POLICEMEN WANT TO REMAIN BUT GOTTA LIVE See Page 2 L 1Mwr ~~Iait r rru i r .r ..... - .. Latest Deadline in the State _____. - . - a- r.- w - wR O rr . 'Cr . Rn.,rSnrnr CLOUDY. WARMER FOUR PAGES ' ANN AR.ROR_ MICHIGAN. SATURDAY, NUYLMBEK 5, 1ZI55 I VO. LXVI, No. 36 Chief Says Police Can Keep Order City Can Be Manned With Reduced Contingent; Protection 'Inadequate' By PETE ECKSTEIN "It would be possible to man the city with the remaining 23 men," Police Chief Casper Enkemann said after receiving the resig- nations of 37 Ann Arbor policemen yesterday. "I have to admit it would be inadequate protection," he con- tinued. "It would take study to find how to spread out manpower. "I'd have to go back to pounding a beat myself," Chief Enkemann added. "I don't know what's going to happen Monday night" when the city council is expected to hear a budget committee report calling -_-....-. . 'i President's Heart Shows Improvement DENVER (A-President Dwight D. Eisenhower's doctors X-rayed his mending heart yesterday ands were "very pleased" at lack of an enlargement after a week of steadi- ly increasing physical exertion. On an otherwise quiet day for the chief executive, that was the ." major development in his condi- tion-anid an important and en- couraging one. There was a chance that the sitting up and walking which the President has been attempting on a greater rscale daily might have been reflected in an expansion of "his heart. But the physicians reported in a medical bulletin at 11:45 a.m. (MST) "the President's condition continues to be satisfactory" and the X-ray showed "his heart re- mains normal in size." Probable Discharge The X-ray examinations rein- forced the probability that Eisen- hower can be discharged from Fitzsimons Army Hospital a week from yesterday to fly to Washing- ton and then transfer a few days later to his farm at Gettysburg, Pa. r Today's early morning hours will mark the end of six weeks of convalescence since the President's Sept. 24 heart attack. This has been a week with more emphasis on social than on offi- cial visitors for Eisenhower. Officials Visit Ike Flying into Denver yesterday to see the President were two World War II comrades in arms, Gen. Maxwell Taylor, U. S. Army chief of staff, and British Field Mar- shal Bernard Montgomery, depu- ty commander of Allied forces in Europe. Taylor and Mrs. Taylor visited with the President and Mrs. Eis- enhower in the late afternoon Taylor is on an inspection trip to military installations around the country, including those at Colorado Springs, Coo. Montgomery will see the Esen- howers today. I Molotov Stalls German Plan On Unification GENEVA f:'?--Soviet Foreign Minister Vyacheslav M. Molotov rebuffed last night a new Western proposal to begin reunification of Germany by nationwide elections next September. *He will fly to Moscow today- possibly to receive new instruc- tions. The 65-yard-old diplomat's dis- closure that he will make a round trip to the Soviet capital during a three-day recess of the Geneva conference stirred immediate spec- ulation that he may come back t with revised ideas on the dead- locked German problem. Turned Down Plan He turned down the West's newest German unification plan at yesterday's Big Four session on the ground it made no provision for European security. He promised to would "naturally study it carefully" and comment on it again Tuesday. for patrolman pay increases of from $220 to $120 a year. The recommendations fall $500 a year short of the top bracket patrolman pay increase requested by the Po- lice Commission and demanded by the resigning policemen. "Martial law could be set up as a result of the resignations," Chief Enkemann commented, "but ' don't think it will be" 'Substantial Raise' "I favor a substantial raise for each man," he said, but called the resignation "unfortunate. I talked to the men last night before they voted and asked them to change their minds." Mayor William Brown is "ot worried about the safety of this city. As mayor I can comnand- eer every able bodied citizen to protect it. "I'll not negotiate with the policemen under duress. I won't talk with them about anything as long as they try to hold this resignation ax over the city's head. "I thought the budget commit- tee's resignation was a fair one," the mayor went on. "I'd like to see the policemen get the total amount they asked. They are worth even more than that. But in fairness to all, it can't be done without deficit spending" 'No Comment' Prof. A. D. Moore of the electri- cal engineering department, City Council President, had no com- ment. "This matter is now in the budget committee" he said. "Ann Arbor" commented Prof. Arthur Bromage of the political science department, "has got to face up to higher wages and sal- aries for all its employees, and cannot adjust police pay without some reference to the general pay of civil servants." Pointing out that under Michi- gan law policemen have no right to strike, Prof. Bromage remarked "everyone has a right to resign rfrom his job." While "I am sympathetic to the needs for more compensation, the real time for pay adjustments is budget time-next spring." 'Happy Compromise' Prof. Bromage, a former Ann Arbor councilman, expressed hope for a "happy compromise" be- tween council and policemen. As for a long range solution, ''we can either find new taxes or work the property tax harder. I just don't think there's any other way out." He suggested "a new source of revenue like the tax on admissions" or amusement tax, twice defeated by Ann Arbor vot- ers when proposed as a charter amendment. "The citizens have got to ac- cept more taxation for the support of city hall." Any outcome but a compromise would be "unbelievable," the mu- nicipal government authority com- mented. "Obviously you can't train a whole new police force all at once. It takes three or four years to make an effective police- man." Prof. Bromage speculated that if there is no settlement, assist- ance from the sheriff's office and state police may be worked out. He said such arrangements are made for football Saturdays and Iduring annual meetings of the lo- cal police organization. Crisis Long Brewing He described the pay question 'as a "cisis that's been brewing. IThis is not sudden indignation but a culmination of a long problem of Itrying to get the budget balanced and employees satisfied.' Ann Arbor policemen have spe- Icial problems, Prof. Bromage said, including the "cost of housing, the difficulties occasioned by the growth of the city and the raise I in the number of students." I Seek Talks With Egypt' And Israel WASHINGTON OP)-The State Department has summoned Egyp- tian and Israeli ambassadors to meetings today to discuss the tense Middle East situation with Asst. Secretary George Allen. The meetings have been called as part of the State Department's urgent moves to keep the fighting between Egyptian and Israeli forc- es from exploding into a full-scale war. Israeli's ambassador, Abba Eban, who returned last night from con- sultations with his government, will meet first with Allen at 10 a.m. Egyptian Ambassador Ahmed Hussein is scheduled to see Allen one hour later. Allen is the State Department's specialist in Middle Eastern affairs. Egypt Buys Weapons Allen returned two weeks ago from an emergency meeting with Egyptian Premier Nasser after Egypt announced it had decided to buy weapons from the Communist Sbloc. The State Department also in- formed newsmen today that the Soviet bloc is delivering arms to Egypt by the shipload, together with military technicians. Statements by press officer Lin- coln White broke the department's long official silence on a variety of reports that Communists had lost no time invcarrying out their can- Inon-fr-cotton deal with Egypt. No Details Supplied In response to news conference questions, White said he could supply no details on the amount or kinds of arms. But he said the department's information was that "several shipoads" had arrived. Ao to technicians, again he had 'no details. However, he said the department had information that such experts-either Russians or Czechs-were on the scene. Premier Nasser has been warned by American officials he is play- 9ing with fire in agreeing to swap cotton for Czech arms. Concern Expressed There is concern here not only that Israel will be aroused possi- bly to the point of preventative action, but that Communists may extend their influence dangerous- ly by pouring into the area hund- reds of technicians and preaching the gospel of communism.. Nasser insists he can avoid infil- tration by holding the number of technicians to the fewest needed Ito do the job. Best reports are he Ihas signed up for an 80 million dollar deal involving guns, tanks, rjet planes and submarines. Chrysler Ups Sales Volume. Over Last Year IDETROIT (All - Chrysler Corp., "engaged in a quarter-billion dollar comeback, increased its sales vol- ume more than 76 per cent in this year's first nine months as com- pared with the corresponding 1954 period. The figures, announced today, showed total sales of $2,466,251,614 in this year's January-September period, compared with $1,402,925,- 592 in the same 1954 period. Net earnings for this year's first nine months were reported at $70,- 637,012 or 2.86 per cent of sales and equal to $8.11 per share. In the compared 1954 period net was $3,724,383 or .27 per cent of sales and equal to 43 cents a share. i f c k is k t t t .- I r y t jj ' I I i l a ' 3 .1 1 l ,, i. i } a 1' . Spirited Upset Illinois O ver 0 Dad's Day Throng Fills Champaign PHIL DOUGLIS Daily Sports Editor Special to the Daily CHAMPAIGN, Ill.-This bustling central Illinois college town is bursting at the seams this morn- ing, as thousands of incoming foot- ball fans continue to pour in fort this afternoon's Dad's Day Michi-f gan-Illinois battle. There are virtually no accomo- dations to be had. Dad's Day guests have taxed the capacities of every hotel, every fraternity and sorority house. Pep Rally Heldt A huge pep rally was held here last night on the plush Union Terrace. Cheers of "Beat Michi- gan" rocked the campus, and as an added feature, a "King for the Day"-the reigning "Dad," was presented. Also on campus last night, a huge water show packed Huff Gym, and the weekly Friday night hop was held as usual. Meanwhile, Michigan's Wolver- ines arrived here by plane yester- day afternoon, and held brief drills in the Illinois Memorial Stadium. Wearing their white jerseys, with big blue numbers - and sleeves striped with Maize and Blue, theI Oosterbaan men ran through sig- nal drills, did some punting, and then, returned to their rooms at the swank Urbana-Lincoln Motel in nearby Urbana. Some Seats Left Some tickets are still available for this afternoon's battle, crowd estimates ranging from 60-65,000.1 The stadium seats 71,119. On nearby practice fields, the Illini ran through their' final drills. attired in their sleek blue jerseys with orange numerals, and orange pants. SThirty-six of the Middle West'sa top sports reporters will view the See TILT, Page 3' T itie Hopes No TV Planned For Today's Tilt By JACK A. HORWITZ Associate Sports Editor Q~d Ar-b A 1 T~ Vol verines Ilni Backs Threaten M' - " ft7 } r' MICHIGAN'S 'CATCH 'N' CARRY TW'INS,' Tom Maentz and Ron Kramer, make the Wolverine-fav.-- ored over Illinois today, but the history of the long, colorful IM'- Illini grid series shows that upsets often happen. ATTACKS NEAR GAZA STRIP : Israel-Egypt Border Relatively Quiet I } I 7 t l t C 1 1 I 1 y l c f r "fit 1 t ' r r R i 1 . t ,i ,; #, c . . °, ;, a . s , w '; i . ___IJERUSALEM VP~) - Comparative' Jquiet returned to the Israeli-EgYp- battle described as the heaviest Three Arab nations-Iraq, Syria tian frontier yesterday, although4 fighting between Israelis and, and Lebanon-pledged their sup- Arabs since the 1948 Palestine ort to Israel Teported an Egyptian attack War Egypt if help is needed in by two platoons on an outpost east U 'yruce observers reported any full scale fighting with the c i I eA Isof the Gaza stiip. their freedom of movement in the Israelis. Egyptians were repulsed by ma- zone still was restricted by Israel In Baghdad, Iraq Foreign Min- i hEguniand wrife ire.sAn ypa- and that theywere unable to visit ister Burhan Bashayan went so far tchinegun and rifle fire. An EgYp- the El Sabha area for .accurate as to call in the US, British and' tian spokesman in Cairo made no accounts of the battle. French ambassadors to make plainI WASHINGTON (P)-Sen. George mention of such an attack. An Israeli Foreign office spokes- Iraq's attitude. H. Bender (R-Ohio) said yester- Fight Continues man said Israel had informed the Bashayan announced his nation day he is confident President A UN spokesman said Israeli United Nations "there will be no will not hesitate to carry out her Dwight D. Eisenhower will run and Egyptian forces continued an firing across the international obligations under the Arab col- again, but two Republican gover- exchange of mortar and artillery frontier from the Israel side un- lective security pact in replying1 nors said they wouldn't make a fire farther south in the El Auja- less we are attacked or the Egyp- to any Israeli aggression against guess either way. ? Nizana demilitarized zone, scene tians cross the frontier." Egypt. One of the two, Gov. Walter J. of a bloody battle Thursday, but *-----__ Kohler of Wisconsin, said he will "nothing serious happened." become a "favorite son" candidate . Egyptian military reconnaissance Sc holarship Called h if President Eisenhower doesn't planes flew over the Gaza Strip in dt indicate by March 2 he is willing IFriday and met heavy antiaircraft * to take the nomination again. fire. I apanese u iveis Lies The other, Gov. William G. The Israeli official reported his' Stratton of Illinois, said his state's side suffered no casualties in beat- By DICK HALLORAN delegation at the 1956 convention ing back the Egyptians north of " will be for President Eisenhower if the Nir Izhak settlements, about "The quality of scholarship in Japanese universities, especially he is a candlidate, but otherwise two miles east of the Gaza border! amongst the older educators, is indicative of a broad and thorough will "look ai )und." The Egyptian-held Gaza Strip is education," Dr. Fritz Machlup said in an informal talk last night in Sen. Beni;',r read to a news Iabout 50 miles north of El Auja. the Union. conference ; statement once made by Theodon 'loosevelt: "We must Both Claim Checkpost Speaking before the faculty, students and guests of the Center all either o ir out or rust out, Both sides claimed the strategic for Japanese studies, the well-known economist from John Hopkins every one, oi us. My choice is to El Sabha checkpost in the El Au- University said current standards are declining due to the incom- wear out." ja-Nizana zone after a 17-hour patibility of secondary school system with that of the universities. Special to the DaiYh CHAMPAIGN, Illinois -It's no secret that today's Michigan-flli- nois gridiron battle will be one of the toughest on the schedule for the Wolverines this season. With both teams in top physicaly shape, the outcome could likely rest on the incentive which both the Illini and the Wolverines have to win, when they meet in Me-. morial Stadium at 2:30 (EST) this afternoon. The game will not be televised. Michigan undoubtedlyk has reached a point where it holds'a . mental edge. This is due to the last quarter uprising in which the Maize and Blue put on Baine offensive flourish to drubl Iowa.' 33-21. Now the question Is-Cankthe Wolverines reach the same peak° against Illinois? Illini Want Victory The Illini, on the other hand, want this victory, probably more than for any other game on their schedule. The bitter rivalry in the' last ten-game series between the two teams hasn't seen a run-away score. On top of that, last year's victory over the Illini broke a four- game winning streak and buried the Orange and Blue in the Big Ten cellar.h y d ' The return of All-American end candidate ion Kramer to the line up has boosted the Michigan mor- ale a great deal. With Kramer and Tom Maentz guarding the end spots, the Wolverines have perhaps the finest pass receiving combina- tion in collegiate, football today. With quarterbacks Jim Maddock and Jim Van Pelt passing to the "Catch'n' carry kids," the Wol- verine aerial attack may .well be _; invincible. Michigan's running attack will consist of a quartet of fleet half- backs. Terry Barr and Tony Bran- off, the workhorses of the bak- field, will be spelled by Jim Pace and Ed Hickey. Illinois is expected to bank on its running attack, with halfbacks Mickey Bates, Harry Jefferson,! Rolla McMullen, and Abe Woodson carrying the lion's share of the load. Em Lindbeck and Hles Stout will share the signal-caling duties, with Stout " expected to see the most action since Lindbeck hasi been bothered with a knee injury he received against the Boiler- makers of Purdue. Illini coach Ray Eliot didn't put his squad through any heavy con-; tact work this week since he want- ed to let his men recover from their battle with Purdue's gigantic line last weekend. Eliot hopes this light workout routine will bring the team to top Lineups ILLINOIS MICHIGAN Hanson LE Kramer ' Gremer LT Orwg Walsh LG Hill Minor C ates Oliver RG Meads Siegert RT Sigman DesEnfants RE Maent Lindbeck QB VanPelt Jefferson LH Barra Bates RH Branoff Nitschke FB Baldacci physical shape for today's battle. No serious injuries were carried over into this week's practice, al- though Woodson has been injured and is just rounding into shape. The coaching staff has nothing See ELIOT, Page 3 AIR USE PANEL RECOMMENDATIONS: Detroit-Wayne Airport Pri The Air Use Panel recommended yesterday that the Detroit-Wayne Major Airport be "developed andI utilized as the central terminal" for commercial airlines operations in the metropolitan area, accord- ing to an article by the News Washington Bureau. In a 10-recommendation report, the seven-member panel recom- mended that Willow Run Airport become the base for the Grosse Ile Naval Air Station, a fighter squad- ron from Selfridge Air Base and the Michigan Air National Guard. "transfer to Detroit-Wayne Major! as soon as adequate facilities can be made available there to serve "the civil lines' needs." The "adequate facilities" cannot be constructed, observers say, for at least two or three years, and will cost upwards of $30,000. Panel Recommendations Other panel recommendations called for immediate moving of the! Selfridge unit and transfer of the Air Guard as soon as an "arrange- ment" between the state of Michi- _ Dr. Machlup recently returned from seven months lecturing in the American Studies Seminar at Kyoto Imperial and Doshisha Uni- g-',1.Is.Ce tra TerminalI veisities in Japan. naugurated by Americans He indicated that the high Defense Secretary Charles E. interests of the public in the met- school system now operating in Wilson in August assured Wash- ropolitan area. Japan is that which was inaug- tenaw county. officials that "no Cobo said moving all air carriers urated by the American Occupa-j precipitious action" will be taken from Willow Run to Wayne Major tion and is designed for the edu- , in the matter until he had per- will give them an airport 18 miles cation of the masses. I sonally investigated the matter. from Detroit and a modern termi- ' The university system was Rep. George Meader (R.), Ann nal with the latest facilities. modeled after the German univer- Arbor, announced he would ask Plans Northeast Airport sity system which existed primari- Wilson to review the panel's re- Meantime, the Mayor asserted ly for the training of superior commendations. plans would continue for develop- scholars, Machlup said. A panel spokesman said the air- ment of a northeast airport to The result is the average Japa- lines could ask the Air Coordinat- meet future needs. nese high school graduate today is1 ing Committee to review the find- Robert J. Wilson, vice-president entering the university unprepared ings, but the ACC would not have of Capital Airlines and chairman to absorb the vast amount of of a joint airline negotiating com- teerhing thmwn nt him he added Union Leads Opera Chosen I II I