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January 20, 1956 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1956-01-20

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GOP Administration record
Shows No Basis For Change
(See Page 4)


Latest Deadline in the State





Fined $450
By Judiciary
Judic Disciplines
Phi Psi, Branoff
For drinking in the house dur-
ing father's weekend on Nov. 12,
Phi Kappa Psi has been fined $450
by Joint Judic.,
The fine was levied at the Nov.
22 meeting of Joint Judic accord-
ing to Phi Psi Vice-President Dave
McCullough, '56, and was revealed
yesterday in Joint Judic's notice
of disciplinary action.
It was the second offense for
Phi Psi. Of the $450, $150 has
been suspended until June, 1959.
Considering Paying Charity
Informed sources said the house
is considering paying the fine by
making out a check payable to a
charity group.
The source said house members
did not want to give the money
to the University but McCullough
said nothing definite has been de-
cided yet and described the re-
ports as "just rumor."
"Some of the boys have men-
tioned paying the fine to a charity
but the house has done nothing
yet," McCullough said.
Phi Psi was the only group fined
by Joint Judic between Nov. 22
and Jan. 10,
Branoff Fined
For attempting to gain entry
into an apartment during summer
session football star Tony Branoff,
'56, was fined $15.
Eight students were fined by
the campus judiciary during that
Four received five dollar fines
for drinking in violation of state
A severe driving penalty, $50,
was levied against a student for
consistent violation of University
driving regulations. In addition,
the student was warned that fur-
ther violation would mean immedi-
ate 'suspension.
Another student was fined $20
for driving in, violation of regula-
tions. The fine was suspended.
For illegal eitry into the home
of an Ann Arbor citizen, one stu-
dent was fined $15.
Romney Says
) y
WASHINGTON (3) - An auto-
mobile manufacturer testified yes-
terday that "blitz selling, price
packing, dishonest or misleading
advertising, and bootlegging," are
widespread in the new car busi-
"Gee, there's been a lot of dis-
honest advertising," he exclaimed
at one point. "It's just revolting."
The retail car business appraisal
came from George Romney, presi-
dent of American Motors Corp.,
which makes Hudson and Nash
He was the first witness called
at a Senate Commerce subcommit-
tee investigation of automobile
"Blitz selling" is a heavily pro-
moted sale' in which a dealer an-
nounces he 4s disposing of a large
number of cars at cut-rate prices.

Romney said he believes many
buyers are developing a "customer
beware" attitude s a result of
"horse trading practices that have
characterized new cars selling in
the postwar period."
Romney said dealers had com-
plained to him that "bootlegging"
has turned automobile selling into
"a cutthroat business."
VAO Announces
GI Policy Change
Policyholders of GI insurance
are being reminded that if they
want to change the method of
payment, the Veterans Adminis-
tration Office handling the ac-
count must be notified, the VA
Detroit offi-,e announced.
Those wishing payment in the
same manner as before, are not
to notify the VA since the previous
method will be applied automati-
Nffirnt~inn chn1rzlr talrr. iila~r'

Rioting Crowds
Loot Bombay
BOMBAY, India (M)-Looting and burning mobs of Marathas
fought police through the night and besieged authorities in widespread
parts of Bombay state and city.
At Kolhapur, 250 miles to the south, police fired into a mob of
30,000, injuring many. There was no offiical count of dead there.
As the unprecedented surge of anti-Nehru violence entered its
fifth day, mobs forced the resignation of at least one city's councilman
as part of a general siege campaign against the government.
Report Mass Resignation
The first reported mass resignation was at Poona.
Authorities declared Communists are exploiting and helping to
spread the violence that began last Monday as a rebellion against
^Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru's
decision to federalize the City of
Official casualty figures showed
more than 40 persons killed in the
'WV ill D ecide first four days,.
In two isolated city incidents
o Thursday, two looters carrying
Come bags of grain were shot dead in
C othe -streets and a police constable
was stoned to death by rioters.
By GERALD DeMAAGD A government communique early
today said 9 persons were killed
Justice Tom Clark of the United in city rioting yesterday; 65 per-
States Supreme Court will preside sons were injured, including 30
over the final round of the Henry policemen, and 85 more rioters
M. Campbell Competition to be were arrested.








held at the Law School in April,
according to Case Club president
Roger Kidston, spec. L.
Justice Clark, appointed by
President Truman in 1949, and
other judges will be the guest of
the Case Club at the annual ban-
quet to be held after the compe-
tition, April 13.
Besides Justice Clark, the bench
will be comprised of Justice Thom-
as F. McAllister, judge of the sixth
circuit United States Court of
Appeals, and Justice Edward Lum-
bard, who has recently been ap-
pointed judge for the United States
Court of Appeals for the second
Justice Henry M. Butzel, ex-
chief of the Supreme Court of the
State of Michigan will also be
present to hear the cases.
The Law School faculty will be
represented by Professor S. Ches-
terfield Oppenheim. Prof. Oppen-
heim was co-chairman of a recent-
ly released report of the Attorney
General's National Committee on
the study of anti-trust laws.
The question to be argued before
the moot Supreme Court -involves
anti-trust laws of the Sherman
and Clayton acts in regard to a
specific monopoly case concerning
a producer of radio and television
sets as to his dealer arrangements.
The competition is sponsored
jointly by the extra-curricular
Case Club of the Law School and
the Henry M. Campbell Awards.
The semi-final rouhd which will
determine which students will ar-
gue before the Supreme Court
Justice will be held March 1 in
Hutchins Hall.

Language Groups Fight
The two communities are the
Marathi-speaking people number-
ing about 30 million iii southern
Bombay State and the less num-
erous Gujerati-speaking people of
the northern part.
Marathi speaking Indians, who
number about 1,500,000 in the city,
want this to be the capital of their
new state under a realignment of
state boundaries that will more
nearly conform with the language
barriers of the many-tongued In-
dian Republic. The Gujerati-
speaking Bombay people generally
are for keeping the city apart from
any state-the view Nehru has
adopted. The influential Bombay
chief minister belongs to the Gu-
jerati community.
Semester break means travel
for many a student.
With this in mind, Marilyn;
Famularo, '59, and Gail Davis,
'59, went to the Union Travel;
Service to post a notice:
"Wish to take a trip to al-
most anywhere in U.S. Can
leave Feb. 2. Please notify im-
mediately. Will share expenses.a
CallNO 3-1561, Jordan, Room
The girls didn't say what they
meant by "almost anywhere,"l
but Union staff men overheard
one of them hoping out loud
they'd draw someplace "exotic."

Lauds Dulles
In Conflict
Hints 'Unfortunate'
Expressions Used
WASHINGTON (A') - President
Dwight D. Eisenhower stood by
Secretary of State John Foster
Dulles in the "brink of war" con-
troversy yesterday.
He said he has complete faith
in Secretary Dulles as a skillful
diplomat devoted to peace and
"the best secretary of state I have
ever known."
But the President suggested "un-
fortunate expressions" might have
been used in a controversial Life
magazine article entitled "How
Dulles Averted War." He said he
didn't know whether such expres-
sions were used by Secretary Dulles
or the article's author, James
Shepley, Washington bureau chief
for Time-Life.
President Eisenhower spoke up
at his first Washington news con-
ference since his illness. He re-
fused, just as Secretary Dulles
did at a news conference two days
ago, to discuss the Life article in
detail-indeed,dthe President said
he had not read it.
Said Dules Averted War
The story quoted Secretary Dul-
les as saying "the ability to get
to the brink of war" without being
"drawn into it is the necessary
art." It said Secretary Dulles
three times averted war - in
Korea, Indochina and Formosa.
A story of criticism, especially
from Democrats in Congress but
also from this country's allies
abroad, has been beating about
Secretary Dulles' ears since the
article came out a week ago. Some
Democrats, including Adlai Steven-
son, had urged President Eisen-
hower to repudiate the article or
fire Secretary Dulles. He did
As to the idea o going to the
brink of war, President Eisenhower
declared his policy is to wage
peace But he said this is based
upon "principles of decency and
justice and right" - not a peace-
at-any-price concept such as the
Allies took with them to the pre-
war meeting with Hitler at Mun-
Would Go To Congress
President Eisenhower said that
might be interpreted as being at
the brink of something since the
Communists can always react as
they think best to the West's
diplomacy. But should the ques-
tion of war actually come up, he
said he would go before Congress
to say what he believes should be
President Eisenhower refused to
reply on specific points raised by
the magazine article because he
It is not proper to discuss Na-
tional Security Council mattets
and in any event, he would not
handle such delicate matters casu-
ally but rather with a carefully
prepared statement.

Asks Others
To Announce
Race Entry
No Decision Yet
On Future Plans
WASHINGTON (A') - President
Dwight D. Eisenhower said yester-
day he hasn't decided about a
second term, and he issued a vir-
utal invitation to all GOP hope-
fuls to plunge into the race for
the nomination. .
Nobody jumped at the invitation
--with Eisenhower himself still a
potential candidate.
The President decided to leave
his name in the New Hampshire
or any other presidential primary
in which it may be entered. But
he said this doesn't mean he will
In fact, President Eisenhower
told a news conference-the first
full-scale one since his Sept. 24
heart attack-he hasn't reached
even a tentative decision on his
political future.
When he does make up his mind,
he said, the decision will be "based
as to my best Judgment on the
good of our country" and will be
announced' immediately,
President Eisenhower tossed out
some political teasers for newsmen
and politicians to toy around with.
He said that while his doctors tell
him he is making normal and
satisfactory progress toward a rea-
sonable level of strength, "it would
be idle to pretend that my hgealth
can be wholly restored.. ."
"My future life must be care-
fully regulated to avoid excessive
fatigue," he said.
At his last previous Washington
news conference Aug. 4, before
the heart seizure, the President
said his health would be a factor
in his second term decision.
At yesterday's packed session
with reporters, the chief executive
said every citizen should have the
"widest possible choice": in ex-
pressing his preference as to the
nominee. He thus gave Sen. Wil-
liam F. Knowland of California
and any other Republican as-
pirants a clear field for hopping
into the ,string of primaries start-
ing with, the one in New Hamp-
shire March 13.

-Daily-John Hirtzei
Cam us Snowe by SnoW Flurries

Wsconsin Students ]protest
Discrimination in Housing'
Almost one-third the students at the University of Wisconsin
have signed a mammoth petition calling for the end of discrimina-
tion in university-approved housing, it was announced this week.
A total of 4,809 students-over twice the number who voted
in Wisconsin's last student eletion-signed the petition which urged
university president Edwin B. Fred to "immediately and vigorously"
enforce the university's policies against segregation.
"Over 80 per cent of those approached signed," Frank Chalk,
petition chairman said. "I only wish we had a chance to reach all
the students."
The petition demonstrated the "overwhelming support of the
student body for a vigorous anti-*
discrimination program," he stat- HEALTH INADEQUATE
ed. J.

The snow is snowing - the wind
is blowing - and the campus is
"snowed" by the storm.
I "More of the same and Inter-
mittent flurries" is forecasted by
the weatherman's crystal ball at
Ypsilanti. This "more" will lie
atop the 6 inches that greeted the
town this morning.
Temperature-wise, no variations
are expected from yesterday's 26
Topic of Conversation
On campus, people certainly
aren't reluctant to express opinion
on one subject-that's the weather.
These choice manifestations of'
intellectual freedom were heard-
"snowfall lulls me into a day-
dreaming mood and with exams
coming - ," "I was ready for
spring," "It excites me," "Beware
of the 'sidewalk brush'," and "Cab-
erfae, here I come."
One student, after r'pparent
scholarly meditation, ambiguously
said, "This is one of the finest
U Judiciary
Won't Handle
'Hand' Case
Incidents arising from catsup-
smeared hands in automobile
trunks during school recesses are
not within University jurisdiction.
At least this was the opinion
of the Office of Student. Affairs,
which announced yesterday they
would not submit to Joint Judi-
ciary the case of a prank involv-
ing two University students.
The case occurred during Christ-
mas vacation when the two stu-
dents, aided by two friends from
Northwestern and Princeton, drove
through Ann Arbor with one of the
students hanging his catsup-
streaked arm from the car's trunk.
Reports of the "bloody hand"
touched off an hour-long police
manhunt Dec. 26, resulting in ap-
prehension of the three criminals
and their "victim."
Perplexed by the case in which
neither local police nor residents
pressed charges, the Office of Stu-
dent Affairs decided, after discus-
sion, not to refer the case to Joint
Judic for action.
City to Expand
Parking Lots
City Council voted Monday to
remove two additional houses for
expansion of the city's parking
A four-family apartment dwell-
ing at 614 Forest Ave., and a home

thin'gs the Regents have done for
the University."
"Diag 'M' Slippery"
A freshman woman commented,
"Today I will respect tradition and
not walk on the Diag 'M'--it's slip-
pery "
A young man observed as he
watched two "gentlemen" hoist a
fallen coed to her feet, "She could
have dropped her hanky."
Two less aesthetically inclined
sliderule wielders commented, "Dig
that crazy white precipitate" and
"The snow is a great muffler for
this noisy world."
Students Snowed Under
In the "fishbowl," a student,
his hair beaded with melted snow,
drew a parallel-"It reminds me
of exams-snowed under."
For some, however, snowfall is
a call to duty:
The County Sheriff's Depart-
ment reports "a couple of P.D.'s
and three minor P.I. accidents" as
a result of the dangerous road
Road Conditions Bad
The Washtenaw County Road
Commission reports "road condi-
tions are pretty slippery and
slushy-been scraping and salting
but we can't seem to get ahead of
the game-40 pieces of equipment
are out-will work all day and
It was left for one student,
University Gets
Government Grant
A grant of $5,000,000 to the
University from the Defense De-
partment was announced Wednes-
The money will be used for con-
tinuation this year of research on
battlefield surveillance.

obviously preoccupied with ap-
proaching finals, to succintly ex-
pound the pre-exam concensus to-
ward the snowfall.
He threw out his arms, shrugged
his shoulders, and offered, "Eh."
World News
By the Associated Press
United Nations Security Council
yesterday unanimously condemned
Israel for the Sea of Galilee raid
on a Syrian outpost Dec. 11.";
The Council warned that further
such raids would be met with
sterner measures to maintain the
uneasy armistices in the Holy
* * .
GENEVA, Switzerland--A truck
with a $2,800,000 gold cargo was
reported stolen here yesterday eve-
The gold was the property of a
Swiss firm.
EVANSVILLE, Ind. - The "Mad
dog" killer, Leslie Irvin, escaped
from jail in neighboring Princeton
before dawn yesterday and fright-
ened citizens quickly bought up
all available firearms.
* * *
WASHINGTON - Congression-
al approval of a global military
construction program totaling $2,-
012,283,000 was asked by the De-
fense Department yesterday.
Part of the cost of new military
housing projects overseas would be
met by the sale abroad of 150
million dollars of surplus farm




The announcement marked theI

end of a five-week campaign to
collect signatures on the petition.
The next step, according to leaders
of the petition circulation, will be
the formal presentation of the
petition signatures to the presi-
"I hope the university officials
will weigh carefully this large ex-
pression of student opinion against
discrimination," John Kelsh, pres-
ident of the Men's Hall association,
Former Pan-Hellenic president
Helen Rehbein stressed the educa-,
tional value of the campaign. The
program, she said, "represents a
wonderful effort" and "a step to-
ward making the university a more
truly democratic institution which
lives up to its ideals."
"We know the policy of the re-
gents, we know the feelings of the
faculty, we have the resolution of
the Student Senate, and now we
have this expression of student

College Student Survey
Says Ike Will Not Run
A nation-wide poll of college students on the question of whether
President Dwight D. Eisenhower will run for a second term showed a
decided majority saying he will not.
Opinions on why he will decline centered around the health prob-
lem concerned with his recent heart attack.
The poll, conducted by the Associated Collegiate Press as "a
representative cross-section" of students breaks down like this:
Yes, he will run, 26 per cent; no, he will not run, 63 percent; undecided,
11 per cent.
Individual reasons for his declining are rather disparate. Here
are some typical answers:
Ike Won't Run
"I think that he won't run because he would put himself and the
country in a precarious position" a senior attending the University
of Arkansas said.
"If elected, he knows he would have to do an even more in-
complete job than he is now doing-or he would be committing
suicide" a Syracuse University senior observed.

Physicoloical Approach
ogCauses Mass Confusion
Raised eyebrows appeared in the departments of fisheries, zoology
and psychology when they read the topic for Professor Shelby D.
Gerking's lecture yesterday as "Psychological Approach to Fish Pro-
When Prof. Gerking, associate professor at Indiana Univeisity,
wired the title of his topic to Professor John Bardach of the fisheries
department, Western Union office mistook the word "physicological"
for "psychological."
Informs Psychology Department
Prof. Bardach received the wire and then informed the psychology
department, thinking they would be interested. But, they were
Prof. Kerking lectured at 4:15 p.m. yesterday in the Natural
Science auditorium on his planned topic "The Physicological Approach
to Fish Production." This was a summary of his work which led to
the George Mercer award in ecology for 1955 presented to him by

FBA Reviews
Fuel, Produce
Savings Plan
A plan to give fraternities sub-
starntial savings on fuel oil, coal,
and produce was introduced and
reviewed last night in Fraternities
Buying Association's Board of
Directors meeting.
Adrian Williams, '57, who sub-
mitted the plan, said FBA would
make contracts for the 39 member
fraternities with individual deal-
ers for coal, fuel oil, and produce.
Because the dealers would be
guaranteed such a large increase
in volume they would be able to
give bigger discounts to the fra-
Hank Aughey, '56, chairman said
the plan would be submitted to the
reward's Council at their next
Discuss Warehouse
A proposal to buy their pwn
warehouse in Ann Arbor was aain
John Morrow, '56, presented sev-
eral- possible locations but nothing
definite was decided on this issue
by the board.
Since the purchase and employ-
ment of a warehouse would create
a new expense for redistributing
food to the fraternities, the board
felt it necessary to investigate fur-
ther to see if the expense could be
covered by profits from the ware-
Raise Service Charge
The board also decided to raise
the service charge member fra-


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