Have'Fun But Remember
'Thanks' in Thanksgiving
See Page 4
Latest Deadline in the State
I43 ait
VOL. LXVI, No. 51
Ike Supports
Benson to Bolster
Farm Program
GETTYSBURG, Pa. (A') - The
White House said yesterday thai
President Dwight D. Eisenhower al
no time has "entertained any sug-
gestion whatsoever of the secre-
tary of agriculture being replaced.
The declaration, from Presiden-
tial Press Secretary James C. Hag-
erty, also reiterated that Presiden
Eisenhower has "completely su
jported" Secretary Ezra T. Benson
The Secretary has come unde
fire of critics who hold him' t
blame in varying degree, for a
slump in farm prices.
Benson Reports Progress
In Washington, Secretary Ben-
son said progress is being made i
developing proposals for strength-
ening the administration's farm
program. He said that when a
final decision is made, the recom-
mendations may include the ide
of a "soil bank" under which gov-
ernment payments would be made
to farmers for taking surplus cror
land. out of production and build-
ing fertility in it for the future.
The President's stand on Secre-
tary Benson was reported by Hag-
erty after a busy day in which the
President reviewed the world situa-
tion with his Cabinet and told its
members of his gratitude for thei
carrying on during his illness.
The Cabinet session, attended
by Secretary Benson, was held a
a presidential retreat from whic
President Eisenhower returnec
around noon to spend the Thanks-
giving holidays with his grand-
No Discussion of Agriculture
The hour-and-55-minute sessior
on a mountain top near Thurmont,
Md., did not include any discus-
sion of agricultural problems, Hag-
erty said.
Meeting with reporters at 4:1
p.m. Hagerty told them he had
talked with the President about a
published report that the Presi-
dent's brother Milton, president of
Penn State University, had block-
ed demands for-Benson's resigna-
I"Such a thing never happened
Hagerty said.
HMilton Eistenhower, he said,
"has never talked to the President
about the activities of or the re-
tention of or the employment of
anyone in the government."
Teetor Quits
Secretary Job
GETTYSBURG, Pa. ()-Loth-
air Teetor resigned yesterday as
an assistant secetary of com-
President Dwight D. Eisenhower
accepted his resignation effective
immediately and then named
Frederick Henry Mueller of East
Grand Rapids, Mich., to succeed
Teetor, 58, a native of Hagers-
town, Ind., was formerly board
chairman of the Perfect Circle
Corp., which has been involved in
a stormy labor dispute.. He has
been under attack by the CIO for
a year.
Reports of 'Drop' Wrong
Secretary of Commerce Sinclair
Weeks said last Oct. 6 that Teetor
was resigning, effective Nov. 30.
He said then that reports that
Teetor is "being dropped" are "just
100 per cent not so."
Mueller, 62, a furniture manu-
facturer, was named on a recess
appointment which will require
senate confirmation.
The President signed an execu-
tive order allowing Mueller to con-
tinue serving as a member of the
Michigan State Board of Agricul-
ture "provided the holding of such
office does not conflict with the
performance of the incumbent's
duties as an officer of the federal
No Conflict of Interest
By way of explanation, press
secretary James C. Hagerty said
in his announcement:
"The sole function of the Michi-
gdn State Board of Agriculture 'is
to serve as the governing board
of Michigan State University in
the same manner as a board of re-
Students Hear Dykstra
-Daily-John HIrtzei
ANNUAL BANQUET-Prof. Gerald K. Dykstra talks to fraternity
presidents at annual Fraternity Presidents' Dinner, held this year
at Sigma Chi. Toastmaster for the occasion was Interfraternity
Council Secretary Mike Lynch, '56. IFC Scholarship chairman
Al Williams, '57, presented the Zeta Beta Tau Scholarship Trophy
to Pi Lambda Phi for having the highest over-all average (2.79)
and the Alumni Interfraternity Conference award for greatest
improvement to Phi Kappa Tau.
Draft to Defer Fathers;
Younger Men Wanted
WASHINGTON (MP)-Most-if not all-fathers registered in the
draft may look forward to deferments "fairly soon," a Selective
Service spokesman said yesterday.
He said these deferments would be one result of a change in draft
regulations now being completed. Apparently it fits into a "youth
movement" announced by the Selective Service System two months
The spokesman said the anticipated change would provide for
calling up eligible registrants in this order:
1. Delinquents defined as those who for some reason failed to
register or to comply with local board instructions to report -for
Red Police
Radio Reports Five
Beria Cohorts Dead
MOSCOW ()-Five former as-
sociates of the Stalin era police
boss, Lavrenty P. Beria, have been
executed in Soviet Georgia and
two others have been sentenced to
life imprisonment. Tiflis radio an-
nounced yesterday.
Radio monitors in London said
a Tiflis broadcast heard there may
have listed a sixth official in the
group executed. But they said they
were not certain, because of the
indistinctness of the broadcast.
The broadcast did not make
clear just what the charges were
against the seven men, identified
only by their last names. But the
radio report from the Georgian
Republic, home state of both Beria
and Stalin; indicated the men were
accused of conspiring with Beria,
who was executedin December,
1953,, on charges of plotting to
seize power in Moscow.
Third Execution Notice
This was the third announce-
ment of executions of Beria con-
,spirators. T h e announcements
have been spaced almost a year
apart. The first was in December
1953-and disclosed the death of
a group headed by Beria himself;
the second was in December 1954,
of the execution of anothergroup.
Beria was a product of the se-
curity organization of Georgia and
throughout his career as the over-
all Soviet police boss he kept a
tight rein on the organization in
his home republic.
Tiflis radio said those executed
were men named Rukhadze, Rok-
ava, Tserteli, Stavitsky and Khaz-
ani, and those sentenced to im-
prisonment were men named Ri-
armi and Paramanov.
Former Minister Killed
Rukhadze is a former minister
on international security in Geor-
gia and former chief of the prose-
cution department of the Ministry
of Internal Affairs.
Tserteli apparently was Shalva
Otarovich Tserteli, former deputy
minister of internal security and
a lieutenant-general in Beria's
MVD army of secret police.
Convicted of, Treason
The broadcast'said the men
were convicted by a military tri-
bunal in September on charges of
high treason, terrorist activity and
taking part in counter-revolution-
ary work. Beria and his other as-
sociates also were doomed by a
military tribunal.
Diplomatic sources in London 1
suggested that disclosure of the
executions at this time might
prove embarrassing to Soviet Com-
munist boss N. S. Khrushchev and
Premier N. A. Bulganin, who are
currently touring India.
Xmas Spirit
NEW YORK (A')-A kind-
hearted New Yorker has re-i
ceived this ruling from the1
Health Department:c
He will not have to get a food
handler's license to serve hot
tea to street cornier Santa
Clauses during the coming
Christmas season.
-Daily-John Hirtzei
NEWLY ELECTED SGC OFFICERS-Left to right Bill Adams, treasurer; Hank Berliner, president;
Joel Tauber, vice-president.
Holiday Plans Made For Students
Tauber, Adams
-physical examinations.
g Refute Cafe
In Second
Brazil Crisis
Brazil yesterday apparently weath-
ered its second grave political em-
ergency in 10 days, a crisis brought
by the attempt of'Joao Filho Cafe
to end his sick leave and. return
to the presidency,
His demand for reinstatement in
a message to Congress was met by
prompt military action. The army
under Gen. Henrique Lott, war
minister in the provisional Cabinet
which was installed in coup last
week, seized control of the entire
capital late Monday.
Both Houses of Congress then
rejected Cafe's claim that he
could resume the functions of the
presidency. and stating his leave
of absence could 'be ended only by
congressional decision.
This assured at least momentary
calm for provisional President
Nereu Ramos, who rose from
presidency of the §enate when a
bloodless coup Nov. 11 ousted
Cafe's first successor, Carlos Coim-
bra da Luz.
However, Cafe's friends were
not prepared to give up the fight.
His attorneys filed two applica-
tions for special writs in the Su-
preme Court. The first was a writ
of habeas corpus to free him from
virtual arrest at his apartment in
the Copacabana section which is
surrounded by army troops. The
second was a special writ in which
the Supreme Court was asked to
back his claim to the presidency.
If Cafe's supporters wait fordthe
Supreme Court to act, a few days
of political peace are assured.
Only Monday, Cafe left the hos-
pital where he had been recuperat-
ing from the heart attack Nov. 2
which caused his retirement from
The political struggle is not ac=
tually for the provisional presi-
dency which is to end next Jan.
31. The prize really is the five-
year presidential term to begin on
that date.
Couneil Approves
New Parking Plan
2. Volunteers..
3. Nonvolunteers between 18%
and '28.
4. Men 26 and younger with
5. Men over 26.
Fatherhood was eliminated as
grounds for deferment in July,
1953. At that time the number
of men available for Selective
Service had dropped below one
million and some states were call-
ing men as young as 19. But the
manpower pool had climbed back
to 1,764,000 by last July.
In September, Selective Service
reported the average age of draf-
tees had risen to almost 23. This
makes them about 25 when they
finish their two years of service
and move in the ready reserve.
One Selective Service official said
at that time that 25 is only one
year under the age at which most
men reach their peak of military
"We want younger men than the
25 year olds going into the ready
reserve," he continued. "We want
men who can serve in the ready
reserve several years before they
reach 26."
The question of exercising more
leniency for fathers was also
studied in connection with the.
"youth movement."
Both international students and
quadrangle residents who remain
in Ann Arbor over the Thanks-
giving holiday will have oppor-
tunities to enjoy the weekend.
Many invitations have been ex-
tended to international students
to visit homes in Michigan. They
were obtained through the work
of Lane Hall's Counseling Service
and the International Students
Will Begin
Ground breaking ceremonies for
the new Student Activities Build-
ing will be held at 11 a.m. today.
The new building, costing $175,-
000 will be on the corner of May-
nard and Jefferson, just south of
the Student Publications Build-
Completion date, earlier set at
November, 1956, has, been recently
estimated "possibly a month or
two premature."
President Harlan Hatcher, and
vice-presidents Wilbur K. Pierpont
and James A. Lewis will attend the
The three-leveled building will
contain offices on the first floor
for Student Government Council,
Panhellenic, Interfraternity Coun-
cil, Inter House Council, and As-
sembly Association.
The Dean of Men's offices and
smaller offices for the Glee Club,
Wolverine Club, International Stu-
dents Association and similar'or-
ganizations will be on the second
More than 250 students have ac-
cepted offers to stay in Michigan
homes this weekend. Most of the,
invitations' were extended weeks
ago. "We already have more than
we will use," Mrs. Doris Reed
Rumman of Lane Hall said yester-
More Stay Every Year .
' ~students are allowd to ha
"Even though there are more guests r
students every year," she contin- Menu for the dorm dinners
ued, " we have less and less to do. eludes the standard turkey, dr
We don't have to keep plugging sing cranberry sauce, pump
any more."admne is
For those students who will be Something new has ben ad
in Ann Arbor tomorrow morning, to Thanksgiving Day fare, ho
Lane Hall has planned a Thanks- ever. The evening will featur
giving breakfast. buffet supper, composed mai
The meal will be in the Fireside of cold cuts of turkey andin
Roomin Lne lallat,9 a~. Aand pie left over from the dinni
speaker and a short program will
follow the meal. Cost of the break-
fast is 50 cents per person.-
Pan Trp to Ford Plant P i e D o
Over the weekend, the Inter-
national Center and the ISA have)
planned a trip to the Ford Rouge u
Plant, the Ford estate and the.ar-
be shown Friday evening for in- -Bdi
ternational students.
Meanwhile, in the quads and
dorms, residents will be enjoying By PETE ECKSTEIN
special Thanksgiving dinners to-
morrw inSouh Qud ad Piice Prof. Kenneth Boulding of t:
morrow in South Quad and Alice economics department yester
Lloyd Hall. The meals will be pre- descrived the current decline
ceded by punch in the dorm farm prices as a "minor readju
e a
Boys staying over the -holiday
number 550, while there are only
125 girls, staying, Leonard A.
Schaadt, Business Manager of the
residence halls said yesterday.
Students Allowed Guests'
"We expect to put on a very
nice meal," Schaadt said, "and the
'Tauber Calls
For Better
Adams Stresses
Treasury Order
Reelected by acclamation at the
Student Government Council meet-
ing yesterday, Hank Berliner, '56,,
kept his position as president of
the Council.
Joel Tauber 57, defeated Dick
Good, '56, for the vice-presidency
and Bill Adams, '57, was elected
treasurer by acclamation after
Good declined in favor of Adams.,
Adams declined the nomination
for the vice-presidency in favor
of Tauber,.
Nominated by Daily Managing
Editor Dave Baad, '56, Tauber em-
phasized needed coordination of
dommittees with the vice-president
who is in charge of four of these
Improved Group Organization
He also advocated an improved
organization of the Interviewing
and Nominating committee of the
Council and said SGC should
strivenfor a better integration of
student organizations.
Adams stressed the need for Wan
order lyand planned treasury with
monthly financial reports to the
Council. He said that a compre-
hensive set of books should be set
up which would be open for con-
sultation by anyone desiring to
know where the Council's finanees
were being 'spent.
Barbara McGrath, '57 Merrill
Kaufman, '56E, George Davidson,
Henry Aughey, '56 NR, .and John
Wrona, '57, as alternate, were
named -to the Student Activities
Scholarship Board last night with
Kaufman acting. as temporary'
chairman. Davidson and Miss Mc-
Grath will serve two-year terms,
with Kaufman and Aughey serv-
ing one year.
Urges Committee Reorganzation
Inter House Council president
Tom Bleha, '56, speaking for the
Structure Study Committee pre-
sented a recommendation to the
Council providing for a reorgani-
zation of the committee structure
of the Council.
Substituting for the present
three standing committees; Cam-
pus Affairs, Public Relations and'
International and Human Welfare,
Sthe report named as committees
National and International Affairs,
Educational and Social Welfare,
Coordination and Counseling Com-
mittee, and Student Representa-
tion Committee all under the vice-
president of the Council.
Other committees would be Pub-
lic Relations and Campus Affairs
which along with the Administra-
tive Wing and the finance com-
mittee would be under the treas-
Passed unaimously, the recom-
mendation brought questions from
Baad pertaining to available per-
sonnel for chairing the commit-
tees. Bleha said that further ques-
Lions of this type would be answer-
ed in the final report of the study
committee to be made sometime
before Christmas vacation.
Bleha said that the new struc-
ture would enable the committees
to work in specified areas with
more definite duties. Janet Neary,
'58 also said that each person
would be able to do a better job
with more limited scopes.
In Dormitory
AMES, Iowa (RP)-Discovery of-a
powerful dynamite bomb in a girls'
dormitory at Iowa State College
was disclosed yesterday by Ames
The dormitory, Elm Hall, houses
136 girls.
Police Chief Orville Erickson
said a janitor discovered the de-
vice Monday morning in a first
floor hallway of the rear wing of
the dorm.
Last Issue
With this issue The, Daily
ceases publication until Tues-
day, Nov. 29. During this time
all Daily business and editorial
offices will be closed for the
Thanksgiving vacation.
To Unveil Plaque in Detroit
In 1817 the territorial legislature governing some 7,000 Michigan
inhabitants took their first step forward into higher education.
Chartered as the "Catholepistemiad or University of Michigania"
under the authority of Gov.'Lewis Cass, the University of Michigan
started on the road to a long future of educational and research
Monday, President Harlan Hatcher will head a delegation to
Detroit to unveil the plaque once used to mark the location of the
original University building, authorized in the charter 138 years ago.
Miriani To Receive Plaque
Detroit Common Council president Louis C. Miriani will receive
the plaque which formerly stood on the site of the old 24 by 50-foot
building. It will then be placed in Detroit's City-County Building.
The original University structure on the west side of Bates Street
near Congress was started Sept. 24, 1817, less than a month after
the charter was granted. Due to lack of funds, it wasn't until early
1819 that the second floor of the two-story edifice was completed.
Cornerstone Laid by Woodward
The cornerstone of the building was laid by Jefferson-appointee
"This decline," Prof. Boulding
told Young Republicans, unless it
continues, "can be easily justified
on the grounds that farmers may
have been too well off after the
He expressed a fear, however,
that "this may be just the begin-
ning. We can't help remembering
the '20s," when a long agricultural
depression preceded a general
. Flexible Supports Sound
Calling the Eisenhower Admin-
istration's program of flexible
price supports "basicly sound," he
predicted that "though it may be
unpopular to face certain'facts of
life," the program will "pay off in,
the long run."
Present government holdings of
seven billion dollars worth of ag-
riculture commodities, Prof, Boul-
ding said, are the "direct result"
of the former rigid price support
program, which he called "ulti-
mately unworkable."
Fixed supports "eventually break
down under the sheer weight of
surpluses," he commented.I
Under a free market, on the
other hand, "a surplus always re-
sults in a fall in prices," which in-
creases sales and discourages fur-
ther production.
Farmer Better Off Now
Parity is a "tremendous political
symbol which looks back on a gold-
en age," the 1909-1914 period.
Actually, he said, the farmer is
''considerably better off now than
vNF p.