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November 13, 1955 - Image 6

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Michigan Daily, 1955-11-13

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Jim Childs
At Denison University: Student
Senate (Coordination Committee
for National Students Association),
Varsity Debating. At Michigan:
Varsity Debating, Winchell House
Social Chairman, Union Opera,
Wolverine Club.
Basically my platform as a cand-
idate for SGC has three planks.
The first of these is to endeav-
or, if elected, to strengthen Stud-
ent Government Council. SGC is
in its infancy -and during these
early. years it can establish pre-
cedents for positive action which
will serve .future Student Govern-
ment Councils.
Secondly, I propose to try to re-
present objectively the will of the
majority of constituents, keeping
in mind that this is a student gov-
ernment of the entire campus.
Thirdly, my election will provide
a more equitable representation
from- an area, the Quadrangles,
which is now under-represented.
1. Basically the ex-officio mem-
bers should exercise a position of
leadership. This, for two very
obvious reasons. First, they should
exercise administrative leadership
because they are leaders in their
respective organizations. Second-
ly, they *should exercise legislative
leadership because these members
command the respect of a wide
range and number of constituents.
They should present the views of
these constituents to the Student
Government Council.
2. I strongly feel that the SGC
should take definite action on the
problem of either deferred rushing
or deferred pledging. However, it
would be in violation of one of my
concepts of student government to
determine at this time just what
action should be taken. The ques-
tion has been remanded to com-
mittee study, and to make a deci-
sion now would close my mind to
the possibility of studying that
c o mm it t e e report objectively.
Therefore, I shall wait until March
before I make a decision on what
action shall be taken.
I also feel that the SGC should

The following questions were asked of all candidates for
Student Government Council.
Answers are printed on this page and page 7..
I-What functions do you think that the ex-officio members
(Union, League, IFC, IHC, Assembly, Panhellenic, Daily)
should fill in the Student. Government Council?,
2-What action in what fields would you recommend and'
like to see ¢SGC take after you are elected?
3-What jurisdiction do you think SGC should have in the
affairs of other major campus organizations?
4-What do you think the scope of. SGC should be? Speak
in terms of legislation and recognition, information and
coordination and service functions.
5-What part should SGC play in forming and carrying out
student opinion in problems such as campus problems,
orientation, curriculum, scholarships and national issues?,

I, as a candidate for the Student
Government Council, do establish
the following platform for my
a. establish a student academic
counseling program to aid any
student in his choice of subjects
here at the University.
b. promote a program for in-
ternational awareness by a system
of exchange dinners or teas with
foreign students, travelogues, aid
to the International Center (if
c. a scholarship fund sponsored
by SGC.
d. alteration to the driving ban;
a possible solution may regard
class quotas for automobiles.
- e. opposition to deferred rush-
f. a program which will promote
SGC as the home for all students
and not just the Council members.
1. It shall be the prerogative of
the ex-offico member to act in
the same manner as the elected
councelor upon proposals, in dis-
cussion groups and the other me-
chanics of a governing group. How-
ever, in order to maintain the idea
that all final decisions of the coun-
cil be made by the student body
representatives, the elected mem-
bers, no vote shall be given to the
ex-officio member.
2. A student academic counsel-
ing program is one issue that I
would recommend and like to see
placed into full effect. It is evi-
dent that the counseling due a
freshman or sophomore is crucial
for his future career, thereby mak-
ing it a job which must be well
done. Not only do I recommend
this aid for underclassmen, but al-
so to the juniors and seniors of the
3. Since SGC is the student elect-
ed governing body, any organiza-
tion 'is considered a part of the
group. If, at any time, the Coun-
cil sees any infringements upon
any part of the student body by
any one campus organization, it
will have the right to question the
act and stymie any further en-
4. SGC is the one group on
campus which can hear any or-
ganization's problems, if necessary.
It has been delegated legislative
power and should be recognized
as the one organization for all
campus. Through its access to
any vital group information, it can
serve as a co-ordinator to campus
groups, and when necessary, jin
similar groups together to form
stronger and more effective work-
ing groups.
5. The functioning of this elected
body will depend upon student
opinion and issues supplied by the
students themselves. Work can
only be done when there is some-
thing to be worked upon; the stu-
dent body shall be the ones re-
sponsible for this work. They will
have to find the issues which are
important enough for all campus
Academic and counseling prob-
lems will rest in the hands of the
student academic counseling ser-
vice; which I previously introduced.
As for scholarships, nothing more
worthy than a student sponsored
scholarship fund could find its
place in SGC.
Pages .. .
This supplement has been

take positive action and present a
desirable and feasible solution to
the existing driving regulations:
3. In my opinion, SGC, as set
forth in the Student Government
Council Plan, has every right to
have jurisdiction over any activity
of any recognized student organi-
zation. However, this jurisdiction
should be exercised only when or-
ganizational activities are detri-,
mental to the whole campus; sub-
ject to appeal. SGC may recom-
mend activities for recognized stu-
dent organizations.
4. SGC is in its infancy. If it
is to grow into a mature student
government, it - will continue to
widen its scope of influence. This
growth will be determined by the
nature of the whole council. This
will be an evolutionary process.
With each decision, a new prece-
den't is established. It is my in-
tention to contribute to the ex-
pansion, in all fields, of SGC ac-
5. It is my belief that SGC
should more adequately represent
the opinion of the entire student
body. The actions of the SGC
should accurately reflect the wish-
es of the majority of the student
body. On the other hand, SGC
should be a formulator of student
thinking through its information
services. However, SGC should en-
deavor to present both sides of an
issue so that all students can think
intelligently on the matter.

Rod Comstock
Scholarship Chairman of Inter-
fraternity Council, Phi Eta Sigma,
Pi "Tau Sigma, Triangles.
Student Government Council
should make every attempt to
prove itself a mature and compe-
tent body. This will require a con-
tinuation of and strict adhereance
to the conservative policy now be-
ing followed. Sincere and probing
consideration must be given to
every issue brought before the
Council, and decisions based on
solid reasoning must be reached.
SGC's goal is two-fold.
First, it must gain general con-
trol on matters common to the
student body. This will involve
general acceptance of its recom-
mendations by the students as a
And, secondly, SGC must estab-
lish itself as a body of such com-
petence that University adminis-
trators and faculty members will
feel justified in calling upon it for
advice in matters concerning the
1. The ex-officio members serve
SGC in three ways. First, they
provide interested and mature
guidance to the Council on the
problems it has to face, and they
often come up with new ideas. Se-
condly, they act as representatives
of the large student groups which
are under the jurisdiction of their
respective organizations, and as
such, cause every important stud-
ent point of view to be presented.
And, thirdly, they add power and
prestige to SGC because they do
represent the large organizations
on campus.
2. (1) Increase attempts at co-
ordination of and moderation be-
tween other campus groups, in or-
der to further strengthen the
framework of student activities at
(2) Consider possible further re-
vision of the Administrative Wing
arrangement, with the goal being
to draw it into a more tightly knit
organ of SOC.
(3) Attempt to further strength-
en SGC by inducing only the most
competent and qualified candi-
dates to seek election.
Insofar as the affairs of the
various major campus organiza-
tions are internal, and affect only
the individuals and groups under
their jurisdiction, SGC should have
no grounds for control of these
affairs. When an issue involves
more than one of these organiza-
tions, or, in general, affects a large
and varied portion of the student
body, then it should be within the
jurisdiction of SGC to make strong

Phi Eta Sigma, Michigan Union
Executive Council, Varsity (Sen-
ior) Baseball Manager, Triangles
-Treasurer, Tau Beta Pi, Pi Tau;
Sigma, Student Activities Scholar-
ship Board.
Why SGC has been somewhat
inefficient is due to the lack of
general coordination control of
campus relationships. SGC must
become stronger to be effective and
to do this they must become more
efficient. Hence, ,better organi-
zational control must be obtained
by SGC from all organizations.
However, this must not be at the
expense of taking away any rights
of an organization of running their
own affairs.
SOC should confine their actions
to campus problems and not go
into national and international af-.
fairs. Much more would be ac-
complished and much more respect
would be gained if this was done.
1. Ex-officio members are prov-
en to be top-notch campus lead-
ers by the occupation of the high-
est office in the major organiza-
tions of the campus. They should
give advice and opinions but should
not have to do the more detailed
work. This is because they have
numerous tasks in their own or-
ganizations and also owe their own
organizations an obligation to per-
form these tasks to the best of
their. ability. In this manner ex-
officio members should be effec-
tive on SOC.
2. I would like to see SGC take
action on preregistration. Pre-
registration would provide for less
red tape and trouble for both the
University and the student. In the
first place it is easier to register
without being under pressure. Se-
condly, it would probably be fast-
er in the, long run. More people
would get their choice of classes.
Last, but not least, the students
would get a longer vacation-a
fact I'm sure we would all -like.
Another field which needs help
is the. elections themselves. In
the past one-third of the students,
or less, participated in campus
elections. I would like to see a
renovation of campus elections
with a special slant toward partici-
pation by voters.
3. The people in the major cam-
pus organizations' obviously have
more knowledge of their own in-


Joe Collins
Student Legislature 1954-55, In-
ter-House Council, South Quad
Council, Campus Affairs Com-
mittee of SGC, President of Scott
House, Vice-President of South
Quad Council.
Believing that the scope of the
Student Government Council is
unlimited as long as it proceeds
in a rational and reasonable way,
I feel our main problem is the
Council's responsiveness to stu-
dent opinion. I should like to en-
courage "Letters to the SGC" as
well as "Letters to the Daily" so
that elected members become
more Conscious of the desires of
the student body.
Action should be the keynote of
the council. I. believe a united
bucket drive would prove satis-
factory from the standpoint of
revenues produced and public re-
I am also in favor of setting up
a district system of voting for the
SGC elections. I believe it is pos-
sible, feasable, and beneficial to
the campus in that it would en-
courage more students to take an
active interest in student govern-
ment in addition to making the
elected members more responsible
councilmen. It would also tend to
produce a more representative
The student body of Michigan
last year completed the lengthy
and involved task of reorganizing
its student government. We cul-
minated this period of effort with
the most expensive election in our
history. The Council now stands
poised to operationalize the idea
for which it was created. It, there-
fore, devolves upon us now to set
the course of action for this new
body. The period of constitution-
alism is now over and creativeness
in response to student desires
must be our new goal.
I believe that there is no limit
to the activities in which the
Council might engage. Our powers
are granted to us by the admin-
istration and faculty of the Uni-
versity, but I feel sure we can en-
list their wholehearted support to
all our projects provided these
projects are a product of mature
and reasoned planning.
But our main problem is not
the scope of the Council but its
responsiveness to the desires of
the student body. The mere fact
that most problems are called to
our attention through the "Letters
to the Editor" column of the Daily

recommendations regarding policy,
in these matters.
However, to date, the young SGC
has not had a chance to prove it
by the assumption of this juris-
dictional authority. Before SGC
can acquire these legislative and.
recommendatory powers, it must
first inspire confidence in the stu-
dent Fbody, individually and col-
lectively, in its ability to handle
these matters maturely.
4. As stated above, I feel that
SGC should and will eventually be-
come strong enough and mature
enough to exercise a certain degree
of authority over the common ac-
tivities of other campus organi-
zations. I feel it very important
that SGC be expected to legislate
all zissues concerning any large
group of students.
Other functions particularly in-
volving students, such as the re-
cognition, of new groups, eligibil-
ity for activities, and appoint-
ments to various committees lie
already within the scope of the
Council by its Constitution.
However, SGC should not as-
sume the right or the responsibil-
ity to legislate matters which do
not have a direct effect on a large
segment of the student body.
5. SGC should be the coordina-
tor and representative of student
opinion on various issues, and
when there is sufficient need for
action, should be responsible for
implimenting said action. How-
ever, SGC should be very conserva-
tive when radical issues are under
consideration. Rash or hasty de-
cisions to act on this type of prob-
lem could be disastrous to the
prestige of SGC.
In dealing with the faculty, ad-
ministration, and others not of
the student body, SGC should en-
deavor to effectively promote the
welfare of the student.
SGC should definitely stay clear
of any issue which does not direct-
ly concern the student body at


ternal workings since they are
working daily with their own prob-
lems. I do not think that SGC
should interfere with such work-
ings. Naturally SGC should be
consulted to okay dates of events,
and other such items, to prevent
any interference. Also, if more
than one organization is working
together on a joint project, they
should work through SGC.
4. The main duty of SGC is to
coordinate organizations of all
kinds. Along these lines activities
should be included. SGC should
recognize all organizations which
in the opinion of the members will
benefit the University.
The power of SGC should be
widened as much as possible. They
should Ihandle any general rules
and discussions not in the hands of
the Board of Regents.
SGC should not have many serv-
ice functions. And those they do
have should not be directly hand-
led by the members. Their time
should be left for the more im-
mediate issues on hand. In time
all service functions should be
delegated to the other organiza-
tions on campus.
5. SGC is the natural place for
campus opinions to be presented,
discussed and given. However, I
feel SGC should not venture to
give opinions on national affairs.
It really makes very little differ-
ence on what is said as there are
few aftereffects -on what is pro-
posed. Instead campus problems
should be the essential issues and
SGC should concentrate on these
issues. However, on controversial
campus issues SGC should realize
that their decisions might not be
representative of the campus. The
members should be thoroughly
aware of this fact.

Stan Martin

by which the elected representa-
tive would become more conscious
of the pulse of the campus. Per-
haps some of the two thousand'
dollars lavished on the Public Re-.
lations Committee of SGC could
be spent in obtaining some com-
putation of student o p i n i o n
through the use of polls, on major
issues. Here we see the ex-officio
groups as a means to effect these
But since action should be the
keynote for this year, what course
of action do I propose? Experience
at Illinois, Minnesota, and Purdue,

Member of the Campus Affairs
Committee of SGC, Chairman of.
the General Subcommittee under
Campus Affairs Committee, Al-
ternate Delegate to the Eighth
National Student Association.
See answers to Daily Question-


Don Good


Michigan Daily, Michiganensian

among other universities in the photographer, Inter f r a t e r n i t y

-- = - - ..

Big Ten, has shown that a single
fund-raising drive as opposed to
several individual charity drives
is more successful both from the
point of view of revenues produced
and public relations. I propose we
establish this set-up at Michigan.
Some schools have students on
the faculty curriculum committee
as voting members. The advan-
tages for us in this procedure are
obvious. Where it has been tried
it has been eminently successful.
I propose we seek the adoption of
this practice at Michigan.
The Council is in a position to
dramatize local as well as national
issues. For instance, any group
that- can afford to spend twelve
hundred dollars for its elections
can certainly afford a contribution
to a flood relief drive perhaps to
aid flood-hit secondary schools.
In the field of scholarship I
believe the Council should origi-
nate a policy of making known to
the student body all foreign and
local scholarships that are obtain-
able. Many scholarships are un-
used mainly because of lack of
I have been asked what role I
felt that the ex-officio members
of the council should play in im-
plementing this program. I feel
that the council is blessed to have


Council rushing counselor and
photographer, SGC Administrative
Wing (chairman of Committee on
Relations with other campus or-
My principal goal, if elected to
SGC, is to promote personal rela-
tions and coordination between all
campus organizations and activi-
Having worked toward this end
as chairman of the SOC Admin-
istrative Wing Committee on Re-
lations with campus organizations,
I feel that the SGC has a great
opportunity, through effective co-
ordinating of the various campus
organizations, to unify the Mich-
igan campus and bring Michigan
students closer together. The ul-
timate result of this would be a
University which is a much more
personable and friendly place to
I should also work toward an ef-
fective removal of the driving ban
and toward allowing Michigan
coeds one optional late permission
on a weekday night each week.
1. The functions of the ex-of-
ficio members of SGC should serve
a threefold purpose. First, in an

Andy Knight
As specialists in their respective
fields, ex-officio members are in
a position to be of invaluable help
to SGC-not only in an informa-
tive capacity, but by fostering bet-
ter interest, understanding and
finally, relationship between the
student and his University.
I have found that one of the
major drawbacks in most student
governments is the failure to reach
the students. If something could
be done in this line to take more
measures that concern the stud-
ents directly, such as, in this case,
planning for a new women's dorm,
student interest and participation
in their governing body would
fairly boom!
I feel the present arrangement
of the Council's "power-relation"
to other campus organizations, is
already based on fairness and
practicability, leaving little to be
1, lt-officios are in a position
to inform the student body and
channel its opinions to SGC. As
eral government is to state gov-
ernments. Only by being the final
authority in campus affairs can
SGC command the respect it must
have to be a good student govern-
ment. I do believe, however, SGC
should use its powers only when it
has been definitely proven that a
campus organization is unable to
satisfactorily work out its own
4. SGC should extend itself fur-
thest in the fields of legislation
and coordination. In the field of
legislation SOC should be given
the power to pass legislation con-
cerning any campus group. If
SGC is to represent all the stud-
ents it must be able to control any
part of them. In the field of co-
ordination SGC should do its ut-
most to bring campus organiza-
tions closer together. In terms of
service organizations SOC should
carry on with these only so long
as they do not interfere with the
legislating and coordinating func-

leaders and specialists in their re-
spective fields, they are indispen-
sible to SGC as a source of in-1
formation and experience.
If their knowledge is so help-]
ful to the Council then certainly
their vote is! One group can't be1
expected to fill all roles and func-
tions, and because of their already
intensified interests and respon-
sibilities, it is a wise policy for
them not to take an office.
2. The importance of SGC's suc-
cess can't be overemphasized, since
it reflects, so directly, the matur-
ity of the student body. There-
fore, the problem of establishing
an extensive personal contact must
be overcome. This communication
must be affected within the two
year trialperiod, since at the end
of this time its working practi-
bility will be judged. Doing some-
thing for the students, which di-
rectly affects them will do much
to establish respect and interest in
the organization. I would like to
see a closer relationship establish-
ed with the faculty, since I think
SGC should contribute to the edu-
cational environment. We are
moving toward a "myriad" of in-
dependent boards. While these
boards can't be incorporated into
SGC (because of their varied de-
grees of importance and nature),
they should be directly responsible
to an SGC committee chairman.
When the findings of the investi-
gations of rushing procedures are
reported in March, SGC should de-
finitely ACT, if it is to be merely
1------------- ...

1. I think the main function of
the ex-officio member of SGC
should be to provide representa-
tion for, and liaison with their
respective organizations. These
people, due to the fact that they
have spent at least two and us
ually three years working their
way up through their own organi-
zations, will bring experienced
leadership and an intimate know-
ledge of the campus to SOC.
(a) I would like to see SGC pro-
mote student participation in the
policy making concerning areas
of direct student interest within
the educational community here
at Michigan. For instance; student
participation in the solution of
the problems which have and will
arise from the increasing enroll-
ment. SGC should do this through
the student organizations most
directly concerned, such as IFC,
Assembly, Engineering Council,
etc.; or through one .of its own
committees if the problems do not
fall within the jurisdiction of an-
other campus organization.
(b) By a revision of its nomi-
nation and election system, SWC
should promote better means for
the students to know the candi-
dates that they are voting for and
provide morerealistic represen-
tation of student opinions and de-
sires. Along with this, SGC should
provide within its structrue a
means of finding and training in-
formed student leadership that
will eventually become members
of the Council.
3. It already has the power to
approve or disapprove activities
of other organizations that in-
volve calendaring. SGC should
also have jurisdiction over activ-
ities carried on by other organ-
zations which affect the campus
as a whole. However, it should
concern itself with the internal
affairs of other major organiza-
tions only under grave conditions.
Actually, this is a matter of value
judgement for which no hard and
fast rule can be made. SGC will
have to handle each matter as it
comes along, remembering that
its responsibility is to the student
body as a whole, and that these
organizations are for the most
part sovereign in their own affairs.
4. I can think of very few things
that are of interest to the student
that shouldn't fall 'within the
scope of SGC's concern. But SGC
should always remember that it
was intended as a policy making
and governing body, and that
there are many other organiza-
tions on campus willing and able
to carry on specific projects and
services. Therefore SGC should
be careful not to get itself so
entangled in projectisin and ser-
vice functions that it neglects its
primary aims.
The answer to this would just be
a repitition of views I have pre-
sented previously. SGC has started
on its way toward fulfilling its
function as a Student Govern-
ment. If it continues to carryout:
its functions as outlined in the
SGC Plan, and it carries them
out in a thorough and diplomatic.
manner, it will win the respect
and backing of the students; the
faculty, the administration, and
the Regents. Its biggest immediate
task is organization and the es-
tablishment of major policies. To
aid in this task is why I am run-
ning for SGC.
It is its responsibility to keep the
student body informed at all times.
If it has a stand on an issue, relat-
ing to its policy, it should state it,





igan students want or how they
feel on issues. Thirdly, the ex-
officio members can act as a
steadying influence for SGC. Us-
ing their knowledge of how stud-
ents in their particular organiza-
tions feel, they can steady SGC
and prevent possible radical legis-
lation by the elected members who
may not be as completely aware of
campus feelings.
2. Foremost, I would like to see
SGC work to promote personal re-
lations and coordination among all
the campus organizations. In do-
ing this effectively, I think SGC
could unify the campus and bring


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