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January 12, 1956 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1956-01-12

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Newspaper Asks, Exams
That Permit Thinking
(See Page 4)


Latest Deadline in the State

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VAL.T.XVT. No. 75


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Big Three Ask
Israeli Censure
Cite Flagrant Attack on Syrian Post,
Omit Demand For Compensation
UNITED NATIONS, N. Y. (P)-Britain, France and the United
States proposed yesterday that the United Nations Security Council
censure Israel for what they called a "flagrant" attack on Syrian out-
posts Dec. 11.
' The Western proposal omitted a Syrian demand for compensa-
Two days ago the Soviet Union handed in its proposal calling the
Israeli attack "outrageous" and demanding payment to Syria for life
and proporty destruction.
Both of the East-West rivals omitted Syria's demand that Israel
be thrown out of the United Nations. United Nations figures show
Tthat 56 Syrians, eight of them

Final PlanA
To Be AiredIj




















To Request
SWage Boosts
The University expects to re-
quest additional pay increases to
match the wage boosts announced
recently by the Civil Service, Uni-
versity Vice-President Marvin L.
Niehuss said yesterday.
No official request has been
made yet.
Vice-President Niehuss said Uni-
versity officials have been consult-
ing with state officials about the
payincreases but have been asked
by the Budget Committee to defer
any requests for several weeks.
Six Per Cent For Civil Service
The Civil Service request would
boost wages for Civil Service em-
ployees a minimum of six per cent,
Vice-President Niehuss claimed.
"We have advised the Budget
Committee that if there is to be
a general pay increase for state
employees we want a similar in-
crease," the Vice-President com-
The University has already
asked, in the budget for 1956-57,
for $1,190,573 to be used for -a
general pay increase of five per
cent for all classes of employees.
Merit Increases Included
An additional four per cent in-
crease, amounting to $952,458,
would be used for merit increases.
The Vice-President pointed out
that when the University put in
its request for a five per cent wage
boost they did not know about
the Civil Service request.
"We had heard rumors that
they would ask for a wage increase
but we didn't know what form it
would take. If their increase is
six per cent, we want the same,"
Vice President Niehuss said.
There has been a 99 per cent
rise in faculty salaries since 1939
but in the same period national
per capita income has gone up 165
per cent.
State employees have received
increases of 166 per cent in the 13
years from 1940 to 1953.
To Perform
In conjunction with the 11th
annual Midwestern Conference on
school vocal and instrumental
music, the symphony band will
perform at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow in
Hill Auditorium.
Composer Ralph Herman will be
guest conductor assisting Prof.
William Revelli, director of Uni-
versity bands.1
Receiving its premiere perform-;
ance will be Herman's latest work
"Concerto for Band." Two other
t compositions by Herman which
will be played are "Overture, The
North Sea" and "Ballet for Young
Opening number of the program
will be "The Bandstand, Hyde
Park" by Wood, directed by assist-
ant conductor George Cavender.
This will be followed by Bach's
"Prelude and Fugue in D Minor"
with Revelli conducting.
The program is open to the
public without charge.
TWO one-Act

civilians and six Israeli's were kill-
ed in the clashes near the Sea of
The resolutions are to be intro-
duced formally when another 11-
nation council resumes considera-
tion of Syria's December 13 com-
plaint over the attack. The Coun-
cil willw hold morning and after-
noon meetings.
Syrian delegate Ahmand Fhuk-
airy has said he preferred the
Soviet resolution because, it is
An Israeli spokesman refused to
comment on the Western proposal.
He termed the Russian resolution
"a, bid to woo the Arabs and a
trap to get the West to follow
SGC Hears
First Report
On Rushing
Final recommendations on rush-
ing procedures and policies will be
submitted with affiliate and inde-
pendent opinions in agreement, it
was Indicated at last night's Stu-
dent Government Council meet-
The Council also approved un-
animously the proposed adminis-
trative code for the University
automobile regulations. It was
submitted by the Office of Stu-
dent Affairs committee on imple-
mentation of the proposal to
change driving rules.
Speaking for the Assembly-Pan-
hellenic committee which has been
studying problems of sorority rush-
ing since last spring, Carol De-
Bruin, '57, said, "We are confident
of consolidation of opinion by
SGC's March 7 deadline. Our re-
port will be a unanimous one rath-
er than one representing two fac-
Expressing the belief t h a t'
the Interfraternity Council-Inter
House Council rushing study group
would submit "one unified report,"
IFC President Bob Weinbaum, '56,
said, "There will be no division or
dissension in . our recommenda-
Both Miss DeBruin and Wein-
baum summarized to date the
work of the two committees which
have been meeting separately to
carry out a motion passed by the
Council Oct. 19 that groups be
set up to study "problems which
may arise in connection with the
acquisition of new sorority and
fraternity members."
Explaining provisions of the ad-
ministrative driving code, Gene
Hartwig, '58L, said that the recom-
mendations would be considered
with the proposed change in Re-
gents' By-law 8.06 at the Jan. 27
meeting of the Regents.

Publishers Okay
Tentative tbraf t
DETROIT () - Negotiators for
the Stereotypers union, which
struck against Detroit's three met-
ropolitan newspapers 42 days ago,
reached a tentative agreement yes-
terday with publishers representa-
tives and will present the proposal
to a full union meeting Saturday.
A source close to the negotia-
tions, who declined the use o his
name, said the union bargaining
team felt there was a "reasonable"
chance the agreement would be ac-
The publishers had no comment.
A spokesman declined to confirm
or deny the reported agreement.
It also was learned that the pub-
lishers have meetings planned for
Thursday with the Mailers and
Printers unions, both on strike.
Presumably, the publishers also
would have to reach agreement
with three other unions-the Pho-
to Engravers, the Teamsters, and'
the Newspaper Guild-before re-
suming publication. These unions
did not strike but their contracts
have expired since the papers
closed down Dec. 1.
The publishers previously settled
with the Pressmen and the Paper
and P1at e Handlers, giving
each union wage increases of
$3.75 weekly on contracts expiring
March 1, 1957.
Wages and contract termination
dates have been the major stumb-
ling blocks with the other craft
No terms were disclosed in
the reported agreement with the
Tuesday night and early Wed-
nesday pickets massed around the
Detroit News in a demonstration.'
A smaller demonstration, planned
for Thursday, was called off Wed-
nesday night by the Mailers who
led the previous marches.
Police Hunt
For Motive
Of Murder
Police took Harold A. Johnson
to revisit his home at 1435 West-
field yesterday, but the man would
still not say why he murdered his
wife and two daughters Monday
The 38-year-old slayer has been
charged with each of the murders
singly and will be arraigned this
morning in Municipal Court on
first degree murder. Johnson was
released from University Hospital
yesterday and taken over into
police custody.
He has recovered from a dose
of seconal which he took after the
shootings in an attempt to end his
Johnson, a 1951 University grad-
uate in engineering, has admitted
slaying his wife Marjerie, 35 years
old and a 1942 education school
graduate, and daughters Barbara,
3, and Margaret, 1.
Police have been questioning
Johnson in an attempt to estab-
lish a motive for the triple-slaying.


-u tly-John Hirtzei


With Reds

Foreign Aid
Hel1p Sought
By President
Statement Read
At Conference
WASHINGTON P) -- President
Dwight D. Eisenhower exhdrted all
America yesterday to "wake up"
to the urgent need of a. free world
victory in the economic struggle
with the Communists.
"Defeat in this contest could be
as distastrous as defeat in an
armaments race," said a statement
which the President endorsed. "We
could lose this economic contest
unless the country as a whole
wakes up to all its implications."
A major purpose of the state-
ment was evidently to enlist sup-
port for President Eisenhower's
foreign aid plans, which are faced
with rough goings in Congress.
For example, Sen. Walter George
(D-Ga) has voiced vigorous oppo-
sition to President FEisenhower's
request for authority to embark
on a long-range program of nco-
nomic aid to other nations.
Dulles Reads Statement +
The statement was read by Sec-
retary of State John Foster Dulles
at his news conference. Dules
called reporters' attention to the
words "as a whole" and said they
were underlined in the statement.
He said it came from the United
States delegation to the current
session of the United Nations Gen-
eral Assembly. He added that he
received it last Dec. 9, discussed it
with President Eisenhower Christ-
mas Eve and made it public yes-
terday on the occasion of his first
news conference since then.
President Agrees
In response to a question, Dulles
said he and the President agree
with the statement. He said it
very strongly re-enforces adminis-
tration. views inherent in such
foreign aid proposals as President
Eisenhower's call for long-range
spending authority over a period
of up to 10 years.
The statement described the
current cold war phase as ap-
parently "a shift. . . in which
economic and social problems'have
moved to the forefront."
Atom Tests
To, Continue


S -.

Ann Arbor
The movement for a self-sur-
vey on human relations got offi-
cially under-way last night.
At a meeting attended by ap-
proximately 150 townspeople a
constitution for a survey group
was approved, nine delegates-at-
large elected to a policy commit-
tee and possible topics for the first
survey discussed.
The topic will be chosen next
week at a meeting of the policy
group, also comprised of delegates
from the 28 organizations who have
thus far agreed to sponsor the
A survey of the problems relat-
ing to the University's 1400 foreign
students was suggested by Vice-
President for Student Affairs
James A. Lewis. He spoke of the
disadvantages of "having to house
so many students under adverse
conditions" in Ann Arbor.
Paul Wagner, a local business-
man, described the self-survey's
greatest value as deriving from
"contacts" as a large number of
townspeople participate in sur-
veying Ann Arbor. Broad parti-
cipation differentiates a self sur-
vey, from one conducted by a pro-
fessional organization.
Asking consideration for the
problems of new residents, Wag-
ner said "I wonder if we've done
everything we can to make Ann
Arbor a friendly town?"

'M' eers Defeated
ByOlympians, 4=I
special To The Daily
DETROIT-Trimming Michigan's all-Canadian squad here, 4-1,
last night, the United States Olympic hockey team showed promise
that our country will be well represented at the 1956 Winter Olympics
at Cortina, Italy, later this month.
The smooth-skating Olympians got all their goals before Michi-
gan could even break into the scoring column in the Olympic Fund
exhibition contest staged at Detroit's Olympia.
Total proceeds from the game, witnessed by a crowd of 4,504, were
$7,506. The receipts put Detroit near the $100,000 mark in donations

to the Olympic Fund to help send
American athletes to the 1956
Olympic games.
Olympians Impressive
The Wolverines had nothing to
be ashamed of in losing tothe
well -coached Olympic s qu ad.
Coach Johnny Mariucci's Olymp-
ians divided their scoring four
ways in the first two periods,
while Michigan was able to tally
only once near the end of the sec-I
ond period. Ex-Michigan star
Johnny Matchefts paced the win-
Sophomore wing Don McIntosh
prevented a shutout by pushing
the puck past Olympic goalie Don
Rigazio at 17:31 of the middle
period. Ex-Wolverine -goalie "Ike"
Ikola was sick and did not dress.
The Wolverines started slowly,
but showed increasing strength as
the partisan crowd encouraged
them on. They outshot the Olymp-
ians for the night, 28-26.
Nevertheless, the early Olymp-
ian lead was too much to over-
come, especially with the winner's
defense continuing to thwart
Michigan scoring threats.
With Michigan's Jerry Karpinka
in the penalty box, the Olympic
icers grabbed the lead after just a
minute of the first period had
elapsed. Ed Sampson slapped a
rebound past off-balanced net-
minder Lorne Howes for the score.
Lone Score
The crowd's biggest pleasure
came a short time later when Ren-
dall picked up the puck at his
own blue line, steered it past a
flock of Olympians as they were
shuffling lines beside their bench,
and directed it to McIntosh at the
offensive blue line.
McIntosh skated it. in from

TLab Playbill
To Feature
Third Acts
Third acts from three different
plays will be presented by the
Speech Department's Second Lab-
oratory Playbill at 8 p.m. Friday
and Saturday in the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre.
Included in the playbill will be
the last acts from Owen and Don-
ald Davis' dramatization of Faith
Wharton's novel, "Ethan Frome;"
Josef and Karel Capek's comnedy,
"The World We Live In;" and-
Frederico Garcia Lorca's poetic
drama, "Blood Wedding."
Directing the production of
"Ethan Frome" is Wandalie Hen-
shaw, '56, while Barbara. Keyes,
Grad., is the costumer,

Asks Action
On Erosion
WASHINGTON (A) - President
Dwight D. Eisenhower urged Con-
gress yesterday to act at this
session on the special problems of
soil erosion and drought that af-
flict farmers and ranchers in the,
Great Plains.
He transmitted to the Senate
and House a program recom-
mended 4'by Secretary of Agricul-
ture Ezra Benson, which laid spe-
cial stress on steps to keep the
soil on the plains from blowing
Benson said the Agriculture De-
partment is already tackling the
situation with administrative ac-
tions and that federal crop in-
surance for plains farmers "is to
be strengthened."
The Secretary's insurance plan
envisages encouragement to farm-
ers' to follow practices that would
combat erosion, with no insurance
to be available "on land unsuited
for the long-time production of
the insured crop."
The only specific mention of
legislation was in a letter from
Benson to President Eisenhower
noting a need for authority to
make long-range contracts with
farmers in the interest of soil;and
waterconservationrand to per-
mit changes in wheat planting
Presumably, details of what
Congress will be asked to do will
be set out in appropriation re-
quests which President Eisenhower
said will be coming along shortly.



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Stowe talls Reporting Adventurous

world News Roundup


WASHINGTON (R') - Secretary
of State John Foster Dulles served
notice yesterday that the United
States will carry on tests of atomic
,and hydrogen bombs because it is
"imperative" to hold an American
lead in nuclear weapons.
Dulles said he believes this
country is ahead now although he
conceded that the question of its
atomic position in relation to the
Soviet Union is partly a matter of
The effect of Dulles' comment,
in response to questions, was to
reject various suggestions, mostly
from leaders in countries which
are neutral in the cold war, that
bomb tests be discontinued.
The latest such suggestion came
from V. K. Krishna Menon, In-
dian diplomat and close griend of
Prime Minister Nehru. Menon sug-
gested in New York, this week, that
the United States abandon plans
for a new superbomb test in the
The superbomb test is expected
to be held this spring although
there has been no official an-
Both the United States and Rus-


Leland Stowe, Pulitzer Prize-
winning journalist, said yesterday
that in writing for newspapers,
"Your work and your life are a
constant adventure."
He spoke before Sigma Delta
Chi, honorary journalism frater-
nity. Stowe, who has been foreign
correspondent in four continents
for leading newspapers, is now
with the Department of Journal-

some harrowing experiences in
Finland during the war.
Stowe and some companions
were traveling as enemy planes
appeared. Though his compan-
ions managed to hide in the forest
Stowe was left in the open snow.
If he had run to the woods the
planes would know his companions
were located there.
Dropped Down
Though he was wearing dark

Also, "You are certain to have
an extraordinary variety of
friends," Stowe added. "When I
think of all the people I can get
together in my imagination, what
a wonderful opportunity it was."
Five Essentials
Since he began teaching this
year, he has devised a list of five
essentials for a good reporter.
He must have character and

By The Assodiated Press
QUITO, Ecuador-Five United States missionaries who penetrated
Amazon jungle territory peopled by savage Avca Indians all were
feared dead yesterday after a second unidentified body near their
stripped plane was seen from the air.
PARIS-The French Cabinet yesterday clamped a tight one-man
rule over the mountainous coastal region of Algeria in an attempt to
stamp out rebel terrorism. In the past 24 hours 36 persons have
been killed in scattered Algerian violence.
The unified command, which merges civil and military powers,


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