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November 10, 1955 - Image 1

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1955-11-10

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Latest Deadline in the State





*Grand ,Jury
Frees Two
Of Charges
GREENWOOD, Miss. (P)-A Le-
fore County grand jury yesterday
declined to indict two white men
on charges of kidnaping Emmett
Louis Till.
The decision freed Roy Bryant,
24 years old, and his half brother,
J. W. Milam, 36 years old, of all
charges in the famous case.
A trial jury in nearby Sumner
six weeks ago found the store-
keepers innocent of murdering
Judge Discharges
Circuit Judge Arthur Jordan an-
nounced the grand jury's decision
to waiting newsmen after he dis-
charged the 20-man, all white
grand jury.
Bryant and Milam reportedly
were working in nearby cotton
fields and could not be reached
immediately for comment.
The grand jury's action can
celed the $10,000 bonds each posted
for freedom while waiting for a
decision in the kidnaping case.
Charged With Kidnaping
The half brothers were charged
in Leflore County with kidnaping
last Aug. 28 after Mose Wright,
64 years old, Till's sharecropper
uncle, said two white men took
Till away for allegedly making
obscene remarks to Mrs. Bryant.
A body was found in the Talla-
hatchie River three days later.
Wright and Till's mother, Mrs.
Mamie Bradley of Chicago, identi-
fied it as Till..
But defense attorneys in the
rnurder trial presented three wit-
nesses, including a doctor and an
undertaker, who testified that the
M body had been in the water too
long to be Till.
Wright and Willie Reed, 18 years
old, were called by the grand jury
The other witnesses before the
grand jury included Sheriff George
Smith and Deputy John Ed Coth-
Admit Taking Till
Sheriff Smith and his deputy
told the murder trial jury that
Bryant and Milam admitted tak-
ing Till from Wright's farm shack
in Money but said they freed him
unharmed when they found he
was the wrong person.
Reed's halting testimony had
placed Milam with Till several
hours after the two men said they
released the boy, who was vaca-
tioning in Mississippi when he dis-
Mrs. Bradley, mother of the Till
boy, commented in Chicago:
"Just about everything has run
out on me now. I don't know what
to say. I don't see how they could
fail to indict those men.
ick Dubois
As Governor
Of Morocco
PARIS () - France yesterday
named a new governor for Moro-
cco in expectation that Sultan Mo-
hamed Ben Youssef will return
there next week and demand home
w rule.
The government picked Andre
Dubois, a career administrator who
was born of French parents in
Bone, Algeria. In 16 months as
Paris police chief he made a name
for himself by silencing noisy auto

horns and barring trucks from the
capital's narrow streets in busy
afternoon hours.
Dubois' title will be French res-
ident general in Morocco. Under
the present treaty between France
and Morocco, he will not only rep-
resent French interests as ambas-
sador to the Sultan but handle all
foreign affairs. Under France's
system of "direct administration,"
the resident general is the real
ruler of the "protectorate."
Ben Youssef, exiled for his
nationalism but brought back un-
der nationalist pressure, wants to
change all that. The French gov-
ernment is willing, but how much
freedom Morocco will get depends
on negotiation.
Triangles Tap
From 'neath the heels of dusty



Driving Ban Change,



Reds Make ISSUE IN DOUBT: Would Allow
Eighteen AA Policemen 21 Year Olds
lNew Offers .
Resubmit Resignations To Drive

{GENEVA (P) -- The Russians
GE Ale -heE Thpen Rssis Eighteen Ann Arbor policemen re-submitted resignation notices
kept alive the European security shha
issue in the deadlocked Big Four! yesterday, leaving the question of the city-police department relation-
snp.agn nai iuuuuy

-Daily-Esther Goudsmit
DAC REHEARSAL-Cast members polish up a scene from Anton Chekov's "The Seagull." Scheduled
to open at the Masonic Temple tomorrow, the four act play will run through Sunday, Nov. 27
Dramatic .Arts Center Israel Won't
To Fetature 'The SeaW
- - ~ g

conference with last-minute pro-!
posals yesterday.
They would pull out half the
foreign troops in Germany and
sign a nonaggression pact between
the Eastern and Western military
By his surprise maneuver, Soviet
Foreign Minister V. M. Molotov
committed the conference to re-
turn to his security proposals next

ships. hanging in air another dlay.
At ten p.m. last night 18 resignations had been received by Chief
Casper M. Enkemann, fatigued after six or eight hours of conference
yesterday, and a week of tension surrounding the situation.
Enkemann said he could not hazard a guess as to whether more

resignations would be re-submitted
and detectives handed in their
resignations last Friday, only to
withdraw them Saturday, waiting
for results of Monday night's coun-1
cil meeting.

Hisses and catcalls drowned out dialogue when Anton Chekov's
play, "The Seagull" was first produced at the Alexandrinsky Theater
in Petersburg.
A few years later, the play was received with enthusiasm when it
was presented by Moscow Art Theatre, an organization which has
adopted a seagull as its emblem.
A Dramatic Arts Center production which opens at 8:15 p.m.

tomorrow in the Masonic Temple1
Demis Edge
In Elections
WASHINGTON (P)-Democrats
drew fresh hope for 1956 yester-
day from scattered election vic-
tories that gave them a record-
smashing victory in the Kentucky
governorship race and pushed
them ahead in such battleground
states as Pennsylvania, Indiana
and Connecticut.
There were some Republican ad-
vances too, here and there, but
virtually complete returns from
Tuesday's state and municipal el-
ections showed a clear net advan-
tage to the Democrats in the mat-
ter of orginizational strength for
next year's presidential election.
Interest focused yesterday on
Indiana where sweeping Demo-
cratic gains in mayoral contests
pointed up Democratic claims of
farm belt unrest over Eisenhower
administration agricultural polic-
In Kentucky, former Baseball
Commissioner A. B. "Happy"
Chandler was elected governor by
a landslide approaching 150,000
votes over Republican Edwin R.
Denny-despite a bitter primary
fight that split the Democratic

Auditorium, the play made a poor,
first impression in Petersburg be-
cause the audience failed to un-
derstand it.
"The Seagull," written in 1895,
was Chekov's initial attempt to
develop a new dramatic technique!
at first, and it caught Russian.
audiences unawares.
Sergava to Appear
Appearing in the lead role of
Irena, a celebrated actress, will bej
Katharine Sergava who has joined
DAC for the play.

.R~k..U I'A4 '~j V 41. 'wek afer he nr'of tle'Orsus- Since then confusion has cloud-
sion on the two remaining points ed the situation. At the meeting a
on the agenda-disarmament and raise was grante but i assub-
G roSa s East-West contacts. stantially beneath that requested
Interrupts Attempts { by the policemen.
JERUSALEM, Israeli Sector P) The new offer interrupted at- The 18 resignations were hand-
-Israel "never will initiate war tempts by the three Western for- ed in on an individual basis.
agis~ayn,"btwil"otpr eign ministers to end negotiations 'Enkemann went ,immediately to
aginst anyone,butwillnot on the first agenda point-Euro- work, discussing the problemof
mit anyone to rob us of a single pean security and German reuni- finances, of "making ends meet,"
inch of our land." Prime Minister fication. Accusing Russia of a with the resigning men. He said
David Ben-Gurion declared yest- i "grave breach of the Geneva none had backed down last night.
spirit" for refusing free German The chief, discussing his confer-I
erday. specions, teyusid frthermds ences with the men yesterday,
The Israeli leader outlined his Ecussionson the point oulddbe would say only, "You don't sit
country's views to Maj. Gen. Edson futile. down and talk over a problem of
ythis kind in five minutes."
L. M. Burns, chief United Nations Molotov proposed:
1. Reduction of the number of The 18 resignations would seri-
truce supervisor, as the world's foreign troops in Germany "by,I ously cripple the Ann Arbor police
diplomatic spotlight turned to the say, 50 per cent." He set no time department, already 20 men short
potentially explosive Middle East limit for this. Last week he had of the figure prescribed by the
tension. There had been worry ex- proposed that all foreign troops National Safety Council a little
pressed that Israel might be think- except "strictly limited contin- over a month ago.
ing in terms of launching preven- gents should withdraw within three Enkemann said he could not tell
tive war before her Arab neigh-' months. whether the men were placing
bors grow too strong. Reduction of Armed Forces faith in possibility of a further
"We see no reason for a conflict: -; ,pay increase when the budget is

. Thirty-eight of the 45 patrolmen
j a . gp
A .

Changes in the present driving
regulations were tentatively ap-
proved at yesterday's meeting of
Student Government Council's
driving ban study committee.
Basically, any student over 21
years old but not in academic dif-
ficulties would be allowed to oper-
ate an automobile in Ann Arbor
under the propositions submitted
for consideration by study sub-
committee members Prof. Roger
IW. Heyns of the psychology de-
partment-and former Daily Man-
aging Editor Gene Hartwig, '58L.
OSA Permission
Student not 21 would be able to
operate cars only on permission of
the Office of Student Affairs.
Present driving ban rules limit
student operation of cars to two
general groups: those over 2$
years and those possessing per-
mits issued by the Office of Stu-
dent Affairs.
The ten-member study commit-
tee, appointed last spring by SGC,
also recommended in their initial
report a series of stringent en-
forcement penalties.
Violation of all but one driving
rule would be considered "grounds
to send the student home for one
full semester."
SGC Report Due Nov. 22

- . - 1-A - -- ; 2. Reduction of the total armed I
An actress who has had a dis- between ourselves and Egypt,' 2.freduti orolrmed
tinguished career in Europe and Ben-Gurion said. forces of the Big Four powers by
in the United States, Miss Sergava a, number equivalent to their troops
appeared with Alec Guiness in Egypt's conclusion of a deal for withdrawn from Germany. He did
Chekov's "The Cherry Orchard Commust bloc arms has brought not quote figures, but such reduc-
and played more than 1,000 per- sharply into focus a growing strug- tions were unofficially estimatedj
formances in the original Theater gle between East and West for at 150,000 for Russia, 125,000 for
Guild production of "Oklahoma." leadership in the area. the United States, 50,000 for Bri-1
Complete Cast Explaining the arms deal in tam, and 30,000 for France.

reopened in July. "That's seven
months away," he said.
He said no plans for policing the
city could be made until the defi-
nite number of men resigning was
known. He indicated that it would
be another day or two before this
number could be established, cit-I
ing Friday as the most probable
Citizens, meanwhile speculated
as to the other 20 men who haven't'
handed their resignations back in.
"It's probably younger men. The
rookies and one-year policemen got
the raises they wanted," one man.


This sight

.. ,...... .,wu

Cairo yester

Others in the cast are Ric Laving
government c
as Trepilov, Irena's talented but p e
unhappy son and Ralph Drischell neinmento
Washington o
who portrays the role of Irena's forced Egypt
brother, Sorin. . the Communi
The part of Nina is interpreted
by Elaine Sinclair, Jay Lanin ap-
pears as Trigorin, Ann Gregory asEden
Masha and 'Sidney Walker as JiC
Also included in the cast of "The Sovet
Seagull," are Victor Kuring in the
role of Shamrayev, Mort Elevitch'

day, the Egyptian
charged that "post-
and promises" by
n requests for arms
to buy weapons from

Ike Renews
Arms Offer

portraying Medviedenko, Mary
Jane Forsyth as Polena, Angello
Hampares as Yakov, Erich Lind-
bloom as The Chef and Nancy
Willard who appears as The
Tickets for the production which
will run through Sunday, Nov. 27
may be purchased at Masonic
Temple boxoffice.

LONDON (!P) -- Prime Minister
Eden yesterday accused the So-
viet Union of creating war ten-
sions in Europe and the Middle
The British leader said it was
impossible to reconcile Soviet ac-
tions with protestations that they,
wish to end the cold war in the
new spirit of Geneva.



New School To Open for In

DENVER (P)-President Dwight said.
D. Eisenhower, "eager to get go- Enkemann expressed hope that
ing" to Washington, closed out he could convince all or some of
Denver business conferences yes- the men not to resign. "All I have!
terday with a declaration that out- left." he said, "is hope."
bursts of Israeli-Egyptian fight-
ing "retard our search for world
peace." !iace Issue
Voicing "deep concern' of all
Americans over sharply increased I O t
dent Eisenhower renewed this out
country's offer to consider "re- Africa Walkout'
quests for arms for legitimate self-t
defense," UNITED NATIONS, N. Y. (R) -
But he said "We do not intend The Union of South Africa walked
- out of the United Nations yester-
day in bitter protest over a United
Nations decision to press inquiry
into South Africa's racial segrega-
tion policies.
I1It was the second walkout of the
10th General Assembly. France
withdrew Sept. 30 because the As-
sembly voted to take up the ques-
tion of Algeria.
W. C. du Plessis, chairman of
the South Africa delegation, an-
nounced the withdrawal after the
UN Special Political Committee
voted 27-7 for renewing work of a
commission created three years
ago to study the South African
f racial situation.
He said it would be for the dura-
tion of the present session sched-
uled to end Dec. 10.
Du Plessis labeled India as the
leader in the decision of the Politi-
cal Committee. He accused India
' of conducting a "vendetta" against
South Africa since virtually the
founding of the UN 10 years ago.
The United States, among 13

caused many students to look
upward yesterday. It was not a
student sitting on top of the
main University Flag Pole (in
front of the Library) but a
painter giving the pole its yearly
coat of paint.
SGC Hears
OSU Rally
Plans for entertainment follow-
ing the Ohio State pep rally were
heard at Student Government
Council meeting last night. {
Chairman of the pep rally com-
mittee, Myki Gold, '58, reported
to the Council that Intramural
Building was not available for a
dance following the rally as was
formerly planned.
Miss Gold said the four quad-
rangles, women's dorms, Interfra-
ternity Council and other groups
on campus had been contacted to
hold record dances for participants
to attend after the rally. She said
quadrangles had already indicated
willingness to hold dances in all of
the men's dorms the night of the
Tabbed for consideration and
study was the motion by Dick
Good, '56 that at the end of the
'55-'56 fiscal year excess funds
of the Council should be used to
absorb Student Book Exchange
A Cinema Guild report was ac-
cepted by the Council with recom-
mendation that the summer oper-'
ation of the Guild be considered
in the future.

in their appointment of the
study group, which consists of,
prominent city officials and busi-
nessmen as well as students, fac-
ulty and administration, the Coun-
cil specified that the group report
back to SGC within eight weeks
from the beginning of this fall
semester. This would mean a re-
port to the Nov. 22 session of the
First proposition passed by the
committee was that the Regent's
By-law, Sec. 8.05. be changed so
that "No students while in atten-
dance at the University may op-
erate motor vehicles except under
regulations set down by the Office
of Student Affairs."
Present By-Law Explained
Present By-law regulation-
states: "No student while in at-
tendance at the University shall
operate any motor vehicle. In ex-
ceptional and extraordinary cases
at the discretion of the bean of
Men, this rule may be relaxed."
Both present and proposed rules
call for "disciplinary action by the
proper University authorities" in
cases of violations.
After discussion, the committee,
decided that the proposed change
in driving regulations would be
proper only if the present By-law
were changed by the Regents.
Discourage Unnecessary Operation
Summarily, the propositions ap-
proved by the group stated that
it is necessary to discourage stu-
dents from unnecessary operation
of cars in Ann Arbor through "ec-
onomically and efficiently en-
forced" restrictions, with enforce-
ment in part a matter of student
All students who would operate
cars in Ann Arbor would be re-
quired to register with the Office
of Student Affairs.
Permission to operate a car
would be granted to all students
who are or will be 21 during the
semester of registration. This per-
mission would be conditional upon
proof that the applicant has at
least a two-point average, or "con-
sent of an appropriate official in
their college or school" if below
the honor point average.

Ann Arbor's Board of Education,
made further plans last night for:
opening its new high school to the
public from 2 to 4 p.m. Sunday.
Although the new structure is!
still under construction, officials
are permitting it to be opened so
townspeople may see parts of the
building in advance of a coming
referendum for more school facili-
Scheduled to be completed the!
first of the year, the $6,000,000
building, located on Stadium Blvd.
at Main St., replaces the old high
school which is to become Univer-I
sity property.
Principal Nicholas Schreiber ex-
plained the purpose of the inspec-
tional tour is "to give the tax-

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