0: SUNDA*, NQMWER 13,195 THE MCHIGAN DAILY PADS SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1955 TIlE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE Elections Will Be Held 'Tuesday and Wednesda Janet Neary Student Government Council, (Chairman, Constitutions Comm., Human & International Welfare Comm., Interviewing ,& Nominat- Ing Comm.), Student Legislature, Cinema Guild Board, Vice-Chrm. Michiga-n Region, National Student Assn.' National Executive Com- mittee, NSA. PLATFORM The members of SGC have a .greater responsibility than just going to Council meetings. They must devote a great amount of thought and work and time to the committee areas and to informing themselves about the overall cam- pus situation. Since they are rep- resentatives, they must know what they are representing. I would like to see the Council con- cern itself with general educa- tional problems and with trying to help other student organizations. I also believe SGOC should have a more active interest and partici- pation in the programs of the Na- tional Student Association. QUESTIONNAIRE ANSWERS 1. The ex-officio members are not on the Council to represent their organizations. They are there because they know a great deal about campus activities in general. Although they have obligations to their own groups, they are mem- bers of the Council and as such they have the responsibility of initiating legislation and discus- sion and of being informed on matters brought before the group. I also feel that the ex-officio members should act as individual members and not as an ex-officio group separate from the elected members. 2. SGC has the responsibility of acting on recommendations from study committees now in op- eration. (e.g. Driving Ban and Housing) I believe in this principle of creating committees to study major campus problems. There should be efforts made to rein- state the faculty evaluation pro- gram. I also believe the Council should initiate a study of the effect of increased enrollment on students. Further, SGC should work with the International Stu- dents Association and other cam- pus groups for unified foreign student programming. 3. The jurisdiction of SGC over major (or minor) campus organi- zations is the review of new or revised constitutions, approval or disapproval of student-sponsored activities, and the coordination and delegation of student activities. It should not concern itself with the internal affairs of these organiza- tions,, but instead with their activi- ties which concern the campus as a whole. The Council should be actively interested in helping other organizations rather than in hin- dering them. 4. Coordination is the key to the scope of SGC. There is a great need on this campus for clearly defining the areas of ex- isting groups. There should be some place for an organization to find out what other groups are acting in a given area. The Coun- cil is the logical place. I should like to see a committee established within SGC to provide this, incor- porating the functions now diver- sified under such committees as Constitutions and Calendaring. I 'don't want to see the Council carrying out service projects which could be handled by another organization. However, Cinema Guild should remain with SGC, since it is concerned with the finances of other student organi- zations. 5. SGC can develop informed student opinion through a speak- ers' bureau, an SGC newsletter, forums, and other media such as campus radio and TV stations. The election campaign can and should perform a vital informative function. The Council should ex- press student opinion on campus. issues not only through legislation but also through recommendations to the other segments of the Uni- versity community, i.e. the faculty and administration. Beyond that, SGC should' express opinion on any issue which affects students, e.g. military manpower. Michigan has a larger responsibility as part of the U. S. student community which it cannot ignore. VOTING BOOTHS ARE LOCATED THROUGHOUT THE CAMPUS AREA. -Sy Ziegelman Tau Delta Phi Social Chairman, IFC tryout. PLATFORM I. Liberalization of present driving ban. A. Permits would be issued on the same basis as they are now, but would be enforced only from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday through Friday. B. There would be no restric- tion after 6 p.m. each day, until the following morning. Weekends, the ban would not be in effect from 6 p.m. Fri- day to 8 a.m. Monday morn- ing. II. Extension of women's hours. A. Women would be allowed to have a designated number of late hours to be drawn upon at their own discretion. B. A maximum of only one hour per evening would be alloted. III. Housing in relation to enroll- ment. A study should be made re- garding the availability of hous- ing units in relation to the num- ber of students on campus. QUESTIONNAIRE ANSWERS 1. The functions of the ex-of- ficio members of SGC should be relative to their standing on cam- pus. As leaders of the major stu- dent organizations they are fam- iliar with the opinions and atti- tudes of the students whom they contact. Therefore, I feel they should. function as an advisory group in regard to legislation. In addition, they should be looked to for information in regard to student opinion and attitude. By so assisting the SGC they would become an integral,~ working part of the organization. 2. If elected to SGC, I would like to see action taken in a num- ber of fields. First, there should be a liberalization of the driving ban. As a solution, I recommend that (1) permits be issued on the same basis as they are now; (2) that they be enforced between the hours of 8 a.m. and 6 p.m., Mon- day through Friday, (3) that there would be no enforcement after 6 p.m. each day until the following morning; (4) that the ban would be lifted from 6 p.m. Friday to 8 p.m. Monday. By, this method, there would be no in- crease in parking problems dur- ing the day, and those who do not qualify for regular permits would have the social use of their automobiles. Secondly, in relation to an ex- tension of women's hours, I offer this solution: (1) Each woman would have a designated number Jerry Spielman.... Student Government Council's Public Relations Committee. PLATFORM I'm a candidate for the Student; Government Council because I never want to see another student - candidate who, like myself, lacks . '< the obvious and necessary ex- - 5i'"""i;iii . :> ;::;.: perience through, which he may hye proved himself capable of reflecting student opinion.*~ My platform is based upon stu-: dent disinterest. My purpose, to ; . stimulate it. Myhoe are: to be allowed to sit amongst the Coun cil's "refractors" of student opin- ion, to conduct an elementary: lesson in physics, though I've never had a course in physics, and then< rewrite the rules for the popu- larity contest that you and I are about to participate in. date's merits, before allowing a QUESTIONNAIRE glad-handed, campus-cow to ap- ANSWERS pear on the ballot. 1. The ex-officio members I hope my interest and imagina- should have a two-fold purpose tion will help stimulate your In- on the Student Government Coun- terest in student government. cil. One being, to serve as a 3. We should establish some source of reference that might be sort of reciprocal trade agree- able to contribute some worth- ment, through which the Student while facts and figures or innova- Government Council could deliver tions previously gathered or de- student opinions to all of the or- vised by their organizations. ganizations now represented on the Their second purpose being, to Council. Of course, mutual voting represent student interests as indi- power should be included in this viduals, not as the representatives pact. of campus organizations. They The. Council presently controls, should have no fears of any re- the vital organ of these organiza- prisals or retaliations if they each tions, their constitutions. To ex- air their own views as individuals. tend further the Council's juris- They're big boys now, diction on these major campus 2. The Student Government organizations would mean adding Council appears to have taken a a ball to the chain that presently great interest in organized base- binds these campus groups. These ball. They seem to shirk responsi- organizations should continue to bility and "farm out" their obli- shoulder some responsibilities and gations. If this be the case, the be given the opportunity to develop student body should select as their further their potentialities. representatives only proven ath- 4, 5 The question has been letes. posed before me-"What do you The Cinema Guild was formerly think the scope of SGC should a student government responsibil- be?" Then they ask me to "speak ity. It isn't now. The student in terms of legislation and recog- government is looking for a new nition, information and coordina- caretaker for the Student Book tion and service." Exchange. The deferred rushing First of all, I can't make head issue was neatly deferred until the or tail of what they're trying to spring, drive at, and secondly, being the I may be wrong in some of my stubborn moralist that I am, I observations but I doubt if the refused to ask assistance in inter- Council is so pressed for time preting this dilemma. that it should fail to represent I think this question might be itself byu ndertakingnma h ia n- tvnfical f then.,.,w,. frn John Wrona Scholarship Chairman of Sigma Chi, Assistant treasurer of Sigma Chi, 1954 Mchigras Prize Com- mittee, Public Relations Committee of SGC. PLATFORM Many of SGC's accomplishments to date have been unappreciated by the student body because they have not directly profited from this legislation. To gain student support, I would have SGC place niore emphasis ,on legislation which would im- mediately benefit the student body. This would involve investigation, debate and action in such areas as, a coed dorm, the driving ban, wo- men's hours, deferred rushing is- sue, increasing the number of sororities, coordination of student activities, strengthening faculty- student relationships, and increas- ing our communication with the student body. Because I believe that action in these fields will directly benefit you, the student body, I would like to be your rep- resentative. QUESTIONNAIRE ANSWERS 1. The primary purpose of in- cluding seven ex-officio members on the Student Government Coun- cil is to provide experienced lead- ership to this organization. They were not included, as a few have felt, solely because it was thought that the seven organizations de- served representation on the council. Neither were they includ- ed merely to facilitate communica- tion with the student body through the four housing groups. It was thought that the heads of these organizations would be the type of person who would be able to gen- erate ideas and stimulate con- structive thought, as well as de- velop .the canpus wide viewpoint so necessary for the success of SOC. 2. SGC should take action in such fields as: housing, by encour- aging the construction of a coed dorm similar to the experiment so successful in East and West Quads; sororities, by attracting more sor- orities to give the increasing num- ber of coeds a better possibility of affiliation, if they so choose; women's hours, by favoring a grad- uated system of women's per sup- plimented by limited optional late pers; panty raid prevention, by making our pep rallies a full eve- ning's entertainment featuring not only cheerleaders and bands, but gains they sought to make, would only be minor gains even if they did benefit the student. There's a little privately en- dowed school in' Ohio-Antioch-- where the student.government does have a definite say in the school finances, admission requirements, etc. But we aren't that little school. What we can do, though, is to make the best of what our stu- dent government can offer us. Polling Booths 1-Four booths behind women's dorms on the hill. 2-Side of Women's Athletic Building. 3-Front of Couzens Hall. 4-Front of East Medical Building. 5-Behind Waterman Gym. 6-Front of Dental School. 7-Front of the League. 8-South University entrance to Engine Arch. 9-Middle of the diagonal. 10-Two booths in front of East Quad. 11--Corner of East University and Monroe--near University High School. 12--Front of Business Administration School. 13:--Law Quad-entrance to library. 14-Entrance to Law Quad (arch). 15--North side of Mason Hall. 16-Lobby of Mason Hall. 17-Entrance to Angell Hall. 18-Front of Alumni Memorial Hall. 19-Front of the Union. 20--Front of South Quad. ACTION TAKEN: Student Government Council Considers Campus Issues top names in the entertainment field, under the sponsorship of SGC. 3. There are some problems which are unique to Student Gov- ernment Council, while there are other problems which SGC should not attempt to assume because they may be handled more effec- tively by other campus organiza- tions. Examples of this type would be the delegation of the sponsor- ship of the Homecoming dance to the Union and the League, and the investigation of the deferred rushing issue to the four housing groups. But, there are other problem areas which must be solved through the cooperation of SGC with other campus organizations. Such solutions have already arisen as the Student Speakers' Bureau, and the Student-Faculty Adminis- trative conferences promoted by the Union in coordination with SGC. 4. SGC members should place more emphasis on their function of coordinating student activities. They could set up an Activity Counseling service to channel stu- dents into the activity best suit- ed to them. We should also strive to break down the isolationism of the Michigan activity system, not only getting the various organiza- tions to work together, but also to work the smaller less recognized groups into the Michigan Activity System. 5. The only sound basis for student government is that by representing student opinion, it can serve to promote and help formulate University policy. Ap- athy on the part of the student body has hampered SGC in carry- ing out this function. Much of the campus has withheld its support because SGC has failed to estab- lish extensive personal communi-' cation with it and because SGC has failed to make a decision on any issue of great importance to the student body as a whole. De- ciding on the deferred rushing issue will be a large stride to remedy this second problem and to gain student support. of late permission hours to used at her own discretion; (2) maximum of only one hour I evening would be allotted. As result of this method, wom would be able to have late pe mission whenever they wanted A study of the number of hot ing units in relation to the e rollment should be made. It evident that there are not enou campus housing facilities and is vital to the student to knc the exact situation. A study the North Campus situation shot also be made. A definite decisi is needed on whether housi will be coed or not. The problem transportation to and from tl area should also b investigatE 3. It is my feeling that S( should have some jurisdiction' the affairs of other campus c ganizations insofar as the actio of these organizations affect t campus as a whole. No conti should be exercised over the i ternal affairs of the organizatior Through this means, there wot be mutual assistance on the par of SGC and other campus orgar zations. It would be an evol tionary, not a revolutionary pr cess. 4. Concerning the scope of SG I believe it should be a soundh board for student opinion and, able to enact legislation concer ing the students. It should reco nize student organizations as does now, and provide informatic on administrative decisions to t student body. Service functio should be kept at a minimu some of them being delegated other campus organizations. 5. SGC should be the enlighte: ed leader in carrying out stude opinion. It should present t facts and then follow the opini of the student body.. Student Government Council started its first full semester in operation by considering the rush- ing problem at the University. Action was taken on' a motion by Daily Managing Editor Dave Baad, '56. The motion called for a seven- member committeerconsisting of representatives from the four housing groups (Interfraternity Council, Inter House Council, As- sembly, and Panhellnic) and three SOC members to be named by the Executive Committee of SOC to study the present system of frat- ernity and sorority rushing at the University and report back to the Council with a definite proposal for handling future rushing by the first week in March. All University Issue Speaking for the motion, Baad said that the problem was an all- University issue and members of the Council should be represented on the committee as they repre- sent the University as a whole. Contending that the four hous- ing groups should handle the is- sue alone, as it concerns them mainly, League President Hazel Frank, '56, proposed as a substi- tute motion that the study of the problem be handled by the four housing groups and these groups should report back to the Council with recommendations on mutual and campus wide difficulites in this realm for the, latter's con- sideration no later than the first week in March. A motion to substitute Miss Frank's motion for the main motion was carried by a roll call vote of eleven yes and six no. Unanimous Vote The .rushing motion by Miss Frank was passed by the Council for adoption in a unanimous roll call vote. Concerned by the panty raid in- cident following the Michigan State pep rally, the Council voted to reconsider the rally for the Ohio State game. Under study of the Campus Af- fairs Committee under the chair- manship of Joel Tauber, '57, mnic cparnaA that oalled aside by Student Legislature and named the SGC treasurer as the treasurer of the pep rally com- mittee. The motion was passed, but the Council asked for specific plans for the rally before approving the Ohio State rally. Approval was granted to the rally after Myki Gold, '57, chair- man of the Pep Rally Committee,, presented fully the plans for the rally. Administration Wing Program Setting up an efficient Admin- istrative Wing was attempted by accepting a new program for the Wing proposed by Baad. With the new, organization, the Council gave Administrative Wing mem- bers the opportunity to work up to positions of chairmanships of various committees, an incentive for prospective members. The Driving Ban Study Com- mittee, setup by the Council, has given the SGC its first progress report. The plans call for any student over 21,nbut not in aca- demic difficulty, to be allowed to drive. Violations of all but one driving rule, improper use of the driving privilege, would result in sending the student home for one full semester. All students operating cars would be registered with the Of- fice of Student Affairs and pay- ment of a registration fee to the office would be used for purposes, of enforcement. Exempt Catagories Students elegible under the ex- empt catagories of health, busi- ness and commuter would still be granted permissions to drive upon OSA application. The Council has also worked in the areas of the proposed Student Activities Building, study of the Student Book Exchange and dele- gation of the Exchange to the Union, problems of Cinema Guild, the approval of new organizations, and other fields related to cam- pus problems. Future plans of the Council in- LAING PROPOSAL: SGC Begins First Year As Official Governing Body Resulting from the Laing pro- posal, the present Student Gov- ernment Council was accepted as1 the official form of student gov- ernment in the all-campus elec- tions held last March. The present Council, beginning its first full year in existence, is the result of more than two years of study and planning by a special study committee of students and faculty members. Headed by Prof. Lionel H. Laing of the political science department, the final plans were presented to the Regents by Vice-President for Student Affairs' James A. Lewis.; Authorized Referendum The Regents authorized a cam- pus referendum, and in the Dec- ember 1954 referendum the stu- dent body approved SGC in a three to one ratio. Combining in one body the powers of Student Legislature and the Campus Affairs Committee, SGC consists of 11 elected mem- bers and seven ex-officio members representing the League, Union, Daily, Interfraternity Council, In- ter House Council, Panhellnic and Assembly. SGC has the power to recognize any new campus organization, to withdraw recognition from estab- lished organizations, approve or deny approval for student spon- sored activities, and make rules for the eligibility of students par- ticipating in extra-curricular act- ivities, (aside from intercollegiate atheletics). Coordinates Student Activities It is also the task of the Coun- cil to coordinate and delegate stu- dent activities, to originate student projects and to voice campus op- inion. The council is. helped by the. work of its three standing com- mittees: the Campus Affairs Com- orientation .p r o b I em, activiti booklet, pep rallies, faculty eva uation and a lecture committee a being carried on by this comnmitt at the present time. Bill Adams, '57, heads the Pub: Relations Committee which is d vided into three parts. Informs Campus of Projects First of these, public relatio itself, keeps the campus inform as to the projects of SGC, orier new students to the Council a: solicits student opinions when t need arises. Publicity, under the PR Cot mittee, sets up a speaker's bure to inform the campus of speci subjects and obtains ideas a suggestions on problems fro other Big Ten schools. Studying election procedure a training personenel to run the e ections is the job of the thi section under PR, elections. Human and International W fare, under Bob Leacock, '57, c ordinates its working with the I ternational Student's Associati in coordinating an improved fo eign student program. This committee also works w: the University Housing Committ sponsors a travel service progri and has charge of the Free Ur versity of Berlin exchange progra The SOC is .financed by twenty-five cent tax which I been taken out of the tuition all students in attendance at I University. With this tax pr viding the necessary financial st port that no student governme has ever had at Michigan, I Council has been able to pay mi attention to problems. other th that of obtaining adequate fins ces. Other Projects VOTE'