Sixty-Sixth Year EDiED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 "Help!- A Giant!" Wen opinions are free, truth will prevail." Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. This must be noted in all reprints. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1955 NIGHT EDITOR: DICK SNYDER University Con ference Suffers From Lack of Planning THE IDEA of holding an annual Student- but better results can be obtained by defining Faculty-Administration Conference is an ex- more clearly what it is the conference hopes cellent one. Such opportunity offered for an to achieve. exchange of views between the three compon- Giving the conference a unifying themne- ents of the University is potentially invaluable. expansion-was a great improvement but the Unfortunately last Friday's conference realiz- scope was still too broad. Deeply probing a few ed few of the gains such a conference should "trouble-spots" would be far more valuable realize. Despite the sincerity of participating than attempting a shallow discussion of all groups, discussions failed to produce anything the University's ills in a scant two hour session. worthwhile. Naturally a balance must be struck between To a large extent the conference was little a scope too broad to be meaningful and a scope more than a briefing for students-with faculty so narrow it affects only a small segment of the members and administrators simply explaining University. Many who attended the conference the problems of the University. felt, that centering discussion around fewer One of the greatest values of such a confer- topics would have been more beneficial. ence is the chance offered for initiation of new Also, the lack of time was a severe handicap. ideas at all three levels--student, faculty and Very little that is constructive can be accom- administration, plished in the allotted two hours. In the fu- ture, conference planners should give serious The philosophy underlying a joint confer- consideration to scheduling the conference for ence calls for a mutual flow of ideas. However, a full day. there was little flow or initiation of ideas on - the student level Friday.h Re-evaluation of objectives and puiposes of ANOTHER handicap, one that was clearly the conference and the manner in which it is demonstrated during discussions, was the failure of conferees to come prepared to intel- The purpose of the conference should be ligently discuss problems in their own areas. Theuroeofthe cohr renceusoulderty Students were the biggest offenders. With the either to orient the three groups to University exception of organization heads most students problems and specific problems of each group had not the slightest conception of what they or to aim at producing concrete suggestions. hadicusig.o The trouble with Friday's conference is it tried to do both and did little of either. If the conference is to produce anything worthwhile the conferees must come informed EITHER GOAT.,, orientation or concrete sug- and prepared to offer suggestions and partici- gestions, has merit-but the composition pate. One way to insure this would be more of conferees and the manner in which the careful selection of conferees. A better way conference is conducted should be geared to would be to urge conferees to read up on their the final objectives. topics and come prepared. All three groups, through unawareness, often Finally, discussion groups were too large to appear unsympathetic to each others problems. allow effective exchange of ideas. More would And to the extent a conference aimed at orient- be accomplished by groups of about eight to ten. ing the three groups overcomes this, it has In essence, more attention must be devoted merit, to the conference, its ideals and operation, if However a conference whose basic objective it is to be successful is an exchange of ideas aimed at coming up The idea is good. More thought and plan- with concrete suggestions seems even more Wing would better realize the fruits of what is worthwhile. a potentially invaluable opportunity. These two objectives are related to an extent --LEE MARKS INTERPRETING THE NEWS: Trouble Brewitn in Moscow?. WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: Taftites Force Ike Decision } By DREW PEARSON By WILLIAM L. RYAN " AP Foreign News Analyst PERHAPS while the big Soviet cats are away some of the mice back home in the Soviet Union are at play. Over the weekend Muscovites were treated to a curious spectacle: Izvestia, the government newspaper, contradicted Pravda, which is the Bible of the Communist party. The difference was over the progress of Com- munist party boss N. S. Khrushchev's corn- planting program. The party paper had accused Izvestia, among other organs, of having a flip- pant attitude toward the program -- in other words, a flippant attitude toward something which Khrushchev regards as extremely im- portant. Izvestia, quick to defend itself, said it wasn't so, and then - wonder of wonders - accused Pravda of inaccuracies. That just hasn't been done in the Soviet Union, up to now. Khrushchev and Premier Nikolai Bulganin at the moment were playing the role of supersales- men for communism in Burma and India. They must have felt extremely confident about the political situation at home if they were willing to be away from it for so long a time. AMONG those they left behind, however, were V. M. Molotov, whom the Communist party not long ago forced into a humiliating confes- sion of error on a point of Leninist dogma, and Georgi Malenkov, whom Khrushchev and com- pany forced from the premiership early this year. Also left behind are a group of young, studious and ambitious technocrats like Mikhail Pervuh- kin and Maxim Saburov, whose experience in building the Soviet economy may have demon- strated to them that Marxism as interpreted by Lenin, Stalin and Khrushchev is not without its serious flaws. All those who were left behind, in fact, are aware of what a dictator's whims can do to the national economy. They came up through the Stalin era. It is notable that in the past year Khrush- chev made himself just a little more authori- tative than the others in a collection of sup- -posed equals. Khrushchev, for all his smiles - and he used the same smiles during the Stalin era - remains a potential Stalin. The notion of the first party secretary as an amiable clown is a foolish notion. He is unquestionably able and he has shown on many occasions he can be ruthless when necessary. While Khrushchev was away, Malenkov - now only a minister of the Soviet government - engaged in Communist party activity. For example, he journeyed to the Urals to address party meetings in advance of next February's important party Congress. Once Malenkov directed the whole apparatus of the party under Stalin. Today that is supposed to be the province of Khrushchev, who eased Malenkov out of the job a few months after Stalin died. But few Western observers count Malenkov entirely out of the picture in the Soviet power structure. As for Molotov, there is little question that Khrushchev moved in on him and on his foreign policy. Khrushchev and Bulganin now are mak- ing policy, as their trip to Asia clearly empha- sizes. And as for the ambitious technocrats in the government, the Stalin era gave them all they wanted of political interference in the construction of the economy. The retort of Izvestia to Pravda, even though it concerns only the corn-raising program, amounts to sassing the Communist party by a mouthpiece of the Soviet government. No Communist party in power anywhere can af- ford the luxury of permitting back talk. The incident could be a straw in the wind. Perhaps Khrushchev has been away from home too long for his own good. THE long-coicealed irritation of Taft Republicans over the de- layed decision on Ike's ability to run again, is now coming out into the open. It first cropped out when strong Taftites like Congressman Carroll. Reece of Tennessee and Walter Hallanan of West Virginia stayed away from Len Hall's GOP rally in Chicago.It became even more evi- dent when Senator Bill Knowland Df California, who inherited Taft's shoes in the Senate, stepped out of a Gettysburg conferenice with Ike to say he was not at all sure the President would run again. NOW IT'S definite that Know- land, acknowledged leader of the old Taft forces, will run for Presi- dent himself if Ike doesn't an- nounce by Feb. 1. Behind all this are two convic- tions on the part of many Repub- licans: 1. That a political party is like a ball team. Its strength depends on farm teams and their develop- ment of young players. Republi- cans saw the Democrats suffer from lack of young talent during the years of Roosevelt; now they see the Republicans failing to de- velop young leaders because of too much concentration on one man. 2. There is still a strong resent- ment against ex-Gov. Tom Dewey and a conviction that he is trying to control the next nomination. DEWEY HAS always been one of the most powerful men inside the Eisenhower Administration, even though not in Washington. This alone makes the Taft wing of the party sore. But on top of that they see Eisenhower's medi- cal report postponed until Febru- ary or March when it will be late for them to develop candidates and when the Dewey crowd can more easily slip one of its men, possibly Tom Dewey himself, into the nomination. SUCH TOP Democrats as Speak- er Sam Rayburn of Texas and Senator Mike Monroney of Okla- homa came back to Washington for the "bipartisan" conferences with blood in their eye. Chief reason for the blood was the manner in which General Eis- enhower has talked about a bi- partisan approach and then taken a strictly partisan tack. Specifi- cally, they are sore over the way Democratic posts on various quasi- judicial agencies have been filled by "Republicrats." Under the law they must be filled by the opposite political party, but most of them vote with the Administration. What raised the hackles on Democratic leaders' backs is the firing of Josh Lee from the Civil Aeronautics Board after many years of faithful service. * * * HE IS NOW being relieved by Eisenhower in favor of G. Joseph Minetti, a Dewey Democrat from New York. Most significant fact regarding Minetti's appointment is that it was pushed by O. M. Mo- sier, Vice-President of American Airlines. Minetti's appointment will give the big airlines another vote on the CAB, a vote they badly need. For just recently, Nov. 15, the CAB voted 3-2 to strengthen small non-sked air lines, let them oper- ate as "supplemental air carriers." Lee was one of those voting, for the non-skeds, together with Chairman Ross Rizley, Republican of Oklahoma, and Joe Adams. Rizley, however, is slated to be- come a federal judge in January, which, with Lee's ouster, will re- verse the balance and make the board big-air minded. (Copyright, 1955, by Bell Syndicate, Inc.) AT THE STATE: 'Weather' Stars Have A Ball HE CREAM of Hollywood mus- ical comedy talent gets togeth- er in "It's Always Fair Weather," and everybody, including the aud- ience, has a ball. Veteran spoofers Adolphe Green and Betty Comden have whipped up a fairly implausible script with a bit too much plot, but the sing- ing and dancing is so excellent, the satire on TV and advertising is so cuttingly clever, and the per- formances of Gene Kelly, Dan Dailey, Michael Kidd, Delores Gray, and Cyd Charisse are so polished and delightful, that any draw- backs are soon forgotten. This is a fun film, with some of the best dancing ever seen in a picture. The plot concerns three ex- soldiers who hold a scheduled re- union ten years after the war and find that the friendship has faded and the thrill is gone. Each has gone his separate way and they all have personal troubles. Kelly, whose future looked bright once upon a time, has wound up a gambler, embroiled with racke- teers and crooked boxing. Gene meets Cyd, a brainy TV coordinator, and the romance buds. All kinds of crooks are running about, Delores Gray is being a phony TV star, and everyone is singing and dancing. This is all as it should be. NATURALLY the dances are highlights. Kelly does a routine on roller skates while zooming down a ritzy avenue with bad guys in hot pursuit that is one of the most amazing examples of virtu- osity in the dance you will ever see. Dailey gets drunk at a party and executes an hysterical num- ber that upsets everything to everyone's delight but the host. The three boys perform a number running through the streets of New York City with ash-can tops strapped to their feet that might sound silly here, but is thoroughly brilliant to see. The gags directed at television include a "This Is Your Life" type show, only worse, and commercials that ring - horribly true. Boxing comes in for its share of the sa- tire with a bunch of pugs singing the Alma Mater of Stillman's Gym, and beautiful Cyd Charisse ca- reening around punching bags as the tough boys make like the Rockettes and sing "You Knock Me Out, Baby." It's not giving much away to say that all ends happily and'tune- fully, with everyone loving every- one. But when it is done so well by such lovely people, it becomes all new and wonderful again. T-David Newman AT THE MICHIGAN: Short Tops Feature OUR MARSHAL is the only concrete element of law in a small mining town of the old West. "A Lawless Street" tells of hisĀ° efforts to restore order when the town suddenly erupts with bru- tality and violence. The marshall, Randolph Scott, has made the town relatively peaceful and liveable, aided im- mensely with his legendary repu- tation as a gunfighter. When two men discover the town will soon become a boom-city be- cause of a rebirth of its mining industry, they hire a gunman to kill the marshal so they can run it as they please. ALTHOUGH THE film starts slowly and is inconsistent in acting and staging, it does achieve a certain momentum. The marshal is portrayed as a man who believes his death is very close. Tearing each day from his calendar, he believes it to be his last. He tells his landlady that every morning he can hear the town snarling and jerking at its leash. Under its veneer, the town is a chained beast instead of a do- mesticated animal. He knows he alone is holding back a potential breakdown of a partially civilized society. WITH THE feature is an ex- cellent short film called "The White-Tailed Buck." It is a tech- nicolor documentary recounting the first hunting trip a man and his son take together. Photographed in Virginia during October, while the father teaches his son how to hunt, and Novem- ber, at the time of the actual hunt, the film is a beautiful record of the natural poetry of the deer in their home of forests and snows. Thomas Mitchell narrates the story and the warmth of his voice commu~lh1nicates the deem im nA1tance THE Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsi- bility. Notices should be sent in TYPEwRITTEN form to Room 3553 Administration Building before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. otices for the Sunday edition must be in by 2 p.m. Friday. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1955 VOL. LXVII, NO. 63 General Notices University Regulations require that all students leaving Ann Arbor for extended vacations must return library books before their departure. This insures the availability of books for scholars who wish to use them while the University is not in session. In accordance with this rule, students planning to spend Christmas vacation outside Ann Arbor must return library books before leaving the city. Special permission to charge books for use outside Ann Arbor may be given in case of urgent need. Arrange- ments mustbe made at the .lhargin Desk for books from the stacks of the General Library or with librarians In charge of Divisional Libraries and Study Halls. All Veterans who expect education and training allowance under Public Law 550 (Korea G. I. Bill) must get nstruc- tor's signatures for the month of December and turn Dean's Monthly. Certification in to the Dean's office before 5:00 p.m. Dec. 16. VA Form 7-1996a, Monthly Certification, will be filled in after Christmas vacation, Jan. 3 to 6, in the Office of Veterans' Af- fairs, 555 Administration Building. Automobile Regulations - Christmas Holiday. The automobile regulations will be lifted when classes are com- pleted on Fri., Dec. 16, and will be resumed again at 8:00 a.m. Tues., Jan. z 3, 1956. Late Permission: All women students who attended the Union Opera on Tuesday or Wednesday, Dec. 6 or 7, shall have late permission until 11:15 p.m. Late Permission: Because of the Union, Opera, all women students had' 11:25 p.m. late permission on Thursday, Dec. 8. Women's residence were open until y 11:20 p.m. Late Permission: All women students ; will have a 11:00 p.m. late permission on Wed. and Thurs., Dec. 14 and 15. Women's residences will be open untilp^ 10:55 p.m. Academic Notices Detroit EdisonUpperclass Scholarship. A scholarship of $275 is available for application by residents of Michigan who have completed at least one year at the University of Michigan in any of the following fields: Economics, Ac- counting, Business, and Personnel Ad- ministration. Selections will be made on the basis of scholastic ability, char- acter, citizenship, extracurricular activi- ties, and financial need. Applicaton forms at the Scholarship Office, 113 Administration Building. Applications for Engineering Research Institute Fellowships to be awarded for the spring semester 1955-1956 are now being accepted in the office of the Graduate School. The stipend is $1,000 per semester. Application forma are available from the Graduate School. Only applicants who have been em- ployed by the Institute for at least one year on at least a half-time basis are eligible. Applications and supporting material are due in the office of the Graduate school not later than 4:00 p.m., Fri., Jan. 6, 1956. All Students who have not registered an Ann Arbor address with the Univer- sity or have moved and failed to report change of address, please register this information with the Deans of their respective colleges before leaving for Christmas vacation. Mathematics Club: Tues., Dec. 13, at 8:00 p.m. in the West Conference Room, Rackham Building. Prof. H. D. Klooster'- man will speak on "Partitions." Mathematics Colloquium: Thursday, Dec. 15, at 4:10 p.m., in Room 3011 Angell Hall. Dr. Alston Householder, of the Oak Ridge National Labs, will seak on "Convergence in matric itera tion." Tea and coffee will be served 'at 3:45 in 3212 A.H. Sociology Colloquium: Professor Nei. son Foote, Director of the Family Study Center, University of Chicago, will speak on the topic, "Role Playing with En- gaged Couples" on Wed., Dec. 14, 4:10 p.m. In the Michigan League. Room to be posted. February or June 1956 Graduates of the College of Literature, Science and the Arts who wish to prepare for elementary teaching, see Professor Low- ell Beach, 1408 University Elementary School, before Dec. 16, for information on the University's program and op- portunities at other institutions. Applications for student teaching for the spring semester 1956, are availabler in Room 1437 University Elementary School. Doctoral Examination for Edwin Charles Blackburn, History; thesis: "Stainless Leszczynski: A Study in the Enlightenment," Wed., Dec. 14, 3615 Haven Hall, at 3:15 p.m. Chairman, B. W. Wheeler. Doctoral Examination for John Mat- hew Culbertson, Economics; thesis: "A Theory of the Term Structure of In- terest Rates," Tues., Dec. 13, 105 Eco- nomics Bldg., at 1:30 p.m. Chairman, R. A. Musgrave. Students interested in the Work-Study DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS: New Labor Organization: What Is It? By NORMAN WALKER AP Staff Writer HERE are some questions and answers on the new united la-j bor organization, the AFL-CIO: Q. What is it? A. The AFL with 108 national unions and the CIO with 30 have banded together in a single asso- ciation of unions. Q. How big is it? A. The Labor Department, in a recent official report, estimated AFL membership of 10,900,000, the CIO's at 5,200,000, for a total of over 16 million. But officials of the new AFL-CIO claim only 15 million. Q. Why have they merged? A. Union leaders say pooling resources and strength will give organized labor more power in bar- gaining with employers, organizing more workers in unions, and influ- encing state and national politics. There is room for argument here. Some students of labor af- fairs feel the natural competition between two organizations tended to keep both more on their toes. Q. Will it actually increase la- bor's power? A. It will to some extent. Afili- ated unions will have the same autnomy as under the separate AFL and CIO. Any one of them can pull out at any time. But AFL-CIO officials at the local, state and national level naturally will speak with more authority and influence than was true when there were two such officials. Q. Will union labor be more radical or more conservative? A. Traditionally the AFL has been more conservative than the CIO. It appears likely that in the blending of the two a middle ground will be reached with the organization inclined to a bit more moderate course. Q. Who are the top active AFL- CIO officers? A. George Meany, 61-year-old ex-plumber, has been elected presi- dent and William Schnitzler, one- time bakery worker, secretary- treasurer. Both held similar posts in the AFL. Q. What has happened to Wal- ter Reuther, the former CIO chief? A. Reuther, stepping aside for Meany to become one of 27 AFL- CIO vice presidents will still head the 1,200,000-member United Auto Workers union and continue to be a very powerful influence, possibly second only to Meany. Reuther was well received in initial AFL- CI0 convention appearances. Q. Where will the AFL-CIO have its headquarters? A. A new, four-million-dollar building is being made ready for occupancy in Washington. Q. What about John L. Lewis's United Mine Workers and other unions now out of the AFL-CIO? A. The 75 - year - old Lewis, founder of the now-merged C0,0 has at one time or another been a power in both the AFL and CIO. He has held aloof of the AFL-CIO and said the merger can't endure. Nevertheless, the miners someday may join up. Independent railroad unions are 1 t Igan Ft1jH N;ew Books at the Library Asimov, Isaac-The End of Eternity; N. Y., Editorial Staff Doubleday, 1955. Dave Baadl.......................... Managing Editor Jim Dygert ...............................City Editor Murry Frymer .................. Editorial Director Debra Durchslag ................... Magazine Editor David Kaplan .......................... Feature Editor Jane Howard ......................... Associate Editor Louise Tyor......................... Associate Editor Phil Douglis ......................... Sports Editor Alan Eisenberg .............. Associate Sports Editor Jack Horwitz . . .........Associate Sports Editor Mary Helithaler ............ ...Women's Editor Elaine Edmonds............ Associate Women's Editor John Hirtzel.................. Chief Photographer Business Staff Bemelmans, Ludwig-The World of Bemel- mans; N. Y., Viking Press, 1955. Bowles, Chester-The New Dimensions of Peace; N. Y., Harper's, 1955. Breslin, Howard-Shad Run; N. Y., Thomas Y. Crowell, 1955. Bridge, Ann-A Family of Two Worlds; N. Y., Macmillan Co., 1955. Carson, Rachel--The Edge of the Sea; Boston, To- The Editor- Answers Lawyers .. . To the Editor . FOR what it's worth, I have al- ways felt that a personal opin- ion expressed in an open letter to the embryo counselors are being a teeny-bit unfair. The answer, for myself and many, many other local citizens, is to express honest and sincere appreciation for making the news- paper available. Although the pa- Houghton Mifflin, 1955. Court, Alfred-My Life with the Big Cats; L