" Sixty-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIvEiSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone No 2-3241 qGrandma, I've Been Doing Some Wo idering About You' LETTERS to the EDITOR DAILY x OFFICIAL BULLETIN Editorials printed in, The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. This must be noted in all reprints. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 34, 1955 NIGHT EDITOR: MARY LEE DINGLER Government Making Farce Of Security System T O point out that the security program in ,this country is a farce may be repitious, but it does not seem to bore the United States government, which is forever discovering new and different ways to make it farcical. The latest wrinkle, revealed by Chairman Philip Young of the Civil Service Commission to the Senate sub-committee on Constitutional Rights with a calm bravado, is that three out of every four persons the government fires under its security program are never told they are suspected security risks. Recognizing, however, an old American cus- tom of offering some explanation for firing an employe, the government gives some other charge such as excessive drinking as the offi- cial reason, Young said. This approach is probably the most expe- ditious the government has at its disposal for protecting itself against itself. The chief aim is to get rid of subversives, not necessarily to have a reason for getting rid of them. What- ever promotes this aim is good for national security. NHETHER this is good for national security (which is doubtful), it grotesquely violates constitutional individual rights and even com- mon decency (which translates doubtful to definitely not). As it stands now, any former federal em- ploye, on either side of the delicate line between having been fired and having resigned, might very well find his basic-American-principled economic freedom limited by a suspicion on the parts of all prospective employers that he is one of those who lost his job unofficially for security reasons and officially for some- thing less treacherous. Young, of course, has an answer for this - a big card index file containing information on the relative subversiveness of past, present and potential government employes. The in- formation comes "from many sources" and the civil service makes no claims as to its realia- bility nor tries to evaluate it. Evaluation is left up to prospective employ- ers who have only the Civil Service Commission stamp of approval as filable Information on which to base a judgment. Information of this kind, since it cannot be proved reliable, must be assumed unreliable. But it is all the em- ployer, who does not make that assumption, has, plus the possibility that the prospective em- ploye was fired for the wrong charge. SINCE all this is not enough confusion, Young said that in each case where some other chargeis given for a security firing, there are additional (to the charge, evidently) "serious questions of security." So, in the public re- ports, these people are lumped with those dis- missed on security grounds alone. Young's controversial box score for the Ad- ministration on how many persons have quit or been fired under the program of getting rid of subversives and others whose federal employment might endanger the national se- curity, is therefore, it would seem, padded. More important, the damage the program wreaks upon individuals, who were unfortun- ate enough to have thought at one time they would like to work for the government, makes the farce something worse than humorous. With the prospect of someday being suspect because he no longer works for the govern- ment, every potential government employe will think twice about declining more lucrative openings in private industry. Taken tp the logical extreme, this would mean the government would have no employes, which would have some kind of implication for . national security, if such a situation is not. brought about beforehand by the properly conscientious man in the properly influential position, or the right senator on the right sub- committee, who fires everyone. Logically, this would be the safest approach, for there could not possibly, then, be any subversives, potential or actual, working for the government. From another viewpoint, however, it might not be so safe. Admittedly, the problem of security is diffi- cult. The first prerequisite of a security pro- gram is great care. The government takes great care to fire employes quickly, on un- believably scant evidence; but this is the wrong kind of care. THE government is toying with human lives with its careless security program; and the government was set up expressly, says the Constitution, to protect human lives. To do this properly, it must balance its alertness against subversion against its alertness against violation. of individual rights, for to be lax against either is to court destruction. So far, the government has been overly alert against subversion, even to the point of firing employes because it seems they might become subversives someday, and not enough alert against violation of individual rights of which itself is guilty. The violation of rights lies not in firing an employe, for government employment is not a right but a privilege. But an employe has a right to a sufficient cause for his dismissal, a right the government does often violate. Perhaps the Senate sub-committee on Con- stitutional Rights has been impressed by the significance of Young's cleverness and will be able to correct the farce. A job's difficulty is never sufficient excuse for'making a farce of it. .--JIM DYGERT, City Editor / 1 $1, *4-4 .0. T - '. ,i R 4 c~, A ; The Other To The Editor: Side... 4 c EO) '9Js* 'r A~ij~cp) p,~ WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND:J South Resents A.id to Egypt By DREW PEARSON TODAY AND TOMORROW:- Shortage of Education: By WALTER LIPPMANN PROPOSALS before the World 1 Bank to finance part of the Aswan Dam on the Upper Nile may help the battle against Com- munism in the Near East but they have brought smouldering resent- ment in the Deep South. Building the Aswan Dam will mean that about 2,000,000 more acres of Egyptian land will be used for cotton in indirect com- petition with American cotton. Today Secretary Benson has. about 7.000,000 bales of cotton in U.S. warehouses which he cannot sell at home and which would hit Egypt and other cotton-growing countries a severe blow if sold on the world market. Last summer, Benson proposed selling this cot- ton abroad, while keeping the price high at home. * * . HOWEVER, Secretary of State Dulles objected. He claimed it would ruin Egyptian economy, hurt other cotton countries, chiefly Brazil. Dulles won his point. Ben- son still has his cotton. Shortly thereafter Dulles woke up to the fact that Egyptian cot- ton which he had protected was being traded to Czechoslovakia for * arms in a 'barter deal which has precipitated a serious crisis in the Near East. It's the type of deal the United States has refused to make for fear of hurting friendly allies. This of course caused resent- ment in the deep South. Now there's more resentment over the proposal to use American dol- lars to build the Aswan Dam and create more Egyptian cotton acre- age. * * * MOST important development inside the Eisenhower Cabinet is that George Humphrey, tightfisted Secretary of the Treasury, seems to be loosening up on U.S. dollars to the Near East and Asia. This will probably mean no reduction in taxes next year. To those who have listened to Secretary Humphrey's quiet but eloquent pleas for a balanced bud- get, this is like reporting that there's a big seam opening up in the side of the Washington Monu- ment. For hitherto, George Hum- phrey has been a' impervious as the monument in listening to ar-, guments for more spending abroad or anywhere else. Over and over again he has patiently explained inside the Cabinet that he was now on the two-yard line, that one more push could put the ball across the goal of a balanced budget. * * * HOWEVER, with Russia steal- ing the old Truman-Acheson Point 4 Program of -sending technical advisers all over the Near and Middle East, and even offering to build the Aswan Dam for Egypt, Secretary Humphrey has finally decided that this, is no time to sacrifice the cold war for a bal- anced budget. John Hollister, Senator Taft's old law partner whom Ike appoint- ed head of foreign aid, has ac- tually urged a 20 per cent curtail- ment of foreign-aid spending in the present budget. However, Secretary Humphrey, though ori- ginally siding vigorously with Hol- lister, now seems to be veering just as definitely the other way. (Copyright, 1955, by Bell syndicate, Inc.) I AM WRITING this letter in reference to a letter written to The Michigan Daily by M.S.U. students to the student body of the University. This letter was pub- lished in our paper November 21; and I believe that it is only fair to tell a part of the "other side of the story." As a student here at M.S.U. and in conjunction with several of my friends, I would like to sincerely express our sympathy to you re- garding the loss of the Rose Bowl bid. The events which occurred dur- ing the last five minutes of the U. of M.-Ohio State game can not be taken as an absolute indication of the sportsmanship of the total Michigan football team, nor can it be indicative of the sportsman- ship displayed by the University throughout the past football sea- son. It is also certain, that even if there were occurances of poor sportsmanship, we must consider that we all, at times, exhibit poor sportsmanship if the issue at hand is extremely important; as win- ning this game was to you. Further, we do not believe that any exhibition of poor sportsman- ship, no matter how true this ex- hibition might be, may be taken as an index to determine the calibre of the student body of the Uni- versity of Michigan. Although we are tremendously pleased that M.S.U. is going to the Rose Bowl, if events had changed the situation, we believe that U. of M. would have been an excellent representative from the Big 10 to the Rose Bowi. Most likely, we will see U. of M. there in the near future but not because M.S.U. will be dis- qualified or because -the rest of the teams in the Big 10 will be so poor that ,a win by you would be inevitable, but because you earned the right to go; the right which you so nearly won this year. Need- less to say, we will be sincerely rooting for U. of M. next year. -Beverly Fairchild East Lansing Need Firm Stand ... To The Editor: GOVERNOR Williams' slap at counsels of "moderation" is a welcome sign of life in the Demo- cratic Party. The Democrats can hope to up- root the "big business" adminis- tration currently in Washington only by taking a firm, bold stand on the issues. Lord knows there are issues a-plenty. Foremost is peace. Only a posi- tive program for easing tensions and developing friendlier relations with the rest of the world-as con- trasted with thinking in terms of military might and American dominance-can challenge Repub- lican pretensions of being "the peace party.'' The Democrats cannot afford to compromise on the issues of civil rights and labor legislation. If it should alienate the Dixiecrat ele- ments within the Democratic Par- ty, so much the better for the Party: that unrepresentative anti- labor, anti-Negro influence is a millstone thwarting any bold, pro- gressive program. - Then there are the issues of "the great give-away" of public prop- erty to private interests; McCar- thyism perpetuated in the name of a "security risk" program; the farm crisis; housing education; a social health insurance program. There is no lack of issues-unless those favoring moderation and compromise are afraid to tackle them. Machine politicians might pre- fer to avoid controversy; but only a party with a forward, militant program, bringing the issues to the people, can bring out the vote and win in '56. -David R. Luce, Grad. Compliment .,.. To the Editor: I'D like to compliment Murry Frymer for his editorial on the cause of Saturday's fiasco. More than any other accounts of the last-minute violence, Mr. Frymer's expressed the truth in his state- ment that the glory of football is lost when the score goes the wrong way. ' This is the kind of writing I'd like to see more often in The Daily. -Donna Hammill, '56A Unsung Heroes... To the Editor: PLEASE extend my appreciation as a member of the student voting body to all those wonder- ful people who manned their elec- tion booths in spite of the weather and small'turnout of voters. As a matter of fact, all those who worked on the election, before and afterward, are deserving of some recognition. Hats off to the un- sung heroes of the week! -Mary E. Reid, '56 ANSWER TO DR. CARLSON: Most, Universities Endorse Fraternities THE 'Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsi- bility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553 Administration Building before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication.. Notices for the Sunday edition must be in by 2 p.m. Friday. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1955 VOL. LXVH, NO. $2 General Notices TIAA - College Retirement Equities Fund. Participants in the Teachers In- surance and Annuity Association retire- ment program who wish to change their contributions to the College Retirement Equities Fund or to apply for or discon- tinue participation in the Equities Fund, will be able to make such changes before Dec. 15, 1955. Staff members who have one-fourth or one-third of the contributions to TIAA allocated to CRE may wish to change to a one-half basis, or go from the latter to a one-fourth or one-third basis. The Air Force Officer Qualification Test (Stanine) required for admission to the advanced corps of AFROTO Cadets, will be given Thurs. and Fri.. Dec. 1 and 2 in Kellogg Auditorium. Testing periods extend from 7:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. Attendance at both ses- sions is mandatory. All Veterans who expect education and training allowance under Public Law 550 (Korea G. I. Bill) must get intru- tors signatures for the month of Nor. and turn Dean's Monthly Certification into the Dean's office before 5:00 p.m. Dec. 2. Social Chairmen are notified that Women's Judiciary has authorized 11 p.m. late permission for women stu- dents on Wednesday and Thursday, Dec. 14, 15. Post-caroling, or other Christ- mas parties may be scheduled on these nights in accordance with this an- nouncement and shou14 be registered in the Office of Student Affairs, 1020 Administration Building on or before Friday, Dec. 9, 1955. C haperons may be a qualified single chaperon or married couple. Tryouts for the fiftieth Annual French Play today from 3:00 to 5:15 p.m. In Room 408, Romance Language Build.. ing. All students with some knowledge of French eligible. Lectures Readings by Members of the English Department. Prof. Allan Seger, reading his own story, "Under the Big Magnolia Tree." Thurs., Dec. 1. Aud. A, Angell Hall, 4:10 p.m. Academic Notices Law School Admission Test: Applica- tion blanks for the Feb. 18, 1956 administration of the Law School Ad- mission Test are now available at 110, Rackham Building. Application blanks are due in Princeton, N. J. no later than Feb. 8, 1956. To Instructors of Engineering Fresh- mlen:,Eleven week grades for all n- gineering Freshmen are due in the Secretary's Office, 263 West Engineering Building on Fri., Dec. 2. Engineering Seminar: "Personal Prob- lems after Graduation," discussed b' A. R. Hellwarth of the Detroit Edison Co. Thurs., Dec. 1, 4:00 p.m., Room 311, W. Engineering Bldg. Engineers Interested in Electric Utili- ties: A. R. Hellwarth of Detroit Edison speaker for the Engineering Seminar meeting this week, will be available to counsel with engineering students inter- ested in the electric utility idustry at the following times on Thurs., Dec. 1: 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. in Room 3521 E. Engineering Bldg., and 11:00 a.m. in Room 229 West Engineering Bldg. Prior appointment not necessary. Sociology Colloquium. Talk entitled, "Stability and Change in Postwar Ger- many," Professor Morris Janowitz, Wed, Nov. 30, East Conference Room, Rack- ham Building at 4:10 p.m. Open lecture. Botanical Seminar. Dr. John F. David- son, Department of Botany, University of Nebraska, will speak on "A Taxono- mist's Excursion into Plant Serology," Wed., Nov. 30 at 4:15 p.m. in Room 1139 Natural Science. Refreshments at 4:00 p.m. Chemistry Department Colloquium. Thurs., Dee. 1 at 7:30 p.m. in Room 1300 Chemistry Building. Richard Anderson will speak on "New Computational Pro- cedures as Applied to the Electron Diffraction Investigation of CF3Br, CF3I, CF3CN and CF3SF5." H. N. Beck will speak on "Structure of Diasoke- tones." Doctoral Examination for Ralph Ed. win Billett, Education; thesis: "A Sur- vey of Health and Physical Education Programs in the Public Elementary Schdols of Ohio by Means of the La- Porte Score Card," Wed., Nov. 30, E'ast Council Room, Rackham Bldg., at 10:00 a.m. Chairman, P. A. Hunsicker. Doctoral Examination for Robert Joseph Antonacci, Education; thesis: "Sports Participation and Interests of High School Boys in the State of flii. nois," Thurs., Dec. 1, East Council Room, Rackham Bldg., at 3:00 p.m. Chairman, P. A. Hunsicker. Events Today Free Film. Museums Bldg., 4th floor Exhibit Hail. "Humming Bee" and "American Flamingo," Nov. 29-Dec. 5. Daily at 3:00 and 4:00 p.m., including Sat. and Sun., extra showing Wed. at 12:30. Linguistics Club will meet at 7:30 p.m. this evening, East Conference Room, Rackham Building. Mrs. Paz Dominado will discuss grammatical interference as seen in Philippine languages in contact with Spanish and English. Seymour Chatman is tenta- tively scheduled to talk on the prosadic structure of Robert Frost's "Mowing." Students and faculty members inter- ested in the scientific study of language invited. N a preceding article I argued that the White House Conference on Education, which meets this week, should make definite recommenda- tions on whether and on how Federal aid should be given to education. There is a gl'ave shortage, which threatens to become much worse, in the supply of class rooms and of teachers. The class rooms can be built when the money is provided: the only question is whether all the necessary money can be provided by the states separately, or whether a Federal contribution is required. The shortage of teachers calls also for more money to attract and to hold competent men and women. But money alone will not solve the problem. The arithmetic of our rapidly growing population shows that by the conven- tional standards enough teachers cannot con- ceivably be found. The problem is set forth clearly in a pam- phlet called "Teachers for Tomorrow," which is published by The Fund for The Advance- ment of Education, a creation of the Ford Foundation. (I should say for the sake of the record that while I have had nothing to do with the preparation of the pamphlet, I am a m'em- ber of the board of the fund which is responsible for the pamphlet.) FEW of us, myself included, have realized until recently how enormously and how suddenly the American birth rate is increasing. During the '40s the enrollments year by year in elementary schools remained steady at about 20,090,000 children. This year the enrollment has jumped up to 29,000.000. But when the babies born in the past five record-breaking years are ready for school, enrollment will be pushing 35,000,000. This means that for every 100 enrolled in elementary schools during the '40s there will be 170 at the beginning of the '60s. The big increase in the secondary schools will come a little later, as the children grow older. By the end of the '60s, which is only four Presidential terms away, the children who E come now to what we may call the Im-j possible Arithmetic of the Teacher Prob- lem. Our present ratio of teachers to pupils is supposed to be one teacher for every thirty elementary pupils, one teacher for every twen- ty-five secondary pupils, and one teacher for every thirteen college pupils. To have enough teachers - if the present teaching system is to be maintained - it would be necessary to recruit by 1965 an additional half million ele- mentary and secondaryschool teachers. For the colleges we shall by present standard need in the next fifteen years about double the number of existing teachers. We cannot hope to find that number of. teachers. We cannot hope to do so even when - as we must- we have raised teachers' sal- aries. The number of teachers needed will be one-half of all college graduates of every variety. At present one-fifth of all college graduates go into teaching. It just is not possible that in the next ten years one-half of all college graduates will go into teaching, that as many college graduates will go into teaching as go into all other professions and vocations combined. "It will be impossible," says the Ford pam- phlet, "under the present pattern of teacher recruitment and teacher utilization to secure anywhere near enough good teachers for our schools and colleges over the next fifteen years." It will be necessary, therefore, to find ways of enabling teachers to teach a larger number of pupils. The arithmetic of the situation allows no escape from this conclusion. THAT being the case, the obvious remedy is to supply the qualified teachers with aides who can take over the housekeeping and clerical chore, leaving the teachers more time to teach. We hall have to apply to the teaching profes- sion the general principle which Mr. Dael Wolfle, director of the Commission on Homan resources and Advanced Training, states as follows: "A trained expert seldom works alone. A lawyer has his clerks, an engineer his drafts- men. a doctor his nurses and technicians, a (Editor's Note: The Daily asked Dr. Clyde Johnson, former dean of men at UCLA and now Executive Sec- retary of Phi Kappa Sigma, for com- ment on Dr. William S. Carison's article: "Fraternities: An Evil Force on the Campus," (Saturday Review of Literature, Sept. 10.) Dr. Johnson told The Daily "The Editor of Saturday Review of Litera- ture has admitted to Mrs. Wilma Leland that the Carlson article con- tains many inaccuracies, was publish- ed as a 'controversy-provoking' piece, and that there will be an article pre- senting another view published soon.") By LEE MARKS Daily Staff Writer ARE fraternities an evil force on campus? In reply to Dr. William S. Carl- son's charge that fraternity "pro- fessionals" inspired a mass letter campaign, Dr. Clyde Johnson, Ex- ecutive Secretary of Phi Kappa Sigma, says, "No action of my office, nor of the College Frater- nity Secretaries Association, in- spired any written or oral request of a single letter to Dr. Carlson. "'Professional executives' do not 'control' fraternities; they are em- ployed by governing boards, who are in turn elected by chapter delegates at conventions, to carry out orders and directives of con- ventoins and governing boards. When they fail to do so, they get fired." * * * DR. CARLSON challenged mo- tives of fraternities in amending constitutions to eliminate bias clauses, claiming they intended to continue practicing discrimination. Dr. Johnson answers, "'National fraternities' are merely intercolleg- iate associations of chapters, gov- erned democratically by conven- tions of delegates of each chapter. No one can explore definitely the motives of a convention of dele- gates in adopting or amending a constitution. Officers usually are required to take an oath to enforce such constitutions; in most organ- izations an officer who advocates disregard of its laws is subject to removal or recall." In answer to Dr. Carlson's claim that fraternities are tolerated, rarely encouraged by university officials, Dr. Johnson referred to a booklet, "American College Fra- ternity: What College Administra- tors Say of it." Presenting the replies of college administrators to a letter asking' if they considered the fraternity a predominantly educational institu- tion, the booklet claims, "Two hundred and seventy-five replies were received. Of these, one hun- dred and eighty-one endorsed the fraternity as predominantly edu- cational in its functions; half a dozen could not subscribe to this characterization and the remain- der were more or less non-com- mittal ." * * * DR. JOHNSON continues, "I should agree with Dr. Carlson in seeing dangers in any social insti- tution, Greek or non-Greek which 'arrogates powers of control' unto itself. It is my observation that 'social standards' at most Ameri- can colleges are established by the institutional authorities, although many wisely share responsibilities with agencies of student self-gov- ernment, including inter-Greek councils." Regarding Dr. Carlson's remarks about being sued by the National Interfraternity Coancil, Dr. John- .,n g.vr_ "Th ,.prr.3 of Civi -4 4 A i 3 } LITTLE MAN ON CAMPUS by Dick Sibler i 4'' n~nr"r~If nrr i -- ME I dr t r i , t I til s,' } f ' i v R i R 144 , 4z 4' I I I # 151