} EDUCATION CRISIS AN ELECT ION ISSUE? See Page 4 Latest Deadline in the State :43att * SNOW, SLOP incm QT P e d VOLT. LI.'N. 7 ANN ARBOR, MICIGAN, SUJNDAY, DECEMBR ,1955,i~ s1& rau e vas. a e+v a .... _ __ Students Storm' wolverines Stun McGill, 5-3, Georgia Capitol fith Second Period Strength Governor Wants No Football Game'TI1 iVJIui. h -u Pi B -.f N P1 Gam DAILY STEREOTYPER Laird Detroit strikers hold. Here he machine to be trimmed and p from paper mat at Wallace's Detroit Strik As Ne otiatio By LEWIS Detroit's first newspaper strik More than six hours of tense between the AFL stereotypers' un lishers' Association at an apparen Pessimism was evidently th t adjourned after 11 last night. "W the strike began," the striking loc Negotiations will resume tom 2,000,000 people in Detroit will pas No C omics For Detroit; T V SeAs On By VERNON NAHRGANG Detroiters today are without one of their most important and be loved institutions -the' Sunda newspaper. For the third day in a row, mem- bers of the country's fifth larges city have no newspaper. But to day is the day that counts, as a integral part of a Detroiter's life is his Sunday News, Times, or Free Press. Boys and girls in Detroit homes are without their Sunday comic sections, as these along with mag- azine sections, lie bundled an undelivered in the newspaper plants. One Paper Out However, some of the motor cit residents will not be without any- thing to read. There is one news- paper on the stands in Detroi' today. The Reporter, an eight-pag publication by the Newspaper Guild of Detroit and the Allied Printing Trades Council, makes its second appearance today on Detroit street corners. Its 100,000 copies are available in the down- town area and along the city's main stems. Doubles Format Initiated yesterday, The Re potter has doubled today the four- page format of -its first issue. Pub- lishers hope to enlarge the paper still further. Detroiters who do not care t buy a copy of this paper may try to substitute Chicago or Toledo papers for their usual Sunday fare Most people, missing the specia features of their 'sunday news- papers, though, will have more time to watch television. In Ann Arbor, there are no De- troit papers today, but New York Chicago and Toledo papers may be. had, as long as they last. The comic and magazine sections o the Detroit papers remain unheed- ed at the side of the platform a the railroad station. W t l i l t C ecaIuse I1i i eg r I a.. ATLANTA WP) - Gov. Marvin Griffin's official residence and the Georgia State Capitol were stormed early yesterday by a howlingk mob of Georgia Tech students angered by Griffin's move to keep Tech out of the Sugar Bowl. Demonstrators, who several times burned Griffin in effigy, broke through a cordon of Georgia Bureau of Investigation agents and smashed their way into the Capitol. But'police lines reinforced with 25 cars of state troopers held back the crowd of. more than 2,000 at the governor's mansion. The demonstration was touched off by Griffin's request to the uni- BURMA: versity system Board of Regents to bar state colleges from playing e opponents having Negro players or Soviet Sid e { " in games where spectators are not ยข.. < racially segregated. -Daily-John Hirtzel In Austin, Tex., Athletic Director D ifferent Wallace demonstrates job which D. X. Bible of the University ofr takes metal plate from casting Texas emphatically denied a re- MOSCOW ()-Pravda and Mos-k laced on presses. Plate was cast port that Texas would replace cow radio yesterday gave their ver- feet. eorTech te Sar Bowl. sion of Nikita Khrushchev's con- Jack Gallagher, writing from taesa eak rdy i Texas officials reacted favorably This official Soviet version dif- Dbfered fiom reports by Western SP r sa grBo correspondents whom Khrushchev srg, B massailed in person at the Buddhist arier, a reserve back, on its foot- wagda s hAMBURGEt ball squad. And segregation will Swe Daon shingais"pa e ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ea wilcniu es ni ody offprci cted aoabPiTt' hwiesofficitaloiersm on bloc of tickets to hean. 2 the exchange, for example, MICHIGAN RIGHT WINi e debate yesterday left negotiations in the Sugar Bowl in New Orleans. the Soviet Communist party boss the evening in the Wolve ion and the Detroit Newspaper Pub- However, a few hours after the was quoted by Western writers as assist on the play after he t impasse. student demonstration broke up, a saying the British regard Burma's The strong first line of Ca e order when the meeting finally source close to the governor, who peosled s serson andbarbai and helped keep the pres Ve are no closer together than when declined to be quoted by name, Moscow's autm men - _ al's president George Robinson said. said, "Georgia Tech will be allowed t orrow at 2 pm., but today nearly to play in the Sugar Bowl." Pavda's acount of infrpal re-enithe ss a Sunday conspicuously minus The This Griffin admin istration maerkbyn hrse a pterec- pas Shuge Sunday editions, which are source pointed out that the gover- det-rleaking.aHe andtear Saoy to many a weetend habit nor's message to Regent Chiran ie ers in t a ye ey The Associated Press :a'sprsdeP reseRoSien sid Ri, obet0 raoehll C owedinmadetmanystatementsof tecff f preutl pyepareotpecificamention th"e Sugar to Western reporters, but these artin Predicts... editions cl r Tes, etPress Bowl. have not been reported in the Soy- GETTYSBURG. Pa. - hgSudyeiinwihaeI et lprsinels.Rarha epulcnladrJsp editions clutter Times, Fee Press B -l.h-v t e rpre nth o-Y-GT''SUG a and News press rooms in huge But in view of the sweeping seg- ltpes Republican leader Joseph piles, while silence reigns in place regation policy laid dqwn by the -------predicted yesterday that Pr of humming presses . governor and his call of "an im- Dwight D. Eisenhower will r The union rejected a manage- mediate called meeting" of the re- eateranother term next year f ment proposal urging-resumption gents to consider it, the request world's sake.". of publication as early as possible, obviously was prompted by theb Senate Republican leade with any wage increase granted t forthcoming bowl game. 'ham F. Knwland said be b be retroactive. Arnold said yesterday he has . the Presh ent has reached "n Stereotypers presently receive asked the regents to meet at 11:30 NEW YORK (I"-A bid by the decision" on a second term - $3.08 per hour for day work and n.m. tomorrow to study the gover- big AFL Teamsters union to join While ?en. Knowland sa $3.33 at night.' nor's request. . the CIO subsidiary of the newly President would be "the str Meanwhile, Detroit began to feel_____;merged AFL-CIO was sharply re- candidate" for the Republic the effects of the strike. News- buffed last night by James B. never did come right, out a paper guild of Detroit and printing 'Brauer Wi Carey, a, top leader of the former that he personally would fa craft unions went ahead with their CIO. Eisenhowr bid for reelectio second edition of the breach-fill- The teamsters were the biggest did he foreclose on a p'os e ing Detroit Reporter. Leecture Today. single affiliate of the old AFL. that he himself' might an e Advertisers overwnelmed the Several officials of the 1,300,000- as a candidate in the eve new-born paper in an effort to Prof. Jerald C. Brauer. dean of member Teamsters revealed their chief executive retiies. keep the Christmas spirit in the the Federated Theological Faculty, union planned to join the AFL- Republican National Ch c pocketbooks of Detroit. .will speak on "What of the Future" CIO's Industrial Union Depart- Leonard W. Hall said yes Business Slumps at 8:15 p.m. today in Aud. A, An- ment. That is a unit intended that things look good for th S Detroit's business had been run- ell Hall priharily for former CIO unions. in the South next year. r ning five percent above last year's H sales but the strike and dismal His talk will iitiate the fourth Carey, asked whether the Team- weather conditions dropped sales in the annual "This I Believe" lec- sters would be welcome, said flat- G 'D y in volume so sharply yesterday and ture series sponsored by the dtu- ly, no. J ealelns r iv - Friday that the week's total will dent Religious Association and the The Teamsters have often been only equal 1954's week following Campus Religion Council. criticized by both AFL and CIO INets 15,944 t Thanksgiving. "What of the Future" is a series unions for organizing outside $ , 4 Newscasts are being continued at of discussions and lectures deal- teamster jurisdiction and for har- Two days of bad weather e a stepped-up rate, and out-of-town ing with questions students en- boring alleged racket influences. the total contribution fe r newspaper circulation is reported counter in facing the future. Lead- The Teamster move appeared to Galens' Society Tag Day 4 I to have jumped considerably. ing theologians of Protestant, Jew- have stirred up the first major considerably under last s The union maintained its gran- ish and Catholic faiths will lecture quarrel in the reunited labor move- total. a ite-like demand that overtime be during the week on their views of ment on the eve of its first con- According to Dick Reilly, p paid for pages set in advance of this subject. vention tomorrow. chairman of the Galens' - publication dates, and additional Earlier today a panel of students Walter Reuther, who had been i contributions for Friday an s union men be hired to process and faculty will discuss problem top man in the CIO and is due to terday totaled $5,944. Las color plates. The work is normally areas and questions to which re- head the IUD, was inclined to the drive netted $6,700. done during slack periods, at regu- ligion must give attention at pres- minimize the whole situgtion. He Reilly expressed his tha - lar wage rates. ent and in the future. The group said the IUD won't actually be those townspeople and st' Speculation concerning the dura- will meet at 4:15 p.m. in Aud. C, established until authorized by the who contributed generousl tion of the strike has hit the 13- I Angell Hall. convention next week. spite the weather. r week figure. This is the limit that publishers are covered by strike. GOV. WILLAMS TO ATTEND OPENING:f First Line Resposile Fo Victt Maxwell, Dunnigan, MlacFarland Score "yDVEGE 'G Dick rines 5 passe ptain B sure on House Martin esident un for or the! r Wil- elieves o final try. id the ongest ans he nd say vor an n. Nor 'sibility nounce nt the airman terday e GOP 7e caused r. the to fall year's '56M, Drive, d yes- t year nks to udents y, de- UL. .LA.ll1A- 111 111LLU l,< UkI 13T GREY Coach Vic Heyliger's hockey team got off to a flying start last night with a solid 5-3 win over -;McGill University. A sellout Coliseum crowd of 3,700 was treated to an explosive Michigan scoring spree at the start 4~''"" of the second half that threw an~ otherwise tight game into a rout.~ MaFarland Sprains Ankle The win was a costly one, how- ever, as Wolverine Captain Bill MacFarland suffered a severe ankle sprain after colliding with the boards in the third period. It -Daily-Dick Gaskill is not known, how long the in- Dunnigan slips past the McGill defense to score his second goal of valuable high-scorer will be lost to -3 hockey win last night. Wally Maxwell (10) got credit for an the team. d the puck to Dunnigan coming down the left-center side of, the ice. The scoring was paced by the lill MacFarland, Dunnigan and Maxwell sparked the winners' offense billiant first line of MacFarland, i had-wrkedMc~ll gali Heni Lfleu. R Dick Dunnigan and rugged new hard-worked McGill goalie Henri Lafleur. sophomore Wally Maxwell. The show seemed to be all theirs. Ike ' 'F T *xATnFour of the winner's goals came SIke, Harrma~ ixol from this starting forward wall. with Dunnigan getting two, Mae- xa -Farland and Maxwell, one each,. He predicted that if President as a member of the House and Fifth tally came off the stick of Eisenhower runs again he will take Senate as well as Vice-President. another promising sophomore, Ed more states next year than in 1952 These apparently will be used in Switzer,' on the second line, when he lost only nine, an attempt to show Nixon on both McGill Scores First The chairman repeated that he sides of some questions, particu- McGill opened the scoring at thinks the President wild seek re- larly as a so-called "isolationist" 9:36 of the first period when Brian election "if he feels able' and later an "internationalist"'in McMullan lifted the puck past -1foreign policy. His congressional goalie Lorne Howes into the upper karriman Isists *voting record also is reported be- left hand corner of the nets. OLAHMA ITY Gv inlg coinbea. ' It wasn't long before Michigan OKLAHOMA CIT"E - Gov. Al - Nxnapaetyhsaknn bounced back. , A bullet shot by" erell Harriman of New York said Nixonapparensi1i s taken - sophomore center Don McIntosh ysedyhis name will go in nomi- increasing importance as a targe,- cetrDnMnos Esnation for president at the 1956 get because a great many Demo- from the blue line slammed off the Democratic national convention crats seem to cling to the idea stick of MacFarland into the cage butemontinuedtoinst heisntn that it won't be- good politics to at 15:00. The period ended with but continued to insist he is not atac the Pedetprnayifhesd'ore at 1-1. an active candidate. attack the President personally if I1h 4or t11 Harrimandparried a round of he runs again. Michigan then busted the con- test wide open. In the space of questions from newsmen on his ---"---'-,-two minutes, 49 seconds, the com- candidacy at a press conference. - iplexion changed to 4-1 with Swit- before he was to address the na- 1 Ve r Urges zer lofting a shot past McGill tional convention of Young Demo- goalie Henri Lafleur at :57 and crats. M ore Student Dunnigan adding two more tallies Asked about the candidacy of, on a series of quick-opening plays. Adlai Stevenson, 1952 nomineeT 1 . " A solo dash by Maxwell later in. who is the only avowed candidate Ju ie r'etilons the period ended the Michigan so far this year, Harriman said. scoring at five. It seemed to ma.t- "It is too early to make up our With petittioning for five Joint ter little to a partisan crowd that minds on candidates. What's im- Judiciary Council positions due to the visitors were gable to add two portant " s get the party' to- close Wednesday, only ten appli- more scores. gether and decde what are the cations have been turned in. Of main concern was what kind issues." "Serving on the Council is a of 'overall showing was Michigan valuable experience inasmuch as going to give. From all indica- Democras Prepare . '.. you always have to make decis- tions, defending national champ- WASHINGTON-Democrats arei ions," Fritz Glover, '56E, Judic ions are going to be extremely reported piling up ammunition to Chairman, explained. "It offers tough again this winter. center their 1956 campaign fire on you a chance to improve your Heyliger Encouraged Vice-President Richard M. Nixon sense of judgment and responsi- poach Heyliger was encouraged if President Eisenhower runs again. bility., by the team's generally fine show- Should the President step out of Glover is asking that more stu- ing, especially since it was the the picture, some Democrats figure! dents petition for these posts. The opener. Although ragged in spots, the ammunition will be even more main eligibility requirements are the three-line offense' 1 0 o k e d useful. They think Nixon is most that the student must have com- strong. "The power plays were likely to be the alternate GOP pleted 60 credit hours and that he I good," Heyliger mention in ref- presidential nominee, be academically eligible. See DUNNIGAN, 1'age 3 The Democratic National Con At least one of the open posts -. mittee has voluminous files on this semester must be filled by a Nixon, including speeches he woman, Glover said. The consti--M'Basketball tution demands a minimum of sex! ^ +^,^. Y * 1 1 represenzaTion 0; Y a ,2 insurance-. The only optimistic note in the!. situation came last night in a F ree, Press radio advertisement: Don'tI worry, Detroiters, the "Tangle Town" contest will continue when publication resumes. 'Film-Flam' 'Diversion' F G roup ' Protests , 1 e Judic Penalt Delta Theta Phi, professional law fraternity, has'been disciplined .ith n5A fl flfine and warning by Actually, Glover wenk on, it #would be preferable to hkve more { rom Past Union Operas than the minimum of three women on judiciary. BHWomen are better equipped to; + By ILL HANEY - handle cases involving otherw "Filmz-Flam may be one of the best Union Operas Governor jwomen, said Glover. He expressed G "M eWil iamsas en, aordin bto UFred Eas freerance a desire to have a judiciary com- G.ennen Williams has seen, according to Fred Evans, free lance ;posed equally of men and women. direcator of this year's show. i "Judgment is best when it is1 The Governor, who has seen four of the last five Operas,.will a body of peers than by arbitrary attend Tuesday's opening night performance and participate in the decision," the Chairman contin- usual backstage tour, stopping to pose for pictures with the leads of ued. "We don't want students' the cast. that don't know students. the cast.nd it'skvery iteresting work z Evans feels the show will be a success "because it has novelty. "Ans ery interesing work It is a pleasant, though experimental, diversion from the beaten path becausoheis definie s Union Operas have trailed in recent years," .nof cAcoplism ntJ Though the cast has already been rehearhing for six weeks, Evans are available in Rm. 1020 Admin- believes the next two days are the most important in determining the istration Bldg., and must be turned outcome of the production. in by 5 p.m. Wednesday.z Today and Monday the cast will hold dress rehearsals at the Michigan Theatre where they will "get the feel" of the band and Q* . Y scenery. "If the cast works out 'some of their minor difficulties at these Students interested in apply- inl n n1 Ivmm-,a la a -n+ ch aham- if nnt,if will he iinf anntheri . ; u --., - - . # Spener Huined By Pitt, 75-66 Special to The Dafly PITTSBURGH Pa. - Michi- gan's basketball quintet opened its season on the wrong foot here last night, bowing to Pittsburgh's Pan. thers, 75-66. Pitt, using its deliberate style of play to good advantage, was able Ito withstand a .second-half rally by Michigan and pull away during the final few minutes. The Wolverines had a hard time getting started. They trailed, 9-2 shortly after the game began, anc had a 14-point deficit late in the half. Harvey Williams, 6' 8" sub center, came off the bench and helped narrow the margin to 39-31 at the half. Williams Scores 10 Williams was pne of the few items onnMichigan's credit side. the Joint Judiciary Council, ittwi ,. learned yesterday. FC ReceivesReliable sources indicate that' the group is planning a protest to the University Subcommittee on Grand Trophy- Discipline on the penalty levied far presence of women and intoxicants Special to the Daily in their house. ST. ,LOUIS - Interfraternity Asked about the potential ap- i .4 -- ;+-it--4 r.al ,- efral nitn rffirialk harl 1 n :: . ... ....:: r ... ...... .. :.: t::.:::<.: . .:... . . .......,.,,: