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December 08, 1955 - Image 1

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VOL. LXVI, No. 60



Attlee Resigns,
Spurs Three Way
Power Struggle
Bevan, Gaitskell, Morrison Named
As Potential Labor Party Leaders
LONDON (P-Clement R. Attlee resigned yesterday as leader of
Britain's Labor party and Queen Elizabeth II promptly made him an
The father of Britain's welfare state resigned at a party caucus.
The Queen announced the earldom early today. The peerage is the
traditional reward for long and outstanding political service.
Triggers Bitter Struggle
His resignation triggered a bitter power struggle between leftist
Aneruin Bevan and party moderates for his party mantle.









Red Aircraft
Survey Says
LONDON (P) - Russia will soon
have a "formidable bomber strik-
ing force" to challenge Western
superiority in the air, an authori-
tative aircraft survey said yester-
The latest edition of "Jane's All
the World's Aircraft" said a Red
air display in Moscow last July
) has "done more than any previous
one to shatter any remaining com-
placency in responsible circles in
the West."
Factories Scattered
Jane's said the newest Red war-
planes are being produced in 360
factories scattered from the Polish
border to the Far East.
It mentioned especially the lat-
est "Type 37" four-jet heavy bomb-
er believed capable of carrying an
atom bomb and "Type 39" medi-
um twin-jet bomber.
The Russians briefly unveiled
formations of these in July, Jane's
said, as well as an "even more,
advanced" development of the
MIG17 jet fighter, successor to
the MIG15 used by the com-
munists in Korea. It estimated the
MIG17 maximum speed at 745
miles an hour.
Production Capacity
"The capacity for production on
the large scale of medium and
heavy jet bombers may not yet be
so great as for fighters," the an-
nual said.
But "the Type 39 has been
shown off publicly in a formation
of 54, and though the production
figures have probably reached
nothing like those for the Ameri-
can Boeing =B47, it is felt in the
West that Russia will very shortly
possess a formidable bomber strik-
ing force."
Jane's said ,the performance
capabilities of Russia's new war-
planes "are estimated to be com-
mendably high."
It estimated the Type 37 heavy
bomber, the heavy bomber never
has been a strong point in Russian
aviation, had a maximum speed of
559 miles an hour, a range of
7,100 miles and a maximum bomb
load of 19,845 pounds.
Gordis Says
U.S. Is Losing
Cold War
America is losing the battle with
communism because of a failure
to make its conclusions clear, Rob-
ert Gordis, Rabbi of Temple Beth
El, Rockaway Park, said in a lec-
ture yesterday.
Rabbi Gordis speech was the
third in the current "This I Be-
lieve" series sponsored by Student
Religious Association and Campus
Religious Council.
Class stratification throughout
the world forces many underprivi-
leged people to choose between
freedom and security. "The Ameri-
can middle glass holds this country
together and makes it possible for
people to live comfortable, and still
enjoy freedom," Rabbi Gordis
t stated.
Rabbi Gordis termed nationalism
a basic cause of world strife. "It
is a tragic paradox that as world
boundaries get smaller, rampant

Attlee, 73 years old next month,
stepped down because of age and
uncertain health after 20 years in
the post, six of them as Prime
Minister in crisis-ridden times af-
ter World War II.
The bespectacled, pipe-smoking
Socialist retired only seven months
after age also forced Sir Winston
Churchill, his friend and rival for
political dominance, into private
lif e.
Bevan Begins Canvassing
Within minutes after Attlee an-
nounced his retirement at a party
caucus, leftist Bevan began open-
ly canvassing for support in bal-
loting which begins tomorrow to
name a new leader.
Most. politicians, however, said
the odds favored victory for Hugh
Gaitskell, 49 years old, a Socialist

Propose 18
New UN
52 Nations Approve
'Package Deal' Plan
An overwhelming majority of the
United Nations yesterday approved
a proposal which would bring 18
new members into the UN under
a package deal.
By a vote of 52 in favor, 2
against and 5 abstentions, the 60-
member UN Special Political Com-
mittee called on the Security
Council to consider favorably the
applications of the 18 countries,
including 5 Communist states.
Two Oppose Plan
Only Nationalist China and Cuba
opposed the resolution, which will
be submitted to a General Assem-
bly session this morning. The
United States, France, Belgium,
Greece and Israel abstained.
Sponsors , of the resolution,
including Canada and 27 other
nations, were delighted at the out-
come.sThey said they would have
been satisfied with a two-thirds
majority, the margin required for
final Assembly approval.
The 11-nation Security Council
will tackle the membership ques-
tion probably early next week.
Target Date Advanced
The 28-nation resolution calls
on the council to report on the 18
applications to the General As-
sembly, which has now advanced
its target date for adjournment
to tomorrow.
Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr., the
United States delegate, told the
committee his country would ab-
stain both in the Special Political
Committee on the 28-nation reso-
lution and in the Security Council
on the five Communist applicants
-Outer Mongolia, Hungary, Ro-
mania, Bulgaria and Albania.
The Soviet Union has said it
will veto the 13 non-Communist
states if the Communist states fail
to make the grade. The 13 are
Ceylon, Cambodia, Japan, Laos,
Libya, Nepal, Jordan, Italy, Portu-
gal, Spain, Ireland, Austria and
Reds Hold Two
U.S. Soldiers
BERLIN (')-East Berlin Com-
munists reported yesterday arrests
of two American soldiers embroiled
in a street fight.
But the East Berliners waived
their newly claimed "sovereignty"
by turning the men over to the
Soviet military authorities.
The Soviet sector radio and
afternoon newspaper Berliner Zei-
tung am Abend said the two sol-
diers attacked a night club per-
former outside a bar in East Berlin
and beat him unconscious. They
said the men tried to flee to the
West in a taxi but the driver de-
livered them to the Communist
Peoples police.

Labor NAM Clash
NEW YORK ()-Libor chief George Meany said yesterday the
National Assn. of Manufacturers has agreed to discuss his suggestion
for a "live-and-let-live" labor-industry agreement.
The NAM denied it had talked to Meany about it.
The NAM said it had invited Meany, as head of the AFL-CIO to
address its annual meeting tomorrow, but said no authorized NAM
representatives had talked with Meany about anything else.,
Meany had outlined his suggestion in an article in the Sunday
j New York Times. He told newsmen yesterday NAM representatives




New Curfew
Plan Okayed
By Senate

With only one dissenting
cast, a new women's hours
was passed yesterday by
Women's Senate.
The plan, which will go


. now an earl
intellectual, or Attlee's lieutenant,
Herbert Morrison, 67 years old, a
professional politician. Both are
The consensus appeared to be
that Gaitskell has the edge.
The outcome, which may be
known by next Wednesday, was
seen as likely to determine whether
Labor retains its present policy of
intimate friendship with the Unit-
ed States in foreign affairs or
swings toward the independent
line advocated by Bevan.
A Bevanite victory would be sure
to mean Labor demands for sweep-
ing new nationalization schemes
and government controls.
Labor remains a strong chal-
lenger to the government of Prime
Minister Eden, and the victor in
the present struggle for power in
the party, could emerge as the
country's next Prime Minister.
Elections now are planned' for in
Disheartened after the Con-
servatives dealt Labor a decisive
defeat in the May national elec-
tions, Attlee indicated several
months ago that he planned to
make way for younger leadership.
Attlee went out of public life as
modestly as he lived in it. He
announced his retirement in dry,
casual language.
Laborites in the Commons com-
mittee room rose and sang "For
he's a jolly good fellow" as a fare-
well tribute.
Appears Moved
The retiring leader appeared
moved. As he stood on the plat-
form, a small man in black jack-
et and striped pants, tears welled
in his eyes and his lips quivered.
For an hour after the meeting, he
locked himself in his private office
and his secretary turned away
No Fire

effect next semester, is based upon
the 1955 spring survey which pro-
vides for six late pers to be taken
by women living in coops,, resi-
dence halls, sororities and league
Six Late Permissions
Provisions for this system in-
clude six automatic late permis-
sions per semester, regardless of
class or academic standing. The
late permissions are until 12 mid-
night. Automatic late pers will be
in effect Monday through Thurs-
day with Sunday regarded as part
of the week-end.,
House Directors will handle
week-end late pers as under the
present system and mid-week late-
nesses and emergencies will be ia-
ported to the House Director and
handled by the House Judiciary
Councils. w
The late pers given for work-
ing, babysitting, Daily and certain
group permissions won't be taken
out of the six.
15-for-One Penalty
In this plan, University-spon-
sored events can be attended with-
out using one of the six automatic
late pers. The penalty for late-
ness will be 15 minutes for each
late minute, as under the present
Women must be signed out be-
fore 10:30 p.m. and can't leave
after this time. A woman who
signs out for a late per and-doesn't
return by 10:30 p.m., is considered
to have used one entire late per.
If she signs out for a late per and
come in before 10:30 p.m., she is
not charged for a late per.
Women's Judiciary Council re-
serve the power to take away auto-
matic late permissions.
'Although the new system has
been passed by the Senate, it will
be on a trial basis. Early in May
a second re-evaluation will be held
of the entire late per system.

"had talked to him and arranged
for discussions on a "staff level."
Obviously Surprised
NAM spokesmen were obviously
surprised by Meany's statement.
NAM board Chairman Charles
R. Sligh Jr., said Meany had been
invited to tell the NAM meeting
what labor expects of industry.
Meany declined to comment on
the apparent conflict.
A spokesman for Sligh said the
NAM could make no comment on
the merits of Meany's idea for an
over-all labor-management good-
will agreement without taking it
up with the rest of the NAM
Notling Specific in Mind
MeanyL said he had nothing
specific in mind as to what should
be contained in any labor-manage-
ment pact, but said there certainly
should be room for some kind of
"Continuing to snipe at each
other is a bit archaic," he said.
The AFL-CIO convention, mean-
while, heard Marion B. Folsom,
Secretary of the Department of
Health, Education and Welfare,
declare that the Eisenhower ad-
ministration would send to Con-
gress a. program "to help build
thousands of schools" across the
IUD Organized
Following yesterday's conven-
tion sessions, the Industrial Union
Department of the AFL-CIO was
organized with 31 former CIO
unions plus 35 former AFL unions.
Walter Reuther and James Ca-
rey, president and secretary treas-
urer of the former CIO, respective-
ly, were elected to similar IUD
Folsom disclosed the Republican
school building plans in a speech
before the AFL-CIO 1,400 dele-

Blows Up
In Mid-Air
Four Crewmen
Killed In Crash
new SeaMaster, a huge jet sea-
plane with a speed of 600 miles
an hour, exploded in flight yes-
terday and fell in shattered pieces
into Chesapeake Bay.
Three employes of the Glenn L.
Martin Co. of Baltimore, the
plane's builder, and a naval officer
were aboard when the four-engine
craft broke up on a test 'flight.
One body, attached to a para-
chute, was recovered but had not
been identified.
Sections of the seaplane sank in
from 50 to 60 feet of water at the
mouth of the Potomac River in
the lower reaches of the bay. Also
lost were the complete navigation-
al, bombing and communications
installations plapned for the new
air giant, whose tail assembly was
three stories high.
Trails Black Smoke
Eyewitnesses said the SeaMaster
was trailing heavy black smoke a
few moments before it exploded
"right in the middle." t appeared.
to break into several pieces, and
one parachute was seen to open.
There was another blast reported
as the nose hit the water.
"If anybody lived through that
it would be a miracle," reported
Eng. 3.C. Tommy Petty, aboard a
Coast Guard boat searching for
survivors and pieces of the wreck-
'Hottest Seaplane'
The SeaMaster, the hottest sea-
plane ever to come off the drawing
boards, made its first flight July
14, powered by four Allison J71 jet
engines with afterburners for extra
power on takeoff. _
One eyewitness of the accident,
D. H. Buus, air controller man
in the tower at Webster Field,
north of Point Lookout, Md., said
he saw smoke and a "big explo-
sion." He estimated the altitude of
the seaplane at about 5,000 feet.
Another eyewitness aboard a fish-
ing vessel said he saw one body
thrown clear and a parachute

minimum limit of 21 years.
The existing categories of health,
commuter, business and others de-
termined at the discretion of the
Office of Student Affairs would be
retained under the SGC-accepted
The plan also calls for more
strict enforcement of driving regu-
lations than at present. Viola-
tions of the eligibility requirement'
and other rules would carry first
offense penalties of up tor$50in
fines, with suspension from school
as a liable penalty for additional
On a motion by Joel Tauber, '58
BAd, the Council accepted the first
part of the recommendations of
the study group which drafted its
final report yesterday afternoon.
Ten Weeks of Research
The report submitted culminated
more than ten school weeks of re-
search and discussion by the com-
mittee which was chaired by As-
sistant Dean of Men Karl D.
Passed unanimously by the
Council, Tauber's motion stated:
"The Student Government Coun-
cil recommends to the Board of
Regents that it act favorably on
the recommendation of the Auto
Study Committee that Regents
By-law, Sec. 8.05, be changed to
read as follows:
"No student under 21 years of
age while in attendance at the
University may operate a . motor
vehicle except under regulations
as set forth by the Office of Stu-
dent Affairs.,
Any other student may be per-
mitted to operate a motor vehicle
which has been registeredrwiththe
Office of Student Affairs. Any
student violating these regulations
shall be liable to disciplinary ac-
tion by the proper University au-
It was on the question of more
severe disciplinary action and oth-
er administrative details that most
discussion took place.
Streiff Questioned
Questioned by Panhellenic Presi-
dent Debbie Townsend, '56, on the
"severity of the punishments
which would be meted out," Streiff
replied that there should be "no
need for a person to have a second
Dean of Men Walter B. Rea
commented that "unless this se-
verity exists, any regulations will
not carry the proper respect. If
you really mean what you say in
the plan, then you should recog-
nize that its effectiveness will be
only as good as its enforcement."
Pointing out that the second
part of the committee's report
omitted such considerations as
what the proper disciplinary agen-
cy should be, the amount of any
driving registration fee, and pro-
visions for parking, Inter House
Council President Tom Bleha, '56,
said that the Regents would prob-
ably question administration of
certain areas in the proposal.
Streiff replied that the Regents
are primarily concerned with policy
as set forth in the by-laws. "Mat-
ters of administration of the plan,
should it be passed, will be in the
hands of the Office of Student
The motion to recommend by-
law change was passed with a

News Strike
DETROIT (A) - Another at-
tempt to settle Detroit's week-old
newspaper strike was made to-
night, and a cautious note of opti-
mism was injected into the pic-
Federal and state mediators
called representatives of the three
metropolitan dailies-News, Times
and Free Press - and the AFL
Stereotypers Union to a night ses-
The guarded optimism came from
GCeorge Bowles, Chairman of the
State Labor Mediation Board. He
said the management and union
"appear to be in a position to make
some real progress."
Sources close to the negotiator "
said the stereotypers had "modi-
fied" their demand for, extra pay
or extr, help to handle advance
copy - that prepared for future
The Detroit Newspaper Publish-
ers Assn. has said that work ebn
advance copy and color plates are
the only major issues in the dis-
pute. The union has said that
other matters remain to be worked
Robert C. Butz, Executive Secre-
tary of the Association, called the
union proposal a "highly unrealis-
tic approach to settlement of the
"It failed to offer any solution
other than a minor revision which
does not remove the extreme eco-
nomic penalty imposed by the ori-
ginal union proposal," Butz added.
To Highlight
Representatives of student or-
ganizations and housing groups,
the administration and the fac-
ulty will confer tomorrow In the
General theme of the conference
will be problems arising from in-
creasing enrollment.
All conferees will meet for a
half-hour session at 2 p.m. They
will then divide into four discus-
sion groups to consider particular
problem areas.
IHC President Tom Bleha, '56,
will lead the discussion on physi-
cal facilities and SGC'President
Hank Berliner '56, the one on the
counseling program. SGC member
Dick Good, '56BAd, will chair the
consideration of extra-curricular
activities and their relation to the
academic and League President
Hazel Frank, '56, will lead the dis-
cussion of admissions problems.
University President Harlan H.
Hatcher will officially close the
conference at 5 p.m.
GargSold out

Regents May Hear
Plan On Tuesday
Proposal Would Allow 21-Year-Oh
To' Drive, Increase Enforcement
A change in present Regents by-law regulating driving att
University was recommended by Student Government Council I
With the Regents slated to receive a "progress report" Tuesd
on the proposed driving ban changes, SGC's recommendation co
conceivably be approved at the coming Regents meeting.
Calls For Liberalization
Basically, the proposal adopted by the driving study commit
appointed last spring calls for liberalization of present driver
quirement of 26 years old to a'

Tommy Albright' Star

Government Reports
Record Employment
WASHINGTON VP)-The government issued bullish reports on
jobs, income, and industrial expansion yesterday as the economy raced
toward the close of its biggest year.
Employment set a record for November of 64,807,000 despite the
usual cold weather drop from October, the Commerce and Labor De-
partments said. Factory jobs took an unseasonal jump to a postwar
Unemployment rose to 2,398,000 as a million workers dropped out
of agriculture. But new hiring by
manufacturers, r e t a i l e r s and
wholesalers offset two-thirds of
- Tthe loss in farming.
A second report, from the Com-
merce Department, disclosed that
the personal income of Americans
climbed to an annual rate of 3091/2
billion dollars in October.
This was more than 1% billions
higher than in September, a bil-
lion-dollar gain in wages and
salaries, because of rising pay
scales and higher employment,
plus a half-billion-dollar rise in
interest, dividends and the income
of business proprietors.
Still a third report indicated
that industry's spending for new
plant and equipment, outlays
which make possible greater pro-
duction and employment, will con-
tinue to rise through the first
7 777 : hrp mnnhs f 195£_

:'. ~w *

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