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January 04, 1956 - Image 6

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1956-01-04

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New Machine to Combat Fog Menace
Jniversity optic and vision ex-
its have invented an apparatus i
ich will help motorists see bet- f .|..

Studies, Displays Fill Natural Science Building

The new apparatus, called a
olar nepthelometer, has the job
f measuring how fog scatters a.
eam of light. This instrument
ook members of the University
rsion Research Laboratories over
Lyear to devise.
Professor H. Richard Blackwell,
irector pf the laboratories, ex-
lained: "The polar nepthelomet-
r and its companion device, the
ransmissometer, have been built
o -that we can find exactly how
he atmosphere scatters and b-
orbs light."
Mounted atop an instrument-
rammed station wagon and cov
red by a plastic dome, the device
raws a mile-by-mile record of the
og's light-scattering characteris-
ics on charts inside the vehicle.
The station wagon is intermit-
ently stopped so that the trans-
iissometer can be set up to meas-
re how much light gets through
be fog from a source placed as
ar away as two miles.
Armed with this atmospheric
ata, Blackwell expects to sug-
est new ways to combat fog, im-
rove automobile headlamp ef-
ectiveness, guide motorists with
aint and reflectors, and evaluate
roposed highway lighting sys-
"The nepthelometer is the see-
nd built in the world, the first
aving been developed in England
uring World War II," he noted.
At present, 93 projects are being
onducted in the Vision Research
aboratories by a 100-man staff.
"I believe we have the finest re-
earch staff in the country,"I
1 a c k w e 11 declared. "National
uthorities have been drawn from
cross the United States to con-
uct research and to help the Uni-
ersity provide more professional
raining in the field of vision than
ny other institution," he added.
Past research at the laboratories
as resulted in revision of land-
ig light size and arrangement at
.S. airfields, and in the specifi-
ation of lighting levels in homes,
actories, and. schools, Blackwell


FOG SAMPLER FOR HIGHWAY VISION RESEARCH -- Research Engineer Benjamin Pritchard,j
left, and Dr. H. R. Blackwell, director of The University of Michigan's Vision Research Laboratories,
are using this equipment to measure the light-scattering and absorption characteristics of fog in
studies aimed at improving highway vision. Domed device atop instrument-crammed station wagon
makes possible mile-by-mile record of the way fog reflects light; transit-like instrument tells ex-
actly how much light gets through fog from a source up to two miles away.

(Continued from Page 4)

Third IHC
To Be Held
"Let's Improve the House" will
e the theme of Saturday's third
annual Inter-House Council Con-
erence, to be held in the Union.
Each quadrangle house is send-
ng four delegates toe the all-day
eries of meetings designed to "dis-
uss the problems existing in the
Louses and to attempt to find
olutions for these problems."
Every delegate will be able to
ttend three of the 12 scheduled
neetings. The discussions will be
resided over by a leader and a
taff member or adviser in the
ousing system.
After the meetings, which begin
t 9:45 a.m. Saturday, and a
incheon in West Quadrangle,
HC President Tom Bleha, '56, will
reside over a summary session of
:e day's meetings.
Topics of the various sessions
'ill include the social program,
he judiciary, the academic pro-
ram, extracurricular activities,
rientation and the "ideal" house.
Over 100 delegates and guests
re eexpected to attend the con-
erence. During the week follow-
ig the conference, IHC will dis-
ribute a report of the material
overed in the housing sessions.

Feb. 11: Women students will be
granted 2:30 a.m. late permission on
Saturday night. Closing hours for
events on ithis night may behregistered
accordingly. Houses which are accom-
modating women overnight guests, but
which do not plan a party in the house
on Saturday night will observe the cus-
tomary calling hours for women's resi-
Agenda: Student Government Coun-
cil, Jan. 4, 1956, Michigan Union, 7:30
Minutes of the previous meeting.
Officers' Reports: President: Union
Board of Directors meeting; Student-
Faculty-Administration conference re-
port; Appointments to Office of Student
Affairs Committee for implementation
of By-Law 8.05, Operation of Motor
vehicles-Townsend, Hartwig, Glover.
National Executive Committee: Re-
port of meeting. Neary.
Activities: February 18, Galen's Ca-
duceus Ball, 10-1, Union (Calendared).
Tabled Motion: Each candidate will
be asked to show evidence on the
basis of his graduation date, that he
will be able to fulfill his obligation to
serve a full one-year term unless he
has previously served on the Council.
Elections, Senior Class Officers-Baad
Joint Judiciary-Berliner.
Recommendations for implementa-
tion of By-Law 8.05, Operation of Motor
Committee Reports: Structure Study
Committee-Netzer; Constitutions: Ale-
thia, local sorority, requests recogni-
tion;,'Coordinating and Counseling: Cal-
endaring and constitutions procedures-
Old and New Business; Constituents
and Members Time; Adjournment.
Disciplinary action in cases of student
misconduct: At meeting held on Nov.
29, cases involving ten students were
heard by the Joint Judiciary Council.
In all cases the action was approved
by the University Sub-Committee on
violation of state laws and city
ordinances relating to the purchase,'
sale and use of intoxicants and thea
violation of University driving regula-
Conduct unbecoming a student:
a. drinking in student quarters,
driving an unregistered automobile
and supplying intoxicants to minors.
One student fined $15.00 and warned.3
One student fined $20 with $10.00 sus-
pended in view of court fine and
costs. This student also warned.
b. providing a place in which minors
could drink intoxicants and drinking
in student quarters. One student fined1
$15.00 and warned.
c. drinking in student quarters. One
student ,fined $10.00 and warned. 1
d. drinking in student quarters, ac-
cepting intoxicants served to him in
violation of state law. One studenti
fined $10.00 and warned.
e. drinking intoxicants in student
quarters. One student fined $10.00 and
f. as minors, aided and abetted in!
attempted purchase of intoxicants.
Three students fined $10.00 each and
g. attempted tot purchase intoxicants
in order to supply them to minors.I
One student fined $15.00 and warned.4

Music Group of the Michigan Dames
will meet Thurs., Jan. 5, at 8:00 p.m. at
the home of Mrs. Robert M. Graham,
1130 East Huron St., Apt. 4.
Dr. W. Ross Ashby, psychiatrist, of
Barnwood House, Gloucester, England,
and Fellow at the Center for Advanced
Study in the Behavioral Sciences, will
speak Wed., Jan. 4 in Aud. C, Angell
Hall,at 8:00 p.m. on: "Man and
Boston Pops Tour Orchestra, conduct-
ed by Arthur Fiedler, auspices of the
University Musical Society, Sun., Jan.
8 at 8:30 p.m. in Hill Auditorium.
Tickets available at the offices of the
Musical Society in Burton Memorial
Tower, and after 7:00 p.m. the eve-
ning ' of the performance at the Hill
Auditorium box office.
Organ Recital by James Darling, grad-
uate student in the School of Music,
8:30 p.m. tonight, in Hill Auditorium,
in partial fulfillment of the require-
ments for the Master of Music degree.
Pupil of Robert Noehren; program open
to the public.
Academic Notices
Graduate Record Examination: Ap-
plication blanks for the Jan. 21, 1956
administration of the Graduate Record
Examination are available at 110 Rack-
ham Building. Application blanks are
due in Princeton, N. J. not later than
Jan. 6, 1956.
Law School Admission Test: Applica-
tion blanks for the Feb. 18, 1956
administration of the Law School Ad-
mission Test are now available at 110.
Rackham Building. Application blankso
are due in Princeton, N. J. no later
than Feb. 8, 1956.7
Botanical Seminar: William S. Ben-
ninghoff, Chief, Alaska Terrain &
Permafrost Section, U. S. Geological1
Survey, will speak on "Dynamic Fea-
tures of Plant Communities in Sub-
afcticf Environments." 4:15 p.m. Wed.,
Jan. 4, 1139 Naturqi Science. Refresh-
ments at 4:00.a
Engineering Seminar: "The Cruel,1
Hard World and You." Dr. Norman
Maier, prominent industrial psycholo-
gist. Thurs., Jan. 5, 4:00 p.m., Room 311
West Engineering Bldg. All engineersi
urged to attend.
The Institute of International Edu-1
cation has announced foreign study
grants available for 1956-57. Awards3
will be to the following countries:
Italy, Denmark, France, Brazil, Cuba,
Sweden, Spain, Austria, Germany,
Switzerland, and the Netherlands. Fur
ther information about these grants
in the Office of the Graduate School.
The General Electric Educational
and Charitable Fund is offering 34
fellowships for the academic year 1956-
57. Fields will include Physical Sciences,
Engineering, Industrial Management,
Arts and Sciences, and Law and Busi-
ness. The stipend will be $1750 for a
Fellow who is single, $2100 if married
without children, and a minimum of
$2500 for a married Fellow with child-

ren. Tuition and fees is also payed.
Applications will be submitted to the
General Electric Company by Dean
Ralph A. Sawyer in the Graduate School,
and all applications must be in his
hands by Feb. 1, 1956. Application
forms and further information may be
obtained by writing to the General
Electric Educational and Charitable
Fund, Fellowship Program, One River
Road, Schenectady 5, N. Y.
Doctoral Examination for Kermit
Koppel Schooler, Psychology; thesis:
"A Study of Error and Bias in Coding
Responses to Open End Questions,"
Wed., Jan. 4, 7611 Haven Hall, at 4:00
p.m. Chairman. Daniel Katz.
Doctoral Examination for Burke Gor-
don Vanderhill, Geography; thesis:
"Settlement in the Forest Lands of
Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta:
A Gedgraphy Analysis," Thurs., Jan.
5. 210 Angell Hall, at 3:30 p.m. Chair-
man, S. D. Dodge.
Doctoral Examination for Alfred Kid-
der Guthe, Anthropology; thesis: "The
Late Prehistoric Occupation in South-
western New York: An Interpretive
Analysis," Thurs., Jan. 5, 4017 Museums
Bldg., at 3:15 p.m. Chairman, J. B.
Placement Notices
Wisconsin State Highway Commis-
sion offers a training program for
highway engineers, open to Civil Engi-
neering graduates.
Electric Machinery Mfg. Co., Minne-
apolis, Minn., has an opening for a
Machine DesignhEngineer. Requires a
knowledge of shop tooling and manu-
facture plus a working knowledge of
mechanical design, and up to five years
Mich. State Civil Service announces
an exam for the following: General
Clerk B, Park Ranger C, Mental Health
Executive VI, Corrections Officer, Ac-
count Examiner II, Physical Testing
Engineer II.
Eli Lilly & Co., Indianapolis, Indiana,
has openings for Market Analyst -
man, Associate Microbiologist-woman,
Methods Engineer-man with B.S. in
Mech., or Chem. E., Organic Chemist-
man, Associate Organic Chemist-wo-
man, Economist or Statistician-man
with M.A. or PhD, and Internal Audi-
Procter and Gamble Co., Cincinnati,
Ohio-interested in women for Mar-
ket Research Department. Women in
any field are eligible. The work ,in-
volves survey work and requires travel
throughout the U.S. and Canada. If
there are enough Feb. grads interested
interviews will be scheduled. (June
grads will be interviewed in the spring.)
For further information contact the
Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Admin.
Bldg., Ext. 371.

Interesting displays, studies and
people typify the Natural Science
Display cases in halls outside the
individual departments contain
unusual specimens pertaining to
the department's particular sub-
ject. Outside the botany rooms,
the cases hold specimens of types
of plants. Different species of liv-
ing and stuffed animals are in
cases used by the zoology depart-
Each of the nine departments
in the building has its own offices,
classrooms and laboratories, with
the exception of the conservation
department. The laboratories used
by the conservationists are located
in the West Medical buildig.
Occupies Four Floors
The School of Natural Resources
occupies 16,000 square feet of floor
space in the building. Because it
uses rooms on all four floors which
are directly over each other, the
School could be cut from the
building as one cuts a piece of
The fields of study in the natur-
al resources school are forestry,
wood technology, wildlife manage-
ment, conservation and fisheries.
Prof. G. Robinson Gregory, of the
forestry department says that the
main interest of the department
is the production of trees in suf-
ficient quantities to satisfy the in-
dustrial need for the basic raw
material, wood.
Many Foresters Enter industry
Prof. Gregory also said that
there has been quite a change in
the forest industry in the last fif-
teen years. "At that time," he
said, "most forestry graduates
Boston Pops,
To Perform
Making its first transcontinental
tour, the Boston Pops Tour Or-
chestra will appear at 8:30 p.m.
Sunday in Hill Auditorium.
Conducted by Arthur Fiedler, the
orchestra will present a program
calculated to appeal to nearly every
taste. Selections include Rossini's
Overture to "The Barber of Se-
ville," Dukas' "The Sorcerer's Ap-
prentice," Grofe's "On the Trail"
from "Grand Canyon Suite," and
Merrick and Bennett's "Look
Sharp-Be Sharp."
Pianist Ruth Slenczynska and
Harry John Brown will assist
Fiedler in the program which is
by arrangement with the Boston
Symphony Orchestra.
Touring for the first time out-
side of Boston in 1952, the present
tour will take the Pops to the
West Coast.
Tickets are available at the
offices of the University Musical
Society in Burton Tower.
Detroit Street
Open Wednesday and Saturday
Farm-Fresh Fruits, Vegetables,
Poultry and Eggs

went into public service, but now
more are going into private indus-
Also closely connected with the
forestry department is wood tech-
nology. Prof. Stephen B. Pres-
ton, chairman of the department,
defines wood technology as "the
science of processing and using
"We are preparing men to go
into the wood-using industry,"
said Prof. Preston. "Forestry is
concerned with preserving wood for
use and wood technology is inter-
ested in the efficient use of the
wood produced by the foresters,"
he added.
Learn Business Practices,
"The men entering this field,"
Prof. Preston said, "have a
knowledge of the basic sciences
and engineering. Besides studying
courses in the basic properties of
wood and the processes by which
it can be produced into usable
goods, they also learn the business
aspects of the industry."
Chairman of the wildlife man-
agement department, Prof. War-
ren W. Chase said the study of
wildlife management was import-
ant "because wild animals, includ-
ing game, are important for re-
creation, meat, furs and hides.
They are considered one of the
top Michigan resources."
Also working with Public Health
Service, they study the pathology
(diseases) of wild animals. "This
study is both beneficial to humans
and animals," Prof. Chase says.






Besides using rooms in the nat-
ural science building, the fisheries
department also uses the Lakeside
laboratory at Base Lake. Just re-!
cently it took over the downstairs
floor and basement of a small
house between Stockwell Hall and"
the Women's Athletic Building.
This has been turned into a re-
search aquarium or "wet lab," as
Prof. Karl F. Lagler, chairman of
the department, describes it.
Prof. Lagler, said that the pur-
pose for working with fish are
"to insure the future of recrea-
tional and commercial fishing.
"The department is closely as-
sociated with the program of the
Great Lakes Fishery Invesigations
of the United States Fish and

Wildlife Service and the Institute
for Fisheries Research of the Mi-
chigan Department of Conserva-
tion," Prof. Lagler said. "Both of
these are located on campus."
On the third floor, the combined
library of the natural resources
school and the four Literary Col-
lege departments now houses 75,000
bound volumes, 200,000 pamphlets
and unbound documents and 900
periodicals. The pamphlets cover
topics on all nine departments in
the building.
Veo G. Foster, associate librar-
tan, said the reading rooms of the
library have a seating capacity of
100. This does not include the
tables and chairs which are on all
of the seven stack levels.

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