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January 10, 1956 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1956-01-10

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Sixty-Sixth Year

When Opinions Are Free,
Truth Will Prevail

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staf
and represent the views'of the writers only. This must be ,noted in all reprints.
Faeulty Dismissals -Were
They Good or Bad For Campus?

NOW that the smoke has been cleared away,
perhaps it would be valuable to examine the
dismissals of two faculty members here in 1954
to see exactly what effects it has had and
what good it has served.
Although it has been only a year and a half
since Prof. Mark Nickerson and H. Chandler
Davis were dismissed from the University fac-
ulty, everyone seems to have forgotten the
matter. They were dismissed for lack of co-
operation with University committees who, were
investigating their refusal to testify before a
House Un-American Activities Subcommittee.
..Everyone seems also to have forgotten that
Prof. Clement L. Markert, who was saved from
a similar fate only by a hairline diecision, is still
teachirg zoology here.
Prof. Markert also refused to testify before
the Un-American Activities Subcommittee and
also refused to cooperate with University com-
mittees relating to his past membership in the
Communist Party and similar information about
Was Prof. Markert less dangerous to the
University community than Prof. Nickerson
and Davis? Or is it possible that none of
them were so dangerous that they should have
been dismissed?
Was there that much difference between
Prof. Markert and the other two? Or were
two sacrificed to the demands of an excited
public and one saved by the demands of de-
votees to individual liberty and fair; play?
We might consider, now that we are no
longer in the midst of the tempest, what harm
or danger Prof. Nickerson and Davis, would
have imposed upon the University if they
had not been fired, or better yet, if they had
never even been suspended and investigated.
HOW many of us can realistically claim that
they would have represented danger? Noth-
ing was ever proved to the effect that they in-
tended any subversion. Nothing was ever
proved to the effect that they belonged to or-
ganizations that intended any subversion.
This speaks ill of this University's concep-
tion of freedom and justice, for this country
from its beginning has been unmovably op-
posed in principle to punishing men for what
they may "intend" to do, mostly because con-
crete evidence .is impossible.
Their only guilt was in refusing to disclose
information about themselves that only auth-
oritarians would think proper to ask. This was
supposed to prove bad faith; but what about
the faith of those who asked?
In any event, it cannot be logically held that

their remaining here would have been danger-
ous to anyone. Allowing Prof. Markert to re-
main obviates any argument on this point.
Regardless of the reasons for the dismissals,
viewing them in the present perspective re-
veals that no good purpose was served.
Instead, there have been bad results. There
has been a dangerous lack of political contro-
versy, or controversy of any kind, since the
dismissals, dangerous because a university is
expected to increase knowledge and promote
progress through the clash of conflictingiopin-
ions, no matter how radical.
The lesson that most people at the Univer-
sity evidently took from the dismissals was
that caution is the highest virtue, or, in other
words, that to buck the University's preoccu-
pation with public relations would be most in-
The result is the apathy we all deplore these
days among college students, who are merely
following the example of their older and wiser
teachers. No controversial speakers have come;
no political club has been active; no new poli-
tical clubs have been formed; the Labor Youth
League is unfortunately inconspicuous; and
even the stimulating Student Legislature has
given way to a staid Student Government Coun-
WHAT is everyone afraid of?
It's. nothing definite, only a vague fear
that the hasty and unjust reactionathat the
University displayed in the dismissals cases
will somehow come to bear disagreeably on one's
future if he does or says something which
might be taken as out of line.
Perhaps this is puttng t too strongly. Per-
haps today's apathy on the campus is not even
partly a result of the handling of the dis-
missals. But it is indeed hard to find any oth-
er explanation for the apparent unwillingness
toward controversy.
It is even hard to begin looking for explana-
tions after hearing a student say, following the
'dismissals, "I wouldn't go to an LYL meeting,
even out of curiosity. They watch everyone
who goes. And someday I might be applying
for an important job and ..
If the dismissals were in any way responsible
for this, then they did this University a great
disservice, a disadvantage that cannot be out-
weighed by the flimsy advantages of appeas-
ing public opinion. Looking back now, it seems
even more obvious that the dismissals were a
big mistake.
-JIM DYGERT, City Editor

"And Now, At One And The Same Time-"
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Rogue River Probe Begins 7t.

Half 'Fun,' Half Pops;
No Room For Music
VERYBODY HAS fun at Boston Pops concerts. This is especially
so in Boston where Symphony Hall is done over for the Pops season.
The rows of'chairs are replaced by tables and chairs, and the audience
eats its way through various kinds of music.
Sunday night, even in the sedate confines of Hill Auditorium

T HE wheels of Congress grind
slow. Today, in January 1956,
the Senate is finally getting around
to a full-dress investigation. of one
of the biggest timber giveaways in
recent years, reported in this col-
umn as early as Sept. 29, 1954 -
namely, the sale of Rogue River
National Forest timber to politi-
cal friends of Congressman Harris
Ellsworth (R., Ore.) for only $5 an
This was valuable Douglas fir,
which the McDonald family of
Mobile, Ala., had been trying to
take over for six years. But prev-
ious Democratic secretaries of the
Interior had always said no.
ALABAMA'S Congressman Frank
"All is Made For Love" Boykin
of Mobile, a Democrat, frequently
pestered his fellow Democrat, Sec-
retary of the Interior Oscar Chap-
man, on behalf of his Mobile con-
stituents, but got nowhere.
When generous Doug McKay got
into the Interior Department, how-
ever, things changed.
The McDonald family shifted its
tactics. It dropped Congressman
Boykin, Democrat, and enlisted the
aid of a Republican, Congressman
Ellsworth, close friend of Secre-
tary McKay's. The shift worked.
They got the timberland.
THE METHODS used to get it,
as set forth in this column Sept.

29, 1954, were so interesting that
they bear repeating.
"First, their mining claim to
the land, through the Al Serena
Mining Co., had long given them
the right to mine gold and silver
ore under the forest but not touch
the forest.
"But what the McDonalds want-
ed was not only the underground
minleral rights, but the above-
ground timber rights. So thef
tried to convince the Forest Ser-
vice and the Bureau of Land Man-
agement that to continue their
mining operations they must take
over the surface rights. Their first
application was made in 1948.
"Both bureaus, when under the
Democrats, said no.
"Five years passed. Secretary
McKay took office. A few months
later, in early 1953, his fellow Ore-
gonian and good friend, Congress-
man Ellsworth, began writing him
long, pleading letters that the Mc-
Donald family must have surface
rights in the Rogue River National
' * .
"THE LETTERS, which increas-
ed in frequency, were handled by
solicitor Clarence Davis.
"Despite Davis' irriation, he let
the Oregon Congressman win an
important concession. According
to his own memo, Davis agreed to
let him submit 'some independent
reports of disinterested people' re-
garding the quality of gold and sil-
ver ore in the Al Sereno claim.
"Three months later, the per-

sistent Congressman from Oregon
persuaded the yielding solitor of
the Interior Department to have
two engineers re-examine the en-
tire Al Serena case.
"THERE THE ore was assayed
by the A. W. Williams Inspection
Co., located in an area which has
little experience in assaying gold
and silver ore.
"On the basis of this assay, the
long-contested claim of the Mc-
Donald family for a slice of the
Rogue River National rorest was
This column had some interest-
ing aftermaths, as follows:
Aftermath No. 1 -- The Salem
Capital Journal promptlyhcanceled
the column.
Aftermath No. 2 - I later dis-
covered and published the fact that
the ore samples on which the Wil-
liams Company based its assay
were thrown into the Rogue River.
AFTERMATH NO. 3-It turns
out that the Williams Company not
only was very close to the Mc-
Donald family but that J. A. Mc-
Daniel, a partner in the Williams
firm, was also a partner of Charles
McDonald, jr., active manager of
Al Serena.
Aftermath No. 4-Congressman
Ellsworth threatened a libel suit,
then decided he hadn't been li-
beled, and tried to persuade Secre-
tary McKay to sue. He failed.
(Copyright, 1956, by Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

everybody had a good time.
The audience drew Mr. Fiedler
back for three well planned en-
cores, which were named by large
signs held aloft before each piece.
Included was the "Surry With the
Fringe on Top." Prolonged ap-
plause after the third brought
forth "The Stars and Stripes For-
ever," which was the end. These
four not very demanding pieces put
the Pops in its best light.
* * *
THE ANNOUNCED program was
divided into three sections, two
"serious" works comprising the
middle. The first section seemed
to consist of a number of curtain
raisers. This is perhaps a habit
developed under the usual Pops
conditions in Boston-it makes it
easy for late arrivals to pour in
conveniently at many intervals.
Unfortunately it does not make
for very interesting programming.
The suite from J. Strauss Jr's.
Graduation Ball included the Ac-
celeration Waltz which was useful
as it gave an opportunity for the
group 'to demonstrate that, if it
was carefully and explicitly direct-
ed in the score, they could slightly
vary the tempo from a monoton-
'ous, choppy march. Thrdughout
most of the program the slight
variations from strict and unvary-
ing time which are not explicitly
written in the music and which
distinguish truly great perform-
ances were sadly missing.
THE TWO serious works in the
middle section of the program were
the most disappointing. The Pops
was in over its head.
The Rachmaninoff Rhapsody
for piano and orchestra is a mar-
velous piece of music.
One favorite is the eighteenth
variation. The absurd little twid-
dle is played upside down and
rather slowly and behold! one of
those gorgeous singable melodies
which makes Rachmaninoff
anonymously familiar to thousands
of popular song lovers.
The effect Sunday night was
poor because both the orchestra
and soloists were so intent on
details of the music such as indi-
vidual notes in the arpeggio ac-
companiment that the beautiful
long line of the melody was lost.
THE OTHER "serious" composi-
tion was The Sorcerer's Appren-
tice. This came off fairly well.
The tendency of the ensemble to
slip into a march at the slightest
opportunity is fine for the unholy
fugato describing the ineluctable
march of the shattered broomstick,
and the slight loss of humor it en-
tailed in the distress theme of the
unfortunate apprentice was not
After these two efforts and an
intermission the program went
from bad to worse with one selec-
' tion of the sweetest music this side
of Guy Lombardo, a free adver-
tisement for Philip Morris, and
one for Gillette. The less said
about this nonsense the better.
-Phil Benkard
'Peter Pan'
Even Better
W ITH THE aid of a mechani-
cal skyhook, Peter Pan, the
little boy who never wanted to
grow up, once again flew into the
hearts of millions of Americans
via the NBC television network
last night.
Mary Martin, making her sec-
ond starring performance of the
James Barrie fantasy, proved why
this "Producer's Showcase" pro-
duction was viewed by more people
than any other single event in the
history of teleyision.
Miss Martin was also aided by

a fine cast including Cyril Rich-
ard, the viscious CaptainHook,
Kathy Nolan, Sondra Lee and
Heller-Halliday, who in real life
is Miss Martin's daughter. The en-
tire production was produced,
staged and choreographed by Jer-
ome Robbins, even though Miss
Martin stated as late as two weeks
ago that she would not do the
show unless it was produced by
Fred Coe.
THE COLOR in this perform-
ance was much improved over the
tinted Peter Pan of last March.
The opening shot of the multi-
colored spectrum containing all
the colors of the rainbow as seen
orl color TV is as beautiful as any-
thing ever reproduced on the tech-
nicolor motion picture screen. ,
The choreography, especially the
Indian numbers and the battle
scene between Peter and Captain
Hook on the Pirate shoship, was
enacted with grace and kept the
light-hearted spirit of the show.
* * *
THE SOUND of more than 65
million men, women and children

THE Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553
Administration Building before 2 p.m.
the day preceding publication. Notice
for the Sunday edition must be in
by 2 p.m. Friday.
General Notices
Late Permission: Because of the Bos-
ton Pops Concert on Sun., Jan. 8, all
women students will have 11:30 late
Detroit Edison Upperclass Scholarship.
A scholarship of $275 is available for
application by residents of Michigan
who have completed at least one year
at the University of Michigan in any
of the following fields: Economics, Ac-
counting, Business, and Personnel Ad-
ministration. Selections will be made
on the basis of scholastic ability, char-
aeter, citizenship, extracurricular activi-
ties, and financial need. Application
forms at the Scholarship Office, 113
Administration Building.
TO: All students who are Selective
Service registrants. The Selective Serv-
ice Qualification Test will 'be given on
campus Thurs., April 19, 1956. Students
may apply for the applications between
the hours of :00 a.m. and 12:00 noon,
1:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m., Mon. through
Fri., at the Local Board No. 85, 210
West Washington Street, Ann Arbor.
The deadline for securing the applica-
tion from Local Board No. 85 is 5:00
p.m., March 5, 1956.
To be eligible to take the Selective
Service College Qlualficktion Test, an
(1) Must be a Selective Service regis-
trant who intends to request occupa-
tional deferment as a student;
(2) Jirust be satisfactorily pursuing a
full-time college course, undergraduate
or graduate, leading to a degree;
(3) Must not previously have taken
the test.
Clifton Faldiman Lecture Postponed.
Clifton Fadiman originally scheduled
to appear tonight on the Lecture Course
series, has postponed his engagement
here until Sun., Feb. 12. The postpone
ment was necessary due to TV commit-
Readings by Members of the English
Department. Prof. John Weimer. "Clo-
vis, Reginald, and Other Amiable
Beasts: a Reading from the Stories of
Saki (H. H. Munro)." Tues., Jan 10,
4:10 p~m. Aud. A, Angell Hall.
Dr. Robert Heine-Geldern, Professor
of Ethnology in the University of Vien-
na, will give the second of two lectures
on prehistoric contacts between Asia
and America Tues., Jan. 10 in Aud. B,
Angell Hall at 4:15 p.m. on "Hindu-
Buddhist Influence in the Art of Meso-
Academic Notices
Junior Engineers: Technical work
experience in a choice of 21 foreign
countries available during summer va-
cation through the Institute for Inter-
national Education. Detailed informa-
tion and application blanks at the En-
gineering Placement Office, Room 347
West Engineering Building.
Application Blanks for the course in
Recreational Leadership, offered by the
Department of Physical Education for
Women during second semester, now
available in Room 15, Barbour Gymnas-
Mathematics Club: Tues., Jan. 10, at
8:00 p.m. in the West Conference Room,
Rackham Building. Prof. J. W. Carr
will speak on "Some Mathematical
Problems Posed by Large Scale Digital
Sociology Colloquium. Prof. Wernr
Landecker will speak on "Class Crystal-
lization and Class Boundaries in De-
troit," Wed., Jan. 11 at 4:10 p.m. in East
Conference Room at the Rackham
Building. Open Lecture.

Botanical Seminar. Dr. Lincoln Emll-
son, chife, Division of Range Research,
United States Forest Service will speak
on "Ecological Studies on a Hillside
Site in Central Utah." 4:15 p.m., Wed.,
Jan. 11, East Lecture Room No. 1, Mez-
zanine, Rackham Building.
Doctoral Examination for Paul Huber,
Speech; thesis: "A Study of the Rhetori-
cal Theories of John A. Broadus,M
Tues., Jan. 10, 3211 Angell Hall, at
2:30 p.m. Chairman, W. M. Sattler.
Doctoral Examination for Herbert
Hugo Liebhaf sky,Economics; thesis:
"United States International Raw Ma-
terials Policy and Controls During and
Since the End of the Korean Emer-
gency," Wed., Jan. 11, .105 Economics
Bldg., at 4:30 p.m. Chairman, Q. F.
Doctoral Examination for Yat Wah,
Tsui, Civil Engineering; thesis: "A
Study of Stress Distribution in Haun-
che Polygonal Girder Space Frames with
Column Supports," Wed., Jan. 11, 305
West Engineering Bldg., at '2:00 p.m.
Chairman, L. C. Maugh.
Doctoral Examination for Franz
Samelson, Psychology; thesis: "Group
Pressure and Incongruity in the Cog-
nitive Field as Determinants of Con-
formity," Wed., Jan. 11, 7611 Haven
Hall, at 10:00 a.m. Chairman, Daniel



New Strong Man in Europe

r37E spell of Pierre Poujade, the fanatic new
French party leader, has taken hold in Italy.
A new party has been started in Milan modeled
after Poujade's Anti-taxers and in Rome the
neo-Fascists have 'hailed the Frenchman as
"the man of the day."
Americans can never cease to wonder at the
attitudes of the Europeans. After all their
agonizing experiences with one dictator after
another, votes are still cast for this new 'strong
But his significance might be over-empha-
sized. He appears to have received much of
his vote simply because there remains no other
way to protest against current conditions.
The great tax burden in France and Italy
rests upon the middle classes rather than upon
the upper classes. The small French business-
man in many cases can see no hope for im-
mediate tax relief in either Faure or Mendes-
France. The Communists certainly do not
offer the small businessman a solution. All
that remains, aside from assorted minority par-
ties, is Poujade.
Another explanation could lie in the French
character. Its individualism and devotion to
extremes has asserted itself continually ever
since 'the great Revolution. French history.
has been a series of oscillations between radi-
calism and reactionism.
Though they never quite trust anyone, the
French are always willing to give the most dire
extremists at least a chance. It has been said
Editorial Staff
Dave Baad .......................... Managing Editor
Jim Dygert .... .............. City Editor
Murry Frymer ...................... Editorial Director
Debra Durchslag .....................Magazine Editor
David Kaplan ...................... Feature Editor
Jane Howard .................... Associate Editor
Louise Tyor .................... Associate Editor
Phil Douglis.......................... Sports Editor
Alan Eisenberg ............... Associate Sports Editor
Jack Horwitz ................. Associate Sports Editor
Mary Hellthaler . .. Women's Editor
Elaine Edmonds .......Associate Women's Editor
John Hirtzel.....................Chief Photographer
Business Staff
Dick Aistrom...................... Business Manager

recently that in the broad sense the French
Revolution is yet to end.
POUJADE has not made clear yet exactly how
far he wants to go. It would be rash to claim
that this young bookstore proprietor is destined
to become Europe's next great dictator, although
some of his strong-arm methods bear a dis-
turbing similarity to a certain German Storm-
"Ours is not a political movement," Poujade
has said, "but a reform movement. We have
men of all parties, but first they are members
of the movement and members of the party
only secondly." Poujade admits Communists
make up a large share of his party.
Perhaps he is not so ominous as he seems,
even if he has already won 52 seats out of the ;
594 in the National Assembly. It appears more
probable that French distrust of strong gov-
ernment will prevent any real victory for
Monsieur Poujade.
Change Of Heart
AN embarrassed Grinnell College student has
finally received the "I LIKE IKE" cam-
paign buttons he requested back in 1952.
Only, instead of the few buttons he re-
quested, Walter Williams, Undersecretary of
Commerce, sent along two dozen buttons and
However, the embarrassment is not neces-
sarily due to the quantity.
The young man is now president of the col-
lege's Young Democrat Club.
New Books at the Library
Dickson, Samuel--The Streets of San Fran-
cisco; Stanford, Starnford U. Press, 1955.
Divine, David-Boy on a Dolphin; N. Y.,
Macmillan Co., 1955.
Ernest, Morris-Utopian; N.Y., Rinehart &
Co., 1955.
Lamb, Harold-New Found World; N. Y.,
Doubleday & Co., 1955.
Litvinov, Maxim-Notes for a Journal; N.Y.,
Wm. Morrow, 1955.
Peck, David-The Greer Case; N.Y., Simon
& Schuster, 1955.


Group Aids 'Student of Tomorrow'


(EDITOR'S NOTE: The following
article by Thomas L. Dickinson, As-
sistant Director of the University's
Development Council, is published as
an interpretation of the significance
of the Student Relations Committee
program, a newly established activity
of the Development Council.)
Assistant Director, Development Council
THIS is the story of a group of
students at the University who
are engaged in a new project
which ten years from now, if not
sooner, may become one of the
most important extra-curricular
activities on campus.
It is the story of the Student
Relations Committee-its philo-
sophy, its objectives, and the
people whd see in the committee
an opportunity to recognize clear-
ly the unique and distinctive feat-
ures of their chosen University-,
Chairmaned by Donna Netzer,
'56, this Development Council com-
mittee numbers little more than
a dozen members. Its scope, how-
ever, embraces every one of the
20,654 students registered in credit
courses here this fall.
* * *
UNDER ITS Charter of Organi-
zation, the purpose of the Stu-
dent Relations Committee is de-
fined thusly: ". . . to coordinate
activities designed to arouse stu-

lations of the University, especial-
ly in those aspects which will lead
to improved financial support
through gifts, grants and be-
(2) To stimulate further the in-
terest of alumni and friends of the
University in its development and
to facilitate this development by
a continuing study of the institu-
tion's needs; and.
(3) To coordinate the Univer-
sity's special fund raising pro-
* * *
is a service agency. It exists sole-
ly to serve the interest of the en-
tire Michigan family of which the
Regents, administration, faculty,
students and alumni are compon-
ent parts.
Dividends to the student body
through the development program
have been many and varied. For
Additional funds have been
channeled to the University from
sources of private financial sup-
port (alumni, corporation,s foun-
dations, friends) for student aid,
scholarships, fellowships and oth-
er types of awards.
Certain types of equipment have
been acquired for use in connec-
tion with specialized study pro-
grams, such as special recording

port of research, work in alumni
relations, promotion of special
building projects such as the new
University Press headquarters just
north of The Daily and other in-
tangible public relations activities
-accrue to the welfare of the
The underlying function of the
Student Relations Committee is to
interpret the University of Michi-
gan in all its ramifications to the
average student who has little time
to consider campus life outside his
own orbit of activity.
In this function, the Student
Relations Committee is in a posi-
tion to render a tremendously im-
portant service to the University
through establishment of lines of
communication between the stu-
dents and the other members of
the Michigan family.
Working with Student Govern-
ment Council, the speakers' bureau
program is being shaped to bring
the story before housing and ac-
tivity groups.
** *
upon a period of unprecedented ex-
pansion and ,growth to meet the
equally unprecedented demands
imposed by all phases of our so-
ciety, the role of the Student Re-
lations Committee assumes even
more significance.


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