4t Sixty-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 en Opinions Are Free,. Truth Will Prevail Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. This must be noted in all reprints. Y JANUARY 18. 1956' NIGHT EDITOR: DICK SNYDER Faculty Leadership Needed During Formative Years P COMPLAIN of apathy is something like hitting a giant wet sponge. Everyone agrees hat no one cares, and with equal lamentation, and continues on not caring. . A University is by definition and intention a place where people expect to be intellectually stimulated, a place where the vital issues of he ages as well as of the day may be thrashed out on all sides. But in this area there is apathy, to which everyone agrees. To blame the faculty for the apathy is not entirely fair, for the students are also to blame. But to blame the faculty for not assum- ing the responsibility of leading us out of the apathy is justified, for the student' is not expected to take the intellectual leadership. [f he was we would need no faculty. That the faculty has been faltering in this responsibility is a proposition with which the majority of the faculty agrees. Even one pro- fessor who disagreed so far as to call a Daily ditorial "contemptible" unintentionally rati- ied the charge that faculty members are afraid o stand on their opinions by refusing to allow, his name to be revealed in connection with his statement. Y ET, NO ONE has shown any intention of changing. The administration may be charged with blindness for refusing to admit he problem exists; but with what can we charge the faculty: who admits the charge and still takes no steps or indicates no intentions of taking any steps to correct the situation? Perhaps they take it lightly. Perhaps they ise the bigness of the University as an excuse o exclaim, "What's the use?" and'go on about he business of making their daily bread. Per- haps. there! really is an. element of fear that what one says today, though causing no im- nediate excitement, may be used ag'ainst him someday when a promotion is at stake. And, perhaps they just don't realize the im- portance of assuming the responsibility of leadership in handling controversial problems and issues. No doubt the large majority of the faculty, though not all, would agree that to avoid controversial' problems is not the way to solve them. To subscribe to a consensus of thought for convenience's and safety's sake is not the thing to teach young people of col- lege age. What kind of national or interna- bional leaders, or even community leaders, will they make if all they have learned isto accept what they are told? It is fine to teach students how to be critical ogically and how to base opinions on fact, but they must also be taught that these methods must be applied to more problems than can be found in t e textbook. They must be taught that problems are not to be avoided, and that hesitancy to face them might become, under certain circumstances, disastrous. IT IS UP TO the faculty to teach them these things. And the faculty cannot teach these things if they violate them with their own inaction when they refuse to express an opinion except privately to their best friends or anony- mously in print. The student cannot be expected to learn these things despite the apathy of the faculty. The student who presumably comes to the University to develop and mature actually has his maturity delayed. If he had stayed home and worked, he would assimilate into a pattern of life that did not have very many conflicting standards. But at the University, he is in a unique situa- tion. It does him not much good to adjust to it, because he will have to adjust to another and entirely different environment after he graduates. At the same time, he is subjected to an incredible number of conflicting stand- ards-one should be interested in public prob- lems, one should not' speak out,: one should be an intellectual, one should appreciate art and music, one should be free, one should accept the University as a paternal figure, etc. TO CHOOSE from all these standards those that are proper, he needs leadership and guidance. That is what the faculty is for. And the first thing he should be guided into at a university is a realization that he must not be afraid to think for himself and act upon what he finds to be true for him. A faculty cannot teach him that if it contradicts it by example. The student should not be hoodwinked into believing that to object to the status quo in- stead of adjusting to it is always a sign of immaturity. Very few faculty members would submit that conformity equals maturity. But this is one of the conflicting standards-adt- justment versus independent thinking: which is maturity? how much of each is maturity?- that besets every student. And faculty leader- ship is needed to find the answer. These are the formative years in students' thinking, and therefore in their lives. So it is of the utmost importance that they have the best and most fearless of leadership both by word and by example. It is of the utmost im- portance that they have a faculty who is will- ing to shake off apathy and assume the respon- sibilities of leadership. Else they might turn out to be useless to mankind. --JIM DYGERT Daily City Editor f yy tQ ss FROM THE OTHER SIDE: Negative Influence Hurts Prison Education Plan (EDITOR'S NOTE: How much importance can 'positive' edu- cation be when the convict spends his major time in cell-block association with 'negative' values? This problem is discussed in this fourth in a series of prison articles by Earl Gibson, editor of the Jackson prison 'Spectator.') By EARL GIBSON THERE ARE FOUR TYPES of education available in the modern prison: academic, vocational, social and "informal." In some pris- ons the academic program ranges from elementary grade school work right on up to extramural university work. Social education, a newcomer, includes sociodrama and role play- ing groups, Dale Carnegie training and Alcoholics Anonymous groups. The fourth, oldest and perhaps most influential, is that informal education gained on the prison yard and in the cell block. It teaches you to perceive society as "they," the "free world group" and "the other side" of the fence. Under its tutelage you can learn how to crack a safe, swipe a locked car and forge a check. It's as negative (from society's point of view) as the others are positive in their influence. Johnny is an example of an inmate who participated in the aca- demic program as thoroughly as anyone ever has. Serving a long sen- tence for burglary and being a third offender he knew he had a long time to serve with little chance for parole. This dismal view contributed to his changed attitude. He would try improving his academic training with the thought in mind that education would help him adjust on his return to free society. :I e WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: Roy Cohn Back in Spotlight By DREW PEARSONĀ° THERE ARE probably no two people President Eisenhower likes less than Sen. Joe McCarthy and his bosom pal, Roy Cohn, former counsel for the McCarthy committee. This duo did more to cause dissension in the Republican Party than any other two men in the USA, culminating in the Ar- my-McCarthy hearings in 1954. However, the White House, with- out knowing it, has just let Roy Cohn appoint a new member to the all-important Civil Aeronau- tics Board-Joseph Minetti. Minetti is an old friend of Cohns and might be expected to lean in Roy's direction when cases arose affecting Cohn's client, Na- tional Airlines. The way Cohn got his friend Minetti appointed to the Civil Aeronautics Board was astute but simple. Cohn's law partner is Tom Curran, Dewey's Secretary of State and a high-up Republican. So Cohn got Curran to push Minetti's appointment with Chairman Len Hall. HALL ALREADY knew Minetti's father-in-law, Fred Ahern, a Brooklyn Republican leader so, with Curran's endorsement, Chair- man Hall went all out for Minetti. He knew that the Republican par- ty needed to do something to make up for the kick-in-the-pants John Foster Dulles gave Italians when he fired Ed Corsi as immigration adviser. So he insisted on Minet- ti's appointment. Inside fact is' that Louis Roth- schild, the Kansas City depart- ment store owner, now Undersec- retary of Commerce, didn't want Minetti. He opposed him. But Chairman Hall reached over his head, and Minetti was appointed. So without the White House having any idea Roy Cohn was behind the scenes, ex-Sen. Josh Lee wasuousted and Roy Cohn's friend put in his place. Members of the palace guard are rubbing their eyes over what happened but haven't figured out what they will do about it. Note-The CAB vacancy, under law, had to go to a Democrat. Minetti is a bona fide Democrat and close to Carmine Di Sapio, head of Tammany Hall. Some Democrats are grooming him as a possible candidate for Mayor of New York-another reason why the White House is irked over Roy Cohn's neat trick. * * * SEN. DICK NEUBERGER of Oregon is planning an important showdown with the White House on education by moving to restore the education provisions of the GI Bill of Rights. Nothing in years had more im- pact on American education than the provision giving veterans free tuition to continue their studies. It trained 180,000 doctors and nurses, 450,000 civil engineers, 36 preachers, 83,000 policemen and firemen, 113,000 physicists and re- search scientists, and 711,000 skilled mechanics. Yet it was dropped by the pres- ent Administration on Jan. 31, 1955. "While Ike talks about people staying in school longer," says Senator Neuberger, "he abandoned a program which during and after the war raised the average educa- tional level of veterans from the second year of high school through the freshman year of college. "Furthermore, the GI Bill was abandoned at a time of unprece- dented armament profits and when aircraft stocks, based largely on military orders, had soared off the boards." * * *0 SO NEUBERGER will reintro- duce the GI Bill of Rights. a Note-One of the great pleas of Admiral Strauss, Chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission, is the need for more education and more young American scientists. John Hollister, law partner of the late Sen. Bob Taft, now Ike's head of Foreign Aid, is due to resign. He is boiling mad at John Foster Dulles for increasing aid to India by $10,000,000-without even cnosulting Hollister. As a result Hollister will probably bow out, then team up with right-wing Re- publicans in opposing foreign aid. (Copyright, 1956, by Bell Syndicate, Inc.) U Student Sees Red Danger Here IN A SIX-YEAR period he completed his high school work, a complete course in mechanical drafting and several credits toward a university degree. Facilities were available for practical experience in drafting work and his future looked bright when he was paroled five years after having completed his academic training. In six months he was back in prison much to his own consterna- tion and disappointment as well as to the officials who had held such bright hopes for him. What happened? Certainly he had not been lacking in sincerity and ambitions. Nor had he lacked an opportunity upon being released from prison. He had been successful in getting a job in a draftingoffice, and an average middle class family home in which to live. "I just didn't fit in. People would be friendly to me and I'd feel strange and out of place. I'd forgotten a lot of little things: the every- day courtesies. And how do you explain to fellow employees where you've been for the past eleven years? "What do you do when you know that your girl friend has been told of those years? It was all those things, when added one to the other, that made me feel like a square peg in a round hole. I started to drink again and from there one thing led to another. So, here I am..:". This sort of pattern is an old story among the inmates. As an in- mate I feel the answer lies in the fallacy of believing that academic training alone is the answer to rehabilitation. It gives you knowledge without wisdom and fails to prepare you for what will be encountered in the free world. * s n s IT WAS PERHAPS with this realization that social education was started not too long ago on a formal basis with some of the younger inmates. Through role playing and sociodrama groups some effort is made to prepare the inmate for what he will meet when he returns to his home town. When a man knows how to handle rejection, non-acceptance, and the status of an ex-inmate, he is well on the road to successful com- munity adjustment. The cQmments on academic training also apply to vocational train- ing in prison. Equipping the inmate with a trade is not enough. A car- penter or a painter is just as apt to commit a felony as an unskilled laborer. Something more is needed in the way of social education. A further problem presents itself in the way of experience for the inmate learning a trade in prison. Even well-equipped vocational schools cannot provide an equivalent of practical experience that is needed. George learned tinsmithing during his last sentence and found work in a large shop when he was paroled. "In prison I worked about five hours a day and the rest of the time was taken up with marching to the dining hall, sick parade, in- terviews, standing counts and the many other forms of necessary prison life. I found it hard to get used to getting to work at seven, an hour off for lunch and working through to five. "In the free world shop where I found work, they did things differ- ently. In prison I had something in common with the other inmates in the shop. In this free world job, the other guys were always talking about their clubs, wives and families. I just couldn't get into their conversations." THE INFORMAL education that works its influence upon every inmate is similar to that environmental influence effective in every community. What every citizen becomes is not entirely a result of his formal training in the home, the school or vocation. Instead it is the informal influences of daily life. In prison it is the association on the yard, in the cell blocks and shops that is, in many cases, most effective in determining what ]habits an inmate will acquire and what direction his attitudes and ambitions will take. George repeats a conversation he had had with an older brother after his, George's, release from prison. "But George, you were never like this before you went to prison. You never missed a day's work and were happy on your job. Now you sleep late in the mornings and always hang around with a fast crowd." "Look; I was in for manslaughter with an automobile-not for stealing. Nor am I stealing now. So lay off!" What happened to George during his three years in prison? Informal influences are at work in prison as they are everywhere where men associate in groups. The natural inclination is to desire acceptance when society has incarcerated you for breaking its laws. You feel rejected and the only solace is acceptance from the prison group. ASSIMILATION WITH the group within the prison necessitates at least an understanding of its customs and habits. Codes of conduct and views of right and wrong differ between the free and the prison world. When you come under the influence of the latter it is most difficult to return to the former. Here, then, is the informal type of education as it works upon the prisoner. He may digest the lessons of the academic or the vocational school and learn much through the role playing and other groups, but he spends the greater part of his time outside these classes and groups. The time spent with the general group is the most influential and what he learns there seems to have a greater moulding effect upon him. This negative Influence does much in the way of negating the results of the formal-educational programs. SDAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN 'V .'4 n A ti It (EDITOR'S NOTE: The following is a letter to the editor of the "Wall Street Journal" (Dec. 29, 1955) in answer to an article appearing in that newspaper on "Collectivism. on the Campus." Written by University student Robert A. Moeller, a senior in the journalism department, the letter is here printed as one viewpoint concerning "collec- tivism"3 on. the? Michigan campus.) WITHIN THE LIMITS of my college experi- ence I can testify to the fact that speakers' lists are loaded to the Left in almost unvarying consistency,. Textbooks in many sensitive back- ground courses on world and domestic political affairs arg stacked decks for the fellow-traveler outlook. Far too many speakers and professors end- lessly lean over backward to apologize for Soviet dictatorship and territorial aggrandize- muents, while applying with equal fervor, the label of "unconscious Fascists" to those indi- viduals who oppose Communism and Commun- ists here and abroad, as well as any other form of totalitarianism, anywhere, at any time. 'To the extent that all this is opinion, the right to entertain such beliefs cannot be denied. But to the extent that this interpretation in- vades the curriculum and the speakers' lists to the total exclusion of opposite viewpoints and the neglect of historical fact, it is mis-educa- tion in its most bigoted form. Reader, Patterson misses the point when he implies that since college students constitute only 10 percent of the total population, there is no reason to be alarmed at the effects of their continual subjection to pro-Communist or anti- anti Communist propaganda. It is a fact that a very considerable majority of that 10 percent becomes the most articulate and active opinion-makers and leaders in their professions and communities across the nation. The embryo businessman, lawyer, doctor, pub- lic official, or journalist of today is getting the "hard sell" from the Leftists. Many of his regular assignments call for an exclusive diet of Leftists' books or publications, his class notes consist entirely of the economic or political pronouncements of a collectivist or Soviet apolo- gist, and the only speakers he can listen to are of the same ilk. He is preponderantly conditioned to accept their point of view, and in far too many cases he does because he lacks the time or is not offered the opportunity in his courses to study both sides. If he chooses to be an individualist, searches for the facts on his own time, and onme nn with a nonservative view his intel- swallowed it in a process of forced feeding. Mr. Patterson again misses the point when he implies that the variety and extent of offer- ings in mass media in the U.S. demonstrate that collectivist professors and speakers are but a small influence on the student mind.. For the most part, the college student is exclusively exposed in his curriculum to the Leftist line of books, magazines, newspapers, speakers, commentators, and columnists, not merely Leftist professors. Readership studies show that individuals tend to seek only those opinion mediums that reinforce already en- trenched viewpoints. Since he is taught in college that the Leftist line is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, while opposite 'views are written off as dishonest, reactionary propaganda, he seeks only those opinion mediums that reinforce this viewpoint, regardless of the 'extent and diversity of the media offerings available. Thus the vicious circle of mis-education by total elimination of the conservative viewpoint from the college curriculum steadily widens. Brother, Can You Spare A Dime? THE WASHTENAW COUNTY March of Dimes is more than half over, and it is almost $50,000 under its goal. Of the $57,600 expected, only $9,570 has been collected to date. Ann Arbor residents can be proud, that $6,703 of the amount collected belonged to them. However, it is only fitting that Ann Arbor totals should top the rest of the county, since it was here that the first weapon against the dread polio was forged. The success of the Salk vaccine, despite the Cutter problem last year, is probably one of the main reasons contributions this year are so low. People may think that, now that the vaccine has been proven, there is no longer any need for the March of Dimes. Quite the contrary-the need has never been greater. Money is needed desperately for fur- ther research into therapy and improvement of the vaccine. The March of Dimes also helps pay for the free vaccine received by so many youngsters. If there is to be a complete victory over the paralyzing disease, more vaccine must be made n-- iT h n#n r+nn - -mTorsof stitir n ,i LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Asks for More Discussion, n Debate Suggestions... To The Editor: WHILE I can quite understand the indignation of some of my colleagues at the accusation that they are intimidated or cowed in- to conformity by social and ad- ministrative pressure (which, I think, has been much exaggerat- ed), I prefer to raise another sort of question arising out of recent articles and editorials in The Daily. Do we have enough discus- sion of public affairs on this cam- pus? In pointing this matter up, I think The Daily has done us a real service. Too often, the friction of mind against mind is lacking, both within and without the class- room, and without friction we do not get intellectual sparks. I hope it will be possible to re- vive the old Spring Parley, in which a student-selected faculty panel had to answer student ques- tions on topics selected by a stu- dent committee. I think it was one of the best things which ever hap- pened to Michigan. There might also well be a considerable exten- sion of other public debates and discussions. Thisbeing"a campaign year, we may hope that Young Re- publicans and Young Democrats (and any young third party which the year may produce) will be ac- tive; but I wish also for a revival of non-partisan political clubs which were once flourishing on this namnis _s u nchas FrdFd- ciologist, an economist and a biolo- gist on the good and evil possibili- ties in the rising birthrate. Or such topics as: "Shall We Rearm Germany?", "Who Should Represent China?", "Is 'Abstract Act' a Discovery or a Racket?", "Should Atomic Power Be Made a Monopoly of the United Nations?", "Should a Quota System Be Main- tained for Immigration?", "Should College Education Be for the Ma- jority?"-all of which intersect several departments. The life of the medieval university was the "disputation" and I do not think it has lost its value. .-Prof. Preston Slosson Department of History Realization of Fact... To The Editor: OLNE OF THE functions of a newspaper is to serve on oc- casion as the voice of conscience of the community. Daily senior editors last week gave voice to that conscience in anaeditorial long overdue. That the intellectual vitality of this University community has been stagnating over the course of the last several years is an alarming and lamentable fact. That it has come to a point where students themselves are aware of the situation is an indication that the process must be rather ad- vanced. the heritage which is its very rea- son for existence and becomes a mere trade school for turning out successful scientists, business men and professional people. -Eugene L. Hartwig, '58L Different View ... To The Editor: EDITORIALS have a great deal of merit in that in taking an extreme point of view, they prick people's minds and prompt serious thinking.r The five points cited by the senior editors in Friday's Daily must be evaluated in terms of the obvious functions of any good newspaper and tempered with' as- pects of the matter not presented in the editorial. I have never found any profes- sor unwilling to discuss any perti- nent question. Such discussion need not always occur in the class- room. There are legitimate reasons for any teacher not to discuss all issues thrown to him by his stu- dents; they may not be particu- larly pertinent to the current task of the class, or a teacher may hon- estly feel unprepared to discuss them and still be of intellectual use to the student in his class. There are other reasons but the important consideration is that teachers are not only willing, but anxious to discuss matters of in- tellectual importance with any I 1 1 THE Daily Offidial Bulletin is an official publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsi- bility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room $553 Administration Building before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. Notices will have late permission until 11:00 p.m. during the final exam period, starting Jan. 23. Late Permission: The following houses have been approved for using the trial late permission system next semester. No other houses have been a'thordze4. i