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November 19, 1955 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1955-11-19

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Sixty-Sixth Year

Carry Me Back To Old Virginny"

Chance Meeting' Taut
British Award Winner
A T a ballet performance in London, a young lady and a young man
happen to occupy adjacent seats. "Chance Meeting" tells the
story of their resulting acquaintance, their love, and the great diffi-

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only. This must Ie noted in all reprints.



Neutrality No Answer Toward
Arab-Israeli Crisis

T HE careful diplomatic position that the
United States has maintained toward both
Egypt and Israel has reached the breaking
point. Wednesday Israel made a formal bid
for U.S. assistance, and as much as it dislikes
the idea, this country is being forced to realize
that neutrality is impossible.
In the last few months Arab-Israeli friction
has passed from a state of tension to a state of'
crisis. The friction itself goes back to the
establishment of the Jewish state eight years
ago. Egypt and the Arab world were highly
reluctant to admit that the Jewish state had
a right to exist, and certainly not on their
borders. Israel, as a young and sensitive state,
was always on edge to prove herself.
The hostility was intensified by the problem
of displaced Palestinian Arabs, and the net
result was a series of constant border clashes.
Each side felt it must revenge the slightest in-
sult to national pride. An Arab boycott of
Israel was greeted with instant border retalia-
tion by Israelis. An Israeli raid set the stage
for a return Egyptian raid. An eye for an
eye every step of the way.
Perhaps the United Nations should have been
able to prevent the crisis, but it was an ex-
tremely difficult position. It not only had the
job of talking peace with two fanatical na-
tions, but had to accomplish this job while all
the nations involved Were making side deals.
While on-the-spot UN Truce teams were
patiently trying to arrange Egyptian-Israeli
harmony, Russia arranged for the sale of Czech
arms to Egypt. This happened last August-
Egyptian cotton for Communist guns. And in
late August the boiling Arab-Israeli relations
reached the stage of overt raids.
THE Western powers have not known where
to begin finding a solution in this confu-
sion, and the United States least of all. France's
preoccupation with North Africa cancels her
out from the ArabrIsraeli controversy. Britain's
insecure position in the eastern Mediterranean
makes her interested in maintining good re-
lations with the Arabs. This leaves the deci-
sive step up to the United States, who has
tried to sidestep an uncomfortable situation by
refusing to throw her support either way.

Needed access to Middle Eastern air bases
and oil fields make Arab friendship something
of a necessity for us, but we are also committed
to preserve the Jewish state that we helped to
establish. "We can'i let Israel down" is in
general the feeling of this country, but on the
other hand, how far are we prepared to go in
holding her up.
The answef is going to come soon. The Is-
raeli government has forced the United States
to commit itself. President Eisenhower, during
his convalescence, issued a rather indecisive
statement that nevertheless impressed the Is-
"While we continue willing to consider re-
quests for arms needed for legitimate self-de-
fense,"'said the President, "we do not intend
to contribute to arms competition in the Near
East." Israel took note of the first part and
formally asked the United States to sell her
arms "under the most lenient conditions of
credit and price."
WHETHER the President's statement means
that our country will help the Israelis is
still a matter of conjecture. The New Republic
magazine somewhat caustically commented thatl
"Even when Ike was well he disliked stepping
into things, and today it's uncertain whether
he even knows there is an Egyptian-Israeli cri-
sis at all."
At the same time, the New York Times re-
ported that "Washington officials say that,
barring an unexpected development and pro-
vided Israel demonstrates real willingness to
keep peace, the Israelis will be permitted to
buy American arms to offset Egypt's purchase
from the Communists."
This is certain-neutrality does not work for
us. With the Communists giving aid to Egypt,
we are immediately involved. We are the only
ones able to confront Russia. We can try to
out-friendship the Russians in Egypt at the
cost of Israel, or we can throw our weight heav-
ily on the side of the Jewish state, but we can
no longer avoid committing ourselves.
Our government is going to have to make
an important decision and it should come soon.
Magazine Editor.

culty which faces them.
She is the daughter of a famous
Communist leader who heads his
country's embassy in London; the
young man is with the American
Embassy. When their later meet-
ings are reported by secret agents,
East and West, to their respective
security heads, both are immed-
iately suspected as traitors. Tele-
phones are tapped, the two are
followed, and Anna is forbidden to
see the American again.
ANNA'S FATHER discovers she
is pregnant and orders her home.
The American's attempts to res-
cue her from her escort, and the
trip back to the life she hates,
form the remainder of the sus-
penseful film. ,
Beginning with a delicate and
moving meeting of the two at the
ballets the film moves at an in-
creasingly rapid paceas the con-
flict between East and West is
played through the lives of two
individuals. A train sequence
during which the American at-
tempts to outwit Anna's guard is
taut and believable.
Anthony Asquith's direction of
the film is notable for several
reasons. In black and, white, the
scenes are always deftly controlled
and explicit; there are no un-
necessary moments in the . pic-
ture nor does the feeling of con-
trivance develop. Music, especial-
ly, is used to advance the plot and,
unusually, for the plot's sake and
not its own.
THE ACTING is competent and
sympathetic. As Anna, Odile Ver-
sois is appealing as the charming,
wistful girl in a terrifying situa-
tion. David Knight playing the
American, does a good job of a
man beginning to understand what
he is up against.
Best in the film is the dialogue
between father and daughter as
she tries to make him understand
how important her love is and he
attempts to make her understand
how meaningless it is to their
country. The methodical cold-
ness of the state opposing the indi-
vidual is harshly realized.
-Culver Eisenbeis

GM-,Ford Feud Di~srupts GOP


The Issue inP1956

A BACKSTAGE political strug-
gle between the two auto titans,
General Motors and Ford, has the
Republican high command snap-
ping and snarling at each other.
It could cause bitter recrimina-
Here is a three ring view of the
intra-party battle:
Ring 1 - Henry Ford II vs.
General Motors Boss Harlow Cur-
tice. Ford is a sincere and devot-
ed Ike-liker, hopes to keep the Eis-
enhower wing in power. Curtice
backed- the late Sen. Bob Taft,
trudgingly went along with Ike
until his heart attack. Now Cur-
tice and his GM executives are
moving mightily to put a conserva-
tive in the White House. Theyj
have gone so far as to shut off GM
contributions to the GOP as longj
as Eisenhower men run the Re-
publican Party in Michigan.
* * *
RING 2 - Present GOP Na-
tional Chairman Len Hall vs. Past
Chairman Art Summerfield, nowj
Postmaster General, and one of
the biggest Chevrolet 'dealers in
the USA. Summerfield is in the
unique position of serving in the
Eisenhower Cabinet, but sidingI
with General Motors against thej
' Eisenhower political team. He
has boasted in GOP circles that he
is still "De Facto National Chair-
man," that Hall is a figurehead
and "not very bright.". In turn,
Hall has called Summerfield a

"great money-raiser but a lousy
politician." The feud has, now
reached such a point that Hall has
recommended to the White House
that Summerfield be fired from
the Cabinet.
Ring 3 - Secretary of Defense
Charlie Wilson vs. the man who
succeeded him as GM president,
Harlow Curtice. Wilson is stanch-
ly loyal to the Eisenhower team,
but has absolutely no influence
over GM's political activity. Cur-
tice, who heaved a big sigh when
Charlie left GM, has houseclean-
ed General Motors of all Wilson
influence and policies.,
DURING the Army-McCarthy
showdown,; for example, GM vice
President Harry Anderson wrote a'
blistering letter to Wilson because
the Secretary of Defense was
against McCarthy. This was done
with Curtice's blessing.
To these might be added a
fourth, Junior Ring - Wilson's
son, Ed, vs. Summerfield's son,
Bud. Young Wilson has joined
forces with the Eisenhower lead-
ers now running the Republican
Party in Michigan. Young Sum-
merfield has taken up the cudgels
against the Ike forces.
Last week the Battle of the Mot-
or Moguls was so bitter that Chair-
man Hall made a last, desperate
effort to clamp the lid on the
tempest. He called Summerfield
and Michigan GOP Chairman
John Feikens to the Republican

National Committee for truce
At this meeting Feikens angrily
accused General Motors of stag-
ing a "sit-down strike" against Ei-
senhower leaders and closing the
GM treasury to Republican money-
raisers in Michigan. He charged
that Summerfield not only had
sided with GM, but had actually
influenced GM officials to stop
their contributions. This raised
thie ire of the Postmaster General.
Heatedly he shot back that Feik-
ens was nothing but a Ford
AFTER THE two men cooled
down., Hall got them to agree to a
political truce. Feikens promised
to add General Motors friends to
the Michigan State Campaign
Committee. Summerfield, in turn,
agreed to use his influence to
bring General Motors back into
the Republican money fold.
The peace, however, turned out
to be only temporary. The very
next day, word got back to the
National Committee that Summer-
field was castigating both Hall and
Feikens with the same old fervor.
Meanwhile in Michigan, the GM
faction was insisting on running
ex-Congressman Kit Clardy, an
out-and-out McCarthyite, for the
House seat he lost last year. The
Ford faction considers Clardy too
pro-McCarthy, an opinion shared
by the White House.
(Copyright, 1955, by Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

IF WE snake two assumptions, it is possible,
so it seems to me, to see what will be the
crucial question in the presidential election.
The first assumption is that there will be no
change. for the worse in the level of employ-
ment and prices. The second is that the
United States will not become involved in a
war, even a small one.
If these two assumptions hold, the crucial
question will be which candidate is the more
likely to occupy the ground on which Eisen-
hower has stood since the mid-term election
of 1954.
What is that ground? It is the ground in
the middle - the area, if one likes to put it
that way, of me-tooism - where on the basic
questions of war and peace, economic stability,
welfare measures, human rights and govern-
ment under the law, the two parties differ in
degree and in detail rather than in substance
and on the fundamentals.
DURING his first two years, Eisenhower was
in serious trouble and far from being a
happy and successful President. There were
indeed ominous similarities with the adminis-
tration of Gen. Grant. One of the most sig-
nificant political facts of these times is that
Eisenhower's enormous success and popularity
as President began after the extremist factions
of his party were defeated in the mid-term
elections of 1954. Only since then has Eisen-
hower been able to occupy that middle ground
on which he is now standing.
The situation could be changed by a war
or a depression. But given prosperity and no
war, the winning ground is this middle ground.
The battle inside both parties and between the
parties is for the possession of that ground.
The question for the Republicans is whether
they can have Eisenhower himself or a re-
placement. who can hold the ground where
Eisenhower stands. The question for the
Democrats is whether they can seize that
All of this is not to say that there are no
important differences in the political and so-
cial philosophies of Eisenhower and Steven-
son. There are. Eisenhower, for instance, is
strongly disposed to let things alone, and to
let what is remain what it is. Stevenson is
more conscious that the world is moving and
that to preserve the essential things, it is
necessary to reform and improve the means
and the measures of government. This differ-
ence of outlook can have great consequences
in the long run. It would have great conse-
quences in time of crisis.

But for 1956, assuming that nothing hap-
pens to arouse popular passions, the Republi-
cans and Democrats will struggle for possession
of the middle ground.
THERE is strong evidence in both parties to
support the thesis that the middle ground
is felt to be the winning ground.
If Eisenhower does not run again, Warren is
by a large margin the second choice not only
of his many admirers but of professional poli-
ticians who are looking for a 'winner. Why?
Because Warren appeals to the great middle
mass of the voters which includes the Eisen-
hower Republicans, the independents, and -
outside the South - the Eisenhower Democrats,
Both Eisenhower and Warren are opposed to
the extremist factions. Neither has ever stooped
to cut-throat politics, to the notion that poli-
tics is a dirty game which should be played by
dirty means, to the notion that in the name
of Americanism it is good politics to spew
forth innuendos of treason.
Both Eisenhower and Warren believe, one
might say, that there is such a thing as the
brotherhood of man, indeed that there is such
a thing as the ,brotherhood of Americans, and'
that it matters much more than who wins the
next election. And that in the final analysis
is the moral faith of those who stand on the
middle ground.
WHEN the Democrats took over the control
of the Senate after the 1954 election, Sen.
Lyndon Johnson, with sharp discernment, seiz-
ed the middle ground. He set out to demon-
strate to the country that the Democratic par-
ty is as well able as Eisenhower to stand on that
middle ground. Sen. Johnson may even have
done better than that. He may have proved
that Eisenhower never had a solid stance until
he supplanted Senator Knowland as leader of
the Senate.
Senator Johnson's policy in. Congress did
much, it seems to me, to prepare the way for
the renewal of Stevenson's political popularity.
Stevenson stands naturally on the ground that
the Congressional Democrats chose to make
their own. By temperament, by conviction,
and on his record, Stevenson is a man of the
middle. He is the very opposite of a factional
politician who plays for the extremes, of a
rip-snorting partisan who will stoop to any-
thing to win. Like Eisenhower and Warren he
cares for the community of American men and
women, and he carries himself as one who
believes that it is the duty of a politician to
do nothing to divide that community irrepar-
ably, and that it is his duty to be a healer of

to the
Overlooked. ..
To the Editor:
I WOULD like to call your atten-
tion to the fact that Friday, Nov.
11, was Armistice Day. However,
I did not see this fact mentioned
anywhere in your newspaper for
Friday. You claim to uphold the
ideals qf good journalism, and you
criticize many other, newspapers
for various acts whieh you consider
below your standards. Yet you let
such an important event go by un-
mentioned. Your paper will be
that much better if you will make
some mention of such facts in the
-Carl V. Schmult, Jr., '58A
Eff et of Votes...
To the Editor:
EVERY YEAR less than half of
the students vote in the 4ll-
campus elections. I wonder if S.
G. C. realizes one of the major
reasons for this display of apathy?
Before a student casts his ballot,
he must realize that how he votes
will eventually affect him in some
way. Otherwise, why would he
vote? In my opinion S. G. C. has
failed to show how its actions re-
late to the individual-the voter.
In elections this failure shows it-
self through the apathy of the
students toward voting.
--John Buckmaster, '57 BAd.

THE Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Notices should i7e sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553
Administration Building before 2 p.m.
the day preceding publication. Notices
for the Sunday edition must be in
by 2 p.m. Friday
General Notices
The General Library and all the Divi-
sional Libraries will be closed on Nov.
24 (Thanksgiving Day) and on the Sat.
following, Nov. 26.
There will be no Sunday service on
Nov. 27.
The General Library will be open on
Wed., Nov. 23, and Fri., Nov. 25, 8 a.m.-
6 p.m. All service units within the
building will be open on their regular
Divisional libraries will be closed
Wed. evening and will be open their
regular schedules on Fri., Nov. 25.
Late Permission for women students
who attended the University Symphony
Concert on Thurs., Nov. 17 will be no
later than 11 p.m.
Michigan Actuarial Club: Mon, Nov.
21, at 4:00 p.m., in Room 3212 Angell
Hal. J. P. Stanley, Actuary, Social
Security Department of the UAW-CIO,
will speak on "Actuarial Problems of
the UAW-CIO.
British Summer Schools will be repre-
sented in Ann Arbor Monday, Nov. 28
by Frank W. Jessup of Oxford Univer-
sity. He will publicize international
summer schools at Stratford, London,
Oxford, and Edinburgh, and would like
to meet faculty members and students
interested in the offerings in Britain
for the summer of 1956. Further infor-
mation in the Office of the Graduate
Academic Notices
D9ctoral Examination for Donald
William Levandowski, Mineralogy;
thesis: "Geology and Mineral Deposits
of the Sheridan-Alder Area, Madison
County, Montana," Mon., NOv. 21, 4065
Natural Science Bldg., at 1:00 p.m.
Chairman, E. W. Heinrich.
Placement Notices
The following schools have listed
vacancies for the Second Semester. They
will send no representatives to the
Bureau of Appointmens for interviews
at this time.
Albion, Mich.-Elementary.
East Detroit, Mich.-Early Elementary.
Garden City, Mich.-Early Elementary;
Later Elementary; High School English
and Social Studies.
Grand Rapids, Mich.-Early Elemen-
tary (Kindergarten).
Hazel Park, Mich.-Elemeitary.
Ithaca, Mich.-Elementary and High
School vocal Music.
Monroe, Mich.-Kindergarten.
Novi, Mich.-2nd and 3rd combina-
tion; Art and Music combination.
Oscoda, Mich-3rd grade; 4th grade
Quincy; Mich.-3rd grade; 4th grade;
5th grade.
Rogers City, Mich.-Elemenary and
High Schooi vocal Music.
Roseville, Mich.-Kindergarten; Ele-
Mount Prospect, Ill.-3rd grade.
Wakarusa, Ind.-3rd grade.
For additional information contact
the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Ad-
ministration Bldg., NO 3-1511, Ext. 489.
Representatives from the following
will ,be at the Engineering School:
Tues., Nov. 22:
The Burroughs Corp., Detroit, Mich.-
B.S. and M.S. in Chem., Mech., Metal.,
and Physics; B.S. in Engrg. Mechanics;
MS. in Instrumentation; all levels in
Elect. for Research, Development, De-
sign and Production.
Tues., Nov. 29:
U.S. Army, Corps of Engineers, Detroit,
Mich-all levels in Civil, Construction,
Elect., Instrumentation, Material, Math.,
Mech., Metal., Municipal, Physics, and
Science; B.S. in Aero., Ind. Engrg,
Mech,. and Naval and Marine for Con-
struction, Design, Devel., and Con-
struction and Design Management and
Administration. Non-citizens can be
used on civil works.
Wayne County Road Commission, De-
troit, Mich.-all levels in Civil, Con-
struction, Material, Math., Mech., Muni-
cipal, Sanitary, and Engrg. Mech. for
Design and Construction. U.S. citizen.
Wed., Nov. 30:
Stanolind Oil and Gas Co., Tulsa,
Oklahoma-all levels in Elect., Math.
and Physics for training as Jr. Geo-
prysicists, to analyze geophysical data
used in exploration for petroleum. U.S.
or Canadian citizens.

Union; Electric Co. of Missouri, St.
Louis, Mo.-B.S. in Elect, and Mech. E.
for Devel., Design, Const., Sales, and
Power Production. U.S. citizen.
Thurs., Dec. 1:
The Pure Oil Co., Chicago, Iii-all
levels in Chem. E.; B.S. and M.S. in
Civil, Mech., Metal., and Elect.; PhD
in Organic Chem., Physics, and Math.
for Research, Devel., Prod., Constr., and
Mechanical Handling Systems, Inc.,
Detroit, Mich.-B.S. and M.S. in Ind.
and Mech. E. for Design and Sales.
Rohm and Hass Co., Phila., Pa.-all
levels in Chem. E., Civil, Const., Elect.,
and Mech. for Research, Devel., Design,
Prod., and kales, U.S. citizens.
Thurs. and Fri., Dec. 1 and 2:
Remington Rand, Engrg. Research As-
sociates Div., St. Paul, Minn.-all levels
in Elect., Instru., Math., Mech., Engrg.
Mech., Physics and Science, B.S. in
Aero. for Research, Devel., Design,
Prod., and Field Engrg. U.S. citizens.
For appointments contact the Engrg.
Placement Office, 347 W. Engrg., Ext.





NCAA TV Plan Fairest To All

Daily Television Writer
DESPITE RECENT protests, pe-
titions and even attempted leg-
islative action, this afternoon's
football game will definitely NOT
be televised . . . anywhere.
This ruling is in accordance with
the National Collegiate Athletic
Association's controlled television
program for the 1955 season. Ever
since the NCAA has had any re-
strictions on the televising of foot-
ball games this uproar has occur-
red at least once during the span
of the season. And it will keep
on occurring as long as there are
college football games and tele-
THE NCAA' realizes this and
has devised a plan which is the
fairest way to everyone concerned.
* * *
UNDER THE present program a
team may appear twice on tele-
vision-once nationally and once
regionally, or twice regionally. No
team, under any circumstances,
may appear twice nationally. How-
ever, a team may appear a third
time under either of the following
If the game is declared a sellout
in the eyes of the NCAA, the NCAA
will listen to a petition that it be
televised by a local outlet, provid-
ing that it will not affect attend-
ance at any other c'ollegiate game

football games in the 90 mile rad-
ius (this figure is used because it
is the average area in which a
television picture can be received)
it will hurt their games attend-
ance, unless of course these games
are also sellouts."
* * *
THE OTHER situation in which
a team can appear regionally is
when the' visiting school is over
400 miles from the location of the
game and the game is considered a
sellout by the NCAA. Then the
NCAA can grant permission for
that game to be televised over the
home station of the visiting
This TV plan takes into consid-
eration the pleas of both the small
school and the big school. The
big school can gain national re-
cognition by appearing nationally
once and under certain conditions
appearing regionally as well.
The small school is pro.tected
dually by the 90 mile rule. There
are many people who might not go
to a small school's game if a large
school, that is less than 100 miles
away, is appearing on television.
This is because a school which is
less than 100 miles away may have
a great deal of influence on foot-
ball fans, for it can almost be con-
sidered a local team.
LET'S NOW apply the NCAA
code ot today's game. H. 0. "Fritz"
Crisler said recently that the rea-

gislative action could not possibly
put the game on the television
This seems unfair to those who
are doing the complaining about
the NCAA code. But the restric-
tions which make this group com-
plain are the same restrictions
which are being fair to the major-
ity of colleges in the nation. Any
deviation from these restrictions
would defeat the purpose of this
"fairest to all" program.


Scribbling by Mike Marder


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