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November 12, 1955 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1955-11-12

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Fisher May
Be New NIU
Athletic Head
Plan To Bolster
Sports Prestige
EVANSTON, Ill. U)-A man as
sociated with Northwestern ath
letics for 31 years, basketbal]
coach Waldo Fisher, may becom
the new athletic director expecte
to restore the Wildcats to footbal
Fisher, 49, an athletic staf
member ever since his graduatio
in 1928 after four years of North
western stardom, is most prom
inently mentioned as successor t
Ted Payseur, who was "kicke
School president J. Roscoe Mil
ler Thursday announced that Pay
seur was relieved of the athletic
director's post to become an as
sistant business manager of th
university "for athletics."
The move obviously was direct
ed entirely at reorganizing a foot.
ball program which has produce
only one Big Ten victory in 1
games since 1953 and this seasor
finds the Wildcast winless ir
seven searts.
To Control Saban's Fate
The new athletic director will
have in his hands the fate of Lou
Saban, nearing the end of a one-
year contract as new head foot-
ball coach succeeding harassed
Bob Voigts.
Voigts quit . early this year
under alumni pressure.
Whatever his decision on Sa-
ban's future, the incoming ath-
letic director hs the blessing of
president Miller to "evolve a pro-
gram consistent" with Big Ten
This points at a stepped-up hunt
for football talent, comparable to
the better-manned squads which
are attracted to other Big Ten
The upheavals in the Big Ten
football race have been marked
by the emergence of new rushing
and passing leaders in statistics
for individual play.
Howard "Hopalong" Cassady,
Ohio State's all-American half-
back, has taken over in ground
gaining from Harry Jefferson of
Illinois. Cassady has netted 396
yards in his four games, to 356
for Jefferson, who led until last
week. Cassady has an average per
play of 6.1 yards, but even that is
overshadowed by the 10.6 yards
per play of Jefferson's substitute,
Bob Mitchell, who ran wild against
Michigan last week for a one-game
season's high of 173 yards and
seventh place among rushing lead-
Cassady Has 42 Points
Cassady meanwhile is making a
walkaway of the individual scoring
race with seven touchdowns for
42 points, and has taken over a
lead in kickoff returns with an
average of 29.1 yards.
In passing, Chick Cichowski of
Indiana has dumped Purdue's Len
Dawson and Michigan State's Earl
Morrall for top ranking. Although
he is more than 200 yards short
of Dawson in total gain he has
staked out his position be a re-
markable completions average of
.608 in 51 attempts.
Jim Haluska of Wisconsin also

has passed Dawson and Morrall
in ranking, with second place in
yardage and in number of com-
pletions. Dawson is handicapped
in pass, standings by a record of
twelve interceptions, but retains
top place in total offense, ahead of
Iowa's Jerry Reichow, who has, a
high average of 6.9 yards each
time he has put the ball into play.
Khoenle Leading Receiver
Bob Khoenle of Purdue has
taken over as the leading pass re-
ceiver, with 17 catches, although
Dave Howard of Wisconsin and
Tom Maentz of Michigan have
higher yardage totals.
Earl Smith of Iowa continues
to lead in punt returns, Kelvin
Kleber of Minnesota in punting
and Pat Levenhagen of Wisconsin
in pass interceptions, although he

'M' Seeks Revenge For Last
Year's 13-9 Indiana Upset

... pitching
Big eTen
W L T Pet.
Ohio State ....4 0 0 1.000
MICHIGAN ....4 1 0 .800
Michigan State 4 1 0 .800
Wisconsin .....3 2 0 .600
Purdue ........2 2 1 .500
Iowa ..........2 2 1 .500
Illinois .........2 3 0 .400
Indiana .......1 3 0 .250
Minnesota .....1 4 0 .200
Northwestern... 0 5 0 .000
Indiana at MICHIGAN
Minnesota at Michigan State
Iowa at Ohio State
Wisconsin at Illinois
Northwestern at Purdue

(Continued from Page 1)
Indiana will also field two hard-
running backs in the persons of
Milt Campbell and John Bart-
kiewicz. Campbell, playing at the
right half slot has an average of
4.0 yards per carry. He has car-
ried the ball 78 times for 312
yards. Leading the squad in the
rushing department is fullback
Bartkiewicz with 399 yards on 96
Tackle and co-captain Bob
Skoronski will be another man that
the home team will have to watch
closely. He recovered one fumble
against Ohio to raise his recovery
record to seven for the season. A
senior standing 6-3 and weighing
215 pounds, Indiana boosters claim
he rates on anyone's All-Confer-
ence team.
Bomba Back
Brad Bomba, Indiana's top-notch
end, sidelined for a month with a
knee injury, will be available for
action today. He saw extended
service against Ohio and the knee
passed the test.
Biggest concern, though, of the
Hoosier coaching staff is the bruis-
ed hip received by Joe Amstutz,
center and line-backing ace. The
6-4, 254-pound junior is consid-
ered highly doubtful as a result
of the injury suffered at Colum-
The Wolverines will go into the
game with their share of hamper-
ing injuries. Terry Barr, though
a probable starter this afternoon,
has been plagued by a severe char-
ley horse. Lou Baldacci, who re-
injured his ankle, and Captain Ed

Meads, who reinjured his shoulder,
will also be available.
Jim Pace appears to have
shrugged off his ankle ailment,
Jim Bates and Jerry Goebel are
still bothered with hand injuries
and Mary Nyren is having trouble
with his knee. All are expected
to play today.
Coach Bennie Oosterbaan is ex-
pected to stick to his regular
starting line-up despite the hu-
miliating loss at the hands of
Illinois last Saturday. It will be
Barr and Tony Branoff at the
halfback spots, Baldacci at full-
back and Jim Van Pelt at quar-
Ron Kramer and Tom Maentz
will be at their usual posts, Jim
Orwig and Al Sigman at the
tackles and Dick Hill and Meads
will be the guards. Bates will
center the Michigan line.
Series Ancient
The series between the two
schools began 55 years ago. Michi-
gan has the edge with 16 victories,
while Indiana has won five. Upon
only one other occasion have the
Hoosiers made it two in a row
over the Maize and Blue. In 1944
the late Bo McMillin's team scored
a 20-0 victory and the Hoosiers
duplicated with a 13-7 win in 1945.
Oosterbaan's main job this past
week has been to build up the
spirits of a team that was badly
beaten at Champaign. It is a
difficult task and how successful
the mild-mannered coach has been
will be determined late this after-


... catching

Miami (Fla.) 46, Bucknell 0
Detroit 6, Villanova 0
Idaho 49, Brigham Young 6
Chicago 2, Toronto 0
shares a high of four with Minn-
esota's Pinky McNamara.
* * *
EVANSTON, Ill. P)--A stop-
watch tempest boiled yesterday as
Northwestern't track coach criti-
cized a national AAU move to cred-
it his star sprinter, Jim Golliday,
with a new world record time of
9.2 seconds for the 100-yard dash.
The performance in question
happened in the Big Ten relays
May 4 at Evanston and at the
time, Golliday's clocking was an-
nounced as 9.3, matching the world
mark set in 1948 by Southern Cal-
ifornia's Mel Patton. and equalled
by Australia's Hector Hogan in
The unique position of a coach
not grabbing all.the spotlight pos-
sible for a protege was taken by
Wildcat mentor Rut Walter be-
"If those people go fooling
around asking for "a 9.2 record,
Golliday won't even get his hon-
est 9.3."
This was a slam at the national
AAU, whose secreary, Dan Ferris,
announced in New York that the
Central AAU Chicago area gum-
med up a record application sub-
mitted to the national group. Fer-
ris said a 9.2 clocking will be sub-
mitted for approval at the AAU
convention in Louisville Dec. 1-4.
But Walter said he, himself, filed
the application and that Ferris was
wrong in saying two of the re-
quired three times caught Golli-
day at 9.' and the third at 9.3.
"It was the other way around,"
said Walter. "Two clocked him at
9.3 and one at 9.2. True, there was
a fourth timer, an alternate, who
also caught Golliday at 9.2, but his
time is unofficial.
* * *
MADISON, Wis. (P)-The ashes
of Guy M. Sundt, University of
Wisconsin athletic director and
one-time Badger sports great who
died Oct. 25, have been scattered
over Camp Randall Stadium.
This carried out a wish ex-
pressed by Sundt and his widow,
Mary. Four close friends of the
late director were aboard the air-
craft that swooped over the play-
ing field with the ashes Thursday.

Wolverines Look No Farther
Ahead Than Upcoming Game

To Michigan football players and
coaches the most important game
of the season is always just a few
days ahead.
No matter how much publicity
and talk of top rankings, the
prime aim of Coach Bennie Oost-
erbaan and his over 60-man squad
is "this Saturday's game." Glitter-
ing praise from the press or vauge
thoughts of Rose Bowls are not
going to do much to upset this
Oosterbaan has even gone to the
point of saying that a good player
will pay no attention to what he
reads in print. The main reason
why this should be true lies in the
fact that the "science" or stra-
tedgy behind football is entirely
different from that of any other
Study Opposition
Practice for Saturday's game
centers around the detailed study
of the opposition. The only other
major sport that trains in this
manner would probably be boxing.
Skill in football comes in knowing
exactly what the other man is
going to do./
There is no time for looking be-
yond the Indiana contest. Come
game time, many fans would be
quite surprised at how "uncon-
scious" a veteran athlete is of 97,-
000 fans. Many a roar or chant
of "Rose Bowl, Rose Bowl" is
never heard by the men on the
Outstanding plays and key
points are also looked at from a
different angle. The newspaper-
man again becomes "only another
Take for example, the 82-yard
punt return by Terry Barr against
Army that drew raves from coast
to coast. Barr's own description of
the run still makes it sound like
"elementary football" - certainly
nothing spectacular.
Several Key Blocks
There were several key blocks,
not all obvious, that started Barr
on his way. The only player the
speedy halfback recognized as an
individual was big Ron Kramer,
who was coming toward the ball
carrier from a up-field angle. Barr
remembers signaling to Kramer to
go after Army safety Vinve Barta,
but instead, No. 87 threw a beauti-
ful block that shook Barr into the
clear. It was on this play that
Kramer injured his ribs.
Once Barta started to back up,
Barr was fairly sure that he would

go all the way. He waited for the
Army back to make his fatal move,
and then capitalized on it by
twisting left and out of reach.
An obvious parallel can be drawn
with a solo shot on goal in ice
Michigan players are only try-
ing to put into practice a week's
study. Each Saturday is the "big
test" and all else is forgotten.
Laywers Club 13, Alpha Kappa
Kappa 6
Delta Sigma Delta defeated
Hospital (forfeit)
Delta Theta Phi 12, Phi Delta
Chi 0
Alpha Kappa Psi 6, Delta Sigma
Alpha Rho Chi defeated Phi
Delta Epsilon (forfeit)
Phi Rho Sigma defeated Tau
Epsilon Rho (forfeit)
Pi Lambda Phi defeated Sigma
Phi (forfeit)
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