imagine the team's football captain painting Sparty. They bring Michigan glory with perspiration on the practice field culminating in fine performances on Saturday afternoon. WE HAVE always been proud of the Univer- sity's dignity when it comes to athletic events. The football Saturday is held, in the right perspeictive. The non-participant enjoys watching the participating athletes but saves his energies for constructive work in fields where his work is worthy of recognition. But once a year the University students descend to another perspective popular on some campuses. Maybe this void in the University's dignity is no longer necessary. Michigan State is now a University too. --DAVE BAAD Daily Managing Editor Quick Recovery Hoped For Ike NEWS OF the President's sudden heart at- tack has come as a severe shock to the nation and the world. Naturally, it is a new and unexpected factor which will have serious political implications not only on the 1956 presidential race, but on the choice of candi- dates. At this early date, predictions are al- ready being made for next year. However, important as the political impli- cations may be, it is most necessary at the present that President Eisenhower continue his rapid improvement and recover as quickly as possible. DURING THE past few days, messages from well-wishers throughout the world have been flooding the White House and the Presi- dent's residence in Denver. Members of all faiths and denominations have knelt in solemn prayer for the Chief Executive's health. It is altogether fitting that good wishes and heart-felt prayer be our first reaction to the news. Whether or not the President runs for re-election in 1956 is secondary to the fact that he is President now. His vital role in national and world politcs makes his speedy recovery imperative. -LOUISE TYOR WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: I O'Dwyer Comes Back Home By DREW PEARSON A MAN WHO knew the sidewalks of New York as well or better than Al Smith is coming back to town today. He used to pound them as a cop in Brooklyn, he used to know al- nost every kid who shot marbles on those sidewalks, every peddler who pushed a cart along them, every housewife who swept dust on them from her front door. But the man who knew the side- walks of New York so well made two mistakes. First, he didn't know what money had been raised by certain men around him. Second, he got married. A widower, he fell in love with a beautiful decorator half his age, took her to Mexico where he became U.S. Ambassador. The Mexicans loved him. And his wife was the toast of the town - later the talk of the town. She knew other men as well . It almost broke the man's heart. At his age, 63, love does not come easily, wounds are not healed quickly. SIMULTANEOUSLY CAME the Kefauver hearing in New York. They disclosed that James Moran, Deputy Fire Commissioner, had been shaking down all sorts of people for campaign contributions. Ambassador O'Dwyer flew back from Mexico- back to the side- walks of New York to testify. Across the table cross-examining him was Rudolph Halley. The pub- lic did not know at the time that this young ambitious counsel for the Kefauver Committee aspired to be mayor of New York himself. But Halley knew that if he made headlines against an ex-mayor, he might some day sit in that chair. So Bill O'Dwyer, the immigrant boy born in County Mayo, Ireland, who had come up from cop to be mayor of a great city and am- bassador of a great country, found himself like one of the bulls in the arena in Mexico city which his wife used to taunt and torment. DURING THE war, Bill O'Dwyer then a colonel, had been in charge of the President's Refugee Com- mittee, had led an underground movement to get Jews out of Ger- many. He had exposed the Nazi soap factories at a time when career diplomats in the State De- partment wanted to hush up the awful, unbelieveable atrocities of Hitler. I know, because he sneaked, out to me copies of the gruesome reports the State Department did not want published, and I publish- ed them. During the close of the war also, Bill O'Dwyer, then an Brigidier General, had gone to Italy and fought for more food for the liber- ated Italian people. He had fought against the British contention that the Italian food ration should be only 300 grams. Again I know, be- cause O'Dwyer showed me copies of the repressive British orders and I published them. BUT IN THAT hour of attack, when Bill O'Dwyer faced charge and innuendo across the table from an ambitious young lawyer, none rose to defend the man who had been their friend . He stood alone - more alone than the world realized, for his wife had left him. I have seen Bill O'Dwyer in Mexico City since then. He's not bitter, he's not in exile, he's not looking for revenge. He likes Mexico, likes to ilve there, and the Mexicans like him. They like him so well that when, he and the United States Ambas- sador accidentally happen to ap- pear at the same function, Bill is quietly asked to leave because the adulation given him is so markedly embarrassing to Ambassador White. , * O'DWYER HAS BEEN investi- gated backward and forward re- garding his income taxes. The U. S. Treasury has sent eight agents to check and double-check. They've even dug up the ground around his brother's ranch in Southern California to see if any of Jim Moran's ill-gotten gains found their way to O'Dwyer. They have found nothing. The only thing they've come up with is an expense deduction that O'Dwyer made when he flew to New York from Mexico City to de- fend himself before the Kefauver hearings. He deducted the expense of this trip, and the Treasury claims this was not a proper de- duction because he was not sub- poenaed and did not have to come. So, despite the investigations, despite the criticisms, despite the innuendo, Bill O'Dwyer is coming home - back to see the Dodgers he used to root for, back to the canyons of Manhattan and above all to the sidewalks of New York. President's Illness felt ByAll BY J. M. ROBERTS Associated Press News Analyst If there is ever any doubt as to which world figure touches the lives of most people, it is always resolved when something happens to the President of the United States. Business gasps, as reflected by the American and British financial markets yesterday. There is never any hesitation in the outpouring of sympathy, for the American President always represents a nation which has demonstratpd its sympathy for all mankind. -* * * - THE IMPACT of other rulers and other governors of other states varies from time to time. Some rulers have become ill and even died to the cheers of large sections of the world. But not America's. Two questions became uppermost when President Eisenhower became ill on Saturday. Who would run the government, and what would happen to his program if he is invalided for any great length of time? The answers are still specula- tive, niuch depending on just how well the President gets along. * * * THERE IS no fixed precedent for continuing the business of his office when he is unable to do so, nor any law about who can sign for him. Heretofore, in the cases of Garfield and Wilson, both of whom were worse off while still aliventhaneEisenhower appears to be, the vice president and the White House staff muddled along with the help of the Cabinet, which carried much of the responsibility. The prospects are that govern- ment functions can rock along for quite a while, with the President's policies being carried forward. THE ABSENCE of the President from the world political scene at this moment, however, cannot be minimized. Since his trip to Gen- eva he has replaced the free world's normal diplomatic functionaries as the figure to whom people looked for the conduct of negotiations with Soviet Russia. There is, for instance, the mat- ter of America's reply to Premier Bulganin's recent note about dis- armament. If made without the President, it will lose much of its weight. LETTERS to the EDITOR ' (Letters must be signed, and limited to 300 words. The Daily reserves the right to edit or withhold any letter.) To the Editor: Freshmen take note! Don't be- lieve the superstitions you hear about getting better and better football seats as you become up- perclassmen. With ten semesters at Michigan behind you, you also might sit in section 27 on the ten yard line. Call it bad luck? I call it Block "M"; a clever scheme to give underclassmen seats- that ought to belong upperclassmen, but even more terrible we students can't see what a poor job the card wavers are doing. I say unblock ,the upperclass- men! Move the Block "M" to the end zone where 90% of the stadium may see it instead of 55 %. Yes, it would be smaller but per- haps better for loosing the good seat Charlies. Sure, it may fade away, but then we could watch the band. - Move Block 'M" and you also may sit 1242 seats nearer to the golden 50. Jim Lewis, Grad. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLI ETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsi- bility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553 Administration Building before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. Notices for the Sunday edition must be in by 2 p.m. Friday. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1955 VOL. LXVII, NO. 2 General Notices Concerts. The University Musical So- ciety announces the concerts In the Choral Union Series and the Extra Con- cert Series to be given in Hill Audi- torium. Season tickets are still available for both series; and beginning Thurs., Sept. 29, any remaining tickets will go on sale for single concerts, at the offices of the University Musical So- ciety in Burton Memorial Tower. University Choral Union. Tryouts for membership are now being held. Ap- pointments for auditions should be made at once at the oflrIces of the University Musical Society in Burton Memorial Tower in person or by tele- phoning Normandy 8-7513. Members from last season's chorus may renew their memberships by registering at once. The Choral Union rehearses every Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. in Auditorium A in Angell Hall. Applications for grants in support of research projects: Faculty members who wish to apply for grants from the Re- search Funds torsupport research pro- jects should file their applications in the Office of the Graduate School not later than Fri., Oct. 7. Application forms will be mailed on request, or can be obtained in Room 1008 Rackham Building, Ext. 372. Applicants are urged to file their requests before the final due date to expedite handling. Applications for summer faculty re- search fellowships. Faculty members who wish to apply for Summer Faculty Research Fellowships for the ummer Session of 1955. may secure application forms from the Office of the Graduate School, Room 1006 Rackham Building, or the forms will be mailed on request. These applications should be filed In the Office of the Graduate School by Fri., Oct. 7. Activities sponsored by student or- ganizations: All activities and projects sponsored or produced by student or- ganizations must receive the approval of the Student Government Council. Petitions for consideration by the Council should be submitted to the Administrative Secretary, of the Coun- cil in the Office of Student Affairs at least two weeks before the event is to take place. Petition forms may be secured in the Office of Student Af- fairs, 1020 Administration Building. Petitions from officially recognized, reg- istered student organizations only will be considered, and activities and pro- jects under the sponsorship of an in- dividual studentor group.of students not constituting a recognized organiza- tion are not permitted. (See CLOSED SOCIAL EVENTS). Closed Social Events for mhembers and invited guests only sponsored by student organizations at whici both men and women are to be present must be regis- tered in the Office of Student Affairs, 1020 Administration, and are subject to approval by the Dean of Men. Applica- tion forms may be secured in the Office of Student Affairs, 1020 Administration Building. Requests for approval must be submitted to that office NO LATER THAN NOON OF THE MON. BEFORE THE EVENT IS SCHEDULED. A list of approved social events will be published in the Daily Official Bulletin on Thur. of each week. In planning social programs for the semester, social chairmen will want to keep in mind the seven day period prior to a final examination period, social events may not be scheduled. Final examinations for the present semester begin on Jan. 23. Women's Swimming Pool - Recrea- tional swimming hours: Women stu- dents-M.T.W.Th.F., 5:00-6:00, M.T.Th. 8:15-9:15 p.m.; Co.-Rec. Swimming (with men guests)-Sat. 7:15-9:15 p.m.. Sun. .3 :00-5:00; Faculty Night-6:30-8:00 for families with young children (under 9 years), 8:00-9:30 for other faculty mem- bers; Michigan night-Sunday, 7:15-9:15 p.m. Sports and Dance Instruction. Women students wishing to register electively in physical education classes may do so in Barbour Gymnasium from 8:00 a.m. to 12 noon on Tues. and Wed., Sept. 27 and 28. Instruction is available in swimming, diving, life saving, water safety, tennis, intermediate golf, riding and dance. Academic Notices Medical College Admission Test: Ap- plication blanks for the Oct. 31 adminis- tration of the Medical College Admission Test are now available at 110 Rackham Building. Application blanks are due in Princeton, N. J. not later than Oct. 17, 1955. Romance Languages 195 (Education D131), taught by Prof. Merhab, will meet Thurs., Sept. 29, at 7 p.m., in 1502 UES, instead of Tues., Sept. 27 as sched- uled. Extension Faculty Instructors. A meeting of all faculty members teach- ing Extension courseswillbe held Wed., Sept. 28, 3:30 to 4:25 p.m., in the Audio-Visual Projection Room, 4051 Administration Building. Please notify Mr. Lean, Ext. 354, if you cannot attend. The Extension Service announces the following classes to be held in Ann Arbor beginning Wed., Sept. 28: Books and Ideas, 7:30 p.m., 69 School of Business Administration; Engineer- ing Materials, (Chemical and Metallur- gical Engineering 1-ProductionmEngi- neering 1), 7:00 pam.; Modern Economic