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December 16, 1955 - Image 6

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1955-12-16

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Prof. Weimer Enjoys Two Talents



Every freshman and sophomore
who has ever taken an English
course during the past ten years
has his name and record in neat
grey filing cabinets.
In a small room on Haven Hall's
first floor, Prof. John Weimer
"keeps things running smoothly"
for English 1 and 2.
Hidden in one of his cabinet
drawers, behind manila envelopes,
is a cereal dish with colored stones,
water and budding nasturtium
bulbs in it. "My only hobby is
trying to have a decent garden,"
Prof. Weimer said.
Records Cram Drawers
But every other drawer is
crammed with records dating back
to 1945 and separate records for
students in English in 1955.
There are little green tads on
top of many cards, showing the
students who had a 'D' after the
eight-weeks' period this year.
Prof. Weimer is in his busy of-
fice from early morning till late
His own English 1 students have
conferences with him almost every
day, and if they don't have any
cigarettes, he offers them a Camel
from his large supply.
Spends Time With Salesmen
Other teachers come into his of-
fice to look at newly-published
composition course books in his
library. He says, "Much of my
time is spent with book sales rep-
Some teachers come to ask ad-
vice about students who seem to
be doing extremely well-or badly.
Sometimes leaving his adminis-
trative duties, Prof. Weimer
and other University teachers
in mathematics, psychology and
speech travel all over the state.
Members of the Bureau of School
Services and high school princi-
pals may go along, too, and they
observe the teaching of English in
high schools.
Usually, he says, these are "very
solemn occasions," but he talks to
many high school students every
Sees High School Students
"Just the other day," he added,
"I talked to one on the steps of
Bay City High School who said he
was thinking of coming here next
year, and asked, 'what should I
During the school year, Prof.
Weimer takes part in various meet-
ings that the College Conference
on Composition and Communica-
tion holds. Teachers from all over
the country meet in places like
Chicago, St. Louis and Cincinnati
to discuss their problems.
Much of the discussion centers
around freshman composition, the
only required course for every stu-
dent's graduation. And every col-
lege teacher is aware of the stu-
dent freshly graduated from high
school, with his fear or disgust or
bewilderment in the course, Prof.

Unit to Hold
Open House
An open house for the general
public will be held between 7 and
9 p.m. today in the new Childrens
Psychiatric Unit of the University
Just recently completed, the two
million dollar structure contains
the latest medical facilities for the
care of mentally and emotionally
disturbed children.
Located on the north side of
the Medical Center, the light-brick
building includes 75 beds for in-
patients, consultation rooms for
outpatients and areas for research
Funds for the unit which will
care for children between the ages
of seven and fourteen were ob-
tained from the State Legislature,
Virtually destruction-proof, the
Unit is contemporary and func-
tional in design. Each floor in the
four-story building contains, its
own dining room facilities, play,
areas and sleeping quarters.
Because some patients may be
hospitalized as long as six months,
special classrooms and reading fa-
cilities are also provided. The Unit
is also equipped with a swimming
pool gymnasium and a movie audi-
A special dentist's office, work-
shops for woodcraft, sewing and
handicraft, and pure concrete out-
door play equipment are addition-
al features of the unit -which will
place emphasis on correction rath-
er than custody.
Young patients, moving from the
Neuropsychiatric Institute in the
next few days will be greeted by
the brightly colored steel posts and
decorated corridor doors which add
sparks of color to the building.
Formal dedication of the build-
ing will be held in February and
will be observed by a program in
which noted psychiatric and men-
tal health workers will participate.

Speech Clinic Aids Handicapped



An inconspicuous three-story
building on busy Huron Street
houses the center of one of the
largest and most active speech
training and service laboratories
in' the United States, the Univer-
sity of Michigan Speech Clinic.
Through the heavy wooden'
front doors of the clinic annually
pass the hundreds of persons with
speech and hearing handicaps who
are served by the clinic, every
freshman and transfer student en-
tering the University, and the stu-
dents who plan to make speech
and hearing th er py their life
Provides Therapeutic Program
The clinic, which is cooperative-
ly administered by the speech de-
partment and the Institute of Hu-
man Adjustment of the graduate
school, provides a therapeutic pro-
gram, and conducts research in the
nature, origin and treatment of
speech and hearing disorders. It
provides laboratories for the in-
struction of students in clinical
problems of speech and hearing,
and distributes information con-
DR. HARLAN BLOOMER, Director of the University Speech 'cerning speech and hearing handi-
Clinic, instructs speech correctionists in oral examination, caps.
Clinical services are separated
into six divisions providing diag-

PROF. JOHN WEIMER, head of the Freshman English Department,
occupies his spare time "trying to have a decent garden."

Weimer says. "And the course is
always unpopular."
In his copies of a Newsletter of
the Michigan Council of Teachers
of English he reads dissenting
opinions about the best methods
of teaching English.
As an* example, one teacher
wrote, "For the academic student,
yes, give him as rich a literary
fare as he can digest; but let our
colleges also, prepare the teacher
to care for the shorn lamb whose
vegetarian capabilities will never
stomach the strong meat of the
Having just become a member
of the executive board of the
CCCC, Prof. Weimer is going to
another meeting in New York's
Statler Hotel next March for more

discussion and working-out of
English courses.
In his quiet, low voice, Prof.
Weimer says he enjoys his Work
on the basic level very much. His
predecessor was Prof. Carlton
Wells who is now teaching full-
time. Before that, Prof. Erich
Walter, now assistant to President
Hatcher, and Prof. Emeritus Roy
W. Cowden had the position.
"I didn't come to Michigan for
any exciting reason," he says,
smiling. "After graduating from
the University of Wisconsin, I was
working for the University of Kan-
sas. At that time, they had no
program for progressing to a PhD.,
so I picked Michigan to come to,
and much to my surprise, got an

nosis and treatment for persons of
all ages.
Theexamining division, which
provides for routine examinations
may also refer a patient to other
diagnostic or treatment agencies,
or recommend that he obtain ther-
apy. The hearing division gives
tests to determine the extent of
loss of hearing, and provides for
hearing aid consultation. It also
conducts classes in lip-reading and
auditory training.
Children Attend Half-Day Sessions
In the children's division, the
therapists work closely with the
many facilities offered at the Uni-
versity. Children attend the speech
clinic for half-day sessions during
an eight-week period. During this
time, they also attend the Ann Ar-
bor Public Schools and, if they are
not from the local area, live in li- 9
censed boarding houses provided
by social agencies.
The adult division of the clinic
serves persons of high school age
and beyond who have articulation
problems, who stutter, and who
have voice problems or defects due
to hearing loss, cleft palate, or 4
central nervous system damage.
Aphasia Problem Separate
Persons suffering from aphasia
(or dysphasia), a complex lan-
guage disability resulting from iq-
jury to the brain, are included in
a separate division of the clinic.
The aphasic has lost the power
to use symbols or words to describe
a thing or a feeling. His thinkng
processes are not impaired, but of-
ten\,damage to brain tissue results
in partial or complete loss of abili-
ty to use language symbols. This
division is concerned primarily
with rehabilitation.
The last division within the clin-
ic is the student division which
provides examination, counseling
and therapy for University stu-
dents with defective speech.
Many Other Facilities
In addition to the facilities in
the building of the speech clinic,
a speech research laboratory is
maintained for the measurement
and interpretation of the charac-
teristics of speech and hearing. A
speech improvement camp near
Northport, Michigan enrolls 96,
boys each summer for a speech
correction program, and graduate
students have an opportunity to
do intern work.
Also, the University Hospital
maintains a speech correction
service in which students may ob-
serve and assist. In the Ann Ar-
bor public schools, therapists may,
under specialized supervision, ob-
serve problems of Speech and
hearing in a general education


(Continued from Page 4)
for $1.83 per hour. 300 jobs are avail-
able to students between the ages of
18 and 25 who are residents of Detroit.
Applications must be filed with Stanley
Seligman, Detroit City-County Building,
6th floor, by Dec. 23. Examinations will
be given on Dec. 30.
A local professional organization is
looking for a young man with an A.B.
in any field to train for supervisory
work on IBM equipment. Math is help-
ful, but not essential. 1
For further information contact the
Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Admin.
Bldg., ext. 371.
Summary of action taken at the
meeting of December 14, 1955.
Approved: Minutes of previous meeting.
Activities: March 17 Hillel Founda-
tion, "Hillelzapoppin" T a p p a n

February 11 Dance, League Ball-
room, 9-1, sponsored by J-Hop
February11-12 J-Hop Ski Party,
East Tawas
February 23, 24 World University
Service - Treasure van (bazzar).
Appointments: Merril Kaufman, Per-
sonnel Director, SGC Administra-
tive Wing.
Ex-officio members to committees
as follows: Campus Affairs, Bob
Weinbaum; Finance, Todd Lief; So-
cial and Educational Welfare, David
Baad, Jeanette Grimm; National
and International Affairs, Hazel
Frank, Deborah Townsend; Coordi-
nating and Counseling, Tom Bleha.
Adopted motion providing that (1) Stu-
dent Government Council requests
that students, selected by the Coun-
cil, be allowed to work with the Office
of Student Affairs in formulating
procedures and policy relating to the
implementation of the recommenda-
tions of the Auto Study Committee
to inodify Regents By-Law 8.05. (2) a
final report be submitted to the Stu-

dent Government Council before sub-
mission to the Board of Regents. (3)
consideration of specific recommen-
dations of SGC relating to implemen-
tation be placed on the agenda forj
the first meeting following Christmas
Granted recognition: Junior Engineer-1
ing Class Board.
Ratified constitution of Michigan Re-
gion NSA, with exception of Article
IV, D-8.
Endorsed: Community Self-Survey of
human relations in Ann Arbor.
Reviewed procedures for distribution of
early registration passes.
Heard reports on: West Point Student
Conference on U.S. Affairs.
Michigan Region NSA planning meet-
ing of December 10.
Progress of student speakers' coordi-
nation committee.
Rescinded: Action of October 5 which
provided that each candidate for the
Student Government Council show
evidence, on the basis of his gradu-
ation date, that he will be able to
fulfill his obligation to serve a full
one-year term.

A XYLOPHONE is used as a teaching device for these primary school children who receive clinical
services during an eight-week period in the fall.

taught dynamite
good manners!
With its frisky "Turbo-Fire V8,"
this Chevrolet is pure dynamite.
But it's beautifully mannered,
too-quiet, instantly obedient to
your slightest signal!
Nudge the accelerator and you're
aware of the split-second chain re-
action of your toe to the "Turbo-
Fire"! There's your dynamite-with
horsepower ranging up to a high of
205. The car is built for its power,
too-with a low, low center of
gravity, well distributed weight and
wide-apart rear springs. There's
your stability, and safer handling!
All doors have safety latches-and
instrument panel padding and seat
belts are available at extra cost.
Directional signals are standard.
Come in and try a new Chevrolet!







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