Y" "Ouch! Hey-It's Me" " Sixty-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. This must be noted in all reprints. AT THE MICHIGAN Union Opera Amusing Farcical Revue THE Union Opera people have put together their show this year in the style of a 1920's musical-comedy revue. There is a whispy plot-line about modern-day filmland problems, but the spirit, songs and humor are old fashioned. complete with dancing girls and cops running up the aisles. With such gimmicks, there is an over-all lack of unity, and when people want to sing or dance they just walk away from the scene and start to perform. "Film Flam" hence becomes more of a vaudeville show with all of the difficulties derived from that outdated variety format: some of the acts are very entertaining, others not as much. TO THE SHOW'S credit is a cast of fine singing performers. John McCrae carries some of the best numbers with a pleasing voice; Ken Smith exhibits verve, belting out three songs which are unfortunately structured too much along the same lines and do not give his abilities iEDNESDAY, DE7CEMBER 7, 1955 NIGHT EDITOR: MARY ANN THOMAS Lack of Ex -Offico J Responsibility Hurts SGC STUDENT GOVERNMENT Council members may be letting the greatest responsibility ever invested in a University student body go to waste. There are signs of an unswing but after eight months SGC must dig rather deep to find concrete accomplishments to report to the student body. Numerous excuses have accompanied SGC's inactivity and some are valid. But many of the excuses. might better be termed weak rationalizations. Continued advoidance of its, real responsibility to the students will make the Council no better than SL and possibly less. Obviously SGC is going through growing pains and this must be a major consideration in criticism. But unfortunately misdirection in this growing period seems to be building some insurmountable obstacles which will remain after Council's alleged growing period is long past. Much of the blame can'be laid to the ex- officio members. Last year anti-SGC people said ex-officios would not have sufficient time to actively work on the Council, and even if they did, would form a special interest group with a strong tendency to conservatism. Al- though the opposition was established on pessi- mistic prediction rather than on fact, eight months experience is justifying the pessimism'. THUS FAR ex-officios have not been reaching the hopes of even the pessimists. With one or two exceptions the special interest tag has been borne out. On one occasion a pair of ex- officios argued to save a fall date for one of their organization functions when the rest of the Council saw almost unanimously that all- campus interest lay in another direction. But warse, ex-officios generally haven't been contributing leadership to the Council. They all come to SGC meetings each Wednesday but this is the extent of their contribution. Some elected members complain they never see an ex-officio from one meeting to the next and general ex-officio silence through weekly meet- ings indicates lack of contact with SGC activity. Of course ex-officios are busy with jobs of their own. But last year ex-officio students pledged to delegate work to subordinates so they would have time to devote to the Council. They saw that appointment or election to a top student position involves a responsibility to the whole student body and not just to their own group on campus. It's doubtful this pledge has been forgotten in one year. But students who see the Council flounder for lack ofleader- ship will start asking questions soon. If ex-officios can't assume responsibility on the Council, alterations of the present SGC plan should be considered soon. But if the ex- off icios can widen their scope on campus issues and campus problems; if they will take the time for serious thought on the imminent problems facing the University this year, they can still provide the leadership spark student government needs. Ex-officios have been re-examining their position on the Council since its inception. Now is the time for some concrete contribution to SGC with the leadership necessary for SGC to make inroads on the University's student prob- lems. -DAVE BAAD, Managing Editor e£-O C WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: :r- Hall Dewey Guide Ike GOP. By DREW PEARSON enough opportunity; and Dick Booth makes a fine French tech- nical wizard in "C'est Moi, Made- moisselle." There is also a wonderful and witty show-stopping Arabian girl production number, and some very amusing comedy caricatures, es- pecially Michael Palazzolo as Rita Passion, a standout part, George Spelvin as Mary Pickwick, that. silent-screen pantomime trage- dienne, and Bruce McClelland as Theda Vampa, sultry passion flow- er. There are also numerous other entertaining touches: dozens of magic tricks thanks to Writers Russell Brown, Chuck Reynolds and Bill Russell, an impersonation of Marlin Bardo by John Szucs, and Theda Vampa's dance of se- duction. * * * BUT WHAT the show lacks is some sort of strong story to tie it together; that it does not seem more chaotic and disorganized than it does may be attributed to the hard work of its performers and the fast clip at which it moves. Six writers (including women for the first time) have collabor- ated on the songs. None are es- pecially original, but they are largely pleasing. "Luckier Than We" is a spritely up-tempo song, "Summer By the Sea" is a roman- tic turn as is "With You." The other numbers are best described by one of their titles, "The Gim- mick's the Thing." They are ef- forts which are tuneful, but apart from their show situations do not stand on their own. "Film Flam" comes through best with its songs, dances and cari- catures. Choreographer - Director Fred Evans has devised some in- genious numbers, but he some- times fails to direct his comedy material very well - and often good lines are lost. To expect pure professionalism from a Union Opera is asking a great deal; but this year's show very often comes near to profes- sional burlesquing, and when it does the result is gratifying. --Ernest Theodossin OFFICIAL BULLETIN THE Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsi- bility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553 Administration Building before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. Notices for the Sunday edition must be in by 2 p.m. Friday. 'A Ner Look At The Power of the Press' .t (EDITOR'S NOTE: The following address was delivered yesterday at a special lecture sponsored by the Journalism Ltepartment. It is printed here in part.) By DOUGLASS CATER Washington Editor, Reporter Magazine IT IS a curious fact that members of the press are never found so wanting as when they turn their talents of description and analysis upon the press itself. For too long too much of the writing about the press has been in terms of the tired old cliches of "guardian of our freedom" and "defender of our liberties . . ." The definition of the power of the press has been both mis-stated and understated, it seems to me. In recent years we have come to hold a healthy and proper'cynicismn about the editorial power of the press. Candidates are too fre- quently elected nowadays against the nearly unanimous opposition of the editors not to raise questions about editorial influence. But this in no ways calls into question the vast and power- ful influence of the working press as an institu- tion of democratic government . . . The press is the major publicist of democratic government . ..All too frequently the public image of government assumes wierd and bizarre shapes quite distinct from the original. More than that, publicity has been known to take on a life and personality all its own-the supposed creature of government in turn recreating the policies and personalities. which are being pub- licized. The explanation for this is not limited to the fact that publicity influences public opinion which must ever be the determining influence in a democracy. In this age of fast and far reaching publicity, that ephemeral substance has come to be taken as, a cheap and easy substitute for public opinion. The headline inch serves as the day-to-day guide to public opinion on a whole host of issues for the politician who is at best an imprecise social scientist ... ... It is hardly overstating it to say that the American Fourth Estate has become a de facto, quasi-official fourth branch of government, its institutions no less important because they have been informally and, indeed, almost haphaz- ardly arrived at . . . the government has built within itself a corresponding paraphenalia for handling press relations employing, it is esti- mated, nearly twice as many personnel as the press itself. THE REAL power, the continuing daily influ- ence of the press is in its role as the articu- lator of those events of government which it deems worthy of note. The substantial power of the press is in its selectivity-its definition of "news." At his regular press conference . . . the Pres- ident presents his views on a countless number of matters. The press, in the first instance, determines by its questions which matter are brought forcibly to his attention and in what way. The press- determines which of the Presi- dent's utterances are headlined on page one, which buried inside the paper, and which ..-. are ignored . , , But before it communicates between gov- ernment and citizenry, the press has always served a vital function as communicator in the first instance within the government itself .. - The press also serves as a principal trans- mittal belt from week to week between the executive and Congress. The President's press tioners of the art of public relations will pri- vately admit, there is an area of definable man- ipulation. It can be a result of accident ... The reporter, however, works within limits. News, despite the cynical comments of some press critics, is a vaguely definablecom- modity recognized more by intuitive instinct perhaps than by copybook maxims.. . - It is difficult to be precise in measuring the conforming influence which news has on the very substance on which it feeds. But, to my mind, there is little doubt that its influence Is pervasive. ... The competitive news advantage of one policy over another has a tremendous bearing on the comparative ease with which each sur- vives the legislative process. Under the vast panoply of our foreign aid programs, military assistance with its newsworthy qualities . . . is a publicity natural which almost self-induces its continuation. On the contrary, a program like Point Four requires tremendous exertion to seek out its newsworthy traits, vast oversimpli- fication, and the mammouth efforts of private groups who zealously exploit the small news potential support. IF WE view the press from this perspective-as an integral part of the democratic process of government rather than as non-participating adjunct to government-we get a better overall view for measuring the performance of the press. Viewed from this perspective there are several problem areas which bear closer attention. The first of these arises from the very definition of news itself. News about government has dif- ferent attributes than news about ... the host of other individual human frailties which the press must relate to the reading public. Too often, however, it is treated as if it were the same commodity . . . it becomes ridiculous over-simplification when in the quest to make matters of high policy conform to the definition of news, the reporter paints in stark contrasts when the actual picture may be characterized by subtle shadings. Second,' there is the problem area which stems from the technological development of the press with its tremendous capacity for speed . . . the press has become preoccupied with the flow of the news to the detriment, I believe, of the content . . . The third problem area, it seems to me, lies in the field of priority and prestige which helps determine where the reporter shall exert his major efforts ..-. ... It is the job of the newsman . . .to get at the news while it still is news, not to wait until it has become a pro forma debate on the floor of Congress . . THE REPORTER cannot pretend that he is God. He is working swiftly against power- ful odds at a frustratingly imprecise craft. He defeats his role if he collaborates in the sup- pression of information that rightfully belongs in the public domain because of a utopian desire to get the whole truth. But this does not mean that he must rush headlong into print with some partial but misleading piece of the truth without applying his own con- sidered judgment as to its reasonability. Butemore than that, I believe it would be a healthy thing if reporters applied the same critical analysis to distortions and fabrications --- cr mmhnc of he. nu nrf-fiin that THERE'S more than meets the eye behind Leonard Hall's cheerful optimism that President Eisenhower Wvill run again. The bald; bland Republican National Chairman took his cue, not from Ike but from New York's Tom Dewey. Here are the behind-the-scenes developments: 1. This column can report posi- tively that Hall didn't even discuss a second term with Ike ataGettys- burg. Hall had talked about it earlier, however, with Dewey. . 2. ASSISTANT President Sher- man Adams and Attorney General Herbert Brownell also consulted with Dewey about Ike's re-election. They agreed to come as close to declaring him in the race as they coult without making the an- nouncement for him. The Presi- dent did not indicate to them he would run. They convinced him, however, that he will have trouble pushing his legislative program through Congress unless he gave hints of remaining boss for another four years. 3. Hall did his level best to convince GOP National Com- mitteemen, meeting in Chicago last week, that Ike would be the party's candidate again in 1956. Signifi- cantly, this idea was given impetus behind closed doors by another Deweyite, Mrs. Charles Weis of New York. In charge of arrange- ments for the Republican conven- tion, she advised her subcommittee to plan on a short convention with only one nomination - Eisenhow- er's. * * * 4. SOME committeemen didn't swallow the Ike-will-run propa- ganda, notably ex-National Chair- man Guy Gabrielson and ex-Kan- sas Senator Harry Darby. They spread word that it was ridiculous to expect Ike to run again. Pri- vately, some suspected the whole idea might be a holding action by the Dewey forces to stop a build-up for any other candidate. This would give Dewey more time to get his own machine rolling- if Ike should decide the last minute to retire. It was prearranged with Adams, Brownell and Dewey what Hall should tell the press after his Gettysburg conference with the President. The plan was to suggest Ike would run again but to put off any formal announcement until, March. The subject of Ike's running, however, didn't even come up dur- ing his visit with the GOP Chair- man. Hall simply reported to the President on party finances. He told Ike that his heart attack had stimulated Republican contribu- tions. S* S S ASIDE FROM the rinancial dis- cussion, Ike and Len spent the rest of their time reminiscing about thae 1952 campaign. Not a word was said about the President's political plans or the timing of his announcement. Earlier, Sherman Adams had gotten an optimistic report on the President's health from his doctors. Adams reported the results to Dewey, in effect, as follows: "By February, Ike will be out shooting 18 holes of golf. The worst thing a heart patient can do is sit around and think about his heart. Mental activity is good for the heart. It stimulates the heart and gives it exercise." During subsequent talks, Dewey, Brownell, Adams, and Hall agreed the President was so bored during his hospital recuperation that he saw what it would be like to retire and have nothing to do.-, * * - IT SHOsULD BE stressed that Ike personally never encouraged them to expect him to run again. They agreed among themselves, however, that Ike would be the best candidate if he could be per- suaded to run. They also agreed to hold off Ike's announcement as long as possible, presumably to give him more time to regain his health and make up his mind. This would have the added advantage of keeping other candidates quiet and stopping the publigity build-up for Vice Presi- dent Nixon, Senate GOP Leader Knowland, and other hopefuls. Some National Committeemen at the Chicago Republican rally suspected this is what Dewey had in mind. As far as this column could learn, however, the idea of a holding action for Dewey wasn't mentioned out loud in Dewey.'s private talks with Adams, Brownell and Hall. (Copyright, 1955, by Bell Syndicate, Inc.) 'FOOL-SCALE PARODY': Gargoyle Out Kidding Daily and Friends Highlighting a "fool-scale" paro- dy of The Daily, the campus humor magazine, Gargoyle, today tries for the second time this semester to bring joy to Ann Arbor. Gargoyle operates on the basic philosophy that: 1.) Anything ncomprehesnsible to the readers (Chinese symbols, Latin verses, or just gibberish) is hilarious. 2.) Personal puns for friends and staffmen are hilarious. 3.) A little vulgarity and pro- fanity is hilarious. k And so in issue No. 2 we get: Anda bit of Latin prose for this issue - Maiores nostri moni- mentum spientiae, etc., etc." And in a takeoff on a "Doily": LITTLI MAN ON CAMPUS by Dick Bibler "Don't you stupid b------ds know you are in college to do something else besides pound your fat stupid heads against them books." And then there are countless references to various people' the reader probably wouldn't know: the editor's roommate, a former Daily staffer not even on campus this year, a Daily night editor's roommate, and other friends, many kidded throughout the magazine. DESPITE all this the Gargoyle does offer some fairly good material. The takeoff on The Daily will probably bring laughs, although mostly to people who have some connection with the paper. There is a section of jokes and comment on them that read- ers should find entertaining. And useful for all is a clip-and- save replica of the University driving permit, a kindly gesture. which is certain to increase the number of automobiles on campus. But the longer articles will prob- ably be too tedious for full con- sumption. Although humor and comedy come in various forms, the Gargoyle brand forsakes any subtlety and wit in favor of over- worked and hard-pressed farce, A SPECIAL television section takes the $64,000 Question to task, as well as the $100,000 Surprise, a job of spoofing that is slightly overdone on this one theme. There are some pretty clever cartoons, as well, a few borrowed, some by Art Editor Dave Rohn. But in general, unless you are able to catch the numerous al- STANLEY QUARTET: Excellence OfEnsemble T HE second Fall concert of the University's Stanley Quartet was held last evening in the Rack- ham Lecture Hall and served to confirm once again that the group is well integrated and capable of most exciting professional per- formance. Playing !a program of Haydn, Bassett and Brahms, the members of the Quartet displayed their excellence both in ensemble and in solo. It must be said how difficult it is under the best circumstances for a regularly concertizing quartet to achieve rapport of ensemble, and how much more therefore one must recognize the fine achieve- ment of the Stanley in making of themselves a quartet in the full and best sense of the term. No one who heard their inter- pretation and execution of the Haydn C Major (Op. 74 No. 1) could doubt how instinctively well they commune with each other and what marvelous tonality may result from such communion. * , ,*' LESLIE BASSETT'S Quintet with double bass claimed a great deal of interest both because it is a new work and because its com- poser is a member of the Univer- sity community. The work is an imaginative treatment of sound, both melodic and harmonic, and pits interesting combinations of in- struments against ' each other to produce varied tonal effects. Many. of these effects are captivating, and one must confess some are not, yet it would be patently unjust on the basis of one performance to arrive at any but the most tenta- tive judgment. There- is a unity to the work which is fairly well apparent, and it is also evident that Mr. Bassett knows the full possibilities of the instruments he writes for - wit- ness the continual playing of the viola, cello and sometimes the I- - ..,. rnre' r 'M WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1955 VOL. LXVII, NO. 58 General Notices The University Senate will meet on Thurs., Dec. 8. at 4:15 p.m. In the Rack- ham Lecture Hall. Naval Reserve Officer's Training Corps Testing Program (NROTC) will be given Sat.. Dec. 10. Candidates taking this examination are requested to report t 100 Hutchins Hal at 8:30 a.m. Lectures Department of Near Eastern Studies, Dr. Aziz S. Atiya, President of the Coptic Institute in Cairo, Egypt and visiting professor this year, "From Bible Lands: St: Catherine's Monastery and the Mt. Sinai Expedition," Wed., Dec. 7, Aud. B, Angell Hall at 4:00 p.m. This lecture, originally scheduled for Dec. B, has been changed. Howard C. Hardy of the Armour Re- search Foundation will speak oni "The Use of Models in Architectural Design and Noise Control." Thurs., Dec. 8 at 8:00 p.m., Rackham Building. Academic Notices Sociology Colloquium: Theodore Schwartz will speak on, "A Study in Rapid Culture Chaige in Melanesia," Wed., Dec. 7, at 4:10 p.m., Michigan League. Room to be posted. Open lecture. Physical, Analytical, Inorganic Chem- istry Seminar. Thurs., Dec. 8, 7:30 p.m. Room 3005 Chemistry Building. D. J. Macero will speak on "Diffusion Con- trolled Polarographic Currents." Organic Chemistry Seminar. 7:30 p.m., Thurs., Dec. 8, Room 1300 Chemistry Building. Kenneth K. Wyckoff will speak on "Alpha Iodo Ketones." History 11, Group 2-Written qui on Dec. 9. Dunn's and Silberman's dis- cussion sections in Room A; Slosson's in 35 Angell Hall. Bluebooks will not be needed. Education School Council is present- ing a Coffee Hour, Thui., Dec. 8, cele- brating the Christmas season. Doctoral Examination for William Jeffries Childs, Physics; thesis: "Angu- lar Distributions in the 0 16(d,p)O17 Reaction, and the Energy Levels of 017," Wed., Dec. 7, 2038 Randall Labor- atory, at 1:30 p.m. Chairman, W. C. Parkinson. Events Today Scenes from Opera presented by the opera class, Josef Blatt, musical direc- tor, Valentine Windt and Henry' Austin, stage directors, Wed. and Fri. nights, 8:30, Dec. 7 and 9, Aud. A, Angell Hall. Scenes from Hansel and Gretel, Manon and l Trovatore, sung by students in the School of Music. Open to the pub- " lic. Free Films. Dec. 6-12. "Spinning for I Steelheads" and "The Color of Man." 3:00 and 4:00 daily, including Sat. and Sun., with extra'showing Wed. at 12:30. 4th floor exhibit hall, Museums Bldg. Placement Notices Livonia, Michigan will have a repre- sentative at the Bureau of Appoint- ments on Thurs., Dec. 8, to interview teachers for the Second Semester. Teacher Needs: Elementary; Junior High (all subjects). For additional information contact the Bureau of Appointments 3528 Administration Bldg., NO 3-1511, Ext. 489. A Business College in this area needs a mpan to recruit students. A degree is desired, but not essential. This is an excellent opportunity. For additional information contact Mr. Barker, Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Administration Bldg., NO 3-1511, Ext. 2614. PERSONNEL INTERVIEWS: Representatives from the following will be at the Engrg. School: Wed., Dec. 1: Calif. Institute of Tech., Jet Propul- sion Lab., Pasadena, Calif.-al levels in Mech., Aero., Elect., and Chem. E. for Research and Development. Allied Chem ,& Dye Corp., Gen'1 Chem. Div., New York, N. Y-all levels in Mech. and Chem. E. and Chemistry for summer and regular Research, Devel- opment, Design, Prod., and Construc- tion. Wed. Thurs. Dec. 7 and a: \\ I,, 411 I I r, 1