SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 25,1953 THE MCHIGALN DAILY i STJNDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1955 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Ford Grant Finances 'U Study Areas A grant of $220,250 from the Ford Foundation is financing sev- eral University research projects in the behavioral sciences. The fields included are psychol- ogy, sociology, anthropology and aspects of political science and economics. Support for three research and training programs over a period of three years will take up $115,000 of this grant. Of this, $42,000 is for the Detroit Area Study. A study of political behavior is getting $31,500. And research on the application of mathematics to the behavioral sciences takes up $42,000. These three -projects were part of the program or research on individual behavior and human re- lations inaugurated with a $300,- 000 grant from the Ford Founda- tion in 1950. The $220,250 grant was accepted by the Regents last July. Other uses of the latest grant will be: $20,000 for ten graduate fellow- ships in the behavioral sciences; $30,000 for a field research training program in anthropology; $42,000 for research by the be- havioral science faculty members and of the staff of the Institute of Social Research; and $12,750 for five stipends at the rate of $850 a year for three years to permit research training in so- cial psychology. Delegates Met By Ukrainians When three members of a Rus- sian farm delegation visiting the United States stopped off in De- troit for a tour of the giant Ford Rouge plant Aug. 10, they were greeted by a motorcade of sign- bearing Ukrainians. More than 20 cars circled the hotel where the Russians were staying. They carried signs read- ing, "The Ukraine fights 'com- munism," "Hunger, fear, mass ex- ecution -- the Russian weapons," "Moscow's artificial famine - a warning to the West.?' Pollock Elected Prof. James K. Pollock, chair- man of the political science de- partment, has been elected presi- dent of the International Political Science Association. He is the second American scholar to head the group. He was elected during the association's Third Congress Aug. 20 in Stock-. holm and will hold the office three years. He was formerly senior vice president. First American to hold the pres- ident's office was the University of Chicago's Quincy Wright. ATTENDS ATOM CONFERENCE Prof. Gomberg Outlines Methods' Of Using Radioactivity in Research Prof. Henry J.- Gomberg, assist- ant director of the University's Memorial-Phoenix Project, spoke on two phases of research involv- ing radioactivity at the Interna- tional Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy in August at Geneva, Switzerland. I-e first reported that University researchers were devising new methods of obtaining data about the sub-microscopic world of na- ture with the help of radioactive tracers. Prof. Gomberg said University scientists were working on ways to pinpoint tracers after they have been incorporated into living or inorganic systems. Build Pilot Plants Later, while reporting on the University's research on irradiat- ing food, he suggested that United Nations health authorities consider building pilot plants for irradia- tion of food in areas of the world where the need for the control' of food-borne parasitic diseases is greatest. Gamma radiation from -nuclear reactor by-products can break the disease cycle of trichinosis in pork, and should be investigated as a method of curtailing similar dis- eases around the world. Speaking on the use of radio- active tracers in living or inor- ganic systems, Prof. Gomberg said fairly good. methods of tracer movement exist now, but there is room for 10,000-fold improvement. Tracers Change Structure Tracers are radioactive atoms.of an element that behave temporar- ily in exactly the same manner as ordinary atoms. Periodically one of the tracers changes its internal structure and emits radiation, thereby revealing its presence. When tracers are introduced in- to a system, they can provide in- formation on their route and dis- position that could not otherwise be obtained. .Though instruments and pro- cedures for showing the amount Institutes Set For Teachers A schedule of six conferences and institutes for teachers of-voca- tional education and practical arts subjects to be held during the 1955-56 school year has been an- nounced by the University.' They are: The Third Annual Institute for General Shop Teachers, Oct. 22; The' Third Annual Institute for Teachers of Woodwork, Nov. 5; The Third Annual Institute for Teachers of Auto Mechanics, Feb. 25; Fourth Annual Institute for Drafting Teachers, April 7; Fourth Annual Conference for Teachers of Driver Education, April~ 28; and Fourth Annual Inlstitute for Machine Shop Teachers, May 12. of tracer material in a system have been developed to a high de- gree, techniques for finding the exact location of the radioactivity are "relatively . poor," according to Prof. Gomberg. Problems Discussed He told of two University re- search problems in which precise detection of tracers supplied vital information. One study may invalidate an old assurpption that a particular com- pound was incorporated during the formation of melanin, the black pigment of the hair and skin. Knowledge of the process is important, for when out of con- trol, it can lead to melanoma, a form of cancer. In the second project the diffu- sion rate of nickle plated onto copper was closely measured by using radioactive nickle. This type of information is needed to under- stand the behavior of metals work- Prof. Henry J. Gomberg Writings A first collection of writings by students at American upi- versities and colleges will be published this week in pocket- size, paperback format. Entitled "New Campus Writ- ing" and edited by Prof. Nolan Miller of Antioch College, the book contains 18 short stories and 26 poems, representing the. work of 29 authors, including University authors. The writing in the book is said to be the direct result of a phenomena of the current de- cade; the great university writ- ing centers. These workshops, in many cases headed by teachers who are themselves established au- thors, are attended by students who intend to devote their lives to writing. From their ranks will come tomorrow's winners of literary prizes, magazine con- tributors, poets,, dramatists and authors of best-sellers. Neel Continues Studies in Africa Dr. James V. Neel, associate geneticist in the Instiute of Hu- man Biology and associate profes- sor of internal medicine, is cur- rently in Africa under the spon- sorship of the Rockefeller Founda- tion. During a two-month period, he will have visited medical research centers in Uganda, Ruanda-Urun- di," the Belgian Congo, Liberia and French West Africa in connection with a continuing research pro- gram on inherited abnormalities of the red blood cell. He will return to the University Oct. 21. ing under loads and at high tem- peratures. Discussing the irradiation of food, Prof. Gomberg mentioned Chinese liver fluke, intestinal fluke, beef tapeworm, Oriental lung fluke and fish tapeworm anemia as diseases that could be restricted by the irradiation of in- fected foods such as meat, fish, crabs and crayfish. Some of these diseases affect as many as 644 million people, he pointed out in a paper he co- authored with Dr. S. E. Gould of the Wayne County General Hos- pital. Radiation Helps Research at the University has shown that radiation doses from Cobalt 60 of Cesium 137 will pre- vent trichina larva from growing and will sterilize them so they cannot reproduce, Prof. Gomberg said. No undesirable secondary effects from this method of processing have been discovered, he added. In two other technical papers, University researchers reported to the Geneva Conference that: 1. A number of chemical re- actions of possible industrial im- portance can be promoted by gam- ma radiation, and deserve "serious consideration" by manufacturers. 2. Gamma sterilization of hu- man bones for "bone banks" and of bulk medical supplies is "one of the most promising uses" of fis- sion products. Faculty Post Given to Dutch Mathemattcamn Prof. Hendrick D. Kloosterman of the University of Leiden will hold the chair of Netherlands Visiting Professor in Mathematics at the University during the pres- ent academic year. Through the cooperation of the Netherlands government and the Univer~sity, this chair has now been established on a regular basis. - Prof. Kloosterman also visited the University during the summer of 1950. According to Prof. Theophil H. Hildebrandt, chairman of the mathematics department, Prof. Kloosterman is one of the Neth- erlands' outstanding mathemati- cians, having done'work in algebra, number theory and analysis. Prof. Kloostermann received his Doctor of Philosophy degree from the University of Leiden in 1924, and did post-doctoral work at the University of Gottingen, Germany and the University of Hamburg. He is currently a professor at the University of Leiden and a member of the Academy of Science of Amsterdam. New Program Set For Engineering A new program on the applica- tion of basic scientific principles to modern technological problems has been added to the curiculum of the engineering college. Called Science Engineering, the program begins with the start of the fall semester tomorrow. The program is designed to in- crease the creativeness and analy- tical powers of students, Dean George G. Brown of the engineer- ing college said. Science Engineering graduates would be able to apply their overall knowledge of a variety of specific engineering problems, he said, as medical doctors call upon their knowledge in basic areas to diag- nose diseases and prescribe treat- ment for patients. U Program Celebrates Anniversary Engineers, Industry Broaden Channels At the first anniversary of direct channels between American indus- try and the University's College of Engineering, both parties have benefited. Under the College's Industry Program, the College disseminates information to, and arranges tech- nical meetings for, industries en- rolled for a fee of $5,000 a year for three years. The University gains by keeping in touch with developments in all industrial fields and at the same time industry receives a number of services, any one of which may be worth the tax-deductable fee. Growth Continues Twelve companies have already signed up, and the present growth rate is between one and two new subscribers a month, according to Prof. Harold A. Ohlgren super- visor of the program. "We are convinced that the pat- tern of communication being de- veloped within the Industry Pro- gram is one of the best ways Amer- ican industry and education can team up to solve some of their mutual problems," Prof. Ohlgren says. During the first year of the plan, 35 technical reports were made available to subscribers, campus symposia were arranged, and Uni- versity-industry representatives met in informal sessions. Staff Visits University engineering and re- search staff members visit sub- scribing industries to discuss re- search development, new materials and techniques, and long range plans, and industrial participants are invited to campus for similar activities. The nominal subscription fee Is about one-fourth the cost of one technical man per year in an in- dustrial research laboratory, Prof. Ohlgren says, and is modest enough so that smaller industries can be supplied with data that they are unable to develop them- selves. Income from the program is be- ing used to make information available that may be on file in a faculty member's office. This means abstracting the material and having it printed and illus- trated. As income increases it will be used to stimulate research in other areas which are of poten- tial importance to industry. Met Manager Sets Talk Title Rudolph Bing has informed Uni- versity Lecture Series officials that he will discuss "What Makes Opera Tick," at 8:30 p.m. Oct. 18 n one of the Series' attractions. Manager of the Metropolitan Opera, Bing had originally plan- ned to discuss his experience..,with the arts in general. Box office hours for the Series at Hill Auditorium are 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday eagh week. Besides Dr. Bing, the Series In- cludes Gen. Carlos P. Romulo, Oct. 12; United States Senators Alexander Wiley and Wayne Morse, Nov. 15; Henry Hull, Nov. 21; Clifton Fadiman, Jan. 10; Dr. Norman Vincent Peale, Feb. 20; and Edith Atwater and Albert Dek- ker, Mar. 6. II I i The PARROT Restaurant GOOD' FOOD at reasonable prices Closed Sundays.. . Open Daily 7 A.M. - 7:30 P.M. WE SELL FOR LESS ! 338 South State 0/ Discount on Laundry iI i .. . . CASH and CA RR Y Try Our Economical Student Bundle LAUNDRY & CLEANERS Food you'll remember! Specializing in CHICKEN AND STEAK DINNERS Served Family Style FARM CUPBOARD 5400 Plymouth Road Phone NO 8-9387 721 North University Phone NO 2-5200 Pick up and Deliyery Service I p - Medical . .. Dental ... Law ... PUBLIC HEALTH .. . NURSING SUPPLES and BOOKS a FRESHMAN! WELCOME TO MICHIGA %: ".1':""1 J . t.: "s . "a .V Ill ~mm ii iii RimPm IVIImm C is a visit to Rabideau-Harris, your store when in the downtow section-"The Store Where Michigan Men Save." Stop in at UPPERCLASSMEN! We say "Welcomne Back"-and do dIroi I~n the past-We are at your service with all the newest and finest in men's wear, as usual. LN -4 Our store is especially 'equipped with textbooks, reference books and supplies for Medical, Den- tal, Law, Nursing and Public Health Students. rn your p in as i a M s ddMi = s =011, AML AMIRL M AV AM /NNIL " MIllk ' .i "\