I /^ C, 4r mtr4tgau Dally "Good Morning-- Have You Seen Our New Catalogue?" ien Opinions Are Free, Truth Will Prevail Sixty-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS.BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone No 2-3241 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. This must be noted in all reprints. 'HURSDAY, JANUARY 12, 1956 NIGHT EDITOR: LEE MARKS Eisenhower Drops Election Hint, But Interpretations Differ Tb* A jP ARCH. AUD.: Karloff Tireless THE NATION'S press has been increasingly full of speculation on the decision of Dwight D. Eisenhower. 'Newsweek' magazine, for example, goes out on a limb in a recent issue as it confidefitly states: "More and more of the President's intimates gained the feeling that he definitely was planning to run again." The cover of 'U.S. News and World Report' screams: "Could Ike Serve A Second Term? 3 out of 5 HEART SPECIALISTS SAY: 'YES' In Answer To Poll." Having consulted and publicized such ex- pert opinion, newsmen had a chance Sunday to ask the all-but-forgotten man in the question what his thoughts on the subject were. The President indicated that he had made a tentative decision; "my mind is not fixed to such an extent that it can't be changed." He offered some pointed hints as to what that decision might be. The President opened the conference by saying "I feel very much better-stronger- and much more able to get about." But when a reporter asked a question on the assumption that his health would be a larger factor in his decision than before the attack, the President replied: "That is correct. Remember this: now it is not merely what the doctors say ... It is a very critical thing to change governments in this country at a time that it is unexpected-(We accustom ourselves and so do foreign governments, to changing our government every four years, but some- thing always happens'that is untoward when a government' is changed at other times.) It is a rather startling thing. They tell me that there was even some disturbance in the stock market at the time I got sick-I didn't know it till six weeks later." The implications are clear. There has been much discussion lately over the President's sense of duty; all agree he has a great one, but they disagree as to its transla- tion into political terms for 1956. Some say the President's sense of duty will force him- as the Republican Party's and the nation's indispensable man-to run again. Others say that a standard maxim of military duty is never to send a sick man, or one whose health cannot be relied on, into the field. A REPORTER asked the President, "If you. feel able, and the doctors concur in that, do you feel a sense of duty to run again?" Acknowledging his own sense of duty, the Pres- ident said, "that would have something to do with it. "But I really believe that there are factors which I would be ready to talk about publicly at a particular time. And I have them all marshaled in my mind. And one of them is a sense of duty. But where does the sense of duty point, and who determines what the duty is? That is a very tricky question when you go into the problem." One can only guess at what Mr. Eisenhower was suggesting, but-he is clearly not endorsing unqualifiedly the notion that duty will compel him to run. The President, if he is not planning to run again, has a real interest in keeping his plans a secret, both by way of keeping Congress in line and postponing an all-out battle for the Republican nomination. If the President does plan on running again, there seems little point in dropping large-sized hints that he does not. TWO REACTIONS to the press conference might be noted. The tables were turned on reporters who attended when they were asked "On the basis of the President's remarks, do you think he will or will not run again?" Newsmen predicted he wouldn't, eleven to three. But Walter Trohan, the Chicggo Tribune's Washington correspondent, reported, "Republi- cans tonight were confident that President Eisenhower will lead them to victory in 1956 ... The rank and file for the Republican party took heart from the physical vigor and mental alertness evidenced by Mr. Eisenhower's voice and his answers to questions . . . They expressed confidence that he will not desert them in their hour of need." Perhaps, if less attention had been paid to the President's vigor and alertness in answer- ing and more to what he said, the GOP might better evaluate its "hour of need." -PETE ECKSTEIN ft s s'I ." -~\ / -F In '.door' "THE Strange Door" is a real old-fashioned thriller replete with a gloomy old castle, black- hearted villains, heinous crimes, and Boris Karloff slinking mor- osely about as scary a set as a crew of carpenters has ever been able to erect upon a Hollywood sound stage. In this one Boris is on the side of Good for once, and it is he who steals the show. The man is simply amazing. He takes two bullets In the chest, is stabbed in the back, swims across a swift- flowing river, kills two foul black- guards ,and then, in one last burst of superhuman energy, manages. to rescue our heroes from the jaws of utter disaster. He does a mam- moth job, and he certainly de- serves much credit and apprecia- tion. Based on Robert Louis Steven- son's famous adventure, "The Sire de Malatroit's Door," the film tells the story of the wickedness of the Sire de Malatroit, a 17th century French nobleman. The Sire tricks a young rogue, who is being pur- sued by a mob of vigilantes, into taking refuge in his castle. He then proceeds to hold the young man prisoner and to try to force him to marry his beautiful young niece. From here on in the ac- tion is a series of flights from one strange (and usually secret) door to the next. The rogue and the niece try to escape, Karloff stabs a few scoundrels, and amid all the sound and the fury, the torture and killing, the wicked old Sire goeson laughing sadistically. It all ends happily, however, and when it does you wonder what has become of the eighty minutes which have elapsed since you en- tered the auditorium. The film really moves fast. Robert Louis Stevenson fans will be enthralled by it. Charles Laughton is sufficiently evil as the odious Sire de Malatroit and Sally Forrest, as his niece, is easy to look at. Karloff is, of course, masterful-and indefatig- able. --Phil Breen DAILY OFFICIA BULLETN WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: =. Plan Civil Rights Battle By DREW PEARSON I TODAY AND TOMORROW:' Congress and the Press THE Eastland Sub-Committee announced last week that "this phase of our hearing is closed for the present." This phase has had to do with Communist infiltration of the news- paper press, and the specific target has been "The New York Times."- The Committee has shown that over a period of some twenty years there have been employed on "The Times" some thirty men who have at one time or another been Communists. Con- sidering that there are now more than 4,000 employees, considering how many thousands more must have worked for "The Times" in the course of twenty years, the percentage of the infiltrators has been minute. More signi- ficantly, almost all of them have held quite subordinate jobs, and none of them has nearly enough editorial authority to exercise any dis- cernible influence upon the news and opinions of the newspaper. The objective test of whether there has in fact been infiltration is whether or not the pages of "The New York Times" show any evidence of the) suppression or distortion of news by the members of the staff. If the paper had indeed been subverted, any competent investigator would have been able to point to the evidence that the Communist infiltrators ha.d served their cause in the pages of "The New York Times." As the Eastland Sub-Committee has offered no such evidence, has not even hinted that it could offer such evidence, it is as certain as anything can be that there is no such evidence. W HAT the hearings have shown is that the paper has at one time or another employed a very small number of Communists, and that these Communists have not infiltrated, have not in any visible way subverted, what the paper has thought/ fit to print. But while the investigation of "The New York Times" is a dud, the affair of this investigation has raised a hard question about the freedom of the press and about the rights and duties of newspapermen. Does Congress have the power to investigate the press, and if it has, what if any are the limits of that power? There is no clear and authoritative answer to the question for the very good reason that it is in American experience a radically new question. Not for many generations, if ever before in our history, has any organ of gov- ernment clamed the power to examine and to pass judgment upon who shall work on news- papers. The law on the subject has not been tested and it is not clear. Judicial opinion ranges LITER LIPPMANN I committees will tend to push the limits of their power as far as the newspapers and pub- lic opinion permits. The law on the subject is not set. It is now being made by what we all do and do not do. The crucial question posed by the Eastland Committee is whether Congress has the power to censor the individual employees of a news- paper. If a Congressional committee has that power in case of employees who are, have been, or are charged with being Communists, what is to stop future Congressional committees from censoring newspaper employment on other grounds Let the political climate change, let it be- come again like that of the '30s, on what le- gal ground is Congress to be challenged if it chooses to investigate the influence on the press of corporate interests, if, for example, it de- mands a public accounting of the financial connections and interests of publishers, edi- tors, and reporters? Once it is the accepted principle that Con- gress has power to set up standards of news- paper employment, the inner spirit andmthe practical meaning of the First Amendment will be deeply impaired. Congress has, of course, no power to pass laws dealing with the stand- ards of newspaper employment. Has it- the right to -do the same thing by the power to investigate? As exercised by latter day Congressional com- mittees, the power to investigate is a treimen- dous instrument, combining the power to make laws, to. enforce those laws, to judge -and to punish men under those laws. This tremend- ous instrument can be, notoriously it has been, used to harass, to intimidate, to punish, and to destroy. T HE question therefore is whether the news- paper profession shall assent to or shall oppose the claim that Congress has the power to investigate the editorial management of newspapers. The hiring or firing of employees is an essential and central part of the editing of a newspaper. My own view is that no part of the editorial management should, that no part can under the First Amendment, be ceded legitimately to Congress. If we who are con- nected with newspapers acquiesce in the right to Congress to censor on any grounds what- ever newspaper employment, we shall have opened the way to a grave invasion of the freedom of the press. It has been said, among others by "The New York Times" itself, that the press is not sacro- sanct and that the right of "any investigation of the press by any agency of Congress" should T HE FIRST backstage meeting on the most dynamite-laden question before this Congress was held in the office of Congressman Hugh Scott of Philadelphia last week to discuss the protection of Negroes in the Deep South and Civil rights generally. At the meeting were Congress- men Jimmy Roosevelt of Los An- geles, Dick Bolling of Kansas City, Adam Clayton Powell of Harlem, N. Y., and Charles Diggs of Detroit. The latter two are among the three Negroes in Congress, all Democrats. Though the meeting was held in Congressman Scott's office, he was the only Republican present. An- other meeting which two other Republicans want to attend, Wol- verton of Camden, N. J., and Hes- selton of Western Massachusetts,, is scheduled for today (Jan. 12). CHIEF STRATEGY decided on was to abandon any attempt to pass an FEPC-Fair Employment Practices Act - but concentrate everything on an omnibus bill guaranteeing the Negroes' right to vote and his physical protection. This bill would be in two parts: 1. Protection of voting rights by abolishing the poll tax, pre- venting terrorism at the polls, giving the Justice Department broad powers to probe any attempt to deprive Negroes of voting rights in either federal or local elections. 2. A general anti-lynching bill which would also apply to drown- ing, or any other type of violence based on race, creed, or color, regardless of state lines. * * * ' THE MEETING in Congressman Scott's office took place immedi- ately after a group of Georgia Congressmen, including Lanham, Davis and Forrester, had spent an hour on the House floor excoriat- ing "niggers." The Congressional Record was cleaned up afterward and some of their most vitriolic language censored., Congressman Diggs, first Negro ever elected from Detroit, brought with him an 18-page legal memo proposing that the congressmen from Mississippi-scene of the Till murder - be unseated on the ground that they were not elected by all the voters of Mississippi. The memo was prepared by Frank Polhaus, whom Truman had appointed head of the Justice De- partment Civil Rights Division, and turned out to be an exhaustive document going back to Thaddeus Stevens in Civil War days and showing that a move to unseat a Congressman does not have to be made at the opening of Congress. THE BACKSTAGE meeting agreed that by dropping the hot FEPC bill and emphasizing the. Negro's right to vote and physical protection, they could get a bill acceptable to both political parties. Congressman Powell pointed out that although Eisenhower last year has called his anti-segrega- tion amendment to the school bill "extraneous and erroneous," GOP leaders Joe Martin and Charlie Halleck were now behind his amendment. The backstage meeting in Scott's office decided on the following immediate strategy: 1. Congressman Scott was to find out from Max Rabb of the White House staff at the White House how far Eisenhower was willing to go to help a civil-rights bill. Scott was also to contact William Rogers, Deputy Attorney General, to see what reports the Justice Department had on the Till murder case and what legis- lation it had in mind to prevent' its repetition. 2. CONGRESSMAN Roosevelt was to talk to Congressman Celler (Dem., N. Y.) of the Judiciary Committee to see how far he would go in pushing a civil-rights bill, 3. Congressman Bolling of Kansas City was to talk to Speaker Sam Rayburn and Sen. Lyndon Johnson of Texas to get their co- operation. "There's no use talking to the Senate Judiciary Committee," re- marked Bolling. "It's what Lyn- don Johnson wants to do that counts." Another move is to demand that Congressman Percy Priest of Ten- nessee carry out his pledge to report out the anti-Jim Crow Bill, of Congressman Hesselton (Rep. Mass.). Priest, Democrat, is Chair- man of the House Interstate Com- merce Committee. (Copyright, 1958, by Bell Syndicate, Inc.) THE Daily Official Bulletin $e an official publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsi- bility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to ,Room 3553 Administration Building before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. Notices for the Sunday edition must be in by 2 p.m. Friday. THURSDAY, JANUARYt 12, 1 VOL. LXVI, No. 24 General Notices J-Hop Weekend. Social chairmn o student groups participating in J-Ho Weekend, Feb. 10, 11, 1958 should tie application for approval for specifi events on or before Jan. 27, in the Office of Student Affairs, 1020 Admin- istration Building. Fraternities housing women guests f or the weekend must clear housing arrangements in the Office of the Dean. of Women, 1514 Administration, before applications for specific parties are presented to the Office of Student Af- fairs. Inasmuch as individual overnight permissions cannot be granted to wom- en students until social events have been finally approved, it is essential that approvals be secured as soon as possible. Feb. 10: Chaperons for pre-Hop din- ners and post-Hop breakfasts may be the chaperon-in-residence or aw+quali- fied married couple. Pre-Hlop dinners must end at the hour designated and the fraternity closed to callers during the hours of the J-Hop. (Exception. Those fraternities housing women oer- night guests remain open, during the Hop and the chaperon-in-residence must be at the house.) The house may re-open for breakfast: if desired at 2 a.m. Breakfasts must close in sufficient time to allow women students to re- turn to their residences by 4 a.m. Fraternities occupied by women guests must be closed to men promptly at 4 a.m. following the breakfast. No house dlances will be approved on this night. Feb. 11: women students will be granted 2:30 am, late permission on Saturday night. Closing hours for events on this night may be registered accordingly. Houses which are accom- modating women overnight guests, but which do not plan a party in the house on Saturday night will observe the cus- tomary calling hours for women's resi- dences. The following student sponsored so cial events are approved for the coming weekend. Social chairmen are reminded that requests for approval for social events are due in the office of Student +Affairs not later than 12:00 noon on the Tuesday prior to the event. Jan. 13- Phi Delta Phi victor Vaughn Jan. 14.- Acacia Alpha Chi Sigma Alpha Epsilon Phi Alpha Kappa Kappa Beta Theta P Delta Chi Delta Kappa Epslon Delta appeaEpio Delta Upsilon Evans Scholars Kappa Sigma Lambda Chi Alpha Nu Sigma Nu Phi Delta Phi Phi Delta !Theta' Phi Gamma Delta Phi Kappa Sigma Sigma Alpha Epsilon Sigma Nu Sigma Phi Epsilon Theta Chi Theta Xi Jan. 15- Phi Delta Phi Lectures Dr. Aziz S. Atiya, President of the Institute of Coptic Studies, Cairo, Egypt, will speak on "The World's Debate in the M de Ages: New Light on the History o the Crusades," Jan, 12, Aud. B, Angell Hall at 4:00 p.m., auspices of the Department of Nea Eastern Studies and history depart- ment. Open to public. Concerts University symphony Band Concert, William D. Reveli, Conductor, 8:30 p.m. Fri., Jan. 13, in Hill Auditorium, in con- junction with the 11th Annual Mid- western Conference on School Vocal and Instrumental Music. Open to the general public without charge. Academic Notices Journal Club of the, Department: of Romance Languages will meet Thurs., Jan. 12, at 4:15 p.m. West Conference Room, Rackham Building. Prof. Paul Spurlin, who spent last year in France, will present a paper on "Hgher Educa- tion in France." Open to the pubici Political Science Round Table Thurs., Jan. 12, at 8:00 p.m. in Room 3-8 of the Michigan Union. Informal debate: "Can the Behaviorist Techniques Make a Valuable Contribution to the Methods of. Poltical Science?" Prof. Marshall. Knappen of the Political Science De- partment and Dr. Angus Campbell of the Institute for Social Research. Open to public. Seminar in Applied' Mathematics Thurs., Jan. 12, at 4:00 p.m. in Room 247 west Engineering Building. Rich- ard P. Jerrard, Department of Mathe- matics, will speak on "vibration of Rings." 401 Interdisciplinary Seminar on the Application of Mathematics to Social Science Thurs., Jan. 12, Room 3401 Ma- son Hall from 4:00-5:30 p.m. J. Zinnes and A. Karoly will speak on "Some Re- suits of Multidimensonal Unfolding in Quadrant IV." Psychology Colloquium and History Club: Dr. F. Wyatt of the Psychology Dept. and Dr. W. B. Willcox of the History Dept. will discuss "Clio on the Couch: the Use of Psychology in His- torical Explanation." Fr., Jan. 13, 4:15 p.m., Angell Hall Aud. A. Astronomical Colloquium. Fri., Jan. 13, 4:15 p.m., the Observatory. Dr. Free- -- I rr LETTERS to the EDITOR 4a I DARTMOUTH CONTROVERSY: Newspaper Asks Exams That Permit 'Thinking' (EDITOR'S NOTE: The following editorial is reprinted from the "Dart- mouth," Dartmouth College student newspaper.) THERE is a conspiracy among the faculty to cheat students out of their right to have fun dur- ing finals. Swathed in laziness, faculty members are currently striving their semi-annual worst to write dull questions in hopes of exposing undergraduate ignorance. "Regurgitate" is the first com- mandment of those professors who are satisfied only with the ink- scrawled blue books that contain The Truth - a condensation of LITTLE MAN ON CAMPUS by Dick Bibler 1 f 1 ' t eL , irtx ' . a 'j' il' r, I 1 ,: r . I I i ', r l. , F IB ii e ' .o , , '. j their lectures for the semester. The queries for such nauseating questionaires; demanding memory but not thought, are designed so disagreement becomes almost im- possible. Lured by the ease of answers easy to correct, too many profes- sors give the same exam for years. There is no more work to do, and after a couple of years the curve sets itself automatically. So an excellent result is achieved - no thought by the professor and no thought by the students. TOO BAD these complacent in- structors no longer remember the. feelings of a student who goes into the vomitorium, answers this thoughtless list of rhetorical ques- tions, and then leaves with the foul taste that accompanies such sickness. If a student has really learned something in a course, the exam should be designed so that he can leave with a feeling of elation. In blunt terms, a good final gives a man a chance to show off how much he has learned during the semester. Instead of being hog- tied to professorial dogma, he can discuss the insights that he has gained - the only real learning that did oecur. * * * ON ANY final, examinees should be able partially to write their own questions. Granted, a student's Boston 'Pops',.. . To the Editor: WAS disturbed to learn in the review Tuesday of the Boston Pops performance that residents of Ann Arbor cannot appreciate Arthur Fiedler and his "Pops." Boston acclaims them and always has a full house-does not Boston rank almost as high as Ann Arbor in cultural aspects? The world is a place of variety and a pseudo-intellect often can't understand this, while a truly learned person can enjoy, "Look Sharp, Be Sharp" as well as Bach's Tocatta and Fugue in D. I would not want Mr. Fiedler to feel that his music was not ap- precated at, the great University of Michigan. But I think he felt that we did like it, for the immedi- ate reaction Sunday night was, despite the later Daily review, a favorable one. -Joan Bowler, '57ED Athletics and Politics.. . To the Editor: T"HE game between the Ameri- can Olympic hockey team and that of the University presents a dilemma to the students of the University unique in the annals of collegiate sports. A cursory glance at the coming event poses no problem in that most rootedfor the "blue." However, upon closer inspection one finds that it is necessary to either support a team which is made up exclusively of Canadians for the American Olympic team which will go into the Olympics not merely representative of the United States but will also be car- rying the prestige of the demo- cratic nations. The Olympics =have been resol- ved into political aspects end their results used for propaganda pur- poses. This game makes acute the abomination of an American uni- .1 -a F; z' I