Congressional Red Hunters
Back in Style Again
(See Page 4)
Latest Deadline in the State
Work on Driving
Ban Progressing
Student-Faculty Talks Very Fruitful
In Solving Problem Dean Rea Says
With three weeks remaining before the next Regents' meeting,
discussion on policies and procedures relating to the proposed driving
ban change is "progressing remarkably well."
Informal student-faculty-administration talks have proved very
fruitful to date and cooperation is the by-word on the attempt to
solve the driving problem, according to Dean of Men Walter B. Rea.
Typical of general administration and student comment, Dean
Rea's statement indicates that a sincere effort is being made to
present administrative recommendations on the amendment of By-
law 8.05, approved by Student Government Council and agreed to
"in principle" by the Regents at their Dec. 13th meeting.
Plan to Be Submitted
The Regents scheduled full consideration of the proposal as the
first order of business when they meet Jan. 27, and called for sub-
C aution
Asks 4-Point
Long-Range Help
Opposed byGeorg(
Georgian Fights Against Increase
In Foreign Economic Assistance
WASHINGTON ('-Sen. W. F. George (D-Ga) voiced vigoro
opposition yesterday to President Dwight. D. Eisenhower's propc
that Congress authorize a long-range program of economic aid
other nations.
Sen. George, who heads the Poreign Relations Committee anc
chief spokesman for congressional Democrats on international m
ters, said he will fight any move to prolong economic assistar
"I will favor reasonable military appropriations to strengthen o
cause at home and abroad," he said in an interview. "But I am not
favor of any increase in economic aid and assistance to any part
the world.
Against Long-Range Program
"That doesn't mean that I will not vote for some specific assi
ance where the facts justify it but I am against setting up any p:
r asn, 10-ve ar vn a 5-
In Overtime
Special To The Daily
MINNEAPOLIS, Minn.-No mat-
ter what the opinion, before,
Michigan's basketball team is defi-
nitely not "down and out" in the
Big Ten.
In the game here last night, the
Wolverines played a highly rated
Minnesota team to a 71-71 stand-
still at the end of regulation time,
and then dramatically went on to
a last second overtime upset, 8 1-79.
With but 30 seconds of over-.
time remaining and the score tied
79-79 Michigan got control of the
ball, and patiently held it to get
the last shot. The clock ticked
away and still they stalled.
Shearon Nets Long Shot
Finally, as the clock showed but
seven seconds of overtime to go,
Jim Shearon let go with a 30 foot
j ump shot, and it swished through.
Minnesota took a wild desperation
heave which missed and the game
was Michigan's-its first Confer-
ence win.
To set up these last minute
dramatics, the Wolverines had let
a 10-point lead slip through their
fingers. They had outscored Min-
nesota at the end of the first half,
45-38, and with nearly eight min-
utes of the second half played
See LAST, Page 3
Chile Calls
Out Troops
SANTIAGO, Chile (P)-President
Carlos Ibanez's government moved
with an iron fist yesterday to
avert a threatened nationwide
Four regiments of troops and
500 navy men were brought from
the provinces to Santiago, increas-
ing the capital's military strength
to 30,000. The government palace
was guarded by four tanks. Police
squads patrolled the city's streets
around the clock.
The army also took ovr key rail
points and at least 300 persons
have been arrested.
The government acted under a
state of siege declared last Sun-
day. Most of those arrested are
labor union leaders, but some im-
portant politicians, who once sup-
ported Ibanez and some news-
papermen also were Diabbed. If
Congress approves the siege state
at the special session opening
Wednesday, those arrested can be
held up to six months without
court action.
Ibanez also is asking Congress
to approve a freeze on wages,t
prices, and pensions. This move is1
a desperate effort to curb infla-
tion which has been plaguing thet
country for 15 years and now has
reached the galloping stage. t
Newspaper Strike
Still On in DetroitE
DETROIT (P)-A "no progress"3
report capped five hours of bar-t
gaining. yesterday between pub-
lishers of Detroit's three closede
newspapers and one of threeI
striking unions.9
mission of a plan for administer-
ing the proposal.
The change in by-law would
mean that all students over 21
and those falling under special
exempt categories would be elig-
ible to operate cars in Ann Arbor.
Terming a Friday luncheon
meeting of the Office of Student
Affairs implementation commit-
tee as "very satisfactory," Dean
Rea said,. "Student and adminis-
tration representatives are in
agreement as to fundamentals on
policy matters.
"It should be realized, however,"
he said, "that certain areas will
have to be worked out in conjunc-
tion with other University and city
Enforcement Powers
These areas include additional
enforcement 'powers in cooperation
with .local authorities and alloca-
tion of fines and driver registra-
tion fees through arrangements
with the budget and accounting
Panhellenic President Debbie
Townsend, '56, one of the three
student members of the OSA com-
mittee, agreed with Dean Rea on
progress on solution of the driving
problem and commented that the
committee is "operating along the
lines SGC hoped it would.
"The technicalities involved in
enforcement seem to be the major
problem confronting us," Miss
Townsend said.
According to Assistant Dean of
Men Karl Streiff, possibilities of
University authority to stop and
question student drivers, as recom-
mended Wednesday by SGC, are
"still dependent upon negotiations
with local police and sheriff's de-
Though Vice-President for Stu-
dent Affairs James A. Lewis said
these negotiations would result in
a plan "agreeable to all concerned,"
University attorney Edmund A.
See LEWIS, Page 6
1RAZIL, Ind. (AP) - Airman
Joseph Cormier, 21-years old,
Tucson, Ariz., 'told Justice of
the-Peace George Reifenberg he
speeded up his car to 90 miles
an hour because he thought
"some damn fool" trying to pass
him wanted to race..
The car trying to pass Cor-
mier contained Gov. Craig, who
radioed ahead to state police
who picked up the Arizona
youth. Cormier paid a $30.50
fine for speeding.
Ellender (D-La) yesterday chal-
lenged President Dwight D. Eisen-
hower and Secretary of Agricul-
ture Ezra Taft Benson to "keep
the new farm legislation out of
partisan politics."
Sen.Ellender, Democratic chair-
man of the Senate Agriculture
Committee, said he made his pro-
posal at a conference with Secre-
tary Benson and Sen. G. D. Aiken
(R-Vt), senior GOP member of the
Senate farm group.
"If they will accept a bill that
includes the best recommendations
of farmers, farm organizations,
the Department of Agriculture and
Congress, I think we can act
quickly," Sen. Ellender said in an
"If they come up here with an
administration bill and say 'It's
that or nothing', then I will take
that as a signal they want a politi-
cal advantage rather than a real
solution to our farm problemns."
President Eisenhower will detail
his farm program recommenda-
tions in a special message to Con-
gress tomorrow.
In his broad State of the Union
outline last Thursday, President
Eisenhower urged that farm prob-
lems be kept out of partisan poli-
tics. "I told Secretary Benson this
could be done if the administration
cooperates with my committee and
the Congress," Sen. Ellender said.
Sen. Ellender said he asked Ben-
son to include these four major
points in the program the ,Presi-
dent sends to Congress:
1. Effective methods for dis-
posal of the more than seven bil-
lion dollars worth of accumulated
farm spluses.
2. A "soil bank" plan that
would give farmers payments in
either commodities or cash if they
agreed to retire acreages produc-
ing surplus crops.
3. Revision of farm price sup-
ports so that cotton, wheat and
other crops would get quality rat-
ing values. Critics say much of
t he surplus wheat and cotton now
in government hands are of in-
ferior grades.
4. Trial of a two-price plan on
rice, one of the six basic crops-
rice needed for domestic food pur-
poses would get high-level govern-
ment supports while that for ex-
port or other uses would sell for
whatever it brings.
Crew Land Plane
HONOLULU (M)-A badly wor-
ried Air Force crew of 10 brought
to safety yesterday a giant C124
Globemaster with its .two right
engines dead and a third "acting
up" the last 900 miles of flight
from Travis Air Force Base, Calif.,
to Hawaii.
-Daily-Dick Ga skill
FRUSTRATION-Bernie Hanna's thwarting of Spartan Gordon Lasilla's scoring attempt, symbolizes
the frustration to which Michigan State was subjected in last night's 3-1 Michigan victory.
Wolverine Icers Trip Spartans, 3-1
Kendall's Hat TrickSparks Victory
Colorado College defeated
North Dakota, '8-5, last night
to give Michigan a first place
tie with the Nodaks in the
WIHL race.
Bursting forth with some of
The win proved the Wolverines
to be in top form as they pre-
pare for their battle with the
United States Olympic team in
Detroit on Wednesday. In last
night's action the Olympic team
narrowly edged Minnesota, 3-2.
Tom Rendall's hat trick, the
Wolverines' first of the season,
accounted for all of Michigan's
the fastest action of the season, scoring and brought the sell-out
Michigan's icers once again low- crowd screaming to its feet.
ered the lid on Michigan State,,
up the contest until 8:37 of the
third period when Don McIntosh
grabbed a pass from Neil Buch-
anan and slapped the puck straight
toward Spartan goalie Ed Schiller.
Schiller managed to block the
shot but was caught out of posi-
tion as Rendall picked up the re-
bound and slapped it in to com-
plete his trio.
In direct contrast to their rather
lethargic play of Friday night the
Spartan pucksters played an in-
spired brand of hockey last night,
opening the scoring at 5:52 of the
initial period.
With four men in the penalty
box, the scoring play occured
when Wolverine defenseman Bob
Pitts lost his footing and slipped
to the ice. This left Bob Schiller
See SHARP, page 3
gra-II, VI n IVyU VIC a-
year basis."
President Eisenhower said in his
State of the Union message Thurs-
day that America's friends abroad
"need assurance of continuity in
economic assistance for develop-
ment projects and progi'ams which
we approve and which require a
period of years for planning and
Seeks Limited Authority
"Accordingly," he said, "I ask
Congress to grant limited authority
to make longer term commitments
for assistance to such projects, to
be fulfilled from appropriations to'
be made in future years."
Sen. George, who has worked
closely with the administration in
the past In support of foreign aid
programs, said he is flatly opposed
to building up the economic pipe-
line for future spending.
His opposition and that of Sen.
R. B. Russell (D}-Ga) posed a seri-
ous threat to the administration's
program in the Senate even if it
survives expected attacks in the
World NewsK
By The Associated Pressj
3-1, at the Coliseum last night.
More Housing
Space Opened
Housing situation in men's resi-
dence halls will not be as tight
during the second semester as it
was in September, Assistant Dean
of Men Karl Streif said yesterday.
Streiff urged students now liv-
ing outside residence halls who
would like dormitory rooms next
semester to make application now
in the Office of Student Affairs,I
1020 Administration Bldg.
"We are particularly interested
in accomodating' those who were
turned down in September." StreiffE
commented. He noted many of the
students unable to live in residence
halls last semester were forced to
accept substandard housing.,
Reconversion of West Quad-
rangle's Chicago House will pro-
vide additional housing for ap-
proximately 140 men.
Streiff noted Chicago House is
accepting applications from older
students on campus who want to
return to University housing.
Rough Contest
The contest was rough and fast
from the opening face-off until
the final horn. Volleys of shots,
brilliant saves, fights, scrambles,
brawls, lighting fast plays, pin-
point passing-all were profusely
present in the two hour spectacle.
The Wolverines pressed the at-
tack all the way but did not sew
Fiedie r
Dean Rea Compliments
Work o House Council
Dean of Men Walter B. Rea concluded the third annual Inter-
House Council Conference yesterday by complimenting students and
administration for their working together.
"The participation of so many of us." Dean Rea said, referring
to the many faculty members present, "does show a real concern on
our part with the entire residence halls picture."
Again speaking of the administration, he added that they get
"inspiration and experience" from discussions like those conducted
At the summary sesson of the day's 12 meetings. IHC President
Tom Bleha, '56, summed up the
- success of the conference.
Real Value
"It's important." Bleha said. "to
get the people together to talk
about a problem, even if it's just
the dog races in Florida. That is
For the first time, the confer-
ence had a theme this year, "Let's
Improve the House."
"In future years." Bleha said.
"we will approach the conference
from a different way. But don't
forget that this year we discussed
the house, and that we can look
back on this conference and build
on it."
h Dean Rea also expressed the
hope that the delegates, as stu-
I dent leaders, would take back to
I their groups and continue, in
smaller discussions, the pursuit of
the problems discussed yesterday.
"We will always welcome
thoughts that come from you,"
I Dean Rea concluded.
' Summraries Delivered
At the afternoon summary meet-
ing, secretaries and recorders de-
,. , , _-4 - -
To Report
On Conditior
By The Associated Presi
President Dwight Eisenhowe
will report on the state of h
health at an informal news cor
ference in Key West, Fla. today.
But the White House expresse
doubt he would say whether he wi
seek re-election.
A high-ranking Republicai
however, who declined to be iden
tified said yesterday Presiden
Eisenhower's name will be entere
in New Hampshire's first-in-the
nation primary March 13 withou
White House objections.
Such a development could lea
to the first indication the~ chie
excutive will seek another ten
because he would have to make
negative decision at least by Fel
No Objections
The Associated Press learne
from the GOP source the Whit
House will offer no objection whe
the President's name is submitte
for ballot listing.
The Key West conference wi
be the convalescing President
first question and answer sessio
with newsmen since Aug. 4-abot
seven weeks before his Septembe
heart attack.
So it will be newsmen's firs
opportunity to put directly t
President Eisenhower an inquir
along this line: Mr. President, hav
you decided whether to run 'for
second term?
No Questions Barred
James C. Hagerty; press secre
tary, said it would be a no-ques
tions-barred session. But he als
said he doubted the Presider
would answer questions about h
political future.
Hagerty said President Eisen
hower volunteered to meet wit
newsmen at 9 a.m. Sunday whe
he heard that they had requeste
that the White House physiciai
Maj. Gen. Howard M. Snyder, giv
them a report on the state of th
President's recovery after 10 day
in Florida. President Eisenhowe
plans to fly back to Washingto
later Sunday.
Mobs Storm
Jordan Cities
To Become Fire
WASHINGTON - A new super
hydrogen blast, dwarfing both this
country's and Russia's previous
best efforts, reportedly will be set
off by the United States this year.
Congressional sources said the
test would be part of a series the
Atomic Energy Commission is
planning in the Pacific Ocean test-
ing area. The AEC itself declined
to comment.
S * I* tefc
WASHINGTON-- In the face
'of a breakoff threat from Peiping,
officials said yesterday the United
States intends to continue talks
with Red China at Geneva if pos-
The main American aim in the
talks is to obtain release of 13
Americans held in Communist jails
and to get Red China to renounce
the use of force against Formosa.
A blast which came out of Pei-
ping Friday indicates that the
slow-moving negotiations may
shortly collapse or become locked
in a long stalemate.
* * *
WASHINGTON - The Senate's
Democratic and Republican lead-
ers agreed yesterday that election
year politics won't prevent Con-
gress from enacting a "construc-
tive" legislative program.
Sen. Lydon B. Johnson of Texas,'
r the Democratic leader, called for
consideration of controversial bills
"without resort to personalities or
bitter debate.";
Sen. Knowland of California, the
GOP leader, said in a separate in-
terview he does not believe Con-
gress will be "stalemated" by poli-
* * *
A habitual fire chaser, Arthur Fiedler will be made an honorary
fire chief of Ann Arbor following the Boston Pops Orchestra concert
he will conduct at 8:30 p.m. today in Hill Auditorium.
Mayor William E. Brown will present a fire helmet and the keys
to the city to Fiedler at this time.
The dynamic orchestra leader is an honorary fire chief in over
twenty cities including Boston, San Francisco and San Antonio. His
car is equipped not only with a short wave radio but also a siren.
Fiedler is known as the man who has made the Pops a synonym
for light, enjoyable classical and semi-classical music. The distin-
guished conductor organized Boston's famous outdoor Esplanade Con-
certs played on the bank of the Charles River in, 1929, and the following
year began conducting the Boston Symphony Pops Concerts, an insti-
tution in the Hub City since 1885.
Fiedler has also found time to teach at Boston University, to
conduct Boston's Cecelia Society and the University Glee Club of
Providence, R. I. and the MacDowell Club Orchestra of Boston. As a
Lnuest cnducto~r he has anneryd wih a onArrlist of tnAmerican,
BEIRUT. Lebanon (A)-Screa
ing, stone-throwing mobs storir
through the Jordan capital of A
man and the Jordan section
Jerusalem yesterday in a reviv
of violence against the Baghd
Dispatches from the two cit
gave this picture:
Mobs apparently were arou
,,o fury by popular fears that t]
resignation of Premier Ibrah
Hashem meant the undoing of I