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November 15, 1955 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1955-11-15

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C-4v*gr T A d, in

VOL. LXVI, No. 44





I .




An Editorial...
There have been smiles the last few days as SGC
public relations people estimated 9,000 votes for today
and tomorrow's Student Government Council election.
Such a vote would smash even the records set in the'
late 1940's and would far surpass ballot totals in SL
elections of recent years.
Although SGC might be expressing more idealism
than realism in its hopes for the election there is no
reason why students shouldn't justify the optimism this
Regardless of opinion concerning SGC's accomplish-
ments during the past seven months, there is little
controversy over University students' desire for a strong
student government. Student support reflected in
student ballots at, election time helps assure progress to
this goal. Only students can elect the good representa-
tives necessary to make inroads on the many problems
facing the student body today.
Problems from increasing enrollment, the fraternity
and sorority rushing situation, the new driving ban pro-
posal will all be before SGC in the next few months and
capable student representation is imperative if there is
to be real student voice in the areas.J
Often in the past students excused themselves from
the polls because they were not familiar with the lengthy
slate of candidates. This time the problem doesn't ex-
ist. A look at Sunday's Daily will be enough to
familiarize students with the 12 candidates competing for
the five SGC positions. A study of the platforms will
be well spent time if there is rightful interest in student
Student governments at the University have long been
plagued with members elected by support of one or
two housing units on campus. With only five positions
open, candidates will need much more support today and
tomorrow to win seats on SGC. The good candidates,
the ones students want to make student government a
potent force at the University, need the support of the
entire student body at today's and tomorrow's elections.
-The Senior Editors


Divides UN
Russia Backing
Outer Mongolia
Russian sponsorship of Outer Mon-
golia's claim to a seat in the Unit-
ed Nations split the West yesterday
and threatened to block admission
of 17 other countries into the world
Britain and the Soviet Union
said they were ready to support
the admission of all 18 new mem-
bers, but the United States stood
firm against Soviet-backed Outer
A British spokesman said the
qualifications of Outer Mongolia
were open to doubt, but that Brit-
ain would agree to accept its ad-
mission if this would break the
nine-year deadlock in the admis-
sion of new members.
A Soviet delegation spokesman
insisted Russia would not agree to
admit any of the 18 applicants un-
less Outer Mongolia were included.
Canada's Paul Martin was re-
ported ready to circulate a reso-
lution calling formally for the ap-
proval of the 18 applicants, which
include five Soviet bloc countries
and. 13 prq-Western or neutral
A British spokesman issued a
statement saying "we are support-
ing the Canadian government's ef-
forts to break the deadlock over
the admission of new members to
the United Nations.
To this end we are ready to
acquiesce in the admission of all
18 outstanding applicants, even if
the qualifications of some of them
are open to doubt. Among the
latter is especially Outer Mongolia.
"We would, however, if this re-
sulted in breaking the deadlock,
even be prepared to acquiesce in
the admission of Outer Mongolia.
Ike Welcomed
In Gettysburg
GETTYSBURG, Pa. (/P)-Presi-
dent and Mrs. Dwight D. Eisen-
hower returned to Gettysburg
yesterday and a heart tingling
home-coming welcome from "the
people who are going to be our
neighbors, God willing."
Thousands of them turned out
in historic Lincoln Square, jam-
ming the streets, perching on bal-
conies and in windows, crowding'
onto roof tops.
Burgessman William G. Weaver
told the Chief Executive and First
Lady "how glad and happy we
are that you have made Gettys-
burg your home." His daughter,
Patricia, 13, handed Mrs. Eisen-
hower - 59 yesterday, a bouquet
of brilliant red rose..

-Daily-Dick Gaskill
STUDENT GOVERNMENT COUNCIL has been running a campaign to get students to vote. Re-
minderg, such as signs, posters and banners, have been placed at strategic spots on campus. The
Council hopes to'turn out a record vote in the balloting which begins today and continues through

Author Hits
False Race
Ideo logies
A dominant concept that the
Negro is inferior and an older one
that he is not even human made"
possible the lynching of Emmett
Till in Mississippi, Herbert Apthe-
ker said last night.
Speaking to more than 20
people, mostly students, at a gath-
ering sponsored by the Ann Arbor
Youth League, Aptheker said it
was these same concepts, rooted in
American history, that caused the
acquittal of the accused murder-
ers and the refusal of a grand
jury to indict them on kidnap
"These concepts are ideological
rationalizations for a capitalistic
economic and social system," the
Marxist writer declared. The rul-
ing class inr American capitalism
has always exploited the Negro,
he added.
It has been this exploitation, he
claimed, that has helped to make
American capitalism strong., And
the ruling class maintains Jim
Crowism, he said, not by social
custom, but by law.
He insisted that the Negroes
would someday be liberated, but
not without the help from outside
"The first step," he said, "is
for the American people to insist
that the United States Constitu-
tion be enforced." He suggested,
also, federal legislation against
Jim Crowism.

Holdups Net,
Thieves $477
Two lone, pistol-carrying gun-
men made hauls of $262 and $185
in market and theater holdups
Saturday and Sunday nights.
First of the two robberies took
place about 8 p.m. Saturday in a
grocery store at W. Liberty St.
and Stadium Blvd. The dark-
codplexioned, scar-faced bandit
passed 'a note to Mrs: Nancy
Wright, cashier, demanding all
her money.
Although the preoccupied man-
ager of the store was nearby, Mrs.
Wright was forced to scoop $262
into a paper bag and give it to the
First Holdup in 20 Months
This was the first holdup in the
immediate Ann Arbor area in more
than 20 months.
Second robbery of the weekend
occurred Sunday evening at the
State Theater. The gunman, not
the same man, thrust a pistol into
the ticket seller's cage and de-
manded money.
The robber, a tall man in a red
and green lumber jacket, grabbed
$185, turned, and got away on
foot. Miss Bessie Botchen, the
ticket seller, ran out yelling of
the holdup.
Only One Witness
At the grocery store, another
clerk watched the holdup, afraid
to call out for fear that someone
might be hurt. There were no
witnesses to the theater holdup,
although one University student
saw the thief running away.
Sheriff and police deputies have
been unable to find any trace of
the holdup men.

Students To Pick
New Members
Five Positions Sought; 12 Hopeful
Climax Campaign in Election Bid
Students will go to the polls today and tomorrow to vote I
candidates to fill five open positions on Student Government Counci
Twelve students are running for the positions out of sevente
who took out petitions.
Climaxing two weeks of campaigning, candidates have made the
platforms known to the student body through The Daily, speech-
at housing groups and folders sent to the houses on campus.
Posters, fliers, matches and other 'gimmicks' help advertise the
candidacy., f
Repeat Record
Repeating last year's election record, there are over twice
many candidates as there are positions open on the Council. T1
newly elected members will sit on!-

High Court'
Racial Law
preme Court yesterday doomed an
Oklahoma law requiring Negro
candidates for public office to be
identified as such, but put off rul-
ing on state bans on interracial
In the Oklahoma case, the court
refused to interfere with a decision
of 'the United States Court of Ap-
peals at Denver holding the ballot
law unconstitutional.
The appellate court said it was
a denial of equality of treatment
to require the lable "Negro."
The appellate court said this
was "a direct discrimination be-
tween members of the Negro race
and members of the white, yellow,
and other races, all embraced in
the phrase 'white race.' "

the Council at its meeting Friday
Elections committee member Jim
Paterson said his group is keyed
to get out the graduate vote as well
as the undergrad vote in order to
reach the desired nine thousand
mark. Last year the vote totaled
only 6,070.
Booths are set up at twenty-
three points throughout the cam-
pus area and voting will run from
8 a.m. until 5 p.m. today and to-
Students to Man. Booths
Twelve hundred members of
housing groups will man the
booths, two serving each hour of
the day.
The count will be taken in the
Union Ballroom at 7 p.m. tomor-
row. Count directors are SGC Pres-
ident Hank Berliner, '56, and SGC
Vice-President Donna Netzer, '56.
Count night will be open to all
students and candidates.
Members ofthe Council whose
terms expire this week are Donna
Netzer, '56, Tom Cleveland, '57,
Bill Diamond, '56E, Ed 'Velden,
'56E (resigned early because of
health reasons), and Janet Neary,
Students running for the posi-
tions are: Greg Argus, '58, Jim
Childs, '57, Joe Collins, '58, Rod
Comstock, '57, Don Good, '57E,
Merrill Kaufman, '57E, Andy
Knight, '58; Stan Martin, '57A&D,
Janet Neary, '58, Jerry Spielman,
'58, John Wrona, '57, and Sy Zie-
gelman, '58.

U', Indiana Seek Position
As Bi Ten Headquarters
Both the University and Indiana have submitted bids to be
headquarters school of Big Ten Residence Halls Conference according
to Inter-House Council President Tom Bleha, '56.
Final decision won't be made until February but Bleha termed
the University's chances "pretty good." Bids were submitted at
" an unofficial President's Council

Hopwood Award Winners.
Featured in 'Generation'
This years' first issue of Generation Magazine, on sale tomorrow
at main campus locations, will feature work of six Hopwood Award
winners with contributions of short stories, essays, poetry and art.
Fiction is by Paddie Lee Malloy, '56, winner of a summer Hopwood
fiction award and associate editor of Generation; David E. Levy, '57,
a Freshman Hopwood Award winner and member of the English
Honors program; and Nancy Erikson, '56, with her story 'The Notice
in the Paper.'
Richard E. Braun, '56, winner of a Hopwood Award for poetry
and managing editor of the magazine, is the author of one of the two

Union Threa
Met By Armls
In Argentinia
tina's'new government shunt
troops and tanks to strategic po
tions in Buenos Aires yesterdi
and braced against a strikethree
by the giant General Conferati
of Labor.
The CGT openly defied the da
old regime of Maj. Gen. Pedro At
amburu. It threw down the gaun
let by calling for a 7natioWi
walkout at midnight,
T h e government announce
strike inciters would be jaile
the outcome coulti smash the la
bor oiganization or shake the fo
dation of the new revolutiona:
Government Seizes Papers
The strike call was issued at
the government sized the CGI
two newspapers, first El Lider a
then La Prensa, once a famed i
dependent. The labor organizi
tion has published La Prensa sin
1951 when ex-dictator Juan -
Peron confiscated it from i
owner, Alberto Gainza Paz,
The CGT was long a backbone
Peron's political strength, but r
cent internal strife between Pero
ista and anti-Peronista leaders h
cost the organization much of I
Government to TakeMove
With sporadic strikes and lab
disturbances already underwa
the government prepared to tal
a strong hand against the unior
Aramburu hurried to Governmei
House for a conference with
group of his top armysupporte
and a broadcast communiqa
warned that strike inciters wou
be jailed and brought to justice
Informants said Andres Farmi
and Luis Natalini, the CGT's tv
secretaries general, were arrest
earlier yesterday.
Clashes between soldiers ar
strikers were reported in Rosari
Argentina's second largest city 2
miles northwest of Buenos Air
Saboteur Sets
Time Bomb;
Kills Mother
DENVER (P)-A young Deny
construction and restaurant wor
er told yesterday how he tied
sticks of dynamite together
make a bomb that exploded abo&
a United Air Lines ptlane ne
Longmont, Colo., Nov. 1.
All 44 persons aboard, includi
the mother of the man, John Gi
bert Graham, were killed.
United States Attorney Dona
E. Kelley said the 23-year-old fo
ger, had signed a "written a
Graham said he set the bon
to earn his mother's $35,500 flig

Split Causes
Council Head
To Resign
The President Council Meeting
of the Big Ten Students Associa-
tion, held Friday and Saturday at
Michigan State University saw the
resignation of the Association's
Executive Director, Roger Auges-
Augestina's resignation was
brought about by a clashing of
concepts as to what the associa-
tion's purpose should be. Nine of
the Big Ten Council Presidents
maintained that the sole purpose
of the council was to get ideas
about practices of the other
Augestina believed the organiza-
tion could, and should be used for
the betterment and advantage of
the individual schools.
In order to avoid further diffi-
culty on the matter the council
accepted the following amend-
ment to their Constitution:
"Article two--The purpose of the
Council shall be toprovide mutual
assistance through discussin in

meeting at Northwestern.
Bleha and Assembly Association
president Jeanette Grimm, '56, at-
tended the conference held in Ev-
anston last weekend.
Medium of Exchange
"The Big Ten headquarters
school will provide a medium for
exchange of information between
Big Ten schools," Bleha said.
Bleha claimed an attempt will be
made to secure a room in the
new Student Activities Building if
the University is chosen as head-
quarters school.
"We'd like to include plans for a
permanent room in the Student
Activities Building in the brief we
send Big Ten schools supporting
our bid," Bleha noted.
Due Before Christmas
Briefs from Indiana and the
University will be sent in before
Main topic of the three-day con-
ference was the setting up of an
official Residence Halls Presidents'
Work on the Residence Halls
charter, Bleha said, was largely
devoted to establishing a Presi-
dents' Council that would' meet
semi-annually and provide conti-
nuity for the Residence Halls Con-
ference held each Spring.
Residence Halls Conference this



Wigs, Gondolas Adorn Operetta: 'Gondoliers'

Gilbert and Sullivan Society will present its first operetta of
the year, "The Goldoliers" tomorrow in the Lydia Mendelssohn
Complete with white wigs and gondolas, the operetta is one of
the most colorful and gay operettas that the English composers have
written. Injecting an Italian flavor as opposed to his usual English
background, Sullivan captured the gaity and color of Italy.
The plot is as complicated as it is hilarious. The Duke and
Duchess of Plaza-Toro come to Venice to discover which of the two
twin gondoliers is the new King of Baratoria. He had been stolen
away in infancy by the -Grand Inquisitor and entrusted to a
Venetian goldolier shortly after having married their daughter,
Casilda. I
The gondoliers, not knowing this, have just married two local
girls. No one knows who is who anyway, so they reign jointly.
The musical director of "The Gondoliers" is Robert Brandzel,
'57SM, while Clarence Stephenson directs the dramatics.
According to Stephenson, the number of leads in "The Gondo-

essays. The other, titled 'Compos-
ers' Forum' is by, R. K. Burdette,
grad., and is an introduction to
five works performed this year
and written by student composers
in the University music school.
Poets represented in the maga-
zine are Curt Shellman, '56; James
Camp, '55; and Bernard Strempek,
R. E. Fitch and Judson McGehee,
Camp was a winner of a sum-
mer Hopwood Award for poetry
last year, and he won a major
prize in the same field this year.
McGehee has won both poetry and
short story awards at Stanford
Included in this issue is a paint-
ing by Nancy Willard, '58, who last
year won Hopwood Awards for
freshman essay, freshman poetry,
and another minor award for
poetry. '
Generation's cover was designed
by Al Jones, '56.
Writer Succumbs

.:.: .. ; x

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