Sixty-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS .OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 "WOwW "When opinions are free, truth will prevail." Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent\the views of the writers only. This must be noted in all reprints. [URSDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1955 NIGHT EDITOR: LEW HAMBURGER Ike Nomination could Boost Democratic Chances in '56 _ .rp j Ail ,,a .". . 3 .1 III . .',tm ^ , " P'G s . :- IT SEEMS quite possible, though perhaps un- usual, to come to the conclusion that the Democrats, no matter who they nominate, will win in '56, and especially so if President Eisen- hower. beeomes convinced he must run again. Eisenhower's nomination could be a positive contribution to the campaign arsenal and vic- tory chances of the Democrats. The Demo- cratic campaigner would simply, admit, even publicly, that Ike is a good man and all that, but could suggest that no nation, so conceived and so dedicated, could force the woes of the world on one whose health is much below par. They might add that it would not be so good for the nation, either, to place another four years of its future inthe hands of a man whose health is not up to the responsibilities and strains the position of President ordinarily demands. They might also point out that they, too, like Ike, and ask the American people in the name of decency and other virtues, not to elect him again, for his own good. Thus, having taken Ike's personal popularity and put it to their own uses, the rest would be easy. Of course, if the Republicans nominate some- one else, assuming they have considered that possibility, the rest would still be easy. For, three years now, many have been admitting that the Republicans rode into office on Ike's per- sonality. Subsequent Democratic victories in the 1954 Congressional races and in numerous gubernatorial contests,^- even in areas tradi- tionally Republican, punctuate that claim. BESIDES the apparent trend back to the Democrats after Eisenhower's 1952 vic- tory, there are enough dissatisfactions with the Republican administration to raise Demo- cratic hopes. The farmers don't like the farm program; labor doesn't like the failure to make significant changes in the Taft-Hartley Act and the income tax; and the solid South is probably just angry enough at the Supreme Court to forget personalities and take it out, just like old times, on the Republicans. The Democrats can take these facts and others, like the failure to come up with a sensible housing program and the Salk vac- cine mess, both of which irritated more than one or two special segments of the population, and make political hay of them. Meanwhile, the Republicans may not have too much to brag about. They can point to the higher standard of living and increasing prodiutivity as if the government had some- thing to do with it while the NAM looks on, with approving smiles, but many Americans might just interpret these advances in terms of how much more it costs him to live. The Republicans can point with pride to their having kept us out of war. But the Democrats, and maybe others, will see it as a fortunate failure to put us in one. IT all boils down to what the indepent voters think on the matter. Evidence pointed to their swinging the victory to the Republicans in 1952 upon deciding that Ike was too good a man to let go. With Ike's personal power less significant now, it seems that the independent voter will return to the Democrats. However, it seems reasonably sure that no matter which party wins, things in Washington will be in an equal or bigger mess four years from now - at least in the eyes of the loyal opposition. --JIM DYGERT, City Editor Meany Adds To Dulles Propaganda Blunder IT SEEMS that AFL-CIO President George Meany would rather have outright enemies of the West than the uncertain friendliness of neutrals., In attacking both Prime Minister Nehru and Marshal Tito for being "allies of Communism" because of their neutrality, he may have done more to aid the Soviet cause in Asia than ten years of Khru'shchev-Bulganin propaganda vis- its. Already there has been unfortunate "re- percussions", throughout India, according to Indian Trades Union secretary,'!K. T. Tripathi. Perhaps Messrs. Khrushchev and Bulganin might be more successful staying home and letting Messrs. Dulles and Meany spread hatred of the West throughout Asia. 0 WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: TaftWing Getting Restless By DRE~W PEARSON ; AT THE MICHIGAN: Liberace? 'Sincerely'? Horrible! H EARING about Liberace in a movie may be very funny, but having to see it is a different story. It is painful. Take every soap; opera ever heard, every Liberace show ever seen on television, and stir. There you have the ingredients of "Sin- cerely Yours." Then take a strong swig of Pepto Bismol and perhaps you will get over the whole thing with little harm. The personality kid is seen, in color yet, as a famous pianist named Anthony Warrin who sud- denly goes deaf and loses the will to go on. His secretary, played by Joanne Dru, stands by him in time of need, but do you think he knows she loves him? Not a chance. He wants to commit suicide. But the foolish girl stops him. So what does he do? Well, it's a long story. S* * HE LEARNS lip reading. Then he stands on the balcony of his penthouse overlooking Central Park, and spies on the lives of unfortunate souls with a pair of high powered field glasses. Then he gives them money and makes everyone happy. He gives a crip- pled boy the money for an opera- tion. . He gives a poor woman nice clothes. You name it. Liberace, whose acting is simply ridiculous, also plays the piano in this film. He does it all in his usual style-winking, bouncing up and down as if his pants were electri- cally wired, smiling, smiling, smil- ing. He also tap dances in Car- negie Hall. I swear. Will deaf Liberace regain his hearing? Will he marry his secre- tary? Will the world lose a great talent? Tune in tomorrow for the next, forget it. Don't waste you time with this one. It couldn't be worse. --David Newman AT THE STATE: 'Count Three' Good Flick "COUNT Three and Pray," which opened yesterday at the State, belongs to a species of screenplay that is now almost extinct. It is one of the few recent films in which subplots and minor charac- ters are properly developed. Too often in a motion picture subplots do not exist, and minor characters exist only as two-di- mensional surfaces on a strip of film. In the average movie the supporting roles func)ion only as catalysts pushing the story along, but having no story value of their own. In "Count Three and Pray" the lesser characters are unique en- tities. They are stillA there to help the main story unfold, but at the same time they tell their own stories - stories which greatly enhance the main one. Writer Herb Meadows has done an ex- cellent job weaving them all into a compact, unified, thoroughly engrossing and wonderfully funny tale. The film tells the story of a Southerner who, having deserted the South to fight for the Union during the Civil War, returns to his home town after the war to become a minister. The people of the town still feel he is a traitor and fight him every inch of the way in his efforts to bring them religion. Three different girls are madly in love with him and the humor in the picture lies mainly in his attempts to have nothing to do with them. Van Heflin, as the fighting minister, beats up on enough people to satisfy even the most sadistic of moviegoers. Joan Woodward, playing the part of the blonde little imp who con- tinually taunts our hero, turns in one of the most captivating per- formances of the year. -Phil Breen DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN THE Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the Universitf of Michigan for which the Michig Daily assumes no editorial responsi- bility. Notices should be sent in TYPE WRITTEN form to Room 3553 Administration Building before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. Notices for the Sunday edition must be in by 2 p.m. Friday. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1955 VOL. LXVH, NO. 65 General Notices Since both Christmas and New Years fall on Sunday, the University will observe December 26 and January 2 a holidays. Personnel Office. Automobile Regulations - Christmas Holiday. The automobile regulations will be lifted when classes are com- pleted on Fri., Dec. 16, and will be resumed again at 8:00 a.m. Tues., Jan. 3, 1956. The General Library will observe the following schedule during the holiday period: Open: Fri., Dec. 16, 8 a.m.-6 p.m.; Mon.-Fri., Dec. 19-23, 8 a.m.-6 p.m.; Tues.-Fri., Dec. 27-30, 8 a.m-6 p.m. Closed: Sat., De. 17. Dec.24, Dec. 31; Sun., Dec. 18, Dec. 25, and Jan. 1; Mon., Dec. 26, Jan. 2. The Divisional Libraries will be open on shortened vacation schedules on the days that the General Library is open. The hours are 10-12 a.m. and 2-4 p.m. unless otherwise noted. The schedule for each library will be posted on its door. Information as to hours of opening may also be obtained by calling University Extension 652. Arlene Sollenberger's concert, originally scheduled for Jan. 20, 1956, has been postponed to Feb. 14. Miss Sollenberger is an Instructor in voice In the School of Music. Academic Notices Chemistry Department Colloquium. 7:30 p.m. in Room 1300 Chemistry. Mr. L. Bruner will speak on "Grignard Reagents and Azides." Mr. S. Shore will speak on "Reactions between Borohy- dride and Ammonium Salts In Ether; the Preparation and Properties of Ammonia-Borane, H3NBH3. 401 Interdisciplinary Seminar on the Application of Mathematics to Social Science will meet Thurs., Dec. 15, Room 3401 Mason Hall from 4:00-5:30 P.m. K. Boulding will speak on "Some Views on the Limitations of Mathematics." The Applied Mathematics Seminar will meet with the Mathematics Colloquum today, Thurs., De. 15, Room 3011 Angell Hall to hear Dr. Alston House- holder, of the Oak Ridge National Labs, speak on "Convergence In Matric Iter- ation." Sociology C~fee Hour: A Student- Faculty Christmas Coffee Hour will be held on Fri., Dec. 16 at 4:00 p.m. is the Sociology Lounge A.O.S. Meeting: Dr. S. G. Wallingford will preside at the first "Symposium on the Stacking Fraction" on Tues., Ja. 3, at 8:00,p.m. InRoom 3106 Chemistry. Doctoral Examination for Harry Dei- bert Thiers, Botany; thesis: "The Agari- caceae of the Pine Belt and Adjacent Areas In Eastern Texas," Fri., Dec. 16 1139 Natural Science Bldg., at 1:00 p.m. Chairman, A. H. Smith. Doctoral Examination for Edward G. Koch, Business Administration; thesis: "Business Condition, Public Policy, and Economic Behavior: An Interpretation of the 1953-54 Recession," Tues., Jan. 3, 8th floor Conference Room, School of Business Administration, at 4:00 p.m. Chairman, P. W. McCracken. Doctoral Examination for Leland Clif- ford Hendershot, Pharmacology; thesis: "Tachyphylaxis to Amines in Isolated Vascular Strips," Mon., Dec. 19, 103 Pharmacology Bldg., at 2:00 p.m. Chair- man, M. H. Seevers. Placement Notices Engineering Seniors and Graduate Students: Free copies of the "Engineers' Job Directory," a new "guide to engi- neering and scientific positions," are available to engineering seniors and graduate students at the Engineering Placement office, Room 347 W. Engi- neering Bldg. Copies available on order to underclassmen and others at 43.25 each. Detroit Civil Service Commission has full-time summer work, spraying trees, for $1.83 per hour. 300 jobs are avail- able to students between the ages of 18 and 25 who are residents of Detroit. Applications must ,be filed with Stanley Seligman, Detroit City-County Building, 6th floor, by Dec. 23. Examinations will be given on Dec. 30. o4 r TODAY AND TOMORROW: The Doctors and Regents ? v;. By WALTER LIPPMANN ONE of the most dynamite-laden Y'efugees in the world is expect- ed to seek readmission to the United States this week, and one or two very high persons in the United States wish he wouldn't. He is Nicolae Malaxa, the mil- lionaire Roumanian industrialist who was a partner of Hermann Goerging's brother and once gave jewelry to Communist Premier Ana Pauker, but who hired Vice Presi- dent Nixon's law firm and made Nixon's law partner, Thomas Bew- ley, secretary of his corporation. After that his troubles for a time seemed to vanish. HE GOT A special bill introduced in Congress by Nixon's close friend Congressman Pat Hillings of Cali- fornia permitting him to stay in the United States.# The bill never passed, however. Suddenly Congressman Francis Walter (D., Pa.) intervened, stop- ped the bill and has now made a thorough probe of the entire Mal- axa situation. The wealthy Roumanian is now in Paris, having gone there from Argentina, and is due to try to re-enter the United States today or tomorrow, since his re-entry permit expires December 16. This, however, is only a temporary per- mit and Malaxa still has no au- thority to remain permanently in the U.S.A. WHEN JUDITH COPLON was arrested by the FBI for delivering papers to a Russian UN represen- tative, in her purse was found a secret Central Intelligence report on Malaxa from CIA Assistant Director Alan R. McCracken to D. M. Ladd, Assistant Director of the FBI. "During 1927," stated the CIA report, "Malaxa begain his collab- oration with the Nazi regime in Germany. He established close re- lations with German industrialists, including Albert Goering, ,brother of Hermann Goering. "At about the same time subject (Malaxa) began to subsidize the Roumanian Iron Guard, a Fascist organization. "AFTER THE Coup d'etat of 25 August 1944, continued the CIA report, "Malaxa attempted to leave Roumanian, but was unable to se- cure a passport. Within a short time, however, he had established good relations with the Roumanian Communists and the Soviet au- thorities. "He secured the return of three of his factories, and was given ad- ditional compensation amounting to half a million dollars for the profits which he could have made during the preceding three years had these factories been under his control." The report also told how Malaxa came to the United States origin- ally as part of a Communist trade mission. ONCE IN THE United States, Malaxa got the support of a man who had made his reputation fighting Communists-Richard M. Nixon, then Senator from Califor- nia. Malaxa made Nixon's law partner secretary of the Western Tube Corp., a wholly-owned Mal- axa corporation which proposed building a plant near Whittier, Calif., Nixon's home town. This was in 1951. Last month-four years later- Congressman Walter sent an in- vestigator, William Wheeler, to Whittier to report on the progress made by the Western Tube Com- pany. He reported that no build- ing had been built, and a concrete foundation had been removed. Though Nixon claimed he had severed relations with his law firm, the Bank of America Building directory as late as 1952 showed Senator Nixon, Thomas Bewley and Western Tube occupying the same offices=-Rooms 607, 608 and 609. * * * NIXON WENT much further. He signed a letter dated Sept. 15, 1951, to Manly Fleischmann, De- fense Production Administrator asking him to grant a quick tax write-off to Malaxa's firm. This letter is a matter of official record and I have obtained a photostat copy. (Copyright, 1955, by Bell Syndicate, Inc.) THERE has been a notion in the air that at some future date, say in February, the President's doctors will be able to tell him whether or not he should run for a second term. The White House press conference on Saturday, at which Dr. Snyder and Col. Mat-. tingly submitted to rigorous cross-examination, made it plain that while the doctors might advise the President not to run, it is the Presi- dent himself, not his doctors, who will have to make the final "determination" that he is able to run. Dr. Snyder, who was pressed on the point, was scrupulously careful to insist that the President's "ability" to run again, would, even if everything goes favorably, have to be left to the President's own decision. His decision would be not merely whether he wanted to run, whe- ther he felt it his duty to run but whether he was "able to run." This cannot be a medical decision because the doctors cannot foresee what demands wilI be made on the President during the next five years.-"Is it possible," Dr. Snyder was asked, "to assess how much another term will take out of a man?" To this Dr. Snyder replied, "No. No, it is not. It is not." THE task of assessing how much another term would take out of him is - if the doctors give him the most favorable report - the President's own personal responsibility. There cannot in the snature of things ever be an objective, scientific, authoritative determina- tion that he can carry the load of the Presi- dency during the next five years. That is a question for his judgment and for his con- science. In the meantime the President has' already, it would seem, made an important preliminary decision, which is to put off his decision about running again. There are two main considera- tions involved. The one is that the better his recovery, the better able he to bear the heavy load of making the decision about run- ning again. Whichever way ;he makes that de- cision, it will be a demanding decision, one fraught with heavy responsibility. The other consideration is, of course, that the longer he is able to put off his decision about a second term, the longer will his leader- ship remain undisputed inside his party. That is why Senators Knowland and Bridges, who are reluctant about his leadership, are asking for a prompt decision; and that is why Mr. Stassen wants to put off the decision until about June. of the Eisenhower administration is that there is no genuine, self-evident successor to whom the Eisenhower Republicans and the Eisen- hower independents can readily be rallied. The crucial question is whether the Eisen- hower men are using the postponement to prepare a successor if he is needed - or whe- ther they are wishing so hard to have the President run again that they do not dare to tempt fate by thinking about his not running. If it is the latter, that they are shrinking from - an unpleasant subject, it must be said that they are playing for too high stakes at too poor odds. Since there are not precedents for what to do when a President is partially incapacitated, it is only fair to recognize that the inner circle of the White House and of the Cabinet have been doing very well indeed. They are, of course, treading water, not moving much from where they are though the times are full of movement. Eisenhower, to be sure, has happily not been so much incapacitated as Wilson was. But he has been largely absent from the seat of government. Yet in his absence there has been an agreeable lack of the intrigue an1 of the throat-cutting which usually take place when teacher is away. YET it would be silly, not to say uncompli- mentary to the President, to act as if his illness and absence do not make a big differ- ence. On the other hand, they discourage, indeed they tend to prevent, that reappraisal in our foreign policies which should have been, but never was, made at the time of the first Geneva meeting. We have )had, instead, a re- markable display of bureaucratic inertia. There has been lacking that element, which the Presi- dent alone is able to provide, the will to change course and not to be afraid or too proud to do So. On the other side, the absence of the Presi- dent has, as Mr. Roscoe Drummond pointed out on Monday, left the Administration without a responsible spokesman. For more than four months there has been no Presidential press conference. IT SEEMS unlikely that the President's doctors will soon let him hold a press conference. The way these affairs have developed, they must be - to use Dr. Snyder's word - among the most "demanding" of the President's labors. I agree with Mr. Drummond that "some al- ternative method of putting questions to the President needs to be worked out very soon," and with his suggestion that once a week I fr HIGHLIGHTS - VON KARAJAN, MILSTEIN: Music Events Reach Quarter Mark By L. L. ORLIN Daily Music staff writer TrHE concert season in Ann Arbor is about one-fourth over. Now is a good time to look back upon the concerts so far and make some evaluation of them. There have been two really out- standing concerts in Hill Auditor- ium this year. The first was that of the London Philharmonia. This concert gave the Ann Arbor audi- ence an opportunity not only to hear a fine European orchestra but also to see one of today's fastest rising conductors - Herbert Von Karajan. The second concert that rated the "outstanding" label was that of Nathan Milstein. His apparent ease of attaining perfection marks Milstein as one of the greatest violinists of our day. ** FOR PEOPLE who enjoy listen- ing to good orchestral music there has been an abundance of quality performances. The Boston Sym- phony gave its usual fine concert and the Cleveland Orchestra was also heard early in the season. Two non-professional orchestral concerts have also been given. The University Orchestra and the Ann Arbor Civic Symphony have both given fine concerts. Many people fail to realize that these local umnn exivset andgie enn seantl of portions of Aida topped many professional performances. The Dramatic Arts Center has also added to Ann Arbor's musical activity. On two occasions it has presented all musical programs. The first to appear was John Jacob Niles in a program of folk music. Later in the year Camelia and William Doppman, residents of Ann Arbor, gave a concert of Piano and Cello music. * * * AFTER READING this long list of performances that have taken place in Ann Arbor this fall one might deduce that this is a very unusual year. The truth is that it is actually quite ordinary. Al- though there have been about 50 musical performances so far, this constitutes only about one-fourth of the total number of concerts per season. The School of Music alone presents 120 concerts from September to July. In the spring the Chamber Music Festival, the May Festival, and the two regular concert series have many outstanding programs planned. Perhaps the most inter- esting series of these will start on February 15. Myra Hess will be the first of three of the greatest pianists of our time to appear in Ann Arbor within the space of a month. The other two are Artur Rubinstein and Walter Gieseking. Wmv a . iclinr - i i _ . LITTLE MAN ON CAMPUS by Dick Bibler HERBERT VON KARAJAN ... music highlight sound achieved by the Chorale was amazingly excellent. Another performance not to be overlooked is that of the Choral Union. This year's "Messiah" was probably the best heard in Ann Arbor. * * * ZINKA MILINOV opened the concert season. Although her per- formance in Hill was not spec- tacular, recent reviews of her. singing at the Met indicate that she regained her fine vocal quality. Only one other vocal soloist has given a performance in Ann Arbor ..~' .n , - . - 44.4SSA c= :' ,pI~mUp})~Y~U~ijEM_ r 4 I