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November 20, 1955 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1955-11-20

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Sixty-Sixth Year

"We Wait Till He Begins To Act Restless, See?"
Then We Sort Of Mosey Up To Him--"

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only. This must be noted in all reprints.

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Spirit of Sport Degenerates
In Final Game ...0

'marjorie Morningstar':
Full of Truth
The author of "The Caine Mutiny," climaxing a long, pregnant
silence of four years, has released to an expectant world his new
novel, a long and prodigious work.
"Marjorie Morningstar" tells (in 48 chapters, 565 pages) of the
emergence into womanhood of the middle-class Jewish girl of that
name. But Marjorie Morningstar isn't really her name; at 17 she
changed it to that from Marjorie Morningstern. Herein lies the
beauty of the stark title, which points up so poignantly the essence of
the novel: the book relates in detail the complex history of an ex-
ceptionally attractive girl named Morgenstern, striving to make of
herself the successful actress, Marjorie Morgenstar. Not a particle
of the book's impact is destroyed by telling you that she does not
We follow author Wouk's New York heroine through her school
years and the jobs at upstate summer camps; we observe her growing
away from her family and-for a time-away from the strict practices
of her religion; we witness her, a girl not lacking in talent, setting out
to storm the formidable barriers that face the would-be Broadway
actress. But what marks Marjorie's growth, from the author's point
of view, more than anything else, is her succession of romances.
* * * *
THROUGH THESE the reader (as well as Marjorie herself) gauges
her level of maturity. The basic importance in the novel's structure
of these early love affairs is stressed by the fact that for nearly four-
fifths of the book the major dramatic tension is the question of the
heroine's chastity.
There are several questions the reader will ask himself as he
puzzles in the subsiding wake of Marjorie's career. Whether she was
a good or bad actress-a question which would seem of major im-
portance in the story-is actually a point that will excite little con-
What does seem to be of maximum significance here is the rotten
hand that author Wouk has dealt his main characters: Marjorie has
picked the wrong profession to break into: and she has picked the

W ITH collapse of Michigan's Rose Bowl hopes The chant has been heard at every home game
yesterday came a degeneration of the spirit and the pressure on the team has mounted ac-
of sport seldom seen at a Michigan athletic cordingly.
Fans leaving the Stadium were strongly dis- INHEN it became evident yesterday the trip
gusted over the last three minutes of yester- to Pasadena was vanishing the students'
day's game when two Michigan football players athletic perspective vanished. Although argu-
were kicked out of the game, fights started ing with the referee, and rough play when
among fans, football players became targets of you're behind has always been sour grapes, a
fun-loving snowball throwers and goal posts few of our players also were victims of this
came down. extreme pressure for that trip to the Bowl.
Many were happy the sight was limited to Players can be somewhat excused on these
the 100,000 spectators and not sent over a TV grounds. Fans can't.
network as rumored earlier in the week.g
It's been said through the years that -Michi- Destruction of a mid-winter vacation in
gan carries on a dignified athletic program. California is no reason to let the University's
Fans brag about the school's reluctance to fine dignified athletic tradition suffer simul-
overemphasize athletics while still turning out taneously. True athletc perspective would have
fine records year after year. We look down been preserved if fans had instead spent the
our noses at our contemporaries to the north- last three minutes remembering some parting
west and south as typifying athletic over- seniors playing their last game for Michigan.
emphasis. Capt. Ed Meads, Lou Baldacci, Tony Branoff,
But yesterday's episode resulted from over- Ed Hickey, Jim Fox, John Morrow and Dave
emphasis on our football team's performance Hill deserved standing ovations for three fine
this fall. Since the first victory last September years of football for Michigan.
fans have been pointing for the Rose Bowl. -DAVE BAAD, Managing Editor
..Fans,-Players Share Blame

- t
Housing Gives GOP Headache "

MICHIGAN football players and rooters should
not be ashamed . . . ever . .. to lose a
football game.
Yesterday, however, was an unfortunate situ-
ation for two influential state schools-involv-
ed in a "widely-watched roughhouse." More
than just a few apologies should be issued from
both sides,
Michigan, a fine team that won seven of
nine games this year, lost 17-0 to Ohio State,
probably the better team. There can be no
argument here; we can hold our head high.
Players and coaches did their best to keep the
fine, winning tradition that "is Michigan."
However, the end of yesterday's contest saw
sportsmanship thrown to the winds. The out-
come of a football game became secondary to
the atmosphere it was played in. No one can
truthfully say that they were "really proud"
to be affiliated with either Michigan or Ohio
State after yesterday's fiasco.

F OR the second time in three years, the visi-
tors have arrived in Ann Arbor and created
havoc. The sight of fans rushing onto the
field and tearing down the goal posts, throwing
snow balls at players and officials while the
game was still being played, certainly does not
leave a favorable impression.
Michigan, too, is at fault in this respect; but
worse, was the general lack of sincere support
for the team, when behind. Conspicuous were
the many students who didn't stay with the
team to the very end-to give recognition to
all the seniors who played courageously for the
last time.
Emotionally, the final contest was at a key
pitch. It was understandable but still very
unfortunate that the conduct of some of the
players should set such a poor example for
nearly 100,000 people, young and old.
They say that a sour taste can be overcome
by a sweet one later on. Michigan should do
more than its share in the future to regain some
of that lost respect.


The Changing Answers.

WHETHER or not any solutions were evolved
at the Literary College conference Thurs-
day, the necessary questions were asked. Is
there intellectual curiosity? Is it being
thwarted by either students or faculty, or just
size? Is there a blame, and how do we approach
For each problem, there was an opinion, a
pro and con which attempted somehow to
reach a logical solution to a rather indefinable
This "crisis" could only be expressed in this
broad, indefinable way. It involved the student
who felt stifled and overlooked in the mass
lecture halls, the professor who felt overlooked
sitting alone in his office waiting for the per-
sonal contact both he and the students crave,
and the question of marks-are they necessary,
are they accurate? It involved to a large de-
gree the question of size, its effect and how, if
thwarting, it could be overcome.-
However, students, and often some faculty
people as well, tend at times to be critical of
such attempt at solution.
"They've been talking about it for years,"
one student said in an informal discussion after
the conference. "But that's all they do-talk.
We all realize the problem, and there were a
lot of good solutions given-why doesn't some-
body do something?"
yET, it's not that easy. If there's realization
of the problem, it isn't clear, and if the
solutions seem applicable, there is always an-
other opinion to challenge them.
What we need is smaller classes was one
solution. Yet Dean Odegaard, at the meeting,
pointed out that the University compared very
favorably in its class size with even many of
the Ivy League colleges and someone else men-
tioned that his students preferred lectures to
small discussions.
Another solution was more student-faculty
integration. But why, asked one professor, do
we sit alone in our offices with no one to see.
If the students want faculty advice and dis-
cussion, it is available to them.
01hr Mtrhinan satnth

Still another solution was that of raising
the University's standards. They're high now,
said the speaker-make them higher. He pro-
posed more papers, more books, longer assign-
ments. This way, he felt, only the really in-
tellectually curious would remain.
Yet another speaker asked less work, fewer
courses with more class credit, so the student
had more time to devote himself to his subject
matter and explore it when his curiosity was
FROM all this, the only clear conclusion is
that the conclusion is not clear. "These are
all pseudo solutions," one speaker said. They
don't work any better for everyone than does
the present system.
The problem seems to be that of a new era.
Education is entering a new environment, just
as politics and much of our social life is. The
students that the Universities are dealing with
are not the same students of 50, even 15
years ago. They come with different goals,
for different reasons than their predecessors. .
The solutions that such groups as the Liter-
ary College faculty must find, then, cannot be
based on the logic of a previous age. There ac-
tually can be no assumptions.
How do we know that today's students really
are intellectually curious? One speaker said
that if they weren't they shouldn't be in col-
lege. That isn't really the answer.. If they are
in college they show every sign of. achieving
marks as high as the student of old, or at least
high -enough to remain.
Maybe today's student is happier in the mob.
He may not want to discuss, he may just want
to "get through," or as our society has so
nobly entitled it-"succeed."
Maybe today's student isn't the individual
that some think he is, or even that he thinks
he is. Maybe he's been referred to so long as
a statistic, that he's lost consciousness of being
anything else.
IF THIS is the modern student, then the mod-
ern colleges seem to be treating him ap-
propriately. But what .of the one out of 10,
or 20, or 100 who is the "student" we would
like to envision - who wants to dis-
cuss, be treated as an individual, react with

ONE Negro worker, fired from
the Housing and Home Finance
Agency, may cause Visenhower
forces more political headaches
than all the other civil servants
dropped from government since
The reason is that Mrs. Corienne
Morrow, after being fired by the
Housing Agency, was qvdered rein-
stated by the Civil Service Com-
mission on the ground that her
dismissal was arbitrary. The Hous-
ing Agency complied with the tech-
nicality of the order by reinstating
her for a few hours, then dropped
her again.
The second time, she was not
actually fired, but riffed-in other
words, dropped for "reduction in
force." This means her job was
Mrs. Morrow had previously been
fired as an adviser on racial rela-
tions.after she opposed segrega-
tion in granting federal loans for
housing. Her colleague, Dr. Frank
Horne, was fired at the same time.
AL CAP, author of the famed
comic strip Li'l Abner, was talking
to the Washington Advertising
Club about some of his comic char-
acters, including the latest, "Moon-
beam McSwine." He was explain-
ing how he invented these charac-
Spying Washington Post car-
toonist Herblock in the audience,
Capp announced:
"I see that kind, gentle and con-
siderate colleague of mine, Herb
Block, over in the corner. I see
you've got some new characters
too, Herb. I especially like that
character of yours, Roy Cohn. And
I see you've got another new and
interesting character, Dick Nixon."
* * *
PRESSURE on Senator Kefauver
to run for Vice President is mount-
ing. It would be a unique idea if
nominees for Vice President were
chosen through Presidential pri-
maries, not picked at the last min-
ute in smoke-filled rooms. With
the increasing burden placed on
the President, the job of Vice
President has become increasingly
important. One-fifth of our Presi-
dents have died in office, yet the

man who succeeds the President
in time of emergency is picked by
politicians rather than by the
The politicians aren't quite sure
whether Adlai's present position as
a front-runner will help or hurt
him. Ordinary politics doesn't
liven up until next spring, but the
pace was sharpened as a result of
Eisenhower's September illness.
From now on, Adlai has to re-
member that everything he says
or does, every wiggle of his little
finger, will be interpreted one way
or the other by friends and ene-
* * *
IT'S BEEN a long time since
General Motors ran the Demo-
cratic party. Most people have for-
gotten it but John J. Raskob,
Chairman of General Motors who
took over the Bankrupt Demo-
cratic Party after the Al Smith
defeat in 1928, paid off the deficit.
and put the Dems back on their
feet. It was Raskob who hired
acid-penned Charlie Michelson
who did so.much to defeat Hoover
in 1932. Today General Motors
has three members in the Eisen-

hower Cabinet plus important po-
litical impact.
Democrats at Chicago speculated
whether Eisenhower would get
bored at Gettysburg. If he gets
too bored, they wonder, will he
listen to the palace guard, and run
again. It's significant that Mrs.
Roosevelt came out for Adlai Stev-
enson some time ago. Inside rea-
son, according to friends, is the
fact that Averell Harriman pushed
aside her son, FDR, Jr., for the
Governorship of New York.
Carmine DeSapio, head of Tam-
many, who is Governor Harriman's
Jim Farley, was noticeable by his
absence at Chicago. Judge Sam
Rosenman of the old Roosevelt
Brain Trust, now brain-trusting
for "Ave," has been advising Harri-
man to keep DeSapio in the back-
ground. Almost 10 days ago De-
Sapio announced he had a virus
and wouldn't come to Chicago.
The course of a virus infection
normally can't be predicted that
far in advance. Roger Tubby, who
left Harriman to work for Steven-
son, did so with Harriman's full
consent. No friction was involved.
(Copyright, 1955, by Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

Democratic Convention
Void of New Ideaso

wrong man to love. Here are the
facing upbravely, characteristic-
ally to the facts, transcends her
failure. We respect her at the
story's end.
There are wide dissimilarities be-
tween "Marjorie lhMrningstar" and
the fabulously successful "Caine
Mutiny," and the books have few
points in common.
tells a more leisurely story, com-
pelling and memorable in its own
way. Marjorie herself is, more-
over, a heroine who will doubt-
lessly be long remembered.dIt is
the length of the novel as much as
anything else, I think, that will
tend to produce this retentive im-
Other critics will denounce the
book's length and indict the auth-
or with tediousness. It is true;
author Wouk spares us none of the
tedium of rambling conversations
or backsliding soliloquies. But
neither are we shut off from an
insight into some of the drawn-
out, hard-to-profit-by experiences
of growing up. The book is full
of truth.
The author writes of Jewish cus-
toms and family religious celebra-
tions for the first time in a work
destined for widespread popular-
ity. These descriptions, and the
portrayal of Marjorie as a mem-
ber of a good Jewish family, con-
vey the breath of reality that sur-
rounds the work, that imparts
substance and life into prose.
And let it further be said, since
now is the moment for praise,
that no one writes a clearer prose
than Herman Wouk.,
-Donald A. Yates
to the
To the Editor:
IN REGARD to the insidious mis-
sive of Thursday by Messers.,
or we should say Comrades Corn-
feld and Goldberg, we have a few
points to clarify:
1. Tradition is the cornerstone
upon which our society rests-in-
deed it is the key essence of all
that is highest and most lofty in
Western Man. The "M" is a tradi-
tion! Need we say more?
2. Rivalling tradition as the key
to society is thekeducational pro-
cess. As we all know, the normal
curve, here at Michigan at any
rate, figures prominently in the
educational system. Consider for a
moment the awful consequences
entailed in removing the "M".
Those who venture to tread upon
this "M" before examination meet
with diaster. However unfortunate
this phenomenon may appear, it
is nonetheless a necessary condi-
tion that 10 per cent of the stu-
dents must meet with this disaster
in order that normal curve may be
constructed. It is therefore mani-
festedly apparent that a removal
of the "M" would ultimately lead
to the total destruction of the edu-
cational process as we know it.
3. In the pursuit of their deviant
ends, Comrades Cornfeld and
Goldberg have grossly misrepre-
sented certain facts. a-The co-
efficient of friction between bronze
and shoeleather is not .2 but is
instead .47 which is insignificant
at the 5 per cent level of confi-
dence. b-The "M" was implanted
in Michigan soil 34 and not 37

elements of tragedy. But Marjorie,
I .


THE Daily Official Bulletin to s
official publication of the UivtitY
of Michigan for which the McigAa
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 8553
Administration Building before 2 p.m.
the day preceding publication. Notice
for the Sunday edition must be in
by 2 p.m. Friday.
Vy M. LXVII, NO. 48
General Notices
Students who are now securing their
new automobile license plates (1958)
should record the change with the
Office of Student Affairs, 1020 Admin-
istration Building, at this time.
Notice is hereby given that the
University automobile regulations wil
be lifted from 5:00 p.m. wed., Nov. 2
until 8:00 a.m. Mon., Nov. 28, 1955.
The General Library and al the Divi-
sional Libraries will be closed on No.
24 (Thanksgiving Day) and on the Set.
following, Nov. 20.
There will be no Sunday service on
Nov. 27.
The General Library will be open on
Wed., Nov. 23, and Fri., Nov. 25, 8 a.m.-
6 p.m. All service units within the
building will be open on their regular
Divisional libraries will be closed
Wed. evening and will be open theft
regular schedules on Fri., Nov. 25.
Womens Swimming Pool-Thanksgiv-
ing Week-End Hours: The pool will be
open for recreational swimming at the
following times: Co-rec swimming-Sat.,
7:15-9:15 p.m., Sun., 3:00-5:00 p.m.;
Michigan Night-Sun. 7:15-9:15 p.m.
Michigan Actuarial Club: Mon., Nov.
21, at 4:00 p.m., in Room 3212 Angell
Hall. J: P. Stanley, Actuary, Social
Security Department of the UAW-CIO,
will speak on "Actuarial Problems of
the UAW-CIO."
"An Evening With Mark Twain.'
Actor Henry Hull presents a program of
readings and comments from the works
of Mark Twain tomorrow, 8:30 p.m. in
Hill Auditorium as the fourth number
on the Lecture Course. Tickets on sale
tomorrow at the Auditorium box office,
10:00 a.m.-8:30 p.m.
Lecture-"Metabolic Effects of Dini-
trophenol in Relation to Thyroid Func-
tion," Dr. C. W. Castor. Auspices of
Medicine Journal Club. Mon., Nov. 21,
Hospital Amphitheater, 12:45 p.m. Open
for medical students and physicians.
W. Beverly Carter, publisher of the
Pittsburgh Courier, second in the series
of University Lectures In Journalism
Tues., Nov. 22. "The Role of the Negro
Newspaper in a Changing Society" at
3:00 p.m. in Rackham Amphitheater.
The Robert Shaw Chorale and Orches-
tra, Robert Shaw, Conductor, fifth con-
cert in the Choral Union Series, Tues.,
Nov. 22, at 8:30 p.m. In Hill Auditorium,
auspices of the University Musical
Society. Information at the offices of
the University Musical Society in Bur-
ton Memorial Tower. The box office in
Hill Auditorium will be open at 7:00
p.m. Tues.
Academic Notices
All Teacher's Certificate Candidates:
Be sure to fill out yourrteacher's cer-
tificate application and return at once
to 1437 University Elementary School.
Seminar in Chemical Physics. Tues.,
Nov. 22, 4:10 p.m., Room 2308 Chem-
istry Building. Richard Anderson will
speak on "The Application of High
Speed Digital Computers to Some
Problems in Molecular Structure."
Mathematics Colloquium. Tues., Nov.
22, at 4:15 p.m., in Room 3011 Angell
Hall. Prof. H. D. Kloosterman will speak
on "Places In Algebraic Function

Daily Staff Writer
CHICAGO-Although the avow-
ed purpose of the Democratic Na-
tional Committee's current meet-
ing here is 'how,' the main topic
of conversation seems to be 'Who?'
Ostensibly the meeting is sup-
posed to discuss the parties plans
fo rthe future and more specifi-
cally the organization of the 1956
convention. Most people here,
though, limit their conversation to
three names -- Stevenson, Harri-
man and Kefauver.
Despite this fact the basic work
does continue. In day-long meet-


by Dick Bibler


ings, detailed discussions of grass
roots politics highlight activity
which has assumed campaign
from the voters point of view how-
ever, is the lack of concrete policy
stands. Aside from attacking the
Republican platforms in the field
of foreign affairs, education and
farm policy, the Democrats have
failed to come up with any new
A meeting of farm leaders, in-
cluding former Secretary of Agri-
culture Charles Brannan, was
deemed "advisory and non parti-
san," although it is thought to be
the Democrats policy making group
as far as farm issues are concern-
Governor Harriman itas been
here since Friday when he was
honored at a cocktail party by
Chicago's Mayor Daley who is gen-
erally thought to favor Stevenson.
.rSen. Kefauver arrived Friday
and former President Truman Sat-
* * *
STEVENSON, the leading can-
didate for the nomination has
been at the Hotel Hilton several
times during-the week establishing
campaign headquarters and meet-
ing people.
The first Roper Poll taken since
he announced he would run for
the nomination favors his election
over that of Vice President Nixon,
should both men be candidates in




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