NEGATIVE INFLUENCE HURTS PRISON (See Page 4) t I -.. T4r Latest Deadline in the State :4aii4 t MOSTLY CLOUDY rv x+ rw a t^+ r+ c VOL. LXVIL No. 80 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 18, 1956 SIX PAGES 4 .__________________I Ridgway 'Correct' Article -Wilson Didn't Pressure General To Stop Fighting Cuts In Army Strength WASHINGTON (R)-Secretary of Defense Charles E. Wilson said 'yesterday he agreed with Gen. Matthew B. Ridgway that Ridgway was opposing cuts in Army strength at a time when President Dwight D. Eisenhower told Congress the Joint Chiefs of Staff had "unanir mously recommended" a new military program. But the Secretary said he didn't recall ever having put pressureI on Ridgway to stop fighting against military reductions while the general was Army Chief of Staff. Congress to Investigate Congressional committees are planning to obtain testimony from Ridgway, who has charged in a magazine article that politics prompted Patriots .Rally TAMPA, Fla. (AP)-- Franklin D. Roosevelt Bloodworth yester- day was accused of assaulting his nephew, Booker T. Wash- ington. The case in Peace Justice Court was postponed until George Washington can be called as a witness. Fast Action Asked On Soil Bank Dulles Adlai Balk Asks On Life Quote Repudiatior Article, Sec. Bill Benson Sends. To Congress _ _i " \ Citizens For Ike' Group Reactivates NEW YORK ()-A group close to President Dwight D. Eisenhower reactivated "Citizens for Eisen- bower" yesterday with a statement they are convinced he will seek a second term if his health allows. - Retired Gen. Lucius D. Clay, an Intimate of the President, joined theother organizers in declaring in a letter to 50,000 former "Citizens" workers: "We are convinced that under present world conditions the Presi- dent will consider it his duty to serve a second term, provided he finds that his health will permit. Hagerty Has No Comment At Washington James C. Hag- erty, preside'ntial press secretary, said there was no,comment from the White House. President Eisenhower's final physical checkup before announc- ing his decision is scheduled for next month. Goal to Enlist Independents Membership is composed largely of persons not holding office and not active in the regular party or- ganizations. The goal is to get out the independent vote, and even some of the Democratic vote, in behalf of President Eisenhower. Meanwhile, in Springfield, Ill., an aide to Gov. William G. Stratton said last night White House advisers knew in advance that President Eisenhower's name would be filed in the Illinois presi- dential preference primary. William W. Downey, administra- tive assistant to Stratton, said Stratton conferred in advance with Sherman Adams, assistant to the President; Attorney Gen. Brown- ell, and Tom Stephens, former White House appointment secre- tary. - k Staebler Not Certain About Investigation Neil Staebler, Democratic State Chairman, said last night that he had "no way of knowing" if or when the Henning's Committee t would investigate his charges against General Motors. "We sent our six point list of charges to Hennings' Senate Elec- tions Subcommittee before Christ- mas," said Staebler, "and these things often don't get acted on for some time." Last Saturday, Staebler accused GM of "pressuring" GOP cam- paign funds from dependent sup- pliers. He said the GOP pledged itself to raise $1,225,000 this way, plus $600,000 from forthcoming Eisenhower Dinners. Staebler claimed that "big com- panies' were buying the major share of these tickets and then distributing them. He challenged the GOP to reveal the names of the ticket buyers, "especially in Genessee County, the home of General Motors." :Court Denies Examinations Harold A. Johnson, accused of slaying his wife and two daugh- ters last week, was denied a sec- and opportunity for lower court examinations in Circuit Court yes- terday morning, 4the Eisenhower Administration to make dangerous cuts in the Army. Sec. Wilson was barraged with questions about the article when he held a news conference at the Pentagon yesterday. Newsmen asked him, for one thing, about Ridgway's assertion that he was "nonplussed" when he read about the "unanimity" of the Chiefs of Staff in the Presi- dent's 1954 budget message to Congress. As one of the Chiefs, Ridgway wrote, he had "most em- phatically not concurred." Ridgway 'Correct' ,"Ithink what he said was cor- rect," Sec. Wilson told the re- porters, adding: "He has continually advocated a higher force level." The Secretary said he has no quarrel with Ridgway, and that "I am sure hes a dedicated officer who has done a great deal for his country." The general's hostility to cuts. in Army strength previously, had been reported as one factor in failure to renew his assignment as Chief of Staff after 22 months in the job. He is now chairman of the board of the Mellon Institute of Industrial Research at Pitts- burgh. Albert Clark Dead At 85- Albert Loring Clark, 85, former University football player, died Monday in Dayton, O. Born in,1870 in Saline, Mich., he graduated from the University in 1893. He taught at Calumet High School, Calumet,, Mich., and at Oak Park High School, Oak Park, Ill. While athletic director at Cook County High School, he helped Amos Alonzo Stagg set up the first indoor relays at the Univer- sity of Chicago. Surviving Clark are his son, Prof. Albert L. Clark of the eng- ineering college and his daughter, Eleanor C. Long, financial editor of the Dayton Journal Herald. WASHINGTON (A)) - Secretary of Agriculture Ezra Taft Benson sent the Administration's new "soil bank" bill to Congress yes- terday and asked quick action. Sen. George Aiken (R-Vt.) in- troduced the bill, described by Sec. Benson in a letter to the Senator as designed to "help our farmers in their valiant efforts to reverse the severe five-year decline in our farm economy." Meanwhile, Chairman Allan El- lender (D-La.) laid before his Sen- ate Agriculture Committee a catch- all draft of proposals which he said "gives us something to work on." Draft Not Final Sen. Ellender explained there was nothing final about this draft, that it "has not received the sanc- tion of the Committee or any of its members." Both the Administration bill and the tentative Ellender draft con- tained proposals for what have become known as the soil bank approach to the problem of mount- ing surpluses and declining farm revenue. Broadly, they call for retire- ment of much cropland from un- necessary production, with f arm- ers who participate being given rewards in cash or in the form of commodities drawn from gov- ernment surpluses. Authorizes Two Proposals Sections of the Benson bill would authorize both thetempor- ary acreage reserve proposal and the longer range conservation re- serve previously urged by the Sec- retary and President Eisenhower. Sec. Benson asked that the acreage reserve program be auth- orized for this and the next three years. He sought authority to cut back as much as 30 per cent of the acreage now approved for 1956, 1957, .1958 and 1959 crops of wheat, cotton, corn and rice. The Secretary would establish limits of participation by indivi- dual farms. The longer range conservation reserve would authorize contracts to remove productive farm land for a period of up to 10 years. --daily-Bill Van Osterhout -Daily-Hal Leeds NORTH CAMPUS DEVELOPMENT-The architect's drawing (left) shows the present plan for location of buildings. Glenn Street runs north from the south central part of the area and curves widely to the east. North of Glenn is the main campus area, which will house Union and library buildings, along with the newly completed Cooley and Phoenix Bldgs. (right). Tentative site for residence halls " z . _ _ ._____ .__ _P _ 11_. .. d d L _. ....L !., L .dS..1 .. ".. . wm' is an L-shaped group of buildings to the west in the artist's drawing. Magazie's Critics Hit. By Ferguson By TED FRIEDMAN Charles W. Ferguson, a Senior Editor of the Readers Digest, vig- orouslyedefended the Digest dur- ing a lecture and tea sponsored by the Department of Journalism yes- terday. "It's circulation is considered by many people, on college campuses in particular, to be aggravating," he said. What critics really resent about the Digest is its success, Ferguson charged. "First they criticised the Bible and now it's the Readers Digest." He stressed what the world's largest-selling magazine is justi- fied in its own viewpoint in spite of the resentment this causes. "You've got an indefinable quality of conviction which is essential for success. It would be a mistake for the Digest to print a cerain type of material merely to attract read- ers." Resentment also often stems from specialized groups who feel they are losing their exclusive claim to certain branches of know- ledge. "More and =more ideas that were once the property of a few people . . . are now getting more and more current," he explained. Ferguson said America is ex- periencing a "cultural explosion," and he deplored "the curse of con- descension" still practiced by most magazines. "We have discovered there is a very serious streak in those people who are generally considered dumb," he said. "The success of the Digest gives the lie to this whole cult of condescension." North Campus Area Still In 'Dream' Stage By VERNON NAHRGANG Although several buildings have been completed, the University's North Campus is still in the "dream" stage.y Many plans have been made and many drawings executed, but there is continual change going on in planning the area known as the north end of campus. Eero Saarinen, head architect for the area, and his associates, outlined the story of.North Campus yesterday before meetings of the Residence Halls Board of Governors and a student committee. Saarinen showed the development of the area from its very con- ception in 1951 up to the planning Langlais Set For Organ Concert Today Jean Langlais, organist from the Basilica of St. Clotilde, Paris, will appear at 4:15 p.m. today in Hill Auditorium. Ste. Clotilde Church, where he is organist, was made famous by such of his predecessors as Cesar Franck, Gabriel Pierne and Charles Tournemire. His concert will include "Pre- lude, Fugue and Chaconne' by Buxtehude, "Cinquieme couplet du 'Gloria, de al Messe a l'usage des Couvents" by Couperin, "Chorale Prelude, 'Schmucke dich, o liebe Selle" by Bach and "Piece Hero- ique" by Franck. These will be followed by "Sep- tieme parole du Christ 'Tout est Consomme" by Tournemiere and "Prelude et Fugue in F minor" by Andre Fleury. Langlais wil conclude his con- cert with a group of his own com- positions. The concert is open to the pub- lic. No admission will be charged. Prof. Valentine Windt Dies After Two-Week Illness . Prof. Valentine B. Windt, 54, director of play production at the University, died early yesterday morning at University Hospital where he had been confined for the past two weeks. A faculty member since 1928, Prof. Windt came here as instructor in speech and director of play production and was promoted to a full professorship in 1950. In addition to speech play production work, Prof. Windt was also director of the University Drama Season, and had culminately directed more than 250 plays in Ann'" - Arbor. 6" " Included in the Ann Arbor plays Con fidenti under his direction were those done by Nell Gwyn's Co., a faculty organization that formerly pro-... duced local plays- ..ยข Born April 8, 1901, in Budapest,... Hungary, Prof. Windt came wtih his parents to the United States at the age of two and attended the New York City public schools. He became a naturalized citizen in 1914. Later, he studied with Boleslav- sky at the New York School of Dramatics for one year. He went on to Cornell University and in 1921 was graduated with a bache- lor of arts degree. After receiving his master of< arts degree from Princeton Uni- versity in 1922, he did graduate work at the Carnegie Institute of Technology Drama School in Pitts- burgh, the American Laboratory Theatre in New York and the Uni- versity of Iowa. that is goirfg on today. Transportation is Problem One of the many early problems of having a second campus was that of transportation between the two campuses. However, with a little develop- ment, Glenn Street has been chos- en as the logical connection be- tween the two areas; Bus service every five minutes will probably do away with the conception of two campuses, and the idea of a north end of campus. According to the latest archi-r tect's drawing, Glenn will be the main entrance to the new area from the south. First buildings to be seen from this route will be the new Union Bldg. and the li- brary. Parking is No Problem These buildings will form the southwest corner of the main campus area, within which no automobiles will be allowed. There will be ample parking space surrounding the area and in strategic locations at various buildings. But all this is still in the plan- ning stage. These buildings and facilities are, more certain than many others, but they are still subject to change. Several buildings have been to- tally or partially completed at this time. These include the Cooley Bldg. in the southwest corner of the main campus area, the Phoenix Bldg. west of the Cooley Bldg., and part of the library stacks and printing building to the south. The automotive laboratory is past the planning .stage and work is beginning on it. At the same time, the Univer- sity, looking toward the future, is still negotiating for additional land around North Campus. What was originally a 217-acre site has been expanded until now it is nearly 500 acres in size, more than double theoriginalearea. Architect Foresees Whole Campus Much of this additional purch- asing was made through the sug- gestions of the architect, who fore- saw a campus area as a whole, ac- cording to the topography of the land. One of the major problems dis- cussed at the meetings yesterday was in regard to the residence 1.,,1_ VA nieiar in th .w g SGC Set To Discuss Proposals Student Government Council will revie'w today a recommenda- tion., effective next fall, that all SGC candidates have six weeks of Administrative" Wing experience prior to election. The recommendation, which will be presented when the Council meets at 7:30 p.m. in the Union would make for more qualified and capable candidates, according to public relations committee chair- man Tom Sawyer, '58. Union President Todd Lief, '56, will present a motion that the coming spring student-faculty-ad- ministration conference be co- sponsored by the Union and SGC. Council Vice-President Joel Tau- ber, '57, is scheduled to present a motion that Council members be allowed an expense account. Also on the agenda is a report from the student conduct study committee which has been looking into problems arising under pres- ent University rules and regula- tions. World News Roundup Dulles: Foreign Aid * *. WASHINGTON W) - Secretary of State John Foster Dulles said yesterday he is sure Congress will help solve the problem of long- range foreign aid as a counter weapon to Russian promises. He is confident of that, he told a news conference, once Congress understands what the Adminis- tration has in mind. The Administration is reported asking for the authority to pledge up to 10 years of economic aid for specified projects, at a possible cost of $1,000,000,000. Such congressional leaders as Sen. Walter George (D-Ga.) and Sen. William Knowland (R-Calif.) have opposed the idea. It would be a departure from the practice of limiting pledges of aid to the amount Congress appropriates each year., Riots in India .. . BOMBAY, India () - Violent, burning rebellion erupted yester- day and blazed through the night in western India against Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru. Rioters representing millions of Indians held Nehru personally re- sponsible for the new decision making Bombay a city apart from surrounding rival states. Political observers said the situa- tion was the worst since the Brit- Secretary Stands Firm On Poicy 'Risk For Peace' Part Of Program WASHINGTON () - Secretary of State John Foster Dulles yes- terday backed away from a mag- azine article which quoted him as saying the Eisenhower Adminis- tration "walked to the brink" of war three times and averted it by "strong action." 1ut he stood firm on what he, termed a "policy of seeking to prevent war by presenting mis- calculation by a potential aggres- sor." He said this "is a calculated risk of peace" and is part of a policy which also includes patience, conciliation and pursuing "every honorable course to avoid" war. Interview Causes Controversy Sec. Dulles spoke out in the midst of a controversy which has raged in Congress and among America's allies over Dulles' In- terview with Life magazine. Meanwhile, in St. Paul, Minn., Adlai, Stevenson called on Pres- dent Dwight D. Eisenhower to re- pudiate the "brink of war" state- ment or fire the Secretary. Stevenson termed the Secretary's action "suicidal folly." Stevenson's views were express- ed at a news conference shotly after he personally filed a slate of delegates pledged to him in the March 20 Minnesota presidential primary election. His filing marked his first entry into a state primary as he launch- ed his second attempt to win the Democratic nomination for presi- dent. 'Ominous Statements' Made "This week has seen two omi- nous and frightening statements," Stevenson said Stevenson referred to state- ments ascribed to Sec. Dulles in the Life magazine article and state- ments in the Saturday Evening Post by Gen. Matthew B. Ridg- way, former Army chief of staff. Gen. Ridgway "has declared that during his tenure Defense Depart- ment decisions were not based on clear cut military needs but on budgetary considerations, on polit- ical considerations, on the advant- age to be gained in the field of domestic politics by. a drastic re- duction in military expenditures, Stevenson said. Sees Danger in Risks "Yet, Secretary of State Dulles has just told us that three times during the last three years he led the American people to the brink of war, with the President's ap- proval-and boasts that such dan- gerous risks are a diplomatic 'art' of which he claims mastery. "I need hardly point out that for this -nation to " walk to the verge of war three times in three years while drastically reducing our military defenses fordomestic political advantage can only be counted suicidal folly." The State Department auditori- um was a packed house for Secre- tary Dulles' news conference yes- terday. The Secretary opened up with a 350-word statement. He differed on at least five different points with the Life article. He insisted he did not want to be drawn intQ a discussion of "the author's vies" although he would not spell out where his views ended and the author's be- gan. Declines Specific Comments He declined, when specifically asked by reporters, to clarify some of these points raised in the arti- cle. For instance, the point that Sec. Dulles "has never doubted" President Eisenhower would treat a Red Chinese attack on the off- China islands of Quemoy and Matsu as an attack on the Nation- alist Chinese stronghold of For- om owih h nie.Sats is at Clerk' Continues Run