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December 04, 1955 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1955-12-04

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Sixty-Sixth Year

"Now. How Did I Get Into This One?"

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only. This must be noted in all reprints.
Education Crisis Could Be
Election Talking Point
THE entire nation is suddenly becoming con- tion problem with extensive land grants, the
cerned with the education problem. Lead- equivalent of money grants today.
ing educators and thinkers have always fore- The White House Coference on Education
is apparently convinced the time has come for
east pitfalls for American education, but previ- government action in the education area. It
ously the nation's reaction has been apathetic voted 2-1 in favor of federal aid to education
or even negative. after scrutinizing for several days the compli-
The apathy has been reflected in government cated problems facing the nation's schools.
circles where Congressmen and even the presi- The vote was with reservations -- the ma-
dent have failed to grasp the immensity of jority held that funds should go to states "only
what may be our greatest domestic problem on a basis of demonstrated needs" - but heavy
today. support for the federal aid principle was en-
But now the pitfalls educators predicted are couraging.
starting to hit the public. Nationwide concern As the problems get worse (enrollment pre-
over post-war children piling into overcrowded dictions inodicate no other possibility) govern-
classrooms, some operating on half-day class ment handling of education situation will be-
schedules, and the constant diet of inex- come a hot political issue. With the federal aid
perienced teachers is stimulating even the p
mostrelctat cnsevatvesto omeserous principle admitted, the question becomes how
most reluctant conservatives to some serious much federal aid rather than whether there
thought on the problem. should be federal aid at all. The problem may
The necessity for immediate consideration of get involved in the 1956 elections if farm, for-
the situation is causing a major political dilem- eign and power policy don't completely domi-
nma for conservatives. Some concrete action nate festivities. Parents with children being
must be taken to placate the public now be- rushed and crowded through elementary and
ginning to suffer from the previous lack of high schools are already asking' pointed ques-
foresight on the education problem. tions.
It seems the federal government is the na-
tion's only medium centralized enough to act PRESIDENT Eisenhower could seize the ini-
effectively and efficiently on all facets of the tiative now that the federal aid principle
problem. But for conservatives such action is seems to be admitted, and come up with a
In line with the worn-out cliche "creeping dynamic proposal for the next session of Con-
socialism." gress - certainly, something more realistic
than the drop in the bucket he suggested last
]700 much government centralization and in- year. If he doesn't the Democrats will likely
terference is still feared by certain elements step into the breach with a far-reaching edu-
in the government and it is well this element cation policy that might be a vote-getter next
exists. It tends to maintain a remnant of the fall.
federalist concept which is still important in Adlai Stevenson's proposal last spring for a
a country as individualistic oriented as the several billion dollar education program was
United States professes to be. But there comes indication of the lengths Democrats may be
a time when even this group must recognize willing to go to meet the nation's approaching,
a problem too immense for the national gov- and in most places already existing, education-
ernment to continued to observe passively. al crisis.
Such action will not be unprecedented. The Citizens affected by weakness in the schools
United States Post Office, Federal Reserve are grasping for a cure-all and a convincing,
System resulted from just such situations and sound Democratic proposed policy might fill
most citizens accept these institutions today. the breach.
And in the 1800's the nation met the educa- -DAVE BAAD, Managing Editor
ANew and Awesole Power

r r". .

.. ........

Choral Union Excellent
In 'Messiah'
LESTER McCOY has assembled a fine choir for this years per-
formance of the "Messiah." By eliminating many of the faults
of previous performances such as bad intonation, uneven balance and
improper diction McCoy has achieved a wonderful ensemble.
The obviously well trained chorus did exceptionally well in the
unaccompanied sections of 'Since by man came death.' The many
subtle changes in dynamics which it achieved in this section added
greatly to the performance of the chorus.

SMedical Research v. Budget

WITH the merger of our country's two great
labor federations, the American Federation
of Labor, and the Congress of Industrial Or-
ganilzations, a new and awesome power has been
There is no doubt that these organizations-
have been great instruments of economic and
political influence previous to this, but a con-
fessed goal of the merger hints at even greater
Both AFL President George Meany, who is
scheduled to head the new federation, and CIO
President Walter Reuther slated for a vice-
presidency and membership on the executive
board, declare that the merger will eliminate
rivalries, feuds and bickerings between unions.
Also it will strengthen the cause of labor by
attracting hundreds of new members.
Upon final unification, the new AFL-CIO
will boast a devoted membership of over
15,000,000. It will require rare statesmanship

in the wielding of such great power.
Meany declares that this new power will
be used politically "not with the idea in mind
of running the country . . . but with the idea
of continuing the forward march of American
labor, getting for American labor the fair share
of what we produce."
THIS would seem at first glance to ,be an
admirable statement, but problems arise
when considered just what labor's "fair share"
is. and whether the "forward march of Ameri-
can labor" is necessarily in the same direction
as the forward march of the nation.
The new officers and "co-directors of politi-
cal activity" of the AFL-CIO bear a heavy re-
sponsibility, to their organization and their
country. Only time, and perhaps bitter ex-
perience, will reveal the wisdom with which
they execute their duty.

T HE present Secretary of Health,
Education, and WAelf are, Marion
Folsom, made a fortune manufac-
turing Eastman Kodaks. Most of
his life was spent with problems a
long way off from juvenile delin-
quency, or pure foods and drugs, or
mental illness, cancer, the num-
ber of classrooms in the United
States ,or the problems of women.
Much of his official life in Wash-
ington was also spent working with
his friend, Secretary George Hum-
phrey, as Undersecretary of the
Treasury. The two men see eye
to eye on many things.
However, the big Kodak man
from Rochester now finds himself
in a unique and possibly embar-
rassing position. He has become
such a champion of better health,
better education, and better U.S.
welfare, that he is certain to cross
swords with his old friend Hum-
C * *
be over the chief que'stion which
keeps Humphrey awake nights -
balancing the budget.
The issue will probably come to
a head this week when Secretary
Folsom makes two important
speeches at the Joint Conference
on Children and Youth and before
the AFL-CIO in New York in which
he will have to lay his cards on
the table regarding such questions
as more money to find a cure for
heart disease, cancer, and medical
What has put Kodak-Man Fol-
som on the spot.is the President's
own coronary plus the recommen-
dation of the Advisory Committee
of the National Institutes of
Health that the Eisenhower Ad-
ministration give a whopping 60

per cent boost to medical research.
Folsom so far has kept these
figures secret. However, this col-
umn can reveal that the doctors
want to raise the $89,138,00
recommended by Mrs. Oveta Culp
Hobby last year to a huge $158,-
* * *
THIS IS even more than the
large boost proposed by the Demo-
crats last year and passed in the
Senate, though vigorously opposed
by the Eisenhower Administration.
Now the doctors who advise the
Eisenhower Administration urge
that Secretary Folsom really shell
out the shekels to find a cure for
heart and other diseases.
In fact, Dr. Paul Dudley White,
the Boston heart specialist who
flew out to Denver to advise on
Ike's illness, finally nailed Kodak-
man Folsom at the Denver airport
and spent over an hour pleading
that he OK the recommended in-
crease for heart research.
* * *
PERSONALLY, Folsom is for
such an increase. He has become
a genuine rooter for the health
and welfare problems he inherited
in his department. He has done a
good job. Liberal Republicans also
urge an increase. They point out
that the Democratic Congress is
sure to vote the increases if they
But at this point, Folsom knows
that he will have to cross swords
with his old friend and boss,
Budget-balancer George Humph-
rey. It will be interesting to see
just how hard Kodak-man Fol-
som fights and which one wins.
Note-Folsom might point out
to Humphrey that the lessened
death rate due to medical research

from 1937-53 produced a $631,000,-
000 increase in income-tax revenue
in 1953-six times the budget of
the national institutes of health.
issimo Chiang Kai-shek for being
irked at the idea of the United
States backing Outer Mongolia
for admission to the United Na-
tions as a separate nation. For
Outer Mongolia is about as separ-J
ate from the Soviet Union as the
LonerStar State of Texas is from
,the USA-as this writer had rea-
son to discover in driving across
the Gobi Desert to Outer Mongolia
some years ago.
First, it was impossible to take
the trip without traveling in an{
Amtorg car run by the Soviet
trade co-op. Second, when we got
to a cluster of mud huts and felt
yurts which marks the border be-
tween Inner and Outer Mongolia,
we were stopped by the Mongol
authorities, who said 'we could
get no farther without permission
from Moscow.
Since that time, the Soviet hold
over Outer Mongolia, then . in
ample evidence, has considerably
Note -While Chiang Kai-shek
has reason to raise his eyebrows at
the United States, the United
States, in turn, has long had rea-
son to raise its eyebrows at Chiang
Kai-shek. Because on this same
trip to China, when I passed Fort
Whampoa on the Pearl River in
South China, the American Consul
General at Hong Kong warned
that Chiang's troops were being
trained by the Russians, and that
he might fire on any American or
British ship.
(Copyright, 1955, by Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

If this is any indication of wh
season's May Festival should be
one of the greatest yet.
THE SOLOISTS: Ellen aull,
Lillian Chookasian, Howard Jar-
ratt, and Donald Gramm, handled
their parts with ease and preci-
sion. However a little more emo-
tion would have improved all their
performances. They seemed to
lack the inspiration that makes
for a really great performance.
Miss #Faull and Miss Chookasian
sang with clear diction and good
vocal quality.
Mr. Jarratt obtained a smooth,
almost velvet sound. One of the
best carrying voices heard in Hill
Auditorium this year was possessed
by Mr. Gramm.
The orchestra provided a good
accompaniment for the chorus al-
though it was occasionally marred
by faulty intonation and attacks
that weren't together. Emerson
Head and Gary Stolsteimer gave
excellent performances of the high
and difficult trumpet passages in
'The trumpet shall sound.'
ONE OF THE high points of the
evening came when the audience
joined in singing the famous "Hal-
lelujah' chorus. Hearing the en-
tire auditorium filled with the
sound of thousands of voices pro-
vided a seldom-felt thrill. It was
surprising how well the audience
was able to cope with the countra-
puntal sections of the chorus.
It is little wonder that Handel's
score with its many beautiful melo-
dies and insp1iring choruses has re-
mained popular. And its text
makes it an extremely appropri-
ate way to begin the Christmas
-Bruce Jacobson
to the
Another Rat Race?..*
SEE that a Daily sports editor is
at it again! In view of the
many excellent speeches and edi-
torials concerning the causes of
"our unfortunate gridiron experi-
ence one can view Mr. Douglis's
editorial on hockey as nothing
short of hyprocrisy.
Admittedly it takes a little more
effort and imagination to write
sports on a game to game basis in-
stead of appealing to the sensa-
tional. Let us hope in the future,
however, that The Daily will re-
port on the more candid basis and
avoid leading the student body to
another sports rat race, this time
at the expense of our hockey team.
-S. F. Smith, '57E
T. A. Connolly, '57E
Meaningful Edit .. .
UT OF all the chaotic nonsense
published about the moral, so-
cial, and ethical implications of
Michigan's "lack fof sportsman-
ship" at the Ohio State game, it is
almost inspiring to read an
editorial which contains some
meaning. Congratulations to Dick
Cramer for being the only Daily-ite
with anything to say!
-Ben Wise, '58

at we will hear in the spring, this
THE Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Notices should 'be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553
Administration Building before 2 p.m.
the day preceding publication. Notices
for the Sunday edition must be In
by,2 p.m. Friday.
General Notices
TIAA - College Retirement Equities
Fund. Participants in the Teachers In-
surance and Annuity Association retire-
ment program who wish to chang their
contributions to the College Retirement
Equities Fund or to apply for or discon-
tinue participation in the Equities
Fund, will be able to make such changes
before Dec. 15, 1955.
Staff members who have one-fourth
or one-third of the contributions to
TIAA allocated to CREF may wish to
change to a one-half basis, or go from
the latter to a one-fourth or one-third
Veterans who expect toreceive educa-
tion and training allowance under Pub-
lic Law 550 (Korea Gl. I. Bill) must fill
in VA Form 7-1996a, Monthly Certifica-
tion, in the Office of veterans' Affairs,
555 Administration Building, between
8:30 a.m. Thurs., Dec. 1, and 3:30 p.m.
Tuesday, Dec. 6.
Exhibitions, Museum of Art, Alumni
Memorial Hall-British Art in the Mu-
seum Collection. Dec. 1-21. Contempo-
rary Paintings and Drawings, Dec. 1-21.
Expressionist Prints, Dec. 6-27.' Hours:
9-5 weekdays, 2-5 Sundays. The public
is invited.
Schience Research Club. Rackham
Amphitheatre at 7:30 p.m. Tues., Dec.
6. "Bubble Chambers for Experiments
In Nuclear Physics," Donald A. Glaser-
Physics: "Glycogen Storage Disease, A
Hereditary Error of Carbohydrate Meta-
bolism," Doris L. Hinerman-Pathology.
Election of new members. Dues for
1955-56 accepted after 7:10 p.m.
The Chicago Chapter of the English-
Speaking Union has offered two $1000
scholarships to graduate students for
a year's research and study in the
United Kingdam. Awards will be made
in any field. The qualifications are as
follows: (1) That the Dean of the
graduate school make a recommenda-
tion (2) That the grantee be a resident
of Illinois (3) That the grantee be in a
graduate school of a representative
university in this country and that he
or she generally believes in the princi-
ples of the English Speaking. Union.
Further information and applications
from Thomas, S. Tyler, First National
Bank Building, Chicago, Illinois. Mr.
Tyler should be contacted before Dec.
The National Research Council is
offering postdoctoral research associate-
ships to provide young investigators an
opportunity for advanced training in
Dasic research in the physical and
mathematical sciences, and in engineer-
ing psychology and visual psychophysics.
Applicants must be' citizens of the
U.S., and have completed the-research
for the PhD or ScD degree. The as-
sociateships are tenable only at the
National Bureau of Standards in Wash-
ington and Boulder. Appointments will
be for one year and the stipend will
be $6390 and subject to income tax.
Requests for application forms should
be addressed to the fellowship Office,
National Academy of Sciences--National
Research Council, 2101 Constitution
Ave. N. W., Washington 25, D. C. Ap-
plications must be received by the
Council by Jan. 9, 1956.
The Women's Research Club will meet
on Monday, Dec. 5 at 8 pm. in the
West Lecture Room of the Rackham
Building. Miss Elva Minuse, Instructor
in epidemiology, will speak on the sub-
ject: "Research in Respiratory Disease
University Lecture, auspices of the
Department of Fine Arts, by Dr. Diego
Angulo Iniguez, on "Three Masterpieces
of Velaquez" (The Weavers, Las Meni-

nas, and The Surrender of Breda),
Rackham Amphitheater,"Dec. 6,at 4:'40
Douglass Cater, Washington editor for
The Reporter, third University Lecture
in Journalism Tues., Dec. 6, 3:00 p.m.,
Angell Hall, Aud. C. "A New Look at
the Power of the Press."
Student Recital. Fred Coulter, pianist,
recital in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the degree of Bachelor
of Music at 8:30 Mon., Dec. 5, in Aud. A,
Angell Hall. Pupil of Helen Titus, Coul-
ter will play compositions by Bach,
Beethoven, Bartok, and Schumann.
Open to the public without charge.
Academic Notices
School of Business Administration:
Students from other Schools and Col-
leges intending to apply for admission
for the spring semester, 1956, should
secure application forms in Room 150,
School of Business Administration, and
return as soon as possible.




Let's Get Started

PLAY productions in Ann Arbor, whether done
by the University's speech department,
Drahiatic Arts Center or the Civic Theater,
create an unhappy audience even before the
first act begins.
Professors, students and townspeople, alone,
in pairs and in groups, go to see performances
of plays at Lydia Mendelssohn Theater and
the Masonic Temple. Most of these people
have hopes of enjoying a pleasant, entertain-
ing evening. By the time the curtain has gone
up on the first scene, however, the audience is
tired and annoyed from sitting and waiting.
If the curtain is scheduled for 8 p.m.,' it
never goes up before 8:10 p.m. Performances
scheduled for 8:15 p.m. are 15 to 20 minutes
late in getting star~ted.
Editorial Staff
Dave Baad:..... .................. Managing Editor
Jim :Dygert .......................... City Editor
Murry Frymer ...................Editorial Director
Debra Durchslai....................Magazine Editor
David Kaplan...... ................. Feature Editor
Jane Howard ......................... Associate Editor
Louise Tyor .......................... Associate Editor
Phil Dougli . ....... .......... ..... .Sports Editor
Alan Eisenberg ........ .Associate Sports Editor
Jack Horwitz ............Associate Sports Editor
Mary Helthaler .. ..............Women's Editor
Elaine Edmonds............ Associate Women's Editor
John Hirtzel .......... ....... Chief Photographer'
Business Staff
Dick Alstrom .....................Business Manager
Bob Ilgenfritz ............ Associate Business Manager
Ken Roat-...............,....Advri nM, a Mnager

Twice as unfortunate is the hapless couple
or the bewildered individual that arrives five
minutes earlier. than the time the play's ad-
vertisements indicated. Those unfortunates
must sit and wait endless minutes in the over-
warm theaters.
Dramatic Arts Center has, an interesting
variation on this late curtain trick. After
eight or ten minutes of intermission, the stage
manager begins pulling switches furiously, ring-
ing buzzers and blinking lights. Members of
the audience break into a run to get to their
seatsbefore the auditorium is thrown into
Then follows a five or ten-minute dead period
while couples chat and individuals sit, perhaps
wishing they were somewhere else, perhaps re-
reading the dogeared program.
Innumerable playgoers would be much hap-
pier and much more prepared to enjoy plays
if the companies would only set a curtain time
and stick to it,
New Books at the Library
Klaas, Joe-Maybe I'm Dead; New York,
Macmillan Co., 1955.
McCracken, Harold-The Beast That Walks
Like Man; New York,Hanover House, 1955.
Moorehead, Alan-Winston Churchill in Trial
and Triumph; New York, Houghton Mifflin Co.,
Morgan, Arthur E.-Search for Purpose; Yel-
low Springs, Ohio, Antioch Press, 1955.
Morison. Walter-Isaac Babel; The Collect-

Showgirls, Music Spark Record Auto Sales

AP Automotive Editor
The men who make America's
automobiles have come up with
something new and gaudy to help
sell them. It's show business, com-
plete with all the Broadway trap-
pings, "importedatmosphere"and
TV spectaculars.
It's somewhat bizarre, it's fan-
tastic - and it's costly. But from
large to small companies it is be-
ing used to stimulate the enthusi-
asm of car dealers, to catch public
fancy and to) interest the press,
radio, television and trade publi-
The new model season star'ts
at the factory with private show-
ings for dealers. It continues at
the dealer level with garish bill-
board techniques and sky-sweep-
ing spotlights, a score or more of
'local auto shows, and such master
presentations by manufacturers as
General Motors' Motorama and
Powerama, and traveling engin-
eering exhibits by others.
cluding 90 minute-long spectacu-
lars with hopped up, often glamor-
ized commercials - are year-round
inara. ei ltr

lie. Concurrent presentations of
television shows and Motorama
and Powerama are conceived to
keep public interest at high levels.
So too are the two score or more
of local auto shows that follow.
shALL THESE willthave their
show girls, singing stars or mo-
tion picture luminaries as added
The auto industry now is wind-
ing up the biggest year in its
history. Its output and sales this
year will approximate eight mil-
lion cars and 11,4 million trucks
and coaches. Such fabulous fig-
ures, undreamed of a few years
ago, may justify the theatrical
method df promotion.
In addition, it is .worthy of note
that in the cash turnover the
automobile business is the world's
biggest. At the manufacturing lev-
el, the 9%14 million cars and trucks
the industry will build this year
will have 'a wholesale value of
around 14 billion dollars. You
can add some more for replace-
ment parts like engines, transmis-
sions, axles, etc.
Move over to the retailing level
and you find more billions of dol-

hoo and the philosophy of pre-
senting everything on the "colos-
sal" and "stupendous" scales. The
auto industry's retailing division
used it with success in 1953 and
again in 1954 to unload the heavi-
est accumulation of car, stocks in
their experience.
The comment of many retailers
suggests, however, that they feel

sponsors some of the most elabor-
ate of the dealer previews. With
a cast of 14 chorus girls, 16 danc-
ers, eight show girls and a five
piece band augmented by local
musicians, it unveiled 1956 models
with what it called Spacerama.
The show hadsseveral specially
penned hit tunes. They were en-
titled "Just Like Coming Home
Again," "Switch the Pitch" and
"The Peak of Civilization." The
show, of course, had a plot. It
t raced man's urge to obtain trans-
portation from the Stone Age dawn
to the 1956 Buicks.
How does it pay off? Here's
how some Buick people figure it:
For about a month's showingin
six cities, the cost including trans-
portation and all other expenses,
Iaveraged about $200,000 per city.
"We have about 12,000 dealers
and their salesmen," said a spokes-
man. "Many of them will sell as
much as 3150,000 of our products
next year. Surely you can afford
Ito spend $100 or more to entertain
them once a year."'
S FORD MOTOR CO. is promoting
its Continental Mark II 'with a
replica of a Paris street scene -
complete with Eiffel* Tower and



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