ZIff- MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNLSDAY, THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNISDAY, Murnan Sees Performers Come, Go ' 24 7l By TAMMY MORRISON "Just about everyone except Tallulah." That's the way the roster of well-known performers who have appeared in Ann Arbor reads. And the man who has seen them come and go for more than, 40 years fingered his keyring and smiled. He is James Murnan, pres- ent manager of the Lydia Mendel- ssohn Theatre. He has been associated with Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre since 1931. Previous to that he helped his father, the manager of the old Whitney Theater downtown. " Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre was built in 1929, the gift of Detroit industrialist Gordon Mendelssohn in memory ofhis mother, for whom it was named. Known for its perfect acoustics, the Theatre is booked almost all year round, and plays host to such diversified groups as the speech department, Drama Season, Gil- bert and Sullivan Society, the French and Spanish plays, Jun- ior Girls' Play, the Ann Arbor Civic Theater, Galens, music school concerts and some religious groups. It is in use almost con- stantly from October to August. Areas of professionalism range from the Equity casts of the Pra- ma Season "right down to the speech department youngsters that hope, like Ruth Hussey and Mar- tha Scott once did," Murnan said. Ann Arbor tneater history was made in the old Whitney, now torn down, where original cast legitimate plays were presented, and the Majestic, which played host to such vaudeville greats as Bert Williams and the Astaires. "Several shows a week made Ann Arbor very important theatrical- ly," Murnan said. Throughout the "NEW EDITION"' Musical Moods in Color THE REX SMITH ORCH ESTRA Eight musicians now booking February through May. Write: % Munith, Michigan Phone: a- nJackson) State 4-7371 Also booking Hammond Organ as a single or with small combo. country it was considered one of the best one-night stands and one of the poorest matinee stands, probably because audiences were for the most part composed of students and faculty who are busy during the day. "Ann Arbor audiences have al- ways been considered one of the more responsive in the Nation," Murnan continued."Al Jolson once told my father that students had a reaction that other audiences lacked and they always 'got' his jokes immediately." Murnan grew up with the bustle and glamour of the theater all around him. When he was a little boy, the great Otis Skinner gave him an autograph album. He now has about 700 autographs. Murnan is convinced that thea- ter sense has changed quite a bit since the heyday of the Whitney and Majestic, although people still go to the theater to be enter- tained. "Now there are more peo- ple who go for the 'problem' type of play," he said. Murnan sees today's big prob- lem as lack of experience. "Since stock and vaudeville have van- ished," he said, "there's no place for a young actor to go out and try his wings. Big stars used to have proteges, but that sort of thing isn't done today." q e OrganizationI Notices English Journal Club: Mr. Gerald Levin will discuss "The Pessimism of Joseph Conrad," Jan. 19, 8:00 p.m., West Lecture Room (Mezzanine). * * * Episcopal Student Foundation: There will be no Inquirer's class Jan. 19, 8:00 p.m., Canterbury House. * * * Gothic Film Society: Revision of con- stitution to be considered, Jan. 23, 8:00 p.m., Rackham Amphitheatre. * * * . Hillel Foundation: Beginning and in- termediate classes in Hebrew instruc- tion, tonight, 8:00 pm., Hillel. Religious Committee meeting, today, 4:15 p.m., Hillel. * * * Inter-Arts Union: Anyone interested in joining Inter-Arts or bringing Pete Seeger to Ann Arbor, come to the Gen- eration office, first floor of the Student Publications Building, tonight, 7:30 p.m. * . . International Center and Internation- al Students Association: Tea, Jan. 19, 4:30 to 6:00 p.m., International Center. * * * Ullr Ski Club: Meeting, Rm. 3M, Union, today, 7:30 p.m. MICHIGAN DAILY CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES LINES 1 DAY 3 DAYS 6 DAYS 2 .66- 1.47 2.15 3 .77 1.95 3.23 4 .99 2.46 4.30 Figure 5 average words to a line. Classified deadline, 3 P.M. daily. 11:00 A.M. Saturday Phone NO 2-3241 HELP WANTED TEACHER WITH ,DEGREE needed full or part time for established nursery school. Box 14D, Michigan Daily. WANTED: One housemother. Experi- ence or qualifications unnecessary. Anything is better than what we have now. Adelia Cheever House. )69H FINANCIAL & ECONOMIC ANALYSTS EXCEPTIONAL opportunity immediately available with new company, division of Ford Motor Company, for men with analytical experience in accounting or economics. Desirable that appli- cants have some experience in con- troller functions with contact in Financial, Cost Analysis, Industrial or Public Accounting. Degree in Bus. Ad. required. Assignments diversi- fied. Salary commensurate with quali- fications. Apply in person or write to Ford Motor Company, Special Products Division, 116400 Michigan Ave., P.O. Box 637, Dearborn, Michi- gan. )H67 WANTED - Carriers for the Michigan Daily. Excellent salary. Morning de- livery, no collecting. Call NO 2-3241. )29H WANTED-cab drivers. Full or part time. Apply 113 S. Ashley, Ann Arbor. Yellow and Checker Cab Company, phone NO 8-9382. )6H PERSONAL FOR SALE MEN'S SKIS, Harnesses, and Poles. Ex- cellent Condition. Reasonable. Phone NO 8-7664. )117B STOVE, gas, thermostated Even with glass door, 4 burners, counter top, good condition. $40. Call NO 2-1966. )B115 SIAMESE KITTENS for sale. Papers available. Siamese cat stud service. 'NO 2-9020. )104B ARMY-NAVY type Oxfords-$6.88; Sox, 39c; Shorts, 69c; military supplies. Sam's Store, 122 E. Washington. )4B COOKED and cleaned select "cocktail shrimp for the party, get-togethers at Washington Fish Market, 208 E. Washington, NO 2-2589. Free delivery. )3B STUDENTT ROOM RUG SPECIAL 9x12 cottons, all colors, priced on sale now at $29.95 SMITH'S CARPET STORE 207 E. Washington NO 3-5536 REAL ESTATE NEARLY NEW 4 bedroom ranch, $1,500 down, $75 monthly; near shopping and bus. Price $8,950. Roswell Dillon, Realtor. NO 3-4154. Eves. NO 5-4432 or NO 8-9030. )4R LOST AND FOUND LOST-Gold earring with initials G. J. P. Vicinity Masonic Temple. Call Rail, NO 2-1238. )A110 FOUND-K&E slide rule-West Engine Bldg. Owner inquire Room 307 Mich. Hse. West Quad. )109A FOR RENT 2 BEDROOM HOUSE unfurnished in ex- cellent location. May take possession on or about 15th of February. For additional information contact Mr. Lewis Zahn, NO 3-5450. )38C USED CARS 1948 DODGE-Top condition. $150. NO 2-4895, after 6. )109N '47 CHRYSLER- Radio, Heater, "E" Sticker. Runs good, $55.00. Call NO 2-2252. )116B 1946 CADILLAC convertible-1948 Dodge coupe. Best offer over $175 takes ei- ther car. Bob's Service, 4990 Whitmore' Lake Rd. )108N 1955 MERCURY-6,000 actual miles. Au- tomatic shift. $2,295. (Sold new -- $3,300). Jim White, Inc. 222 W. Wash- ington. NO 2-5000. )106N 1951 DODGE, 4-door, radio and heater. Automatic transmission. A good run- ning car. $395.00. Jim White, Inc. 222 W. Washington. NO 2-5000. )102N 1950 MERCURY, 2-door, overdrive. A good running car, $195. Jim White, Inc., 222 W. Washington, NO 2-5000. )103N 1949 FORD 4-door, black, radio & heat- er, good rubber. Runs good. $215. Jim White, Inc., 222 W. Washington, NO 2-5000. )104N 1950 BUICK SPECIAL-2 door, one owner car. University Oldsmobile, 907 N. Main, NO 3-0507. )95N '50 PLYMOUTH Stationwagon, heater, turn signals. Very nice shape. $445, University Oldsmobile, 907 N. Main, NO 3-0507. )85N '50 PLYMOUTH--2 door sedan, real nice car. $345. University Oldsmobile, 907 N. Main, NO 3-0507. )86N 1950 FORD V-8 2-door in excellent shape. $395. University Oldsmobile. 907 N. Main, NO 3-0507 or 2-9626. )72N WANTED TO RENT WANTED--Living quarters for a local elderly woman who is in good healtlA. It must consist of a pleasanthroom and good board 7 days a week. Please give address and details as to what you have to offer and the price. Write Box 13D Michigan Daily. )13L CARS FOR RENT AVIS RENT A CAR or truck for local or long distance use. Reasonable daily, weekly or hourly rates. Nye Motor Sales, Inc., 210 W. Washington St. NO 3-4156. )S85 BUSINESS SERVICES WIFE OF STUDENT would like to care for small child, days. Inquire at 544 Thompson-Mrs. Griffith. )28J TYPING - Theses, Term papers, etc. Reasonable Rates, Prompt Service, 830 South Main, NO 8-7590. )15J RE-WEAVING-Burns, tears, moth holes rewoven. Lct us save your clothes. Weave-Bac Shop, 224 Nickels Arcade. )4J RICHARD MADDY-VIOLINMAKER Fine, old certified instruments and bows. 310 8. State. NO 2-5962. )2J SERVICE SHOP; 1217 S.A. Studio. 1317 S. Univ. )1J HI-Fl Components and Service Audio- phmile, net prices. Telefunken Ni- Fl, AM-FM shortwave radios. Serv- ice on all makes of radios and phono- graphs. Ann Arbor Radio and TV, 1217 S. University. Phone NO 8-7942. 1% blocks east of East Eng. )1J WASHINGS -- Also ironings privately. Specializing in cotton dresses. Free pick up and delivery. Phone NO 2- 9020.')9J TRANSPORTATION ANYONE DRIVING to Boston or New York? Either one or two passengers, Both drive. Call Rm. 4539, Stockwell. )340 WOULD YOU LIKE to drive my car to Montreal during February or March? I will pay gas and oil. Phone NO 3- 6709. )320 Drive a new-car to Florida-California Seattle, Denver, Shreveport, La. Gas paid. No waiting. 2465 Grand River Detroit, Mich. (downtown) Call Woodward 1-3990 )210 # I i1 FOUR MAN campus apartment. Bath, WANTED:9Tutor for E E 180. Harley. kitchen facilities. $180 per month. NO 2-3219. )84F Call NO 3-3107. )C37 CONVERT your double-breasted suit to a new single breasted model. $15. Double breasted tuxedos converted to single breasted $18 or new silk shawl collar $25. Write to Michaels Tailor- ing Co., 1425 Broadway, Detroit, Mich- igan for free details or Phone WOod- ward 3-5776. )83F FEB GRADS-last call for low student subscription rates to your favorite mags. Discounts up to 50% on Time, Life, etc. Student Periodical, NO 2-3061. )F82 SAY HAPPY BIRTHDAY the different way. Send friendly greetings to friends by advertising in the MICHI- GAN DAILY CLASSIFIED Section. BOARDERS BOARDERS WANTED. Good food. Reas- onable rates. Call Bradford Barr. NO 2-9431. )9S IMMEDIATE possession new 2 bedroom duplex. Strictly modern, close to shopping and easy transportation. 106 Burwood. Adults only, rent $135.00 per month unfurnished. Call Mrs. White, NO 3-0501 or evenings NO 3-1300. )C36 ROOMMATE to share beautiful apt. 2%m. from campus. NO 8-7672. )35C MALE ROOMMATE wanted to share large apartment. Reasonable. NO 3- 2518. )C34 ROOM AND BOARD WOMEN GRAD STUDENTS; Small co-op House; inexpensive, friendly, comfort- able. Friends Center, 1416 Hill, Doro- thy Gross, NO 2-9890. ) 6E ROOM AND BOARD available in Med. Frat. House on S.U. and Washtenaw. Call NO 2-3215 or. NO 3-8693 for House Mgr. or steward. )5E Read and Use Daily Classifieds ' a - -MM19 Starting JAN. 27 For one week .- LIH EUM ONE WEEK Starting Jon. 27 IiQ -U '.UG ~ CU ? O G OL OO G? O G 0 C O b I U O UQ O Q O O O O i } 0 0 GO O G ? Q A LIMITED. NUMBER. of TICKETS forhe 0 0 0 a 0C "REBELAI RE" Are On Scile At The. A Administrntion Builic .=~s c~c ~~c~c t~c. oii 0 ] C r S c V A'