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January 13, 1956 - Image 1

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unrealistie Laws No Solution
To College Drinking
(See Page 4)

YI r

Latest Deadline in the State

:43 t



VOL. LXVI, No. 76



I If

Professors Cite

Faculty's Role
Moise Says Fear Lessens Teacher
Candor; Peterson Asks Objectivity
"A combination of rational and irrational fear" is partly re-
sponsible for faculty avoidance of controversy on issues over which
they should "form an outspoken community."
This was the analysis Prof. Edwin Moise of mathematics depart-
ment offered for a general faculty "policy of discretion."
"It is no part of a professor's job," Prof. Moise asserted, "to pursue
controversy for the sake of controversy. But if the natural pursuit of
his job leads to controversy, he is under no obligation to avoid it.
"This applies, in particular, to the discussion of University
affairs," he continued, "in which the faculty should form an outspoken
community. "It seems to me the faculty has not done this."
- Prof. Moise said "this avoidance
dBU of controversy may be largely a
Ii~ u B-~ori matter oftemperament."
LLXjE OnP "Referring to the controversy over
the firing of two faculty members
0 1,C s T ir * last year, he added that "in some
O K 's ir cases, and particularly in the re-
cent tenure cases, I think it was
also due in part to a combination
O fficer Vote of rational and irrational fear."
~Y.L.Iie& 0As for the discussion of political
affairs, "the same policy of dis-
Proposal for a third senior of- cretion seems to apply.
ficer of the Union moved further Red China Cited
toward realization last night as "Statistically speaking," Prof.
the Union Board of Directors un- Moise continued, "it seems reason-
animously recommended an all- able to suppose that there must be
member referendum in the spring. a fair number of people here who
The proposal calls for creation stand on the unpopular side of hot
of an administrative vice-presi- political issues.
dent post to supplement present "For example, there must be
offices of president and executive people who favor recognition of
secretary. Red China. In a really healthy
secreary.atmosphere, those who think this
Passage of the proposal would way, rightly or wrongly, would be
mean a general revamping of Un-~ talking this way.
ion officer functions and duties "It is hard to believe that our
plus substitution of the executive apparent unanimity on matters
vice-presidential title for that of such as this is the result of uni-
executive secretary. ' versal enlightenment."
, However Prof. Moise saw noth-
'Effort To Keep Pace', ing unusual in the University's
Union President Todd Leif, '56, situation. "These phenomea are
explained the proposal as "an ef- national, and we are probably
fort to keep pace with the expan- well above the national norm."
sion of the campus as well as the . He cited a long-range danger
Union." that "pervasive pressures toward
The present two-officer setup integration" among people will
has been in existence for more lead to "a generation of men who
than 50 years despite growth of never betray a conviction, because
the campus and increase in the they have never permitted them-
number of services offered to the selves to form onect
student body by the Union. Another Aspect
studnt ody y te Unon.Prof. Shorey Peterson of the
Union Opera economics departmentsemphasized
The Board also approved Don another aspect of the problem.
Medalie, '57BAd, as 1956 Union "The most important contribu-
Opera general chairman, and Jim tion a teacher can make to good
Barger, '57E, as Opera road show citizenship," he said, "is the de-
chairman. velopment of analytical compe-
Wayne Thiessen, '56E, this year's tence and objectivity rather than
Wayn Thessn, 56Ethi yer'smerely stressing interest in issues.
Opera chairman, told the Direc- m"I certainly agree it's desirable
tors that in spite of a $2,186 loss for faculty members to co-operate
in 1955, "I expect that we can with students in anything they
at least break even next year." would like to promote in the way
Leif announced that he will of discussion," Prof. Peterson said,
appoint a committee to look into "but it should not be done in any
valid charity contributions from way which might weaken a teach-
the Union's share of this year's er's primary contribution."
Michigras profits. Stresses 'Reputation'
He stressed the importance of a
"scientific reputation," explaining
Sd that "if you're going o maintain
your standing as a scholar in your
Over to Court putting a label on yourself, so that
students can disregard" what is
said in the classroom.
Arraigned on three counts of "I guess, I',n old-fashioned,"
first degree murder in Municipal Prof. Peterson continued, "but I
Court yesterday, Harold A. John- feel that people who go on to
son waived examination and was college should have already been
bound over to Circuit Court to ap- sold on the idea of intellectual
pear at 10 a.m. Tuesday. achievement.
He was ordered held without "It is not the principal job of a
bond in the Monday night killing teacher to strike a spark where
of his wife Margery, 35 years old, there is none. We're not cheer-
and two daughters, Barbara, three leaders in the intellectual life, but
years old, and Margaret, one year must aim to create an awareness
old. of certain horizons."
Johnson has still not given a
reason for the killings in his Ann _T ird
Arbor home, although he has
signed a statement admitting the

slayings. Police plan to continue .
questioning the 1951 University '
Appearing bedraggled and meek
r before Municipal Judge Francis L.
O'Brien, Johnson seemed confused
by the proceedings. He asked for
a clarification of the charges that
he had "feloniously, willfully and,
with malice aforethought, killed
and murdered" his wife and
When Judge O'Brien explained
that this meant "premeditated and
intentional killing," Johnson asked
if he had to plead guilty.
The judge told the 38-year-old
slayer that a plea could not be
entered in Municipal Court, but in
Circuit Court, because murder is
a capital offense. <

An Editorial
Next Tuesday the student body will be asked to
evaluate the faculty on its academic successes and
At the same time, an evaluation of the faculty in
another role, that as the leader of intellectual thought and
discussion in the University community, is long overdue.
For on the faculty performance in this role rests not only
the present but much of the future thought processes
of students.
There is a serious doubt that faculty members are
recognizing the importance of this role and living up to
their responsibilities. Furthermore there is question
whether they are providing leadership and stimulation in
the areas of controversial thinking.
The vast majority has refused to express opinion
publicly on the vital issues of the present day.
The faculty has been guilty both individually and
collectively of falling into an atmosphere of pazsve com-
placency, and has lapsed into a stagnancy which threatens
itself, the University, and the student body.
There have been in the past year several indications
of this condition:
1)-Last spring several professors refused to serve
on a discussion panel during Academic Freedom Week
because one of their "'controversial contemporaries had
been selected to participate.
2)-The Daily has continually found the faculty
unwilling to assert any personal views, citing as the
reason the pressure from its members to avoid publicity.
3)-The faculty advisor of a controversial student
political group now expired found himself severely ridi-
culed for associating with radical, "left-wing" student
4)-Faculty members have been unwilling to pur-
sue further the rejection of the liberal Report on the
Duties and Responsibilities of the Faculty to Society,
leaving the Faculty Senate without a policy on the matter.
5)-Faculty members are displaying a guarded
epproach to controversial problems in the classroom.
The present day student is, from these examples,
falling into the belief that expression of non-conforming
views is dangerous and immature. He is given no values
to follow, no controversy to judge, and assumes that
education is complete without these.
Whether the faculty has fallen into the complacency
of increasing size and all the, extra mechanical functions
that result, or has been devoured in the modern phobia
of fear is uncertain. Probably it is some of both.
However, in evaluating what should be the area
of inspired leadership and stimulation, there can be
found only the bare darlness of silence and inertia.
If the. University is to awaken to its role as a leader
in controversial inquiry, the students must have the aid
of a resolute faculty.
It is lamentable that this great void in controversial
thinking should exist today.
-The Senior Editors
World News, Roundup
By The Associated Press
CONCORD, N. H.-An extremely reliable source told The As-
sociated Press yesterday President Dwight D. Eisenhower has author-
ized use of his name in this state's March 13 presidential primary.
A few hours later Gov. Lane Dwinell said he would personally
^file the papers next Monday.
I * * *

Brink s Robbery


FBI Brings
Case to End
Robbery Netted
Men $1,218,211
BOSTON (J)-The nation's big-
gest cash robbery-the Brink's job,
which netted the robbers $1,218,211
-was solved yesterday, the FBI
The loot also included $1,557,-
183.83 in checks, money orders and
securities. None of the money
is known to have been recovered.
The FBI said 1:1 men-all with
criminal records-took part in the
robbery of the money transfer
office in Boston six years ago.
The FBI announced the arrest
of six men on charges of conspir-
acy to violate federal laws, bank
robbery and the theft of govern-
ment property.
Twoyother men already were in
custody, serving time in other
cases. Two others are sought and
the 11th man is dead.
Men Listed
The FBI listed the six newly
arrested men as:
Adolph Maffie, 44 years old, of
North Quincey; Joseph F. Mc-
Ginnis, 52 years old, Boston; Vin-
cent J. Costa, 41 years old, of Pem-
broke;-Michael V. Geagen, 47 years
old, of Milton; Anthony Pino,48
years old, Boston; and Henry Bak-
er, 49 years old, of Natick.
Already in jail on other cases,
but charged with the others are
Joseph J. O'Keefe, 47 years old, of
Boston; and Stanley A. Gusciora,
36 years old, Boston.
Thomas F. Richardson, 48 years
old, of Weymouth and James I.
Faherty, 44 years old, of Boston,
are being sought.
The 11th man named by the FBI
was Joseph S. Banfield, 45 years
old, of Boston, who died a year
Case To Begin Immediately
The FBI said it has turned over
all its evidence and reports in the
case to Boston's Suffolk County
District Attorney, Garret Byrne.
Byrne announced he will set
aside all other business to proceed
with the Brink's prosecution.
The announcement of the solu-
tion of the baffling crime said it
was "an FBI job all the way."
Because of that, Brink's Express
may not have to pay ony of the
$100,000 reward it offered for "in-
formation leading to the arrest
and conviction" of the robbers.
FBI men cannot accept such
Close on Trail
The FBI had been close on the
trail of the arrested men for a
long time. All but one of the
arrested men were called before a
United States grand jury here
three years ago in an inquiry which
failed, however, to produce any
The FBI said the robbery of the
Brink's Express office in a down-
town area of Boston near the
North Railroad Station was "the
product of the combined thought
and criminal experience of men
who had known each other many
"The gang spent more than a
year in planning the robbery and
they started a systematic study of
Brink's organization after it moved
to its present location on Prince
street in Boston."
Under Massachusetts law the
maximum penalty for armed rob-
bery while masked is life imprison-
ment. The statute was amended to
include the "masked" factor after
the Brink's' holdup.




e Ass 4 BilliOn
Nwch o anCtes Emergency Need
States Would
4 Match Outla~
Of Congress
'Ability To Pay'
Used as Criterion

-Daily-Esther Goudsmit
Political Science Methods
Debated TBro fessors
Current controversy between the humanistic and behavioralistic
approaches to political science was debated by two University profes-
sors for the Political Science Round Table last night.
Presenting the benavioralist viewpoint, Prof. Angus Campbell,
director of the Survey Research Center, claimed human behavior is
scientifically predictable and any theory which can't be tested is
On the other side, Prof. Marshall M. Knappen of the political
science department denied the possibility of getting verifiable prin-
ciples "as long as you have human
a beings at the center of policy
Bodies Found making.
At the start of the debate Prof.
In Jungle SpotCampbell defined behavioral sci-
ence as a "phrase that refers to
those bodies of .knowledge that
QUITO, Ecuador (R) - A radio ascribe to verified principles of
report received here last night said human behavior through use of
a United States Air Force heli- the methods of the natural. sci-
copter has located four bodies inen
the Auca Indian country near the ecs
River Curaray where five American He does believe there will be a
missionaries disappeared five days search for better methods of de-
ago. scription, development of better
The bodies have not been identi- theories and search for more ob-
fied, the report said. The helicop- jective data to test theories. He
ter had landednin an attempt to expressed the hope that institu-
pick up two bodies, sighted earlier tolitad otherh
in the vicinity, with the aim of help each per
taking them to Shell Mera for Prof. Knappen preferred the
identification. study of human behavior to be-
Diaryentries indicate the five havioral sciences. "Behavioral sci-
missionaries, attacked in the Ama- ence applies more to the individ-
zon Basin jungles of northeast ual than to the super-individual,"
Ecuador, were lured by signs of he said..
friendship from the savage Aucas. "On. the national level, voting
The diary turned up in the par- behavior is important," he explain-
ty's base camp among the personal ed, "but when we reach the area
effects of Peter Fleming of Seattle, of mass behavior verified princi-
Wash., one of the missing men, ples no longer apply."
)s Problems to Officials
while their fellow students had alive and minus any trace of
retreated from the campus to take "blood."
a brief respite from class press- Because the pranksters were
ure. not caught in the act by police
Dangling a catsup-smeared arm and because witnesses refused to
on the city's streets, one of the press charges, police were unable
students tried to make himself to book the quartet on charges
comfortable in the trunk of a car of disturbing the peace.
which his three friends drove Medical Treatment Needed
through the main section of town. Outside of the difficult problem
As the car sped along Main which now confronts the Uni-
Street, a local resident spotted versity, the only bad effect of the
te trioathermden otedrcase was the medical treatment
bheutlr an td ittim aid Ann required by several of the horri-

WASHINGTON (A) - President
Dwight D. Eisenhower called yes-
terday for a new school aid pro-~
gram under which the federal gov--
ernment would put up 1% billion
dollars in direct grants for school
construction over the next five
In a special message to Congress,
he labeled his plan an emergency
measure aimed at providing "the
basis for better education in
America in the years ahead."
States would be required to
match the federal outlay on the
basis of ability to pay.
$2 for Every $1
The state with the greatest-in-
come per child would be required
to put up $2 for every $1 in federal
aid. The state with the smallest
income per child would put up $
for every $2 of federal money. The
other states would be somewhere
in between on a sliding ratio.
President Eisenhower asked Con.
gress to vote 1% billions in grants.
Of this, 750 million dollars would
be to buy local school bonds if
these cannot be sold on the market
at reasonable rates. Twenty mil-
lions would go for grants to states
for school planning. Total: $2,020,
Proposal Generally Liked
Republicans generally applauded
the President's proposal and a
number of Democrats also gave it
a pat on the back.
A mother school aid bill, already
approved by the House Education
Committee, would supply $1,600,
000,000 in federal school aid over
a four-year period, without regard
to state income. It Was introduced,
by Rep. A. B. Kelley (D-Pa.)
The secretary of health, educa-
tion and welfore, Marion Folsom,
told a news conference the Kelley
bill is not acceptable to the ad-
IHC Blocks
Inter-House Council ploughed.
through a two-page agenda yes-
terday, passing 11 motions and
Postponing another.
A proposed IHC scholarship was
the subject of the postponed mo-
tion and was one of the few Issues
that drew any discussion from.
council members.
IHC decided that the scholar-
ship motion had "too many stumb-
ling blocks" as it stood, so the
members decided to take it up
again at the next meeting, Febru-
ary 16.
At the meeting, the council cre-
ated a committee to "investigate
the present state of student gov-
ernment in the Residence Halls."
Business accomplished yesterday
also included IHC's establishment
of information tables in quad-
rangles during orientation week,
the establishment of an orienta-
tion committee, and a decision to
sponsor a J-Hop breakfast with
South Quad.
Several appointments approved
by the council were those of Carol
Friebolin, '58, to IHC Judiciary
chairman, Drake Duane, '58, to
IHC Dance chairman, and various
other committee men.
McCracken Sees

Act Bit

LONDON - Battle-ready para-
chute troops flew to Cyprus yes-
terday to buttress Britain's influ-
ence against ambitious Reds and
nationalists in the restive Middle
DETROIT-The Detroit news-
paper strike, one of the longest big
city shutdowns in history, ap-
peared headed toward settlement
But all sides, and neutral gov-
ernment mediators as well, cau-
tioned that hitches could develop
to stall a resumption of publication
by the Detroit News, Times and
Free Press. ,
WASHINGTON - Secretary of
Defense Charles E. Wilson dis-
closed yesterday he has ordered
military chiefs to take a new look
at the armed forces in view of

Prank Give

A bloody hand in a car trunk, in
addition to frightening a score of
Ann Arbor residents, has created
a perplexing problem for Univer-
sity disciplinary agencies.
Planned and implemented to
"scare drunks" and relieve the
boredom of an empty college town,
the Christmas vacation prank of
four students stirred up an hour-
long local police manhunt which
netted both the "criminals" and




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