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November 16, 1955 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1955-11-16

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Sixty-Sixth Year
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only. This must be noted in all reprints.

'You Act Like You Thought This Was Your Government"




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Every Vote Is Important

RAIN OR the cold hasn't kept Student Gov-
ernment Council elections committee work-
ers away from the polls.
Let not the students be the ones to stay
The present elections are of great importance
to the future of student government at Michi-
gan. Student government cannot function if
the students do not support it.
The Council is in its first year of trying to
make a- go of the new organization which re-
sulted from the Laing proposal. The student
body voted for the present structure, now it
must vote to kee it working. This election
will show the Council whether the students
are behind it in its work.
-SGC' members have worked long and hard
to train the candidates who are attempting to
secure one of the five open positions.
THE CANDIDATES themselves have made an
attempt to reach as much of the student
body as possible in person. Those not reached
personally could read each candidate's platform
in Sunday's "Daily."

The committee wants nine thousand voters.
This is a high number compared to vote totals
of other years, but not when the number of
students on campus are considered.
It must be remembered that SGC is recog-
nized by the Regents. It is not just a mouth-
piece organization, but an organization with
the recognition necessary to carry out its de-
cisions. Students elected to the Council should
be capable of helping to carry out its work.
SGC HAS this semester taken up topics effect-
ing a large segment of the student body.
The rushing proposal, pep rally organization,
and driving ban study are just a few of the
decisions that will be brought before the Coun-
cil for final decision in the near future.
It is up to the student body now to select
the most capable candidates to carry out this
work. As in almost any election a few votes
may change the picture - every vote is

Rights' of Fraternities

HE University of Illinois Interfraternity
Council has dealt itself a' black eye.
A resolution to repudiate the philosophy of
prejudice and bias in fraternities was voted
down recently with only five houses supporting
Instead of trying to halt the totally inde-
fensible policy of selectivity- based on race and
religion, the Illinois IFC has endorsed the
"right" of fraternities to choose whom they
The defeated resolution denounced "ethnic
exclusion clauses or unwritten agreements as
un-American,, undemocratic and contrary to
the best interests of the student body."
Illinois IFC has apparently decided the
racial - and religious clauses and unwritten
agreements are democratic and in' the best
interests of the student body.'
In defeating the resolution the Illinois stu-
dents go on record as supporting one of the
most vicious aspects of fraternities..

RECENT years have seen great progress to-
ward the day when fraternities adopt just
criteria for choosing members and abandon
the narrow path of bigotry.
Northern chapters of most fraternities with
bias clauses are fighting hard for their elimi-
nation. In many Northern schools University
administrators have taken steps to hasten
University of Michigan has discouraged ad-
ministration intervention but Interfraternity
Council maintans a counseling service to aid
fraternities in the movement against bias.
Illinois stands either alone or (outside the
South) amongst few in its defense of fraternity
"rights" in discrimination.
They may succeed in slowing attempts to
end discrimination, but in the end they may
be forced to eat their votes. They should, be.
The vote is a disillusionment to those who
base their fight against the bias clauses on the
same defense of democracy as the University
of Illinois has used to condone them.

*.si~ WA441"roo Jpoor ~

.Sen. Morse Undaunted By Dig

THE manure spreader has be-
come the symbol in the Ore-
gon political campaign, which al-
ready has started in the fight over
re-election of Sen. Wayne Morse,
The other 'day, Morse arrived
at Myrtle Point, Ore., to speak
before the Rotary Club of which
he was once state president. Out-
side the hotel stood A brand new
red manure spreader, flaunting a
sign: "Welcome Wayne Morris."
It had been placed there by
his GOP critics, many of them
bitter because he left the Repub-
lican party.
*.* *
WHETHER they agree with
Morse or not, his colleagues in
the Senate have always found him'
one of the mose resourceful men
on Capitol Hill. He immediately
went up to the manure spreader,
called to some of the officers of
Rotary, and had his picture tak-

en with them and the manure
Later called upon to speak, the
Senator said:
"I realize that that manure
spreader was placed outside to
embarrass me. They even mis-
spelled the name to try to em-
barrass me. But that manure
spreader is a symbol-not of em-
barrassment to me but of farm
prosperity. It's a symbol my old
Republican friends have forgot-
ten. It used to hold pay dirt for
the farmer. But that spreader
outside had no pay dirt in it.
"That's what I want to talk
about today," Morse continued,
"the relation between farm in-
come and your cash register."
He launched into a powerful
diagnosis of how the Eisenhower
Administration had let down the
* * *
MORE AND MORE banks are

merging all over the nation, in-
cluding some of the biggest in
the country.
There were 116 mergers in 1953,
a total of 200 in 1954, and this
year it is estimated there will be
350. In New York City alone there
have been 17-mergers in the last
seven years.
The trend has panicked many
economists, who see a trend to-
ward the centralized control typi-
cal of European banking. In Eng-
land, for example, five banks own.
75 per cent of 4ll deposits, conse-
quently hold life-and-death power
in many cases over businessmen
who need loans.
Latest merger: The Manu-
facturers National Bank of De-
troit with deposits of $601,000,000
and the Industrial National.Bank
of Detroit with deposits of $155,-
000,000. Another billion - dollar
deal involving state banks is also
slated in Philadelphia this month.

A Day Set Aside

In Writing
(EDITOR'S NOTE: Professor Haugh
is a member of the Department of
English at the University, ard a
teacher in the field of creative writ-
"WE'RE in for something deca-
dent," says Irina of her son's
play, in Chekhov's "The Seagull."
And it must be confessed that in
the past many readers of "Gen-
eration" have said as much, with-
out her vivacity.
Perhaps I'm still enchanted by
the liveliness with which deca-
dence is advanced in the current
showing at the Dramatic Arts
Center, the gayety of response,
the brilliant surface movements
which save Chekhov from weari-
ness as he presents futility, lost
hopes, and unrequited love. But in
"Generation" for Fall, 1955, I find
promising indications that young
writers are learning to treat with
vitality the themes of their in-
heritance from Eliot, Proust, Kaf-
ka, Hemingway, themes that for
so long overwhelmed them; left
them drawing their initials like
sick children in the mudflats left
by the great tidal ideas of exile,
wasteland, and you - can't - go -
I am especially glad to see in
print Gael Greene's "A Cocktail
Quadrille." Miss Greene's play
was enthusiastically received when
performed at the last Inter-Arts
Festival by a cast which' gave it
the verve and movement its wit
merits. Her inventive idea of fus-
ing the quadrille from "Alice in
Wonderland" with "The Cocktail
Party" gave her wonderful op-
portunities for energetic, even
strenuous, leaps from "mock
turtles to mock people."
* * *
OF THE short stories, "The
Existentialist" by Paddie Lee Mal-
oy makes an interesting use of
the ancient life adventure tale.
Miss Malloy's Horatio Alger Exist-
entialist finds the limits of his
being with the aid of some Huxley
and Freud.
David Levy's "Apples in the Dead
Sea" measures its juices too clini-
cally to hold my complete at-
tention, Nancy. Eriksen's "The
Notice in the Paper" is an appeal-
ing child's story of the gossamer
dream and the ugly reality. Miss
Eriksen's images are more per-
suasive than her dramatic scenes,
Richard Braun's essay about
Huddie Ledbetter, who lived from
shortly after the Civil War to
1949, and who became a living
legend as the blues singer "Lead-
belly," is succinct and factual,
told with a direct eye and the
shoulders hunched forward.
"Composer's Forum," by R. K.
Burdette, plunged too quickly into
intramural matters of special in-
terest to musicians, composers es-
pecially, for my-casual perusal.
AMONG the poets, not strongly
represented in this issue, I found
Curt Shellman an image maker
whose work I should like to follow
in more sustained patterns.
Only a fragment of the art
work was available to me at this
writing, owing to production dif-
ficulties. Of the few items I saw,
I thought Nancy Willard's pen and
ink drawing of child with flute to
be notably charming.
All in all, Generation is com-
mendable for the versatility and
strength of this Volume Seven,
Number One, for Fall, 1955.
-Robert F. Haugh

to. the
Where Was He?...
To The Editor:
I'M NOT ONE to write Letters to
the Editor (in fact this is my
first venture), but a very puzzling
thing has occured and my curios-
ity is sending me through the tor-
tures of the damned.
In good faith I have always as-
sumed that your movie, drama and
music critics madeba practice of
attending the productions under
consideration, but where might I
ask was the Setzuan reviewer on
the night of December 8? (I'm ter-
ribly sorry, but his name escapes
me. So careless!)
--James Reindel, '56
Misspelling., ,
To The Editor:
I DO HAVE a rather -hard to
spell name and therefore am
not surprised to find it misspelt.

THE Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the university
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responst-
bitity. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRI/rTEN form to Room 3553
Administration Building before 2 p.m.
the day preceding publication. Notices
for the Sunday edition must be in
by 2 p.m. Friday.
General Notices
The Map Room (General Library),
which has been closed for repairs and
expansion, is now open full time. The
hours are 8:30 a.m.-12:00 noon and 1:00-
5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.
Selective Service Examination: Stu-
dents taking the Selective Service
College Qualification Test on Nov. 17
are requested to report to Room 140
Business Administration, and Room
100 Hutchins Hall, Thurs., at 830 a.m.
Late Permission for women student
who attended the Nathan Milstein con-
cert on Mon., Nov. 14 will be no later
than 11:10 p.m.
Danforth Graduate Fellowships: Grad-
uating seniors preparing for college
teaching careers and who are, con-
mitted to the Christian faith are in-
vited to consult with the Danforth
Foundation Liason Officer at the Uni-
versity of Michigan, Prof. Robert Blood
of the Department of Sociology. Dan-
forth Graduate Fellowships are award-
ed on the basis of need up to a maxi-
mum of $1800 for single students and
$2400 for married students plus addi-
tional stipends for children. These
fellowships may be used for graduate
study at any accredited university in
the United States and are potentially
renewable throughout the years of grad-
uate study. Professor Blodd is available
at No. 5622 Haven Hall, Mondays 4:00-
5:00 p.m. ald Fridays 1:00-2:00 p.m.
Literary College Conference: Faculty
Student Forum: "Does the Literary
College Thwart Undergraduate Intellec-
tual Curiosity?" League at 7:30 p.m.
Thurs., Nov. 17.
Nov. 16, 8:00 p.m., Room 1300 Chem-
istry Building. University of Michigan
Section of the American Chemical So-
ciety. Dr. Max A. Lauffer, head of the
Department of Biophysics, University
of Pittsburg will speak on "Viruses."
Department of Romance Languages.
Lecture by Professor Jaime Ferran, of
the "Seminar for the Science of Cul-
ture," University of Madrid, Wed., Nov.
16, East Lecture Room, Raclham
Building, at 4:15 p.m. "Eugeni d'Ors
y la ciencia de la cultura."
Academic Notices
College of Architecture and Desig
mid-semester reports due Fri., Nov.
25. It is only necessary to report "D"
and "E" grades. Please send tiemt
207 Architecture Building.
Students, College of Engineering: The
final day for Dropping Courses Without
Record will be Fri., Nov. 18. A course
may be dropped only with the permis-
sion of the classifier after conference
with the instructor.
Students, College of Engineering: The
final day for Removal Of Incompletes
will be Fri., Nov. 18. Petitions for ex-
tension of time must be on ,file in the
Secretary's Office on or before Fri.,
Nov. 18.
Educational Council coffee hour, sec-
ond floor lounge of Ed School from
3:00-5:00 p.m., Wed., Nov. 16.
Botanical Seminar. Professor John 1.
Cantlon, Michigan StateaUniversity,
will speak on, "The Vegetation of the
Arctic Slope of Alaska." Wed., Nov. 16,
4:15 p.m., 1139 Natural Science Building.
Refreshments at 4:00.

Sociology Colloquium. Richard S.
LeBlond, "Infant Science and Ancient
Culture: A Sociologist Views Italy"
Wed., Nov. 16 at 4:10 p.m., East Con-
ference Room, Rackham. Students and
faculty invited.
Physical - Analytical - Inorganic
Chemistry Seminar. Thurs., Nov. 17,
7:30 p.m., Room 3005 Chemistry Build-
ing. Thomas R. Stengel will speak on
"Molecular Ionization Potentials."
Engineering Seminar: "Professional
Societies and Union Organizations,"
Ralph J. Stevenson, secretary of the
Michigan Society of Professional Engi-
neers, Thurs., Nov. 17, 4:00 p.m., Room
311, W. Engineering Building.
Organic Chemistry Seminar. 7:30 p.
in., Room 1300. E. LeVon will speak on
"Recent Advances In Cumulene Chem-
istry." Thurs., Nov. 17.
events Today
Research Club. Rackham Amphithea-
tre at 8:00 p.m. on Wed., -Nov. 16.
Agenda: Proposed Amendment to the
Constitution regarding membership;
Professor James M. Cork (Physics)!
"Nuclear Radiations and the Prolonga-
tion of Life." Members only.
Free Film. Museums Bldg., 4th floor
Exhibit Hall. "Fish Out of Water" and
"Five Colorful Birds," Nov. 15-21. Daily
at 3:00 and 4:00 p.m., including Sat,
and Sun., extra showing Wed. at 12:30.
Placement Notices
George Baker, personnel director of
the Detroit Public Schools, will be at
the-Bureau of Appointments for inter-
views all day Thurs., Nov. 17. Teacher
needs: All fields both elementary and
secondary. For additional information
contact the Bureau of Appointments,
3528 Administration Bldg., NO 3-1511,



THE time-honored "Merry Christmas" that
invariably jumps from the lips of everyone
at Yuletide is beginning to show its face again.
But there seems to be a bit of confusion as to
the extent of this "Yuletide."
Every year signs go up in shops, lights flash
on and off in windows, and merchants extend
their somewhat superficial season's. greetings
to all. But somehow every Christmas is born
more prematurely than the last.
Here it is a week before Thanksgiving and
the banners read: "Enjoy the Savings of Our
Special X-mas Sale." Thei we read the in-
significant bulletin in the corner of the win-
dow -- seemingly placed almost as an after
thought -- "Get Your Turkey Here."
AT THIS rate, in a few more years the
Christmas season will be one perpetual
buying campaign from the middle of November,

and Thanksgiving will shrink to little more
than the appropriate time to eat turkey and
pumpkin pie.
In 1621, the Pilgrims set aside a day for
offering up thanks to God for survival through
the perils of their environment in the early
days of the settlement.
Today; the merchants' commercialization and
excitement concerning Christmas tend to make
us forget the strife our forbears endured. We
all too often let history take care of our obli-
gation to pay respect and rememberance to
those Founding Fathers who, more times than
not, gave their lives to start this new and free
Christmas is a time for both prayer and
enjoyment, but let's not forget the trials and
tribulations of our Forefathers in this coming
Thanksgiving season.

Reds Rid Undesirables In W. Berlin


Adlai's Word No Surprise

Associated Press News Analyst
ADLAI Stevenson's announcement he again
will seek the Democratic presidential nom-
ination creates hardly a ripple in political af-
fairs. He's been running all along, and there
is no doubt he is at present the leading candi-
More titillating is the expressed reaction of
Averell Harriman, governor of New York, for-
merly a highly prescient member of the Demo-
cratic team of international experts, and the
apple of some important Democratic eyes. Har-
rinlan said Stevenson had done well in 1952, and
would do well again, with the full support of
New York "if renominated."
Earlier in the day Harriman had said any-
body who wanted the nomination would have
to work for it. "I'm not going to work for it,"
he said.
He didn't issue any orders to stop against
those who have been doing the work for him.
As FOR the other man who has been men-
tioned among the Democratic "Big Three"
Editorial Staff
Dave BaaJ ........................... Managing Editor
Jim Dygert .............................. City Editor
Murry Frymer ...................... Editorial Director
Debra Durchslag ..................... Magazine Editor
David Kaplan .......................... Feature Editor
Jane Howard..................... Associate Editor
Louise Tyor ........ .................. Associate Editor
Phil Douglis ......................... Sports Editor

possibilities, Estes Kefauver, his friends went
right ahead watching,, listening and working,
too. But much time has passed since he was
the popular chairman of the much-televised
,Senate Crime Investigating Committee, and
he is from Tennessee, sometimescalleda bor-
der state, but still farther South than any
major party candidate has come from in mod-
ern times.
As for the other hopefuls, their major re-
liance was on the possibility that the top men
would block one another out of the game.
Stevenson's statement is a modest one, but
representing an attitude far different from
the one he displayed in 1952, when he waited
for the party to draft him. Now he has
nine months of campaigning before the con-
vention, and will probably enter a number of
presidential primaries.
Even though Harriman is probably not as
reluctant as he sounds, this develops a possi
bility which might be used to further compli-
cate Republican troubles.
STEVENSON is a widely respected man on a
nonpartisan basis. When President Eisen-
hower was believed practically certain to seek
renomination, nearly all Democrats were will-
ing to let Stevenson have the honor of trying
to unseat him. Against a lesser Republican
figure, many others decided they might have
a chance. This produced talk of a wide-open
Now that Stevenson's determination is clear,
there could be some changes of heart. Not
only because of the formidable Stevenson, but
also for the sake of party unity, now that many

(EDITOR'S NOTE: The writer, Mr.
Learned, is the University exchange
student at the Free University of Ber-
lin. This is his first article concern-
ing his observations in Germany.)
BERLIN-It is probably common
knowledge in America that the
City of Berlin is, because of its di-
vision into four sectors, each of
which is overseen by a big four
power, the chief hole in the iron
curtain through which people may
flee communist oppression in East
Germany. As such it proves to,
be an interesting sort of safety
valve. A safety valve which works
to the advantage of the East Ger-
man government and Russia as
well as to the advantage of the
individual refugee.
Since the June 17, 1953. out-
break of strikes and riots all over
East Germany, the Soviet zone
has been very similar to an Or-
wellian state. But it is still not
so well isolated from western
Letters are still written. Radio
in the American Sector with
300,000 watts power covers quite
an area of the Soviet zone despite
jamming. Radio Free Berlin has
its audience, and there are still
some of the older generation who
will come up with comparisons to
former times. These older people
and especially some of the young-
er people who will deliver the non-
communist ideas and reports they
hear from the western world soon-
er or later find themselves in Ber-
lin applying for support as politi-
cal refugees to the German Fed-
eral Republic.
As soon as the political pressure
brought to bear on these people is
too great, they flee to West Ber-
* * *
THE FACT that this avenue is
open, however favorable it may

threat to life and limb into flee-
ing the country.
The younger generations grow-
ing up in a communistic society as
a result have less and less to which
they can refer, and if a plebiscite
comes only after several years of
this, the voters of that time will
be less inclined to agree to unifi-
cation with another country (to
them another country) having a
radically different system of gov-
ernment of an unknown sort. One
could imagine the style of the
And it is not too difficult to see
that the Government of the Soviet
Zone is keeping an eye closed to
this emigration. Nowadays about
700 people a day are coming from
the Soviet Zone to the capitol
city of the German Democratic Re-
public, never to go back into the
zone. And the population of East
Berlin is probably decreasing
slightly if anything. These refu-
gees to West Berlin are being al-
lotted to the Federal Republic,
one could almost say, by the Sov-
iet Zone Government.
IT WOULD be a cinch for them

to clamp air-tight border controls
on the Zone-Sector borders or on
the intersector border separating
the Russian sector from the other
Sectors; this latter would not be
according to Potsdam, but could
occur, as was shown after the out-
break of riots on June 17, 1953.
It is even quite probable that
through political persecutions in
the East, the East Germane Gov-
ernment has tried to undermine
West German economy by forcing
economically incapacitated refu-
gees out into the care of the young
West German economy while at
the same time, of course, getting
rid of a great batch of political
undesirables. The relationship of
the immigration figure rise and
the contemporaneous economic
condition of the Federal Republic
has indicated this.
Although one couldn't prescribe
a mere stimulant to international
relations and expect a cure of
this insidious disease, one can see
that the recent courting that's been
going on in Geneva and Moscow
isn't holding this disease in check-


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