See Page 4
Latest Deadline in the State
Ike to Leave
For Capitol
On Friday
Political Future1
Remains Hazy
DENVER (A')-President Dwight
D. Eisenhower will leave the hos-
pital for Washington Friday-but
two of his doctors said yesterday
, it will be "late January of Febru-
ary" before he can decide on trying
for a second term.
Dr. Paul Dudley White and Maj.
Gen. Howard M. Snyder told a
news conference President Eisen-
hower's mending heart must be
"exposed to considerablysmore
strain" before the President can
decide on his "physical future and
whole life."
That did not rule out the possi-
bility that President Eisenhower
already may have made up his
mind on seeking or foregoing an-
other four years in the White
House. But White and Snyder
said the President had given them
no inkling on that.
White, the eminent Boston heart
specialist, Snyder, President Eisen-
hower's personal physician, and
other doctors who have been at-
tending the President sincehis
Sept. 24 heart attack appeared at
,, the news conference after thor-
ough, lengthy examinations of the
Chief Executive Sunday and yes-
However hazy the political fu-
ture might be, White said that he
had "only good news again" on
President Eisenhower's physical
condition at this point. And he
"We have all, myself included,
decided that Friday, in the morn-
ing, will be the time for his takeoff
here. So he will arrive in Wash-
ington in the afternoon."
Then, he said, the President
plans to go on to his farm at
Gettysburg, Pa., Monday to cele-
brate Mrs. Eisenhower's 59th birth-
To a question whether he would
run again if he "were in the presi-
dent's shoes," White replied that
' "I haven't enough information
"I would want to know how I
would face the problems of the
next few months," he said. "I
might have made up my mind al-
"Do you think he has?" a re-
porter inquired.
"I don't know," White answered.
At one point White gave a mea-
sure of support to the idea that
President Eisenhower may recover
sufficiently to feel physically able
to seek a second term. At another,
he dashed a bit of cold water on it.
"By the large," he said, "A car-
diac patient not only usually can
work but he should work ...
"Complete invalidism from heart
disease is uncommon. Idleness
breeds unhappiness and is bad for
But as for applying that gener-
alization to President Eisenhower,
the heart expert remarked:
"The President is in a unique
situation, at least so far as my
experience goes, since he is the
first President of the United States
that I have examined with cono-
nary thrombosis.
Druids Tap
From the Stonehenge circle
Aided by the witches' cauldron,
Mystic plans were brewed in dark-
Many twigs were examined,
Many rocks were overturned,
Subjected to heat from blazing
Observed by men of knowledge and
Most decayed, were burned, were
Finally from the murky grove,
From the cave where Fingal per-
The order of the Mighty Oak
Causing the earth to shake and
Causing nations and peoples to
All to bend the twig and sapling
And to capture the sturdy aywend
The almighty DRUIDS have
So came: Harlan Highest Hickory
Scroll Society
Taps 5 Coeds
Police Dispute
City Council Approves Pay Raise
Submitted By Budget Committee
A cloud of uncertainty still shrouds the Ann Arbor city concil-
police department crisis.
Last night the city council voted unanimously to adopt budget
committee recommendations for police pay increases, but these
raises are substantially lower than the police commission had re-
quested, and the resignation question remains in the balance.
The police department recommended raises ranging from $220 to
$604 for all ranks from rookie patrolman to chief. The budget
committee's figures run generally four or five hundred dollars lower.
During the weekend one man was added to the resigning 37,
bringing the, total to 38 out of 45 patrolmen and detectives. Then,
late Saturday the resignations were.
Seen at Polls
tional Chairman Leonard W. Hall
said yesterday the Democratic-
controlled Congress faces "repudi-
ation" at the 1956 polls unless it
corrects what he called its "miser-
able failure" to back Pres. Dwight
D. Eisenhower's domestic program.
But Sen. Hubert Humphrey (D-
Minn.) replied that "the Demo-
cratic Congress will support its
own program." He added that "it
isn't the Democrats who will be
repudiated at the polls."
Writing in the Republican Na-
tional Committee's publication
"Straight from the Shoulder," Hall
said President Eisenhower's 1954
prediction that a Democratic ma-
jority in Congress would "cause a,
legislative stalemate" has proved
Program Ditched
"Despite wholehearted support
from his own party, his legislative
program was ditched," Hall .de-
President Eisenhower said dur-
ing the 1954 campaign that elec-
tion of a Democratic Congress
might bring on a "cold war" be-
tween the parties. He later ac-
knowledged he might have gone
a little too far in this prediction.
Hall acknowledged that there
had been bipartisan support on
foreign policy and most of the
Eisenhower defense program. But,
he said, when the last session clos-
ed nine of the President's 13
'must' bills lay in House and Sen-
ate pigeonholes and wastebaskets.
Democrats Failed To Act
Hall said the Democrats failed
to act on Eisenhower proposals
for highway building, school con-
struction, health reinsurance, wa-
ter resources, Hawaiian statehood,
votes for 18-year-olds, aid for low
income farmers, postal rate in-
creases, atomic peace ship, immi-
gration law changes, health insur-
ance for government employes, ex-
ecutive pay raises, military surviv-
ors benefits, custom simplification
and Talft-Hartley Act amend-
Humphrey said he doesn't think
the Democratic Congress is going
to "rubber stamp" Eisenhower
domestic proposals.
"The people are going to repudi-
ate the Eisenhower farm program
of collapsible price supports," he
withdrawn, after a plea by com-
missioner Rudolph E. Reichert,
until after last night's council
At the meeting Reichert, a for-
mer council president, returned to
the rostrom to speak in the crowd-
ed council room at city hall.
He made a plea for both sides
to consider the question in an at-
mosphere of "calmness and de-
bate." He stated the main reasons
for resignation were that the re-
signing men "contend that their
services are constantly -compared
with other employees of the city,
who, however, are on a forty hour
week and receive overtime for addi-
tional time spent."
Police are on a 44 hour week,
and receive no overtime pay. In
addition Reichert cited the fact
that free Saturdays, Sundays, and
evenings give other city employees
a chance to augment their incomes,
policemen work, "the clock
He added observations of his
own, the first being the clean re-
cord Of the police department.
Since he has been on the commis-
sion, he stated, there hasn't been
one case of proven dishonesty,
which, he said, "I believe speaks
very well for the high character
and integrity of these men."
Many of the policemen met af-
ter the meeting in an informal
gathering at one of the patrol-
man's homes. They had no com-
ment to make, but said a definite
step would probably not be taken
until after a meeting planned for
Police Chief Casper M. Enke-
mann, said he supposed the resig-
nations would be carried through.
"All I can do is wait, though," he
When asked whether he thought
the force would go through with
the resignations, one patrolman
replied, "I think most of us made
a promise, and made up our
At the council meeting Mayor
William E. Brown, Jr. suggested a
committee be appointed to study
four possible sources for increased
1) Negotiate with the Univer-
sity for payment of taxes for po-
lice protection.
2) Make the higher consumer
bracket pay higher percentage of
taxes on those utilities.
3) Consider putting amusement
tax back on the ballot, and insti-
tute a program to educate citi-
zens about this tax.
4) Study other excise taxes that
might be in order.
"If we expect the best of ser-
vices," he emphasized," we must
be willing to pay for them."
Claim Facts
'Impairs Public's
Right to Know'
WASHINGTON () - Some of
the nation's top news specialists
told Congress yesterday that in-
formation about government ac-
tivities is being suppressed or
"managed" to an extent that seri-
ously impairs the public's right
to know what is going on.
This was the unanimous verdict
of a dozen editors, publishers, writ-
ers and others who gave informal
testimony as a House Government
Operation subcommittee opened
an inquiry into freedom of in-
Chairman John E. Moss (D-
Calif.) promised "a long, hard
look at the amount of information
available from the executive agen-
cies for both the public and its
elected representatives."
James B. Reston, chief of the
Washington bureau of The New
York Times, told the committee
news suppression is not the only
problem - that "a growing ten-
dency" by government officials to
slant or "manage" news may in
the long run do more harm.
For example, Reston said, a
"considerable effort" was made by
United States officials at the Big
Four conference in Geneva last
summer to give "'an optimistic fla-
vor" to conference developments-
although later the word went out
that "it might be a good idea to
frown a little."
Columnist Joseph Alsop Jr., de-
clared Washington newsmen are
subject to reprisals including fed-
eral investigation when they pub-
lish, against the wishes of some
officials, news they consider of
"life or death importance" to the
American people.
Alsop said it has become "infin-
itely more difficult" in recent years
to get information from critical
agencies even when the informa-
tion is well known tounfriendly
foreign governments.
"If it goes much farther," Alsop
said, "the facts won't be got at
Basically, all those who gave
their views contended too many
officials misuse various "secrecy"
classifications to prevent publica-
tion of news which actually would
not endanger national security.
Helps Widow
With Story
MINEOLA, N. Y. (P-A prowler
admitted yesterday he was blun-
dering noisily atop Mrs. Ann
Woodward's bedroom roof at the
very moment she shot herhusband
to death.
She had blamed a strange noise
for her panicky gunfire. The prow-
ler, Paul W. Wirths, was quoted by
police as saying he broke a tree
branch, wrestled noisily with a
door and dropped a lohded shot-
gun over Mrs. Woodward's bed-
room early on the morning of Oct.
His revised story appeared to
support Mrs. Woodward's claim
that a noise in the night led to
the accidental shooting of 35-year-
old William Woodward, Jr., multi-
millionaire owner of the great
race horse Nashua.
Detective Inspector Stuyvesant
Pinnell quoted Wirths as saying he
heard the roar of Mrs. Woodward's
shotgun. The 22-year-old German
refugee added:
"It sounded like a cannon. I
didn't wait, I got the hell out of
Mrs. Woodward said her nerves
were on edge because of her "fear-
ful dread" that the prowler would
return and invade her home. He
already had broken into a swim-
ming pool cabana and the six-car
gara-e on the Woodwards' 60-acre
Oyster Bay. N. Y. estate.
The beautful 39-year-old blonde
told police she fired blindly into
a darkened hallway outside her
bedroom when she awakened in
the night and heard a noise.
Ear vyBird Saves
Sunday there was a "break-
ing and entering of room 2443
Mason Hall and the doer of
the evil deed is dead.
The culprit, a cock pheasant,
didn't bother to pry the window
open; he flew right through.
Yesterday at 6:30 a.m. a jan-
itor found a classroom littered
with glass splinters and a badly
cut up, but still alive pheasant.
The coup de grace was Immedi-
ately given.
USSR Hints
New .Plans
At Geneva
GENEVA (MP-New Soviet offers
on German unification and dis-
armament were hinted by Russian
officials here yesterday as the Big
Four powers reached virtual
agreement to hold another confer-
ence in Geneva next spring.
The present slow-moving foreign
ministers' parley-recessed 5 out
of 12 days - will resume today
when Russia's Vyacheslav M. Mol-
otov flies back from consulations
in Moscow. The only uncertainty
about the next conference appar-
ently is the date-March or April.
Molotov's diplomatic lieutenants,
who remained behind in Geneva,
guardedly indicated these moves
are under consideration:
Considering New Moves
1. A softening of Molotov's op-
position to free elections in re-
unifying Germany. But the Soviets-
still demand a united Germany
bound to complete neutrality, and
propose a unification process by
gradual stages which would pre-
serve the Sovietized institutions of
East Germany. Free elections
would be the last step-not the
first, as the Allies demand.
2. An approach toward accept-
ance in principle of President
Dwight D. Eisenhower's proposal
for American-Russian exchange of
military blueprints and aerial in-
But the Russians have no in-
tention of accepting the Presi-
dent's timetable for the proposal.
He offered it here last July as
something the two powers could
put into operation immediately as
a prelude to a general agreement
on disarmament.
Jury .Reopens
Of Till Case
Court Gives Ruling'
On Military
No Court Martials for Ex-G-s;
Affects Turncoats, Korean Killer
WASHINGTON (R)-Ex-servicemen cannot be subjected to Mili-
tary trial for crimes committed while in service, the Supreme Court
ruled yesterday.,
By a 6-3 vote, the court struck down a key provision of the 1950
Uniform Code on Military Justice. It permitted the armed forces to
put civilians back into uniform and court-martial them for serious
crimes occurring before their discharge. -
The ruling. with potential implications to millions, applied toi
Robert W. Toth of "Pittsburgh. As a result, the Air Fbrce cannot bringX
Toth. an honorably discharged veteran, to trial for the slaying of ac
South Korean civilian.
To Affect Turncoat
The decision was expected to have a direct bearing on the fate
of three turncoat GIs arrested at San Francisco last July 29 under
the code of military justice. The trio-Otho G. Bell of Hillsboro,1
Miss., William A. Cowart of Dalton, Ga., and Lewis W. Griggs of Jack-
sonville, Tex.-are now held by the
Tribunal Kills
1liC Segregation
Court Gives
New Ruling
Public Facilities
Opened For All
preme Court yesterday seemingly
sounded the death knell for racial
segregation in all places supported
by public funds.
In separate, unanimous actions
the court affirmed a decision hold-
ing racial segregation illegal in
public parks and playgrounds, and
ordered Negroes admitted to pub-
lic golf courses.
This, in effect, swept away
whatever remained of the historic
"separate but equal" doctrine as
applied to tax-supported facili-
Army at Ft. Baker, Calif.
The three were captured by the
Communists in North Korea and
while held prisoner were said to
have betrayed this country by in-
forming and aiding the enemy in
exchange for favored treatment.
They later rejected the Reds and
came home.
When the three first elected to
stay in Red China, Secretary of
Defense Charles E. Wilson desig-
nated them as deserters. Then, in
January 1954, Secretary Wilson
ordered them dishonorably dis-
Black Gives Opinion
Justice Hugo Black, who spoke
for the court majority yesterday,
said Congress exceeded its con-
stitutional authority in enacting
legislation, to subject civilians like
Toth to trial by court-martial. Hhe
They, like other civilians, are
entitled to have the benefit of
the safeguards afforded those tried
in the regular courts authorized
by Article III of the Constitu-
During congressional considera-,
tion of the Uniform Code of Mili-
tary Justice, some argued for biv-
ing federal civil courts jurisdiction
to try civilians for crimes com-
mitted while in service.
Within Congressional Power
"It is conceded that it was
wholly within the constitutional
power of Congress to follow this
suggestion and provide for federal.
district court trials of discharged
soldiers accused of offenses com-
mitted while in the armed serv-
ices," Black wrote. "That conces-
sion is justified."
The decision left the way open
for Congress to provide for civil,
instead of military trials in cases
such as that of Toth. Such legis-
lation, however, could not be made
retroactive to include offenses
which took place before its pas-
Red Chinaj
May Omit
Force Use
Banishes Old Doctrine
The major blow to that doctrine,
of course, came in the court's
unanimous decision in May, 1954,
holding segregation in public
schools unconstitutional.
scUntil then, the "separate but
equal" doctrine, originally laid
down in 1896, had largely governed
the legality of segregation in tax-
supported facilities. It meant that
segregation was permissible when
separate but equal facilities, such
as schools, were provided for dif-
ferent races.
Using only 11 words, the high
court affirmed a decision by the
United States Court of Appeals in
Richmond, Va., that segregation in
public parks and playgrounds is
illegal. All the court said was:
"The motion to affirm is granted
and the judgment is affirmed."
GENEVA (A1) -- Western diplo-
mats said yesterday the United
States and Red China are con-
sidering carefully issuance of a
declaration in which Red China
would renounce the threat or use'
of force in its relations with other
The wording under considera-
tion would be in line with United
Nations Charter provisions pledg-
ing UN members to refrain from
the threat or use of force. As a
UN member the United States is
already so pledged. Red China is
not in the .United Nations.
United States officials declined
any comment on the negotiations
being conducted here between Am-
bassador U. Alexis Johnson and
Ambassador Wang Ping-nan of
Red China. The United States and
Red China do not have diplo-
matic relations.
Russia Hails
38th Birthday
MOSCOW ()-The Soviet Un-
ion celebrated the 38th anniver-
sary of the Bolshevik Revolution
yesterday with mild words and a
mild show of its military might.
Defense Minister Marshal Georgi
K. Zhukov set the tone of the
giant ceremonial parade with a
mild address that made no men-
tion of "capitalist threats," or
"United States aggressors."
The parade itself played down
military aspects. There were an
estimated million demonstrators.
Richmond 'Tribunal Rules
The Richmond tribunal had said
the separate but equal doctrine for
white and Negroes was dead.
The Supreme Court took =only
58 words to reverse decisions by
two lower courts upholding segre-
gation in city-operated golf courses
in Atlanta, Ga.
The lower courts-United States
District Court in Atlanta and
United States Circuit Court in New
Orleans-had taken the view that
the separate but equal doctrine
still could be applied in public
-Court Grants Admission
W ell In formed Students
To Run For SGC Posts
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the last in a series of articles on the reason
Student Government Council candidates give for running for SGC.)
Student Government Council is expecting a record vote for their
elections next week.
One of the reasons may be there are more students eligible to vote
than in any recent year. However, no small part of their optimism is
based on the SGC candidates training program and the lessons in
campaigning the candidates received.
This year's candidates are possibly the best informed students
ever to run for student government at the University. Present SGC
members are expecting an intelligent campaign. Some of the reasons
for running are incorporated in campaign platforms.
Feels SGC Important
One of the reasons Andy Knight, '58, is running is the importance
she attaches to a well-organized student body.
Miss Knight said, "The ability of a student body to govern itself,
i.e., coordination with administration, seemed important to me because
of its direct reflection of the maturity of the student body."
Miss Knight felt SGC's most immediate concern lies in its internal!
GREENWOOD, Miss. (P) - The
Leflor County grand jury, work-
ing through a heavy docket, de-
layed until today consideration of
kidnap charges against two white
men in the famous Till case.
Witnesses scheduled to testify
yesterday were told to return to-
The kidnap charges grew out of
the disappearance of Emmett
Louis Till, 14-year-old Chicago
Negro boy.
Jury Begins Work
A 20-man, all-white grand jury
began work yesterday morning
with the Till case its hottest busi-
Action on the kidnap charges
won't be known until the grand
jury makes its report, probably
The jury. will decide whether
half brothers Roy Bryant and John
W. Milam will stand trial on a
charge of kidnaping the Negro
boy who disappeared while vaca-
tioning in Mississippi.
Wright Waits Testimony
Mose Wright, 64-year-old share-
cropper, who says he fled to Chi-
cago for safety, waited in the Le-
flore County sheriff's office to
,.--if Til vac .hdiirf.d frnm
Governor, Mayor Races
Highlight Voting Today
By The Associated Press
Off-year elections today in 12 states feature contests for governor
of Kentucky and mayor of Philadelphia, and an Ohio referendum to
make operative a supplemental layoff pay 'plan for the auto industry.
Unless the Democratic candidates suffer unexpected defeats in the.
Kentucky and Philadelphia voting, political leaders see little in the
scattered state and local elections to provide a weathervane for the
1956 national campaigning. However, they will be looking for clues.
A referendum of national interest is one in Kentucky to lower the
minimum voting age from 21 to 18.
Congressional Seat at Stake
Only one congressional seat is at stake. One Michigan district
will hold Democratic and Republican primaries to nominate candidates
to fill the seat left vacant by the death of Rep. John'D. Dingell (Dem.)
The final choice will be made Dec. 13.
City elections, many of them nonpartisan, will be held in Boston,
Cleveland, Indianapolis and dozens of smaller cities in Arkansas,
Connecticut, Indiana, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Ohio,
s, a, .tah and Wvomina.
In reversing the lower courts,
the Supreme Court directed that
an order - be issued granting
Negroes admission to Atlanta's
public links.
In Atlanta, city officials de-
clined to express any opinion about
the court's ruling or say what they
would do, pending further study.
Georgia's attorney g eneral,
Eugene Cook, an ardent segrega-
tion advocate said yesterday's de-
cisions amount to another step in
what he called a campaign to
bring about intermarriage of the
To Test Marriage Law
The Supreme Court now has be-
fore it a case testing the validity
in a Virginia law that bans inter-
racial marriage.
The Richmond appellate court
ruling affirmed yesterday specifi-
cally applied to public beaches
and bath houses operated by the
city of Baltimore and the state of
Alternatively, the city and state
had asked the court to give. in-
structions on how and when to
end park and playground segrega-
tion. This plea the court ignored,
leaving the question in the hands
of lower courts. This is the same
method the high court used in
ordering an end to racially segre-
gated public schools.
Mighty Sphinx
Grabs Slaves
Once again the Pharaoh has
commanded his legions to cross
I -1-. -. r.Crt.a nd inivade the