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December 04, 1955 - Image 17

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1955-12-04

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Leather Gifts Available for All

Enduring and attractive leather
goods which make 1deal Christmas
gifts for all members of the fam-
ily are available at many Ann
Arbor shops.
For the women on Christmas
lists there are many useful and
luxurious leather products from
which to choose.
Local stores carry a wide selec-
tion of belts for all ages and occa-
sions. These run from the inex-
pensive countour twists and dog
leash styles, which come in every
oolor including pastel shades and
are available with or without trim-
ming, to the more expensive sports
Practical Gifts
Also in the line of practical gifts
are leather handbags in every size
and shape for all purposes. Most
women's shops carry a complete
'line of 'clutch bags in dark leath-
ers and pastels, for evening wear
or school.
Something new is a group of
imported Italian leather tote bags.
These bags come in a variety of
styles, all with a natural finish.!
For the older set there are a
group of fine leather bags in black,j
brown, navy and other dark colors.
An Ideal Christmas gift for Mom
could be chosen from a selection
of leather trimmed synthetic fur
bags which come in either beige or
Standard Gift
Another standard gift is the

Varied Plants
Keep AppealI
For Yuletide
Flowers, Evergreens
Provide Festive Color
During Holiday Season
For many centuries flowers have
been given or received for special
events, and a gift of flowers or a
plant for Christmas has been a
long standing tradition in this
Poinsettias are the most popular
Yuletide flowers. These plants are
propagated frcpn indoor cuttings
early in the spring.
About August the plants are
placed outdoors for a month and
then are put into green houses
where they flower. If they are kept
warm enough they bloom late in
October, but if kept in cooler tem-
peratures blooming can be pro-
Because the poinsettia flowers
so late in the year, and because
of their huge red flowers and green
foilage, they make a very popular
Christmas gift.
According to an Ann Arbor flor-
ist more flowers and plants are
sold during the holiday season than
at most other times of the year. -
A wide variety of house plants
are bought to be used as gifts, and
to help the traditional evergreen
decorate and brighten innumer-
able homes.
Red roses and red carnations are
also popular Christmas gifts, and
the long stemmed bouquets serve
as home decorations.
Corsages for formalsduring the
Yuletide season are varied, but
again red carnations are popular,
with Amazon lillies also being sold.
For a bright bit of Christmas
cheer, what better gift than plants
or flowers?

Special Foods To Add
To Christmas Spirit

Holiday-gay foods will not only
taste wonderful but will add to the
colorful decorations of this year's
Christmas festivities.
Keeping pace with the three
dimensional trend, cookies to hang
on Christmas trees have taken on
another dimension. Two star-
shaped cookies, baked with slits
cut in them, are fitted together
and held with a little dab of frost-
ing, to give the 3-D effect.
One of the most colorful and
tastiest new "goodies" is a five
layer fruit-wreath cake. Using
two and one half packages of cake
mix, the tinted layers capture the
spirit of Christmas.
Five Colors
Beginning with a gold layer,
brimful of grated orange, the
tangy goodness or a spice cake
comes next. With a bit of red
vegetable dye, the third layer be-
comes rosy. Grated lemon rind
sparks the following tier, while
rich chocolate tops the procession
of cakes.
Chopped dates, raisins and nuts
constitute the filling, while seven
minute frosting decked with gold-
en raisins, dried apricots, candied
cherries, pineapple, and angelica
and marzipan candy pears in a
wreath shape add the crowning
Presenting mincemeat in other
than the traditional pie, are the
new mincemeat bread rings and
Egg Nog Pie
In another novel use, the cus-
tomary egg nog drink becomes
the main ingredient in a festive
fruit cocktail-egg nog pie.
With an international flavor,
foods from different lands will
invade the dinner table. English
plum pudding, chock full of spices
and fruit, can be served with a
warm brandy sauce.
Froni a little farther north come

-Daily-John Hirtzei
LEATHER FOR LADIES-Shown here is a collection of leather
articles for the women on the student's gift list. Leather items
make attractive and enduring gifts which are suitable for all
members of the family.

wallet. These run from-tailored to
frilly feminine styles. They are
found in cowhide, calfskin and pig-
skin and come in every shade
including natural and pastels.


-* * Have a truly lightweight portablej
Sew with the ease of
full size power
with the zig-zag FASHION* tAid
to Trade Mark of TE SINGER MFG. Co.
Listed ai n our tesek book onl uwder smoxssavN xwm ufnCo.
Phone NO 2-4222

For a touch of luxury there are
cigarette cases, fine leather earring
boxes which come in pink, blue and
white and gold tooled musical Jew-
elry cases in wine, aqua and white.
Leather gloves make an ideal
gift for women drivers. Most wom-
en's' apparel shops carry a wide
selection of those gloves, lined in
fur, fleece, milium and wool. They
come in a variety of styles and
include every color from yellow to
Suitable for Travelers
Also available are overnight bags
and cases for the traveler. These
come in several sizes and include
plaid trimmed bags.
Light washable leather mocca-
sins are ideal for lounging. They
are available in two styles in red,
grey, tan, pink, powder blue and
A suggestion for the student is
a leather desk set including a blot-
ter, calendar, letter rack and
opener in all standard shades.
Gifts for Men
For father, brother or male
friends there are leather goods
including fitted toilet cases, jewel-
ry and stud boxes, leather bound
clocks, manicuring cases, military
brushes and flasks.,
Billfolds, pocket secretaries, key
cases and wallets make fine gifts
in cowhide, cordenfen, calfskin,
snakeskin and alligator. These
come in desert, natural, corden-
fen, wine and black.
Another gift idea for men is
leather gloves, lined or unlined,
available in calfskin, pigskin and
There are leather goods suitable
for every type of gift.
Hanging Stockings
The custom of hanging stock-'
ings in front of the fireplace
probably originated in Europe
where children used to place
shoes filled with food near the
fireplace to feed St. Nicholas'

the Scotch shortbreads-crisp, rich
little cookies, while Denmark sends
crunchy nut and jelly balls to add
to the holiday cookie jar.
Recipes Around Country
Treasured Christmas recipes
from different sections of our own
United States include the "down
east" cranberry ring in which
bright cranberry cake is baked in
a ring mold.
Sweets from the midwest spot-
light gumdrop cookies of chopped
gumdrops and shrefded coconut.
Chocolate-cream popcorn and
black-walnut cake are other re-
gional treats native to the great
plains kitchens.
From The South
With a southern accent is south-
ern ambrosia, a custard sauce top-
ped with sectioned oranges and
grated fresh coconut.
Also from south of the Mason-
Dixon line, dates, candied cher-
ries, Brazil nuts, pecan and wal-
nut halves and bla~nched almonds
are glazed for a special gala touch.
In the wide open spaces of the
west, Christmas coconut balls of
dates, nuts and coconut folded in
egg whites and baked, add cheer
to the celebrations on the 25th of
'These and the more traditional
fruit cakes, gingerbread men, and
other holiday "goodies" will help
to make this the yummiest, merri-
est Christmas ever!
Pictures Make
Appropriate Gifts
Photographs are perennial fav-
orites on Christmas gift lists of
young and old alike.
And rightly so, for they're es-
pecially welcomed by loved ones
and can be enjoyed countless times,
for years to come.
Seniors who have had their por-
traits taken for the Ensian may,
find it to their advantage to have
some prints made for the family
and friends.
This type of present is particu-
larly appropriate for a coed to
give her "Michigan man," or vice-
versa. Group pictures of "the
gang" here at the University will
also be treasured many years
When presenting photographs
as a gift, it's always wise to give
a wallet-size print in addition to
a large framed print, for people to
show friends and acquaintances.
Family pictures may also be used
on Christmas cards, providing a
lasting momento of the Christmas
of 1955.'

has a tip for super Santasi
This Christmas give her Mojud
"Magic Motion" stockings.
There's extra "give" and
spring-back in the knit
for close clinging fit
and longer wear.
And ... give her lingerie by Mojud
for lots more extra glamour. We
have gowns and pajamas, slip,
panties and petticoats oll styled to
make her Christmas dreams come
.0. .truel
Mojud 'Magic Motion' stockings, $1.15
Hff Slips from 2.95
Slips from 3.95
Gowns from5.00
. {k"KPanties
from 1.135
........:::.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ J:Y:'v:. ..!;"'"":::, ..i"':4. ir..+ , :! tj."
Open Monday 'til 9 p.m. Tues. thru Sat. 9:30 to 5:30
iEEEA~gEM E#99ERMM~nmRtamggi

Outside Door Omnaments

To Lend Sea
Each Christmas season more and
more people decorate the outside
of their homes and each season a
wider variety of ornaments is
available for this task.
This year proves no exception
as there are many interesting
items on the market from which
to choose.
Plastic products seem to be pre-
dominant because they are light
weight and can be subjected to
winter weather without any seri-
ous damage.
Plastic Displays
Single-face illuminated plastic
displays seem to be very popular
this year. They can be purchased
in almost any design including
wreaths, bells, candles, Christmas
socks, reindeer, and Santa Claus
in a variety of settings.
These displays are manufactur-
ed as double-face units for use on


I Effect

corner lots or as street decorations.
Either type, single or double-face,
can be mounted anywhere from
the roof to the side of the chimney.
Many people use evergreen
branches and outdoor Christmas
lights for their decorations. These
lights can be used to spell out
words and form outlines of figures.
.Projector Lamps
Projector lamps can also be used
to add to outdoor decorations.
These come with a set of glass
filters of various colors and are
mounted on stakes which can be
driven into the ground.
Door decorations, which were
the first type of outdoor decora-
tion used, appear in new modern-
istic designs as well as the tradi-
tional items such as bells or the
holly wreaths. The newer designs
are quite often made of foil rope,
plastic foam, chicken wire or

o -
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Gifts of fashion

... planned

o please

4f 4


A. Compact fold-over clutch handbag, a hand-
somely satin-lined A.M. or P.M. bag with
coin purse and mirror. Black velvet; black
or navy faille; black or brown broadcloth;
multicolor brocades.
plus 10% Fed. tax
B. Holiday-gay cotton boy shirt blazing with
psuedo pearls and rhinestones. White, pink,
blue or maize. Sizes 30 to 36.
C. Great whirling felt skirt, a beautiful blend of
wool and rayon. White, black, blue or 'pink
with a self belt. Sizes 10 to 16.
D. Petit-point print chintz apron with matching
quilted potholder mittens in the pockets.
X Pink, black or yellow.

p.' 4,

" A

THESE PERSONAL yet practical gifts that she
rates high on her. lis... Gloves by the hand-
ful. Rhinestones that flash and glimmer like
ice. Simulated pearls in beautiful shades and
styles. Bags for evening or day to frothy lacy
slips. This is just a mere preview of the
scores of wonderful gift attractions you will





""" ff

P.S. If IN Doubt A Gift Certificate
Will Assure Her A Merry Christmas

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:. ; .

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