* ~1m$ idiigwu kigy Sixty-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 "You Sure You Want To Do That, Lyndon:" * - - 3 -_ e When Opinions Are Free, Truth Will Prevail Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. This must be noted in all reprints. URDAY, JANUARY 7, 1956 NIGHT EDITOR: GAIL GOLDSTEIN Education Limited In Greeks' Quest for Uniformity ACCORDING TO Dr. Alfred McLung Lee, ous in a university student. He is at a univer- president of the National Committee on sity to learn, and that includes in his social Fraternities in Education, the problem of contacts as well as in the hours he spends in. fraternity-sorority bias clauses is still very much with class. He is defeating the very purpose of his Despite efforts of national conventions to education in throwing away opportunities to eliminate them, a survey conducted by the broaden his knowledge of cultures other than NCFE shows that they exist in ten leading his own, to learn about people. Therefore, he fraternities and one sorority. And even more Wastes at least part of the money and time insidious than the written clauses, which can he spends by getting a totally limited educa- at least lay claim to being open and above- board, are the unwritten ones wherein affiliates of the moment choose where their prejudices ON A much larger national scale, bias clauses lie make our much-flaunted ideal of democracy Why do bias clauses, written and unwritten, look as silly as the Till trial did, whether the exist? Probably one of the major reasons is clauses involve Negro, Jew or Mexican. It is the avowed purpose of the fraternity-sorority impossible to point with pride to an ideal of system itself. A sorority or fraternity is, in social justice withinwhose framework so much theory at least, a housing group where con- obvious injustice exists. genial people live and work, drawn together The problem's solution lies with both alumni by a sameness of interests and ideals and close and present affiliates. It is up to alumni to friendships. Nobody would deny a person the back up resolutions against bias clauses with right to determine with whom he is going to money and influence. But it is also very much live. the present affiliates' job to eliminate injustices, But on the other hand, this quest for a particularly unwritten ones, at their source- uniformity of interests seems to demonstrate from within., a type of narrow-minded thinking very danger- -TAMMY MORRISON Getting Out of a Rut' ~.. ,~ - * . - - WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: Experiences in an Iron Lung By DREW PEARSON AT THE STATE: 'Pompeys Head' Weak Sensationalism THERE IS something innately strange and romantic in the destruc- tion of the Old South and the people who live in its crumbling ruins and illusionary ideals. Hundreds of American writers have ex- plored its tragedy and it presents a marvelous starting point for an examination of how historical and family history affect man's present and future. Superficially, "The View from Pompey's Head" is concerned with this problem, but is, only "superficially." The major emphasis is on sensationalism, the kind a minor character speaks against near the film's beginning when he discusses a writer played by Sidney Black- mer: he just writes about "rape people think "that's all we do down here." There is no "rape" in "Pom- pey's Head," although husband Cameron, Mitchell does assault his wife Dinah (Dana Wynter), and there is certainly no incest-but this is probably because of the Hollywood production code. The film does, however, rely on what- ever major shocking actions of human character the censor will allow. THE PLOT is an involved and elaborate affair. It tells how law- yer Richard Egan comes back to his old Southern home to inves- tigate a law suit. He finds Dinah married into "white trash" so that she could buy back her an- cestral home. From the moment she walks into his hotel room while he is taking a bath, it is obvious that they will fall in love. Before long they are standing under moonlit magnolia trees and he is recalling "the way you laughed, the soft summer after- noons, the tenderness of the nights," and so on; their hands touch, their lips tremble, he wants to kiss her, she is afraid her hus- band may see them. Eventually-they do declare their love, but she is unwilling to divorce her husband and lose her "House Beautiful" home. So the couple part friends. THERE ARE ALL sorts of other melodramatic doings: the writer turns out to have a Negro mother, his wife (Marjorie Rambeau) starts losing her mind--everything leads to tragedy, but the charac- ters are so shallow and immature that tragedy is impossible. Miss Wynter, Egan and Mitchell carry much of the dialogue, but they are relatively inexperienced actors in their first big role. None has sufficient dramatic maturity to bring their trite characters to life. -Ernest Theodossin AT THE ORPHEUM Hoo Dobson. and incest and all that stuff"- LETTERS to the EDITOR Fancy Figuring... To the Editor: ENCLOSED is an article appear- ing in the Newark Sunday News for December 18: "Larry Pesin, writing in The Rutgers Observer, published by the Newark College of Rutgers University, asks why the Scarlet football squad isn't Pasadena- bound. Makes sense-in a way- too. If you can call this sense: Rutgers beat Brown Brown beat Harvard Harvard beat Princeton Princeton beat Yale Yale beat Army Army beat Navy Navy beat Pitt Pitt beat Duke Duke beat Ohio State Ohio State beat Michigan Michigan beat Michigan State Despite this, Michigan State is going to the Rose Bowl, and Rut- gers is looking for a new football coach." _,a FOR AT least two students who won jobs in last spring's all-campus elections, the ballot-counting sessions had elements of farce. The two, who were unopposed in their candi- dacy for Senior Board positions, answered the congratulations of bystanders with uncertain grins. To become class officers they had only to pay the campaign fee required. Today they're among the 36 members of Senior Board (composed of four officers from each of the nine undergraduate schools). Whether or not they're qualified for their jobs was irrelevant at election time, and still is. The fact remains that much more competent poten- tial officers might have developed from among the members of the class who didn't run. This "might" was and is important. For two reasons those who sat back and watched during the elections can't be blamed. Little attention, in the first place, was focused on- the senior jobs at a time when major student government positions were also at stake. Secondly, Senior Board has done almost nothing in recent years to attract the interest of potential candidates. Student Government Council's decision Wed- nesday to hold senior class elections separately from all-campus voting should improve the status quo. The decision should remind the campus that Senior Board exists, and it might draw more qualified candidates into the race. BUT THE SGC decision is only a starting point. Senior Board itself must be revamped from an unwieldy 36-member body to a tighter, more compact group. Two officers from each school-a president and a secretary-treasurer- would be quite enough. Next the Board must decide exactly what its functions are to be, to avoid duplication of effort with other campus groups. Already many of its aims roughly parallel those, of other organizations, with results leaving both sides uncertain. This year's Board has been genuinely inter- ested in evading the rut established by its predecessors. But the rut is deeply entrenched. The group's major function is to collect senior dues, which buy a class gift and finance various projects. In the past years a senior dance, traditionally outweighed in popularity by other affairs, has been unprofitably planned. The smaller colleges and schools do feel some class unity, but it's ludicrous to envision much esprit de corps unifying the many hundreds of Literary College students. Class projects, there- for, must be planned and directed by a close- knit board. POSSIBLY OFFICERS should be elected from lower classes, to generate some feeling of class loyalty--now all but nonexistent, even! among seniors. Complaints ,recur perennially about the lack of an intangible termed "spirit," which apparently was outmoded with the last frosh-soph tug of war. This might rebuild it. Senior Board deserves general campus inter- est in settling its problems. SGC has taken an important first step, by assuring healthier competition in future Board elections, but more steps, of equal value, must follow. --JANE HOWARD, Associate Editor DAILY OFFICIAL :BULLETIN N THE other evening I went down to the Providence Hospital in Washington and did a telecast from inside an iron lung. I con- fess that I approached the assign- ment with no particular qualms and the feeling that this might be a good way to sneak in a few hours of rest. I also confess that I never wanted to get out of a tight spot sp much in my life. I found myself locked in, an airtight pad around my neck, head out in the free world, body a pris- oner, hands unable to touch my head, unable even to scratch my nose. You can see the world around you through a mirror, but you can't see your feet, arms, any part of you. It's as if your head were completely severed from your body. A body that breathes whe- ther you want it to or not . . . Breathes in quick intakes or long intakes according to how your nurse adjusts the speed of the bellows at the end of the lung. She turns a gadget and you breathe- up and down, faster, slower, whe- ther you want to breathe that way or not. * * * IT'S AN eerie sound, that breathing, like the wash of waves on the shore, a steady pounding of the air, pounding in, sucking out, forcing your lungs to expand and contract . . . pound-suck . . expand-contract . . . in-out ..-. all night long. You have to co- ordinate and cooperate. You don't argue with an iron lung. It's the boss. It does the breath- ing. And the sooner you relax and let it do the work the better off you are. It came about when I reported what most people didn't then know, that Basil O'Connor, Presi- dent of the Infantile Paralysis Foundation, had gone out and bor- rowed $9,000,000 to finance- the manufacture of Salk vaccine last winter so American children could have that precious preventive one year early. Naturally he now has to pay the money back. And to help pay it back I agreed to become chair- man of Iron Lung Day to help raise money for the March of .Dimes and to help put an iron lung in every community. * * * DESPITE the miracle of the Salk vaccine, one tragedy about polio is that the proportion of adult polio is increasing. FDR was stricken, it should be remembered, at the age of 39. Since then, in fact, since 1944, adult polio has increased 25 per cent.' Yet it will be five years before there will be enough Salk Vaccine to get around to treating adults. Meanwhile the type that usually strikes them is bulbar polio, paralysis of the chest, which requires an iron lung im- mediately and constantly. If the'patient doesn't have an iron lung, he dies. Or if he's tak- en out of the lung for more than a minute or two, he dies. That air rushing into the lung, 'that eerie pound-swish that I had such a hard time getting used to, is life to a polio patient. In addition, all too many respi- ratory or iron-lung patients must have continuing treatment. All this the Polio Foundation tries to supply-with your help- which is why I thought it was important to spend an evening at Providence Hospital inside one of those cylinder prisons. You lie there, thinking, as I did, how lucky you are, and fin- ally you tell the nurse to let you out, hoping that you can convey, via the typewriter, some slight idea of how great is the need to continue the battle-continue the March of Dimes. (Copyright, 1955, by Bell Syndicate, Inc.) Overdone ,v :IN THIS CORNER: S1 Risky Game of Chance, By MURRY FRYMER VOICE OF A FREE PRESS: 'Speaking Without Fear- The Truth' COLLEGE men planning post graduate ca- reers are well-aware of the possibility of having them cut short by the draft. It is one of the most disturbing elements for many whose choice of career is indefinite, or whose method of attaining desired positions is un- certain. In the past this has forced many to volun- teer for the draft, that is, notify their boards- that they wish to be drafted, thereby allowing themselves a clear field when their term of service has been completed. However, latest statistics point out that only about one in fifteen eligible men will be drafted in 1956. This is due mainly to the increasing number of volunteer enlistments, increasing numbers of draft eligible youth, and the de- clining quotas set up by the armed forces. What this outlook means, then, is that the young man who takes his chance with the Editorial Staff Dave Baad........................Managing Editor Jim Dygert.......... ....................... City Editor Murry Frymer......................Editorial Director Debra Durchslag ..................... Magazine Editor David Kaplan ....................,..... Feature Editor Jane Howard ......................... Associate Editor Louise Tyor ..........................Associate Editor Phil Douglis ... ......,................ Sports Editor Alan Eisenberg................Associate Sports Editor Jack Horwitz...............Associate Sports Editor Mary Hellthaler ..................... Women's Editor Elaine Edmonds...........Associate Women's Editor John Hirtzel ...................... Chief Photographer Business Staff Dick Aistrom:....................Business Manager draft, will have an increasingly better chance of avoiding any military service. Also, college men will be less and less subject to the pressure of being taken away from their studies by the home board. The older man, the draft-eligible who are in their later twen- ties, and the married men, especially with fami- lies, will be even a better risk, since new Se- lective Service plans call for putting them off till other rolls are exhausted. YET, despite the rosiness of the present pic- ture, there is the possibility of a vicious circle which could increase draft chances again later this year. For example, the increased number of volunteers may be men who ex- pect to be drafted anyway, and are simply exercising their prerogative of service branch. With the increased chances of missing the draft, these figures could drop, and in turn raise the draft figures again. Whatever the chances, the college graduate today is still taking a risk. If he chooses to attempt to avoid the draft, he may do it. Then again, he may not and be forced to enter military service at a less opportune time. The entire selective service system has be- come a jumbled game of mathematical chance, and the prospect is not good either for today's graduate, or the morale of the armed forces. How, for example, does a young man feel being drafted when he knows it was 15 to 1 that he wouldn't? Rotten luck? Not the best attitude with which to go into the service. What the army wants most of all is a strong and ready reserve. It is not necessary for one out of fifteen to serve two years in the active armed forces to do this. It could be accomp- lished by a more universal system of training (EDITOR'S NOTE: The following editorial appeared in Thursday's New York Times in answer to the current Eastlandinvestigation of the press. It is here somewhat abridged.) IN executive hearings held re- cently in this city, in public hearings held last summer in Washington, and now again in public hearings held in Washing- ton, a Senate sub-committee head- ed by Senator James 0. Eastland of Mississippi has been looking for evidence of what it considers to be subversive infiltration of the press. A number of employes of this newspaper have been called to appear as witnesses before the subcommittee. We do not question the right or the propriety of any investigation of the press by any agency of Congress. The press is not sacro- sanct. It is as properly subject to Congressional inquiry as any other institution in American life. It is the inescapable responsi- bility of Congress, however, to make certain that any such in- quiry be conducted in good faith and not motivated by ulterior pur- pose. - * * .* A FEW employes of this news- paper who have appeared before the Eastland subcommittee have pleaded the Fifth Amendment. A few others have testified to mem- bership in the Communist party over periods terminating at vari- this paper, because we would not trust his ability to report the news objectively or to comment on it honestly, and the discovery of present Communist party member- ship on the part of such an em- ploye would lead to his immediate dismissal. In the case of those employes who have testified to some Com- munist association in the past, or who have pleaded the Fifth Amendment for reasons of their. own, it will be our policy to judge each case on its own merits, in the light of each individual's re- sponsibilities in our organization and of the degree to which his re- lations with this newspaper en- title him to possess our confi- dence. WE MAY say this, however. We do not believe in the doctrine of irredeemable sin. We think it possible to atone through good performance for past error, and we have tried to supply the security andethe favorable working condi- tions which should exist in a de- mocracy and which should encour- age men who were once misled to reconsider and to reshape their political thinking- We have judged these men, and we shall continue to judge them, by the quality of their work and by our confidence in their ability to perform that work satisfactori- ly. It is our own business to decide precisely because of the vigor of its opposition to many of the things for which Mr. Eastland, his colleague Mr. Jenner and the sub- committee's counsel stand-that is, because we have condemned segre- gation in the Southern schools; because we have challenged the high-handed and abusive methods employed by various Congressional committees; because we have de- nounced McCarthyism and all its works; because we have attacked the narrow and bigoted restric- tions of the McCarran Immigration Act; because we haye criticized a 'security system" which conceals the accuser from his victim; be- cause we have insisted that the true spirit of American democra- cy demands a scrupulous respect for the rights of even the lowliest individual and a high standard of fair play. IF THIS is the tactic of any member of the Eastland subcom- mittee, and if further evidence re- veals that the real purpose of the present inquiry is to demonstrate that a free newspaper's policies can be swayed by Congressional pressure, then we say to Mr. East- land and his counsel that they are wasting their time. This newspaper will continue to determine its own policies. We cannot speak unequivocally for the long future. But we can have faith. And our faith is strong that long after Senator Eastland and his present subcommittee are BASED on a popular turn-of-the- century British comedy, "Hob- son's Choice" is a vignette about nineteenth century middle-class life. Hobson (Charles Laughton) is the proprietor of a shoemaking es- tablishment and is one of those tyrannical, egotistic and omnis- cient fathers who terrorizes every- one, including his young helper, Willie (John Mills) and his three daughters. But daughter Maggie (Brenda de Banzie) revolts, pursues Willie, marries him and forces him to hold his own against Hobson. Since Willie is the genius behind the beautiful footwear products, Hob- son really has no "choice," for he either must tone down or go broke. From the moment that Laugh- ton comes on view, arriving home from a drinking bout, and emits one long, thundrous belch, setting all his chins aquiver-it is ap- parent that he is going to be the main interest. * * * LAUGTON IS one of the best pupils of the "ham school of act- ing." Although he overdoes every- thing just a little too much, and gives the impression of reveling a little too often in his enormous rotundness, he does have a per- sonal warmth and charm that off- set the eccentricities. When he moves he undulates all over, when he talks, his face plops about like a tempest-tossed ship; but he can come up with an amazing number of expressions that most actors cannot even suggest-and if they are a little too obvious with Laugh- ton, they are at least unmistak- able. "Hobson's Choice" is the perfect foil for Laughton and he has enough experience to employ it skillfully. An appreciation of his talents depends on an apprecia- tion of his style. The romantic sub-plot is handled with admirable restraint by Miss de Banzie and Mills. But the ma- terial itself is a little too romanti- cally extended to be very convinc- ing. It is one of those plain tales THE Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsi- bility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553 Administration Building before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. Notices for the Sunday edition must be in by 2 p.m. Friday. SATURDAY, JANUARY 7, 1956 VOL. LXVII, NO. 70 General Notices Change in Parking Regulations. Ef- fective Sat., Jan. 7, all University parking lots will be restricted to per- mit holders until 12 o'clock noon on Saturdays. The lots will be patrolled by the Ann Arbor Police and the reg- ulations will be enforced. The sign at the entrance to all lots have been changed to conform with this regula- tion. Nelson International House is now accepting applica-dons for Houseparents or Housemother. Preferably University affiliation. 26 or over. Steward and social responsibilities. Phone Peter Barnard, NO 3-8506, 915 Oakland. Lecture Course Ushers are notified that the Clifton Fadiman Lecture, which was to have been given Tues., Jan. 10, has been postponed till sun., Feb. 12 at 8:30 p.m. Lectures Dr. Robert Heine-Geldern, Professor of Ethnology, University of Vienna, will give two lectures on prehistoric contacts between Asia and America. Mon., Jan. 9, Aud. B, Angell Hall at 4:15 p.m. "Chinese Influence in the Art of America." Tues., Jan. 10, Aud. B, Angell Hall at 4:15 p.m., "Hindu- Buddhist Influence in the Art of Meso-America." Academic Notices Doctoral Examination for Hazel Mar- garet Batzer, English Language and Literature; thesis: "Heroic and Senti- nal Elements in Thomas Otway's Trage- dies," Sat., Jan. 7, East Council Room, Rackham Bldg., at 9:00 a.m. Chairman, L. I. Bredvoid. Doctoral Examination for Edwin John Thomas, Social Psychology; thesis: "Ef- fects of Interdependence and Ego Strength," Mon., Jan. 9, 6625 Haven Hall, at 10:00 a.m. Chairman, A. F. Zander. Placement Notices PERSONNEL REQUESTS: Connecticut State Civil Service an- nounces an exam for Social Worker. Requires four years employment in so- cial or group work ,or graduation from college preferably with courses in soci- ology or psych. State of Indiana has an opening for. a Correctional Institution Counselor VII. The man should have a B.S. or a B.A.In Soc., or Psych., and be a U.S. citizen. U.S. Civii Service, Chicago District, announces an opening for a Food Pro- ducts Specialist for work in the follow- ing fields of Food Research and De- velopment: Meat Products; Dairy Pro- ducts, Cereal and Baked Products, Edi- ble Fats, Poultry, Confection Products, Fish, Fruit, Beverages, vegetables, Food Engrg., and General Products. A local organization ha an opening for an Office Secretary. Shorthand is prefered. I