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January 21, 1956 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1956-01-21

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4ecHi44 t n tBatt
Sixty-Sixth Year

Wvanit 1tCaWV'


"When Opinions Are Free,
Truth Will Prevail"

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only. This must be noted in all reprints.


:.r f kh v

Gina 'Bomb' Never
Even Ignited
ACCORDING TO THE ADS a sex bomb is supposed to explode some-
time during "The Wayward Wife." It must have exploded in
the part that was cut out of the movie or else the bomb was a dud.
To the dismay of the largely malepopulated audience Gina Lollo-
brigida is as harmless as a water-logged firecracker during the greater
part of the film.
And since the main selling point of the picture is Gina Lollobrigida

War Brink Issue
Embarrassing for Ike

-iE BLACK CLOUDS of the "brink of war"
controversy have at last settled over the
head of the President. In a news conference
yesterday, President Eisenhower admitted that
he had not read the Life magazine article
which has precipitated such furor in the press
and Congress. Because he had not read it, he.
declined to get into 'the controversy over the
contention by Secretary of State Dulles that
the country was judiciously led to the "brink
of war" three times in 18 months, and that
this action insured peace.
Eisenhower "declined" to get involved, but
he did make the following brief comments.
The Chief Executive said that his own view
was that, in waging peace, the country has
got. to stand firmly on essential matters. He
said that if that firm stand brings the nation
to a dangerous position because of agression
on the part of other nations, you can regard that
as a brink. The President affirmned that Dulles
is a man completely devoted to peace and, in
Eisenhower's opinion, the best secretary of
state he ever has known.
THESE ARE THE WORDS of a man who has
declined to g'et involved!
The conference continued with a statement
that he didn't know whether the views attribut-
ed to Dulles were unfortunate, but that he was
personally supporting a program of peace be.
fore the world.
Somebody has made a mistake somewhere
along the line.
Contrary to his own claim, the President
did become involved, most seriously involved.
It is at best a tricky business for one in his
position to state his views on any subject, but
the footing becomes especially treacherous when
the most basic information about the contro-
versy at hand has not been consulted. It has
always been taken for granted that our Ad-
ministration leaders made it their business to
be well-informed and up-to-date in every area
of their authority.
This is not the first such admission on the
part of the Chief Executive. Eisenhower re-
cently reported that he was "not aware" of
the stock fluctuation following his heart at-
tack. This seems strange, considering the large
part Wall Street plays in the affairs of our
capitalistic country, and considering the ex-
tensive briefing he was to have received
throughout his illness.
FOLLOWERS of the Dixon-Yates controversy
will recall that, the President was "not
aware" of the details of contract proceedings.

w tea- _

Automaticallyhigh Administration circles were
relieved of any major responsibility or neces-
sity for comment. The White House was above
such matters, and not to be approached when
the matter was obviously in the hands of
Congress, where it belonged.
It is incongruent with the over-all record of
this Administration that such serious gaps of
efficiency should appear. It is inconceivable
that the President, as busy as he may be, ne-
glected to avail himself of information so vital-
ly important to the welfare of the United
States. These claims of innocence and conse-
quent refusals of comment appear to be an-
other subtle form of suppression of the press,
paralleling the White House order to tighten
information releases from the Pentagon which
was so hotly debated early in 1955.
It is the unquestioned right of the President
to refuse comment on any issue. He must only
satisfy the public that it is not his duty to
make some statement concerning the problem.
For example, it is to be assumed that few
would disagree with the President's decision to
refuse reply on certain points raised in the
article because he felt 'it improper to discuss
affairs clearly within the domain of the Na-
tional Security Council, and without the aid
of a carefully prepared statement.
IT IS' ALSO ASSUMED that his refusal to
give a flat yes or no answer to the question
relating to Dulles' belief that Ike would order
U.S. retaliation if the Red Chinese had at-
tacked the offshore islands of Quemoy and
Still, President Eisenhoder has clearly chosen
to evade this public scrutiny by asserting that
he was not informed, or was not aware of
controversial issues. It is an election year, but
for the sake of the Republican party, it may
befit the President to consider the possibility
that his evasion is doing more harm than good.
To admit innocence of such crucial issues,
no matter what pressures of office may be pre-
vailing, is not liable to capture votes. To feign
innocence in order to avoid being drawn into
the heat of controversy, is worse. Sooner or
later the elusion will become obvious.
Three examples of this maneuvering may
prove to be quite enough for those who waver
between party lines. More than three may
well prove to be too much, not only for the
"floating vote," but also for that portion of
the electorate which expects that its officials
face all issues squarely and fearlessly, without
resort to side-stepping.



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Harvard Faculty Evaluation,


We're getting to the
ter in Ann Arbor. I supp
to you, finals and all. E
seriously, although I im
now they won't be too in
You might. be intereste
old school is doing thesec
what has been written in
of this page, I can't help
of the place.
Oh, I know there was s(
the administration's han
problem last semester, a
and student body weret
down at the Michigan st
last November. And, w
panty raid which didn't
big black front pages aro
Lastly, the faculty ran
over a seeming lack of con
an area in which we fe
But, a~s I said, I can't
proud of the place. Whez
no one ran away from tI
ministration) announced p
tory and increasing enrol
share of controversy and
Dave Baad...............
Jim Dygert........... ....
Murry, Frymer ...............
Debra Durchsag...........
David Kaplan ...........
Jane Howard..............
Louise Tyor ...........
Phil Douglis ..............
Alan Eisenberg ...............
Jack Horwiz..............
Mary Hellthaler............
Elaine Edmonds ........... A
John Hirtzel..............
Dick Astrom......,... ...,.
Bob Ilgenfritz..........Ass
Ken Ra -

Letter to An Old Grad
856: in the front offices the word came that the
end of another semes- University will be as selective as ever. That's a
ose this is all old stuff little ego rearmament we wanted to hear.
3ut we still take them
agine 100 years from THE FOOTBALL fans and players were dis-
nportant to us, either. cussed and debated-,yet there was little in
d in knowing how the the way of alibi. The 'overenthusiasm' was an
days. Well sir, despite unfortunate incident which recurred through-
this and other corners out the country. Yet at the University, the
feeling a little proud athletic department offered an apology, al-
though it certainly was deeper than just a
ome sharp criticism of question of unsportsmanlike conduct. Also the
dling of the housing administration showed signs of prodding sin-
nd the football team cerely into this unfortunate present-day prob-
a little too emotional lem.
edium on a gray day The panty raid wasn't too important, and no
kell, we had another one was hurt. Yet, the student government
look too good on the began working on the problem and organized
iund the country, onedof our best pep rallies with no raid of any
into a bit of criticism kind.
troversy on their Part, And finally, the faculty stood up to their
It a special need for criticism and a good many of them admitted
its veracity. I've a feeling that there was a
help feeling a little good deal of conscience prob th
n the criticisms arose, We'll s h ing ontheir part
he problem. The ad- see what happens next semester.
)lans for a new dormi-
lment received a full THE THING I'm trying to point up, old grad,
is that the University-students faculty
planning. From uip and administration-still showed signs of try-
ing to correct faults, to improve and strengthen
Itself Wherever it could.
And of course there were good, proud mom..
ents too. The invigorating discussion on "in-
tellectual curiosity" brought out a fine crowd
and some important ideas. The Arabs and
Staf Israelis tore into a critical problem while we
......Managing Editor listened and learned.
Edity ditor Our new student government made some sub-
.......Magazine Editor stantial progress in liberalizing our driving
..........Feature Editor ban (have any trouble getting a horse and
........Associate Editorbuggy in your days?) and they even got to eat
..... ,.: ssdat dio
....Sports Editor dinner with the Regents for another progres-
Associate Sports Editor sive gain.
Associatensports Editor Of course our main business is education.
ssociate Women's Editor We worked at that, too, each student to his
..... Chief Photographer own extent. The opportunity, that wonderful
SIaff chance to learn, is be'coming more and more
SBusiness Manager widespread and more and more students are
ociate Business Manager learning its advantages.

Handy Guide...
To the Editor:
S "FAITH and intellectual hu-
mility" incampatible with the
compilation of student opinion?
Professor Blake claims that our
university has sunk to a new low
as the result of the faculty evalua-
The Harvard Crimson, the Daily
of Professor Blake's Alma Mater,
publishes a booklet entitled, "The
Crimson Guide"
What is this guide? Every
course and every instufttor are
evaluated from the reslts of a
thorough student nol. telow Is a
samnle entry. condensed and some-
what cha'oed. but In essence the
actaal Artlle!
MATHEMATICS ta. Analvfle
geometry and introduction to the
Calculus. 742 sudents onrolled
last semester: Pol covers 58. Tm-
less you have had 4 years of high
school math and are a physics or
math makor, do not take this
corse. 24% flunk.
If you must take it. Let Prof.
Jones. Stuart, Quinev. Others ac-
centable: Elliot. Norhtman.
DO NOT GET: Lester (flunked
68%), Andrews (can't teac), Mac-
Mara (tests are graded stiffly)
New teachers, no info., Allen,
Brandt, Cole, Martin. Summary.
No gut course here.
Granted that our questionnaire
had faults, but if having a poll
of student opinion can lower to
the level of the intellectual slums
of Cambridge, Mass., then in my
humble opinion, we find ourselves
in good company.
-Robert G. Corbett, '57
Regret Letter...
To the Editor:
4 DELIA Cheever House sincere-
ly regrets the statement made
in the Daily Classifieds Wednes-
day, Jan. 17. The action was not
a group decision.
-Joan Kadri, President
Adelia Cheever House
Specifics Needed.. .
To the Editor:
RE: Mr. Moller's letter to the
Wall Street Journal on Red
influences on campus. As a piece
of writing, it reads fine. But un-
derneath the barrage of words
there exists only grand generali-
zations and repetitious assertions.
The critical reader will want a
long and specific list of facts be-
fore accepting Mr. Moller's dictum
that we are being poisoned by Red
Would it be legitimate to sug-
gest that Mr. Moeller is one of
those ultra-conservative people
who thinks everything even slight-
ly liberal is Red?
-Judy Gregory, '56.
Praises Magazine.. ..
To The Editor:
WISH to compliment you on

To the Editor:
TED FRIEDMAN'S editorial in
Friday's Daly entitled New
Voice in the South, while express-
ing sympathy with the Negro
people in their struggle for
first-class citizenship, nonetheless
makes two basic mistakes which
demonstrate that even sympathet-
ic, "enlightened" whites have
much to learn about American
The first mistake is thinking
that heretofore Negroes have nev-
er "acted as a unified, single group
in defiance of the white man."
(Incidentally, I don't think the
majority of Negroes wish to defy
whites, but wish only to secure
Has the writer forgotten the lit-
erally thousands of Negro slave
revolts, the Reconstruction days
(undoubtedly the most democratic
the South has ever seen) when
there were Negro governors, sena-
tors and representatives, or the
formation of the NAACP and the
Garvey Back-to-Africa movement,
all examples of Negro unity to
obtain freedom?
Mr. Friedman could not make
such a mistake were he familiar
with the Negro press, which was
first begun before 1860 to aid
the battle for emancipation, and
which everyday gives indication of
the continuing fight Negroes are
waging for equality.
The second mistake is the be-
lief that "the white man really
can't give the Negro equality. Only
the Negro can take it for him-
The implication of this belief is
whites need not help Negroes win
their rights, and Negroes are to
blame if they have not yet won
those rights.
I would state that without the
help of liberal whites, the Negro
people despite their valiant ef-
forts, could not gain first-class
citizenship. Indeed, the victories
that have been won recently have
come in large measure because
sizable portions of whites have
joined with Negroes, realizing the
struggle for Negro rights sthe
struggle for their own rights as
well. When more white Americans
recognize this, equality will be a
reality in this country.
-Paul Dormont, Grad.
' Jurisdiction .. .
To The Editor:
WE, AS STUDENTS of the Uni-
versity and residents of Ann
Arbor, are quite disturbed over the
recent article which was pub-
lished in your paper concerning
the "bloody hand prank." We feel
it only right that the University
be relieved of' jurisdiction over Ann
Arbor students during regulation
Granted that the "bloody hand
prank" caused a minor disturb-
ance, but we feel that the juris-
diction of this incident remains
wi+h +thann ArhnrPnlim,.T no-

reached the University for a dici-
sion. The matter would have re-
mained the problem of the local
authorities, as it should.
Therefore, we feel that the mat-
ter should be dropped immediately,
and that the University should
adopt a "hands-off" policy, con-
cerning not only Ann Arbor stu-
dent residents but all others. This
would be a positive step by the
Universitytowards establishing a
better relationship between the
University and Ann Arbor resi-
--Janet Hammer, '59
Patti Kreul, 159
Bigger and Better..
To the Editor:
VOU are an oddball. Your Sun-
day magazine reflection on the
old days of the Michigan Union
was unrealistic and sentimental.
To remind us that the Union was
once an institution-an escape to
idle contemplation, relaxed con-
versation, or the breeding of ideas
-indeed, to even suggest that
there should remain a TRACE
of that atmosphere and tradition
we once loved and understood, is
preposterous. You have lost touch
with your time.
This, sir, is an age of EFFICI-
E'NCY. This is the era of park-
ing meters and press-box-dining-
rooms, of bigger SAC buildings
and greater SGC committees. This
is a saga of PRACTICALISM.
Am I to understand, sir, that
you attribute some VALUE to con-
templation, conversation, or crea-
tion of ideas? Am I to infer that
you feel something has been LOST
in this conversion to an efficient,
clean, well-lighted place? You are
obviously nothing but a Humanist.
Get with it, Dick. Be practi-
cal. CAN that atmosphere and
tradition stuff. Stick with the
juke-box and the watered-down
milk-shake. This efficiency busi-
ness could make us ALL rich!
You'll never get ahead and make
money and bepopular unless you
adopt the blind, amorphous, ephe-
meral tendencies of the group.
-Robert B. Glenn

not too much effort was put into
the story, the acting or the ef-
fectiveness of the dubbed - in
very close to the melodramas of
our silent picture era. There is
really no beginning or end to it.
It sort of just goes around in a
Gina is a poor girl who vaca-
tions in the summers at what is
probably the Italian Catskills. She
falls in love with a rich boy's
money and wants to marry him,
but he lives In Rome and she
doesn't so they can't see each
other until the next summer.
Because of a horrible situation
she realizes that she cannot mar-
ry the young man. It is then that
she becomes interested in a phys-
ics professor who has taken a
room at her home.
* * *
THE TROUBLE with this Ital-
Ian Mr. Peepers is that his biggest
vice is smoking In bed. His only
recreation is playing chess and he
does this by himself.
All of the characters at one
time or another say "Why, oh
why did I act the way I did" and
then a flashback occurs. This is
responsible for the circular story.
No matter where you come in you
can enjoy the same amount of
continuity. In fact the ending of
the film is the beginning all over
again, thus you get up and leave
for you have seen this scene once
Some of the episodes and dia-
logue are quite funny even though
they were not intended to be comi-
cal. Like the time the Countess
is describing a wound on the back
of her shoulder, the result of at-
tempted murder, to the hospital
authorities. She merely states that
she received the wound while slic-
ing a loaf of bread.
i * * * .
cials decide to give the professor,
who by this time has discovered
that playing chess with Gina is
more fun than by himself, a sere-
nade. The group they send over
to serenade the prof Is the same
type you see on the corners during
Christmas vacation and even more
Since this is an Italian film the
soundtrack had to be done over,
with English words being inserted
while the lips of the performers
are moving according to the origi-
nal Italian.
This process has been performed
with great skill in other foreign
films, but somebody goofed on this
one. This also added a touch of
comedy where it was not intended.
The actirg is comparable to
some of the educational films that
are seen in high school history
classes. Gina is supposed to be
abundant in acting ability, but it
certainly does not come out at all
during this performance. The rest
of the grbup, especially the moth-
er, follow accordingly.
COINCIDENCES are very fre-
quent. When Gina needs a doc-
tor the rich boy just hapens to
be the attending emergency phy-
sician at the nearest hospital. But
you'd never recognize him for he
has grown a mustache to cover his
boyish look.
The scene which is really the
funniest is when the physics pro-
fessor changes into a rough and
tough character faster than Clark
Kent changes into Superman. He
rips off his glasses and immediate-
ly begins to throw huge suitcases
and trunks down a flight of stairs.
The mystery as to wnat hap-
pened to the scenes which were
cut out of the film has been solved.
They were converted into still
photographs and placed in the

newspaper ads and adorn the bill-
board in front of the theatre.
--Larry. Einhorn


THE Daily Official Bulletin Is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Notices should be sent In -
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553
Administration Building before 2 p.m.
the day preceding publication. Notices
for the Sunday edition must be in
by 2 p.m. Friday.
General Notices
Automobile Regulations-To Holders
of Driving Permits:
The driving ban will be lifted between
the completion date of your scheduled
examinations, and the beginning of
classes, at 8:00 a.m. Feb. 13, 1956.
You are also reminded to register
your 1956 license plate with the Office
of Student Affairs. 1020 Administra-
tion Building, by March 1, 1956.
Library hours during the examination
period and between semesters:
The General Library will be open until
10 p.m. on Saturdays, Jan. 21 and Jan,
28, to allow opportunity for study before
The customary Sunday schedule wil
be maintained .Jan. 22 and Jan. 29.
Service will be offered In the Main
Reading Room, the Periodical. Reading
Room, the First Floor Study Hall, and
at the Circulation desk from 2 p.m.
to 6 p.m. Books from other parts of
the building which are needed for
Sunday use will be made available in
the Periodical Reading Room if requests
are made by Saturday in the reading
room where the books are usually
shelved. The Social Science Study Hall
will be open Sun., Jan. 22 and Jan. 30 i
from 7-10 p.m. as usual. Additional
service will be available both Sundays
in Angell Hall'Study Hall, 7-10 p.m. and
in the Listening Room at 417 Mason
Hall, 1-5 pm.
A number of hours have been added
to the week-day schedule of the Listen-
ing Room. The following hours will be
observed during the examination per-
iod: Fri., Jan. 20: 4-6 p.m., 7-10 p.m.;
Sat., Jan. 21 and Jan. 28: 9 a.m:-12n.,
1-6 p.m.; Mon., Jan. 23 and Jan. 30: 24
p.m., 7-10 p.m.: Tues. through Fri., Jan.
24-Jan. 27: 1-6 p.m., 7-10 p.m.: Tues.
and Wed., Jan. 31 and Feb. 1: 1-4 p.m.,
7-10 p.m. _
The General Library will be closed
evening beginning Thurs., Feb. 2 and
will be open daily except Sat. and
Sun, from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Feb. 2
through Feb. 11. Regular hours will b
resumed Feb. 13.:
Divisional libraries will be on short'
schedules as soon as the examination
period ends. Hours will be posted on
the doors. Phone Ext. 652 for infor-
Professional Qualification Test (or
National Security Agency): Applica-
tion blanks for the Feb. 11 administra-
tion of the Professional Qualification
Test are now available at 110 Rackham
Building. Application blanks are due
in Princeton, N. J, not later than Feb.
4, 1956.
Veterans receiving education and
training allowance under Public Law
550 need only one set of instructors'
signatures for Jan.-Feb. 11 (end of se-
mester)._ Those signatures must be
obtained after each final examination
or when course work is completed
where no final examination is given.
TheDean's Monthly Certification is to
be turned in t Dean's office as soon
as finals are completed.
Monthly Certification, VA Form VB
1996a, must be signed in the Office of
Veterans' Affairs, 555 Administration
Building, between Jan. 25 and Feb. 1.
Prof. Abraham Kaplan, chairman of
the Department of Philosophy, Univer-
sity of California at Los Angeles, will
speak Wed., Feb. 1, in the Auditorium
of the Children's Unit (First Floor) at
8:00 p.m. on, "Psychoanalysis se
Academic Notices
Attention February Graduates: Col-
lege of Literature, Science, and the Arts,
School of Education, School of Mu'sic,
School of Public Health, and School
of Business Administration-students
are advised not to request grades of I
or X in February. When such grades
are absolutely imperative, the work must
be made up in, time to allow your
instructor to report the make-up grade
not later than 8:30 a.m., Mon., Feb. 6,
1956. Grades received after that time
may defer the student's graduation
until a later date.
Recommendations for Departmental
Honors: Teaching departments wishing

to recommend tentative February grad-
uates from the College of Literature.
Science, and the Arts, and the School
of Education for departmental honors
(or high honors in the College of
L.S.&A.) shouldrecommend such stu-
dents in a letter sent to the Office of
Registration and Records, Room 1513
Administration Building, by 8:30 a.m.,
Mon., Feb. 6, 1956.
Mathematics 173 and 174: The Uni-
versity is acquiring an IBM 650 elec-
tronic computer which will be housed
in the Rackham Building and, it is
expected, ready for use at the begin-
ning of the second semester. This
machine will be the laboratory instru-
men for these two courses whose con-
tent will be accordingly oriented so
that students may learn to use this
computer by solving problems on it.

-Larry Einhorn


by Dick Sible,

j~ f K

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