Sixty-Sixth Year EDTED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 The Boys At The Dike When Opinions Are Free, Truth Will Prevail js Y 1.?^ f F ,f >' § F ,+KRV x I. i , 1' M OOV OF PPAFESSIONAL t Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily are -uwritten by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. This must be noted in all reprints. FRIDAY, JANUARY 13, 1956 NIGHT EDITOR ERNEST THEODOSSIN Unrealistic Laws No Solution 4 To College Drinking SEVERAL recent drinking incidents culminat- prevent stealing only because they work with, ing in the prosecution of a local restaurant instead of against, the society they protect. on charges of serving liquor to minors lead to The general rule that minors need to be reflections on Michigan's and Washtenaw governed and their morals imposed from above County's archaic drinking laws. is no doubt true. It is nonetheless folly to im- Noalcoholic beverage of any sort may be pose a moral code which is laughed at. What served to minors (under 21 years old) in the does it accomplish? The few who are foolish state of Michigan. In addition, Washtenaw enough ;to be indiscreet are punished and the County prohibits oirer-the-counter sale of all rest learn to be more careful. liquors save wine and beer. The University Treatment of the driving situation is an ex- prohibits presence of liquor in student apart- ample of an intelligent approach to a similar ments, regardless of age. problem. The, existing law was ridiculously A discussion of the wisdom of such laws in- outmoded. It was not practical to allow every- volves more than the frequently debated ques- one to drive. So a compromise was adopted tion: Should teen-agers drink? It involves, to and the pending law, which is both reasonable some extept, recognition that, regardless of and enforceable (by dint of stiffer penalties), whether they should drink, they do. should ease what was a constant thorn to ad- During prohibition the country learned, the ministrators and students. hard way, that morals can be legislated only The answer is perhaps to be found in edu- within limited bounds. cation rather than prohibition. In New York, Imposing laws on the community which com, which allows drinking at 18, many schools have mand no respect is worse than no laws at all. mandatory health courses where drinking it. The state, county and University laws prohibit- treated frankly and sanely. ing drinking do not stop students under 21 from drinking. They are unenforceable, for the most 'WTHAT Michigan needs is a frank realization part, and laughed at by students who, properly of fact and a sane, realistic treatment of so, consider them absurd and unrealistic. Fur- a' serious problem. What they have now, at there, the laws encourage hypocrisy and a dis- the state, county and University level, is worth- respect for law itself. less. Teen-age college students are always going IN ORDER for a law to be enforceable the 'to drink. It would be a great deal wiser to try community must have a basic belief in it. and keep reasonable drinking within bounds If the great bulk of people in a society believed than to naively assume the problem vanishes stealing was justified and right it would be with the strict enforcement of unrealistic laws. useless to outlaw it. Police authorities can -LEE MARKS New Voice in the South I j 4 F~e~ R'Jp J ~ ~ V / 2'- i 1 i I 71- w F i 8 Y T. i cuj a f j f T: * 'C\ _ i I, fT11ff, ^ at V; L. ,. ,io!(i . 9 ' }X'~1 ."- d~ "Qtgtfr r hs+4iw dt" P04G '*" +*. WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND:. Raiding Virginia Moonshiners By DREW PEARSON A NEW MARK has been passed in the fight against Jim Crow. In the heart of the deep South, Montgomiery, Alabama, an event has occurred breaking all precedent. There has always been resistance to white supremacy on the part of a Negro here and a Negro there. But never have the Negroes acted as a unified, single group in defiance of the white man. It began with the arrest and conviction of Mrs. Rosa Parks, a Negro seamstress, for re- fusing to yield her seat to a white person on a city bus. The bus driver explained he told Mrs. a'rks to give up her seat in order to "equalize" seating facilities.. The night following the conviction, Alabama Negroes held a mass meeting in which they programmed a campaign to boycott the city bus company. Negro patronage fell pff the next morning by 90 per cant and is now nearly 100 per cent down. The boycott has been going for over a month and the bus company has cited losses averaging 22 cents a mile. Fares have been raised 50 per cent and mileage has been reduced by 31 per cent. The Negro citizens have demanded that com- pany drivers show greater courtesy towards Ne- gro riders and that Negroes should not be forced to yield seats to whites. If these de- mands are not met, the boycott will continue. FOR THE FIRST time Negroes are learning not to be afraid to assert their rights. In many cities in the South the Negro population outnumbers the white. The whites only retain their supremacy by keeping the Negro aware of who his "betters" are. 'But now the Negroes are finally putting their foot down. There is no need for violence. There is no need for economic pressure from the North. The white man really can't give the Negro equality. Only the Negro can take it for him- self-which he is doing. -TED FRIEDMAN (EDITOR'S NOTE: Mr. Pearson ac- companied the Virginia Alcohol Tax Unit in order to televise a raid on a still outside of Roanoke, Va. The ac- count will be continued tomorrow.) IN ROANOKE, in order not to at- tract attention, I registered at the Ponce de Leon Hotel under the name of "A. R. Pearson," which I haven't used for years and which goes back to the name I was cliristened, "Andrew." Short- ly thereafter we were in a huddle with Col. Tom Bailey, Chief En- forcement Officer for Dwight Avisj and the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax Unit; also Walter Elmore, his top agent in Southwest Virginia; and Harry Lieberman of the Washing- ton office. Elmore reported that he had located a big 600-gallon still in an old apple-packing barn in the Blue Ridge Mountains about 15 miles from Roanoke and had just come back from inspecting it. He had climbed over a small mountain ridge in the dark in order to come up on the still from behind, and found a piece of paper in the door, probably put there so the moonshiners could tell if some prying agent had dropped in to inspect their work. MR. ELMORE said he had been careful not to disturb the door or make too many tracks in the snow, but had looked through, and with his flashlight could tell that the vats of mash were bubbling and about ready to run. "They'll have to start working tonight or in the morning," he ex- plained, "or the mash will get too ripe. They probably set their mash early this week and then will come back to work it tonight. "One of our lookouts saw a truck go up the valley toward the apple barn just about twilight," Elmore explained, "and it's prob- ably loaded with jars ready to be- gin work." We discussed for some time the strategy and timing of the raid. * * * COLONEL BAILY finally decid- ed that it would be better to start in the morning. Early next day we were up and off by car to a little ravine tucked away in a foothill of the Blue Ridges about 15 miles from Roan- oke. In the party, in addition to the' men already named, were A. H. Mucciano, David L. Price, Cecil E. Kline, Thomas B. Stevens, Fred H. Murrell and Raymond Bevins, all of the Alcohol Tax Unit; with the following members of the Vir- ginia ABC (Liquor Control) Board: Wayne Prillaman, George A. Mar- tin, -R.P. Richardson, and W. W. Moore. I had not realized before what perfect teamwork exists between the Virginia and other state auth- orities and the federal agents. A. L. Fulcher, in charge of Virginia ABC Enforcement, was with us and his men worked with the ATU agents as if they were one team. * * * WE SPLIT up at the mouth of the ravine, six men together with my cameraman, Bert Spielvogel, and me going up over the moun- tain ridge to come down on the other side from the rear. The other men were to sneak up a ravine and approach the barn from the front. The raid was timed:for 12:30 noon. As we stood and waited for the zero hour I learned something about the work of the Revenue agents. I had not realized how much rum-running and moonshin- ing still continues despite the end of Prohibition. These agents had been working for hours. Most of them had been up all night. Elmore had climbed that tough mountain ridge three times in 24 hours, twice in the night. Most of them put yin a 60- hour week. In truth they are the unsung enforcement heroes of the nation, their diligence saving the taxpayers millions of dollars. Finally it was 12:15. The men would be up the ravine in another 15 minutes. Elmore and I started down an old apple-orchard trail toward the barn and the moon- shiners. We could see the barn but had no idea whether they were inside. (Copyright, 1956, by Bell Syndicate, Inc.) "FROM THE OTHER SIDE" A Six-Part Series Beginning tomorrow T h e Daily will feature the first in a six-part series entitled: "From the Other 'Side," the story of today's prison and today's pris- oner. It was written by Earl Gib- son, Editor of the Jackson pris- on "Spectator," an inmate of the institution, He writes: "These articles do not provide-the reader with the bizarre, the sensational, the dramatic . . . I never went to college, in fact I never went to high school. "But from what little I know ' of college newspapers, especial- ly one of the size and prestige , of yours, your students and : alumni and other readers would enjoy this reading because they' would be reading plain bread and butter facts." This special Daily series will continue through next week ' and be resumed -next semester.. AT THE MICHIGAN: 1HOuse' Is Competent Thriller Three law school students be- came weary with the routine of university life. "Five Against the House" shows their efforts to create excitement: they plan to rob Harold's Bar in Reno. The student who originates the skillful plan makes it clear the idea is done with the goal in mind of being the first person to achieve an apparently impossible feat. He plans to return the money as soon as the plan succeeds. However, one of the three stu- dents, played by Brian, Keith, is a Korean War veteran subject to savage attacks caused by a severe head-wound. He becomes con- vinced that it is his right to get the money at all costs. * * * AT GUNPOINT, he involves an- other war-veteran, Guy Madison, and his girl friend, Kim Novak, in performing the robbery seriously. The story moves quickly and the direction builds to a climax which is tense and believeable. Robbing a gambling-house open twenty- four hours a day with 10,000 people in-and-out of it daily, calls for a plan both clever and credible. Although it is not probable a group of law students would plan and execute such an idea for the sake of personal satisfaction, the film is such that it becomes total- ly possible. * * * DURING SEVERAL university scenes in the early sections of the picture, some creditable comic scenes connected with the tradi- tional bewildered freshman are carried out nicely. As the dramat- ic depth increases with the reali- zation of the motives of the wound- ed man, the comic vanishes and is replaced with a well-contrasted at- mosphere of mortal danger. Brian Keith is outstanding in the film. His change from the cool, cocky war-hero and prac- ticed lover to a snarling and me- thodical killer, is a competent ex- hibition of acting. ' . * * IT IS FORTUNATE that his is by far the most important and necessary role in the film, since, the acting of his two co-stars, Guy Madison and Kim Novak, the two lovers, lacks that certain quality which makes a character alive or even interesting. On the other hand, Alvey Moore and Kerwin Matthews, the other two students, are both sincere and alive in their roles. -Culver Eisenbels LETTERS to the EDITOR L The Lighter Side... To the Editor: R. PHIL Benkhard's article on the review of The Boston Pops Orchestra was completely out of control. This article was defin- itely bad news. First of all, the attitude of this University is that music should be superficially aesthetic, and utter- ly lacking in the lighter aspect of its context. We attended this con- cert with the anticipation of lis- tening to pleasant strains of music and were gratified at the final re-; eslt s DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN THE Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsi- blty. Notices hould be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to -Room 3553 Administration Building before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. Notices for the Sunday edition must be in by 2 p.m. Friday. BRIIAY, JANUARY 12 1956 VOL. LXVII, N6. 75 General Notices Student Government Council. Su mary'of action taken Jan. 11, 1956: Approved: Minutes of meeting O Jan. 4; Established date for spring election, March 27, 28; Cinema Guil showing, Feb. 6. Endorsed: Code for administration of the University Automobile Regula- tions - to be submitted to the Regents. Heard progress report of the rushing study committee. Directed Elections committee to again examine the possibility of requiring Administrative Wing experience prior to running for the Student Government Council, and report definite recom- mendations for consideration by the Council at its meeting of Jan. 18. Examination Period: Please note that final examinations at the end of the first semester of the University year 1955-56 begin on Mon., Jan. 23, and end on Thurs., Feb. 2. The final day of regularly scheduled classes is St, Jan. 21. There will, for this semester, be no ."dead period" between the end of classes and the examination period. Lectures Dr. C. M. Pomerat, Professor of Cytol- ogy, Medical Branch, University of Texas, Galveston. "Current Studies in the Field of Microbiology With the Use of Tissue Cultures." (with moving pie- tures). Fri., Jan. 13, 4:00 p.m., Audi- torium, School of Public Health. Concerts ' Band Concert, 8:30 p.m. tonight, Hill Auditorium. University Symphony Band, william D. Revelli, Conductor, with George Cavender Assistant Conductor and Ralph Hermann, Guest Conduc- tor. The Vienna Choir Boys will be heard in the Choral Union Series in Hil Auditorium, Sun., Jan. 15, 2:30 p.m. A limited number of standing room tickets-are on sale at the offices of the University Musical Society in Buron Tower daily, until noon Sat., and un, afternoon after 1:30, at the Hill Audi- torium box office. Student Recital, 4:15 p.m., Bun., Jan. 15, in Aud. A, Angell Hall, by Sally Luta, pianist, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bache- lor of Music. Miss Lutz is a pupil of Marian Owen, and her recital Will be open to the general public. Academic Notices Psychology Colloquium and History Club: Dr. F. Wyatt of the Psychology Dept. and Dr. W. B, Wilcox of -the' History Dept. will discuss "Clio on the Couch: the Use of Psychology in His- torical Explanation." Fr., Jan. 13, 4:15 p.m., Angell Hall Aud. A. Astronomical Colloquium. Fri., Jan. 13, 4:15 p.m., the Observatory. Dr. Free. man D. Miller will speak on "The Cur- rent Status of Stellar Knematics." Mathematics Colloquium: Mon., Jan. 16, at 4:10 p.m., in Room 3011 Angell Hall. Prof. H. F. Bohnenblust, of the California Institute of Technology, will speak "On Symmetric Functions." To all students taking classes in the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: On Tues, and Wed., Jan. 1748 you will be invited to fill out a ques- tionnaire asking your opinons about several aspects of the instruction in your classes. In order thatyonmay give consideration to your responses beforehand, the general instructions and the questions are reproduced below. "Because learning and teaching are reciprocal activities, it is appropriate to review quite deliberately the rel- tions between students and teachers in our courses. "It is also clear that a college edu- cation ought to challenge the student to increasingly mature achievement by extending his power to reach informed and independent judgments. But be- cause the arts of gaining and imparting knowledge are subtle and complex, the act of evaluating educational progress is not simple either for the teacher or the student. "In answering the questions that follow, it may be helpful to consider that a teacher's central aim, beyond the immediate communication of his subject-matter, is to encourage lively, critical thinking. At the same time, as teacher's most obvious merits or even his obvious defects may not really de- termine the ultimate educational value of a course, and the essential' but not so apparent labors of course-design and development are often no less signif- cant than a teacher's conduct of the class sessions. "Your thoughtful responses to this questionnaire will assist the College in Improving the methods and objectives of our common educational endeavor "1. What is your judgment as to the value of this course in your edu- cation? Please point out both its contributions and its deficien- cies. "2. Irrespective of your answer tO question 1, state and then.evalu- ate the objectives of this course. Are they clearly apparent? How well are they accomplished? "3. How well was the instructor able to stimulate your interest in the material of this course? Give' specific reasons for your opinion. "4. To what extent did you learn'to think critically in the subject. matter area covered byl this sourse? 45. Keeping in mind that the re- turns from this questionnare will be used by the instructor in the, process of improving his teach- ing, please mention any other aspects of the course or instrue- tor (such as, for example, clarity of presentation) not covered in 4 i 1 A INTERPRETING THE NEWS: Calling the Soviet Bluff NO NEW ADVENTURE: Complacency 'Nothing To~ Be, Proud Of' I, By WILLIAM L. RYAN AP Foreign News Analyst INSTEAD of raising once again the specter of nuclear warfare, the United States might score a decisive success in the cold war by call- ing he Communist bluff. The Soviet Union has retained the propa- ganda advantages in this argument. The posi- tion stated by Communist boss Khrushchev in India is this: Lacking agreement to end nuc- lear weapons tests, the Russians are forced to continue experimentation. But the Soviet Un- ion, he says, stands for outlawing such weapons. The American reply, as illuminated by var- ious statements made by and attributed to Sec- retary of State Dulles, probably will appear lame to many Asians. In the first place these state- ments indicate that the United States was pre- pared, to use nuclear weapons in Asia. In the second place, they serve notice that the United States will continue to test nuclear weapons. Editorial Staff Dave Baad.,....................... Managing Editor Jim Dygert.....«,....................... City Editor Murry Frymer ...................... Editorial Director Debra Durchslag .................... Magazine Editor David Kaplan ....................... Feature Editor Jane Howard..................Associate Editor Louise Tyor .......................... Associate Editor Phil Douglis........................ Sports Editor Alan Eisenberg................Associate Sports Editor Jack Horwit................Associate Sports Editor Mary Helithaler.......... ,........ women's Editor Rlaine Edmonds ........... Associate Women's Editor John Hirtzel ...................... Chief Photographer Business Staff BOTH these statements are likely to resurrect the basic fears of the Asians which were so apparent two years ago when the Secretary of State was speaking in terms of "massive retalia- tion." Moreover the Secretary has been quoted as indicating that the United States is willing, as a means of deterring the Soviet Union, to bring the world to the brink of war and take the long chance that the world would not be pushed over that precipice. This is likely to do little to calm the fears of the Asians and other people who dread the prospects. Soviet propagandists likely will seize upon the state- ments. The "wake-up-America" statement endorsed by the President and the Secretary of State is likely to be welcomed throughout the United States as a courageous assessment of the con- dition of the country in the cold war. It might have been followed up most effect- ively by a frontal assault on Soviet propaganda. A strong statement that the United States not only opposed nuclear warfare but was prepared under safeguards to end experimentation with atomic weapons would have an electrifying ef-j feet on world opinion. UP TO NOW the Soviet Union's horror of nuclear weapons has been a matter of words alone. When the chips are down, Moscow is likely to be found in a poor position to follow up the words with action. If the United States were to say: "We are against experimentation with nuclear weapons and here is how we pro- pose to stop it" a set of conditions could be laid down which could be most embarrassing to the Kremlin. The realist knows the USSR is not going to throw open to inspection its posi- tion in nuclear weapons, and the stalemate is likely to persist. The world has been waiting for American ac- (EDITOR'S NOTE: The following is an anonymous letter received by The Daily from a student at the Univer- sity.) Dear Editors: CONGRATULA -)NS on City Editor Jim Dygert's outspoken article on the lack of political alertness of University students. How right he is! When I entered Michigan in September of '55 I was one of the approximately 3,000 freshman stu- dents to do so. My anticipation of leaving the small town and small townness that has confined me to its rigid standards of behavior all the years of my life, was great. Great also was my anticipation of. being allowed to view and to take part in the affairs of University life. LITTLE MAN ON CAMPUS by Dick SiMbr I thought I was embarking upon a new adventure in living. But, in some degrees I was very much mistaken. Here at the U of M I found the same hesitancy to disagree, to agree, to take any definite stand at all about politics, world affairs, anything that con- cerned society at all, that I found in my own small town. Contro- versy of any sort is just something that students here do not expose themselves to. STUDENTS seem to take the point of view that, for one thing, they are being taught at, lectured at, rather than to. One begins to wonder, just what is being taught, not only in the classes themselves, but in the various student organi- zations, in the extra curricular ac- tivities and associations? I live now in a large dormitory and I am tired of the "Well I really don't know anything about it, but my father says so, so I know that I'm right "s and the: "My teacher must be a Communist; he's always talking about individ- ualism and things like that "s; and the la'ck of out-of-town newspapers and the general apathy and obli- vion that seems to pervade in these otherwise student-filled corridors. The struggle for truth seems to lose its meaning when there's nothing to struggle about. TOO BAD these students are so "respectable." Too bad these stu- dents are so unwilling to deviate from what is expected of them. Too bad these students seem so bound by tradition to not want to try to alter it. In short, it's too hbd that these students nnform ,t I 7 -7 ~7 '*