(See page 4)
Latest Deadline in the State
VOL. LXVI, No. 43
Russia, West Give
Arms Promises
Big Four 'Spirit of Geneva' Returns
At Foreign Ministers Conference
GENEVA (P)-Russia and the Western powers revived the "spirit
of Geneva" yesterday with an exchange of promises to carry on their
disarmament negotiations in the United Nations and seek a global
end to war.
The Big Four foreign ministers expressed these common disarma-
ment viewpoints in a session dedicated to finding a. hopeful closing.
communique for a conference all but wrecked by East-West differences:
' 1. Not only atomic war-as Russia first suggested-but all kinds
of war for aggression should be outlawed.
Reduce All Weapons
Defense Sparkles
In 30-0 Grid Win
Michigan Must Defeat Ohio State,
Saturday, To Grab Title, Bowl Bid
Associate sports Ertor
Michigan set the stage for next week's grand finale against Ohio
State as it whipped a powerless Indiana team, 30-0, yesterday after-
The Maize and Blue now needs a season-ending victory when it
meets the Buckeyes next Saturday to capture the Big Ten title and
a Rose Bowl invitation.
The Hoosiers never had a chance as the Wolverines completely
dominated the game from start to finish. Showing a complete reversal
of form from last week's debaclet
2. Not only the amount of
New Cabinet
Sees Crisis
gentine government of provisiona
President Eduardo Lonardi appear-
ed to be on the brink of failure
early today.
A split among the men who
threw out the Peron dictatorship
less than two months ago led to
a government crisis and emergen-
cy conferences among military
President Lonardi was reported
at First Infantry Regiment head-
quarters but his status was un-
Rebellion Hero
Pvear Adm. Isaac Rojas, a hero
of the rebellion against the ousted
President Juan D. Peron, scurried
between civil and military confer-
ences as tension increased over-
Lonardi's second cabinet shuffle
in two days-dropping attorney
Eduardo Busso as minister of in-
terior and justice-was reported
to have sparked a string of resig-
nations in the Cabinet, the Sup-
reme Court and many lower
courts yesterday.
yMaj. Gen. Pedro Aramburu, the
army's chief of staff, appeared as
a rising figure in talks about a
new government.
Unannounced Mission
Aramburu sped from confer-
ences at the big army base of
Campo de Mayo to Government
House on an unannounced mis-
sion. He wields a strong influ-
ence in the army.
Rojas, as vice-president, con-
ferred with the nation's top poli-
tical leaders at a secret meeting
in the Congress building. It was
reported unofficially that there
was strong consideration of a pro-
posal to name a triumvirate to
rule. '
Top candidates mentioned for
such a body were Rojas, Aramburu
and the air minister, Vice Commo-
dore Ramon Amado Abrahim.
Rojas is a colorful leader who
favors a more dynamic approach
than Lonardi to solve Argentina's
Crisis talks were reported held
during the night.
World News,
By The Associated Press
RIO DE JANEIRO - Brazil re-
turned to normal yesterday after a
swift and efficientbloodless re-
volt -- staged to prevent a revolu-
All opposition - and the grim
threat of civil war among the
armed force branches - collapsed
in the face of determined action
by supporters of law and order
led by Gen. Henrique Teixeira Lott.
* * *
BONN, Germany - West Ger-
many yesterday launched its new
Whrmacht. nuttin mn int ni-n
atomic weapons, but of all kinds
"of weapons should be re-
3. All atomic powers should con-
tinue the search for scientific
techniques which would enable a
secure international control to be
established on. atomic weapons.
4. The United Nations Disarma-
ment subcommittee, which in-
cludes the Big Four powers plus
Canada, is the proper body to
pursue the whole disarmament
problem, pending another foreign
ministers conference expected to
be held next spring.,
Disarmament Program
5. Both Russia and the West
want a broad program of disarma-
ment, though they are as yet in
disagreement on the first step.
The West insists that effective
controls must be agreed on before
it can safely sign any arms re-
duction pact as suggested by Rus-
6. Both the Eisenhower plan for
"open skies" and the Bulganin
plan for reciprocal ground control
1 posts in key centers are not dead,
despite initial rejection in the dis-
armament debate here.
Soviet Foreign Minister Vya-
cheslav M. Molotov, obviously
aware that the Eisenhower plan
still appeals to peace-hungry mil-
lions around the world, modified
yesterday his formerly bitter ob-
Quotes British Marshal
Only Friday night, Molotov had
quoted a NATO British air mar-
shal on the importance of up-to-
the-minute air reconnaissance in
atomic, war to support Soviet sus-
picion that the Eisenhower plan
could be misused by the West in
preparing a surprise nuclear at-
But yesterday Molotov said he
wished to "express appreciation"
that the Bulganin control posts
idea "has of late been received
positively by the Western minis-
-Daily-Chuck Kelsey
LOU BALDACCI bulls over from the one-yard line to score in the third quarter of yesterday's Michigan-Indiana game. Capt. Ed
Meads (to Baldacci's left) helps widen the huge hole in the Hoosier forward wall.
Ike Will Open Office in Gettysburg
WASHINGTON (A) - President-
Dwight D. Eisenhower got in a
little putting on a White House
green yesterday for the first time
since his Sept. 24 heart attack.
And he made plans to open an
office next week in downtown
Gettysburg, Pa., near his farm.
He went out onto the green on
the south lawn of the mansion
Russian Subs
'Well armed'
Adm. Arleigh A. Burke, Chief of
Naval Operations, said last night
a Russian naval official has
strongly implied that Soviet sub-
marines are or will be armed with
guided missiles, new types of
mines and atomic torpedoes.
Soviet Adm. L. Vladimirsky "is
not speaking idly, and unfortun-
ately, he is correct" in stating that
submarine-launched missiles and
mines could be very potent weap-
shortly after aides reported him{
"feeling fine" on this first full day
back at the White House.
Tutted A Few Times
The aides said he putted only a
couple of times, then sat in a chair
in the yard for more ,than an
hour soaking up the warm autumn
He had basked in the sun almost
daily for the last three weeks or
so oni the eighth floor terrace of
Fitzsimons Army Hospital In Den-
But so far as is known today
was the first time he had a golf
club in; his hands since Sept. 23,
the day before his attack. He
played 27 holes in Denver that
Accompanied by Son
Eisenhower was out on the
White House green with his son,
Army Maj. John S. Eisenhower,
who also got in a bit of golf
practice. After trying a couple of
strokes, the President sat and
watched John.
Press secretary James C. Hag-
erty anngunced yesterday that the
President and Mrs. Eisenhower
will drive tomorrow to their coun-
try home on the edge of Gettys-
burg, where there will be a quiet
observance of the First Lady's 59th
President Eisenhower, who
checked out of a Denver hospital
Friday after seven weeks of con-1
valescence from a heart attack,
plans to spend about six weeks
building up his strength at his
Plan Increase in Activity
But the White House made it
clear that at Gettysburg the docs
tors plan to permit a steady but
gradual increase in his govern-
mental activity.t
President - Eisenhower's Gettys-'
burg office will be on theE firstt
floor of the post office, in theI
postmaster's quarters, and he
probably will meet his first offi-
cial visitors there Tuesday morn-
There will be "many" such visi-
tors, the press secretaryladded,
and most of them will confer with
the President at the post office
rather than at his farm home
about four miles from the center
of town.
In Good Condition
Hagerty told newsmen that Pres-
ident Eisenhower, who arrived here
by plane from Denver late Friday,
had a good night's sleep in the
White House and that his personal
physician, Maj. Gen. Howard M.
Snyder, reported him in good con-
"He seemed fine," Hagerty re-
ported after he and the President's
chief aide, Sherman Adams, con-
cluded an hour-long conference
with President Eisenhower in his
oval study on the White House
second floor.
Noted Violmist
Will Appear
Nathan Milstein, noted violinist,
will appear at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow
in Hill Auditorium.
His program will include Tar-
tini's "Sonata in G minor," Bach's
"Partita in D minor," Beethoven's
"Sonata in G major, No. 3" and
Paganini's "Concerto in D major,"
Milstein's public career began
in his teens when he toured Rus-
sia with his friend, the now-fam-
ous pianist Valdimir Horowitz. The
violinist has since made three
tours each of Mexico and South
America and numerous tours of
the United States, Europe and the
Near East.
Indiana cheerleaders ask the
person who took their "I"
blanket during the game yes-
terday to please return it.
According to the cheerlead-
ers, the blanket was given to
them by the Indiana Alumni
Association who sponsors the
Unless they can recover the
expensive blanket, the cheer-
leaders expressed doubt that
the Association would continue
to help them obtain necessary
materials if they can't.hold on
to what they now have.
The blanket should be re-
turned to Michigan cheerlead-
er, Dana Larson, 1000 Hill.
Senate Group
Begins Probe
subcommittee on Constitutional
Rights will start its first series of
public hearings tomorrow with an
inquiry into what Chairman
Thomas C. Hennings (D-Mo.) call-
ed "violations" of the rights of
free speech, press and assembly.
"As part of this inquiry," he
said in a statement, "the com-
mittee will examine closely certain
practices of the various loyalty-
security programs."
Among the witnesses at the
hearings, expected to last three
weeks, will be Secretary of De-.
fense Charles E. Wilson, Secre-
tary of the Treasury Hubert H.
Humphrey and Atty. Gen. Herbert
A. Brownell.
Sen. Hennings said these pro-
grams, applying to military per-
sonnel, civilian employes of the
government, and employes of pri-
vate defense contractors, are esti-
mated to cover a fifth of the na-
tion's working force.
Michigan's offense was relentless
its defense superb.
Indiana Badly Outplayed
A quick look at the statistics
shows how badly Indiana was out-
played. In the first half, the visit-
ors made only two first downs and
had a rushing yardage of minus
28. For the entire contest, the
Hoosiers could only garner 61
yards and six first downs. Indiana
did not venture forth into Wol-
verine. territory for the first 58
minutes . . . and was there for
only one scrimmage play.
Michigan, on the other hand,
netted. 302 yards- on the ground
and 71 in the air. The Maize and
Blue was also credited with 18
first downs.
The first time the winners got
their hands on the ball they
scored. Terry Barr took the open-
ing kickoff to the 32-yard line
and then picked up four more on
the first play from scrimmage.
Tony Wranoff, top ground gainer
of the day, then skirted left end,
sped down the sideline and was
bounced out of bounds on the
Indiana 21. It was the longest run
of the day.
Barr Scores
Michigan relentlessly moved to-
wards the goal line. Barr carried
on three of six plays, finally going
over right guard for the score. Ron
Kramer split the uprights with
his conversion.
The winners added nine more
points in the second quarter.
Again the. first time the Maize
and, Blue obtained possession of
the pigskin it scored. It took the
home, team only four plays to
move 42 yards for the tally. Bran-
off went . wide. around end for
seven and - Lou Baldacci added
two. Jim Pace electrified the crowd
of 60,613 when he went back to
pass and finding no received open,
galloped 18 yards to the Indiana
The sun-swathed audience kept
on roaring as Pace cut inside right
See FIRED-UP, Page 8
Quiet Prevails
In Ann Arbor
During Game
Daily Magazine Editor
A warm spring afternoon in the
middle of November-and Ann
Arbor went about its business as
The fact that there was a foot-
ball game in progress seemed to
mean little to the town's residents
that stayed behind. A flury of pre-
game excitement, and then a lazy
By 1:30 p.m. fathers, younger
brothers and week-end guests had
been safely herded away and the
campus was left to itself.
Little boys had bike races, dogs
chased a few solitary walkers, and
carriages were brought out for an
In front of the General Library,
two girls had settled down to a
few hours of reading, while a
h1bek and white spotted do
'Fans Happy,.
sBut Thoughts
Turn To Ohio
Daily Sports Editor
Old agonies were quickly and
conveniently forgotten yesterday
under Ann Arbor's November skies
-as a fired up Michigan. outfit
pleased some 65,650 fans with an
exhibition .of crushing football.
All of them, with the exception
of a handful of unhappy Hoosiers
from' Indiana, left the stadium
pleased at the huge 30-0 MIchi-
gan victory-and at the same time'
looked forward to the dramatic
fireworks in store next .Saturday.
It was never a contest, and the,
huge throng-largest to see Ind-
iana play here since lDSQ, thrilled
to the Initial crushing surges of
the Wolverines-who .scored so
quick and convincingly that the
outcome was never in doubt.
Revenge Evident
Midway in the second period
the crowd was mainly interested
in how large the score would be
-not who would win. They had
come to see revenge-and they
got their fill.
But the afternoon was not with-
out its light moments. A. boxer
sprinted out onto the field-pro-
viding the usual laughter--and the
Michigan Marching Band came
up with by far its most colorful,
and crowd-pleasing show of the'
It's rendition of a dance step
to "Rock Around The Clock" drew
applause almost as loud as the
cheers for some of Michigan's
later touchdowns.
The usual cheers of "Rose Bowl,
Rose Bowl," 'were not heard-as
undoubtedly the 25-6 beating last
week at the hands of Illinois had
taught some of the more optim-
istic a bitter lesson. But that' Rose
Bowl scent was stronger than ever.
The crowd's. reaction to the
usual public address listing of
scores brought a large groan when
the lopsided MSU contest was
announced. Only a handful of
traitors cheered.
Big Story
But the Big Story was not yes-
terday's -game--a game which
saw Indiana fail to pierce Michi-
gan territory until the final quar-
ter-a game which saw Michigan
empty' the bench in a conscious
effort to hold down the score and
give reserves some game exper-
ience. The Big Story was 'next
week's drama. Yesterday merely
set the stage.
As the throngs of fans left the
stadium-as they surged up. State
Street-and followed'the Michigan-
Band through the darkened tun-
nel-shouts of "Beat Ohio" were
more than prevalent.
The name "Cassady" and "Buck-
eyes" were on everybody's lips.
Yesterday was a mere warm up.
Convincing yes-but still a warm
up. The real drama was yet to
Everybody knew that.
'anted: Nine Thousand Votes
In Coming SGC Elections
"Hear Ye! Hear Ye!
All ye democracy loving students.
Your chance, your chance is now ... to vote."
Students will be greeted by shouts of a town crier during Student
Government Council elections Tuesday and Wednesday.
Publicity for the coming elections, which will decide on candidates
for five positions on the Council, has been invading the campus since
the first of November and will continue to do so until the election
days are over.
Want 9,000 Votes
"We want nine thousand votes this year" Jim Paterson, publicity
chairman of the Elections Committee said. "We're keyed to get out
the vote and do everything in .our4'
power to make students aware of LECTURE SERIES :
the coming elections."
Many have heard "More Michi-
gan Madness," a record advertis-
ing the elections which has been r l
peithLegeadcm Morse,W
ce nteLau n o-mercial establishments throughout
the campus community.
Radio, television and newspapers
have been publicizing the cam-
paign for positions on the Council.
Composites containing pictures of
all the candidates have been plac-
ed in the housing units and posters
could be seen outside the stadium
On a R Tn i1Ai 1mn, 1.
ileyTo Debate Foreign Policy
More than a few prominent figures in the nation's capitol will be
interested in a debate scheduled for 8:30 p.m. Tuesday in Hill Aud-
Especially arranged for Ann Arbor by the University Lecture
Series, the debate will feature a discussion on United States Foreign
policy between Sen. Wayne Morse G-Ore.) and Sen. Alexander Wiley
(R-Wis.). Both speakers have served as members of the Senate For-