(See Page 4)
(ZI rP
Latest Deadline in the State
:4Ia iij
Number of Police
Res igna (ions
Police Will Work
Twelve-Hour Shift
Chief Enkemann Expresses Deep
Regret Over Loss of Resigning Men
The shroud of confusion surrounding Ann Arbor's police crisis
cleared yesterday, leaving the City's already undermanned force with
an additional 11-man deficit.
The result, said Police Chief Casper M. Enkemann, "probably
means a shift to a 12-hour day for remaining men, until we can
recruit new officers. This may take months or more.- You never
can tell," he added.
Six resignations will go into effect Nov. 18, four the 20th and
one the 28th of this month.
Resignations Reached 38
Chief Enkemann, after a week of tense negotiations which saw
the number of resignations climb to 38 of 45 patrolmen and detec-
Six Airlines
To Discuss
Willow Run
Representatives of six major air-
lines now operating at Willow Run
will meet with Wayne County offi-
cials next Thursday to consider
the County's proposal to move
operation to Detroit-Wayne Major
This meeting follows the federal
government Air Use Panel's re-
commendation that civilian air
operations be moved from Willow
Run, switching that field to mili-
tary use.
Willow Run, owned and leased
by the University, is currently op-
erated by the Airlines National
Terminal Service Company, Inc.
The airlines will participate in
this meeting as a result of a sug-
gestion made by them last May.
There is 'no definite indication
that a transfer wll be undertaken
prior to the expiration of the pres-
ent lease in approximately seven
American Airlines, now consid-
ering a lone move, will not take
part in the conference.
In addition to studying the
Panel's recommendation, plans for
developing the potential commer-
cial use of Wayne Major will be
discussed at the meeting.
House Passes
Mental Aid Bill
In Emergency
LANSING (P)-The House passed
and sent to the Senate last night.
a bill providing 1,650 beds for the
emergency care of mentally re-
tarded children.
The program would cost $4,-
812,508. It includes purchase of
the Farmington Children's Hospi-
tal and the Oakland County Tub-
erculosis Sanitorium. It also pro-
vides for leasing the idle Fort Cus-!
ter Station Hospital at Battle
In addition, the bill would add
100 children to the family care1
program and 100 to the contrac-
tual program under which child-
ren are cared for in private and
county hospitals at state expense.
Republican leaders promptly
predicted the Senate would reject'
the program when it meets Mon-'
day, just asit had rejected it be-
They said there is almost no
ikelihood that the Senate would
agree to'the purchase of either the
Farmington or Oakland Countyr
Hospital. It was this proposal1
which sent the two chambers into
one of the most' stubborn battles
in the history of the Legislature.
The House plan passed by a
60-33 vote with nine Republicans
joining a solid Democratic vote in
support of the measure.k
Brazil Ousts deLuz;
Ramos Succeedst
RIO DE JANEIRO, Brazil ()-Ar
tives, issued a cautious note of
optimism on the future problems
of policing.
"We'll have plenty of men," he
said, "but they'll be working hard.
I feel confident, however, that the
City will compensate for the extra
hours spent." Policemen normally
receive no pay for overtime.
He expressed confidence that no
aid from State Police would be
necessary. "These men will do a
good job of patrolling," he said.
However, extra state police aid
may be required for Ohio State
football traffic.
'Critical Loss'
"It is a critical loss," Enkemann
continued. "These were fine po-
licemen, and you can't replace
them overnight."
A total of 65 years of previous
service goes out with the resign-
ing men. Many had served for
more than six years.
The resignations were submitted
because of inability to meet finan-
cial needs on present salaries, or
with raises granted by the City
The raise was considerably be-
low the suggestions of the police
commission, and policemen found
it insufficient to "make ends
meet" in Ann Arbor where living
costs have rocketed to the highest
in the nation.
Job Offers Come In
Several policement already have
job offers, although some have re-
signed without "the vaguest no-
tion" of what the next step will
be. Offers have been received
which exceed police pay by a sub-
stantial amount, and the offers
have just begun coming in, ac-
cording to some of the resigning
In addition, the offers include
a five-day work week, with an op-
portunity to earn time-and-a-half
for overtime work including Sat-
urday, a normal work day for
Enkemann was optimistic also in
discussing future police depart-
ment wages. He expressed "great
faith in the Council. I think they
are sincere in their effort to find
new revenue sources."
Yesterday's actions taken by the
police commission after the chief
had spent more than ten hours of
the previous two days conferring
with 18 officers, climax a week of
tension and confusion.
Enkemann, the man whose
tedious hours in conference and
tireless thrashing out of his men's
problems has kept the number of
resignations to 12, was obviously
relieved last night. It was evi-
dent in his concluding comment,
"I think we came out pretty well."
Case Letter
Called Hoax
New Evidence Reveals
Document Worthless
COLUMBUS. o. ()-A Colum-
bus attorney last night said he
now believes a letter purporting to
name the "actual killer" of Marilyn
Sheppard is a "farce".
Webster S. Lyman Jr., said that
when he first heard of the letter
about a month and a half ago, he
thought it sounded "real," but in
the light of developments today,
he no longer believes so.
The New York Daily News yes-
terday published a copyrighted
story saying the contents of the
letter had been disclosed to writer
Theo Wilson, and that it said the
killer had "heavy bushy hair."
Dr. Samuel Sheppard, 31, who
is now serving a life sentence in
O h i o Penitentiary, steadfastly
claimed throughout his trial that
the "real" killer was an unknown
intruder with "bushy hair." Shep-
pard was convicted last December
of the murder which took place
July 4, 1954 in Bay Village, a
suburb of Cleveland.
Lyman said last night that he
now believes the man who in-
formed him of the letter's con-
tents, sold it to the newspaper.
He said the man had asked him
to give it to the Sheppard family
in exchange for a personal favor
from the Sheppards. Lyman said
the favor was not money.
He said he now feels that after
receiving the favor, the man
turned around and sold the story.
The attorney said disclosure of the
letter would hamper an investi-
In Cleveland, Mrs. Richard J
Sheppard, a sister-in-law of Dr.
Sam was informed by The Assoc-
iated Press of Lyman's statement.
"It's a disappointment, but we've
become used to disappointments.
I'm still sure Dr. Sam will be
cleared some day."
Lyman said the man was not an l
Ohioan, but had contacted him in
Columbus, after being sent to Ly- a
man by a client of the attorney.a
Lyman fully substantiated thes
News story as being the same as
that he-received from the inform- it
ant. Lyman said he had not actu-
ally seen the letter. "My informant w
destroyed the letter," said Lyman. e
"He gave me the contents ver- h
bally." s
Meanwhile in Berkley. Calif., p
Dr. Paul A. Kirk, famous Univers-
ity of California Criminologist, if
said last night the report of a b
"bushy haired" prowler in Dr. b
Sam Sheppared's home the night a
his wife Marilyn was murdered, "1
checks with what he learned dur- it
ing his investigation of the case. t
7 Indiana Offe nsive
Led by Ciehowski
Barr, Baldacci, Pace Back in Action;
57,000 Fans Expected For Big Tilt
Associate Sports Editor
It's another "big one" in the Michigan $tVdium today.
Michigan's football gridders, with their backs against the pro-
verbial wall, will meet another upset-minded and under-rated squad,
Indiana, this afternoon.
Game time will be the usual 1:30 p.m. A.crowd of 57,000 is
expected to witness the Wolverines attempt to get back on the victory
The Maize-and-Blue will meet a team which is far better than a
one-three conference record might indicate. The Hoosiers gave de-
- ifending champion Ohio State a'
-Daily-John Hirtzei
FORMER FOOTBALL CAPTAIN Merritt 'Tim" Green, '56L (left), argues with self-appointed pep
rally leader after the enthusiast climbed down from a parked bus in front of the Union. With a
crumpled Daily in hand, the "leader" tried to incite the small crowd to "Go down to the field and pat
the boys on the back."
Lack of Interest Squelches Rally
A "spontaneous" Rose Bowl
Rally was squelched yesterday by
ack of both interest and ralliers.
Most of the 50 people milling
round the front of the Union
eemed more interested in whether
r not the rally was going to hap-
en than in participating in it if
t did.
One student said, "The people
waiting for their buses seem more
xcited than the ralliers." It was
ard to tell who the potential
pirit-roursers were and who (he
Shortly after 4:00 it looked as
the rally was going to break up
efore any shouting or excitement
egan. But an unidentified gradu-
te stuuent who calls himself the
biggest alumnus fan this univers-
ty has ever seen" climbed to the
op of a parked bus and shouted,
All this campus needs is spirit.
f no one else will initiate it, I
"Players Need Students"
He got the attention, if not the
upport, of the crowd when he
elled, "I know these players;
hey need the student body. All we
ave to do is walk down to the
eld, pat them on the back and
ay 'Come on, Michigan, we're for
ou.h "
The small crowd was apparently
more entertained than activated
by his shouts. When he jumped
from the roof of the bus and start-
ed marching to the field only five
people followed him.
The rest of the group was re-
strained, if they needed restrain-
ing,' by a former varsity end, an
injured varsity tackle, and two
Green Calms Enthusiast
Tim Green, '56L, captain of
Michigan's 1952 football team said,
"If you have a small crowd you'll
only make a poor showing. Fifty
students out of 20,000 is certainly
bad representation; a bad showing
is worse than none at all."
Green added, "There aren't
enough people here to make a
Hatcher tea a success."
A student holding a big ' horn
lamented, "Students here don't
get a chance to show their enthus-
A man in a maize-and-blue
WASHINGTON ()-A smiling,
waving President Dwight D. Eis-
enhower came back to the capital
yesterday telling a throng of wel-
comers that he has "a parole if
not a pardon" from his doctors.
In brilliant sunshine his friends
jacket replied, "You students!
never yell unless you're winning
'Man With The Horn' Speaksj
It looked as if a riot would re-
sult out of the dying rally when
the man with the horn sarcastical-
ly asked, "What are you talking
about? How would you know how
much pep we have?" 1
"I'm a cheerleader," the blue-
jacketed man replied.
Meanwhile the bus-top speaker$
and his five followers were going
through West Quad and South
Quad to recruit more ralliers.
When the enthusiast emerged from
South. Quad he had only three of;
his followers left. Here he met
Dean of Men Walter B. Rea who
suggested he "save his pep for to-
morrow afternoon at the stadium."
Obviously disappointed becausej
no-one shared his enthusiasm- the
one-man pep rally went down to
Ferry Field where the team ran
through their final light drills just
as they do every Friday before
every football game, "spontaneous"
rally or not.
real battle before succumbing,
' 20-13, at Columbus last week.
Mistakes Haunt Hoosiers
Last Saturday, Indiana outgain-
ed the Buckeyes, 301 yards to 251,
and ran 65 plays to Ohio's 54. In
the two middle periods the Bucks
ran only a meager 17 plays from
scrimmnage. But mistakes haunted
the Hoosiers. A fumbled' punt
and a defensive error set up two
touchdowns for Ohio State.
"We can't afford to make mis-
takes against Michigan," Coach .
Bernie Crimmins declared. "They'll
turn them into touchdowns. But
if we can avoid the errors which
hurt us so badly in the past we'll
make a real game of it."
Crimmins' words can be taken
as truth. Michigan fans have to
look only to last year as proof,
when Indiana upset a favored
Wolverine team, 13-9.
Florian Helinski, who led the
upset win has graduated, but the
visitors have come up with a more,
than able replacement. Quarter-
back Chick Cichowski played his
finest game against the Buckeyes.
He netted 59 yards rushing, com-
pleted 11 of 18rpasses and aver-°
aged 40 yards on four punts. He
leads the Big Ten in passing -a
.608 average - having completed"
31 of 51 attempts for a total gain'
of 403 yards with only two inter-;
'M' Defense Tops
In Michigan, however, he will'
meet the team which has the best
pass defense in the Western Con-"
ference. The Maize and Blue have'
held enemy passers to an average!
of 55 yards per game.'
See 'M', Page 3s
U.S. Medley
To Highlight
Band Display
Michigan Marching Band will
salute musical America at half-
time today.
The show will open'with "There's
No Business Like Show Business."
While playing "A Real Piano
.Player" and "The ,Song's Gotta'
Come From the Heart," the band
will form the famous Jimmy Dur-
ante profile and do the Schnozz'
"Hats-off" routine and the "Du-
ante Strut."
Playing "When My Baby Smiles
At Me" and "Me and My Shadow,"
the band will. march to two stick
figures representing veteran en-
tertainers Ted Lewis and his
"shadow." The two figures will
twirl their canes and strut down
the field in a manner reminiscent
of Lewis' famous nightclub act.
The martial melody of "United
States Field Artillery" will bring
the Band to a block formation at
midfield where they will perform
a precision drill to "You're a Grand
Old Flag."
The Band will next form the
outline of one of show business'
all time greats, Sophie Tucker, to
the tune of "Dearie" and "Some of
These Days:"
To conclude "Musical America,"
the Band will do a dance specialty,
"Rock Around the Clock."
The pre-game show will consist
of the usual "Victors," the. Na-
tional Anthem, "Varsity" and "The
Yellow and Blue," plus the for-
mation of a block "I" and the
playing of "Indiana, My Indiana.v
Indiana University yesterday
banned parakeets and hamsters
in its dormitories.
Parakeets, said the order, are
too "messy" when left uncaged,
and hamsters are "inclined to
multiply too rapidly."
IFC Offers?1FrFoeg
For Foreign
Finance, Pol
Next Wednesday and Thursday1
students will go to the polls to cast
ballots for their favorite Student
Government Council candidate.
Some of the voters will know the
students personally; some will be
voting just to vote..
But for the most part, they will
be making a value judgment of the
candidates on the basis of what
they see and hear in the cam-
To a certain extent, SGC's elec-
tions committee establishes speech
schedules for the hopefuls. But
most of the time it's up to the
. -. " t . "t .
i',1Twenty-nine board spaces i
Cg. ath os available to foreign students, Inter
jammed the airport and lined the President Bob Knutson, '56. said y
bunting-decked streets of the cap- IFC hopes to help integrate
Representing the other side of forth to the different houses takes ital to cheer the President and'
opinion, this statement was made: times. When there's nobody there Mrs. Eisenhower. space aie K nts si
"I spend less time sleeping, less this time is wasted and it also I * * d tei'ndtintegStudent ca
time eating and much less time makes you feel funny. There's dall termed the integration plan "a
studying during the campaign nothing like disinterest to make CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va. (A)-! So far only a limited numb
period. I have two exams coming you feel low." Adlai Stevenson proposed last contacted, but both IFC and ISA
up that would ordinarily mean Humor In Campaign night that -'the "community of of the program to all interested.
"A's" but instead are getting "C's" There's also a humorous side nations" under law formula be Diet Differences A Factor
because of a cut on study time. to the story. Two candidates were applied and the United Nations Mrs. Randall pointed out stu-
"Then, too, you have to watch scheduled to campaign at a certain mount guard on the flaming bor- dents from such countries as India
yourself in the hall. If you're in a fraternity house. When they got ders between Israel and her Arab and Burma would probably not be
hurry to get to a glass and a stu- there they felt quite elated for neighbors. interested because of differences
dent stops to ask a question, you they had an unusual turnout. But Stevenson made this proposal in in diet.
have to stand there, listen and give suddenly a member jumped up an address at the University of Both Mrs. Randall and Knutson
a sensible answer. If you don't you and quickly escorted them to the Virginia sponsored by the Wood- expressed hope the limited inte-
lose votes. I am late for too many waiting room. It seems they had row Wilson Foundation and the gration afforded by providing eat-
classes that way." been about to address a chapter school's Wilson Department of ing facilities would spread into
Veal Plan
n 12 fraternities are being
wfraternity Council Executiv
foreign students by making
tion Executive Secretary Mar
good starting point."
er of foreign students hav
are making plans to send
get one or two foreign stude
a start."
Three Meals Availabl
All three regular mealsi
USSR Re jects
IOpen Skies'
Plan Again
GENEVA B-Russia again re-
made jected the Eisenhower aerial, in-
e Vice- spection plan last night despite
an American offer to extend it
to as many as 50 other nations.
eating United States Secretary of State
y John Foster Dulles pleaded vainly
y Ran- with Soviet Foreign Minister V.
M. Molotov to accept the plan on
e been this new v global basis.
details Molotov replied that Sec. Dulles
nts for
will be
had "not dealt with the Soviet
delegation's objections."
With angry words, the Big Four
foreign ministers exchanged con-
demnations of rival East and West
available each day but foreign stu- disarmament programs they had
dents will have the option of submitted yesterday to their dead-
choosing which they want to eat locked conference.
at the fraternity house. Students After Molotov's new rebuff of
will be charged whatever rates President Dwight D. Eisenhower's
fraternity members pay. "open skies" idea, Dulles declared,