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December 04, 1955 - Image 11

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Michigan Daily, 1955-12-04

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Language Class Sizes
Mirror World Events


-Daily-Hal Leeds
THESE ARE NICE-Jeanne Hager, '56Ed., chooses flowers for
coming sorority pledge formal while her date, Andrew Sosich,
'561 R, looks on. A recent survey revealed that most University
coeds prefer roses for formal corsages. Orchids held undisputed
second place.
Cam.pus Social Life Survey
Brings Comment by Seniors

Ideal Saturday nights and com-
ments on campus social life domi-
nated in replies to a question-
naire sent recently to members of
senior honorary societies.
Social life, according to the
pinned and engaged seniors, is all
it should be. From those dating
regularly, occasionally or less of-
ten, however, some less satisfied
comments came.
"More mixers, on an informal
basis," was the ,request of one
senior polled. "It shouldn't be
assumed that everybody's paired
off after the freshman rush," he
added. "There ought to be more
chances to meet people later on."
More Independent Contacts
An' affiliated coed thought "so-
cial life seems to progress more
easily in sororities and fraterni-
ties than in the dorms. There
should be more opportunities for
independents to make new con-
"More people sit home than I
realized," one senior stated. "I
wish it could be a bit friendlier."
"A date bureau seriously wouldn't-
be a bad idea," another decided.
Other replies asked for "places
where you can have some privacy
in the. winter," and for more
nights spent quietly playing bridge
in smaller crowds.
Although some seniors favor
formal and semi-formal dances as
the ideal Saturday entertainment,
many voiced enthusiasm for more
quiet evenings. "I'd be happiest,"
a coed said, "just having a conver-
sation with people I like - it
wouldn't matter where."
Several others insisted that
glamorous evenings aren't the most
memorable. The ideal Saturday
for another would be "dinner,
bridge and a few drinks at some-
body's apartment."
More Smaller Gatherings.
Concerts and plays, abundant
in Ann Arbor, got several votes as
providing nearly ideal entertain-
ment. And most students said they
preferred smaller gatherings, what-
ever the purpose, to big groups.
Dinner dates proved popular
with coeds polled. "Even if it's
just a hamburger," a coed said,
"dinner is a great way to start off
an evening. Of course the more

interesting the atmosphere of the
restaurant, the better the eve-
Of 50 seniors wno answered the
questionnaire, on an anonymous
basis, one-fifth date regularly but
different people. By "regularly"
most meant at least one date --
preferably two - every week. One
senior, however, contended that
regular dating means four or five
times weekly, including, briefer
meetings for coffee or studying.
Four of the 50 are married or
engaged, seven are pinned, and
five date steadily - with one per-
son. Three said they date occa-
sionally, and one claimed to be a
confirmed bachelor.
No Devout Careerists
Nobody checked the ,category
marked "confirmed career girl."
The honorary members spend
most of their time with people met
through their housing groups, al-
though their activities introduce
them to many important contacts.
Twenty-five per cent of those who,
answered the poll are affiliated.
Studying takes from one to 40
hours weekly for the honorary
members. The one-hour manhow-
ever, qualified his statement:
"- except when there's a test."
Their activities are major time-
consumers for most of the seniors
quizzed, with 20 hours per week
the average time allotment.
A few honorary members spend
as much as 50' hours weekly on
extra-curricular things and others,
not currently working :in activi-
ties, attend only the meetings, of
their honoraries.
Ten Social Hours
Ten hours weekly is the aver-
age time set aside for social life
by the students. The maximum,
coming from an engaged man, was
20 hours.
Ann Arbor is the favored week-
end location, for those who re-
spond. Nobody polled said he, left
the campus, except for vacation
times, more than four times a
semester, and most claimed they
very rarely go elsewhere.
All felt that their time was
well-spent on activities. Future
plans, too, proved fairly definite
for all but three of the seniors.

What goes on in the world is
reflected by what goes on at the
University - and foreign language
course enrollments can prove it.
Prof. James O. Ferrell, chair-
man of the Slavic Languages De-
partment, believes that this year's
20 per cent increase in enrollment
in his field results mainly from
"recent political tension."
At present a total of 165 students
are enrolled in classes of Russian
Polish and Church Slavic. Another
factor contributing to this increase
is the Russian study program
drawing even more student inter-
est to the Slavic area.
Increase Mirrors Interest
About the Far Eastern Lan-
guages Department, its chairmar
Prof. Joseph K. Yamagiwa said
"I hope the increase we've had
comes from an increased aware-
ness of the student body of the
importance of Far Eastern-Ameri-
can relations. The interest ii
languages is a kind of reflection
of this interest in the Far East-
ern countries."
Chinese, Japanese and Korear
are the languages offered. This
semester 99 students are enrolled
These classes are "open to any-
one. Even those without previou
knowledge are welcome, as long
as they have the desire to wider
their horizons," Prof. Yamagiw
"The University is one of the
few places where Far Easterr
studies in general have found a
firm footing," he said.
New Course Planned
By the fall semester of 1957 a
new course may be added, cover
ing the survey of Japanese and
Chinese thought in translation
This will be similar to the preseni
course in the Great Books of the
Western world, and will be offered
to upperclassmen as a two-semes-
ter sequence.
The Far Eastern Languages De-
partment at present is preparing
the proper texts and translations.
On an advanced level, graduat
students are doing research in Fa
Eastern language, literature anC
thought, while two professors o
the department are now workin
in various parts of the Far East.
Allied Fields Train
Prof. Yamagiwa a'lso pointed ou
Deer Season
Called Good
LANSING, (A)-Michigan's dee
season, ended Wednesday, couk
be called a success on two counts
There was a high kill of dee
and a low kill of hunters.
Ten hunters died of gunsho
wounds, according to state police
In addition, 14 hunters died o
heart attacks in the field, four
were drowned, and two died o
State police had reports of 3
hunters wounded but emphasize
there must have been many mor
-since only the woundings of
ficially reported to police are re
The ten killed by gunsho
wounds compares with nine death
recorded last year. But it is stil
below average and the highs of 1
killed by gunshot recorded in 194:
and 1950.
The conservation departmen
said the toll figures out to onl
one death per 57,500 license

that the Departments of Journal-
ism and Library Science offer
courses giving technical training
in the Far Eastern field. The
official program in Far Eastern
Studies gives more specialized
Students in the social sciences
are beginning to enroll in the Far
Eastern languages and literatures,
because of their value in provid-
ing comparative data.
Slippery Rock
Season Ends
With. Hopes
Slippery Rock- 33, Edinboro-14.
Everyone in the Michigan sta-
dium cheers when the familiar
voice from the press box announces
another cherished victory by Slip-
pery Rock State Teachers College
of Pennsylvania.
Of course, most campus fans
have no idea where Slippery Rock
is, but they cheer with all of their
vigor. Since Slippery Rock has
such fame here let's hear how
they did this season.
For thehpublic'sinformation,
Slippery Rock has a student at-
tendance of 534 men and 388,
women, and a faculty of 39 men
and 26 women headed by S. W.
Houk. The school was founded in
1889, and carries a. four year
course with a B.S. degree in Edu-
Director of Athletics Archie
Dodds was justly proud of the
team team this year as it rolled
over its first three opponents. The
first game carried that familiar
33-14 score over Edinboro. Then
they beat Ashland 6-0 and Indiana
(Pa.) 25-13.
After those three games Coach
William C. West and his team
bogged down and didn't win an-
other game. They lost four straight
to California (Pa.) 7-0, Geneva
20-6, Clarioq 20-14, and West-
minster 29-19.
The final game of the season,
to be played last Saturday with
West Liberty was cancelled be-
cause of snow.
Next year things look better,
though. Six of the starters are re-
turning, including two sophomore


Local Shops'
Offer Exotic
Gift Ideas
An afternoon spent browsing
through some of Ann Arbor's
smaller gift shops can net the
Christmas shopper some worth-
while gift ideas.
Intriguing for smokers are
milky yellow and maroon glass
ashtrays, complete with pestles to
put out smoldering cigaret butts-
reminiscent of a chemistry lab's
Younger sisters would be sure
to appreciate one of a group of
Italian-made vegetable dolls. Each
doll's head is fashioned after a
garden vegetable, with the theme
carried out in the dress of the
doll. The figures are made from
stuffed silk and finished predomi-
nately in various shades of green
felt, although bright reds and yel-
lows appear on other characters.
Modern Taste Satisfied
For those with a modern flair
a hanging mosaic could suffice.
The pictures consist of patterns
formed by small ceramic pieces of
differing colors set in parallel
rows within a rectangular frame
measuring about four by 12 inches.
The mosaics are made by an art
instructor at Albion College.*
A variety of wooden hand-carved:
figures may be found in several
shops. A wooden dove hanging-
from the ceiling shows some intri-
cate Swedish carving.
The mobile bird is deftly fash-
ioned from two pieces of wood so
that the splints representing thel
feathers have been spread, while
remaining joined by their natural
'bond to the original block.
An ideal small gift might be a
hand-carved elephant or other
animal from Denmark. Small im-
ages of Santa Claus and his help-
ers, simply carved and painted
orange, might be welcome acces-
sories to an attractive and inter-
esting mantle piece.
Jewelry Abundant
All types and sizes of jewelry
are available. Persian bracelet in
eight sections with a mosque and
other designs in blue and white
enamel appeal particularly.
Certain persons might be inter-
ested in a wine decanter, made of
straw resembling a wild boar. The
stiff pig embraces the bottle in a
horizontal position with a handle
on top.

Seniors who paid class dues
at registration may see Union
Opera on Thursday night for
25 cents less than the regular
cost-for $1, $1.50 and $2.
Joint efforts of the "Film
Flam" executive committee and
the Senior Board have made the
special reduction possible, ac -
cording to Bill Gardner, '56,
Senior Board chairman.
Tickets for the performance,
to be given at the Michigan
Theatre, can be purchased at
the Union, where seniors may
get their special rates by pre-
senting class dues receipts.

ald Gramm, Howard Jarratt, Lil-
lian Chookasian and Ellen Faul.


Annual Messiah Performa
Continues Old ~U Traditi
Today's performance of Handel's
"Messiah" continues the tradition Chookasian and Cram
established by the University performed the "Messiah"
Musical Society. times with numerous syr
Each year the first Saturday and orchestras throughout the
Sunday in December is the ritual try.
date for performances of the Jarratt has appeared on
Christmas season oratroio. More way in operatic endeavors
than 3,000 fill Hill Auditorium to New York City Center and I
hear the work performed by noted imate shows. He has alsc
soloists, the University Choral Un- coicerts in Town Hall and
ion and Orchestra. College.
This year's soloists include Don- Tickets for today's perfo

for one and all
BATH TOWELS, 3 pc. sets, 28 colors. . . priced 2.60 to 6.25
BATH SHEETS and BEACH BLANKETS.. . 3.50 to 6.50
SHEET SETS-candy stripes, all the new prints as well as white and solid
HANDKERCHIEFS, men's, women's, boys', and tiny tots . , . 25c and up.
We have the widest selection to be found. Initialed our specialty.
SCARFS, all sizes, cotton, silk and wool.
JEWEL CASES and SEWING KITS for the boudoir and traveling.
TEA TOWELS, Prints, Prints, and More Prints. Also solid colors and stripes,
50c to 1.50
BRIDGE SETS...2.25 to 19.50
LUNCHEON SETS... 4.00 and up
TABLECLOTHS ... with or without napkins. Prints, solid colors and Christ-
mas designs.
PLACE MATS, plastic, nylon, linen, and those exquisite new hand lamina-
tions using real flowers, ferns, butterflies and grass.
"Where Quality Has No Substitute"


are available at the Hill At
nrium box offieA.


1 1 Nickels Arcade

Hours: 9:00 to 5:30


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