h. SihtyiganR al Sixty-Sixth Year 'fah---imnbug!" J EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. This must be noted in all reprints. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1955 NIGHT EDITOR: LEE MARKS INTERPRETING THE NEWS: Behind Attlee Retirement AT THE CINEMA GUILD: 'Every S ping' Timely as Lasting Comedy W E ARE LUCKY for a change because we have a good American comedy in town. "It Happens Every Spring" actually makes fun of a sacred institution: baseball. A professor, in an accredited university, discovers a concoction which makes a baseball leap over wood; the formula makes it impos- sible for a ball to come in contact with a willow of any sort. Thus, the x professor can control the sport. Ray Milland, the professor,! joins though losing, St. Louis team, and pitches them to a league cham- pionship. He is headed for the Hall of Fame when he runs out of his[ secret fluid. up with the always magnificent, v By J. M. ROBERTS Associated Press News Analyst' CLEMENT ATTLEE'S retirement as leader of the British Labor party involves a great deal more than the mere selection of a successor, which will in itself be a noisy fight. More important in the long run will be whether the new leader can preserve the tenu- ous threads which hold the moderate and left-wing sections of the party together. Several times the ideological schism between the two factions has threatened a final split. Aneurin Bevan, left-wing leader, has been con- stantly shooting at the party's leadership and trying' to take it himself. Attlee's pro-American attitude and his un- radical socialism were anathema to Bevan, who will now try once again, although appar- ently without' great hope of success, to grab the reins. Attlee will go down in history as the man who engineered the welfare state for Britain. Despite Bevan, and despite very great diffi- culties with some failures, he did it in fairly orderly fashion. He overestimated the willing- ness of the voters to assume the necessary expenses of his various health and industrial nationalization programs, and they turned con- servative after his six years as prime minister. But he was looked upon, even by Winston Churchill in the periods when there was no heated political battle, as a "good man." During the war, he and Churchill presented an amaz-. ingly united front against Britain's enemies. HUGH GAITSKILL; regarded by many as' Attlee's most likely successor, is a youngish intellectual who is about as far removed from Bevan as a Socialist can be. In person and politics he is not very far removed from the more liberal members of the Conservative party, Where Attlee was sometimes willing to compro- mise his own views and submerge his own per- sonality in order to keep peace with Bevan, it is hard to see how Gaitskill can do so. On this particular point, Herbert Morrison, another leading candidate might \do better. Morrison is a genial man who, more than any of the others, reminds one of an American labor leader. But he is getting along in years, and many party stalwarts feel the times require a younger man to meet the flexibility demon- strated by the Conservatives since their return to power. Bevan has lost every major fight since he began his anti-American campaign and has even been read out of the party on occasion, only to return. The last time only Attlee was able to compromise the situation. It may be that no one can continue to do it. THE BRITISH press has taken the occasion of the announcement of Anthony Eden's impending visit to Washington to express an extremely pessimistic view of the international situation. Two themes received major attention in the Tuesday morning papers. One was expression of pleasure that President Eisenhower's re- covery has progressed to the point where he can resume such activities. The other was that there has been a great worsening in relations with Russia, requiring a reshaping of Allied policy for the long haul. Ever since Geneva the British, who have clung fob years to every straw of hope, have discussed this situation in terms almost of despair. THEY HAVE now been further stirred by the anti-Western tirades of Khrushchev and Bulganin in Asia, in which Britain has been accused of encouraging Hitler's attack on Russia, Britain is particularly sensitive about her reputation in India and Burma. Her empire builders left a bad taste there which she has been trying for years to eradicate. To be, at- tacked there by straight out lies enrages her, and tends to enhance her feeling that the hopes of the world have been blasted. The feeling in London that a new and very serious phase of cold war has opened is, how- ever, widely shared in the United States despite official efforts to depict the Geneva confer- ences as something less than total failures. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN WASHINGTON MERRY-GO.ROUND: * i " i Knight Seeks NVomination s By DREW PEARSON TODAY AND TOMORROW: Anot he Monopoly Token By WALTER LIPPMANN IN appraising the new Soviet doings in the Middle East and South Asia, it may be use- ful to note that for the second time since the end of the war the Soviet Union has broken what we had supposed was a monopoly. The first time was in 1949 when the Soviet Union broke the American monopoly of nuclear weap- ons. That event has led through the compe- tion in armaments to the uneasy stalemate Which dominates the power politics of the globe. Now the Soriet Union has pushed its way into a part of the world where, until a few months ago, the Atlantic Powers had been for all practical purposes the only suppliers of arms and of productive capital. What we are now witnessing is in effect a Soviet adaptation of our own Marshall Plan, Point Four, and mutual aid programs. It would be pleasant to think that the Soviet campaign is merely bluff and that all we need to do is to sit it out. Russians, it is said, will show their bad manners, as Khrushchev does, and the proud and sensitive peoples of Asia and Africa will soon dislike them. ALL this is most certainly wishful thinking. It is derived in part from a reluctance to appropriate new sums of money in an election year when it would be so pleasant to reduce taxes. The wishful thinking is derived, I venture to think in an equal part from a reluctance to make a reappraisal of our diplomacy and of the incessant declarations which characterize it. It would be a great mistake to assume that the Soviet Union is not rich enough to supply the kinds of capital which their programs may require. In the Soviet system of a planned economy, forcibly directed from Moscow, capi- tal funds can be diverted from domestic use whenever high policy demands it. There are Editorial Staff Dave Baad ......................... Managing Editor Jim Dygert ...........................ity Editor Murry Frymer ................ Editorial Director Debra Durchsiag ..................... Magazine Editor, David Kaplan........................Feature Editor Jane Howard ......................... Associate Editor Louise Tyor .................. .. Associate Editor Phil Douglis ........................ Sports Editor Alan Eisenberg ................ Associate Sports Editor Jack Horwitz................ Associate Sports Editor Mary Hellthaler ................ .Women's Editor Elaine Edmonds.............Associate Women's Editor John Hirtzel .................. .C.Chief Photographer Business Staff R'3, . ...... ?:....+.R . ~ no taxpayers, no Congress, no presidential elec- tions to be considered. Moreover, the Soviet Union, having the kind of system it has, can take in payment commodities, such as cotton and rice, which the underdeveloped countries are able to export The democracies find it very hard to do this. The Soviet Union has some strong political cards. Our policy, unhappily, has gone to great lengths in tying economic aid to the raising of local military forces in the countries we help. . The Soviet Union is in a position to say to these countries: Your alliances do not protect you, they provoke us; be neutral and we shall not attack you, and you have nothing to fear. There is no use pretending that this line of talk is not having its effect. B UT the trump card in the Soviet hand, so I venture to think, is the fact that they have broken the Western monopoly as a supplier of arms and of capital. The fact that there is now competition where until recently there was a monopoly, the fact that Egypt, for ex- ample, has two rivals bidding for its favor is, of course, enormously appealing. It is so appealing to have Moscow and Washington bidding against each other that, where possible, the ultimate aim of the weak countries is likely to be to prevent a return to the old conditions of monopoly-either to the old Western monopoly or to a new Soviet monopoly. It is only a guess, of course, but I would guess that what we are going to see is, a more advanced form of neutralism, of "non- alignment," of - to use the old American name for it -- a policy of no entangling al- liances. IF this is a correct guess, then the prime question for us is whether we are going to resist or whether we are going to cultivate and come to terms with this tendency towards neu- tralism. The Soviet Union will have the better of us if the highest aim of our policy continues to be the prevention of neutralism. For what the Soviet Union is able to offer is not only competition with us in the supply of capital - but also no call on their part for an alignment with their military system. Even if we offer more capital than they do, they will appear to be offering their capital at a lower political price. Nor must we sup- pose that these weak countries will not be in- terested because they fear communism. They will think that by keeping the Soviet Union and the United States bidding against , one another, they will have created a local balance of power which protects them. The immediate nuestinn in Washingtnn CALIFORNIA'S ebullient gover- nor "Goody" Knight is one man who is frankly campaigning for the GOP Presidential nomina- tion, undaunted by reports that Ike will or Ike won't. Furthermore, he is actually trying to line up a Vice-Presidential running mate. Knight recently sent a political emissary to invite Marylana's Gov. Ted McKeldin to be his Vice Presi- dent. Startled, McKeldin expressed doubt as to whether the emissary' really spoke for Knight. Later the Maryland governor got a long-distance call from New York. "The Governor of New York is calling," announced the operator. Puzzled as to why New York's Governor Ave Harriman, a Demo- crat, should be phoning a Repub- lican, McKeldin picked up the) phone. "This is Goody Knight," boomed a vigorous voice. "I'm in New York. "I want you to know that fellow who came to see you speaks for me," said the Governor of Califor- nia, confirming the invitation to McKeldin to run as Vice President on a Knight-McKeldin ticket. Note-McKeldin indicated that he thought it was too early for' him- to line up politically for 1956, much as he appreciated the honor. GOP Chairman Len Hall has big plans for 1956. The $2,000,000 TV budget which he mentioned at last week's Chicago Republican Rally was only one-fifth the figure which he actually discussed be- hind closed doors. His real plans include a stagger- ing $10,000,000 to be spent on TV, advertising before the campaign is over. The $2,000,000 figure for TV will be put up by the Republican National Committee, Congressional Campaign Committee, and Citi- zens for Eisenhower Organization which are limited by law to $3,000,000 campaign expenses each. The balance will be raised by GOP front groups to be formed especially for the campaign and which will pass into oblivion as soon as the election is over. To mastermind this TV cam- paign, the Republicans will use four big Madison Avenue public relations firms-Batten, Barton, Durstine and Osborn, which al- ready works with the Republican National Committee; Selvage and Lee; Carl Byoir and Associates; and J. Walter Thompson. Carl Byoir is the firm which once rep- resented - the Nazi government, according to sworn testimony be- fore the House Committee inves- tigating Nazi activities. Selvage and Lee is headed by Jim Selvage, who waged such a bitter campaign in New Jersey against anti-Mc- Carthy, Sen. Clifford Case whom Eisenhower made a special trip to help. Note - Despite their expected $10,000,000 bank roll, however, the Republicans are running into re- sistance from the TV networks which don't want to load up with political programs and crowd other programs and sponsors off the air. Three years ago, Sen. Joe O'- Mahoney of Wyoming, Democrat, was defeated for the Senate and, at the age of 70, had to scratch around to make a living. Making a living at that age is not easy, and Joe, always an idealist, al- ways a champion of the little fel- low, took some very unpopular and unprofitable cases, such as that of Owen Lattimore, which he won. Then last year he was re-elected to the Senate in a campaign dur- ing which all sorts of big Eastern Republican money was poured into Wyoming to beat him. Joe is not a vengeful person. But if he believed in revenge, last week he got it. For he kept the head of the world's biggest cor- poration waiting before his com- mittee while he listened to some of the little General Motors deal- ers who hitherto hadn't been able to talk to the man they worked f or. Harlow Curtice, head of General Motors, is paid an annual salary of $686,100. The night before tes- tifying before 'Joe O'Mahoney's committee, Curtice's high-power publicity advisers had sent out a thick, neatly printed statement of what the GM head was going to say. It was sent by messenger to every newspaper office. Some press associations even had part of his statement already written when the hearings opened. (Copyright, 1955, by Bell Syndicate, Inc.) Although this is a pretty severe test, especially since the professor has never thrown a baseball really hard in all his life before he dis- covered his fluid, he meets it, and with good old American guts catches the ball that wins the pennant. The beauty of the film lies not in its plot but in its direction. Unusually, it is a sacred element of life which the producers gently finger: after all, baseball is base- ball, as everyone knows. And yet, even this wholesome and delicate tradition may be looked at with enjoyment and understanding. Maybe the pennant isn't quite as big as the person who has to win it. Only one man can catch the famous floating bal and that one is Paul Douglas. If ever an actor looked like a catcher, he does. Delicately censored as it is, he wears his catcher's pad in a man- ner that suggests familiarity; his mask fits his sensitive features comfortably, and his voice and manner reflect his sportcaster background. Augie Busch might be a little sensitive about the film if it were re-release'd in chain theaters, as the owner of the St. Louis team in the film is a rather bumbling, hooray-type character. No doubt, though, he would like some of the fine newsreel scenes which fit in nicely witf the film's plot, from the March of Time introduction to the World Series. * * * . . At least part of the humor is in the fact that somebody can take a look at an American institution and, if he wants to, laugh like hell at it. It is a very expanding no- tion, and a useful one. The technical direction, as op- posed to the direction mentioned earlier, is quite startling at times. Lloyd Bacon has arranged some striking poses and positions; com- bined with the newsreel sections, the stark pictures of Milland pitching joined with the uncon- trollable surge of the crowd leave the impression that there is some- thing quite meaningful behind the comic situations. -Culver Elsenbeis MYSTERIES: New 'Cops & Robbers' Sinners and Shrouds by Jona- than Latimer (Simon & Schuster). A WELCOME but long absent contributor to the mystery fic- tion shelves, Jonathan Latimer makes a memorable return to the scene of crime with this new, freshly handled "hard-boiled" novel. It all begins with news- paperman Sam Clay, who wakens one morning to find himself tucked into bed with a beautiful female corpse. And it all ends, many pages and many breathtaking moments later, with Clay looking back on what readers will agree is one of the most bizarre adventures in recent detective fiction. Trick or Treat by Doris Miles Disney (Doubleday). Jeff DiMarco, claims adjuster for a company socked with the murder of a highly insured policy holder, does the legwork and de- tection in this one. The legwork produces little out of the ordinary, and the deductions are sound, if not surprising. The Screaming Rabbit by Harry Carmichael (Simon & Schuster). The English countryside home of novplist Edith Ellerby is the focal point for the varied emotions of the assorted relatives and guests who people The Streaming Rabbit. That ill will is harbored within some one of these individuals is suggested by a disturbing series of murders. Insurance assessor John Piper comes close to offering himself as victim No. 4, but manages to squeak through with his life and a surprising solution. * * , Broken Shield by Ben Benson (Mill-Morrow). Ben Benson here offers to his widening reading audience another realistic story of the Massachusetts State Police Force. Rookie officer THE Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsi- bility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553 Administration Building before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. Notices for the Sunday edition must be in by 2 p.m. Friday. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1955 VOL. LXVII, NO. 59 General Notices The University Senate will meet on Thurs., Dec. 8, at 4:15 p.m. in the Rack- ham Lecture Hall. Naval Reserve Officer's Training Corps Testing Program (NROTC) will be given Sat., Dec. 10. Candidates taking this examination are requested to report to 100 Hutchins Hall at 8:30 a.m. The following student sponsored social events are approved for the coming weekend. Social chairmen are reminded that requests for approval for social events are due in the Office of Stu- dent Affairs not later than 12:00 noon on the Tuesday prior to the event: Dec. 9: Alpha Chi Omega, Alpha Delta Pi, Alpha Epsilon Pi, Arab Club, Betsy Barbour, Chi Omega, Delta Gamma, Delta Theta Phi, Grad. Division of Mich. Christian Fell., Kappa Kappa Gamma, Lambda Chi Alpha, Martha Cook, Mosher Hall, Phi Delta Phi, Phi Sigma Delta, P Beta Phi, Sigma Kappa, Sigma Phi Epsilon, Theta Xi, Tau Delta Phi. Dec. 10 (1:00 am. closing unless other- wise indicated): Acacia, Alpha Epsilon Pi, Alpha Kappa Kappa, Alpha Kappa Psi, Alpha Rho Chi (12), Alpha Sigma Phi, Alpha Tau Omega, Chi Psi, Delta Chi, Delta Sigma Delta, Delta Sigma Phi (12:30), Delta Sigma P (12:00), Delta Tau Delta, Delta Theta Phi, Delta Upsilon, East Quadrangle, F.F. Frater- nity (12), Michigan Christian Fellow. ship (12), Phi Chi (12:30), Phi Delta Phi (12), Phi Delta Theta, Phi Delta Epsilon, Phi Gamma Delta, Phi Kappa Sigma, Phi Kappa Tau, Phi Rho Sigma, Phi Sigma Delta (12), Phi Sigma Kappa, Pi Lambda Phi, Prescott (2 to 4) Pt Upsilon, Sigma Chi, Sigma Nu, Sigma Phi, Tau Delta Phi, Tau Kappa Epsilon, Theta Delta Chi, Theta Xi, Triangle, Williams House (7-9), Nu Sigma Nu, West Quad., Psi Omega. Dec. 11: Alpha Chi Omega, Geddes House, Phi Delta Phi, Sigma Delta Tau, Theta Xi, Victor Vaughn, Psi Upsilon. Lectures Howard C. Hardy of the Armour Re- search Foundation will speak on "The Use of Models in Architectural Design and Noise Control." Thurs., Dec. 8 at. 8:00 p.m., Rackham Building. Academic Notices Physical, Analytical, Inorganic Chem- istry Seminar. Thurs., Dec. 8, 7:30 p.m., Room 3005 Chemistry Building. D. J. Macero will speak on "Diffusion Con- trolled Polarographic Currents." Organic Chemistry Seminar. 7:30 p.m., Thurs., Dec. 8, Room 1300 Chemistry Building. Kenneth K. Wyckoff will speak on "Alpha Iodo Ketones." Education School Council Coffee Hour today,'celebrating, the Christmas sea- son. Engineering Seminar: . "Continuing Education after Graduation," discussed by A. N. Anderson, Manager of Engi- neering Training and Education, Gen- eral Electric Company, Thurs., Dec. 8, 4:00 p.m., Room 311, W. Engineering Building. 401 Interdisciplinary Seminar on the Application of Mathematics to Social Science Thurs., Dec. 8, Room 3401 Mason Hall from 4:00-5:30 p.m. M. Whybra will speak on "A Formalization of the Relation of Success-Failure to Emo- tion." Psychology Colloquium: Dr. M. Brew- ster Smith of the Social Science Re- search Council will discuss "Research on Cross-Cultural Education: 'Basic' Research in an 'Applie' dArea." Fri., Dec. 9, 4:15 p.m., Room 2402 Mason Hall. Events Today The Worlds of Tommy Albright, by Russell A. Brown. '56, winner of the 1955 Avery Hopwood Drama Award, pre- sented at 8:00 p.m. today in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, auspices of the Placement Notices A Business College in this area needs a man to recruit students. A degree is desired, but not essential. This is an excellent opportunity. For additional information contact Mr. Barker, Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Administration Bldg., NO 3-1511, Ext. 2614. PERSONNEL INTERVIEWS: A representative from the following will be at the Bureau of Appointments: Mon., Dec. 12: Union Carbide Nuclear Co., Div. of PENN GIRLS' PARODY: Question: 'What Is A College Boy?' (EDITOW'S NOTE: The following is reprint of an article written by a group of girls at the University of Pennsylvania Nursing School.) BETWEEN the senility of second childhood and the light-hearted lethargy of the teens, we find a loathsome creature called the "college boy." College boys come in assorted sizes, weights, and states of sobriety. College boys are found every- where - breaking train windows, tearing down goal posts, inciting riots or jumping bail. Mothers love them, big girls LITTLE MAN ON CAMPUS by Dick Bibler ~1t1ll; love them, and Satan protects them. A college boy is laziness with peach-fuzz on its face, idiocy with lanolin on its hair, and the "Hope of the Future" with an overdrawn bank book in its pocket. * * * - A COLLEGE boy is a composite- he has the energy of a Rip Van Winkle, the shyness of a Mr. Micawber, the practicality of a Don quixote, the kindness of a Marquis de Sade, the imagination of Bill Sykes, the appetite of a gargantua, and aspirations of a Casanova and when he wants something, it is us- ually money. He likes good liquor, bad liquor, cancelled classes, double features, Playtex ads and girls on football weekends. He is not much for hopeful mothers, irate fathers, sharp-eyed ushers, campus guards, alarm clocks and letters from the dean. NOBODY IS so late to rise or so early to dinner. Nobody gets so much fun out of girls, snooker, a flash or Bright's Catawba. Nobody else can cram into one pocket a slide rule, a Marilyn Mon- roe calendar, Lan's "Critique of Pure Reason," a collapsible pool cue, a Muggsy Spanier record, the latest issue of "Playboy" and a YMCA towel, A college boy is a magical crea- ture-you can lock him out of your heart, but you can't lock him out of vour liquor closet. You can «: -1