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December 02, 1955 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1955-12-02

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Sicty-Sixth Year

"We Wont To Spread Technical Know-How"

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only. This must be noted in all reprints.

Life Nothing To Worry
About, Says 'Angels'
IFE IS nothing to worry about, says the Ann Arbor Civic Theatre's
current production, and in an evening of light comedy it halfway
convinces the audience.
The dominant impression of "My Three Angels" is good clean fun
-a few murders, a couple of side romances, a few fogeries-and all's
well that ends well.
Despite a few tender moments when our hero-convicts turn a
shade sentimental, there is nothing particularly profound in this play.
No play where two French gentlemen die of snake bites from an



Detroit Confused by
Contradieting Strike Claims
DETROIT'S . two-day old newspaper strike newspapers will be losing heavily each day they
today remains a mystery to most Detroiters. fail to publish. The *pre-Christmas advertising
Supposedly the Stereotypers Union is asking: is the heaviest of the year, and larger this
1. That an extra work crew be provided to year than in most others.
process color plates, and that the crew be paid This gives the Union a good' talking point.
a full day's pay no matter how little time is They have refused an offer to continue work
necessary to finish the job. pending settlement, with retroactive wages if
This, at least, is what the publishers say the an increase in pay is decided upon. Of course,
Union is asking. The Union local president the Union would rather hit when their punch
George Robinson denies this. He says, instead, is the most potent.
that the Union only wants the work to be Actually, the stereotypers (they make up 120
performed "outside regular shift hours at a of the Detroit papers' 4,500 employes) are
minimum amount of overtime to relievc the indirectly after a regular wage increase. By
excessive work overload." asking color work to be paid at an extra rate,
The work would be performed by the regular the necessary pay increases would come regu-
work crew, not a special one, he asserted. larly, if the cost did not make such work
Secondly, the publishers state the Union's financially forbidding.
other demand as: But already the stereotypers- are among the
2. Desire for overtime pay for handling any highest paid in the nation, average pay being
material not used on the same day. That would well over $7000 per man in 1954. According to
mean that any plate set for a future paper in the publisher of the Free Press, no other news-
advance, even if done during slack hours of a paper contracts include such pay agreements.
particular day, would require overtime rates.
Here again, the Union's president denies this. Definitely the strike will continue Uo hurt the
"We have agreed to get out all preparatory papers and the 3,300 non-striking workers. And
work at straight time within shift hours," he whatever the real demands are, the Stereotype
says. Union know they have the papers in a corner.
For Detroiters today there are only radio
LL OF which leaves the situation in a con- newscasts and some out-of-town newspapers,
fused set of contradictions. along with a good measure of confusion.
Nevertheless, one thing is clear. The Detroit --MURRY FRYMER, Editorial Director
Better Kind of Glory

ONLY A few days ago another college besides
Michigan State was being considered to
represent the state of Michigan in a season-
ending bowl game.
Little Hillsdale College needed only a strong
show of support from fans through the writing
of letters to the Tangerine Bowl committee in
Orlando, Florida to receive an invitation to that
Needless to say, a Tangerine Bowl bid means
just as much to the 600 students of Hillsdale
as a Rose Bowl invitation means to one of the
large Big Ten schools. The fans did their share
in convincing bowl officials of the worthiness of
NEVERTHELESS, the committee chose as its
Northern representative Juniata College of
Pennsylvania, which had, like Hillsdale, just
completed a fine undefeated season. The reason
was not that Juniata fans were more vociferous.

Adams Will Dump Scheele

It was because Hillsdale had voluntarily with-
drawn from competition.
"We wouldn't go if four of our men weren't
allowed to play," coach Frank Waters explained
in a radio interview. The bowl committee had
made acceptance of Hillsdale dependent on the
barring of that school's Negro players from the
The past football season has produced much
ill-feeling among Big Ten teams in their battle
for the Rose Bowl bid. Many fans have lost
perspective to the point that victory and bowl
bids have been the only way to glory, even at
the expense of lower standards of fair play.
Glory has come to'Hillsdale without its going
to a bowl. It has shown the "proper spirit,"
following our President, Dr. Hatcher's, advice
recently given at the Michigan "football bust"
in Detroit. Hillsdale can be proud that it has
rejected "football madness" and has placed
the sport in the "proper setting in the college
and American community."

IT ISN'T supposed to be known
outside. the White House, but
Assistant President Sherman
Adams has decided to ditch the
embattled Surgeon-General and
scapegoat of the Salk snafu, Dr.
Leonard Scheele.
Adams already has Scheele's
successor in mind - Dr. Jack
Masur, Chief of Public Health's
Medical Services.
Dr. Scheele became a front-page
figure during the controversy over
the Salk anti-polio vaccine. Oveta
Culp Hobby, then Secretary of
Health, Education and Welfare,
;tried to pin the blame on Scheele
for the bad batches of vaccine that
hit the public.
* * *
WHILE THE Public Health Serv-
ice was responsible for testing the
vaccine, the fact is that Scheele
had urged Mrs. Hobby to begin
preparing months before. At the
last minute she was responsible
for Pushing the Salk vaccine to the
public and actually got sore when
newsreels and photographers were
not able to take pictures of her on
schedule because Scheele urged
more time.

Before the controversy died
down, however, Scheele's name was
dragged through the headlines,
and now he'll be dropped as Pub-
lic Health Chief when his term
expires in March.
** *
MEANWHILE, Scheele has got
wind that he may lose his job,
and is doing his best to ingratiate
himself with the Republicans. For
he attended a ceremony in Kansas
City to watch some subordinates
receive the annual Lasker Founda-
tion awards for outstanding medi-
cal service.
Ex-President Truman was in-
vited by the foundation to make
a non-political speech and Scheele
was so nervous about appearing on
the same platform with Truman
that he ducked out of the cere-
mony before his subordinates were
If this was supposed to make
him a hero to the new Secretary of
Health, Education and Welfare, it
(backfired. Secretary Marion Fol-
5Om, when he heard about Scheele's
hasty exit, was not pleased.
* *I*f
IF YOU'RE trying to figure out

your tax cuts for the end of this
year and are wondering whether
taxes will be lower next year, you
can write it down as almost cer-
tain that there will be no change.
Congress is sure to talk a lot
and perhaps vote for a tax cut, but
President Eisenhower has given a
very private but definite assurance
to Secretary of the Treasury Hum-
phrey that there will be no tax
cut. In brief, Ike has promised to
veto any tax reduction voted by
Humphrey's great ambition is to
get the budget balanced, and he
expects to pull the Treasury out of
the red by June 30. Only after
this happens will Humphrey con-
sider-cutting personal income taxes
which will come ahead of corpor-
ate or excise tax reductions.
* * *
merfield of Michigan, the big
Chevrolet dealer, brought pressure
to get Tom McIntyre fired from
the staff of Sen. Charles Potter
of Michigan. General Motors par-
tisans accused McIntyre of being
on Ford's payroll.
(Copyright, 1955, by Bell Syndicate, IncA

accommodating "pal" named Ad-
olph, can be called profound. And
this is its charm.
The effect lies In a healthy
spoofing of all the crises of life
that respectable ladies and gentle-
men so cherish. And it is an effect
that makes an evening of good en-
NO REVIEW, however, can be
without reservations, and we will
not depart from ancient tradition.
Bright spots there were, but they
did not obliterate some unfortun-
ate effects.
There was an over-gaiety and
awkwardness in supporting roles
that jarred with the sureness of
the convicts themselves, particular-
ly "Papa" Joseph, played by Jay
Michael. Some of the actors warm-
ed up to their parts as the play
progressed, especially in Beth
True's rendition of Madame Duc-
otel, but Felix Ducotel and Marie
Louise could have been made to
come off as something more than
stock comic repertoire.
The carefully prepared stage
setting exhibited a conscientious
effort, but a little too conscientous.
At times you couldn't tell the
actors from the wallpaper,
* * *
good are its three heros: an eb-
bezzler with a flare for eloquence,
a wife-murderer with a kindly
heart, and a gay blade who
happened to have bashed in his
stepfather's head with a poker.
As the leader of the trio, Jay
Michael gives the play its life.
Gene Duke as Jules and Lloyd
Newman as Alfred provide fine
support. The group works well to-
gether, while allowing each con-
vict a definite personality.
The interactions between the
convicts are especially good. The
brief trial scene, for example-just
a few off-hand comments bantered
forth between Joseph and Jules-
is representative of the play at
its best.
--Debra Durchslag
Big Knife'
BEGINNING clinically with Jack
Palance rubbing his head in
extreme frustration (as Medic's
Richard Boone narrates that Pal-
ance portrays a man who sold out
his dreams but can't forget them),
"The Big Knife" nevertheless is
able to rise to moments of com-
pelling drama.
Arriving in Hollywood as an
idealist and an actor's actor, a-
ance,sas Charles Castle nee Cass,
has become a studio's leading
money-maker. Cast consistently
in poor but money-making films,
Castle has reached a point where
his own integrity forces him to
attempt a break with the studio
to return to Broadway.
The studio head, played by Rod
Steiger, refuses to allow Castle to
leave, blackmailing him with a
hit-and-run case that the studio
covered up for him. Castle's wife,
Ida Lupino, says she will leave
him if he remains with Steiger's
* E .
COERCED by the blackmail
threat, he signs a seven year con-
tract. His wife leaves him and
he approaches a mental crack-up.
A girl who was with him during
the accident becomes more and
more talkative concerning the facts
and Castle must be nice to her
and keep her quiet.
When she continues talking,

Wendell Corey, as the studio's fix-
er, tells Castle that he must help
him murder her. Realizing that,
this is the last indignity, Castle,
confronts the studio men and in
the climactic scene renounces
them. The action continues to a
foreseeable but believable conclu-
* * *
DIRECTOR Robert Aldrich has
gotten some fine performances and
photography from his crew. Pal-
ance is close to a manic-depressive,
which is about what he is supposed
to be, and Ida Lupino is consistent-
ly sympathetic and strong as the
wife who knew him when he be-
lieved in himself and his own
Rod Steiger portrays the studio
head exactly as what he is, ruth-
less, powerful, contemptible and
dedicated to his own way of life.

T*Moderation and All That

THE Daily Offictal Bulletin i an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553
Administration Building before 2 p.m.
the day preceding publication. Notices
for the Sunday edition must be in
by 2 p.m. Friday.
General Notices
TIAA - College Retirment Equities
Fund. Participants in the Teachers In-
surance and Annuity Association retire-
ment program who wish to change their
contributions to the College Retirement
Equities Fund or to apply for or discon-
tinue participation in the Equities
Fund, will be able to make such changes
before Dec. 15, 1955.
Staff members who have one-fourth
or one-third of the contributions to
TIAA allocated to CEF may wish to
change to a one-half basis, or go from
the latter to a one-fourth or one-third
The Air Force Officer Qualification
Test (Stanine) required for admission
to the advanced corps of, AFROTO
Cadets, will be given Thum. and Fri.,
Dec. 1 and 2 in Kellogg Auditorium.
Testing periods extend from 7:00 p.m.
to 11:00 p.m. Attendance at both ses-
sions Is mandatory.
Social Chairmen are notified that
Women's Judiciary has authorized 11
p.m. late permission for women stu-
dents on Wednesday and Thursday, Dec.
14, 15.' Post-caroling, or other Christ-
mas parties may be scheduled on these
nights in accordance with this an-
nouncement and should be registered
in the Office of Student Affairs,.1020
Administration Building on or before
Friday, Dec. 9, 1955. Chaperons may be
a qualified single chaperon or married
Notice To All Members Of The 1955
Marching Band. Band awards will be
issued on Dec. 12 and 13 at the Admin-
istration Building, Cashiers Office, 1st
All band equipment, musical scores,
folios, instruments, uniforms and ac-
cessories in possession of bandmen
must be returned to equipment man-
agers and a clearance release signed
by Dr. Revell or Mr. Cavender be ob-
tained before the award will be Issued.
Deadline for the return of all equip-
ment is Fri., Dec. 2, 1955.
All Veterans who expect education and
training allowance under Public Law
550 (Korea G. 1. Bill) must get nstru-
tors' signatures for the month of Nov.
and turn Dean's Monthly Certification
into the Dean's office before 5:00 p.m.
Dec. 2.
Student Government Council: Sum
mary of action taken at the meeting of
Nov. 30, 1955.
Approved: Minutes of November 22;
Dec. 6,-7,,8, 9, performances Union
Opera in Ann Arbor, December 1, 16,
Flint and Detroit,
Appointed: To SC Committees:
National and International Affairs,
Janet Neary, Chairman; Public Rela-
tions, Tom Sawyer, Chairman, Andy
Knight, Assistant Chairman; Student
Representation, Dick Good, Chairman;
Educational and Social Welfare, Bob
Leacock, Chairman; Campus Affairs,
Joe Collins, Chairman; Coordinating
and Counseling, Rod Comstock, Chair-
man; Finance, Bill Adams, Chairman,
Dick Good, Todd Lief, Tom Sawyer, Joel
Tauber; Administrative Wing, Don
Good, Coordinator,Donna Netzer, Orien-
tation Director, Claudie Taylor, Office
Elected: Hazel Frank as second stu-
dent representative on the Board in
Review. It was decided that the student
representative to.the Board in Review
will be elected from recommendations
submitted by the Executive Committee,
with additional nominations to be made
from the floor if desired, and that elec-
tion shall take place at the same time
the Council receives the recommenda-
tions of the Executive Committee for
SOC Committees.
Recognition granted: The Burma

Conference on Higher Education. Dec.
6-7. Theme of the conference: "The
Dual System of Higher Education,"
Tues., Dec. 6, Rackham Amphitheater,
2:00 p.m.: Address by President Hatcher:
"Backgrounds of the Dual System in
Michigan." Panel Discussion: "The
Roles of the Public, the Catholic and
the Protestant-Related Institutions of
Higher Education in Michigan." Tues.,
Dec. 6, Michigan League Ballroom, 7.45
p.m.: "The Dual System of Higher
Education," address by Arthur G.
Coons, President, Occidental College.
Wed., Dec. 7, Rackham Amphitheater,
9:30 a.m. Symposium: "How the Dual
System Functions in Ohio"-President
Howard Bevis of Ohio State and Presi-
dent Terry Wickham of Heidelberv
"Messiah" by Handel, will be present-
ed by the University Musical Society
in Hill Auditorium, Sat., Dec. 3, at 8:30
n.., snnrA Q,,, _ fl.r+A a. 4 ? fl.nf a 'Vh-.


AL'THOUGH words like moderate, construc-
tive, non-partisan are hard to define, it
does not follow that they do not mean some-
thing important. There is in fact every indi-'
cation that these adjectives express qualities
which a preponderant majority are looking for
in the next president. We need not boggle too
much over the definitions. There are lots of
things in this world which are hard to define
in the abstract and yet are obvious enough in
the concrete.
Take, for example, an egg. There is hardly
an egg-eater in the country who could tell a.
press conference what a good egg is. But it
is no problem at all to recognize a bad egg. It
is just about as easy to recognize an immod-
erate, destructive, and partisan politician.
If, as we all hope, there is to be honest, serious
and public-spirited discussion of foreign af-
fairs, there is only one way to go about getting
it. That is to see to it that each party nomi-
nates the kind of man who does not and who
will not stoop to extremism, violence, and'
If either of the candidates is the kind of
man who thinks that he is entitled to do any-
thing to win, no amount of pious talk now
will save us from a poisonous campaign. The
character of the coming campaign, will, In
short, be determined by the character of the
DURING the months to come the country, re-
gardless of the campaign, will be hearing
a great deal about foreign affairs. That is be-
cause a re-appraisal, looking to a revision and
a reinforcement in several sectors of our for-
eign policy, has become necessary. Our basic
commitments to the United Nations, to our
allies in NATO, to our neighbors, are not in
But there is little doubt that we shall have
to re-examine and to debate such matters as
our German policy, which is perilously near
being at a dead end, and certain aspects of our
containment policy in the Middle East and
South Asia.
The overall characteristic of the situation IA
that, as of now, there is no clear issue on
which Americans are divided and can take
their stand and argue their side of the case.
The old bi-partisanship consisted of ; coalition
of Republicans and Democrats who were for

talk. We shall not avoid that kind of talk by
exhorting one another to be constructive. The
bottom fact of the matter is that neither party
and none of the candidates now has the answer
to the questions that need to be answered. They
are all seeking, or ought to be seeking, an-
swers that have not yet been found.
The character of the campaign on foreign
affairs will in the main be determined by the
way the party leaders approach the search for
these policies that have not yet been found.
The primary responsibility is with the Adminis-
thation, with the party in power.
If they choose to stand pat, as Mr. Dulles
seemed to be doing this week, they will pre-
cipitate a severe Democratic assault on the
record of the results. Our position abroad has
in fact deteriorated. It is easy to prove it.
It is known to every disinterested observer.
Mr. Dulles will be making the mistake of his
life if he stands pat on his policies and the
The alternative is for the Republicans to'
take the lead in recognizing that the world
situation has changed and is changing, and
that United States policies must be adapted
to these new developments. This is not only
a sound approach, it is the best political ap-
proach. For if the Republicans stand pat, the
Democrats have only to criticize. If the Re-
publicans re-appraise, review, and prepare to
revise, the Democrats have to be "construc-
tive," have, that is to say to propose answers
to the unanswered questions.
ON the Democratic side, the question is also
whether they choose to stand pat or wheth-
er they put themselves in the position of look-
ing honestly for the answers to the new de-
velopments. Standing pat for the Democrats
means of course standing pat on the Truman
record and pretending that everything was
going splendidly until the Republicans came
in. In my view, the acid test of whether a
Democrat is being unpartisan and "con-
structive" is whether he admits that at least
some of our worst problems today originated
in mistakes made by the Democrats.
I refer, for example, to the premature at-
tempt to re-arm Germany in 1950 which has
ruined the promising movement towards a
European community, to the irreparable mis-

Clinker Picked To 1965 A ll-America

(EDITOR'S NOTE: The players
picked to the Daily All-America will
receive Mickey Mouse watches, and
in addition will be guest stars on
Kukla, Fran and Ollie.)
Daily Associate Sports Editor
FOR THE last two weeks or so,
the nation has been deluged
by countless All-American teams.
Just about every magazine picks
a squad; the only trouble is they
pick different players.
Every year at this time, also,
articles appear (in publications
which do not sponsor these "dream
teams") denouncing the selection
of the All-America squads. We
do not intend to enter this terrific
controversy because of the obvious
national economic implications in-
Just in case, however, our read-
ers are in favor of these all-star
aggregations we have decided to
pick a Daily squad. I will not,
though, select an All-American
team for the 1955 season. It is the
opinion of many that our choices
might be a bit biased.
* * *
AS A RESULT, we have decided
to choose an All-American team
for the season of 1965. Though
some may question the validity of
my selections we feel The Daily is
strong enough to withstand their
protests. We will be the first
publication to release the '65 ag-
gregation and the scoop will be
quite a feather in our cap.
All year long representatives of
The Daily have been scouting the
country searching for the top men.
Our many friends thlroughout this
great football nation have given us
many suggestions and tips. Thanks
must also be given to Junior

Jack Slade. Hailing from Joplin,
Missouri, "Killer" Slade has won
fame with his flashy play at the
fullback slot. He scored 3,987
points in four games. Much praise
must be given to his coach, "Little"
Munn, who forced the rope-skip-
ping professor into giving Slade a
passing grade.
The youngest man of this star-
studded team is seven year old
Jack Hotner. Horner completed
158 passes in 160 attempts (his
right arm was broken in one game)
for 2,345 yards and 78 touch-
downs. He hopes to go to Michi-
gan because: "Dey could use a
Rounding out the backfield is

diminutive Humphrey Clinker. At
the right halfback slot for P.S. 100
in Brooklyn this past year, he
scored 12 touchdowns, passed for
12 tallies, and notched 12 extra
points. He plans to enter the
Naval Academy because: "I like
to swim."
* * *
THE ABOVE are just a few of
the great members that make up.
this great team. At a future date
we will release the rest of this
It is our hope that you will
keep our selections in a safe place
so that you will be able to refer
back to them in 10 years. In this
way you will be able to ascertain
the validity of our selections.

by Dik 8fbler


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