U.S. Per Capita Income Shows Increase Since 1929
Lewis Says Talks Should
Result in Agreeable'_PLan
Primitive Mogollon Indian
Life ComparableTo Ours-
(Continued from Page 1)
(IP l12%~ $2,000
uuw MLKn IlmA' auv rr.. e4 a 5OURCE: 05. DEP'T OF COMME5RCE - AP Nefeatue
By DAVID BOWEN region, Northwest, Southwest and per cent in the Middle Eastern 10 leading states went like this:
ted Press Newsfeatures Writer Southeast in that order. The same states. District of Columbia, New York,
Department of Commerce order prevails now, except that For the United States as a Connecticut, Delaware, California,
y published the first corn- the Far West has displaced the whole, per capita income climbed Ilhinois, New Jersey, Massachus-
evision of its official tabu- Middle East at the top. .from $703 to $1,770 in 1954, an etts, Nevada and Rhode Island.
on state personal income The greatest percentage gains increase of 152 per cent. South Leads Gains
,hese statistics were first in the past 25 years were scored Nevada Highest ~As the shading on the map
sted in the late 19305. by regions neatr the bottom of the The state with the highest per shows, it was the states of the
sing a greater amount of list. The biggest percentage jump capita income in 1954 was Nevada, Southeast and Southwest, plus a
stion than similar studies was made by the Southeast, where with $2,414. Following Nevada in few in the Northwest, which made
pt, the nwtabulation is per capita income rose 241 per '54 was Delaware with $2,373, the greatest individual percentage
"the most cmrhnie cent from $362 In 1929 to $1,233 Connecticut with $2,361, the Dist- gains in per capita income. South
e rhecmod omdffrees in 1954. Per capita income is up rict of Columbia with $2,220, New Carolina led in this field with a
states in economie truc 226 per cent in the Southwest, Jersey with $2,219, New York with jump of 294 per cent, followed by
Ld change." 192 per/ cent in the Northwest, 155 $2,163, California with $2,162, North Carolina with 256 per cent
per cent in the Central region, Illinois with $2,155, Michigan with and Georgia with 253 per cent.
accompanying map graph- 130 per cent in the Far West, 121 $2,017 and Ohio with $1,983. Without a per capita break-
ilustrates thciashages gv- per cent in New England and 112 In 1929 the order among the down, the Central region shows
Sacross thie United States up as the richest section of the
quarter-century since 1929. 1 'T S e knation. Personal incoines there
ts that while all the totals iour Ero t8q) 0LI iO e during 1954 totaled $81,947,000,-
one up, the alignment by . '1"'000. The Middle Eastern states
of per capita income is al- At Auto Ennineerin' Alietin gcame in second in 1954 with $75,-
t1e same now as it was in '- 863,000,000, the Southeast third
with $40,819,000,000, the Far West
Four University professors will
Per Capita Income speak on "The Next Decade of the K. Lahti of the A&D department. fourth with $35,348,000,000, the
apita Income is the total of Automobile" at the annual na- Prof. Vincent and Prof. Sch- Southwest fifth with $ 19,084,000,-
i regional personal income, tional .convention of the Society wartz willtl on te performance 8000, ew Egand sith Nithw$18,-
by the number of per- of Auto Engineers Monday at 8 of the present automobile tengine, 89,0,00adte otws
ring in the state or region. p.m. in the Detroit Statler Hotel. what will happen to engines dur- seventh with $13,414,000,000.
29, the Middle Eastern Speaking will be Professor Ed- ing the changeover, and what
tiad the highest per capita ward T. Vincent, Prof. Frank L. must be done to make a gas tur- ]~ *L 1
1 income with .4944. Thih shwsrte: ~nd mThA rhavrim Tan_. bine a suitable substitution. ivUSiC ~C1OOI
Cummiskey, who has been work-
ing with local law-enforcement
authorities had no comment on
progress in this area. .
It is believed that some adminis-
Japanese Men
Still Prefer
Gentle Girls'
Here's a tip for man-hunting-
Tis sbeing Lap Year notice
appearing recently in Fujin Kor-
on, a popular women's magazine
in Japan. Reviewed in the Oct-
ober '55 issue of "Japanese Stu-
dent" an English language pub-
lication, the story indicates a
longing for a return to the anc-
ient virtues amongst the fairer
Despite the so-called "West-
ernization" of the Japanese, the
Japanese male is overwhelmingly
in favor of "gentle and obedient
girls". Today's career woman has
b e c o m e "unwomanly, brazen-
faced, sophisticated and calculat-
Instead of equality of the sexes ,
Nipponese men still prefer the
patriarcha system of the family,
The aticl 1 e continues by calling
on young women to heighten the
level of their culture, become more
ather th~an sociable.b dmsic
Just goes to show that around
the world, the best way to get
your man is with femninie charm
and a belief that a woman's place
is in the home.
'U' Education
Not many people are aware of
the fact tha a full one quarter of
the Horace H. Rackhamn School
of Graduate Studies is comprised
of lneople working for Masters or
Doctorate degrees in education.
Assistant Dean, Harlan C. Koch
of the Graduate School, noted
that students working in some
field of education make up the
largest single group in the school.
"About one fourth of the total
University enrollment Is enrolled
in Graduate School and one
fourth of that number are in edu-
cation," Prof. Koch said.
In response to the demand for
teachers, Dean of the School of
Education Williard C. Olsen noted
that "we have been turning out
college professors in substantial
"The University has been first
among tax supported schools in
the number of Masters degrees
awarded," Dean Olsen said.
The graduate department of the
education school is expected to
grow in proportion to the college
enrollment Dean Olsen comment-
ed, but said that he beleived that
the "crisis" in education is still
trative officers are working on a
plan whereby student drivers
would agree when registering their
stop cars and questionuthem. to
Allocation of Fines
Such a step might result In
event of local refusal to grant
broad enforcement power to the
Onth que"son ofallocation ofd
auto registration fees, general
opinion of the committee is that
decisions on an exact amount is
dependent on talks with budget
and accounting officers of the Uni-
"eWhile it is hoped that funds
can be allocated primarily for
parking, as SGC recommends,"
Streiff said, "we still need to con-
sider first what financial require-
ments must be met."
At their Friday meeting, the
committee was in agreement that
there should be a registration fee,
but hesitant to suggest any exact
amount before determination of
cost of enforcement, administra-
tion and possible parking struc-
Separate Board Recommended
During discussion on jurisdiction
of violations of the proposed new
ban, the committee agreed that
first offense cases could be handled
most effectively through the crea-
tion of a separate student board
responsible to Joint Judiciary
Such a board would relieve Joint
Judic of a considerable burden and
enable them to consider driving
peate nature, n additio to their
regular hearings.
The Implementation committee
is meeting a't 3:30 p.m. tomorrow
in an attempt to present proposals
to SGC at their Wednesday meet-
In addition to Dean Rea, Streiff,
Lewis and Townsend, committee
members are Joint Judic chair-
man Fritz Glover, '56, Gene Hart-
wig, '58L, Prof. Roger Heyns of
the psychology department and
Prof. John C. Kohl of the engin-
eering college.
Faculty Talk
(Continued from Page i)
At many of the meetings, there
were several faculty or adminis-
tration members joining in the
philogsophical discussions with the
Some time this week the IHCO
will issue a post-conference report
on the ideas and problems covered
at the individual sessions of the
conference. This report, compiled
from the notes taken by the secre-
taries at the individual metings,
will be intended to further aid the
house as a lasting record of the
ideas expressed-.
AlreadyotherIHO officerseare
conference, as one of them ex-
pressed the possibility of having
a general meeting fr all delegates
was not done yesterday.
CHICAGO (.P)-An Anthropolo-
gist says life among prehistoric
Mogollon Indians of western New
Mexico wasn't too far different
from that of today's modern white
man-with some important ex-
ceptions, of course.,
These primitive Indians lived in
apartments, thrived on a farm
economy, were devoted to religion
and had itchy feet.
PaulS. Martin, head of the de-
partment of anthropology of the
Clhicago Natural History Museum,
has supervised the mu seum' s
Southwest archaeological expedi-
tions for the last 12 years. He
reports that this year's work in
the excavations near Reserve, N,
M., revealed important material
on which to build a chronological
hory of te people whose be-
ginnings reach back 5,000 years.
Martin says the purpose of his
research on early American life
is designed to:
1. Learn why a particular cul-
ture or civilization develops.
2. Determine why and how it
3. Why it declines and dies.
"These problems all have a di-
rect bearing on our daily lives be-
cause their answers may help us
Congregational Disciples Guild: To-
night, 7:00 p.m., Prof. Kenneth Bould-
ing will speak on "Time To Spare,"
Congregational Church
Deutscher Vereln: Jan. 10, 7:30 p.m.,
Rm. 3B3, Union, Kurt Truhn and Caspar
Grothwohl will speak.
* * ,
Gothic Film Society: Jan. 9, 8:00
p.m., "Salt of the Earth" will be shown
at the Rackham Amphitheatre, .
Graduate Outing Club: Today, 2:00
p.m., Northwest entrance to Rackham
Hillel Foundation: Basic Judaism
Class, Jan. 8, 8:00 p.m., Hillel.
Mass meeting of all Independents
for Hillelzapoppin, Jan. ii, 7:30 p.m.,
Student ZIonist- Organization will have
a film, "Tent City"; a discussion will
follow, tonight, 8:15 p.m., Hillel.
Sunday night Supper Club followed
Lutheran Student Association: Prof.
Anil K. De, PhD in Chemistry, will
speak on "Hinduism" at 7:00 p.m.,
tonight, This will open a series on
"Know the Religions 'of the world."
There will be a supper at 6:00 p.m.
at the Lutheran Student Center, Forest
and Hill.
Michigan Christian Fellowship: Cleo
Buxton, General Secretary of Officers'
Union, will speak today, 4:00 p.m.,
Lane Hall.
* * *
Philippine-Michigan Club: Monthly
meeting, today, 2:30 p.m., Rm. 3B,
Union. *
SRA: Folk Dancing, Jan. 9, 7:39 to
10:00 p.m., In the recreation room of
LainelInstruction feorevery dance,
Undergraduate Mathematics Club:
speak 'on "Topic inGroup Theor,
Rm. 3L, Union.
* * *
Westminlster Student Fellowship: Re-
ment Quadrennial Conference tday
6:45 p.m., Presbyterian Student Center
to prevent our own civilization
from withering," he said.
The reconstructed history of the
they m oved fromn southern Ariz-
ona to the Pine Lawn Valley area
and established a village many
centuries ago. They left their
homeland because the lakes and
rivers were drying up.
At first they may have lived in
skin tents and depended for food
largely on gathering seeds, nuts,
berries, bulbs and hunting small
game. By about 2000 B.C., Mar'.
tin said, the idea of farminig corn,
beans and squash was adopted.
Later ideas of making pottery
and building pit houses-religious
centers- were borrowed from
more southern tribes.
The Mogollin picked up and
moved away about 1350 A.D. Why
they did remains a mystery.
It may be that the priests de-
creed a move to offset bad luck
or black magic. But Martin figures
that maybe they were like our
pioneers and trontiersmen who
simply did not fit Into a settled
3'Grd Made
NBC Official
Michael Dann, '43, has been
elected Vice President in charge
of Program Sales for the -Na-
tional Broadcasting Cogipany, S.
L. Weaver, Jr., Chairman of the
Board, has announced,
Dann, a member of the Daily
1staff in 1940, 1941 and 1942, has
been Director of Program Sales for
NBC-TV since November 1954.
Last year he was responsible for
supervising and launching the net-
work's new series of programs
Labeled as "Spectaculars." These
included such 90-minute shows as
"Our Town," "Cyrano de Berger-
ac," and ,"Peter Pan," which Is
being repeated in color this Mon-
day evening.
Dann started in broadcasting as
a comedy writer in 1945.
316 S. State St.
Second in the January series
of programs presented by the
School of 3ylusic is a recital feat-
uring Sylvia Zavitzianos, sporano,
8:30 p.m., Monday, in Auditorium
A, Angell Hall.
Scheduled musical events for
the remainder of the semester in-
clude William D. Revelli conduct-
ing the University Symphony
Band in Hill Auditorium, 8:30
p.m., Jan. 13.
Also, on Jan. 13 and 14 the 11th
Annual Midwestern Conference
on School Vocal and Instrumental
Music will be held.
Another recitalist. Sally Lutz,
pianist, will perform Jan. 15.
Jean Langlais, guest organist,
will present a program on Jan. 18.
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