Page Twelve THE MICHIGAN DAILY THE. MICHIGAN DAILY Sundoy, November 6, 1955 gtmi4ev_ Nevember 6.1955 OU"UGi7r I'4lUV=fl1L9-,! Vf s i r.i THE FOREIGN STUDEf He Comes From All Over The World To a Country That He Want There are 1300 foreign sudents on campus. They are well-educated, alert individuals, whc learn about the country and to take advantage of American facilities. And when they come, and uncertain, they find themselves to a large extent ignored by their fellow American s everybody else around here, the foreign student is eagerly trying to fit -- trying to be an i University life. His integration cannot be accomplished alone. WITH ALL THE MYSTERY of the East, Mai Lan poses in white silk-taffeta formal exhibiting exquisite applique work. Formals are tailored to the same basic pattern, but are cut to ankle-length. THURSDAY AFTERNOON AT THE INTERNATIONAL CENTER . .. COFFEE AND CONWERSATI( Just Show Your l.D. and Say "Charge It' at Ma demoiselle "1 ~ ? For the Love of Luxury .='.\ The beauty of Dalton Sweaters goes deeperx than their 100% pure imported cashmere. See the soft shoulder of this semi-classic...< one wonderful touch that takes our Daltons out of this world into a heavenlyf fashion sphere. Full fashioned. sizes 34 to 40. 17.95 And, of course, all Dalton Cashmores are durably mothproofed. 302 SOUTH STATE STREET They Come For Modern University Training SCHOOL-GOING Mai Lan in a bold black and white check of practical wool orlon. She sends home to Hong Kong a few yards of a fabric she likes, and receives a. dress back by mail. Uy MARY ANN THOMAS T HE existence of foreign students on campus cannot be denied. Yet, although 1300 strong, the av- erage University student knows. little about them. A foreign student can often be singled out in the street by his dress or in the classroom by his speech, but the questions remain. Representing more than 70 coun- tries around the world, foreign stu- dents at the University are the hand-picked cream of the inter- national student, crop. A few are studying for bachelor degrees, but the majority are working toward masters or doctoral degrees in their fields of interest. WHY do they come to the United States and to Michigan? For a variety of reasons. Some like the "liberal" education found here, some want the prestige of an Am- erican university degree, others want to join friends, some merely want to spend a few years abroad. John Elumeze, a graduate in political science, from Nigeria, has an interesting story to tell. He came to the United States to ob- tain the "dynamic liberal" educa- tion that American-trained lead- ers in his country demonstrated. "English education is expensive and conservative, training only for leadership," he explained. A Brit- ish degree or examination is nec- essary for practicing law or medi- cine in the Commonwealth, he continued, but British-trained men did not have or exercise the dy- namic leadership that American- educated men did in his country. Active University Alumni Clubs' around the world also influence many students to study at Michi- gan. The alumni group at Bom- bay, India, is responsible for many Indian students coming to the Uni- versity. FOR those who have not decided on one school to attend so have sent applications to several,1 the University has another draw- ' ing card. By answering student1 applications via cablegram and air1 mail, the University acceptance' reaches the student before those from other colleges. Buddha V. Govindaraj, who is working on his doctorate in poli- tical science, said acceptances from other colleges to which he applied did not arrive at his home in In- dia until after he had left for Mi- chigan. Govindaraj will return to India to participate in politics. He has already had several years of poli- tical experience, but was too young to gain much support at that time. English, French and German students are often asked why they. BUT these are not the only reas- ons for coming to the United States. Students desiring special training in technological fields come to learn modern methods and to study modern machinery. Khaldoon Othman, 58E, is stu- dying mechanical engineering on a scholarship from Iraq. He com- mented that only engineering and agricultural students are granted scholarships for study in the Unit- ed States because Iraq has good schools in other subjects. From the other side of the world Wei - feng "Christopher" Huang, '56E, came to study naval architecture. Why to the United States? "I transferred here for my senior year because Formosa lacks the necessary equipment," the young Chinese explained. WHAT will these people do af- ter they finish their educa- tion? Some will stay in the Unit- ed States, but the majority will return to their homelands to ex- ercise their knowledge for the improvement of their country. When asked about his future plans, Huang replied that he ex- pected to work for the Chinese navy since he had already spent several years in its service. "It is nice to live in America," he said, "but I don't want to live here just to escape war." Other students also have this feeling of responsibility toward their countries. Those supported by government scholarshipses- pecially believe themselves obli- gated to return and help improve their native land. Munir Bunni, a graduate stu- dent in zoology is on his second visit to the United States with as many scholarships Who they are, what they do, where they come from-each for- eign student on campus has a dif- ferent answer. Each is an indiv- idual with a future. Each carries a bit of the customs, religions, cul- tures and ideas from every part of the world and transplants it at the University, and in exchange they tae a bit of America back with them. And Th To Meet By PHIL BREEN THE FOREIGN STUDENT a Michigan, besides being hard working and serious-minded, b mainly a watcher. Silently, in tently, he watches everything- the whole vast panorama of lif here at the University. He is anxiously seeking some thing, looking hard trying to fin it: he has come from as far a 10,000 miles away to discove America. And he doesn't want t go back home without findin what he came looking for. He looks for America mostly it the 19,000 American students here He wants to get to know then talk with them, become friend with them, exchange ideas wit: them, understand them. He feels that it is through thes people, these young people, tha he will really be able to appreci ate America, get the feel of it, th sense of what it really is. The American students at th University are representatives o a new world-a new world int which he has been suddenly im mersed and about which he want to find out so much. He is trying hard, but being per haps a bit shy and somewhat un sure of his English, he is having pretty rough time of it. YOU ASK a newly arrived young man from China what his im- pressions of American student are and immediately the corner of his mouth wrinkle into a smal. self-conscious smile. He answer hesitantly. "Well, I don't know. I reall: don't know . . . uh . . . I reall: don't feel capable of answerini that question . , . You see . uh .. . I have been here such a short time and I have not reall: gotten to know many American ... you understand .. . uh .. the language barrier-it is great. His eyes grow thoughtful. Thei he smiles again. "But I am sur that soon-in a little while- shall make many friends here HARBHAJAN SINGH THIND ... the average student knows little about them come to the United States to study when they have such good schools at home. "Why do American stu- dents study in Europe?" they re- tort, explaining that, as in the United States, a degree from a foreign university carries great prestige. Furthermore, to people living in other parts of the world, the United States seems surrounded with an aura of "glamor." They hear about life in America from their friends and contacts, and they wish to see for themselves.: GLASS-BEADING decorates the top of an aqua silk-taffeta for- mal. The sleeves extend below the wrist, and also display the delicate beading work. Elegant white satin coat is.worn with formal.