r Sixty-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONs BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * PhonNo 2-3241 Just One More" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. This must be noted in all reprints. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1955 NIGHT EDITOR: GAIL GOLDSTEIN TV REVIEW & PREVIEW: 'Wide World' Wider But Not Much Better By LARRY EINHORN Daily Television Writer THIS AFTERNOON "Wide Wide World" (NBC 4 p.m.) presents a television first. So far in this series Dave Garroway and crew have gone to Mexico for a bullfight and to Canada for the Stratford Shakespearian Festival along with numerous places of interest in the United States through the eyes of the live television cameras. But today these cameras will be in Havana, Cuba, to present the first live telecast from a foreign country that has to be beamed across a body of water to the United States. NBC will employ the use of an airplane which will stay at an altitude of 11,000 feet and relay the signal from Havana to Miami Beach, Florida, where the nation- wide coaxial cable starts. After this big build-up one would think that this will be the 'We Are Entering A New Era' An Address By Walter Lippmann (EDITOR'S NOTE: The following addre was delivered at the Convocation of the University of Chicago Friday. It has been abridged slightly.) IT IS AN honor, and I certainly regard it as a great privilege, to have been invited to take part in this celebration and to speak at this Convocation. An anniversary speaker has but one possible subject: he must look back upon the past and he must look forward to the future. This is, as it happens, a moment in the history of the modern world when this, the perennial subject of an anniversary speaker, is also the living subject of our most serious practical con- cern. We have arrived at a turning point in the history of our time. We have arrived at a great divide between two eras, and what for most of our lives we have thought of as the present and the contemporary, is now the re- cent past and behind us. We have come into a future which even ten years ago few could, and almost no one did, imagine. There has been a revolution of the most radi- cal kind in the technology of war and this revo-' lution is having enormous consequences upon the balance and the structure of power through- out the world. This technological revolution is not completed. It is proceeding far more rapid- ly than our ability to assess its political conse- quences. But we have reached the point-we reached that point in the past year-when all the great powers have realized, and have publicly recog- nized, that none of them can face the risk of a modern nuclear war. There exists, as a re- sult, a military stalemate which compels the great powers to avoid war even at the expense of their objectives, even though the issues of the struggle between them remain unsettled and unresolved. NO MAN can be sure he is reading correctly the history of his own time. But as I read our recent history, this fundamental change of view has meant that there is a devaluation and downgrading of the political issues, that there is an upgrading of the necessity of avoiding war. This fundamental change began in\1949 when the Soviet government showed that it had developed nuclear weapons. The change came to a climax in 1954 when the hydrogen bomb had been tested, and its awful consequences had been realized, in London, in Washington, and in Moscow. The famous meeting at the summit last July in Geneva was the direct result of the fact that the big governments and informed opinion throughout the world had realized the enor- mous and revolutionary character of the mod- ern weapons. The so-called spirit of Geneva was essentially a public acknowledgment that it had become impossible to contemplate a re- sort to nuclear warfare. There was no agreement at Geneva that we were all going to love one another. There was no agreement that we were all going to think alike, and none that our interests had suddenly become compatible. But there was an agree- ment that for the time being it was impossible to contemplate a war among the great powers. No one knows how long this military stale- mate will last. But while the stalemate does last, we find ourselves living in a time when war and the threat of war have become un- useable instruments for the promotion of the national purposes of the great powers. There has been, as we know, no disarmament. But the armaments of the great powers are, for the time being, neutralized. THE SOVIET Union cannot use its military forces to support a Communist uprising in- side the lands protected by the Western powers. For the risk of war is too incalculably great to justify an attempt to expand the Communist orbit by military action. The Western powers cannot use their military power to roll back the frontiers of the Communist orbit. For the risks- of war are too incalculably great. The struggle between the two great systems goes on. It will go on. But we now have reason to think-indeed we know when we look, for example, at Egypt-that this strug- gle is going to be waged with measures and with instruments which do not provoke or challenge a total war. THIS MARKS a new era. But we must rea- lize that we are entering this new era with our minds conditioned by our experiences in the old era. Our minds are conditioned by the great depression, by the rise of Hitler, by the aggression of Japan, by the failure to organize and to arm the allied resistance, by Munich, by Hitler's defeat and conquest of Europe, by the fact that the liberation of Europe could not be achieved without the Red Army, and we must respond are primarily foreign, alien, and external. Singe the First World War, when we were drawn into war against our will, we have felt ourselves threatened by events for which not we, but others, were responsible. Our greatest decisions have, in fact, been reactions forced upon us by challenges from the outside. We were attacked at Pearl Harbor. Then we began to prepare for war. We saw Western Europe bankrupt and prostrate and on the verge of anarchy. Then we produced the Mar- shall Plan. We saw Western Europe, which is our own strategic frontier,. defenseless and threatened with conquest. Then we rearmed ourselves and organized NATO. And so we have acquired the habit of react- ing rather than of acting, of making. great and necessary decisions only after, only when, we have been pushed, prodded, and provoked by events beyond our own immediate control, I would suggest that in the time ahead of us the big challenges will probably not look as if they came, and may not in fact come, from the outside. They will appear as internal issues of our own democratic society. Yet the world will not be at peace. It is only too plain, is it not, that while we are not now faced with a third World War, we are not in sight of a peace of collaboration with the Soviet Union, and much less with China. Vast areas of the globe -much of Asia, most of Africa, some of Latin America, the core of Europe, will not be a settled order. The great ideological struggle will be going on. In all the vast unsettled areas of the world we must expect to be the rivals, not the partners, of the great Communist powers. We shall be competing with them for the friendship and for the confidence of the emerging peoples, for influence and for power and for profit. These areas were once-as recently as the First World War-under the hegemony of the Atlantic pow- ers in Western Europe and in North America, China, Southern Asia, the whole South Pacific, the Middle East, Eastern Europe, all of Africa and the whole Western Hemisphere were within the cultural and political orbit of the western liberal democratic society. We can be certain, I think, that in th time to come we shall be the rivals of the Soviets and of the Chinese in all the lands where the Atlan- tic nations were, until recently, the leaders and so often the masters. I do not know how to predict the outcome of that rivalry. But I shall dwell on one aspect of it which concerns especially this company who are here today, this company of men who work in the problems of human society. I said a few minutes ago that a characteristic of the era of the world wars was that our democratic societies were presented with a series of ex- ternal challenges. If we are now, as I believe, entering a period when war and the threat of war cannot be used by the great powers, then the rivalry for power and influence will be diffused. It will not be concentrated, it will not be brought to a head in some capital issue of peace or war. IN THE era we are now entering the impera- tives of policy are likely to be much less clear, and much-less compelling. The President will not be able to go confidently to the people or to the Congress saying that this is what we must do to be saved, saying that this is what we must do to defend the country and to insure its survival. Our rivalry with the Soviet Union and with China will be made up of myriads of little issues, enormously important in the ag- gregate, none of them in itself quite obviously vitally important. We must take it as not unlikely, indeed as probable, that this will reduce big national policies to'a collection of items that are treated by Congress as domestic and as local questions. We have, I believe, a good preview of what is coming in the way Congress has been disinte- grating ,and devaluing the foreign economic policies of the Administration. This has happened because, unlike the great policy of Lend-Lease during the war and of the Marshall Plan after the war, the measures to promote the development of backward coun- tries, do ,not appear as imperatives of national survival. Honest men can differ about their wisdom or their practicality. Nothing specta- cular happens immediately if such measures are postponed. The sovereign question in the time to come may, I submit to you, be this: when the demo- cracies are not challenged and compelled from the outside, are they able to form and to carry out national policies which their vital interests in the long run, but not in the short run, re- LETTERS TO EDITOR: 'Please Stay, Bennie,' Fans Acclaim A Little Too Late.. .. To the Editor: I AM not what one would call an avid football fan. I don't go to all the games, even with my free tickets. I am, however, familiar with an expression from the world of sport which has seeped out into everyday life, viz., Monday morn- ing quarterbacking. It seems to me that, all those who now realize how obvious it was that the local team was basic- ally a losing team should have spoken up earlier with construc- tive criticism, rather than wait- ing until the time when later events, while certifying their an- alysis, made their comments use- less. -J. P. Benkard A Coach's Job... To the Editor: MUCH SPACE has been devoted to condemnations of Ooster- baan and his handling of the foot- ball team. What qualifications for such recommendations these in- dividuals possess I do not know, but from their letters it must be slight. A few words regarding a coach's position may enlighten them and any other misguided individuals. Vhis is not a defense of Ooster- baan or any other coach, such is not necessary. First, the coach's work (teach- ing) is open to public scrutiny each time his team plays. No other professional has thousands of persons sitting there waiting for a mistake. Is it recommended that a doctor's license be forfeit should a patient die? Is a teacher's position endangered if a pupil fails his course? Yet a coach is ex- pected to handle a multitude of problems, both tactical and human, and come up with the right solu- tion each time. How ridiculous can you get? A coach is not dealing with a machine but with human beings who are subject to the same limi- tations as all other mortals. The coach himself is human and liable to error. Everyone has good days and bad days, including football players and coaches. The coach does what he can to get his team into the proper physical and men- tal state for a game. This is a dif- ficult task at best and often im- possible. Because a man is a coach must he suddenly become perfect? People who would hesitate to tell a carpenter he was using the wrong end of a hammer to drive a nail feel free to, tell a coach how to run a team. How does a seat in the grandstand qualify someone as an expert? If the Michigan team were run by spectators I doubt that a single game would be won. Even a winning coach must suffer it appears if he doesn't win by the score that the 'expert' sports reporters think he should. Most reporters never get closer to the game than a good seat and Backs Bennie ... To the Editor: I'M GETTING tired of the grow- ing "Bennie mhust go" feeling on this campus. It amazes me that so many people can get so bitter and cynical over one defeat. I'd just like to point out a few facts to these people that they might have overlooked in their bitter- ness and disappointment. 1. Oosterbaan was named "Coach of the Year" in his very first year as head coach. It is doubtful that the experience he has gained since then has had a harmful effect. 2. Football players are closer to their coach than anyone else is, and the whole Michigan team is solidly behind Bennie. Try telling one of our players that Oosterbaan is no good if you don't believe me. 3. Bennie has been closely as- Sociated with football for 30 years as player and coach and was scor- ing touchdowns for Michigan be- fore most of his recent critics were born. With all, his experience, there's more than a slim chance that he knows more about football than they do. 4. In spite of any statistics, Ben- nie wins his games. He seems to be one of the few who still cling to the old-fashioned belief that the score is what counts, not the total yardage gained. It's true that he hasn't won all his games this year, but no other Big Ten coach has either. I suggest that Messrs. Carroll, Barber, Loeb, and company con- sider these facts before they let loose with any more blasts against such a fine person and coach as Bennie Oosterbaan. -Bill Bolton, Grad. Like Bennie . . To the Editor: WHETHER we win, lose, tie, go to the Rose Bowl, or don't go to the Rose Bowl, we, as a group of loyal alumni, favor the collec- tion of all brains similar to and including those of Messrs. Car- roll, Barber, and Loeb and ship- ping them COD to a school like Ohio State where chronic com- plaining about the coach is a cus- tom indulged in by everyone and not just a few poor maladjusted minds. If the sagging egos of the afore- mentioned can be bolstered only by a winning football team (so it seems) they need a psychiatrist. Just let Bennie be; we like him. -Sandra Gluck, '53 -Peggy Spaulding, '55 -Joyce Cleaveland, 55 -Jean Sorenson, '47 'Bennie Must Stay!'... To the Editor: BENNIE Must Stay! In Thursday's Daily Charlie Carroll said that the miracle was over and now Bennie must go. Mr. Carroll seems to believe that Saturday's defeat was the cause of Bennie's inferior coaching ..*. See You There... To the Editor: T SURPRISES me immensely to see the large amount of anti- Michigan students on campus. Mi- chigan has definitely one of the best teams in the nation. People call the Wolverines lucky; I call them a great clutch team. The Missouri game was hardly a contest. Take. advantage of breaks? That's what we did in the State game. Lucky breaks? A good team makes their own breaks. We made our own breaks. Michigan showed the nation what they had in the Army game, which was probably our best game of the year. We beat Northwest- ern through depth. We played a bad game and still won. Minne- sota, game-Clutch with a capital C. Same with the Iowa game. Then we met an underrated Il- linois team who were so up for the game that they were hardly able to get down to the field to play. This will be the last defeat for Michigan. See you in Pasa- dena. -Don Werbelow, '59 Blames Students... To the Editor: LOSE one game and yell for the coach's scalp, Is this, too, a. part of that "great Michigan tra- dition" I've been reading so much about, And the team's send-off, when they left Friday morning for Illinois? Was that tradition? Time and place announced in the paper; and, as far as I could tell ,a crowd of three jamming State Street. "Is that the team?" an under- graduate, male ,asked me; mildly curious, just mildly interested. "Yes," I told him. "That's the. team. Not much of a send-off, is it?" 'Michigan was down,' the news- papers reported. And who, I won- der, is responsible for keeping a, team's spirit up? The sports writ- ers? The coach and his staff? Or has Mr. Carroll considered that it might depend, to some extent, on the enthusiasm and loyalty of the student body itself ? -Elizabeth G. Patterson, Grad. biggest television event of the year. the Havana portion of "Wide Wire World" will consist solely of a group of Cuban children singing and dancing in the native tradi- tion and a panoramic view of the city. S . JIMMY DURANTE'S long kept secret of the identity of Mrs. Cala- bash may have been let out be- cause of a slip by Durante him- self on a recent show. Up to this time people have been guessing as to who this per- son was. Some said it was just a ficticious name, others said that it was an old' friend, his landlady and even his late partner Lou Clayton.i The slip indicates that Mrs. Calabash is his late wife Jeanne, who died in 1943 after twenty-two years of happily married life with the 'nosey' comedian. At the end of this show he sang a tender love song and then said the familiar1 "Goodnight, Mrs. C a 1 a b a s h, wherever you are." After theshow the "Schnoz" said "Ya notice I said 'Calabash' right aftah the song, to connect the two. I donno whether any- body got it." You can take this for what it's worth, but it now seems very likely that the famous Mrs. Calabash is- really Jimmy's late wife. s . TONIGHT marks the one Sun- day out of four when the "Variety Hour" has a chance to be strong competition for "The Ed Sulli- van Show." This is the night for Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis to appear on the NBC portion of the weekly 8-9 Sunday night feud be- tween the two top networks. Since we're on the subject of the battle between "Sullivan" and "Variety", let's chalk one up for Ed. Two Sundays ago Dick Shawn appeared on "The Ed Sullivan Show." As one of his numbers, he imitated Billy, Daniels. At the same exact moment Billy Dan- iels appeared live on the "Variety Hour." Yet the ratings show that more people were tuned into Sul livan. They say imitation is the best form of flattery. This type of flattery Billy Daniels doesn't par- ticularly need. What They're Saying (Reprint of a letter to the edi- tor in the Michigan State News:) In the interest of improving MSU's "mediocre" educational program, may we suggest that a new area of study be added to the curriculum, namely, Taxicab Ad- ministration. The purpose of such a program would be to improve the quality of taxicab service across the nation. Both the taxi industry and so- ciety stand to benefit by the pro- gram. Cab companies would be able to recruit college-trained drivers and the public could rest in the confidence that they were being driven about town by the' most highly trained individuals. The most important result, how- ever, would be that the field of taxicab administration would take its place along with hotel man- agement, secretarial science, tele- vision acting and landscape archi- tecture as an area of critical acad- emic inquiry, and thus the entire field of learning will have broad- ened. -R. Ebel DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN THE Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the Unversty of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsi- bitity. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553 Administration Building before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. Notices for the Sunday edition must be in by 2 p.m. Friday. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1955 VOL. LXVII, NO. 42 General Notices Meeting of the U. S. Marine Corps Reserve Volunteer 'Training Unit 9-2 at 7:00 p.m., Mon., Nov. 14, In the upstairs lounge of, the Lawyers Club. Chest Clinic. The Michigan Depart- ment of Health will have a mobile X.Ray unit available from 8:30 a.m.' to 4:30 p.m. Nov. 14, and from 3:30 to 4:00 p.m. on Nov. 15 for staff members of the University who wish to have a chest X-Ray. This service is free, The mobile unit will be parked in the , rear of the Student Health Service. Staff members will register in Room No. 58 of the Health Service Bldg. "Report to the American People", a 30-minute film in sound and color, prepared by the International Coopera- tion Administration, describing t he varied technical assistance of the U.S. in many foreign lands, will be shown promptly at 7:30 p.m. Tues., Nov. 15,' Aud. C, Angell Hall. Concerts Nathan Milstein, violinit, with Ar- thur Balsam at the piano, will give the 4th concert in the Choral Union Series In Hill Aud. Mon., Nov. 14, at 8:30 p.m. Tickets on sale daily at the offices of ,the University Musical Society in Burton Tower, and the night of the concert at the Hill Aud. box office after 7:00. Academic Notices Seminar in Chemical Physics. Prof. Samuel Krimm will speak on "Infrared Spectra of High Polymers". Tues., Nov. 15. Mathematics Colloquim. Tues., Nov. 15, at 4:10 p.m. in Room 3011 A.H. Dr. Herbert Knothe from Holloman Air Force Base, New Mexico, wil speak on "Convex Functions on Convex Bodies." Tea and coffee at 3:45 in 3212 A.H. Doctoral Examination for Neto Clayton Loken, Education; thesis: "Sur- vey of Secondary School Programs of Health and Physical Education for Boys in the State of Michigan", Mon., Nov. 14, East Council Room, Rackham Bldg., at 2:00 p.m. Chairman, P. A. Hunsicker. Doctorial Examination for Gl1 a d ya Ishida, Far Eastern Studies; thesis: "The Japanese American Renunciants of Okayama Prefecture: Their Accomor- dation and Assimilation to Japanese Culture," Mon., Nov. 14, 618 Haven Hall, at 2:00 p.m. Chairman, Mischa Titiev. Doctoral Examination for Gail San- ner Crouse, Zoology; thesis: "Differ- entiation of and Host Reaction to Homoplastic Intercerebral Implants of Embryonic Rat Rudiments with Em- phasis on Endodermal Derivatives", Mon., Nov. 14, West Council Room, Rackham Bldg., at 2:00 p.m. Chairma _j N. E. Kemp. Events Today Free Film. Museums Bldg., 4th floor Exhibit Hall. "Life in the Grasslands and' "Horizons of Hope," Nov. 8-14. 3:00 and 4:00 p.m. daily, including Sat. and Sun., extra showing Wed. at 12:30, Placement Notices. The following schools have listed va- cancies for the second semester. They will send no representatives to the Bur- eau of Appointments for interviews at this time. Flint, Michigan (Young Women'. Christian Assoc.)-Girl's Physical Edu- cation-Asst. Health Education Direc- tor. . Roseville, Michigan (Eastland Schools) -Girl's Physical Ed.; Jr. High Lang- uage Arts and Soc. Studies; Special Education (Exceptional Children); Pri- mary. Wiliainston, Michigan-Girl's Physi- cal Education. Copley, Ohio-Girl's Physical Educa- tion. Parma, Michigan-H. S. Industrial Arts (Wood & Metal). Berkley, Michigan-Jr. H. History, English and Science; Jr. H. Physical Education, Social Studies and English; H. S. Goen. Mathematics; 6th, 7th, and But the entertainment value of LITTLE MAN ON CAMPUS by Dick Ibler 6e J) l-.p