i i I Sixty-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSrTY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 'You Can't Tell What Might Come Out Of Those Things' Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. This must ,be noted in all reprints. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1955 NIGHT EDITOR: MARY ANN THOMASj 9Y Ford Motors: The Decline And Fall of An Empire BUSINESS and financial circles recently ex- Apparently everything was running smoothly changed a knowing smile as an announce- until 1952 and 1953 when Ford sales started ment came that Ford Motor Car Company stock slipping. Henry Ford II took over the company would be offered for public sale in January. and completed a thorough reshuffling and re- A company that has assets of more than $2 organization. He developed a first-rate com- billion dollars and remains a private corpora- pany, both administratively and productively. tion is a rarity in this age of public corporate tively. ownership. Yet until this announcement, the Ford family, and the semi-independent Ford WITH ITS 1956 models, the Ford Motor Car Foundation, has owned all Company stock. Company and its Lincoln, Mercury and With the present stock sale the foundation Continental, Divisions, hope to recap the lead will still hold non-voting stock so that its in car sales. World-wide beneficial projects may still be It is not realistic to believe that the stock financed. Three types of stock will be issued sale is merely a gimmick for sales promotion. and they will have the same interests per share It is not a gimmick for the 1956 models but for in earnings and assests but will vary as to the Company itself. voting rights. Public ownership is public indentification. There are now 3,322,395 shares of nonvoting Now that Ford is going to join the more than "A" stock. Of these, 3,089,908 shares are owned 1,100 other corporations whose securities are by the Foundation, 190,347 shares are owned listed on the New York Stock Exchange, the by the Ford family and family interests, and public is more likely to support something that 42,140 are owned by 108 key employees, belongs to the people rather than to a small group of individuals. UNDER THE new plan each share of this The family corporation has all but died out h A stock will bee for 15 new of the American scene. The Ford dynasty is the shares. Foundation stock will become nonvot- last to go. Perhaps there will still be the feeling ing stock and family stock will still be voting of an "Empire" after the stock is sold for an sto ck . e ti a te m p 0 r $ af hr e O rk as tdr e Whatthi al bols ownto s tat he om-estimated $60 or $70 a share. Or perhaps there What this all boils down to is that the Coi- will be the impersonal feeling that is associated pany is spreading its money over its empire with other on-the-market corporations. and letting the public finally become part owner of the "Emperor of Fairlane's" coffers. In any case the Company which has pion- After a 52-year history as one of the leaders eeredtin employee benefits and automotive in- in the automobile field, there must 'be some ventiveness will no longer be the personal bank reason or explanation for the company's account of the select who have inherited the action which is likely to create a global de- harvest of a genius' fruitful mind. mand. Gone is the Henry .Ford who thought a per- Henry Ford Sr. started with $28,000, a few sonal visit to the Kaiser would stop World friends and an idea. He had built this- idea War I. Gone also is the Model T car. And fin- into an empire before he died in 1947 and left ally, a bit behind schedule, gone is the grasp the Company in the hands of his son Edsel. of the money-men whose ancestors once owned The company was receiving government con- a city. tracts during the war and at war's end was in The stock is on sale and just in time. Now Mr. financial mismanagement. Average American can buy stock in a company The Foundation which had been set up in starting to produce the $10,000 'dream of a 1936 "to make grants for research and the life-time'. If he can't afford the stock or the promotion of human welfare in a broad area car there is still the knowledge that an empire of national and world affairs," continues its is dead. important work. -DAVE KAPLAN, Feature Editor Incentive For Living }s . t. ' r YJ { He r: <. ri.r I l :., - f ,. .._ - -' w .f f 'w ' y .. J Y S Ate. .: ^s" ;r ft M1 Y S .. liP' F Syds, ' ;iGXi:....i. -PY t A. 1 ;3' .. : _ A IF OF 'C we.Cf °- ,Or f WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: Dems, GOP Hustle for '56, By DREW PEARSON WE RECEIVED the following letter from Harriette Cohn, a sophomore here in the Literary college. Miss Cohn, in her letter, has included a portion of another letter, received from former Michigan student, Patricia Stern, who if she returns here will graduate in 1958. Miss Cohn has written little comment on Miss Stern's letter, except to "leave with you the question that I am asking myself: Must war be the incentive for living?" Miss Cohn's letter follows: HAD just returned from University of Il- linois feeling just as glum as any Michigan student might over the outcome of Saturday's game. Then I discovered a letter in my' mail- box which, after reading it, made me stop and think. "The writer of the letter was a-student at the University of Michigan last year, and is now studying at the Hebrew University in Israel. I should like to quote you part of this letter: "'As for me-"Patti in Israel"-well it is more than difficult to relate to you, what life has been like here these past few days. Midst joys, fun, and sorrow, as well as worries, I am living and really living-not existing as I've come to the conclusion that I've just existed until now--never fearing real fear itself. "'The tension here is sad and frightening. One walks the streets and sees men gathered in groups discussing war, gathered in groups reading about war, and gathered in uniform groups going to, for all they know, war. "'My safety is secured, as is any tourist's here, but the inhabitants live daysto day lives, never knowing if and when that day will come. The college kid here does not discuss the score of the latest football game, but instead "the edge the Jews hold over the Arabs" or visa- versa. "'They are all ready for war-some almost want war, although they know that with war and even with their victory (which they will probably have) they will destroy that which they love most . ., . their country. "'Israeli life is a serious business here and if I have (which I know I have) -condemned the, inefficiency' of the average Israeli, I sup- pose that I can now excuse him for he has more to worry about than having his bus leave on schedule. "'I spent this weekend in Tel Aviv with relations. They sat at the radio with lonv faces for every broadcast. It was imperative to hear every word . . . to miss nothing. There is a national appeal for arms now. Little kids sell oranges for money for the guard. Little kids train with guns rather than ride bicycles. "'In case of war I do not yet know if I will remain or leave. I almost feel that I would like to remain, rather than quit my relation- ships here and know what they are suffering. Anyway, we hope there will not be war. That choice will not be mine. "'Reading this over I sound morbid, how- ever that is what the situation is. Again I repeat . . . I'm in no danger. The country is what probably makes me feel worse than you for I've grown to like this place and the people here . . . boys and girls who are fighting to live, and would be happy perhaps just to exist, but can't.'" - [HERE are some interesting con- trasts in the backstage maneu- vering of both political parties for the great Grand National of 1956. Among Republicans the maneu- vering is sotto voice, waiting for word from the man in Denver. The hustle and bustle of those strenu- ous competitive days when Bob Taft and Tom Dewey were bidding frantically for delegates is gone. Over the Republican Party has descended the quiet suspense simi- lar to that which the Democrats felt during the Roosevelt Admin- istration when the Party was dom- inated by one man and the leaders awaited the word from him. MOST REALISTIC Republicans fully expect the word from Get- tysburg in January will be "No," but there isn't much they can do until the word comes. Some of the palace guard, however, are still determined that the President run again, no matter what, and want to backstop him with Tom Dewey as Vice President. Only important maneuvering other than this is by the Nixon forces which have finally shut up the Vice President's chief GOP opponent, Gov. Goody Knight; and by the Dewey forces which are setting up some quiet but powerful road-blocks to stop the young man whom Dewey helped put in the Vice Presidency in 1952. The Deweyites turned sour on Nixon shortly after the $18,000 ex- pense fund was revealed, and the , opposition mounted as Nixon be- came Joe McCarthy's chief ambas- sador at the White House. MANENVERING in the Demo- cratic camp today is just the op- posite. Big political goals are at stake and the bidding will be ter- rific. In the Stevenson camp, Adlai has already picked his chief brain- truster, Harry Ashmore, able edi- tor of the Little Rock Gazette; is also lining up committees in Cali- fornia, Minnesota, Wisconsin. Or- ganization for Adlai, completely neglected in 1952, this time won't go by default. Main objective of Stevenson leaders is to sew up key leaders in key states before Ke- fauver or Harriman get to them first, The Kefauver camp is less or- ganized. The Tennesseean has al- ways run his own show. Today he sits in stocking feet, listening to advisers tell him what he should do, and how to do it. Then he goes ahead and does what he wants. The boys have been wanting Estes to announce and begin lining up delegates. But Estes wants to wait. He argues that he has some important hearings on Dixon- Yates and juvenile delinquency. If he announces early, then Presiden- tial politics will get mixed up in the hearings. Besides, he's got some money to raise. "The last time we ran," he told a friend, "we got into town and put Nancy outside the hotel to raise enough money to leave town. Somehow we've got ' to do better than that." MEANWHILE, Stevenson forces are dangling enticing offers in front of the long-legged Tennes- seean to become Adlai's Vice Presi- dent. It would be a strong ticket; for both men are appealing cam- paigners. But so far Kefauver hasn't bought, and his best friends say he won't. In the third Democratic camp, Governor Harriman of New York is handicapped by the fact that offi- cially he's still for Stevenson. So he can't very well go out and beat the bushes for delegates. How- ever, his chief political mentor, astute Tammany leader Carmine De Sapio, is doing a lot of it for him. So far the Democratic maneu- vering has been kept on a friendly, even keel, but Democrats have the reputation of being free-thinkers and free-sluggers when the com- petition gets really keen. * * * FRANKIE COSTELLO, former underworld czar, is trying hard to convince authorities he has turned over a new leaf. He spends most of his time raising money for char- ity. Already this year, he has col- lected more than $250,000 for var- ious causes. Costello is waiting for the Supreme Court to review his tax-evasion conviction. The high court agreed to consider the case on the grounds his constitutional rights may have been infringed. (Moscow, take note: Even racke- teers are entitled to full protection of the law in this country.) (Copyright, 1955, by Bell Syndicate, Inc.) CONCERT: Orchestra P roves Rating HROUGHOUT its performance Sunday evening the Cleveland Orchestra, under the direction of George Szell, exhibited the fine sound that has brought it to be rated as one of the top orchestras of the nation., Undoubtedly the finest numbers on the program were the two Mo- zart works that opened the con- cert, the Overture to the Marriage of Figaro and theG minor Sym- phony number 40. Here the strings, which are the outstanding section of the orchestra, were able to show their true superiority. In both numbers the strings display- ed their complete mastery of piano and forte playing and all the sub- tle varients between these two ex- tremes In the G Minor Symphony Szell kept the orchestra within the bounds of a very refined perform- He avoided the extreme differences of tempo between the movements often found in performances of this work. The Woodwinds, es- pecially the Bassoons, sounded very good. All of which made this a very appropriate rendition of Mo- zart. * * * THE SCHUMANN Fourth Sym- phony, with its brilliant finale, brought the concrt to a dramatic end. Again the string section showed its fine ensemble. The oboe, clarinet and bassoon played excellently in their passages. Strauss' Don Juan gave the percussion section an opportunity to show off its skill with many interesting percussive parts. The Horns played with excellent blend and precision in this number. The solo passages for violin and oboe were nicely executed although the violin tended to be covered by the orchestra. -Bruce Jacobson LETTERS to the. EDITOR Pat on the Back..., To the Editor: AS TWO of the "20 thousand" students whom Donald Reisig so boldly claimed to speak in his letter criticizing Dave Baad and Daily editorial policy, we would like to make a few corrections. Mr. Reisig accuses the Daily of being "pseudo - intellectual" be- cause its policy is "anti-Eisenhow- er, anti-Greek, anti-big business, and anti-Republic Party." To equate "pseudo intellectuality with being anti-Eisenhower etc. is to speak with intolerance, ignorance and rigidity of mind. The non- sense of such an equation should be obvious to any college student. We might also note that after 3%/2 years as faithful subscribers to the Daily we have not noticed the "great crusading liberal spi- rit" which appears to be so os- tentatious. Each time an anti- Greek editorial is published, it seems a pro-Greek editorial i by its side. Further, Mr. Reisig also makes quite a point of complaining that the Daily editorial page is "com- pletely unrepresentative" of the student body. We direct his at- tention to the statement on the masthead of every daily "Editor-, ials printed in the Michigan Daily are written by members of the Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only." Nor should the Daily's editor- ials be expected to represent stu- a student government but a news- dent opinion. The Daily is not paper and as such its obligation, to the campus lies in reporting the news accurately, not in repre- senting student opinion. In conclusion we would like to give Mr. Baad and the rest of The Daily staff a pat on the back for their general policy of con- cern for student welfare and their willingness to articulate their be- liefs in spite of the narrowness of mindrexhibited by some of the readers. -Joyce Greenbaum '56 Joan Bryan '56 Don't Miss the Chance To the Editor: IN response to a certain, very rash, article by a certain fresh- man, Harrison Barach, I would like to voice my complete disagree- ment with his philosophies on col- lege atmosphere. I think that meeting and talking with other students, no matter where or when, is a very vital part of a college atmosphere. I, myself, have gained much by occasionally stopping and talking in the lobby f Mrfnfn .o.ll A A ord intellient THE Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of the University of Michigan for which the Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsi- bility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553 Administration Building before 2 p.m. the day preceding publication. Notices for the Sunday edition must be in by 2 p.m. Friday. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1955 VOL. LXVII, NO. 37 General Notices Chest Clinic. The Michigan Depart- ment of Health will have a mobile X-Rayunit available from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on Nov. 9, 10 and 14, and from 8:30 to 4:00 p.m. on Nov. 15 for staff members of the University who wish to have a chest X-Ray. This service is free. The mobile unit will be parked in the rear of the Student Health Service. Staff members will register in Room No. 58 of the Health Service Bldg. The Good Woman of Setzuan, a Chinese Parable for the theatre by Bertolt Brecht, will be presented by the Department of Speech at 8:00 pa.. in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre through Sat., Nov. 9, 10, 11 and 12. Principal-Freshman and Junior Col- lege Conference. New students who received notices of appointments to con- fer with former principals, counsels, and deans on Thursday morning, Nov. 10, should keep those appointments care- fully. Faculty members are reminded of this Conference and are invited to attend. Information is available from Clyde vroman, Director of Admissions, 1524 Administration Building, Telephone Extension 2951. Michigan Junior College Transfer Students who transferred to the Uni- versity in June or February of 1955 are invited to meet with their junior college deans on Thurs. morning, Nov. 10, at the Michigan League between 9:00 and 11:00 a.m. Call at the registra- tion table on the second floor opposite the Ballroom for information as to the exact location of your junior college representative. Agenda, Student Government Council, November 9, Michigan Union, 7:30 p.m. Minutes for the previous meeting. Officers' Report. President: Big' Ten Student Body Presidents meeting Liter- ary College Steering Committee Corres- pondence, Vice. Pres.: SOC structure- progress report. Exec. Committee-Com- mittee chairmen meetings. Administrative Wing: Report. Cinema Guild. Committee Reports. ConstIutions 27 Society, Korean Club; Campus Affairs: General Committee Structure, Town Meeting, YR-YD Coordinating Commit- tee, Booklet, Athletic Affairs; Elections; Human and International Welfare: Pro- gress report-written N. E. Mindanao Colleges. Activities: International Student As- sociation-Monte Carlo Ball, Nov. 18, Union; World University Service, Fund Drive, February 23, 24; Pep Rally, Nov. 18. Old and new business. Constituents time-Members time. Adjournment. Lectures University Lecture. "Biochemical and Physiological Correlations in vision. Dr. George Wald, professor of biology, Harvard University. 4:15 p.m., Rackham Amphitheatre., Tues., Nov. 8. Concerts Concert. The Philharmonia Orchestra of London, with Conductor Herbert von Karajan. Extra Concert Series, Nov. 9. at 8:30 p.m., In Hill Auditorium, aus- pices of the University Musical Society. Limited number of tickets are available at the offices of the University Musical Society in Burton Tower; and will also be on sale the night of the concert after 7:00 p.m. at the Hill Auditorium box office. Academic Notices Seniors: College of LS&A, and Schools of Business Administration, Education, Music, and Public Health. Tentative lists of seniors for Febru. ary graduation have been posted on the bulletin board in the first floor lobby, Administration Building. Any changes therefrom should be requested of the Recorder at Office of Registration and Records window number A, 1513 Ad- ministration Building. Women Students interested in sports and dance instruction may register on the first floor of Barbour Gymnasium Tues. and Wed., Nov. 8 and 9 from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon. Instruction is available in: Apparatus, ballet, bad- minton, basketball, fencing, figure skating, modern dance, P.F.C., riding, swimming, life saving. Seminar in Chemical Physics, 4:10 p. m, in Room 2308 Chemistry Building, Dr. R. C. Taylor will speak on "Intensi- ties of Raman Bands." Tues., Nov. 8. Events Today Near East Research Club will meet Tues., Nov. 8, 8:00 p.m. in Room 4, Tappan Hall. Dr. Richard Ettinghousen of the Freer Gallery of Art, Smithsonian Institution, will speak and show slides on "The Riddle of a Famous Persian Pottery Plate." General Meeting of the Michigan Dames. Tues., Nov. 8 at 8:00 p.m., As- sembly Room, Rackham Building. Chester Roberts, Jr. of Roberts Gift Shop will *demonstrate gift wrapping and give hints for Christmas gifts." Meeting of the Michigan Chapter of A.A.U.P., Tues., Nov. 8, at 8:00 p.m., East Conference Room, Rackham Build- ing. President, Hatcher will discuss informally the University's future. All faculty members invited. Actuarial Club Meeting: Tues., Nov. 8. at 4:15 n.m. in Room 3017 Angell DA0LY OFFICIAL BULLETIN~ WHAT IT WAS WAS GRIFFITH: Thar's Gold in Them Hillbilly Ways INTERPRETING THE NEWS: New Look In Red Parade By J. M. ROBERTS Associated Press News Analyst THE SOVIET UNION had made a special effort this year to include the new look, or sweetness and light campaign, in her observa- tion of the 38th anniversary of the Red Revo- Intion. The annual parade, always looked forward to by Western observers for tips on Russian military advances, was strangely lacking in military emphasis. Even Defense Minister Zhukov made only routine reference to the necessity for military strength, devoting much of his speech to in- dustrial and political accomplishments and to "peaceful cooperation between states." strength" interferes with amicable negotiations. While all this was going on in Moscow, there was no suggestion from Geneva that Russia is prepared to do anything real for peace. Secretary of State Dulles served further no- tice that the West has not marched up the hill in Europe merely to march down again with its task incompleted. He obtained from Marshal Tito of Yugoslavia agreement that the Eastern European states, now satellites of Moscow, should be free of interference in their internal affairs. I AGANOVICH said in his anniversary speech that it was not necessary for Russia to ex- port revolution since it was occurring through- out the world because of natural forces. By WILLIAM GLOVER Associated Press Writer ANDY Griffith, a Broadway sen- sation in his first stage out- ing, puts his short, meteoric rise in three words-"free and lucky." Andy, a 6-foot-l carrot-top from Mount Airy, N.C., is being hailed as a comedy find of the year- a drawling, affable, broad-smiling 29-year-old who has found thar's gold in them hillbilly ways. In the just-arrived hit "No Time for Sergeants," Griffith plays a wide-eyed Air F o r c e rookie, around whom spins a rollicking hurricane of farce. The show was applauded unanimously by the critics and, with a $300,000 advance sale already in the bank, is now selling tickets into June at the Alvin. "I ALWAYS did want to enter= tain, but was frightened and didn't know how to go about it," says Griffith. A -few years ago he and his wife Rnah,.%_xxrhnmho maf xuhi footing it to New York, they would make out better." For their act, Andy "played the guitar a bit, mostly I talked," while his wife sang. The first quick flicker of fame touched Andy when he recorded one of his comic routines, "What It Was, Was Football," a disc that went on to sell 80,000 copies. GRIFFITH was introduced to Mac Hyman's novel "No Time for Sergeants" by an actor friend. Af- ter reading it, he looked up the author at his Georgia home for permission to do a record from it. "It was so much like what I was doing," he explains. Instead of a 'record, Andy learned the novel was being pre- pared for a television presenta- tion. So he went after that role -and got it on a fluke reading of his off-beat version of "Hamlet." In the meantime, actor-manager Maurice Evans, who had bought the stage rights to the novel, learned about Andy. Griffith snred a hit in h TV hnm 'nrIa -Time Magazine MYRON McCORMICK and ANDY GRIFFITH . . . Searg and Rube next decision in their joint yen for show business. It was her