Ohio State Rally - 3:15 By BILL HANEY the pr renown One of the most elaborate and The important pep rallies in the Uni- and a versity's history will form at 8:15 '58, an p.m. tonight at the Union, then low We move to Ferry Field. According to Myki Gold, '58, chairman of the Central Pep tor of Rally Committee, "It will be a trial pep rally. It will either set a directt precedent for future rallies or we Also will probably have no more." Kappa er Anc Miss Gold and Student Govern- singin ment Council which established Jess i the pep rally committee are ex- compa pectirig "a wonderful turnout." Entert Miss Gold explained, "We had close to five thousand at the last Last rally and we didn't have anywhere dedicat near the publicity or amount and by Bal caliber of entertainment we have Miss for the Ohio State rally." ture o kept a Forms at Union ute." After forming at the Union the ralliers will be led by the Uni- The versity Marching Band and cheer- the pe leaders to Ferry Field. A well- fire at lighted stage with a public address pected system has been constructed at gram. the field for the entertainment. SGC Dick Balseizer, Grad., head with th toastmaster, will introduce football State r coach Wally Weber, who will start was m p.m. Today ogram with one of his re- ed humorous speeches.r Hawaiian Beachcombers comedy skit by Rob Trost, d John Schubeck will fol- eber. Revelli Directs William D. Revelli, direc- University Bands, will then the Marching Band. performing will be Kappa Gamma singers; tap-danc- dy White; progressive jazz group, the Scotties; and Meyer singing with the ac- niment of the Taylor House ainment Group. on the program will be a tion of the Yellow and Blue seizer and the Band. Gold said, "The exact na- f the dedication is being secret until the last min- Expect Enthusiasm enthusiasm which SGC and p rally committee hope to t Ferry Field is not ex- to die out after the pro- members felt the trouble he planning of the Michigan rally was that no provision ade to organize the spirit. Consequently when the sched- uled program ended at 9 p.m. the misdirected enthusiasm resulted in the infamous "panty raid." SGC decided that any future plans for pep rallies must include provisions to "completely eliminate any chance of this unorganized folly." So to better organize the spirit it hopes to arouse the pep rally committee has scheduled several record dances and open houses. These dances will start immedi- ately after the program at Ferry Field is completed and will be open to affiliates and friends. Dances Scheduled Both open houses and record dances have been scheduled for Alice Lloyd, Moser, the League and the Union Little Club. Miss Gold pointed out, "Record dances are employed by all other Big Ten schools to round out the evening's entertainment after pep rallies. Miss Gold mentioned the dances have been organized with the idea in mind that many of the students would bring dates. The committee's plan for the pep rally was enthusiastically ap- proved three weeks ago by SGC. REVENGE ATTEMPT-Foremost in the minds of many of tonight's pep rally participants will be this heart-rending play which beat Michigan last year at Columbus. Dave Hill is shown hammer- ing in vain at the Ohio one-foot line in a crucial fourth down attempt to score. Hill was stopped, and Ohio marched on to the Rose Bowl. PEP RALLY FATE DEPENDS 'ON AUDIENCE See page 4 1YI r e *6 A 4.A t t n Daillit Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LXVI, No.47 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1955 COOLER, SNOW FLURRIES SIX PAGE 'U'To Investigate Fraternity Rows Rea, Zerman To See How They're Handled at Other Universities By LEE MARKS University officials will investigate fraternity rows at other schools as one step in planning a tentative fraternity row on North Campus, Vice-President for Student Affairs James A. Lewis said yesterday. Dean of Men Walter B. Rea and Assistant to the Dean William Zerman plan to discuss the problem with school and fraternity officials while attending a National Interfraternity Council conference in St. Louis, Dec. 2 and 3. "We hope to get information from Northwestern, Indiana and Cornell where provision has already been made for long-term lease of World News' oundupJ By The Associated Press TOKYO-Communist China yes- terday ordered the release and de- portation of 3 of the 19 jailed Americans it promised at Geneva in September to free "expedit- iously." BUENOS AIRES -Argentina's new provisional government an- nounced yesterday, the deposed leaders of the GeneralConfeder- ation of Labor (CGT) have called off the nationwide general strike. The announcement said the old CGT chiefs "resolved unanimous- ly to cease immediately" the three- day-old walkout. It was issued after a conference between top CGT figuers and Labor Minister Raul Migone. GETTYSBURG, Pa.-An in- creasingly chipper P r e s i d e n t Dwight D. Eisenhower yesterday whirled through a series of con- ferences that sparked hopes for a balanced budget and a vast new highway program. President Eisenhower and Sec- retary of State John Foster Dulles explored for 85 minutes yesterday the failure of East and West to solve vital differences at the Gen- eve conferences. 'willow Run Issue Studied No decisions were reached con- cerning a move of commercial air- { lines' from Willow Run Airport to Detroit Wayne Major Airport in yesterday's meeting between Wayne County officials and rep- resentatives of six of seven major airlines now operating from Wil- low Run. " University-owned property for fra- ternity use," Dean Rea commented. Still in Tentative Stages Vice-President Lewis said plan- ning was still in the most tentative stages with nothing definite as yet. Along with finding out how fra- ternity rows are handled elsewhere the Dean of Men and- Dean of Women Deborah Bacon have been asked to determine how many fra- ternities and sororities are inter- ested in a fraternity row. Zerman reported eight to 10 fraternities have expressed inter- est in the project. "Besides talking to "University officials we'd like to speak with officers of national fraternities to see what their attitude is," Dean Reaasaid of the trip to St. Louis. l TShortage of Locations - "There is a very definite short- age of locations and Ann Arbor realty prices are high. A fraternity row offers an attractive deal for houses that are looking for land," Dean Rea commented. Most common form of fraternity row, and one which has at least been considered at the University, consists of lease arrangements. Under such plans the University owns the land and leases it to fraternities for as much as 99 years. In some cases Universities help finance houses. Not Uncommon Dean Rea noted it is not un- common for -colleges to help fra- ternities build by lending money and floating mortgages. Possible objections to a fratern- ity row are distance from campus and increased University super- vision over fraternities. Vice-President Lewis pointed out a fraternity row might well be closer to campus than several fraternities now are. Dean Rea said the University is not interested in gaining further control over housing groups. "We want to offer a mutually attractive plan to houses that may be in- terested, he said. Michigan State is now planning a similar program which might include financing of fraternity houses, Dean Rea said. Only Northwestern and Indiana, in the Big Ten, now have fratern- ity rows. Eleven universities in all have them. New Group Will Meet With SGC By GAIL GOLDSTEIN New members of the Student Government Council will meet with the Council at 3:15 today in Rm. 3B of the Union. The five new members include Janet Neary, '58, Joe Collins, '58, Rod Comstock, '58 '57, Don Good, '57E, and Andy Knight, '58. Miss Knight became the fifth candidate elected to the Council at 2:32 p.m. yesterday. Elected on theeleventh ballot, Miss Knight edged out John' Wrona, '57 to complete the list of new members. 7,120 Vote Although total voting predic- tions ran as high as 9,000, the final total was counted at 7,120 votes, 7,041 of these as valid ballots. Votes cast Tuesday totaled 3,500. Elections Director Tom Cleve- land, '57, blamed Tuesday's rain for the loss of votes, He added he was, pleased with the final vote because many polling booths had to be closed because of the rain and this hampered voting. Last spring in the first SGC election 6,070 students cast votes with 3200 voting the first day. In, December, when the SGC referen- dum and Student Legislature elec- tions were held,-6,741 votes were registered. Total vote of the recent election therefore exceeded both of these by a substantial number. The new members will serve a full year's term. Nominations To Be Heard Nominations will be accepted at the meeting today for president, vice-president and treasurer of the Council. Nominations will remain open until Tuesday when election of of- ficers will be held. New officers will take over immediately follow- ing their election and serve for a semester. Tabled at last week's meeting a motion "that if at the end of the fiscal year 1955-56, there is an excess in Student Government Council funds, this excess shall be used to absorb the deficit in the Fall 1955 Student Book Exchange operation," will be acted upon, tonight. Moved by Bill Diamond, '56E, the motion refers to the deficit incurred by SBX in its operation this semester. Democratic DgelegateSeatingProbabi 'Comradery Marks Day L oyalty Oat I (Dropped by At Meetings. Special to the Daily If conventions are the time of decision, national committee meet- ings are a time for mutual back- slapping, and as one Democrat ex- pressed yesterday "putting an end to an unfortunate interruption of the new and fair deal administra- tion." One pundit claims Chicago is. "more than justified in being termed the windy city this week." Blasts of icy winds outside the Conrad Hilton Hotel provided marked contrast to feverish act- ivities within. Comradery was the order of the day as committee members re- laxed from the woes of the loyalty oath problem and were told you can roll in '55, if you're a GM wheel." Levity was not all that con- cerned the Democrats, however. Revisions of the loyalty oath were discussed in the executive session of the National Committee all day. At the conclusion of the meet- ing, former Democratic National Chairman, Stephen A. Mitchell, met with newsmen and served notice that he would personally fight the "notorious delegates that all but disrupted the last conven- tion." This is a sore point with the Democrats who stuck by Adlai E. Stevenson in 1952. Their delega- tions tried to keep it quiet, but it was apparent to all those in Chi- cago that 'the eyes of Texas were upon them'. Hardly anybody mentioned the Republicans except the balladeer who crooned "We've got to keep off the GOP track (one step for- ward and two steps back)." -Daily-John Hirtzel PROF. MARSHALL KNAPPEN ADDRESSES LITERARY COLLEGE CONFERENCE Closer Student-Faculty Ties Urged Disute Ove: By ETHEL KOVITZ Smaller classes with more stu- dent participation and closer re- lations between students and pro- fessors were suggested as ways to stimulate intellectual curiosity at a student-facultysconference held at the League last night. Sponsored by the Literary Col- lege Steering Committee, the con- ference dealing with the question "Does the Literary College Thwart Students' Intellectual Curiosity?" was attended by nearly 200 stu- dents and faculty members. The meeting began with a brief panel discussion by two students and two faculty members. Sue Levy, '55, representing the student in honors programs sug- gested semi-honors classes on the freshman and sophomore level and more personal faculty interest in the student. She also suggested more hours' offered for honors courses, allow- ing the student time to explore. deeply the field in which he's in- terested. Prof. Herbert Barrows of the English department, a member of the committee on honors curric- ulums, stressed the University's concern with the gifted student and said with the expansion of the honors programs "this concern is beginning to bear fruit." Committee on Activities Speaking for the student in extra-curricular activities, Murry Frymer, '55, Daily Editorial Direc- tor, said activities satisfy the "de- sire for self-expression you don't get in a lecture hall of 200 jet- propelled stenographers." A lack of personal give and take in the classroom, needed to stimu- late intellectual thinking, partial- ly accounts for University students not receiving Rhodes scholarships recently, according to Prof. Mar- shall Knappen, of the political science department. _%_ ._.___. However the lack of a close stu- dent relationship is not solely be- cause professors lack time. Stu- dents do not take advantage of aculty office hours or teas, Prof. Knappen pointed out. To aid student-faculty relations, Prof. Preston Slossen, of the his- tory department, suggested an in- creased number of informal dis- cussions such as last night's. Accusations that students are talked "to and not with" and that teaching fellows are often "just interested in subsidizing their own education" were also expressed. Senior- Society Taps Fourteen Singing "In and out the halls we wander . . ." Senior Society, independent women's honorary, last night tapped 14 new mem- bers for their leadership and ser- vice to the University. The new members, who will be recognized today by their white collars and blue bows are Carol Brumbaugh, Cynthia Diamond, Elaine Edmonds, Gitta Gosziniak, Sandra Hoffman, Judy Jennis, C-1 ,;n T_- _ A-"__ , _Tf_ _l __ - _.5l1 .0 . Committee Mitchell to Fighi GOP Supporters By PETE ECKSTEIN Special to The Daily CHICAGO-A sharp fight ove seating of rebellious delegates t the 1956 Democratic conventio: seemed inevitable yesterday despit the unanimous decision of'the Na tional Committee to abolish tbi controversial loyalty oath. The requirement that delegate agree to support the convention' nominees, which split the part in 1952, was removed on the recom mendation of an advisory commit tee headed by former Nationa Chairman Stephen A. Mitchell. Mitchell promised to contest th seating at the convention of som party leaders who publicly sup ported President Dwight ID2Eisen hower following the 1952, conven" tion. He said he 'would questiox their "fitness and good faith." New Rules Approved New rules, as approved by th National Committee, say all de gates certified by state partie will be considered "bona fide Dem ocrats" and no additional assur ances of party loyalty will b required "in the absence of cre dentials contest or challenge." Mitchell made clear that he wil initiate such a challenge if eithe Gov. Allan Shivers of Texas, Gov Robert F. Kennon of Louisiana o former South Carolina Governo James Byrnes is ,named a dele gate. As for his chances of unseatini the pro - Eisenhower delegates Mitchell confidently commentec "there's no use .going into a figh you don't expect to win." New Principle He said he intends to establist the principle that a man "canno continue to be a leader of thi party when he refuses the.obliga tion of leadership." Tempers flared over the.naminE of Lt. Gov. Ben Ramsey of Texa to be National Committeeman fron that state. Ramsey was immed lately assailed by Dean Johnstor of the Texas Young Democrats a being named by a state commit tee "stacked and controlled by Gov Shivers, the party's most notor" ions traitor." BUSINESS BOOMS: Ticket Scalpers Ignore Threat) By DICK SNYDER A ticket-scalping business boom was evident yesterday despite Municipal. Court Judge Francis O'Brien's warning that stiff pen- alties would be meted out to ar- little trouble selling them for an average of $10. On student remarked yesterday that if he couldn't get at least $20 for his ticket, "I'll go to the game myself." Acordin7 t n Ann Arbn. nnoic Following the 1953 OSU clash here, two scalpers were sentenced in Municipal Court to 60 days in jail and $75 in fines. Cautioning students against sell- ing tickets even at regular prices t t