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December 06, 1955 - Image 8

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1955-12-06

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Thermometer Records Contributions

Rapidly rising toward the 100
per cent mark, the red fluid in a
five-foot thermometer in South
Quad's Gomberg House lounge is
watched daily by house residents.
Headed by the caption "How hot
Is Gomberg?", the thermometer
is part of plans to raise at least
$1500 for the institution of a me-
morial tribute in honor of the late
Jack Kelsey, '5BAd.
A former president of South
Quad and administrative vice-
president of Inter House Council,
Kelsey graduated last January and
started service in the Army. He
died unexpectedly of meningitis,
six weeks after commencing basic
training at Fort Dix, N. J.
Annual Award
Submitted to the Regents as the
Jack Kelsey Memorial Award,
plans call for presentation of an
annual stipend to the Gomberg
resident "best typifying the citi-
zenship, scholarship and versatil-
ity of aptitude" which Kelsey ex-
Kelsey has been temed "one of
the most representative and out-
standing students at Michigan" by
Dean of Men Walter B. Rea.
Plans for the Memorial Award
are progressing well, according to
house president Lee Stern, '56E.
As outlined by the members and
advisors of Gomberg,' it will be
N.Y. Carnegie
Gives Grants
The Carnegie Corporation of
New York yesterday announced a
$110,000 grant to the University
of Georgia for a new project de-
signed to discover and make avail-
able materials for the study of
the arts of the United States.
The corporation was founded
in 1911 'by the late Andrew Car-
negie "for the advancement and
diffusion of knowledge and under-
standing in the United States and
the British Dominions and Col-
Lamar Dodd, head of the Unver-
sity of Georgia's art department,
will direct a comprehensive study
to Identify outstanding examples
of American arts including paint-
ing, sculpture, architecture and the
crafts. The selected material will
then be reproduced and assembled
in a form suitable for use in
courses of instruction.
The Corporation also granted
$340,000 to the newly created In-
stitute for College and University
Administrators which conducts
training programs for academic
In order to enable representa-
tives of the Association of Ameri-
can Universities to attend a meet-
ing of the Association of Universi-
ties of the British Commonwealth
next July, the corporation granted
Education Meeting
"The Dual System of Higher
Education - Public and Private"
will be the subject of the ninth
annual Conference on Higher Edu-
cation being held at the Univer-
sity today.
225 presidents, deans and facul-
ty members will represent Michi-
gan colleges and universities at the
two day meeting.
University President Harlan H.
Hatcher will open the meeting to-
day with a speech on "Backgrounds
of the Dual System in Michigan."
A reception at President Hatch-
er's home, a panel discussion, a

dinner meeting, and a symposium
are also to be included in the
agenda for the conference.

Students may otn3-Ho
reservations from 1 pm. to 5
p.m. tomorrow, Thursday and
Friday at the Administration
Building. A small deposit is re-
quired at the time reservations
are made. J-Hop will be held
from 9:30 p.m. to 2 ,a.m. Friday,
Feb. 10, at the I-M Building.
Board. Asks
New Appraisal
Of Turnpike
Chairman George N. Higgins,
chairman of the Michigan Turn-
pike Authority, said 'Friday that
the board has ordered its engin-
eers to make a new appraisal of
anticipated construction for the
Rockwood to Saginaw turnpike.
The action came immediately
following the Michigan Supreme
Court ruling which legally ap-
proved the Turnpike Act as consti-
A cost estimate report has been
ordered from a Detroit engineering
firm and conferences have been
scheduled with several toll turn-
pike financial advisors.
"Our schedule calls for the in-
mediate purchase of right-of-way
on sale of bonds," Higgins said.
The schedule for completion of
the turnpike calls for the purchase
of right-of-way and construction
to be finished within four years.
Jobs Panel
The Jobs Panel for women in
journalism, sponsored by Theta
Sigma Phi, will be held at 8:00
p.m. today (Tuesday) in 1433 Mas-
on Hall. Refreshments will be

Dobriansky to Speak,
Of U.S. Myths on Russia

United States policy of contain-
ment is allowing time for Moscow
to consolidate and form its spring-
board for world conquest, said Pro-
fessor Lev. E. Dobriansky of the
Georgetown University economics
Prof. Dobriansky is presently
visiting the University and will lec-
ture on "Several Outstanding
American Myths on Russia."
He cited liberation as the only
policy that can obstruct consolida-
tion for war, sustain the sources
of nationalism and patriotic re-
sistance throughout the Soviet
Union, and enhance the insecurity
of Moscow within its own realm.
Containment Policy
"To follow the present policy of
containment means to lose the
strength and power of our natural
allies behind the Iron Curtain and
to dangerously expose ourselves
to the prospect of defeat in the
event of a showdown, no matter
how closely bound we may be to
our allies in the free world," said
Prof. Dobriansky.
"While I agree that liberation
would create a hardship on the
people behind the Iron Curtain
countries, I believe, after listening
to their testimony, that they would
be willing to sacrifice anything in
order to have an opportunity to
-fight for their freedom."
He declared that the Commun-.
ists are perpetuating a neatly
staged facade of peaceful coex-
istence upon the free world while
they are busily engaged in consoli-
dating their empire.
Examples of Coexistence
American students being invited

to Moscow and taken on tours;
members of the British Parlia-
ment; track meets; preparation for
the Olympic games; Soviet ballets

College Roundup
By TED FRIEDMAN University of Toronto over a
Yale has decided to do away charge of color discrimination in
with an austerity calendar adopted an Ontario restaurant.
half a year ago. When two students from Trini-
Under the new calendar classes dad attempted to order in a Dres-
began two weeks earlier, Thanks-
giving vacation was eliminated and den, Ontario, restaurant they were
finals were scheduled immediately completely ignored while others
after Christmas vacation. Accord- were served. One of the pair, Per-
ing to Secretary of the University cy Bruce, said "the experience was
Reuben A. Holden, the faculty was quite new to me. I was quite opti-
favorably inclined towards the new
calendar. However, the students mistic that we would be served
did not take to it too readily, he . . . the fact that we weren't was
admitted. slightly shocking."
* * * .. .
The University of Washington Los Angeles City College seems
has started a series of closed-cir- to be as troubled by traffic as it is
cuit television lectures for dental by cleanliness. As the first prize
students. in a cleanup slogan contest, the
The primary purpose is to in- Dean of Student personnel offered
crease the efficiency of teaching his reserved parking space for one
and to cut down expenses. Norm- semester to the winner.
ally the class of 70 students would
have been divided into groups of
six or seven, requiring at least 10 Fellowship
Under the new system, the tele- Charles M. Hammond, Grad.,
vision will "enable us to do things was recently awarded a research
that we now are unable to do be- fellowship by the International
cause of the lack of faculty man- NickelCompany, Inc., at the Uni
power," Dr. John Ingle of the versity.
School of Dentistry explained. The fellowship is one of five be-
* * * ing awarded for the coming semes-
A court battle is raging at the ter carrying a stipend of $1,000.




-Daily-Chuck Kelsey

based on interest obtained from a
fund of constant principal.
"Because of the way in which
Jack was looked up to by all the
men in our house," Stern said, "we
don't think our $1500 goal is out
of reach."
Thermometer Gives Pledges
The thermometer, which desig-
nates pledges to the fund by pres-
ent house members, shows approxi-
mately 80 per cent of the $500
in-house goal attained. With more
than 53 per cent of the house still
to be pledged, the huge glass tube
records a total of $398 at present.
The house expects to raise
British VWorks
Exchibited at
Alumni Hall
Until Dec. 21, "British Art in
the Museum Collection" will be
displayed in the West Gallery of
the Museum of Art, Alumni Mem-
orial Hall.
"We are not trying to promote
any special theme in this exhibit,"
comments J. P. Slusser, Museum
Director. "We simply are display-
ing, in informal groupings, some
of the really good British art the
Museum owns."
Six 'Outstanding' Works
Among these "really good" Brit-
ish drawings, water colors, and
modern oils, there are six which
Director Slusseer feels are "out-
The first of these is "Cactus"
by" Graham Sutherland - who
painted the controversial portrait
of Winston Churchill early this
year. This oil painting is com-
posed of stylistic forms in lav-
ender, white, lemon-yellow, and
Another is Sir Henry Rayburn's
"Portrait of Lady Eleanor Dun-
das," a traditional image in oil.
Engravings, Drawings, Water Color
Engravings by William Blake,
drawings by Thomas Gainsboro
and Henry Moore, and a water
color by John Piper are other
"outstanding" works.
In the South gallery, two re-
cent gifts from the Harry L. Win-
ston collection are featured.'
"Composition" is an oil by
Frenchman Auguste Herbin. This
is a mechanized abstraction in.
greens, reds, and yellows. The
second gift is "Two Trees," a small
gouache by Paul Klee.

the remainder of the principal
goal through Gomberg "alumni,"
friends of Kelsey and other inter-
ested students, faculty members
and organizations.
Explaining that a Gomberg
"alumnus" is any student who has
at one time been a member of the
house, Stern said that letters were
sent Friday to the more than 400
"alumni" urging their support of
the memorial.
Donations Have Started
"Donations have already started
coming In as a result of these let-
ters," he said. "Besides, we re-
ceived around $300 before the
memorial award was even an-
nounced," he added optimistically.
"Though we have wanted an
award like this since the house
was started in 1951," Stern said,
"we also believe that this is an
appropriate way in which to honor
one of our most respected house
Kelsey was a drummer in the
Marching Band and maintained
an outstanding academic record,
as well as serving in the various
independent government bodies.
Stern said, "It is a tribute to him
that he could accomplish all this
in his four years here."
Stern said that contributions
will be welcomed from interested
faculty members and students. The
donation program for University
alumni is being sponsored by the
Development council, and contri-
butions entitle the donor to mem-
bership in the Michigan Alumni
Contributions may be sent to the
memorial secretary, Dick Snyder,
5806. Gomberg, South Quad.
Chanukah Candles
Any students who wish to have
their own candle lighting cere-
mony in connection with Chanu-
kah may obtain the menorah and
candles at the RIlllel Foundation
beginning today.
Chanukah candle lighting cere-
mony will be observed at the Hillel
Foundation between 5:00 and 5:30
p.m. starting Friday.
Friday evening services will
feature Chanukah as its theme.
Through the efforts of Dr. Jacobs,
Hillel director, Ivean Bender, presi-
dent of student community and
residence advisors of dormitories,
there will be candle lighting cere-
monies held in the main lounges
of the housing units.

... to lecture Thursday
throughout Western Europe, were
cited by Prof. Dobriansky as in-
terrelated examples of Russia's
peaceful coexistence policy.
Prof. Dobriansky is active in the
Republican Party, having served
as consultant and assistant secre-
tary at the 1952 Republican Na-
tional Convention.
Besides making numerous radio
and television appearances, he has
written more than . 200 articles,
book reviews, and pamphlets on
economic and political subjects.


writes a bombshell of a novel
about Africa...of men who des-
troyed native customs and left
nothing to replace them...of a big
game hunter turned man hunter.



(Continued from Page 4)
Wed., Dec. 7, at 4:10 p.M.,, Michigan
League. Room to be posted. Open
Doctoral Examination for Husni Rush-
di Alul, Chemistry; thesis: "A Displace-
ment Reaction on Nitrogen," Tuesday,
December 6, 3003 Chemistry Bldg., at
9:00 a.m. Chairman, P. A. S. Smith.
Doctoral Examinatiol* for William.
Jeffries Childs, Physics; thesis: "Angu-
lar Distributions in the 1016(d,p)017
Reaction, and the Energy Levels of
017," Wed., Dec. 7, 2038 Randall Labor-
atory, at 1:30 p.m. Chairman, W. C.
Events Today
Science Research Club. Rackham
Amphitheatre at 7:30 p.m. Tues., Dec.
6. "Bubble Chambers for Experiments
in Nuclear Physics," Donald A. Glaser--
Physics: "Glycogen Storage Disease, A
Hereditary Error of Carbohydrate Meta-
bolism," Doris L. Hinerman-Pathology.
Election of new members. Dues for
1955-56 accepted after 7:10 p.m.
Anthropology. Club, Tues., Dec. 6, at
8:00 p.m:, East Conference Room, Rack-
ham Building. Dr. Julian H. Steward,
University of Illinois, will speak on
"Cross-cultural Regularities." Open to
Placement Notices
Livonia, Michigan will have a repre-
sentative at the Burtau of Appoint-
ments on Thurs., Dec. 8, to interview
teachers for the Second Semester,
Teacher Needs: Elementary; Junior
High (all subjects).
For additional information contact

the Bureau of Appointments 3528.
Administration Bldg., NO k3-1511, Ext.
New State Civil Service announces
career opportunities for college seniors
and graduates as professional and°
Technical Assistants, Public Adminis-;
tration Interns, Accounting Assistants,
Employment Interviewers, Unemploy-
ment Insurance Claims Examiners, and
Laboratory Secretary. The need is for
people tin Administration, Agriculture
and Dairy Science, Biology, Chemistry,
Economics, Journalism, Law, Library
Science, Math., Physics, Psychology,
Public Health and Sanitation, and
Statistics. The positions in Public
Health, Sanitation, Public Admin., and
Accounting are open to any citizens of
the-U.S. Applications accepted up to.
December 16, 1955.
City of Dearborn, Michigan, announces
an opening for a Recreation Supervisor
1. Requires considerable experience in
professional recreation work and grad-
uation from a college or university with
work in recreation and competitive
U.S. Civil Service, Hdq., Ft. Wayne,
Detroit,Michigan, has opportunities for
career-conditional appointments as
Guided. Missile Repairers, Electronic and
Mechanical.' I
State of Michigan is now recruiting'
applicants for the following positions:.
Highway Designing Engrg., II and III,
Forestry Aire A, Forest Fire Lookout B.
For further information contact the
Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Admin.
Bldg., Ext. 371.
Representatives from the following
will be at the Bureau of Appointments:
Tues., Dec. 6:
Canada Life Assurance, Jackson, Mich.
(offices in U.S. and Canada)-men for

Wed., Dec. 7:
Liberty Mutual Insurancq Co., na-
tionwide offices-men for Management
Training and Claims Adjustment any-
where in Midwest.
Cadillac Motor Car Div., G.M. Corp.,
Detroit, Michigan-men in LS&A with
some Accounting background and men
in Mech. E. or Ind. Mgt. for training in
Supervision in Finance Division.
Thurs., Dec. 8:
General Electric Co., Feb. men for
Business Training Program. Should
have aptitude for Accounting.
Phoenix Mutual Life Insurance, De-
troit, Mich.-men for Sales and Man-
agement Training.
Michigan Bell Telephone Co., Women
in any field for Management Training,
Personnel, Public Contact Work, Writ-
ing, Technical Fields, Teaching.
Fri., Dec. 9:
U.S. Air Force-Women for Officer
Training for positions all over U.S.
and overseas in the WAF.
For appointments contact the Bureau
of Appointments, 3528 Admin. Bldg.,
Ext. 371.



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