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January 11, 1956 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1956-01-11

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i MIir4gatt Datg
Sixty-Sixth Year

E~ePly 1~tAnd Sweta

en Opinions Are Free,
Truth Will Prevail

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Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only. This must be noted in all reprints.
Landlords Abusing Critical
Demand For Housing
ALTHOUGH THERE are no conclusive sta- to provide added housing it will not be able to
tistics by which to judge, reliable estimates keep up with anticipated enrollment increases.
place Ann Arbor rents a minimum 15 per cent
above the national average. IF NO control of any sort-either statutory or
Instances of rents so high as to be utterly 1 from
asburd area not uncommon. Several Ann Arbor withm the real estate profession-is
landlords have raised their rents in the middle exercised many will find the economic pinch
of a semester, knowing the student had little unbearable as rents continue to rise in the face
alternative but to pay. of acute need for apartments. The element of
While it is likely the bulk of local realtors competition is gone and with it any chance for
maintain the expected standards of integrity free market play to keep rents within reason-
and fairness, the group of rent gougers taking able bounds.
unfair advantage of a town gripped by a severe Rent controls in Ann Arbor were abolished
housing shortage is giving the profession a June 18, 1951. It was the feeling at that time,
black name, and the feeling is still prevalent in real estate
The reasons given for the excessive rent are circles, that the controls were unfair to realtors.
twofold: 1.) the cost of living in Ann Arbor is It may well be that official rent control is not
among the highest in the country, and,2.) there the answer.
is a tremendous scarcity of apartments. It is Internal control, however, is needed. When
only natural, landlords claim, to raise the price rent controls were lifted a grievance board was
of goods that are scarce. To a limited extent set up to hear cases of abuse by landlords. A
the reasoning is valid. study last year revealed the committee heard
But when the price reflects not the value ,few abuses and eventually died a natural death.
of the good but simply the temporary advan- City officials and local realtors should give
tage the rentor has over the rentee it is unfair serious consideration to probing the rental
and unethical. situation and attempting to restrain those land-
The situation is particularly serious now lords who are placing an unfair burden on Uni-
because there is every reason to believe the versity students, as well as placing themselves,
housing shortage will loom larger next fall' the city of Ann Arbor, and the realtors in a
and the fall after and the fall after that. bad light,
Despite the attempts the University is making -LEE MARKS
Competing for Men's Minds

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WAR, IT seems, is "now" impractical.
With the advent of inter-Continental mis-
siles and hydrogen bombs the military-mite
politics of East and West have lessened in
A corollary of this atomic stalemate has
been a change in the tactics of East-West
diplomacy to a phase-possibly to last for half
a century-of "complete coexistence."
The Communists have mane the transition
to "competitive" diplomacy with the ease char-
acteristic of totalitarian foreign policy. Krush-
chev, Bulganin, Mao Tse-tung and lesser Red
stars wait not a second for public opinion to
crystallize behind }policy. Moral considerations,
are not an obstacle. The expediency of the
moment is their guide.
This period of competitive diplomacy hasn't
altered the Cfmnu1nist long-range aim of world
domination. It has, however, altered their
Krushchev and Co. have proved formidable
diplomats. Their recent successful masquerade
through Asia as "peacemakers" proves the
point. They inveighed against "imperialism"
and "capitalist warmongers" and received both
literal and figurative red carpets for their
THE CAPSTONES of their junket were aid
offers to India, Burma, and Afganistan.

Shortly before, Egypt had agreed to do business.
The foot was now in the Arab-Asian door.
On the other hand, American foreign
policy hasn't made the sale, chiefly because it
hasn't attempted, specifically because of leth-
argy. The country seems preoccupied with its
own economic properity, farmer's gripes, and
Communists in the press.
Thus, our foreign policy has taken the
rigidity of Gibraltor, emphasizing military con-
tainment, nearly oblivious to the demands of
the competitive cpexistance of East and West.
The planes and tanks we send abroad aren't
feeding stomachs or providing capital equip-
The point is not that we haven't given
anything to Europe, Asia, and the Middle East;
we haven't given enough and given it in useful
The President's recent statement that the
administration will ask for $2.2 billion increase
in foreign aid appropriations ,indicates that
the shortcomings of our foreign policy are
being sensed. When Ike talks of the necessity
of a "long-range" program he is intimating an
insight of his-the United States must make a
greater sacrifice than she now is to "compete"
for the minds and stomachs of men.

More McKay Giveaways

IF a Senate Committee ever digs
deep enough it will find some in-
teresting White House friends in
the background of the oil lease
recently given to the Frankfort
Oil Company to drill in the Lacas-
sine Wildlife ,Refuge, hitherto
barred for oil exploration.
Among them are two high offi-
cials of Seagrams Whiskey, one of
them Ellis Slater, very close to
The Lacassine Waterfowl Re-
fuge in the Tidelands Oil Area of
Southern Louisiana is one of the
Federal reserves set aside by the
Interior Department under an act
of Congress to protect wildlife. It
dates back to 1935 and is consid-
ered one of the most important
bird refuges in the country. Hith-
erto these refuges have not been
open to oil drilling, though re-
peated attempts were made by the
oil companies to acquire leases.
* * *
IN THE CASE of the Lacassine
Refuge, four attempts were made
to drill for oil while Oscar Chap-
man, Democrat, was Secretary of
the Interior, the last application
having been made by E. A. Mc-
Kenna on Oct. 2, 1952, just a month
before Eisenhower was elected.
His application was rejected by
Chapman on the ground that oil
prospecting and drilling would in-
jure the purpose for which Con-
gress had set aside the refuge.
Some months passed, and with
the Eisenhower Administration
now in office, McKenna applied
again, June 10, 1953. This time he
appealed direct to Secretary of the
Interior "Generous Doug" Mc-
* * *
AT THAT TIME conservation

groups, 'worried o v e r possible
changes by the new Administra-
tion, made various representations
to the Interior Department, and
although several oil leases for game
refuges were prepared and on the
desk of Orme Lewis, Assistant Sec-
retary of the Interior, no oil leases
were actually signed during 1953-
The pressure of the conserva-
tionists was too great.
Meanwhile independent oil man
McKenna decided he was not in-
fluential enough to budge the In-
terior Department. So he inter-j
ested the Frankfort Oil Company,
a subsidiary of powerful Seagrams
Distillers, one of the big three of
the liquor business.
* * *
AFTER THE Seagrams-Frank-
fort officials took over McKenna's
oil applications, things began to
move. First McKenna called at
the Interior Department on July 7,
1955, with various Frankfort offi-
cials to introduce them.
Then on Sept. 30, 1955, the
Frankfort people moved in full
force. They were so confident of
success that they submitted an
operation plan for oil drilling in
the Lacassine Game Refuge.'
Career officials in the Fish and
Wildlife Service were flabbergast-1
ed. They had served through many
years when their chiefs above had
steadfastly made their decisions on
the basis ofurecommendations
down below. But now the oppo-
site was true.
GEN. FRANK Schwengel, the
very top man in Seagrams, now
called personally at the Interior
Department. He visited only the
top brass.

Officials down below still re-
sisted, but it was obvious they
were being by-passed. In No-
vember, Gen. Schwengel, not con-
tent with the progress, called
again. This time he got what he
About one week later the In-
terior Department OK'd the oil-
prospecting plans of' the Frank-
fort Oil Company for 12,000 acres
of the Lacassine Game Refuge,
near the Gulf of Mexico in South
Central Louisiana.
Almost simultaneously, Secre-
tary McKay came up with new
regulations authorizing oil and gas
leasing on 252 of the other 264
game refuges. All 252 were open-
ed to oil drilling.
THE NEW RULES were a com-
plete surprise to game-refuge ex-
perts in the Fish and Wildlife Ser-
vice, who never saw them until
they were sprung at a meeting
of McKay's Advisory Committee
on Conservation.
The regulations were signed by
"Generous Doug" McKay on the
same day, and minutes later Har-
ry J. Donohue, Interior Depart-
ment Special Assistant, was on the
The Bureau, said Donohue, was
to place the pending oil-gas ap-
plications for game refuges ahead
of all other business.
At that point the Frankfort-
Seagrams group was the only ap-
plicanit with an approved operat-
ing plan, so its leases were the only
ones involved. It took only two
working days to process them, and
they were finally issued on Dec.
6 with a back date to Dec. 1.
(Copyright, 1956, by Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

New Crime
SAMPLING the current crop of
detective fiction titles is a
usually entertaining if not always
rewarding way of occupying one's
leisure moments.
On the scene of crime today,
with the attack of the Spillane
school at last (inevitably) ren-
dered impotent, with the old mas-
ters still bent on bloodshed, and
with a new generation of crime
writers , making their presence
known, things are as lively and
spirited as ever,
For the temptation of the
cramming student, then, whose
reading interests could easily turn,j
In desperation, to lighter subjects,
here is a brief hit-and-rundown of
what's new on the detective fic-
tion shelves.
* * *
by Patricia Highsmith (Coward-
This is the new novel by the
author of the notably successful
Stranger on a Train; and it is an-
other "offbeat" story which this
time tells the storyi of young Tom
Ripley who is sent to Europe by
Herbert Greenleaf, an American
who wants Ripley to talk his
young, rebellious son into return-
ing to the States.
This commission by Greenleaf,
the reader observes, amounts to
the turning point in Tom Ripley's
life. What happens to young
Greenleaf on the continent when
Ripley arrives exemplifies what
constitutes the latter's new-found
This is a strangely unreal butj
compelling story of youthful per-
sonalities, laid against a color-
fully observed European back-
ground. Miss Highsnith's star is
on the rise.
TON by Kenneth Lowe (Double-
Looking back on it, poor Shir-
ley Minton didn't have a friend
in the world. Even the man who
was making love to her at the
moment when she was shot has
fallen in love with someone else
before her pretty corpse is scarce-
ly cold.-
And when her whining, spineless
Daddy, is killed we are tempted
to'say, "So what?"
But all this makes for a big
mystery in Shady Creek, and, of
Icourse, it has to get solved. The
nabbing and subsequent confession
at the end of the story should
rightfully rank high on the list
of nominations for the Most Un-
satisfactory a n d Unconvincng
Mystery Climax of the Year.
by John MacDonald (Doubleday).
I John MacDonald's last collec-
tion of stories, Something to Hide,
got the votes in 1952 as the top
collection of short mysteries for
the year. The present collection
is good - practically anything
published in short story form in
hardback today has to be good-
but certainly it is not up to the
level of its predecessor. MacDon-
ald ranges far afield-imaginative-
ly-in these six new stories, a
very welcome tendency in a writ-
er many of whose colleagues are
presenty causing the genre to suf-
fer from its unnecessarily limiting
characteristics. However, lacking
here is the polished brilliance of
the earlier group. By the common
yardstick, though, the collection

rates well above average.
Barbara Frost (Coward McCann).
The sleuth in this, the third
mystery by publicity writer Frost,
is a woman lawyer named Marka
de Lancey. Fortunately, in the
process of unmasking the true,
cold-blooded killer and thereby
exonerating an Italian, violin-
playing bit of husband material,
spinster lawyer Marka avoids the
self-conscious, horror-strewn path
followed by so many distaff de-
Marka derLancey is pleasantly'
down to earth. Below par writ-
ing, however, does its part to make
the competently sketched story a
rather slow-moving affair.
--Donald A. Yates
to the
Not Enticing...
To the Editor:
T HE Pentagon proposition to cut
the armed forces to two and
one-half million men and to abol-
ish the peacetime draft law by
1960-if the incumbent President,
ex-general Eisenhower is re-elect-
ed-doesn't entice me. When the
peacetime Selective Service Act
was passed in June, 194, the count
was hardly one. and one-half mil-

THE Daily Official Bulletin Is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michiga
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553
Administration Building before 2 p.m.
the day preceding publication. Notices
for the Sunday edition must be in
by 2 p.m. Friday.
General Notices
Examination Period: Please note that
final examinations at the end of the
first semester of the University year
1955-M6 begin on Mon.. Jan. 23, and end
on Thurs., Feb. 2. The final day of
regularly scheduled classes is Sat.,
Jan. 21. There will, for this semester,
be no "dead period" between the end
of classes and the examination period.
TO: All students who are Selective
Service registrants. The Selective Serv-
ice Qualification Test will be given on
campus Thurs., April 19, 1956. Students
may apply for the applications between
the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 12:00 noon,
1:00 p.m.tand 5:00 p.m., Mon. through
Fri., at the Local Board No. 85, 10
West Washington Street, Ann Arbor.
The deadline for securing the applica-
tion from Local Board No. 85 is 5:00
p.m., March 5, 1956.
To be eligible to take the Selective
Service College Qualification Test, an
applicant, -
(1) Must be a Selective Service regis-
trant who intends to request occupa-
tional deferment as a student;
(2) Must be satisfactorily pursuing a
full-time college course, undergraduate
or graduate, leading to audegree;
(3) Must not previously have taken
the test.
Correction:Note Change of Date
Attention February Graduates: Col-
lege of Literature, Science, and the
Arts, School of Education, School of
Music, School of Public Health, and
School of Business Administration -
students are advised not to request
grades of I or X in February. When
such grades are absolutely imperative,,
the work must be made up in time
to allow your instructor to report the
make-up grade not later than 8:30 a.m.
Mon., Feb. 6, 1956, instead of Jan. 30,
as originally published. Grades received
after that time may defer the student's
graduation until a later date.
Correction: Note Change of Date:
Recommendations for Departmental
Honors: Teaching departments wishing
to recommend tentative February grad-
uates from the College of Literature,
'Science, and the Arts, and the School
of Education for departmental honor
(or high honors in the College of
LS.&A.) should recommend such stu-
dents in a letter sent to the Office
of Registration and Records, Room 1513
Administration Building, by 8:30 am.,
Mon., Feb. 6, 1956, instead of JIan. SD,
as originally published.
Agenda, Student Government Coun-
til: Jan. 11, 1956, Michigan Union, 7:30
Minutes for the previous meeting.
Officer's reports: President, Meeting
with Regents, Little SGC meeting Mo-
day afternoon, Letters; Vice President:
Administrative Wing-Don Cood.
Committee Reports: Finance - Bill
Adams; Elections-Tom Sawyer; Coor-
dinating and Counseling-calendaring
and constitutions procedures Rod
Comstock; Campus Affairs, progress re-
port-Joe Collins.
Rushing Study Committee -- progres
Activities: Cinema Guild Board..
movie, February 6, Architecture Audi.
torium (for freshmen).
Old and New Business.
Member and Constituents time.
Dr. Aziz S. Atiya, President of the
Institute of Coptic Studies, Cairo,
Egypt, will speak on "The World's
Debate in the Middle Ages: New Light
on the History of the Crusades," Jan.
12, Aud. B, Angell Hall at 4:00 p.m.,
auspices of the Department of Near
Eastern Studies. Open to public.
Junior Engineers: Technical work
experience in a choice of 21 foreign
countries available during summer va-
cation through the Institute for Inter-
national Education. Detailed informa-
tion and application blanks at the En-
gineering Placement Office, Room 347
West Engineering Building.

Students who are definitely planning
to transfer to the College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts, School of Educa-
tion, School of Music, School of Nurs-
ing, or the College of Pharmacy in
February from another campus unit
should come to the Office of Admis-
sions, 1524 Administration Building
immediately to make application for
Application Blanks for the course In
Recreational Leadership, offered by the
Department of Physical Education 'for
Women, second semester, now available
in Room 15, Barbour Gymnasium.
Botanical Seminar. Dr. Lincoln Elli-
son, chife, Division of Range Research,
United States Forest Service will speak
on "Ecological Studies on a Hillside
Site in Central Utah." 4:15 p.m., wed.
Jan. 11, East Lecture Room No. 1, Mez-
zanine, Rackham Building.
Sociology Colloquium. Prof. Werner
Landecker will speak on "Class Crystal-
lization and Class Boundaries in De-
troit," Wed., Jan. 11 at 4:10 p.m. in Eat
Conference Room at the Rackham
Building. Open Lecture.
Journal -Club of the Department of
Romance Languages will meet Thurs.,
Jan. 12, at 4:15 p.m., West Conference
Room,, Rackham Building. Prof. Paul,
Spurlin, who spent last year in France,
will present a paper on "Higher Educa-
tion in France." Open to the public.
Engineering Seminar: "So You're an
Aiumnus!"-T. Hawley Tapping, Gen-







'1 __ _ -___ _ _ _ _ _ _-_

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A Retreat From Freedom


T'S ALWAYS hard to take when a particular
idol drops lower in your estimation.
The New York Times has been such an
idol. It has stood for more than an individual
newspaper printing "all the news that's fit to
print," but an example of what American jour-
nalism can accomplish at its finest.
This past week it still stood as a fine
institution, only it was leaning a bit.
Along with many other fine American
newspapers, the Times nas found the concept,
action, and results of the modern Communist-
hunting congressional committees something
- less than appealing.
Where and when necessary it has voiced
its feelings on these issues, and given strength
to the up and down cause of modern liberalism.
STHE SENATOR James O. Eastland, a Mis-
sissippi Democrat, began his investigation
into what he called "the significant effort on
the part of Communists to penetrate leading
American newspapers." That this is a job for
: Congress is questionable. But that the proud
American press could be made to cower through
such an investigation is horrifying.
. The Times had taken a strong and definite
stand on the question of congressional hearings
and its defendants last May 25, when it said:
" .~- . the Fifth amendment is an important
and historic element in the charter of our liber-
ties; and if it is to protect the best of us it
* must also stand ready to be used even by the
worst. The erosion of our own freedom begins
when we deprive of its guarantees those whom
we most hate and despise."
But these editorial words are much easier
to say than actually use, as many employers
and college presidents have found.
Maybe the Times had no expectation of
having to employ this policy when it spoke as it
did. But it did get such an opportunity.

And the Times was particularly vociferous
concerning what it felt was the subcommittee's
impinging on the freedom of the press as a
guarantee in the first amendment.
"We have judged these men, and shall
continue to judge them, by the quality of their
work and by our confidence in their ability to
perform that work satisfactorily," the Times
"It is our business to decide whom we shall
employ and not employ. We do not propose to
hand over that function to the Eastland com-
What happened? Nathan Aleskovsky, as-
sistant book editor of the Times was subpoened.
He lost his job; later said he was "forced" to
resign. Jack Shafer, a copyreader on the Times,
pleaded the Fifth Amendment. He, too, is out
of a job.
Admittedly not all of the Times men called
were dismissed. Clayton Knowles, a member of
the news staff, gave toie committee a listing
of his cell members when working for the Long
Island Press, and admitted membership himself
until 1939. There were others.
PUT THAT any firings took place at all opens
the door for new doubt in the stronghold of
liberal American journalism.
There is another case in point.
Melvin L. Barnet was fired by tthe Times
last month because of certain political "facts."
Last week Mr. Barnet, a former copyreader,
quoted in 'Nation' his letter of dismissal:
Louis Loeb, Times attorney wrote him-'
. You were discharged because of the facts
which your furnished me . . . in confidence at a
meeting in my office, November 17, 1955, sub-
ject to the understanding that I would pass
them on to my client, the management of the
New York Times.


Daily University Life in West Berlin


(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is one in a
series of articles by David Learned, a
University student who is studying
at the Free University of Berlin.)
BERLINWhat is daily univer-
sity life, in America like com-
pared to university life here at the
Free University of Berlin? The
relatively confined questions that
students come up with in conver-
sations make a long and interest-
ing article of comparison. The fol-
lowing are some of them.
Instead of tests and some classes
beginning at 7:30, none begin here
before 9 a.m. But some classes last
from 6 or 7 to 8 p.m.
At this university and town
briefcases are put to practical use.
First graders up through university
students and older workers carry
them.nWhat's the gimmick? They
a r a s,. ihpr 11ehs_ mabe a

live and go to the university in
the West. It can take them up
to an hour and a half to get to
the university. A lot come by bus
and subway, a lot by bicycle, and
some by motorbikes and scooters.
Because so many live so far away
one can see in the 15 minutes be-
fore the noon classes start many
students pulling out a couple of
sandwiches to eat before the pro-
fessor arrives. - When the pro-
fessor does arrive, the students
all knock on the writing boards
or chairs. They do this also at the
end of the lecture.
S* * *
HERETHE students groups are
really able to plan some excellent
trips of various sorts during the
vacations. In the winter and
spring vacations-two weeks and
two months, respectively, or as

ing clubs will even plan quite ex-
tended cruises on the ocean. Of
course there's also the usual en-
thusiasm here in Europe for hiking
and climbing.
of how the university student lives
here4 The vast majority of the
tudents have private rooms. Often
the room will be heated with a
tall china stove. These are really
a sight to see, and seem to heat as
horribly as they look.
In most cases there is no cook-
ing allowed in the room. The stu-
dent will have a bag of sausage,
cheese, bread and margerine stash-
ed in a corner somewhere for his
sandwiches; he can, also buy a.
good hot meal cheaply at the stu-
dent cafeteria at noon, where they
also sell beer and wine.
There are only two places that



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