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January 15, 1956 - Image 6

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1956-01-15

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JANUARY 15, 1956

By Union
The Student Book Exchange,
ong a source of inexpensive texts,
vill begin operations during regis-
ration under new management.
The Union will become the third
ampus organization to sponsor
he Exchange, following Student
-egislature and Student Govern-
nent Council.
New management will mean a
ew location, and SBX will be
toused on the second floor of the
Jnion addition, one of the first
ses to which the wing will be put
n completion.
The Exchange committee, five!
.ssistant managers and general)
nanager Bill Diamond, '56E, prom-
ses that books will be easier to
nd than in previous years, due
o a new cataloguing system.
Book lists from every depart-
nent in the University will be on
ard to aid customers.
SBX attempts to offer used text-
ooks at lower prices than com-
nercial bookstores by charging
inly, a 10% markup. Students
wishing to sell books set their own
rice, to which the markup is
A low overhead 4is the explana-
ion the Exchange chairmen offer
or the size of the markup.
Students wishing to sell books
,t the exchange may turn them
n to agents in each housing unit
r bring them to the Exchange.
Also, this year the SBX will on-
inate collection booths at regis-
Sales will be carried on from
eb. 8 to Feb. 15.
Books not sold or called for last
ear ordinarily become the prop-
rty of the Exchange, automatical-
yr. However, students may call for
ooks left'last fall on Feb. 8. .
If not picked up then the ENr-
hange will claim possession. .
5igma Rho Tau
Four offices were filled Tuesday
o the elections of Sigma Rho Tau,
ngineering speaking society.
Elected were Ralph M. Grant,
7E, president; Brian M. Moriar-
y, '57E, vice president; Michael J.
/iller, '58E, recording secretary;
Jordon W. Sheill, '59E, 'corres-
onding secretary, and Donald J.
'atterson, 157E, treasurer.

-Daily-Sam Ching
NEW UNION OPERA CHAIRMEN-Road show chairman Jim
Barger, '57E, (left) and General Chairman Don Medalie, '57BAd,
whose appointments were approved Thursday. Petitions are due
tomorrow at the Union desk for general secretary and chairmen
of promotions, program, production and music. Scenarios for
the Opera are due Feb. 13. They will be returned later with
suggestions for development.

I HC Report
Given; Tells
Of Issues
Inter-House Council yesterday
released a 24-page report on its
Residence Halls Conference held
Jan. 7.
The reports, sent to all delegates
and guests to the conference, pro-
vide a permanent record of the
pertinent points brought out in all
12 discussion meetings.
Of all the problems discussed,
under the theme, "Let's Improve
the House," that of the academic
and intellectual phases of the
house recurred most often, dur-'
ing at least five of the meetings.
One cf the phases of' the aca-
demic problem was to what extent
the house and its members should
encourage culture.
One of the groups, discussing
"The Individual Reconsidered,"
suggested that the house "subtly"
introduce its members to culture.
The same group suggested that
this be accomplished by providing
good magazines, hi-fi sets andre-'
cordings, libraries with art books
and popular novels as well as ref-
erence works, displays of art or
photography, and bull sessions.
It also hoped that houses would
invite musical groups and speakers
to the house. They continued ,to
say that the studsents should be
willing to carry this program out.-
Another problem uncovered at
the same session was that most
people do not like to admit they
like these "high brow" activities.
However, they felt that living
in the halls was in itself cultural.
It was added that there might be
some danger of pseudo-intellec-
tuals, who would give the wrong
attitudes to students.,
During a discussion of the Mi-
chigan House Plan at another of
the day's meetings, delegates tookj
a slightly different view of the.!
intellectualism problem.
They felt that intellectual de-
velopment in the house should be
strictly on an individual basis, with
each student finding for himself
the available cultural facilities.
Other problems of the academic
phase of quad life hashed out dur-
ing the discussion periods included
the value of academic counseling
and who should give it.
The only resolution made at the
conference, that IHC should es-
tablish a permanent orientation
committee, was made into a motion
and passed at the last IHC meet-



Prof. Edmund Wooding of the
journalism department explained
he left advertising work after "I
came to the realization that all I
was getting out of advertising was
Wooding, a slow, soft-spoken
man, is credited with such slo-
gans as "The Life You Save May
Be Your Own," "Luckies Have
Gone to War," and "Give the Gift
that Keeps on Giving."
However, he is quick to point
out, you can never be positive you
were the first one to hit upon a
slogan. When he wrote in a maga-
zine that he had authored "Give
the Gift that Keeps on Giving"
for RCA-Victor, the magazine was
soon flooded with counter-claims
to the phrase.
'Couldn't Find a Formula'
"I could never find a formula,"
Wooding said when asked how he
comes across his ideas. "I do my
best creative work early in the
Wooding said he went into ad-
vertising the same way many peo-
ple do-through a combination of
circumstances and chance.
"I'm a product of the depres-
sion. When I got out of college
there was the problem of finding
a job and you weren't too choosy
what it was.
"Originally I wanted to go into
foreign service, then into the ho-
tel business, and finally I wound
up in advertising," he said.
The Full Picture
"I wouldn't discourage anyone
from going into advertising, but
I would want him to see the full
picture," he continued. "From the
outside itmay look glamorous and
exciting," abut he explained there
is more to it than that.
A good creative writer even in
advertising will be a poet at heart.
"As a writer he will feel his first
responsibility is to his readers,"
Wooding said. There is the inevit-
able conflict between the writer's
social responsibility and the Board
of Directors.
"The biggest lure advertising of-
fers is money," he commented. "Ef-
forts are judged by the hard critic
of the cash register. But a writer
has to be sensitive to an audience.
He has to feel their worries, their
needs, their aspirations, their
'Horrible Dilemma'
"Then you have this horrible
dilemma: well, what are you go-
ing to do?" Wooding explained life
for advertisers was like grey

hounds chasing a mechanical rab-
bit, except the rabbit has dollar
bills stuffed in its ears.
"Your bank account may be
bulging, but your soul is a penny
bank," he said.
Wooding has three children.

doubts it will be advertising. "I
have some suspicions of what Pete
might do," he explained, "but I
wouldn't want him to read them.
"Bill has shown some interest
in advertising," he said. Bill is
his 13-year-old who has a fasci-

Wooding Takes Glitter Off Advertising Careers

zie's passion is Roy Rogers. She's
a little love-bug with six-shooters."
Wooding was dropped by a com-
pany the day after Billy was born.
He explains it was actually a co-
incidence, "but it seemed to point
out the inhumanity of it.
'Ruthlessness Not Typical'
"I don't think this ruthlessness
is typical of the whole business
community. In the agency world
you live from day to day almost
at the whim of the client.
"Somewhere along the line the
advertisers are going to have to
wake up." Advertising is typi-
fied by mediocracy, Wooding said.
"While the cost of advertising has
gone up, the effectiveness has
stayed at the same low level."
Advertising's ineffectiveness is
not due to a misunderstanding of
techniques-advertisers have com-
plete mastery of technique-it is
due to a misunderstanding of the
people. "All they have to note is
that while their income has in-
creased, so has their education.
Personal Reward
"I find in teaching what I hoped
for an4 what I was seeking. I find
in it the personal reward - this
grows stronger as the years go on.
"Teaching is an art and it takes
a long time to learn. The learn-
ing process is a terrific challenge.
"Most advertising writers have
feelings of inferiority-they sense
they're not good enough to write
Literature with a capital 'L'."
A A Civic Bllet4

TV Program To Review
Fight To Conquer Polio

-Daily-Sam Ching
.. . Bulging bank accounts and penny bank souls


Dr. Thomas Francis, Jr. will re-
view fifty years of struggle in the
battle to conquer poliomyelitis on
the opening half of the "Univer-
sity of Michigan Television Hour"
at 10 a.m. today over station WWJ-
Dr. Francis, chairman of the
epidemiology department of the
University's School of Public
Health, played a major role in the
fight against polio when he direct-
ed the nationwide 'vaccine field
trials in 1954. The trials culmi-
natied with the announcement of
the success of the Salk polio vac-
Francis made the long-awaited
results public last April 12, ad-
dressing a meeting of leading
members of the medical profession
which was sponsored jointly by
the -University and the National
Association for Infantile Paraly-
Appearing with him oh this
special program will be Dr. Harry
Towlsey; professor of pediatrics in
the University Medical, School.
Prof. Adelia Beeuwkes of Public
Health Nutrition is host for the
The second half of "TV-Hour"
deals with the structure of insur-
ance companies, tracing the growth
of a new social institution from
society's need for better prote-.-
tion. Special guest, Prof. Carl
Fischer from the school of busi-
ness administration, and host Pro-
fessor Douglass Hayes will explain
how insurance rates, premiums
and adjustments are determined.
"An Artist Looks at Life" is the
title of this week's "Understanding
Our World," Monday at 7:30 p.m.
over WPAG-TV.' The fascinating
job of a medical illustrator brings

a wealth of material to the pro-
Rhonda Lopez, medical illustra-
tor at University Hospital, was or-
iginally a ceramic artist special-
izing in techniques of art school,
and professional art world, but now
uses her training to reveal and
reproduce the complex structure
of the human body.
Baha'is Give
Reigion Day
Chester Allen '59L, and Jane
Faily '56, Baha'i co-chairmen, will
discuss the topic, "Religious Lib-
erty," at 3 p.m. today in the
League, as an observance of World
Religion Day.
This is the seventh annual ob-
servance of "World Religion Day"
which the Baha'is have sponsored,
By participating in this commem-
oration Baha'is all over the world
testify to their conviction that the
foundation of all true religions is
"Religious Liberty" will be dis-
cussed from the Baha'is viewpoint
which stresses unity of belief for
all religions. Baha'is emphasize
the idea of broadening the scope
of religious liberty in order to ob-
tain greater spiritual benefits.
Michigan Pastors
To Hold Meeting
Michigan Pastors' conference
sponsored by the University Ex-
tension Service and the Michigan
Council of Churches will be held
tomorrow, Tuesday and Wednes-
day, January 16, 17 and 18, in
the Rackham building.
Pastors of all denominations are
invited to attend the 17th an-
nual meeting of the group. The
problem of atomic energy develop-
ments, after Geneva are among
the topics to be considered by the

Pete, 15, is. the star half-back of nation for foreign autos. "He has
University High School. a little printing press which is his The Ann Arbor Civic Ballet will
Wooding is not sure what field only diversion from sports cars." hold a full rehearsal at 7 p.m. to-
Peter plans to go into, but he The youngest child is six. "Su- morrow at 603 E. Liberty.


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(Continued from Page 4)
Doctoral Examination for Edwin von
Boventer, Economics; thesis: "The
Impact of Three Business Recessions in
the United States on the Rest of the
World," Mon., Jan. 16, 101A Economics
Bldg., at 4:00 p.m. Chairman, D. B.
Doctoral Examination for Dah-Cheng
woo, Civil Engineering; thesis: "Study
of Overland Flow," Mon., Jan. 16, 307
West Engineering Bldg., at 1:30 p.m.
Chairman, E. F, Brater.
Doctoral Examination for Louis Ben-
jamin Fraiberg, English Language &
Literature; thesis: "The Use of Psycho-
analytic Ideas by Literary Critics," Mon.,
Jan. 16, East Council Room, Rackham
Bldg., at 3:00 p.m. Chairman, N. E.
Doctoral Examination for Michel Aziz
Saad, Mechanical Engineering; thesis:

"Evaporation and Combustion of Single
Fuel Droplets in a Hot Atmosphere,"
Mon., Jan. 16, 201B West Engineering
Annex, at 9:00 a.m. Chairman, J. A.
Placement Notices
The following school will have a
representative at the Bureau of Ap-
pointments to interview teachers for
positions starting Sept., 1956.
Mon., Jan. 23:
Manhasset, New York (Five Suburban
Long Island Districts)-Teacher Needs:
Counselor (Senior High); Adult Edu-
cation (secondary); English (secondary);
Junior High Core; Math and Science;
Intermediate Grades; Boys Physical Ed.
(Senior High); Girls Physical Ed (Jun-
ior High); Home Economics; Librarian;
Speech and Dramatics (Senior High).
For additional information and ap-
pointments contact the Bureau bf Ap-
pointments, 3528 Administration Build-
ing, NO 3-1511, Ext. 489.

Monday through Saturday, 9:30 to 5:30

III'', I

Store Hours:


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See your Student
Book Exchange Representative
in your housing unit.. .
and for your convenience

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