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December 02, 1955 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1955-12-02

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See Page 4

Latest Deadline in the State

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Federal Aid
Say Best Basis.
For Aid Is Need
WASHINGTON (A)-The White House conference on education
went on record 2-1 yesterday in favor of federal aid to education.
But a majority held that federal funds should go' to states "only
on a basis of demonstrated needs."
A conference report, giving this summation, said the four-day
session had come to the conclusion the federal government "should
increase its financial participation in public education."
It said that of those favoring increased federal aid, an "over-
whelming majority" approved the use of federal funds to help build
'Evenly Divided'
On the question of using federal funds for operating schools, the
- report said the 1,800 participating
* ~ delegates "divided almost evenly."
Ilse Diecides operation of schools entails such
questions as paying teacher salar-
ies and the purchase of textbooks.
To A d The conference report on financ-
ing schools was hammered out at
" a session that lingered until the
small hours yesterday morning.
Called on to present it last
CHICAGO (A)-President Dwight night were Mrs. Pearl A. Wana-
D.HEisenowe-r's lan t takeh amaker, Washington state superin-
D. Eisenhower's plan to take a tendent of public instruction, and
hand in the 1956 election campaign Dr. Edgar Fuller, executive secre-
aisedhRepublican hops yesteray tary of the Council of Chief State
that he will run for a second School Officers,
Reaction of GOP leaders to Prime Issue
President Eisenhower's announce- Conference planners had hoped
ment ranged from uncertainty to treat the federal aid issue as
about the role he will play to a just one of the many questions
firm belief that he will be a candi- plaguing .schools today. But ad-
date. vance reports from state confer-
The President's message to the ences leading up to the meeting
Republican National Committee here made it plain that many
contained this key paragrapn: delegates considered the issue a
"You have a splendid record to prime one and were coming pre-
submit to the voters in 1956. I pared to push hard for or against
personally am proud of Republican federal assistance.
achievements for the peace and The 100 organized labor dele-
the prosperity and security of the gates, scattered among almost as
American people. I shall do every- many first level roundtables, acted
thing in my power next dear to as a unit in keeping the question
help you report the record ac- to the fore. Wednesday night they
curately and fully to the country." issued a statement saying the
Read by Hall trend of opinion among conferees
The telegram was read by Chair- was toward federal aid. This was
man Leonard W. Hall at a meet- borne out when the semifinal
ing of the National Committee. round of discussion neared the
Members rose to their feet and voting point.
applauded. Thursday the conference heard
The Associated Press asked coin- a report on "How Can We Get
mittee members for their interpre- Enough Good Teachers-and Keep
Cation of the President's announce- Them?" This, like all of the six
ment that he will join in the points discussed by the partici-
Republican battle to keep posses- pants, began with 16 roun'dtables
sion of the White House and re- and was ultimately boiled down
gain control of Congress. by two persons.
"I think he will take an active -
part in the campaign in his own
re-election," said Morton H. Hol- FBA Expnds
lingsworth, Illinois state chairman.
"I thing he will be a candidate." IWPE1Vb Pla
Ralph F. Gates, Indiana's com- .
mitteeman, suggested it is "too .
early" to say just what part the Fraternities may soon be able to'
President will play. But he added: purchase frozen foods and bread
'Will be Candidate, at substantial discounts through
Fraternity Buying Association.
if he continues his recovery Lee Egrin, FBA expansion com-
from a Sept. 24 heart attack, he mittee member, told the Stewards
will be the candidate." Council yesterday, "As soon as our
President Eisenhower told the facilities can handle it, we'll have
party leaders in his telegram, "We frozen foods and bread."
must not stand still." He added: . Egrin is meeting with whole-
"Continued progress in the salers later this week to discuss
healthy expansion of our economy, the proposed expansion.
even more equitable sharing of the FBA presently handles only
productivity of that economy, ris- canned goods.
ing levels of health, education and At yesterday's meeting, the
welfare for all, and untiring search Council formerly ratified the FBA
for a just and enduring peace, constitution, approved recently by
must remain our goals." Student Government Council.





News IetrOt




* *





Faure Expelled . .
PARIS--Radical Socialist party 11* YS
leaders yesterday voted to expel
Premier Edgar Faure, because his
government's decision to dissolve
the National Assembly flouted
party policy. AFL Votes
The move will make no c'hange
in the dissolution procedure, nor
will it require Faure to give up Um
his place as premier.





Two Million
IRely on TV,
R adio News

In the forthcoming election-for
which no date has yet been set-
Faure will be able to run under

For Merger

the same party label as he did in
1951. NEW YORK (P)-Merger of the
Faure is president of the RGR AFL and CIO became practically
and its leaders are resisting ef- an accomplished fact yesterday.
forts of the Radical Socialists, The AFL voted its final unani-
under the leadership of ex-Premier
Pierre Mendes-France, to dictateInous approval and the CIO is
its policies. due to ratify the merger today.
* * * The consolidation brings togeth-
er unions of the American Federa-
.tion of Labor and those of the
JERUSALEM - Heavy shooting Congress of Industrial Organiza-
developed on the Gaza frontier tions to form a single 16-million-
yesterday. member union group.
Egyptian and Israel troops ex-'
changed fire in the Kissufim area AFL-CIO
in a battle lasting until nightfall. The new organization will be
Each side blamed the other. known formally as the American
Israeli officials said Egyptian Federation of Labor and Congress
troops within the Gaza strip of Industrial Organizations, AFL-
started it by opening up on Israeli CIO.
outposts. George Meany, - one-time New
In Cairo, an Egyptian spokes- York plumber who heads the AFL
man said the Israelis began the ! and is due to become president of;
fight by blasting at two EgyptianIthe merged AFL-CIO, pledged in
posts near Deir el Balah, south of a speech to AFL convention dele-
Gada town, with mortars and auto- gates that the new organization
matic weapons. would be devoted to improvingI
* * * the lot of workers in the nation
.as a whole.
Soviet Claim Rejected . . 'No Reason for Split'


-Daily-John Hirtzel
SNOW, NOR SLEET, nor strike can keep Detroit newspaper editors from gathering and processing
news for radio and television audiences. Shown here, left to right, Royce Howes, Free Press; Sylvia
Rumpa, News; B. Dale Davis, Free Press, and Allen J. Nieber, News, take information from phone
to radio audiences last night in Fort Shelby Hotel suite.
Traffic Death Tol Mounts o38

WASHINGTON - The Unitedr
States yesterday rejected a Soviet
claim that the four-power occupa-
tion of East Berlin is over.
Britain and 'France also pro-
tested 'the Russian contention
whibh held that East Berlin hence-
forth is to be regarded as part of
the East German Communist Re-
* * *
Stevenson Speech
MIAMI, Fla.-Presidential cand-
idate Adlai Stevenson charged
yesterday, the Republicans had
"shamefully exploited the Korean
War politically" during the 1952
He told a news conference he
agreed with Secretary of State
John F. Dulles that both parties
should avoid ,"partisian excesses"
in discussing foreign .policy in
1956, but that foreign policy obv-
iously would be one' of the big
issues and must be debated.
Caudle, Connelly
Indicted ...,
ST. LOUIS-Matthews J. Con-
nelly and Theron Lamar Caudle,
who held high positions in the
Truman administration, were in-
dicted yesterday on a charge of
conspring to defraud the govern-

Meany said there had been no
real reason for unions splitting
away from the AFL to found the
CIO two decades ago and now
that they will be back together
again organized labor could forge
ahead to new economic and politi-
cal gains.
CIO President Walter Reuther
told a separate CIO convention,
meanwhile, that his organization
during its brief history has helped
win "a full measure of .human
dignity for the worker."

DETROIT iAP)-Safe Driving Days
entered its final phase yesterday
with a toll of at least 38 traffic!
Sponsors of the nationwide ex-
periment in traffic safety said the
figure produced no "cause for ela-
The National Safety Council
issued an official list of 33 dead
between midnight Wednesday
night and 8:30 p.m. yesterday.

But The Associated Press sur-
vey showed that in the same period
of time there were at least 38
traffic fatalities.
Adm. H. B. Miller Ret., director
of the President's Committee for
Traffic Safety, said in a state-
"There can be no real cause for
elation on a day when the com-
bined efforts of thousands of -pub-
lic officials and private citizens,
and scores of agencies, fail to keep
the nation's traffic toll below this
figure 33.

"But, if the impact of this day
on the public can save lives today
and bring about greater safety on
the highways in the future, it will
have served a real purpose."
The President's committee pro-
moted S-D Day to dramatize the
idea that careful driving and walk-
ing can save lives.
The state-by-state toll gathered
{ by the AP included:
Illinois 2, Indiana 3, Michigan 2,'
Minnesota 1, Missouri 3, Ohio 6,
' Tennessee 4 and Wisconsin 1.

Spot Newscasts
COn Local Radio
Special to The Daily
DETROIT - A strike of 114
stereotypers closed down the city's
three daily newspapers yesterday
for the first time 4n their history,
leaving nearly two million to rely
on radio and television for news.
Detroit newspaper editors gath-
ered late last night in the Fort
Shelby Hotel, gathering and pro-
cessing news for radio and tele-
vision services, "trying to fulfill
an obligation to the public."
Newscasts Added
Extra spot newscasts were added
to their schedules by local radio
stations to bring latest local, na-
tional and international develop-
ments to a population suddenly
without what had so. long been
daily routine.
Latest development in the day-
old strike. were layoff notices to
all but a "limited number" of all
employes of the Free Press and
Times, posted last night.
The News managemefit had not
announced its policy on layoffs at
midnight last night.
A total of 4,698 are employed by.
the three dailies.
No Meetings Planned
The strike began officially at
4:30 a.m. yesterday after an'
eleven hour bid to avert the walk-
out had failed. No further meet-
ings between the Detroit Stereo-
typers' Union, Local 9 (AFL), and
newspaper.. officials have been
Meanwhile, pickets strode back
and forth in front of the three
newspaper buildings while presses
were quiet and delivery trucks
were motionless in the garage.
Cause of the strike was a union
demand that an extra crew be pro-
vided to process color plates and
overtime pay for handling any
On the Spot
Supplementing the efforts of
Detroit newspaper editors to
bring news to the people on
radio and television, The Daily
is selling copies in Detroit to-
Beginning with only a small
trial run, The Daily will con-
tinue to serve Detroit if the
demand warrants it.
material not used on the same day
which the News aper Publishers
Association rejected.
Offer Rejected,
An offer from the publishers to
extend their contract with the
union, which expired at midnight

Roommate Integration
Discussed By Panelists
A panel of three psychologists and sociologists last night agreed
that racial integration of roommates is beneficial to most students
Prof. Theodore Newcomb of the psychology department said
"whenever it happens that people get sorted out involuntarily and it's
observed by others, some injury is being done to them psychologically."
The discussion was the first in a series sponsored by the local
chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored
Another panelist, Oscar Grusky of the psychology department,
stressed that roommates are 'ripe for attitude change" toward each
" other's races. "The more you learn
about a person," he explained, "the
less you come to view him as a
Wl if racialnstereotype."

DAC To Present Indian, Fren


Through two forms of artistic expression, the Occident will meet
the Orient at 8:15 p.m. today in the Masonic Temple Auditorium.
A double bill presented by the IDramatic Arts Center will feature
an Indian dance pageant and a Moliere play, "The Physician in spite
of himself."!

versity residence halls, incoming
freshmen are asked whether they
are interested in having a room-
mate of another race or nationali-
ty. Answers are taken into con-
sideration in assigning room-
Hubert M. Blalock of the so-
I ciology department, the third pan-

Entitled, "Nritya Darpan," (mirror of dance) the Indian program , o uch syste-s uUltyouuu-Daily-John Hirte W
td r aiyJh ite Wednesday, 30 days with any pay
will consist of a variety of numbers performed by Madame Stialini y tht ," sem on' wrk of -STRIKERS PICKET'IN SNOW increase to be refroactive was
Rajam and her pupils. very well," due to a lack of posi-tund ow byheni.Bt
tive response. 'He cited as one turned down by the union. But
Madame Rajam's Achievements possible cause parents standing D etroiters PlayCN ews+b Ear wgs-eno" tis"
A resident of Ann Arbor, Madame Rajam has achieved a dis- over the applicant as he answersdigDl Newspapermen gathered in a
the question. Seil'' h al suite at the Fort Shelby Hotel
tinguished record as a dancer, actress and writer in her native India Blalock contended that if stu eaiyxed overhcoffee between phone
and has worked to preserve the traditional dances of the country. dents were "not allowed to 'vote' DETROIT-The family radio, which everyone seemed to have calls and talked about the unpre-
Among the impressions and aspects of Indian life to be presented after a while they'd come to .ac- forgotten, became a necessity here yesterday. cedented situation. "In my 29
by the groulp are "Worship" and the "Kite Dance." cept the situation" of racial inte- Millions of Detroiters accustomed to seeing the news, had to play years with the News," an editor
One of the French playwright's shorter works, the Moliere play gration. it by' ear. remorsed, "it's the first time I've
is a gay comedy which will include the professional talents of Ralph' Commenting that such a system The radio stations accommodated by issuing important news walked by at 11 without hearing
Drichell, Victor Kuring, Sidney Walker, Jay Lanin, Ric Lavin and would require "safety valves," Bla- bulletins as they occurred. the hum of the presses."
Elaine Sinclair. lock suggested that trained coun- Radio can only do so much. Last night the question on many lips Stereotypers, though few in
Cast Named selors be employed in cases where was "Will I ever find out if Dick and Pat caught up with Oodles?" number, perform a key operation


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